Oncology Letters


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Link between chronic inflammation and human papillomavirusinduced carcinogenesis (Review)
José Veríssimo Fernandes, Thales Allyrio Araújo de Medeiros Fernandes,
Jenner Chrystian Veríssimo de Azevedo, Ricardo Ney Oliveira Cobucci, Maria
Goretti Freire de Carvalho, Vania Sousa Andrade, Josélio Maria Galvão de
Pages: 1015-1026 Published online on: 16 Ocak 2015
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Emerging role of microRNA in hepatocellular carcinoma (Review)
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Jin Gong, Xing-Xing He, De-An Tian
Pages: 1027-1033 Published online on: 19 Aralık 2014
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Mart 2015
Volume 9 Issue 3
Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN: 1792-1082
2013 Impact Factor: 0.987
Ranked #149/202 Oncology
(total number of cites)
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Prognostic features of renal sarcomas (Review)
Hakan Öztürk
Pages: 1034-1038 Published online on: 30 Aralık 2014
Involvement of long non-coding RNA in colorectal cancer: From
benchtop to bedside (Review)
Le‑Chi Ye, De‑Xiang Zhu, Jun‑Jun Qiu, Jianmin Xu, Ye Wei
Pages: 1039-1045 Published online on: 05 Ocak 2015
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Clinical and histopathological factors associated with Ki-67
expression in breast cancer patients
Gul Alco, Atilla Bozdogan, Derya Selamoglu, Kezban Nur Pilancı, Sıtkı Tuzlalı,
Cetin Ordu, Sefik Igdem, Sait Okkan, Maktav Dincer, Gokhan Demir, Vahit
About Spandidos
Oncology Letters
Pages: 1046-1054 Published online on: 07 Ocak 2015
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Refractory left pleural effusion in an older patient: Atypical
presentation of colorectal carcinoma
Yujie Yuan, Jinning Ye, Chuangqi Chen, Wu Song, Jianbo Xu, Jianhui Chen,
Yaping Xing, Yulong He
Pages: 1055-1058 Published online on: 05 Ocak 2015
TEGAFIRI is an effective alternative regimen for the management
of recurrent or metastatic colorectal cancer
Tzu‑Chi Hsu
Pages: 1059-1064 Published online on: 07 Ocak 2015
Transferrin-conjugated doxorubicin-loaded lipid-coated
nanoparticles for the targeting and therapy of lung cancer
Yajun Guo, Lijuan Wang, Peng Lv, Peng Zhang
Pages: 1065-1072 Published online on: 30 Aralık 2014
Aspirin for the primary prevention of skin cancer: A metaanalysis
Yun Zhu, Yang Cheng, Rong‑Cheng Luo, Ai‑Min Li
Pages: 1073-1080 Published online on: 07 Ocak 2015
A novel differential diagnostic model for multiple primary lung
cancer: Differentially-expressed gene analysis of multiple
primary lung cancer and intrapulmonary metastasis
Dali Chen, Longyong Mei, Yubin Zhou, Cheng Shen, Huan Xu, Zhongxi Niu,
Guowei Che
Pages: 1081-1088 Published online on: 15 Ocak 2015
Cross-talk between endothelial and tumor cells via basic
fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor
signaling promotes lung cancer growth and angiogenesis
Heng Du, Hui Shi, Dali Chen, Yubin Zhou, Guowei Che
Pages: 1089-1094 Published online on: 15 Ocak 2015
Symptomatic schwannoma of the abdominal wall: A case report
and review of the literature
Ruben Balzarotti, Fabio Rondelli, Jessica Barizzi, Roberto Cartolari
Pages: 1095-1098 Published online on: 12 Ocak 2015
Vascular endothelial growth factor expression and pathological
changes in the local tissue of facial hemangiomas following
Oncology Letters
injections with pure alcohol
Zhao‑Jun Fu, Chun‑Ming Li, Tai‑He Wang, Zhu‑Ling Jiang, Zhao‑Chen Fu
Pages: 1099-1103 Published online on: 17 Aralık 2014
