Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem İLK DAĞ Curriculum Vitae, January 2016


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem İLK DAĞ Curriculum Vitae, January 2016
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem İLK DAĞ
Curriculum Vitae, January 2016
Middle East Technical University, Department of Statistics, Ankara, 06800, Turkey
Phone: 90-312-210-53-26
Fax: 90-312-210-29-59
Home page:
Ph.D.: Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, USA, 2000-2004
M.S.: Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, USA, 1998-2000
B.S.: Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 1994-1997
Multilevel modeling, interactive (dynamic) graphics, longitudinal (panel) data, statistical
computing, Bayesian data analysis, categorical data analysis, education, biostatistics, statistics for
Associate Professor (by university), Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey (November 2013-present)
Associate Professor (by YOK), Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey (December 2012-present)
Affiliated Faculty Member, Actuarial Sciences Program, Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (September 2008-present)
Assistant editor of Journal of Statistical Research (Turkey), TUIK, Ankara, Turkey (July 2007 –
June 2015)
Advisory Board, Journal of Biostatistics, Turkish Clinics (2009-)
Ethics Committee Member, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara,
Turkey (March 2008- )
Vice Chair Person, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
(24 December 2012-11 March 2015)
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
(July 2010-December 2012)
Instructor, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
(September 2004- July 2010)
Expert researcher (part-time), TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of
Turkey), Division of Science, Technology and Innovation Policies and Strategies (June 2009May 2010)
Summer Internship Coordinator, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey (July 2011 –May 2014)
One of the departmental advisors of SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
Student Chapter at METU, Ankara, Turkey (November 2011 - 2013)
One of the members of "Istatistik Egitimi Hazirlik Komisyonu" (Statistics Education Preparation
Commission), TUIK, Ankara, Turkey (January 2012 – March 2012)
General secretary & Treasurer of EMR-IBS (Eastern Mediterranean Region -International
Biometric Society) (May 2007 - May 2009)
The country representative of EMR-IBS (Eastern Mediterranean Region - International Biometric
Society) (May 2005- May 2007)
Research Assistant, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Research Assistant, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, USA (Fall 2003 2
Spring 2004)
Student Assistant, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Organizing Committee Member (2012), Workshop, Yapisal Esitlik Modelleri ve Lisrel
Uygulamalari, Samsun, Turkey (5-7 June 2012)
Program Committee Member (2012 & 2013), 7th and 8th International Symposium on Health
Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), Nevsehir and Ankara, Turkey
Conference secretary & Local organizing committee (2009), EMR-IBS, Istanbul, Turkey (August
2007 - May 2009)
Organizing committee, The 17th Statistical Research Symposium (2008), Turkish Statistical
Institute, Ankara, Turkey (June 2007 – May 2008)
Organizing committee, Graduate Summer School on New Advances in Statistics (2007),
Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (Fall 2006 - Spring
Organizer, Faculty Seminars, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey (Fall 2004 - Spring 2005)
Co-organizer, VIGRE (Vertical Integration of Research and Education) Graphics and
Computational Statistics Seminars, Iowa State University, Ames, USA (Fall 2003)
Secretary, Student assistant, International Conference on Applied Statistics in Medical Sciences
(1997), Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (1996-1997)
Ilk, O. (2004) Exploratory multivariate longitudinal data analysis and models for multivariate
longitudinal binary data. Ph.D. Thesis. Under the supervision of Dianne Cook and Michael
Daniels. An updated version of this work is published as a book in 2008.
Ilk, O. (2000) Graphical methods for data containing a mix of categorical and quantitative
variables Application to breast cancer studies. M.S. Creative Component (non-thesis M.S.
report). Under the supervision of Dianne Cook.
Ilk, O. (2015) R Yazilimina Giris, 2. baski. ODTU Yayincilik (METU Press), Ankara, Turkiye.
ISBN: 978-605-4362-26-4
Ilk, O. (2011) R Yazilimina Giris. ODTU Yayincilik (METU Press), Ankara, Turkiye. ISBN:
Ilk, O. (2008) Multivariate Longitudinal Data Analysis. Verlag Dr. Muller (VDM), Saarbrucken,
Germany. ISBN: 978-3639072549
Chapters in Books:
Ilk, O. (2007) "Panel Data Analysis" in "Recent Advances in Statistics", Turkish Statistical
Institute Press, Chapter 11, pp. 141-147. ISBN: 978-975-01606-0-8.
