redesign of selcuk`s bazaar


redesign of selcuk`s bazaar
ENG 201 Advanced Reading and Communication Skills
2010 – 2011 Fall Semester
Term Project
Submitted To;
Sevinc Ozdemirel
Submitted By;
Emre Cengiz, Burak Sahin, Seyma Can, Ahmet Cokelek, Handan
Turgut, Handan Komec
ENG 201
HISTORY OF SELCUK’S BAZAAR .......................................3
DESIGNING THE BAZAAR IN SELÇUK................................6
II.I. Problem Definition
II.II. Solution Alternatives & Best Solution
III.I. The Cafe
III.II. Car and Truck Parks
III.III. Semi Open & Open Areas
III.IV. Possible Problems
The town, located on the western edge of the Aegean Region of Turkey, lies 73
kilometers South of İzmir on the İzmir-Aydın highway, and 9 kilometers east of Pamucak,
which is on the seashore and has clean natural sandy beaches and crystal clear waters.
Selçuk has an area of 295 square kilometers. The region enjoys a typical Mediterranean
climate. The cultivation of cotton, olives, grapes, peaches and citrus fruits is the driving force
in the economy, in addition to the tourism industry. The town can about 10.000 visitors.
Selçuk can be reached by air either via the Adnan Menderes Airport at İzmir, or by the
Selçuk-Efes Airfield. The ports at Kuşadası and İzmir facilitate sea travel. Because of its
location on a major highway, the bus connections to the neighbouring cities and towns.
Selçuk, the beginning of whose history date back to 6000 B. C., is an important center for
three religions, all of which spread throughout the world. It was first a center of pagan
worship in the polytheist world of antiquity. The Temple of Artemis, one of the seven
wonders of the world, is a good example of this. Christianity was disseminated from Selçuk
by St. John and his disciples. The Church of the Virgin Mary, the Church of St. John, and the
Tomb of St. John are important buildings from this period. The Isabey Mosque is a significant
example of architecture from the Islamic era. The famous Camel Wrestling Festival takes
place on the third weekend of January each year, and Selçuk-Ephesus Festival of Culture, Art
and Tourism is held in the first week of each September.
The area where we design our socio-spatial places ,market places and bazaar area
was shown by red color on the map of Selcuk.
II.I Problem Definition
Existing bazaar of Selçuk is not convenient for it's location, because it is really close to
the center. Moreover the crowd on Saturdays when bazaar is active, even the traffic around
it is being effected. This is the result of inadequate area for bazaar as it has structural design
and planning problems to be fixed.
Firstly, there is not a suitable parking lot both for sellers and customers. Narrow main
road and snatchy parking on the road causes traffic congestion just in front of the Bazaar.
Also the organization of kiosks and benchs are not functional and well-designed. There is no
suitable socio-spatial areas for people or their children who come to bazaar in Selçuk.
Although the area is too convenient to design several socio-spatial areas like family
gardens,play areas for children to make the area useful on the days when the bazaar is
inactive, there are no sitting areas around Bazaar where can be considered as the center of
Selçuk. Because of the lack of security, climatic conditions and social opportunities, the
citizens of Selçuk are being isolated rather than being socialized like a normal citizen should
be. Moreover, there are no cafés or WCs at the area. Additionally, Selçuk's Bazaar is a semiopen space thus there may be a disgusting smell of vegetables and fruits on the other days.
These negative conditions make the area unsuitable for attracting people.
Pictures of the area which show the problems...
II.II Solution Alternatives & Best Solution
There are two possible solutions to cope with the usage of Selçuk’s Bazaar,
- using the existing bazaar with some extra parts,
- designing a new one
First solution which is using the existing elements with some extra - structure, can be
thought as a good one in terms of finance, but it is not the best solution because the
structure does not meet the demands of the area. In architecture the witty between old and
new design cannot be possible, because in architectural philosophy, design elements should
be constructed by using the technology of its own age, so when we design the area we must
consider the other effectives, but at the existing design we could not see the connections
between the Bazaar and other buildings close to Bazaar and the Bazaar just seen like a
garbage area after it finishes.