P16INK4A is required for cisplatin resistance in cervical
carcinoma SiHa cells
Yueran Li, Songshu Xiao, Liu Dan, Min Xue
Pages: 1104-1108 Published online on: 19 Aralık 2014
Quantitation of microRNA‑92a in colorectal adenocarcinoma and
its precancerous lesions: Co‑utilization of in situ hybridization
and spectral imaging
I Weng Lao, Fengyun Cui, Hongguang Zhu
Pages: 1109-1115 Published online on: 18 Aralık 2014
Rare chondrosarcoma of the breast treated with quadrantectomy
instead of mastectomy: A case report
Vittorio Pasta, Daniela Sottile, Paolo Urciuoli, Luca Del Vecchio, Filippo
Custureri, Valerio D'Orazi
Pages: 1116-1120 Published online on: 17 Aralık 2014
Liriodenine induces the apoptosis of human laryngocarcinoma
cells via the upregulation of p53 expression
Liang Li, Ying Xu, Binquan Wang
Pages: 1121-1127 Published online on: 29 Aralık 2014
microRNA‑99a is downregulated and promotes proliferation,
migration and invasion in non‑small cell lung cancer A549 and
H1299 cells
Changjin Chen, Ziyi Zhao, Yu Liu, Dezhi Mu
Pages: 1128-1134 Published online on: 14 Ocak 2015
Multidisciplinary treatment based on surgery leading to longterm survival of a patient with multiple asynchronous rare
primary malignant neoplasms: A case report and literature
Hong‑Lin Gu, Shi‑Xing Zeng, Yun‑Bing Chang, Zhen Lin, Qiu‑Jian Zheng,
Xiao‑Qing Zheng, Zhen‑Wei Peng, Shi‑Qiang Zhan
Pages: 1135-1141 Published online on: 29 Aralık 2014
Effect of hypoxia on hypoxia inducible factor-1α, insulin-like
growth factor I and vascular endothelial growth factor expression
in hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells
Qiang Liu, Zheng Xu, Shunbao Mao, Wenyou Chen, Rongyao Zeng, Song Zhou,
Oncology Letters
Jing Liu
Pages: 1142-1148 Published online on: 15 Ocak 2015
Effect of metformin on insulin-resistant endothelial cell function
Haiyan Chen, Jie Li, Ou Yang, Jian Kong, Guangzhu Lin
Pages: 1149-1153 Published online on: 16 Ocak 2015
An immunohistochemical study of thioredoxin domaincontaining 5 expression in gastric adenocarcinoma
Zhiming Wu, Lin Zhang, Nan Li, Lina Sha, Kunpeng Zhang
Pages: 1154-1158 Published online on: 29 Aralık 2014
Sarcoidosis in gastric cancer at the time of diagnosis: A case
Yang Jiao, Jie Ning, Wen‑Di Zhao, Yan‑Li Li, Hong‑Yang Wu, Kang‑Sheng Gu
Pages: 1159-1162 Published online on: 05 Ocak 2015
Clinicopathological features of invasive micropapillary carcinoma
of the breast
Zhao‑Qing Cui, Ji‑Huan Feng, Yi‑Jun Zhao
Pages: 1163-1166 Published online on: 17 Aralık 2014
CD14+HLA-DRlow/‑ expression: A novel prognostic factor in
chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Jinlin Liu, Yonglie Zhou, Qiang Huang, Liannv Qiu
Pages: 1167-1172 Published online on: 17 Aralık 2014
Isolated gastric recurrence from ovarian carcinoma: A case
Qian Liu, Qian‑Qian Yu, Hao Wu, Zhi‑Hong Zhang, Ren‑Hua Guo
Pages: 1173-1176 Published online on: 19 Ocak 2015
Genetic analysis of a patient with coexisting acromegaly, thyroid
papillary carcinoma and subcutaneous fibroma
Jingfang Liu, Xulei Tang, Jianguo Cheng, Liting Wang, Xiaomei Yang, Yan Wang
Pages: 1177-1180 Published online on: 23 Aralık 2014
Decreased functional expression of Grp78 and Grp94 inhibits
proliferation and attenuates apoptosis in a human gastric cancer
cell line in vitro
Xinchen Zhang, Liying Zhang, Shu Wang, Dequan Wu, Weiliang Yang
Pages: 1181-1186 Published online on: 24 Aralık 2014
Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the prostate with
intractable hematuria: A case report and review of the literature
Shanbiao Hu, Yinhuai Wang, Luoyan Yang, Lu Yi, Yeqi Nian
