Slayt 1 - Turkish Technic


Slayt 1 - Turkish Technic
Bölüm 1
Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Bölüm 1 Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Bölüm 2 Avrupa Sivil Havacılık Parça İmalat Yönetimi
Bölüm 1 Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
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12 Mayıs 2010
Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Large Aircraft
Commercial Operation
Parts and Appliances
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Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Sivil Havacılık Kuruluşları
Part 21
-------Airbus &
Part 21
------------Airbus &
OM –
Part M
Tech. Dir.
Medical Centers
--------------THY Flight
Training Dir.
------------------GOP Hospital
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Part 145
Part 66/147
12 Mayıs 2010
Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)
Specialized agency of the United Nations
Assembly with 190 contracting states
A council with 36 delegates.
Standard and Recommended Practices (SARP)
Annexes to ICAO
See web site
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ICAO Chicago Convention:
The Convention (Doc 7300) on 7 Dec. 1944 by 52 States.
The latest revision: 9 (Doc7300/9) on 27 November 2007.
Go to web site:
ICAO Annexes
18 Annexes
Annex 6 - Operation of Aircraft
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12 Mayıs 2010
Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Civil aviation authority of United States of America under DOT.
FARs based on Title 14 (Aeronautics and Space) and Title 49 (Transportation) of USA CFR.
List of Title 14 rules.
No. 1-59
No. 60-139
No. 140-199
No. 200-399
No. 400-1199
No. 1200-1299
No. 1300-1399
FAA / DOT Rules,
FAA / DOT Rules,
FAA / DOT Rules,
Office of the Secretary, DOT(Aviation Proceedings),
Commercial Space Transportation, FAA Administration, DOT,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),
Air Transportation System Stabilization,
Volume 1, Chapter 1
Volume 2, Chapter 1
Volume 3, Chapter 1
Volume 4, Chapter 2
Volume 4, Chapter 3,
Volume 5, Chapter 5,
Volume 5, Chapter 6
25.1 to 25.1733
Similar numbering system to other NAA
For more information see web site
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ECAC the widest grouping of Member States of any European organization dealing with civil aviation.
44 Member States including Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.
Plenary Session triennially and more frequently, if required.
Directors General of Civil Aviation at regular intervals to discuss and resolve policy issues. Some at Ministerial level
JAA Board is currently an Associated Body of ECAC.
ECAC based in Paris and its working languages are English and French.
With 27 of its 42 Member States being also members of the European Union.
Working relationship with ICAO
Develop instruments enabling co-operation between EASA States and other non-EASA ECAC States.
Co-operate with European Commission, EASA, EUROCONTROL.
Accident investigation group.
ECAC SAFA program, but now it was transferred to EC.
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Joint Aviation Authority (JAA)
An associated body of ECAC
Civil aviation regulatory authorities of some European and non-European States
Developing and implementing common safety regulatory standards and procedures.
Beginning in 1970
Originally its objectives to produce common certification codes for large aeroplanes and for engines.
Needs of European Industry and particularly for products manufactured by international consortia (e.g. Airbus).
Since 1987 its work has been extended.
On 16th July 2008, EU-OPS1 requirements become applicable in the states of the EU and in the JAA member states
which have concluded an association agreement with the European Community covering aviation safety regulation.
Current Objectives and Funtions:
Aviation Safety
Co-operation with EASA
International Co-operation (ECAC, ICAO & other regional bodies)
Ensuring a forum to express the views of the non EASA JAA Member States to EASA;
Assist the non EASA JAA Member States in their efforts to become EASA members or equivalent status;
Further ensuring the role of JAA as a technically specialised body;
For more information see web site:
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA):
•The centrepiece of the EU’s strategy for aviation safety.
•Developing common safety and environmental rules at the European level.
•Monitoring the implementation of standards through inspections in the States.
•Providing the necessary technical expertise, training and research.
•Working hand in hand with the national authorities which continue to carry out many operational tasks.