The Bazaar has a very bad situation so that the best solution is building a new one
which will be more suitable than the other solution in consideration of the problems of the
existing one.
After taking everything into consideration, Selcuk Municipality decided to redesign
the area with some open, semi-open and also closed areas which are going to upgrade the
lifestyle on Selçuk. This design consists of car parks, café and, WCs and semi open areas.
Selçuk Municipality agrees with us to do and they accept to finance this upgrading project.
Not only Selçuk Municipality but also some businessman provide financial support for this
Implementation includes parts;
 Café
 Car and truck parks
 Kiosks
 The other units (exhibition area, play-ground area and toilets)
Selçuk municipality undertakes the expense and the sponsors are found. The work is
given to a firm which recommends the most suitable price.
In the construction, one architect, one civil engineer, one city planner, 6 workers, one
electric and one machine engineer is going to work for 4 weeks.
To use in construction, two shelters for workers and materials and one take place for
storage building site field are founded. In addition working office to be read the project is
founded. The materials are chosen and the construction started.
The New Bazaar Area and re-designed area are going to have enough car-parking area
for the people who come to the restaurants with private cars especially at weekends.
After the construction finished the New Selçuk Bazaar Area is going to be developed
together with environment in order to help human circulation. Children play grounds
walking areas are going to be added to the area.
Afyon faience
Diyarbakır faience
Timber cover materials
Turkish Style Toilet
Glass door
Steel profiles
Glass which prevent the sun lights
III.I. The Café
Electrical Installation will cost 6.000 TL.
We aimed to make the visitors enjoy their free time the cheapest way. The location
of Café is just near the Bazaar. We purpose to provide fast food and drinks for not only staff
but also the visitors and local people.
The size of café is (6m; width, 8m; length, 3,5m; height).We need 10 packages of
cement that is 500 kg, will cost 65 TL.
On the ground, granite marble is going to be used. We choose granite marble
because it is suitable with other parts in café, and easy to clean. Per faience (25cmx17cm) so
400 piece of faience are needed for ground floor except toilet and kitchen each cost 0.129TL
so total cost 5200 TL. and for the roof we need wood that will cost 630TL. For toilet faience,
faucet and Turkish style toilet are preferred.
The walls are going to be made from bricks. The total wall area in café is about 48 m²
so 400 bricks are needed for the café structure. Each brick costs 0.190 TL so the total cost is
76 TL.
We need Diyarbakır faience to cover. It will cost 340TL. We choose it because it is
easy to clean.
The Bazaar Area has also 40 m² wet course (toilet) for 4 people from both genders.
Toilets should be covered by marble. In toilets for walls we choose the ceramic tile because
it is the cheapest one. And also it is easy to clean. The ceramic tile that is 20cmx20cm and we
need 200 tiles so the total cost is 2500 TL.
For 4 toilets 2 Turkish style toilet (700 TL), 2 faucets (2x500=1000 TL) and 2 urinals
(2x175=350 TL) are preferred. These materials are also cost 2050 TL.
We want to build a security system for our café and also all new buildings. We try to
compose perfect one in order to satisfy customers. There surveillance camera cost
3x600=1800 TL and the security officer‘s salary will be 500 TL. Total is 2300 TL.
20 chairs (20x55=1100 TL) and 5 tables (5x150=750 TL) cost 1850TL. We choose the wood for
table and chairs in the principles of wood concept.
III.II. Car and Truck Parks
For new car park the empty area at the end of the Bazaar site. It is available with its
condition. The car park is going to include 25 parking lots which will meet the demands of
the area. The total area is 300 m². For the truck park, the area which is near kiosks is
appropriated to be the best park place. This park takes approximately 15 trucks as well
therefore the asphalt costs 10.000 TL and the borders will cost 2000 TL, approximately the
total cost will be 12.000 TL.