Pages: 1187-1190 Published online on: 24 Aralık 2014
Oncology Letters
Gadolinium ethoxybenzyl diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acidenhanced magnetic resonance imaging: A potential utility for the
evaluation of regional liver function impairment following
transcatheter arterial chemoembolization
Yu‑Dong Xiao, Ramchandra Paudel, Huan Liu, Bin Zhang, Cong Ma, Shun‑Ke
Pages: 1191-1196 Published online on: 23 Aralık 2014
Merkel cell carcinoma in the left groin: A case report and review
of the literature
Wenting He, Dachuan Zhang, Jingting Jiang, Yanping Chen, Changping Wu
Pages: 1197-1200 Published online on: 09 Ocak 2015
Aberrant expression of melanoma-associated antigen-D2 serves
as a prognostic indicator of hepatocellular carcinoma outcome
following curative hepatectomy
Ryoji Hashimoto, Mitsuro Kanda, Hideki Takami, Dai Shimizu, Hisaharu Oya,
Soki Hibino, Yukiyasu Okamura, Suguru Yamada, Tsutomu Fujii, Goro
Nakayama, Hiroyuki Sugimoto, Masahiko Koike, Shuji Nomoto, Michitaka
Fujiwara, Yasuhiro Kodera
Pages: 1201-1206 Published online on: 23 Aralık 2014
Reduced expression levels of let‑7c in human breast cancer
Xin‑Xin Li, Shu‑Yan Gao, Ping‑Yu Wang, Xue Zhou, You‑Jie Li, Yuan Yu, Yun‑Fei
Yan, Han‑Han Zhang, Chang‑Jun Lv, Hui‑Hui Zhou, Shu‑Yang Xie
Pages: 1207-1212 Published online on: 14 Ocak 2015
Mandibular metastasis as an initial manifestation of
hepatocellular carcinoma: A report of two cases
Chunhua Du, Yuanyong Feng, Ningyi Li, Ke Wang, Shuangyi Wang, Zhenhua Gao
Pages: 1213-1216 Published online on: 12 Ocak 2015
Successful management of acute myeloid leukemia transformed
from chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in the elderly by a
combination regimen of decitabine and cytarabine, aclarubicin
and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor: A case report
Qi Deng, Jing‑Yi Li, Peng‑Jiang Liu, Ming‑Feng Zhao
Pages: 1217-1220 Published online on: 13 Ocak 2015
Culture medium of bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal
stem cells effects lymphatic endothelial cells and tumor lymph
vessel formation
Jie Zhan, Yahong Li, Jing Yu, Yuanyaun Zhao, Wenming Cao, Jie Ma, Xiaoxian
Sun, Li Sun, Hui Qian, Wei Zhu, Wenrong Xu
Pages: 1221-1226 Published online on: 12 Ocak 2015
Immunofluorescence analysis of cytokeratin 8/18 staining is a
sensitive assay for the detection of cell apoptosis
Qiao‑Mei Dong, Chun Ling, Li Zhao
Pages: 1227-1230 Published online on: 07 Ocak 2015
Oncology Letters
Dual-color labeled anti-mucin 1 antibody for imaging of ovarian
cancer: A preliminary animal study
Qiong Zhang, Fan Wang, Yao‑Sen Wu, Ke‑Ke Zhang, Yan Lin, Xue‑Qiong Zhu,
Jie‑Qiang Lv, Xiao‑Sheng Lu, Xiao‑Lei Zhang, Yue Hu, Yin‑Ping Huang
Pages: 1231-1235 Published online on: 17 Aralık 2014
T-cell acute lymphoid leukemia resembling Burkitt leukemia cell
morphology: A case report
Qingfang Yue, Xinyue Liu, Lei Chen, Zhongping Liu, Wanxin Chen
Pages: 1236-1238 Published online on: 23 Aralık 2014
Biological intensity-modulated radiotherapy plus neoadjuvant
chemotherapy for multiple peritoneal metastases of ovarian
cancer: A case report
Shigao Huang, Yazheng Dang, Fujun Li, Wei Wei, Yuxin Ma, Song Qiao, Qianyun
Pages: 1239-1243 Published online on: 22 Aralık 2014
Enhanced SOX2 expression in retinoblastoma tissues and
peripheral blood is associated with the clinicopathological
characteristics of the disease
Boding Tong, Jiexi Zeng, Yujie Wu, Wei Xiong
Pages: 1244-1248 Published online on: 07 Ocak 2015
Treatment of hepatic carcinoma by low-frequency ultrasound and
microbubbles: A case report
