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Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases /
JMID 2015; 5 (3): 103-109
doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.02.2015.03.0186
Diagnostic value of nine nucleic acid amplification test systems for
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
Gülnur Tarhan1, Salih Cesur2, Hülya Şimşek3, Ismail Ceyhan4, Yusuf Ozay5, Melike Atasever4
Adıyaman University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology, Adiyaman, Turkey
Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases, Ankara, Turkey
National Public Health Institution, National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory, Ankara, Turkey
Atatürk Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Microbiology Laboratory, Ankara, Turkey
Adıyaman University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology, Adıyaman, Turkey.
Objective: In this study, nine commercial Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Systems (NAATs) were evaluated for diagnostic
performance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) from smear positive sputum species (SPss) and smear
negative sputum specimens (SNss).
Methods: Sixty SPss and 55 SNss were examined microscopically by Ehrlich Ziehl Neelsen (EZN) staining method, and
also inoculated on Löwenstein Jensen (LJ) medium for culture. The sensitivity and specificity of nine NAATs were calculated according to LJ culture method accepted as gold standard.
Results: When LJ culture results were taken as gold standard; the sensitivity rates of method COBAS Amplicor MTB
(Method A), GenProbe MTD (Method B), Cobas TaqMan MTB PCR (Method C), iCycler iQ RT PCR (Method D), TaqMan
PCR AB 5700 (Method E), TaqMan PCR AB7700 (Method F), LightCycler® 480 RT PCR (Method G), Rotor Gene RT PCR
(Method H) and the AdvanSure TB/NTM RT PCR (Method I) for SPss were 98.3 %, 93.3 %, 96.7 %, 100 %, 93.3 %, 100
%, 100 %, 100 % and 100 %, respectively. The sensitivity was 53.84% for the methods A, B, D, E, G and I; 38.46% for
the method C and H; 61.5% for the method F for the method I in SNss. There were no statistical significant differences
between the nine NAATs (p≥0.05). The specificity was 100% for all nine NAATs in SNss. The positivity rates of methods
were 53.8% for methods A, B, D, E, G, I; 38.5% for methods C and H, and 61.5% for method F in SNss. These rates were
100% for D, F, G, H and I; 98.3% for method A; 96.7% for method C; 93,3% for methods B and E in SPss. Statistical analysis
showed that there was no statistically significant differences among the nine NAATs (p≥0.05).
Conclusion: It is concluded that the nine NAATs might be useful for detecting MTBC from SPss, but not effective for
SNss. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2015;5(3): 103-109
Key words: Tuberculosis, polymerase chain reaction, nucleic acid amplification test, smear positive, smear negative,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis kompleksinin saptanmasında dokuz farklı nükleik asit
amplifikasyon yönteminin tanısal değeri
Amaç: Bu çalışmada, yayma pozitif balgam örneklerinde ve yayma negatif balgam örneklerinde Mycobacterium tuberculosis kompleks (MTBK)’nin hızlı tanısında dokuz ticari Nükleik Asit Amplifikasyon Test sistemi (NAAT)’nin tanı performansı değerlendirildi.
Yöntemler: Çalışma sırasında kullanılan 60 yayma pozitif ve 55 yayma negatif balgam örneği mikroskopik olarak Erlich
Zielh Neelsen (EZN) boyama yöntemi ve Löwenstein Jensen (LJ) besiyerinde kültür ile değerlendirildi. Löwenstein-Jensen kültür yöntemi altın standart olarak kabul edilerek dokuz NAAT yönteminin duyarlılık ve özgüllükleri hesaplandı.
Bulgular: Löwenstein Jensen kültür sonuçları altın standart olarak alındığında; Yayma pozitif örneklerde (COBAS Amplicor MTB (Metot A), GenProbe MTD (Metot B), Cobas TaqMan MTB PCR (Metot C), iCycler iQ RT-PCR (Metot D), TaqMan
PCR AB 5700 (Metot E), TaqMan PCR AB7700 (Metot F), LightCycler® 480 RT PCR (Metot G), Rotor Gene RT PCR (Metot
Correspondence: Salih Cesur, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology,
Cebeci-Ankara, Turkey Email: scesur89@yahoo.com
Received: 16 February 2015, Accepted: 30 May 2015
Copyright © Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2015, All rights reserved
Tarhan G, et al. Value of nine NAAT methods for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
H) ve AdvanSure TB/NTM RT PCR (Metot I) yöntemlerinin duyarlılık oranı sırası ile % 98,3, % 93,3, % 96,7, % 100, % 93,3,
% 100, % 100, % 100 ve % 100 olarak bulundu. Bu oran yayma negatif örneklerde A, B, D, E, G ve I yöntemleri için %
53,8; C ve H yöntemi için % 38,5; F yöntemi için % 61,5 olarak bulundu. Dokuz NAAT metodu arasında istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı fark bulunmadı. (p≥0.05). Yayma negatif balgam örneklerinde özgüllük bütün NAAT yöntemleri için % 100 olarak
saptandı. Pozitif saptama oranı yayma negatif örneklerde A, B, D, E, G ve I yöntemleri için % 53,8, C ve H yöntemleri için
% 38,5 ve F yöntemi için % 61,5 olarak bulundu. Bu oran yayma pozitif balgam örneklerinde D, F, G, H ve I yöntemleri için
% 100; A yöntemi için % 98,3, C yöntemi için % 96,7, B ve E yöntemleri için % 93,3 olarak saptandı. Dokuz NAAT yöntemi
arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmadı (p≥0.05).