•Executive responsibilities in the area of type-certification
•Benefiting from common specifications, cost-efficient services and a single point of contact.
•Drafting aviation safety legislation and providing technical advice to the European Commission
•Inspections, training and standardisation programmes to ensure uniform implementation of European aviation safety
legislation in all States;
•Approval of aircraft design organisations world-wide as and of production and maintenance organisations outside the EU;
•Authorization of third-country (non EU) operators;
•Coordination of the European Community programme SAFA (Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft) regarding the safety of
foreign aircraft using Community airports;
•Data collection, analysis and research to improve aviation safety.
•In a few years, safety regulations regarding airports and air traffic management systems.
•Developing close working relationships with counterpart organisations across the world including the ICAO, the FAA and
other civil aviation authorities of Canada, Brazil, Israel, China and Russia. Working arrangements between the Agency and
these organisations are aimed at harmonising standards and promoting best practice in aviation safety world-wide.
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Relationship between Authorities and Organisations
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12 Mayıs 2010
Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
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12 Mayıs 2010
Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
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12 Mayıs 2010
Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
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Basic Regulations
(European Commission (EC) Regulation 216 / 2008)
Initial Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 of 15 July 2002
Applicable to:
Design, production, maintenance and operation
of aeronautical products, parts and appliances,
as well as personnel and organisations
involved in the design, production, maintenance and operation
Not applicable to: military, customs, police, or similar services.
the Member States shall undertake to ensure that such services have due regard as far
as practicable to the objectives of this Regulation.
to establish and maintain a high uniform level of civil aviation safety in Europe; and
to assist EU Member States in fulfilling their obligations under the Chicago Convention,
by providing a basis for a common interpretation and
uniform implementation of its provisions, and
by ensuring that its provisions are duly taken into account in this Regulation.
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Implementing Rules on Design and Production
(European Commission (EC) Regulation 1702 / 2003)
Latest Revision EC No. 287/2008 regulation dated 28 March 2008
9 general rules, 5 Articles and 1 Annex (Part 21 and its appendices)
Some amendments after the first issue, included in this document.
Article 1
Scope and definitions :
type-certificates, restricted type-certificates, supplemental type-certificates, changes to certificates;
certificates of airworthiness, restricted certificates of airworthiness, permits to fly, authorised release
certificates; repair design approvals; the showing of compliance with environmental protection
requirements; noise certificates; airworthiness directives.
the identification of products, parts and appliances;
the certification of certain parts and appliances;
the certification of design and production organisations;
Article 2
Products, parts and appliances certification
Article 3
Design Organisations
Article 4
Production Organisations
Article 5
Entry into force
Appendices EASA Forms
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Part 21 AMC & GM
(EASA Director (ED) Decision 2003/1/RM)
Acceptable Means of Compliance” (AMC) :
a means, but not the only means, by which a specification contained in an airworthiness code or
a requirement in an implementing rule can be met.
Guidance Material (GM):
helps to illustrate the meaning of a specification or requirement.
Example (for understanding coverage of BR, IR & AMC)
Basic Regulation –
the essential requirements for airworthiness laid down in Annex I
Implementing Rule 21A.3(b)(2) Failures, malfunctions and defects: Reporting to the Agency.
Occurrence reports not later than 72 hours
AMC 21A.3(b)(2) Reporting to the Agency
by the fastest possible means (telephone, fax, email, telex, etc.) of whatever details are
available initial report followed up by a full written report within 72 hours.
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Certification Specifications (CS)
Used in the text to the airworthiness codes and associated acceptable means of compliance developed by the Agency
in accordance with Articles 13(b) and 14.2(a) of the Basic Regulation.
Currently consulting phase on the contents of CSs with respect to IR Certification in co-operation with the JAA.