Zhi‑Yong Shen, Ming‑Feng Wu, Yi‑Xin Zhang, Kang Shen, Gan‑Lin Xia
Pages: 1249-1253 Published online on: 18 Aralık 2014
Anticancer effects of crocetin in human esophageal squamous
cell carcinoma KYSE-150 cells
Sheng Li, Sheng Jiang, Wei Jiang, Yue Zhou, Xiu‑Yin Shen, Tao Luo, Ling‑Ping
Kong, Hua‑Qiao Wang
Pages: 1254-1260 Published online on: 13 Ocak 2015
Expression of phosphorylated extracellular signal‑regulated
kinase at the invasive front of hepatic colorectal metastasis
Hyun‑Soo Kim, Sung‑Im Do, Byeong-Joo Noh, Young In Jeong, Sun Jin Park,
Youn Wha Kim
Pages: 1261-1265 Published online on: 14 Ocak 2015
Prognostic significance of G2/M arrest signaling pathway
proteins in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients
Jing Wang, Yuhai Zhang, Shudi Xu, Weijie Li, Zhangqin Chen, Zhe Wang, Xinpeng
Han, Yiling Zhao, Shengqing Li
Pages: 1266-1272 Published online on: 02 Ocak 2015
Glomangioma of the trachea: A case report and literature review
Yang Tan, Peng Yang, Xiaoyu Deng, Yan Tang
Pages: 1273-1277 Published online on: 13 Ocak 2015
Oncology Letters
Metachronous metastatic paraganglioma in jejunum as a rare
entity: A case report
Huseyin Kazim Bektasoglu, Gokhan Cipe, Erkan Yardimci, Dilek Sema Arici,
Mustafa Hasbahceci, Oguzhan Karatepe, Mahmut Muslumanoglu
Pages: 1278-1280 Published online on: 09 Ocak 2015
Ability of the rhTSH stimulation test to predict relapse in patients
with differentiated thyroid carcinoma, after long-term follow-up
Mafalda Marcelino, Ana Filipa Lopes, Deolinda Madureira, Teresa C. Ferreira,
Edward Limbert, Valeriano Leite
Pages: 1281-1286 Published online on: 07 Ocak 2015
Cross-drug resistance to sunitinib induced by doxorubicin in
endothelial cells
Limin Huang, Chaoquan Hu, Mélanie Di Benedetto, Rémi Varin, Jielin Liu, Jian
Jin, Li Wang, Jean‑Pierre Vannier, Anne Janin, He Lu, Hong Li
Pages: 1287-1292 Published online on: 22 Aralık 2014
Penile mucinous carcinoma: A case report
Hakan Öztürk
Pages: 1293-1296 Published online on: 30 Aralık 2014
Combination of interventional adenovirus-p53 introduction and
ultrasonic irradiation in the treatment of liver cancer
Jin‑Song Qi, Wen‑Hui Wang, Fen‑Qiang Li
Pages: 1297-1302 Published online on: 18 Aralık 2014
Partial remission of acute myeloid leukemia complicating
multiple myeloma following COAP chemotherapy: A case report
Man Shen, Wan‑Jun Sun, Zhong‑Xia Huang, Jia‑Jia Zhang, Na An, Xin Li
Pages: 1303-1306 Published online on: 12 Ocak 2015
Impact of obesity upon prostate cancer-associated mortality: A
meta‑analysis of 17 cohort studies
Xiaoyi Zhang, Guiqin Zhou, Bo Sun, Guohua Zhao, Dezhong Liu, Jiage Sun,
Chuanhai Liu, Hui Guo
Pages: 1307-1312 Published online on: 31 Aralık 2014
T-cell lymphoma with POEMS syndrome
Fangwen Zou, Zhenhua Li, Jin‑An Ma, Zhenhua Qiu, Yi‑Fang Tang, Jiao‑Yun
Pages: 1313-1316 Published online on: 17 Aralık 2014
Prostatic metastases and polycythemia vera on bone magnetic
resonance imaging: A case report
Yuying Li, Wei An, Wei Wei, Min Liu, Guanjun Wang, Xu Wang
Pages: 1317-1320 Published online on: 17 Aralık 2014
Treatment for giant cell tumor of the spine metastasizing to the
Oncology Letters
lung: A report of two cases and a literature review
Aikeremujiang Muheremu, Zhen Huang, Xiaohui Niu
Pages: 1321-1326 Published online on: 30 Aralık 2014
Prognostic role of translocator protein and oxidative stress
markers in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients treated with
bendamustine plus rituximab
Aniello De Rosa, Silvia Zappavigna, Maria Rosaria Villa, Salvatore Improta,
Elena Cesario, Lucia Mastrullo, Michele Caraglia, Paola Stiuso