Sonuç: Dokuz NAAT yönteminin yayma pozitif örneklerde MTBK tanısında yararlı olabileceği, ancak yayma negatif örneklerde etkin olmadığı sonucuna varıldı.
Anahtar kelimeler: Tüberküloz, polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu, nükleik asit amplifikasyon test, yayma pozitif, yayma negatif
Tuberculosis (TB) is a life-threatening infectious
disease, and one of the leading bacterial agents affecting to pulmonary system all over the world as
well as in Turkey.1 According to the World Health
Organization’s records, TB incidence in Turkey in
2009 was 25/100,000 with a mortality rate of 5 persons per 100,000 inhabitants, has a TB incidence
of about 29/100,000, which is lower than WHO European region.1,2 Smear microscopy is the cheapest, easiest and most rapid method for detection of
mycobacteria from clinical specimens. However; it
lacks specificity and low sensitivity (50%-70%) for
pulmonary TB.3,4 Culture techniques are more sensitive than smear microscopy. Culture techniques
have high sensitivity and antimicrobial susceptibility
test can be done to the strain which was isolated
after culturing.4-9
Although culturing is a certain method for diagnosis,
pathogen mycobacteria usually grow slowly and the
earliest reproduction occurs within 3-6 weeks.5 In
order to prevent TB infection transmission and infection control, early diagnosis should be done and
treatment should be started as soon as possible.
For this reason, reliable and rapid methods are
needed for TB diagnosis. Nucleic acid amplification
test systems (NAATs) are able to detect TB bacilli
within 3-5 hours.8 Two of these NAATs are Cobas
MTB (Roche, Switzerland) and GenProbe MTD
(Gen-Probe, San Diego, CA) test which are used
commonly for detecting TB bacillus from clinical
samples. There are some other commercial tests for
this purpose.10-16 From the NAATs, Gen-Probe MTD
and Cobas Amplicor MTB have been approved by
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Maryland, USA) for respiratory specimens from SPss in
1995 and 1998,respectively.17-19 In 1999, the FDA
approved the Gen Probe MTD test for use on acidfast bacilli (AFB) smear negative sputum specimens
J Microbiol Infect Dis (SNss) obtained from the respiratory tract.18 The
sensitivity and specificity of these methods vary
according to used techonolgy, quality of clinical
samples and laboratory experiences. The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) has proposed algorithms for the
detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
(MTBC) in SPss and SNss.17,19
The detection limits of these assay systems
based on nucleic acid amplification for MTBC were
less than 10 cells per reaction.All other laboratory
NAAT results have a good sensitivity for SPss; however, for SNss, the reported sensitivity varies considerably.10 The DNA or RNA hybridization tests with
labeled specific probes which have been described
so far are not sensitive enough to be used for clinical
specimens without culture .The polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) as a rapid diagnostic technique has
a potential test to overcome the limitations of sensitivity and specificity. From these systems, real-time
PCR technology has replaced with the methodology of microbiological diagnosis using an automated
system based on increased sensitivity.10-28
The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the nine commercial NAATs
(COBAS Amplicor MTB-Method A, GenProbe MTD
–Method B, Cobas TaqMan MTB PCR-Method C,
iCycler iQ real-time PCR-Method D, TaqMan PCR
AB 5700-Method E, TaqMan PCR AB 7700-Method
F, LightCycler® 480Real-Time PCR System-Method G, Rotor Gene Real Time PCR –Method H and
the AdvanSure TB/NTM Real-Time PCR –Method I.