Refereed papers indexed in SCI:
Kayaoglu, G., Gürel, M., Saricam, E., Ilhan, M.N., Ilk, O. (2016) Predictive Model of
Intraoperative Pain during Endodontic Treatment: Prospective Observational Clinical Study.
Accepted to be published in Journal of Endodontics.
Asar, O., Ilk, O., Dag, O. (2016?) Estimating Box-Cox Power Transformation Parameter Via
Goodness-of-Fit Tests. Accepted to be published in Communications in Statistics - Simulation
and Computation.
Asar, O., Ilk, O. (2016?) First-order marginalised transition random effects models with probit
link function. Accepted to be published in Journal of Applied Statistics.
Asar, O., Ilk, O. (2016) Forecasting multivariate longitudinal binary data with marginal and
marginally specified models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86:2, 414-429.
Ilk, O., Pekkurnaz, D., Cinko, M. (2014) Modeling company failure: a longitudinal study of
Turkish banks. Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research,
63:12, 1837-1849.
Asar, O., Ilk, O. (2014). Flexible multivariate marginal models for analyzing multivariate
longitudinal data, with applications in R. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,
115:3, 135-146.
Inan, G., Ilk-Dag, O., de Leon, A.R. (2014) Letter to Editor Re: "Logistic regression with
multiple random effects: A simulation study of estimation methods and statistical packages," by
Y. Kim, Y-K. Choi, and S. Emery, in The American Statistician, 67:3,171-182. The American
Statistician, 68:2, 129-130.
Dag, O., Asar, O., Ilk, O. (2014) A methodology to implement Box-Cox Transformation when no
covariate is available. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 43:7, 17401759.
Asar, O., Ilk, O. (2013) mmm: an R package for analyzing multivariate longitudinal data with
multivariate marginal models. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 112:3, 649-654.
Yildiz G, Arslan-Ergul A, Bagislar S, Konu O, Yuzugullu H, et al. (2013) Genome-Wide
Transcriptional Reorganization Associated with Senescence-to-Immortality Switch during
Human Hepatocellular Carcinogenesis. PLOS ONE 8(5): e64016.
Rajabli, F., Inan, G., Ilk, O. (2013) Power analysis of C-TDT for small sample size genome-wide
association studies by the joint use of case-parent trios and pairs. Computational and
Mathematical Methods in Medicine (Special Issue: Statistical Analysis of Biomarkers for
Personalized Med icine), vol. 2013, Article ID 235825, 7 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/235825.
Ilk, H.G., Jane, O., Ilk, O. (2011) The effect of Laplacian filter in adaptive unsharp masking for
infrared image enhancement. Infrared Physics & Technology, 54, 427-438.
Ilk, O., Rajabli, F., Dungul, D., C., Ozdag, H., Ilk, H.G. (2011) A novel approach for small
sample size family-based association studies: Sequential Tests. European Journal of Human
Genetics, 19, 910-915.
Cetinkaya M., Tulga-Oz F., Orhan A. I, Orhan K., Karabulut B., Can-Karabulut D.C., Ilk O.
(2011) Prevalence of oral abnormalities in a Turkish newborn population. International Dental
Journal, 61 (2), 90-100.
Ilk O. and Daniels M. (2007) Marginalized Transition Random Effects Models for Multivariate
Longitudinal Binary Data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics - La revue canadienne de
statistique, 35 (1), 105-123.
Erogul O., Ilk H. G., and Ilk O. (2001) A flexible bit rate switching method for low bit rate
vocoders. Signal Processing, 81 (8), 1737-1742.
Refereed papers in international journals:
Karabulut, B., Tulga-Oz, F., Can-Karabulut, D.C., Batmaz, I., Ilk, O. (2009) Adhesion to Primary
and Permanent Dentin and a Simple Model Approach, European Journal of Dentistry, 3 (1), 3241.
Ilk O. (2007) Use of Question and Comment Papers in College Teaching. Assessment Update,
Vol 19, Number 6, pp. 12-13,16.
Adjengue L, Yacout S, Ilk O. (2007) Parameters Estimation for Condition Based Maintenance
with Uncorrelated and Correlated Observations. Quality Engineering, 19, 197-206.