Pages: 1327-1332 Published online on: 19 Aralık 2014
Multiple mesenteric well-differentiated liposarcoma complicated
by purulent inflammation: A case report
Wei Gao, Huaizhou Wang, Jinyu Liu, Fujiang Wang, Jianjun Dong, Junzu Geng
Pages: 1333-1336 Published online on: 05 Ocak 2015
Chlorotoxin-conjugated onconase as a potential anti-glioma drug
Xiaomin Wang, Zhanyun Guo
Pages: 1337-1342 Published online on: 29 Aralık 2014
Reactive nodular fibrous pseudotumor involving the
gastrointestinal tract and mesentery: A case report and review of
the literature
Fei Yan, Yanli Ma, Jianhai Sun, Pengcheng Zhu
Pages: 1343-1346 Published online on: 16 Ocak 2015
Benign pulmonary metastasizing leiomyoma of the uterus: A case
Hui Ma, Jie Cao
Pages: 1347-1350 Published online on: 15 Ocak 2015
Lapatinib combined with neoadjuvant paclitaxel-trastuzumabbased chemotherapy in patients with human epidermal growth
factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer: A meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials
Jinzhong Sun, Chuang Chen, Xiaoli Yao, Shengrong Sun
Pages: 1351-1358 Published online on: 05 Ocak 2015
Cell death pathway induced by resveratrol-bovine serum albumin
nanoparticles in a human ovarian cell line
Liyuan Guo, Yan Peng, Yulian Li, Jingping Yao, Guangmei Zhang, Jie Chen, Jing
Wang, Lihua Sui
Pages: 1359-1363 Published online on: 07 Ocak 2015
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and thoracotomy during
lobectomy for clinical stage I non-small-cell lung cancer have
equivalent oncological outcomes: A single-center experience of
212 consecutive resections
Chunhua Liu, Zhongdong Li, Cuiqing Bai, Li Wang, Xuefei Shi, Yong Song
Pages: 1364-1372 Published online on: 17 Aralık 2014
Oncology Letters
Clinicopathological features and outcome of gastric metastases
from primary lung cancer: A case report and systematic review
Qingyuan Huang, Xiaodong Su, Amos Ela Bella, Kongjia Luo, Jietian Jin,
Shuishen Zhang, Guangyu Luo, Tiehua Rong, Jianhua Fu
Pages: 1373-1379 Published online on: 24 Aralık 2014
Descending colo-colonic intussusception secondary to signet ring
cell carcinoma: A case report
Ke-Kang Sun, Dong Yang, Mingqiang Gan, Xiao‑Yang Wu
Pages: 1380-1382 Published online on: 17 Aralık 2014
Quantitative detection of methylated NDRG4 gene as a candidate
biomarker for diagnosis of colorectal cancer
Wenhua Xiao, Huixia Zhao, Weiwei Dong, Quiwen Li, Jianhua Zhu, Guanghui Li,
Shufang Zhang, Ming Ye
Pages: 1383-1387 Published online on: 19 Aralık 2014
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm: A case report
Wei Wang, Wensheng Li, Jin‑Jing Jia, Yan Zheng, Hao Wang, Xiao‑Min Gao,
Xin‑Yu Dong, Qiong Tian, Hui‑Ling Jing, Xin Wang, Sheng‑Xiang Xiao
Pages: 1388-1392 Published online on: 29 Aralık 2014
MicroRNA-27b inhibits Spry2 expression and promotes cell
invasion in glioma U251 cells
Chenghui Liu, Shixing Liang, Shenghui Xiao, Qiming Lin, Xu Chen, Yi Wu, Jian Fu
Pages: 1393-1397 Published online on: 12 Ocak 2015
Effect of three common IL-17 single nucleotide polymorphisms
on the risk of developing gastric cancer
Ya‑Wen Gao, Meili Xu, Yan Xu, Dan Li, Shenghua Zhou
Pages: 1398-1402 Published online on: 23 Aralık 2014
Vertebral carcinomatosis eleven years after advanced gastric
cancer resection: A case report
Francesco Iovino, Michele Orditura, Pasquale Pio Auriemma, Francesca
Romana Ciorra, Giovanni Giordano, Consiglia Orabona, Francesco Bara, Renato
Sergio, Beatrice Savastano, Alessio Fabozzi, Maria Maddalena Laterza, Jole
Ventriglia, Angelica Petrillo, Carminia Maria Della Corte, Ferdinando De Vita
