ST Konveyor Dergisi Röportajı / Kasım 2009


ST Konveyor Dergisi Röportajı / Kasım 2009
röportaj / interview
Alev fiirketler Grubu Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Coflkun Alev:
Pazarlama misyonumuz ‘en iyi mal› en
uygun fiyatla müflterimize sunmak’
Alev Group of Companies Chairman of Board of Directors Coflkun Alev:
Our marketing mission is ‘presenting to
our client best good with fittest price’
‹letiflimin en önemli kurallar›ndan birinin
“herkesi memnun edemeyiz ama herkesi en az
gayrimemnun edebiliriz” ilkesi oldu¤unu
söyleyen Coflkun Alev, “Biz hiçbir zaman salt
fiyat üzerinden rekabet yapmay›z. Mal›n ve
verdi¤imizin hizmetin kalitesi de bizim için çok
önemlidir. Pazarlamadaki misyonumuz ‘en iyi
mal› en uygun fiyatla müflterimize sunmak’
olarak özetlenebilir” dedi.
alitesi düflük ucuz ürünleri
kullanman›n ekonomiye
yararl› olmayaca¤›n› ifade
eden Alev fiirketler Grubu Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Coflkun
Alev bunu meflhur ‹ngiliz özdeyifli “Ucuz ürün alacak kadar
zengin de¤ilim” ile özetlerken
sorular›m›z› flöyle yan›tlad›.
Coflkun Bey sizi ve flirketlerinizi
tan›mak istiyoruz.
‹stanbul Alman Lisesi’nden
mezun olduktan sonra yüksek
ö¤renim için Almanya’ya gittim. Darmstadt Teknik Üniversitesi’nde önce Endüstri Mühendisli¤i bölümünü daha sonra ayn› üniversitede Doktora
program›n› tamamlad›m ve bu
süre içinde 5 sene Ford flirketinde çal›flt›m. Türkiye’ye dönüp askerli¤imi tamamlad›ktan
sonra Lassa Lastik Fabrikas›’n›n kurucu kadrosuna Planlama Müdürü olarak kat›ld›m. Üç
y›l sonra 35 yafl›nda Lassa’n›n
pazarlama flirketi olan Lisa’ya
Genel Müdürlük göreviyle
atand›m. 1980 y›l›nda Sabanc›
Gurubu’ndan ayr›ld›m. ‹leriki
y›llarda muhtelif sektörlerde faaliyet gösteren bir dizi flirkette
Genel Müdür, Yönetim Kurulu
Üyesi ve Baflkan› olarak görev
yapt›m. Profesyonel yönetici
olarak son görevim Sabanc›
flirketlerinden TEMSA’n›n Genel Müdür ve Murahhas Üyeli¤i idi. Bu görevde rahmetli Özdemir Sabanc› beyin yard›mc›l›¤›n› yapt›m.
Coflkun Alev, telling one of the most significant rules of communication was “we can not
make everybody glad, but we can make everybody least dissatisfied” principle said “We
never compete on the basis of only price. Also
quality of good and service, we give is very
important for us. Our mission in marketing can
be summarized as ‘presenting to our client
best good with fittest price’”.
After I graduated from German
Highschool Istanbul, I went to
Germany for advanced studies.
In Darmstadt Technical University, I completed Industrial Engineering division first, doctorate
programme afterwards in same
university and I worked in Ford
Company for 5 years in this time. I participated to Lassa Tyre
Factory’s founder staff as Planning Manager after I had returGentleman Coflkun, we would like ned to Turkey, completed my
to know you and your companies. military service. I was appointed
to Lisa, Lassa’s marketing company with duty of General Management three years after,
when I was 35 years old. I resigned from Sabanc› Group in
1980. In the future years, I fulfilled duty as General Manager,
Member and Chairman of Board
of Directors in a series of companies, exhibiting activity in various sectors. My last duty was
General Management and Executive Directorship of TEMSA
from Sabanc› companies as professional manager. I fulfilled assistantship of Deceased Gentleman Özdemir Sabanc› in this
I established Alev Lastik Sanayi
ve Ticaret Ltd fiirketi, our family
company in 1989. Establishment
purpose of this company was
import and marketing of rubber
mending materials and equipment, used in rubber coating industry. Alev Lastik assumed TurAlev fiirketler Grubu Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Coflkun Alev ve Pazarlama key authorized dealership of
German Nilos Hans Ziller
Müdürü Özlem Alev
Alev Group Of Companies Chairman of Board of Directors Coflkun Alev GmbH, producing conveyor belt
and Marketing Manager Özlem Alev
mending materials and equip-
1989 y›l›nda aile flirketimiz olan
Alev Lastik Sanayi ve Ticaret
Ltd fiirketini kurdum. Bu flirketin kurulufl amac› lastik kaplama sanayinde kullan›lan lastik
tamir malzeme ve ekipmanlar›n ithalat ve pazarlanmas› idi.