Refereed proceedings in international conferences:
Inan, G., Ilk, O. (2013) A Marginalized Multilevel Model for Bivariate Longitudinal Binary Data,
Complex Data Modelling and Computationally Intensive Statistical Methods for Estimation and
Prediction, 9-11 September, Milan, Italy.
Erdural S., Koksal G., and Ilk O. (2006) A Method for Analysis of Categorical Data for Robust
Product or Process Design. Proceedings of the 17th Conference of IASC-ERS, Computational
Statistics, [CD-ROM], 573-580, Rome, Italy.
Ilk HG, Ilk O, Konu O, Ozdag H (2006) Investigation and comparison of the preprocessing
algorithms for microarray analysis for robust gene expression calculation and performance
analysis of technical replicates (in Turkish). Proceedings of the IEEE 14th Signal Processing and
Communications Applications Conference, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/SIU.2006.1659873ö
April, Antalya, Turkey.
Ilk, O. (2005) Modeling multivariate repeated binary measurements. Proceedings of the 35th
International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, June 19-22, 2005, Istanbul,
Ilk O. and Daniels M. (2003) Marginalized Transition Random Effects Models for Multivariate
Longitudinal Binary Data. 2003 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on
Biometrics [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
Ilk O. (2002) Exploring Mean Structure in Longitudinal Data with Graphics: Linked Brushing
Approach. 2002 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Statistical
Graphics [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
Abstracts in international conferences:
Dag, O., Ilk, O. (2015) MLE in a Feasible Region is as Good as or Better Than the Usual MLE
While Estimating Box-Cox Transformation Parameter in ANOVA, The 8th Conference of EMRIBS (Eastern Mediterranean Region of International Biometric Society), pp. 15, Cappadocia,
Nevsehir, Turkey.
Cinar, O., Ilk, O., Iyigun C. (2014) A Survey Study of a Novel Approach for Clustering Genes
With Dissimilar Replicates. The 8th Conference of EMR-IBS (Eastern Mediterranean Region of
International Biometric Society), pp. 115, Cappadocia, Nevsehir, Turkey.
Iyigun C., Cinar, O., Ilk, O. (2014) Clustering of Time Course Gene Expression Data with
Dissimilar Replicates. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 9-12.
Dag, O., Asar, O., Ilk, O. (2013) Estimating Box-Cox Power Transformation Parameter via
Goodness-of-Fit Tests, y-BIS 2013: Joint Meeting of Young Business and Industrial Statisticians,
pp. 66, 19-21 September, Istanbul, Turkey.
Dalkilic, S, Ozkeserli, Z, Ilk, O., Oguzulgen, I.K, Akar, N, Ozdag, H. (2013) High Resolution
Transcriptomic Analysis of Trousseau Syndrome, XXIV Congress of the International Society on
Thrombosis and Haemostasis, June 29 - July 4, Amsterdam, the Netherlands [e-poster], also
published in Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 11, Special Issue, Supplement 2, pp. 723.
Asar, O., Ilk, O. (2012) Multivariate marginal models for correlated data. 8th World Congress in
Probability and Statistics, pp. 170, 9-14 July, Istanbul, Turkey.
Asar, O., Ilk, O. (2012) Analysis of multivariate longitudinal binary data: A forecasting study.
8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, pp. 172, 9-14 July, Istanbul, Turkey.
Dag, O., Asar, O., Ilk, O. (2012) A methodology to implement Box-Cox transformation when no
covariate is available. 8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, pp. 188, 9-14 July,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Inan, G., Ilk, O., Daniels, M. (2012) A likelihood-based multilevel model for longitudinal
bivariate binary data. 8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, pp. 248, 9-14 July,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Bacanli, G., Koksal, G., Ilk, O. (2012) Design Optimization with a Categorical Response.
INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Cinar, O., Ilk, O., Iyigun, C. (2012) Biclustering on Microarray Gene Expression Data. ECCO
2012, 25th Conference of European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, April 2012,
Ilk, O., Asar, O. (2011) Computational Ease on Marginalized Models for Multivariate
Longitudinal Binary Data via Probit Link. ERCIM’11 Conference, pp.75, 17-19 December,
London, U.K.
Ilk, O., Daniels, M. (2011) Marginalized Models for Bivariate Longitudinal Binary Data. 6th
EMR-IBS Conference, pp. 57, 8-12 May, Crete, Greece.