Patient and sputum samples: One hundred-fifty
sputum samples (60 SPss and 55 SNss) were obtained from Atatürk Chest Diseases and Thoracic
Surgery Training and Research Hospital in Ankara,
www.jmidonline.org Vol 5, No 3, September 2015
Tarhan G, et al. Value of nine NAAT methods for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Turkey. It is the largest governmental chest diseases hospital located in Ankara, Turkey. It is a 600
beds, which mainly tuberculosis, non-tuberculosis
and chest diseases patients. It has a full complement of services including 3 thoracic surgery services, 7 non-tuberculosis services, 4 tuberculosis services, intensive care, and emergency services. The
hospital laboratory performs approximately 20000
mycobacteriology examinations (microscopy and
culture) per year on specimens from in- and out patients. Each patient was identified according to the
patient’s history, symptoms, chest X ray findings,
tuberculin skin test and laboratory test results. The
patients included in the study had not received antituberculous treatment and were evaluated as having suspected TB disease infection. Clinical criteria
for TB infection was shown in Table 1.9,21 Sixty SPss
were belong to the new pulmonary TB cases who
received a confirmed diagnosis of TB based on a
positive culture result. Fifty-five SNss whose specimens tested negative for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) on
smear but clinically suspected TB infection. Sputum
spot samples were collected triplicate before starting TB treatment. Each of the sputum samples were
confirmed by direct smear microscopy separately.
Then after, three sputum samples were processed
and pooled, examined by smear microscopy, conventional culture, and the nine NAATs. All laboratory
tests were done by an experienced laboratory expert and technologist in National Tuberculosis Reference and Research Laboratory.
Table 1. Clinical criteria for TB infection (The clinical classification of patients was carried out on the basis of information provided by the treating physicians, when available, according to the recommendations of the American
Thoracic Society)
Negative tuberculin skin test; smear and
culture negative; definitive other diagnosis
obtained by bacteriological culture, histoof TB
logically, or on the basis of clinical presentation
TB infection, smear and culture negative,
not clinically active (positive tuberculin
skin test and/or history of tuberculosis, definitive other diagnosis)
Smear and culture negative, clinically active (positive tuberculin skin test; history
TB infection of TB; clinical, histological, or radiological
signs of active disease; exclusion of other
definitive diagnosis; improvement under
treatment with antitubercular chemotherapy)
Smear negative, culture positive
Smear and culture positive
J Microbiol Infect Dis 105
Sample processing
All sputum samples were decontaminated with the
N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NALC)-NaOH method in 50 ml
centrifuge tube. Two volumes of NALC-NaOH solution (4% NaOH, 1.45% Na-citrate, 0.5% NALC)
were added to the specimen for digestion. After mixing, the mixtures were suspended at room temperature for 15 min. After this stage, 10 volumes of 6.7
mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) were added for dilution. The mixtures were centrifuged at 3,000 × g for
15 min at 4°C. The sediment of each specimen was
re-suspended in 2 ml of the same phosphate buffer.
600 μl of the sediment was used smear microscopy
and culture, 450 μl for rRNA extraction (for MTD
test), 800 μl for DNA extraction (for eight NAATs) 29.
Smear examination
All smear slides were stained by Ehrlich-Ziehl (EZN)
method for detecting AFB and evaluated by an experienced microbiologist. The standard M. tuberculosis H37Rv (ATCC 27294) strain was used for
quality control in the staining process.9,10,30-31
One hundred- fifty μl sediment was inoculated onto
three Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) slant for each sample.Slants were incubated at 37 °C for 8 weeks and
bacterial growth was controlled twice a week at the
first 3 weeks and then, were examined for growth
weekly. A positive culture was confirmed by EZN microscopy and identified bycolony morphology, niacin and nitrate reductase test and PCR-RFLP.5,10,30-33
DNA extraction
rRNA was extracted according to manufacturer’s
intstruction for GenProbe MTD. Magnapure automaticalnucleic acid extraction system (MagNA Pure
LC Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit, Roche Diagnostics) was used for DNA extraction from processed
sputum samples for the other eight NAATs.34,35
NAAT tests
All nine NAATs were performedin accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions.36-41 For each NAAT;
positive and negative amplification controls were
used. Technical characteristics and mechanism of
these systems are shown in Table 2.21 Each NAAT
was performed by trained laboratory expert for test
www.jmidonline.org Vol 5, No 3, September 2015
Tarhan G, et al. Value of nine NAAT methods for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Table 2. NAATs used in this study and their target regions used for detection of MTBC
DNA or
Previously reported
RNA isolate Gene target
(for PCR)
Assay name
COBAS Amplicor MTB
PCR colorimetric detection of the PCR product
50 ml
Amplified Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Direct Test
Amplification, rRNA amplification method
25 ml
Cobas TaqMan MTB
Real-time PCR
iCycler iQ real-time
Real-time PCR
2 ml
Applied Biosystems 5700
TaqMan PCR
Real-time PCR
5 ml
Applied Biosystems)7700
TaqMan PCR
Real-time PCR
5 ml
Real-time PCR
2 ml
Rotor Gene Real Time
Real-time PCR
5 ml
159 bp region
AdvanSure TB/NTM
Real-Time PCR
Real-time PCR
2 ml
IS6110 and
ITS region
Manufacturer (s)
LG Life Science
LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System
Ethics Statement
This study was approved by Atatürk Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research
Hospital Clinical Research Ethics Committee to collect patient sample and reviewed by Refik Saydam
National Public Health Agency reviewer board for
laboratory study. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients.