Some completed CSs::
Sailplanes and Powered Sailplane
Normal, Utility, Aerobatic and Commuter Aeroplanes
Large Aeroplanes
Small Rotorcraft
Large Rotorcraft
Aircraft Engine Emissions and Fuel Venting
Aircraft Noise
Auxiliary Power Units
All Weather Operations
European Technical Standard Orders
Definitions and Abbreviations
Very Light Aeroplanes
Very Light Rotorcraft
General Acceptable Means of Compliance for Airworthiness of Products, Parts and
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Implementing Rules on Continuing Airworthiness
(European Commission (EC) Regulation 2042 / 2003)
The latest revision EC No 127/2010 of 05 February 2010
This Regulation has 8 general rules, 7 Articles and 4 Annexes (Part-M, Part-145, Part-66, Part-147 and their appendices)
Article 1 Objective and scope
Article 2 Definitions (given above)
Article 3 Continuing airworthiness requirements with Annex I
Article 4 Maintenance organisation approvals with Annex II
PART 145
Article 5 Certifying staff with Annex II
Article 6 Training organisation requirements with Annex II
PART 147
Article 7 Entry into force
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
AMC & GM of Continuing Airworthiness (Part M, 145, 66 & 147)
(EASA Director (ED) Decision 2003/19/RM)
Annex I Acceptable Means of Compliance to Part-M
Annex II Acceptable Means of Compliance to Part-145
Annex III Guidance Material to Part-145
Annex IV Acceptable Means of Compliance to Part-66
Annex V Guidance Material to Part-66
Annex VI Acceptable Means of Compliance to Part-147
Annex VII Guidance Material to Part-147
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Türk Sivil Havacılığı Temel Kanunları
• Türk Sivil Havacılık Kanunu
– 2920 / 1983
• Ulaştırma Bakanlığını Kanunu
– 3348 / 1987
• Sivil Havacılık Genel Müdürlüğü Kanunu – 5431 / 2005
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Turkish Civil Aviation Law – 2920
14/10/1983 first issued
05/02/2008 last revised
Amaç, Kapsam ve Tanımlar
Madde 1 – Bu Kanunun amacı; devamlı ve hızlı bir gelişme gösteren,ileri teknolojinin uygulandığı,sürat
ve emniyet faktörlerinin büyük önem taşıdığı sivil havacılık sahasındaki faaliyetlerin ulusal çıkarlarımız ve
uluslararası ilişkilerimize uygun bir şekilde düzenlenmesini sağlamaktır.
Madde 2 – Bu Kanun,kamu kurum ve kuruluşları ile gerçek ve özel hukuk tüzelkişilerinin havacılık
sahasındaki faaliyetlerini kapsar. Devlet hava araçları, açık hüküm bulunmayan hallerde bu Kanunun
kapsamı dışındadır.
İKİNCİ KISIM - Hava Seyrüseferinin Genel Hükümleri
Türk Hava Egemenliği Hükümleri
Sivil Hava Aracı Kazaları
Ticari Hava İşletmeleri
Havaalanları ve Tesisleri
Hava Araçları ve Sicillerin Tutulması
Hava Araçlarına İlişkin Uçuş Kuralları
Sivil Havacılık Personeli
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
ÜÇÜNCÜ KISIM - Havayolu ile Taşımalar
- İç Hat Taşıma Sözleşmesi
- Hava Araçları Kullanma Sözleşmeleri
DÖRDÜNCÜ KISIM - Taşıma Sözleşmesinden Doğan Sorumluluk
- Sorumluluk Halleri
- Üçüncü Kişilere Karşı Sorumluluk
BEŞİNCİ KISIM - Ceza Hükümleri
ALTINCI KISIM - Çeşitli Hükümler
YEDİNCİ KISIM - Son Hükümler
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
09/04/1987 ilk yayın
04/07/2000 son rev.