Asar, O., Ilk, O. (2011) Forecasting Longitudinal Multivariate Binary Data. 6th EMR-IBS
Conference, pp. 39, 8-12 May, Crete, Greece.
Inan, G., Rajabli, F., Ilk, O. (2011) A simulation study on joint use of case-parent trios and caseparent pairsfor family-based genome-wide association studies. 6th International Symposium on
Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), 2-5 May 2011, Izmir, Turkey [poster].
Dungul, D.C., Rajabli, F., Inan, G., Belder, N., Gecim, E., Kuzu, A., Savas, B., Ensari, A., Ilk,
H.G., Ilk, O., Ozdag, H. (2010) A Family Based Genome Wide Association Study in Turkish
Sporadic Colorectal Cancer Cases, Genes & Cancer 2010: 27th Annual "Molecular Biology of
Cancer" meeting, pp. 48, Warwick, U.K. [poster].
Inan, G., Ilk, O. (2010) Implementation of Regression Models for Longitudinal Count Data
through SAS, 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT), Paris,
France. [poster]
Inan, G., Ilk, O. (2010) Comparison of Methods for the Analysis of Incomplete Longitudinal
Count Data: A Simulation Study, 31th Annual Conference of the International Society for
Clinical Biostatistics, Montpellier, France. [poster]
Ilk, O., Akinc, D., Cinko, M., Pekkurnaz, D. (2010) Statistical early warning systems for
company failure, 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal.
Sayar, N., Karahan, G., Ilk, O., Konu, O., Yulug, I.G. (2010) Unmasking and Screening of
Epigenetically Silenced Genes in MCF-7 Breast Carcinoma Cells, HIBIT10., pp.58, Ankara,
Turkey. [poster]
Arslan-Ergul, A, Bagislar, S, Konu, O, Ozturk, N, Ozdag, H, Ozturk, AR, Erdal, E, Karademir, S,
Sagol O, Mizrak, D, Bozkaya H, Bilen, B, Ilk, HG, Ilk, O, Cetin-Atalay, R, Ozturk M. (2009) A
Major Role For Senescence And Immortality Gene Network in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, 60th
Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, HEPATOLOGY,
50, 4S, 1086A-1086A.
Ilk, O., Cinko, M. (2008) Normal or Not? XXIVth International Biometric Conference, Dublin,
Bagislar, S, Ozturk, N, Arslan-Ergul, A, Bilen, B, Ozdag, H, Ilk, HG, Ilk, O, Akar, N, Konu O,
Ozturk M. (2007) Gene Expression Profiles Reveal Common Features Between Reversal of
Hepatocellular Malignancy and Cellular Senescence. 1st ILCA (International Liver Cancer
Association) Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Ilk O., Daniels M. and Cook D. (2007) Exploratory Data Analysis and Models for Multivariate
Longitudinal Data. 4th EMR-IBS Conference, Eilat, Israel.
Ilk O., Yacout S. (2006) Application of Auto-regressive Models on Condition Based
Maintenance Problem with Imperfect Information. CORS / Optimization Days 2006 Joint
Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Ilk O. (2005) Marginalized Multilevel Models for Multivariate Longitudinal Binary Data. 3rd
EMR-IBS Conference, Corfu, Greece.
Dixon P. and Ilk O. (2004) Modeling Nucleotide Sequence Variation in a Viral Quasi-species.
2004 ENAR Spring Meeting, Pittsburgh, P.A.
Refereed papers in national journals:
Fidanoğlu, P., Belder, N., Erdoğan, B., Ilk, O., Rajebli, F., Özdag, H. (2014), Genom Projeleri
5N1P: Ne, Nerede, Ne Zaman, Nasıl, Neden ve Hangi Popülasyonda?, Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel
Biyoloji Dergisi, 71 (1): 45-60.
Inan, G., Ilk, O. (2013) Implementation of Regression Models for Longitudinal Count Data
through SAS, Istatistik Arastirma Dergisi, 10, 3, 49-63.
Ilk, O., Cinko, M., Akinc, D., Pekkurnaz, D. (2008) Hizmet Sektorunde Mali Basarisizligin
Modellenmesi, Istatistik Arastirma Dergisi, 6,1, 52-64.