Alev Lastik ayn› y›l konveyör
bant tamir malzeme ve ekipmanlar› üreten Alman Nilos
Hans Ziller GmbH’n›n Türkiye
yetkili sat›c›l›¤›n› üstlendi. Nilos konveyör bantlar›n s›cak
olarak birlefltirilmesinde (vul-
xpressing using cheap
products, quality of which
was low did not benefit to
economy, Alev Group Of Companies Chairman of Administrative Board Coflkun Alev responded our questions in this way
while she summarized this by
famous English byword “I'm
Not Rich Enough to Buy Cheap
S.T. Makina Kas›m 2009
röportaj / interview
preslerin üretiminde dünya lideridir. Halen Türkiye’de özellikle EÜAfi’ye ba¤l› termik santraller bünyesinde 25 seneyi aflk›n bir süredir çal›flan hidrolik
presleri mevcuttur. Yeni gelifltirilen bas›nç yast›kl› Nilos presleri ise daha hafif yap›da ve fiyat olarak da daha ekonomiktir.
fiirketimiz bu yeni teknoloji
ürünü preslerin al›m› için termik santralar taraf›ndan 20082009 y›l›nda aç›lan tüm ihaleleri kazanm›fl, bunlardan 7 adedini teslim ederek iflletmeye alm›flt›r. Nilos s›cak birlefltirmede
kullan›lan pres, malzeme ve donan›m›n yan› s›ra, konveyör
bantlar›n so¤uk sistemle birlefltirilmesinde kullan›lan solüsyon ve bant tamir malzemelerini de üretmektedir. Vulkanizasyon presleri ve bant tamiri konusunda hemen hemen her
ürünü yelpazemizde bulunduruyoruz. Yak›n zamana kadar
konveyör bantlar›n so¤uk ve s›cak birlefltirilmesinde kullan›lan tüm ürün ve ekipman› satmam›za ra¤men, mekanik birlefltirme malzemeleri ürün yelpazemizde yoktu. Pazarlama
Müdürü olarak aram›za kat›lan
k›z›m Özlem Alev’in geliflinden
sonra Amerikan Conveyor Belt
Accossaries firmas›n›n temsilcili¤ini alarak bant birlefltirme
konusunda art›k full servis verecek duruma geldik.
1996 senesinde kurdu¤umuz
ikinci flirketimiz Alev Makina
Kauçuk Sanayi ve Ticaret
üzerinden so¤uk sistem lastik
kaplama malzemeleri ithalat ve
pazarlamas›n› yap›yoruz. Bu
sektörde de lider yabanc› kurulufllar ile çal›fl›yoruz. Türkiye
pazar›ndaki pay›m›z yaklafl›k %
20 mertebesindedir.
Coflkun Bey, flirketlerinizin pazarlamadaki misyonunu nas›l
tarif edersiniz.
‹ngiliz özdeyifli vard›r: “Ucuz ment in same year. Nilos is
ürün alacak kadar zengin de¤i- world leader in production of
presses, used in conveyor belts
lim” derler!
are joined hotly (vulcanization).
Fevkalade! Asl›nda bedava ver - There are still hydrolic presses
seniz herkesi memnun edebilir- of it, working for a time, exceeding 25 years especially in the
structure of thermal power
Evet! Türkiye’de fiyat duyarl›l›- plants, which are dependant on
¤› çok yüksek. Özel sektör fir- EÜAfi in Turkey. Pressure bag
malar›nda bile ço¤u kez kalite Nilos presses, developed newly
ikinci planda kal›yor. Daha yeni however is in lighther structure
ilginç bir deneyim yaflad›k. Bir and more economical as price
özel firma bizden bir bant vul- as well. Our company won all
kanizasyon presi almak istedi. tenders, opened by thermal poBizim teklifimiz 100.000TL iken wer plants for purchase of these
rakip yerli firmalardan biri new technology product pres25.000TL fiyat verdi. Teklif edi- ses in 2008-2009, took 7 items of
len presin bizim presle ayn› ka- these into operation by delivelite ve fonksiyonda olmas› ring. Nilos produces also solutimümkün de¤il. Bizim presin sa- ons and belt mending materials,
dece hammadde maliyeti yerli used in conveyor belts are joined by cold system beside
firman›n teklifinden fazla tutar.