BİRİNCİ KISIM - Amaç, Görev, Teşkilat
Madde 1 - Bu Kanunun amacı, ülkenin ulaştırma ve haberleşme sistem ve
hizmetlerinin ülkenin ihtiyaçlarına uygun olarak tesisi ve geliştirilmesi için Ulaştırma
Bakanlığının kurulmasına, teşkilat ve görevlerine ilişkin esasları düzenlemektir.
İKİNCİ KISIM - Bakanlık Merkez Teşkilatı
ÜÇÜNCÜ KISIM - Taşra Teşkilatı
DÖRDÜNCÜ KISIM - Sorumluluk ve Yetkiler
BEŞİNCİ KISIM - Çeşitli Hükümler
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
10/11/2005 ilk yayın
BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM - Amaç ve Tanımlar
MADDE 1.- Bu Kanunun amacı; Ulaştırma Bakanlığına bağlı, kamu tüzel kişiliğini haiz, özel bütçeli Sivil
Havacılık Genel Müdürlüğünün teşkilat, görev, yetki ve sorumlulukları ile ilgili esasları düzenlemektir.
İKİNCİ BÖLÜM - Teşkilat, Görevler ve Yetkiler
ÜÇÜNCÜ BÖLÜM - Ana Hizmet Birimleri
MADDE 7.- Genel Müdürlüğün ana hizmet birimleri şunlardır:
a) Uçuş Standartları Daire Başkanlığı.
b) Hava Ulaşım Daire Başkanlığı.
c) Hava Seyrüsefer Daire Başkanlığı.
d) Hava Alanları Daire Başkanlığı.
e) Havacılık Güvenliği Daire Başkanlığı.
DÖRDÜNCÜ BÖLÜM - Danışma Birimleri
BEŞİNCİ BÖLÜM - Yardımcı Hizmet Birimleri
ALTINCI BÖLÜM - Sorumluluk, Yetki Devri, Atama ve Düzenleme Yapma
YEDİNCİ BÖLÜM - Teknik Denetçiliğe Görevlendirme, Havacılık Uzmanlığı, Personelin Statüsü
SEKİZİNCİ BÖLÜM Gelirler, Anlaşmalarla Hizmet Yapma ve Anlaşmazlıkların Halli
DOKUZUNCU BÖLÜM - Değiştirilen ve Yürürlükten Kaldırılan Hükümler
ONUNCU BÖLÜM - Geçici ve Son Hükümler
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Ana Hizmet Birimi
Danışma Birimi
Yardımcı Hizmet
1. Genel
1. Uçuş Standartları Daire
1. Strateji Geliştirme
Daire Başkanlığı
1. İnsan Kaynakları
2. Genel
2. Hava Ulaşım Daire Başkanlığı
2. Hukuk Müşavirliği
2. Destek Hizmetleri
3. Hava Seyrüsefer Daire
4. Hava Alanları Daire Başkanlığı
5. Havacılık Güvenliği Daire
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Havayolu veya Bakım Kuruluşunun Kullandığı Parçalardaki Gereklilikler
M.A.501 Installation
(a) No component may be fitted unless it is in a satisfactory condition, has been appropriately released to service on an EASA Form 1
or equivalent and is marked in accordance with Part 21 Subpart Q, unless otherwise specified in Part-145 and Subpart F.
(b) Prior to installation of a component on an aircraft the person or approved maintenance organisation shall ensure that the
particular component is eligible to be fitted when different modification and/or airworthiness directive configurations may be
(c) Standard parts shall only be fitted to an aircraft or a component when the maintenance data specifies the particular standard
part. Standard parts shall only be fitted when accompanied by evidence of conformity traceable to the applicable standard.
(d) Material being either raw material or consumable material shall only be used on an aircraft or a component when the aircraft or
component manufacturer states so in relevant maintenance data or as specified in Part-145. Such material shall only be used when
the material meets the required specification and has appropriate traceability. All material must be accompanied by documentation
clearly relating to the particular material and containing a conformity to specification statement plus both the manufacturing and
supplier source.