Refereed proceedings in national conferences:
Topa, H., Canver, N. and Ilk, O. (2008) Coklu Dogrusal Regresyon Modellerinin Simulasyon
Yontemiyle Lisans Programlarinda Egitimi (Teaching Multiple Linear Regression Models via
Simulation Technique in Undergraduate Level). Proceedings of 17th Statistics Research
Symposium, Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara, 70-76.
Abstracts in national conferences:
Bacanli, G., Koksal, G., Ilk, O. (2012) Kategorik çıktısı olan ürün ve süreçlerin robust tasarımı
için yöntem karşılaştırması. YAEM 32. Ulusal Kongresi, June 2012, İstanbul.
Dungul DC, Belder N, Rajabli F, Inan G, Savas B, Ensari A, Kuzu A, Gecim E, Ilk O, Ilk HG,
Ozdag H. (2011) Aile Temelli Genom Boyu Asosiyasyon Calismasi ile Sporadik Kolorektal
Kanserde Yeni Yatkinlik Genlerinin Tanimlanmasi. XII. Ulusal Tibbi Biyoloji ve Genetik
Kongresi, Turkiye Klinikleri Tip Bilimleri Dergisi, pp. 35.
Inan, G., Ilk, O., Koc, E. (2011) Uzunlamasına Kesikli Veri Analiz Yöntemlerinin Akne Vulgaris
Verisine Uygulanması. XIII. Ulusal Biyoistatistik Kongresi, 37.
Gungor, E., Egin, Y., Ilk, O., Akar, N. (2008) Faktor V 1691 G-A Mutasyonunun Yas Degisimi
ile Iliskisi ve Pediatrik Trombozda Riskli Yas Gruplarinin Belirlenmesi. XXXIV. Ulusal
Hemotoloji Kongresi, page 181 [poster]. (Received 'Young Participant Award')
Ilk O., Cinko M., Pekkurnaz D., Akinc D. (2007) Sektor Bilancolarinin Istatistiksel
Modellenmesi (Statistical Modeling of Financial Statements) Istkon5 (in Turkish), 5. Istatistik
Cetinkaya, M., Tulga Oz, F., Ilk, O., Orhan, K. (2007) Yeni Dogan Turk Bebeklerde Oral
Anomalilerin Degerlendirilmesi (The Evaluation of Oral Abnormalities of Turkish Neonates) (in
Turkish), 15. Turk Pedodonti Dernegi Kongresi.
Ilk, O., Cinko, M., Akinc, D., Pekkurnaz, D. (2007) Turkiye'deki sektor bilancolarinin
istatistiksel modellenmesi ve tahminleri. Project report.
An interview with me by Kuzu, M. (2007) in his article titled "Statistics and Biostatistics" in
"Science and Technology" magazine (in Turkish)
Editorial Activities
Co-editor (together with Atilla Halil Elhan, Editor: Ergun Karaagaoglu), Book of Abstracts, 5th
Conference of the IBS-EMR (2009), ISBN: 978-605-60615-0-9
Reviews include the reviews of the articles in the following journals
Journal of Statistical Software, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Journal of Statistical Research, Turkish Clinics,
Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences, ...
Advisor of the following students:
Ph.D . students:
 Ibrahim Erkan (Ph.D., STAT) (together with Assoc.Prof. Dr. Inci Batmaz) (graduated in
December 2011)
 Gul Inan (Ph.D., STAT) (graduated in August 2014)
 A. Fatih Ortakaya (Ph.D., STAT)
M.S. students:
 Deniz Akinc (M.S., STAT) (graduated in Summer, 2008)
 Mert Altintas (M.S., STAT)
 Ozgur Asar (M.S., STAT) (graduated in Summer, 2012)
 Yasemin Aslan (M.S., STAT) (graduated in Summer, 2010)
 Ozan Cinar (M.S., STAT) (together with Assist. Prof. Cem Iyigun) (graduated in
Summer, 2013)
 Gul Inan (M.S., STAT) (graduated in Summer, 2009)
 Cagla Orhan (M.S., STAT)
 Ebru Ozturk (M.S., STAT)
Zerrin Yalcinoz (M.S., STAT) (graduated in Spring, 2008)
Co-advisor of the following students:
 Mehmet Cakmak (M.S., STAT) (together with Asst. Prof. Ceylan Yozgatligil) (graduated
in Fall, 2014)
 Serkan Erdural (M.S., IE) (together with Prof. Dr. Gulser Koksal) (graduated in Fall,
Supervisor of term-project in Applied Mathematics Institute:
 Cansu Calik (M.S., IAM) (graduated in Spring, 2015)
Served in the examining committee of more than 25 graduate students.