press, material and hardware,
Müflteri tercihini rakipten yana
used in hot joining. We have
kulland›. Biz de hay›rl› olsun depresent almost every product in
our range on the subject of vulcanization presses and belt
Coflkun bey ülkemizde ‘toplam
mending. Although we sold all
sahip olma maliyeti’ kavram›
products and equipment, used
bilinmiyor düflüncesindeyim.
in conveyor belts were joined
coldly and hotly until recent tiDo¤ru! Örne¤in lastik kaplama mes, mechanical joining materiifllerinde kilometre maliyeti als were not there in our prokavram› vard›r. Bir lasti¤i duct range. After coming of my
150.000 liraya da kaplayabiliriz, daughter Özlem Alev, joining
200.000 liraya da. E¤er 150.000 among us as Marketing Manaliral›k kaplama ile 50.000 kilo- ger, by taking agency of Amerimetre, 200.000 liral›k kaplama can Conveyor Belt Accossaries
ile de 100.000 kilometre gidiyor firm, we came to situation,
ise. 200.000 lira ödemek daha which would give full service on
ucuza gelmektedir. Do¤ru he- the subject of belt joining anysap yöntemi budur. Bu bilinç more.
ülkemizde henüz çok zay›f ve We fulfill import and marketing
maalesef çok yavafl gelifliyor.
of cold system rubber coating
materials through our second
Devlet ihalelerinin haz›rlanma - company Alev Makina Kauçuk
s›nda da bu bilinç eksik mi.
Sanayi ve Ticaret, we founded in the year of 1996. We maMaalesef tam arzu etti¤imiz gibi
ke business with leader foreign establishments also in this sector. Our share in Turkish market is at the level of nearly 20%.
Bizim pazarlamadaki misyonumuz ‘en iyi mal› en uygun fiyatla müflterisine sunmak’ olarak
özetlenebilir. Bu düflüncemiz
ile herkesi memnun edemeyece¤imizi biliyoruz! Ancak iletiflimin en önemli kurallar›ndan biri olan “herkesi memnun edemeyiz ama herkesi en az gayrimemnun edebiliriz” ilkesine
uygun davrand›¤›m›z› düflünüyoruz. fiirket olarak biz hiçbir
zaman salt fiyat üzerinden rekabet yapmay›z. Mal›n ve verdi¤imizin hizmetin kalitesi de bizim
için çok önemlidir. Kalitesi düflük ucuz ürünleri kullanman›n
ekonomiye yararl› olmayaca¤›
düflüncesindeyiz. Meflhur bir
Gentleman Coflkun,
how do you describe
your companies’ mission in marketing.
Our mission in marketing can be summarized as ‘presenting to
our client best good
with fittest price’. We
know we can not make
everybody glad by our
this thought! But we
think we behave as appropriate to the principle of “we can not
make everybody glad,
but we can make
everybody least dissa-
tisfied”, one of the most significant rules of communication.
We never compete on the basis
of only price as company. Also
quality of good and service, we
give is very important for us. We
are in opinion of using cheap
products, quality of which is low
does not benefit to economy.
There is a famous English
byword: They say “I'm Not Rich
Enough to Buy Cheap Stuff”!
Marvellous! Actually you can
make satisfied everybody if you
give complimentarily!!!
Yes! Price sensitivity is very
high in Turkey. Even in private
sector firms, quality stays at second plan most times. We lived
newly. A private firm wanted to
buy a band vulcanization press
from us. While our offer was
100.000TL, one of the rival domestic firms gave price of
25.000TL. Offered press was at
same quality and function with
our press is not possible. Only
raw material cost of our press
amounts to more than domestic
firm’s offer. Customer used its
preferation in favour of rival. We
however said enjoy your new.
Gentleman Coflkun, I am in opinion of ‘total cost of ownership’
concept is not known in our country.
Right! For example, there is kilometer cost concept in rubber coating works. We can coat a tire for
150.000 liras and 200.000 liras as
well. If it goes 50.000 kilometers
by coating of 150.000 liras,
100.000 kilometers however by
coating of 200.000 liras, paying
200.000 liras costs cheaper. Correct calculation method is that.