III.III. Kiosks and Open & Semi-Open Areas
After surveying we decided to interrupt the Bazaar because of its bad view and wrong
locating. We built a new Bazaar and aimed to isolate the Bazaar from the roads. It is the
main reason for people not to go there. It is going to be single floored and a kiosk located
one by one on the main roof. One cabinet will be 4mx5mx3m.
We decided that this place should be open-able because of shopping. 3 of them are
semi-open areas for sitting and resting. For the structure we need 40 bricks per m². For each
of them, 20cmx40cmx12 are needed for kiosks additionally we need 3x 40 m2. Each brick
costs 0.18TL so total cost is 1750TL.
For the concrete mixture, 5 packages of cement, sand and 2 packages of lime will be
used. All of these materials cost 100 TL.
Per m² timber is 10 TL and 120 m2 will be enough for us. These cost 1200 TL and
also the cost does not include the cost of roof materials. The roof material will cost 789 TL.
For the roof structure approximately 60 pieces of timber wood and 30 struts are
needed. We designed all semi-open sitting areas under separated roof in order to have plan
regulation and also to isolate from the other part of space. These roofs will cost 600 TL.
For the ground of designated spaces to show the unite we decided to cover ceramic
tile since it seems clean after every rain and easy to clean if needed. And it is like a must for
these areas. For all area we need 200 ceramic tiles. The total cost of ceramic tiles is 3000 TL.
There are going to be two openings for each kiosk for the door and the window. We
chose the hot isolating window glass because Selçuk is often windy especially in winter. So
Bazaar stuffs could be protected when it is inactive or the nights. Doors are going to be
made by wooden material. All of these applications’ total cost is 3.000 TL.
To isolate these parts from others we decided to plant more trees there not only for
environment but also good smell. We also aim to hide the trucks and cars by this way as it
looks like bad visualization.
We need concrete blocks to cover the floor of bazaar. We decided to cover floor in
order to prevent the bad situation comes from the rain. We choose concrete due to idealize
to auto-park. Concrete block (50cmx50cm) costs 1.01 TL per m2 so the total cost is 3.000 TL.
We need grass for the area. We choose it because there should be seen like a park
for being a useful socio-spatial area. These process costs 1000 TL for all area.
In the entrance we need a shelter for auto park workers. It should be movable and it
will cost 130 TL. And the most important necessity is security cameras. Cars should be
watched by a security worker. So we need 10 security cameras and with security worker’s
wage it will cost 2400 TL.
This construction will be completed in 1 month if 10 workers work in. The daily cost
of the workers is 65 TL. And also workers’ daily meal cost 15.
The total cost of Semi Open Shopping Areas & Redesign The Bazaar is approximately
92.000 TL.
Finally the total cost of the whole construction is approximately 460.000 TL.
After the project is finished, the social and design problems will be solved.
III.IV. Possible Problems
To evaluate all the information there may be some possible problems during the
construction of new area. The most significant one is that the Bazaar will not be able to be
used in period of construction. Therefore the commercial places cannot work and the
commerce in the area will be halt. During the construction time Bazaar staff couldn’t sell. We
also calculate this situation and delivered credits for them.
Other problem can occur while the construction materials are being carried to the
construction site. To prevent the traffic jam, trucks which are carrying the materials should
work at night. The other problems that will appear during the construction process can be
solved easily. Hence the project is operable.
To sum up, for the reconstruction of Selçuk Bazaar, survey in accordance, people have
common decision these are necessity of socio-spatial areas, a café, free toilets, kiosks and
car park. The café will serve to the needs and people can rest, talk or spend their time from
every social class.
The new Bazaar is going to be developed together with environment in order to help
human circulation, especially children play grounds and walking areas are going to be added
to the area. Moreover the semi-open area of the café allows the people to benefit the clean
air and spend much better time. Teenagers in Selçuk have more opportunities to spend their
time like going to café. According to new arrangement of Bazaar there are extra works and
extra money for employee. Not only during the constructing time but also after the project is
finished, employment rates will increase. It means that these buildings will support the
economic preservation of Selçuk.
All in all, it connects the environment to people and allows them to spend time with
their family. After these constructions people will forget the difficulties of daily life a little.
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