Pages: 1403-1405 Published online on: 23 Aralık 2014
Hepatic hemangioma masquerading as a tumor originating from
the stomach
Xingmao Zhang, Zhixiang Zhou
Pages: 1406-1408 Published online on: 12 Ocak 2015
Case report demonstrating effectiveness of sorafenib in multiple
lung and bone metastases of renal cell carcinoma
Manabu Hoshi, Naoto Oebisu, Jun Takada, Tdashi Iwai, Hiroaki Nakamura
Pages: 1409-1411 Published online on: 05 Ocak 2015
Oncology Letters
Treatment of acute, severe epigastric/chest pain in a patient with
stomach cancer following gastrectomy: A case report
Iwona Zaporowska-Stachowiak, Lidia Gorzelińska, Maciej Sopata, Jacek Łuczak
Pages: 1412-1416 Published online on: 19 Ocak 2015
Incidence of tongue carcinoma in Trinidad and Tobago, West
Michael J. Ramdass, Avind Harracksingh, Khemanand Maharaj, Quillan Young
Sing, Justin Mooteeram, Shaheeba Barrow
Pages: 1417-1419 Published online on: 12 Ocak 2015
Upregulation of the B7/CD28 family member B7-H3 in bladder
Deyao Wu, Zichun Zhang, Huixing Pan, Yuanfeng Fan, Ping Qu, Jian Zhou
Pages: 1420-1424 Published online on: 23 Aralık 2014
Involvement of autophagy inhibition in Brucea javanica oil
emulsion‑induced colon cancer cell death
Zheng Yan, Bei Zhang, Yuanyuan Huang, Huijuan Qiu, Ping Chen, Gui‑Fang Guo
Pages: 1425-1431 Published online on: 14 Ocak 2015
EGFR methylation and outcome of patients with advanced
colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab
Elisa Chiadini, Emanuela Scarpi, Alessandro Passardi, Daniele Calistri, Martina
Valgiusti, Luca Saragoni, Wainer Zoli, Dino Amadori, Paola Ulivi
Pages: 1432-1438 Published online on: 14 Ocak 2015
CD147 modulates autophagy through the PI3K/Akt/mTOR
pathway in human prostate cancer PC-3 cells
Fang Fang, Liuhang Wang, Shufang Zhang, Qing Fang, Feng Hao, Yanmei Sun,
Liangzhong Zhao, Shuang Chen, Huijuan Liao, Liguo Wang
Pages: 1439-1443 Published online on: 05 Ocak 2015
Selecting bioactive phenolic compounds as potential agents to
inhibit proliferation and VEGF expression in human ovarian
cancer cells
Zhiping He, Bo Li, Gary O. Rankin, Yon Rojanasakul, Yi Charlie Chen
Pages: 1444-1450 Published online on: 22 Aralık 2014
Evaluation of the optimal dosage of S-1 in adjuvant SOX
chemotherapy for gastric cancer
Lin Yang, Yi Yang, Qiong Qin, Aiping Zhou, Jianjun Zhao, Jinwan Wang, Chang
Shu, Xinghua Yuan, Songnian Hu
Pages: 1451-1457 Published online on: 22 Aralık 2014
Pretreatment platelet count as a predictor for survival and
distant metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients
Yu‑Pei Chen, Chen Chen, Zhuo‑Yao Mai, Jin Gao, Lu‑Jun Shen, Bing‑Cheng
Zhao, Meng‑Kun Chen, Gang Chen, Fang Yan, Tong‑Yi Huang, Yun‑Fei Xia
Oncology Letters
Pages: 1458-1466 Published online on: 13 Ocak 2015
Laryngeal schwannoma treated with a CO2 laser: A case report
Wei Kou, Cheng Zhang, Ping Wei
Pages: 1467-1469 Published online on: 08 Ocak 2015
Association between polymorphisms in the promoter region of T
cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-3 and myasthenia gravisassociated thymoma
Guowu Xu, Kai Zheng, Xing Lu, Jinxiang Wang, Yanfen Chai, Junyi Wang
Pages: 1470-1474 Published online on: 05 Ocak 2015
Primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lung: Clinicopathological
features, treatment and results
Ming‑Ming Hu, Ying Hu, Jia‑Bei He, Bao‑Lan Li
Pages: 1475-1481 Published online on: 08 Ocak 2015
FOXP1 regulation via the PI3K/Akt/p70S6K signaling pathway in
breast cancer cells
Sevil Oskay Halacli, Ayse Lale Dogan
Pages: 1482-1488 Published online on: 16 Ocak 2015
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