This conscious is still very weak
in our country and unfortunately,
it developes very slowly.
Is this awareness missing also
in preparation of government
Unfortunately, it is not as we
wish fully. Moreover, also bureaucracy is very much. By reason
of that, we do not enter every
tender. There are experts of this
field! Sometimes, we see tender
is addressed to a firm when we
read tender specifications. In
such cases, we find entering into tender pointless.
Do government tenders become
only on the subject of purchase.
Also maintenance processes
S.T. Makina Kas›m 2009
röportaj / interview
mining sector’s requirements.
de¤il. Üstelik bürokrasi de çok
fazla. O yüzden biz her ihaleye
girmiyoruz. O alan›n uzmanlar›
var! Bazen ihale flartnamelerini
okuyunca ihalenin bir firmaya
adreslendi¤ini görüyoruz. Böyle
durumlarda ihaleye girmeyi anlams›z buluyoruz.
You have agency also on the
subject of belt cleaners, do not
Devlet ihaleleri yaln›zca sat›n
alma konusunda m› oluyor.
Son zamanlarda bak›m ifllemleri de ihaleye ç›kmaya bafllad›.
Örne¤in Afflin Elbistan Termik
Santrali’nin bant birlefltirme iflleri ihaleye ç›kar›ld›. Bu tür ifllerin taflerona verilmesi yayg›nlafl›yor. Bu yöntem Avrupa’da zaten eskiden beri uygulan›r. Ancak devlet ihalelerin fleffaf olmalar› ve flartnamelerin rekabeti engelleyici flekilde haz›rlanmam›fl olmalar› laz›m. Bu
konuda halen s›k›nt›lar var. Henüz endüstri devrimini tam olarak anlamam›fl olmam›z nedeniyle aksamalar görülüyor. Bu
ifl tabii “Anayasa bir defa delinmekle bir fley olmaz” düflüncesi ile bafll›yor, “Bu ihalede flöyle davran›rsak bir fley olmaz”
düflüncesi ile devam ediyor.
Daha alacak çok yolumuz var.
Bizi AB kap›s›nda hala beklettiklerine göre durumumuzu do¤ru
analiz ediyorlar.
Size sonuna kadar kat›l›yorum.
Coflkun Bey temsil etmekte oldu¤unuz firmalar hakk›nda bil gi verir misiniz.
Bizim temsilcisi oldu¤umuz firmalar›n ço¤unlu¤u ilginç bir biçimde bizim gibi aile flirketleri.
Nilos bir Alman flirketi. Merkezleri Düsseldorf’a 40 kilometre
uzakl›kta. Orta ölçekli bir firma,
cirolar› 50 milyon euro civar›nda, 75 y›l› aflan bir geçmiflleri
var. Halen üçüncü kuflak yönetimde. Nilos yaln›zca imalat de¤il bant sistemleri konusunda
tafleronluk da yapmaktalar.
Ürün yelpazeleri Vulkanize
Presler ve Bant Tamir malzeme
ve ekipmanlar›ndan oluflmakta.
Bulunduklar› yer kömür madenlerine çok yak›n oldu¤u için
madencilik sektörünün gereksinimleri do¤rultusunda kendilerini gelifltirmifller.
Sizin bant s›y›r›c›lar› konusun da da temsilcili¤iniz var de¤il
O alanda, yine bir aile flirketi
olan, ‹ngiliz Hoverdale firmas›
ile çal›fl›yoruz. Orta ‹ngiltere’de
Leichester’deler. A¤›rl›kl› olarak
madencilik ve mineral iflleme
tesislerine yönelik çözümler
üretiyor. Afl›nma plakalar›, konveyör ekipmanlar› ve konveyör
bant s›y›r›c›lar› üretiyorlar. Bütün ürünleri BS EN 9002 standartlar›nda. Operatör maliyetlerini düflüren, bak›m maliyetlerini minimize eden çok ak›lc›
çözümler gelifltirmifller. Onun
d›fl›nda k›sa bir süre önce mekanik birlefltirme elemanlar› konusunda da Amerikan Conveyor Accessories Inc. ile çal›flmaya bafllad›k. Kendi teknolojisini gelifltirmifl ve patent ile koruma alt›na alm›fl bir firmad›r.