Ongoing projects:
Project title: “Türk Popülasyonunda Aile Temelli Genom Boyu Asosiyasyon Çalışması
Sonucunda Sporadik Kolorektal Kanser ile İlişkilendirilmiş 75 TNP’nin Geniş Bir Popülasyon
Çalışması ile Doğrulanması”
PI: Assoc. Prof. Hilal Ozdag (Ankara University, Biotechnology Institute)
Supported by: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK),
COST project, Action: BM1206 (Cooperation Studies on Inherited Susceptibility to Colorectal
Cancer )
Role & time spent: Co-investigator, June 2013 – June 2016
Project No: 112S634
Completed projects:
Project title: “Cancer and Venous Thrombosis: Genomewide Expression Analysis In Order To
Identify New Molecular Markers That Lie Between Thrombosis And Tumorigenesis” (Kanser ve
venöz tromboz: tümör gelişimi ile tromboz ilişkisinde koagülomun genom ebadında ifade
profillemesi yolu ile tanımlanması)
PI: Assoc. Prof. Hilal Ozdag (Ankara University, Biotechnology Institute)
Supported by: BAP, Ankara University
Role & time spent: Co-investigator, January 2008 - January 2011
Budget: 200,000 TL
Project title: “Determination of New Genetic Predisposition Genes and Genes Involved in Cancer
Progression Through Genomewide SNP Profiling in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer Cases”
(Sporadik Kolorektal Kanser Vakalarında Genom Ebadında TNP Profilinin Belirlenmesi ile Yeni
Genetik Yatkınlık Genlerinin ve Kanserin Gelişmesinde Etken Olan Genlerin Belirlenmesi)
PI: Assoc. Prof. Hilal Ozdag (Ankara University, Biotechnology Institute)
Supported by: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK),
Role & time spent: Co-investigator, February 2008 - February 2011
Project No: 107S348
Budget: 429,600 TL
Project title: “Identification and Expression Profiling of Novel Target Genes Determined by an
Epigenetic Reactivation Screen in Breast Cancer” (Meme Kanserinde Epigenetik Olarak
Susturulmuş Genlerin Yeniden Aktive Edilerek Gen İfade Profillerinin Belirlenmesi ve Özgün
Hedef Genlerinin Analizi)
PI: Assoc. Prof. Isik Yulug (Bilkent, Molecular Biology and Genetics)
Supported by: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK),
Role & time spent: Co-investigator, July 2007 - July 2009
Project No: TBAG- 107T181
Budget: 248,956 TL
Project title: “Investigation of the effects of nicotine and levamisole on the cellular phenotype
and expression profiles of cancer cells using a comparative functional genomics approach”
(Nikotin ve Levamisol’ün Kanser Hücrelerinin Moleküler Fenotipi ve İfade Profilleri Üzerindeki
Etkilerinin Karşılaştırmalı İşlevsel Genomik Metodlarla Araştırılması)
PI: Assist. Prof. Ozlen Konu (Bilkent, Molecular Biology and Genetics)
Supported by: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK),
Role & time spent: Co-investigator, September 2007 - September 2009
Project No: 106T548
Budget: 198,070 TL
Project title: "Statistical models and predictions for financial statements of sectors in Turkey"
(Türkiye’deki Sektör Bilançolarının İstatistiksel Modellenmesi ve Tahminleri)
PI: Dr. Ozlem Ilk
Supported by: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK),
Role & time spent: Principal investigator, Jan 2006 - Jan 2007
Project No: SOBAG-105K048
Budget: 36,564 TL
Project title: "Genetic and antigenic evolution of PRRS virus in persistently infected pigs"
Under the supervision of: Prof. Philip Dixon
Supported by: National Research Institue (NRI), USA
Role & time spent: Graduate student researcher, Jan 2003 - Jan 2004
Project Title: "Covariance Estimation for Longitudinal Cancer Data"
PI: Prof. Michael Daniels
Supported by: National Institute of Health (NIH), USA
Role & time spent: Graduate student researcher, May 2001 - May 2004
Recently taught the following courses at METU:
Spring 2015:
Stat 552- Probability and Statistics II
Stat 561 - Panel Data Analysis
Fall 2014:
Stat 291 – Statistical Computing I
Stat 551- Probability and Statistics I
Spring 2014:
Stat 462 – Biostatistics
Stat 552- Probability and Statistics II