Statistical Analysis
The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value
(PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of the
nine NAATs were calculated by using the culture
results as the reference standards (38). Statistical
comparisons of the nine methods were performed
by using the chi-square test; a P value of <0.05 was
considered significant the analysis was performed
by using of SPSS, version 14.0 (SPSS).42
A total of 115 sputum samples (60 SP and 55 SN)
collected from 115 patients were tested in this study.
All samples were examined by smear examination,
LJ culture and nine NAATs. Of 60 SPss were smear
positive, culture positive and clinical data positive.
Thirteen of 55 SNss were culture positive (Table 3).
J Microbiol Infect Dis 16S rRNA
@95% (for SPss)
@66% ( for SNss
clinical suspicion is
Rests of SNss (42/55) were found negative for culture and clinical data but tuberculin skin test result
was higher than 15 millimeters for each patient. The
rest of SNss (42/55) were clinically positive. When
LJ culture results were taken as gold standard; the
positivity rates of the method A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H and I were was found 98.33%, 93.33%, 96.7%,
100%, 93.3%, 100%, 100%,100% and 100% respectively for SPss. It was found as 53.84% (7/13)
for methods A, B, D, E, G, I; 38.5% (5/13) for methods C and H, 61.5% (8/13) for method F in SNss
(Table 3). When LJ culture results were accepted
as a reference method, the sensitivity rates of the
methods A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I were 100 % for
SPss. The sensitivity was 53.8% for the methods
A, B, D, E, G and I; 38.5% for the method C and H;
61.5% for the method F for the method I in SNss.
There were no statistical significant differences between the nine NAATs (p≥0.05). The specificity was
100% for all nine NAATs in SNss. Statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences among the nine NAATs. The P values were 0.145
for smear-positive plus culture-positive specimens,
0.490 for smear-negative but culture-positive specimens, and 0.220 for smear-negative plus culturenegative specimens.
www.jmidonline.org Vol 5, No 3, September 2015
Tarhan G, et al. Value of nine NAAT methods for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Table 3. The positivity rate of the nine NAATs systems in smear positive and smear negative sputum samples when
culture results were taken as gold standards
Method A Method B Method C Method D Method E Method F Method G Method H Method I
P (%)
P (%)
P (%)
P (%)
P (%)
P (%)
P (%)
P (%)
P (%)
SP (n:60)
59 (98.3)
56 (93.3)
58 (96.7)
60 (100)
56 (93.3)
60 (100)
60 (100)
60 (100)
60 (100)
SN (n:13)
7 (53.8)
7 (53.8)
5 (38.5)
7 (53.8)
7 (53.8)
8 (61.5)
7 (53.8)
5 (38.5)
7 (53.8)
Method A=COBAS Amplicor MTB, Method B=GenProbe MTD, Method C=Cobas TaqMan MTB PCR, Method D= iCycler iQ real-time
PCR (BIO-RAD), Method E= TaqMan PCR Applied Biosystems 5700, Method F= TaqMan PCR Applied Biosystems) 7700, Method
G= LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System (Roche), Method H= Rotor Gene Real Time PCR, Method I= AdvanSure TB/NTM RealTime PCR, P=Positive, SP= Smear positive, SN= Smear negative
Table 4. The sensitivity, specifity, PPV and NPV of nine NAATs systems in smear positive and smear negative sputum
samples culture results were taken as gold standard
SN (n=55)
SP (n:60)
Method A Method B
Method C
Method D
Method E Method F Method G Method H
Method I
Method A=COBAS Amplicor MTB, Method B=GenProbe MTD, Method C=Cobas TaqMan MTB PCR, Method D= iCycler iQ real-time
PCR (BIO-RAD), Method E= TaqMan PCR Applied Biosystems 5700, Method F= TaqMan PCR Applied Biosystems) 7700, Method
G= LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System (Roche), Method H= Rotor Gene Real Time PCR, Method I= AdvanSure TB/NTM RealTime PCR, SP= Smear positive, SN= Smear negative, PPV=Positive predictive value, NPV=Negative predictive value
In recent years, many NAATs were developed for
the rapid diagnosis of MTBC from clinical samples
and determination of drug resistance. Sensitivity
and specificity rates of these tests were changing
to type patient group, quality of the clinical samples,
processing method of samples, DNA isolation and
reference methods.11-16 NAATs have a good sensitivity for smear-positive specimens. However;
the sensitivity rates have been varied considerably for SNss in the reported studies.20-28 For most