Tüm ürünlerini en iyi malzemelerden yap›yor ve alan›nda çok
iddial›. Ürünleri gelifltirirken kolay kullan›labilir olmas›n› ön
planda tutar. Reklam sloganlar›
çok hofl “En güçlü halkan›z”.
Lastik kaplama malzemelerimizi Brezilya’daki Borrachas Vipal
ve Almanya’daki Ellerbrock firmalar›ndan ithal ediyoruz. Her
ikisi de kaliteli ürün üreten sektörlerinin önde gelen kurulufllar›d›r.
started to come to tender in last
times. For example, band joining works of Afflin Elbistan
Thermal Power Plant were come to tender. These sort of
works are given to the subcontractor becomes widespread.
This method has been applied
anyway since old times in Europe. But it is necessary government tenders are transparent
and specifications are not prepared in a way, preventing competition. There are still problems in this topic. By reason of
we have not understood industrial revolution fully yet, failures
are being seen. Of course, this
action starts by idea of “Something does not become via constitution is impaired once”, continues by opinion of “Something
does not become via we behave
in that way in this tender”. There is still much road of us, we
will make. Considering they still
keep us waiting at EU door, they
analyse our situation correctly.
Sizin pazarlama sisteminiz na- I agree with you to the full extent. Gentleman Coflkun, may
s›l Coflkun Bey.
you give information about
Bizim sat›fl temsilcilerimiz var. firms, you represent.
Konular›, ürünleri gayet iyi bilen uzman arkadafllar›m›zd›r. Most of the firms, we are their
Müflteri ziyaretleri yapar, ürün- agency are family companies lileri tan›t›r, uygulama yapar, çö- ke use interestingly. Nilos is a
züm üretir, destek sa¤lar ve ge- German company. Their headre¤inde yerinde e¤itim verirler. quarters is at a distance of 40 kiÖzellikle ihtiyaç oldukça büyük lometers to Düsseldorf. It is a
projeler için beraber çal›flt›¤›- medium scale firm, their revem›z yurt d›fl›ndaki firmalardan nue is about 50 million Euros,
eleman getirtiriz. Bizim için they have a past, exceeding 75
müflteri memnuniyeti ön plan- years. Third generation is still in
dad›r. Türkiye’de bizim çal›flt›- management. Nilos performs
¤›m›z konularda ihtiyac› olan not only production, also subherkese en kaliteli çözümü en contracting business on the
uygun fiyatla sunmaya çal›fl›- subject of band systems. Their
yoruz. K›saca bizimle görüflme- product range composes of
den karar vermemeleri müflte- presses with vulcanization and
band mending materials and
rilerimizin menfaatinedir.
equipment. For place, they have
Biz de ALEV fi‹RKETLER GRU- existed in has been very close to
BU ile görüflmeden sat›n al›m coalmines, they have developed
theirselves in the direction of
yapmay›n diyoruz!
S.T. Makina Kas›m 2009
In this field, we make business
with English Hoverdale firm, a
family company again. They are
in Middle England, Leichester. It
produces solutions oriented to
mining and mineral processing
plants predominantly. They produce wear plates, conveyor equipment and conveyor belt cleaners. Their all manufactures are
at BS EN 9002 standards. They
have developed very rational
solutions, reducing operator
costs, minimizing maintenance
expenditures. Out of this, on the
subject of mechanical joining
components however, we started to make business with American Conveyor Accessories Inc.
a short time ago. It is a firm,
which has developed its own
technology and which has taken
it under protection by patent. It
makes its all products from best
materials and it is very assertive
in its field. It holds they are easily usable in foreground while
developing products. Their advertisement motto is very nice,
“Your strongest link”. We import our rubber coating materials from firms of Borrachas Vipal in Brasil and Ellerbrock in
Germany. Both are establishments, which produce quality
product, leader of their sectors.
How is your marketing system,
Gentleman Coflkun.
There are sales representatives
of us. They are our expert friends, acquainted with subjects,
products very well. They make
client visits, promote products,
perform application, produce
solution, provide support and
give training on site when necessary. As long as there is need
particularly, we bring staff from
abroad firms, we work with togetherly for big projects. Customer satisfaction is in foreground for us. We try to present
most quality solution to everybody, need of whom is there on
subjects, on which we work in
Turkey for fittest price. Shortly,
they do not take decision without interviewing with us is for benefit of our customers.
We however say you do not
purchase without interviewing