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Havayolu veya Bakım Kuruluşunun Kullandığı Parçalardaki Gereklilikler (devamı)
M.A.502 Component maintenance
(a) The maintenance of components shall be performed by appropriately approved Subpart F or Part-145 maintenance organisations.
(b) Maintenance on any component may be performed by M.A.801(b)2 certifying staff only whilst such components are fitted to the
aircraft. Such components, nevertheless, can be temporarily removed for maintenance when such removal is expressly permitted by
the aircraft maintenance manual to improve access.
M.A.503 Service life limited components
Installed service life limited components shall not exceed the approved service life limit as specified in the approved maintenance
programme and airworthiness directives.
M.A.504 Control of unserviceable components
(a) A component shall be considered unserviceable in any one of the following circumstances:
1. expiry of the service life limit as defined in the maintenance program;
2. non-compliance with the applicable airworthiness directives and other continued airworthiness requirement mandated by
the Agency;
3. absence of the necessary information to determine the airworthiness status or eligibility for installation;
4. evidence of defects or malfunctions;
5. involvement in an incident or accident likely to affect its serviceability.
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Havayolu veya Bakım Kuruluşunun Kullandığı Parçalardaki Gereklilikler (devamı)
M.A.504 Control of unserviceable components (cont.)
(b) Unserviceable components shall be identified and stored in a secure location under the control of the M.A.502 approved
organisation until a decision is made on the future status of such component.
(c) Components which have reached their certified life limit or contain a non-repairable defect shall be classified as
unsalvageable and shall not be permitted to re-enter the component supply system, unless certified life limits have been
extended or a repair solution has been approved according to M.A.304.
(d) Any person or organisation accountable under Part-M shall, in the case of a paragraph (c) unsalvageable components:
1. retain such component in the paragraph (b) location, or;
2. arrange for the component to be mutilated in a manner that ensures that it is beyond economic salvage or repair before
relinquishing responsibility for such component.
(e) Notwithstanding paragraph (d) a person or organisation accountable under Part-M may transfer responsibility of components
classified as unsalvageable to an organisation for training or research without mutilation.
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Havayolu veya Bakım Kuruluşunun Kullandığı Parçalardaki Gereklilikler (devamı)
145.A.42 Acceptance of components
(a) All components shall be classified and appropriately segregated into the following categories:
1. Components which are in a satisfactory condition, released on an EASA Form 1 or equivalent and marked in accordance with
Part-21 Subpart Q.
2. Unserviceable components which shall be maintained in accordance with this section.
3. Unsalvageable components which are classified in accordance with 145.A.42(d).
4. Standard parts used on an aircraft, engine, propeller or other aircraft component when specified in the manufacturer's
illustrated parts catalogue and/or the maintenance data.
5. Material both raw and consumable used in the course of maintenance when the organisation is satisfied that the material
meets the required specification and has appropriate traceability. All material must be accompanied by documentation clearly
relating to the particular material and containing a conformity to specification statement plus both the manufacturing and
supplier source.
(b) Prior to installation of a component, the organisation shall ensure that the particular component is eligible to be fitted when
different modification and/or airworthiness directive standards may be applicable.
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
Havayolu veya Bakım Kuruluşunun Kullandığı Parçalardaki Gereklilikler (devamı)
(c) The organisation may fabricate a restricted range of parts to be used in the course of undergoing work within its own facilities
provided procedures are identified in the exposition.
(d) Components which have reached their certified life limit or contain a non-repairable defect shall be classified as unsalvageable and
shall not be permitted to re-enter the component supply system unless certified life limits have been extended or a repair solution has
been approved according to Part-21.
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
Uçak Parça imalat Sertifikasyon Yönetimi
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Turkish Airlines Technical Training Center with the approval of EASA.147.0015
Bölüm 1- Sivil Havacılık Otoriteleri ve Kuruluşları
12 Mayıs 2010