commercial tests, the assay sensitivities (87.5%100%) seem to be satisfactory for AFB SPss, but
the sensitivities (50.0% to 70.8%) varied greatly for
AFB SNss.11-16 Within these NAATs; Cobas Amplicor MTB and GenProbe MTD systems were commonly used for rapid diagnosis of MTBC in sputum
samples.9,11-21 Recently, several commercial NAAT
system based on real-time PCR is used for routine
diagnosis. Real-time PCR has several advantages,
such as a short turnaround time, a low contamination rate due to the use of a closed system and the
J Microbiol Infect Dis ability to quantify the bacterial load.19-26 In our study,
we aimed to evaluate the nine NAATs in their ability
to detect MTBC in SPss and SNss. This sensitivity value (100%) was comparable with the reported
studies.11-16, 21-27, 43-46 For detection of MTBC in SNss,
our results were comparable with the results obtained by published data. The sensitivity of C and H
method was the lowest among those (51% to 71.7%;
average, 59.5%) reported for the NAATs.11-16, 21-27, 4346
For SNss, the sensitivity rates of the nine NAAT
methods were correlating with the results obtained
by published data. The sensitivity rates were very
low for SNss. The specifity and NPV value could not
be determined due to the absence of the negative
sample result group for SPSss.
Negative results obtained from culture-positive
specimens by molecular amplification assays are
normally explained by a low load of mycobacteria
and an unequal distribution of mycobacteria in the
test specimens.21 It was noted that the extraordinary
low sensitivity of the nine NAATS for smear negative samples comparison with published studies.
www.jmidonline.org Vol 5, No 3, September 2015
Tarhan G, et al. Value of nine NAAT methods for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Due to the low sensitivity to SNss seems to lower
the effect of the nine NAATs. The low sensitivity for
smear-negative specimens seems to be the nine
NAATs ineffective. Negative results obtained from
culture-positive specimens by molecular amplification assays are normally explained by a low load of
mycobacteria and an unequal distribution of mycobacteria in the test specimens. The overall specificity of the Cobas TaqMan MTB, GenProbe MTD,
Cobas TaqMan MTB PCR, LightCycler® 480RealTime PCR, Rotor Gene Real Time PCR, AdvanSure
TB/NTM Real-Time PCR were 100%; this value was
comparable to those (91.3% to 100%) reported for
the Cobas Amplicor MTB assay.11,15,16,21 The specifity and NPV values were not calculated , because
of all samples were culture positive in SPss. While
specifity and PPV values of nine NAATs were found
100%, the sensitivity and NPV values were differ as
NAAT method in SNss. In our study, the lowest sensitivity for SNss was detected with method C and
H (38.46%). According to our experience, the nine
NAAT systems do not have a prominent ability to
detect lower loads of MTBC in SNss. No significant
differences were observed among the results of the
nine NAATs, which are acceptable for direct detection of M. tuberculosis complex in SNss. As a result,
the nine NAATS systems performance was found ineffective for SNss. Our study showed lower sensitivity than the previously reported data, especially for
the Cobas Amplicor PCR. Until now, the diagnostic
sensitivity of commercially available kits, including
the Cobas Amplicor PCR, for detection of M. tuberculosis had been reported to be over 80%.11,15,16,21
The performance of the nine NAAT system can use
only SPss. As bacillus amount is very low in SNss;
determination capacity of molecular methods is also
Due to the results of this study and previous reports,
it is obvious that molecular methods are still not as
sensitive as culture. The major strengths and weaknesses of a NAAT system should be entirely understood before the system is adopted in the routine
laboratory. NAATs should be interpreted within the
context of the patient’s signs and symptoms, and
should always be performed in conjunction with
AFB smear and culture. As a result, nine NAATs
might be useful for detecting MTBC from SPss, but
not effective for SNss.
J Microbiol Infect Dis Acknowledgement
This study has been presented as a poster at 33rd
Annual Congress of the European Society of Mycobacteriology, 01-04 July 2012, Brasov, Romania.
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www.jmidonline.org Vol 5, No 3, September 2015