Fall 2013:
Stat 291 – Statistical Computing I
Stat 551- Probability and Statistics I
Spring 2013:
Stat 356 - Statistical Data Analysis
Stat 552- Probability and Statistics II
Fall 2012:
Stat 361 - Computational Statistics
Stat 551- Probability and Statistics I
IAM 530- Elements of Probability and Statistics
Spring 2012:
Stat 356 - Statistical Data Analysis
Stat 561 - Panel Data Analysis
Fall 2011:
IAM 530 - Elements of Probability and Statistics
Stat 361 - Computational Statistics
Stat 462 – Biostatistics
Took the following related courses and seminars:
Higher Education 561- College Teaching (Fall 2002), Iowa State University
Effective Teaching and Research Seminars (Spring 2005), Middle East Technical University
Germany, Magdeburg, 2014 - to lecture in the framework of Erasmus-Socrates
England, London, 2011 - to present my work in a conference
Greece, Crete, 2011 - to present my work in a conference
Portugal, Lisbon, 2010 - to present my work in a conference & serve as a chair of a session
Ireland, Dublin, 2008 - to present my work in a conference & to attend Executive committee
Denmark, Copenhag, 2007 - to lecture in the framework of Erasmus-Socrates
Israel, Eilat, 2007 - to present my work in a conference & to serve as country representative & as
a chair of a session
Norway, Oslo, 2005 - to attend a training camp and conference
Greece, Corfu Islands, 2005 - to present my work in a conference
United States, Ames and many more, 1998-2004 - for graduate studies
Mexico, Puerta Valerta, 2001 - just for fun
England, Manchestar and a couple more, 1994 & 1996 - for visiting my big brother and for fun
Invited lectures:
2012, May, 17, 14:00-17:30, Introduction to R and GGobi, in SIAM workshop on “What would
you do with all this data?”, METU.
2010, December, 24, Introduction to Statistical Analysis of Microarray Data with R (in Turkish),
in "3rd Microarray Training and Data Analysis Course", METU, Central Laboratory, Molecular
Biology and Biotechnology R&D Center
2010, February, 13, Etki Analizi, Izmir Kalkinma Ajansi
2009, September 28-October 1, Panel Veri Analizi (Panel Data Analysis, in Turkish), TUIK
2009, July, 1, Introduction to Statistical Analysis of Microarray Data (in Turkish), in "2nd
Microarray Training and Data Analysis Course", METU, Central Laboratory, Molecular Biology
and Biotechnology R&D Center
2009, May, 28, R Uygulamalari, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, in Workshop on
"Applications of Dose-Response Model with R".
2008, March, 12, Biyoistatistik, Ankara University.
2007, August, 21, Panel Data Analysis, METU, New Advances in Statistics Graduate Summer
2006, November, 30, Bayesian Data Analysis, METU, Informatics Institute
Invited seminars:
2010, December, 10, Introduction to Longitudinal Data Analysis, Ankara University, Department
of Statistics
2010, November, 9, Introduction to Longitudinal Data Analysis and an Application to Istanbul
Stock Exchange Data, METU, Institute of Applied Mathematics
Conference presentations / activities:
Chair of a session:
2015, May, 14, Computational Methods, 8th EMR-IBS Conference, Cappadocia, Nevsehir,
2010, July, 14, Data Mining in Early Warning Systems II, 24th European Conference on
Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal
2010, June, 28, Bayesci Istatistik / Biyoistatistik, 7. Istatistik Gunleri Sempozyumu, Ankara,
2009, May, 14, Imaging- Graphical Methods- Pattern Recognition, 5th EMR-IBS Conference,
Istanbul, Turkey
2007, January, 25, Repeated Measures Analysis II, 4th EMR-IBS Conference, Israel
2005, June, 22, Discrete Optimization, 35th International Conference on Computers and
Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey.
Invited Presentations:
2007, January, 25, Exploratory Data Analysis and Models for Multivariate Longitudinal Data, 4th
EMR-IBS Conference, Israel
Regular presentations:
2011, December, 18, Computational ease on marginalized models for multivariate longitudinal
binary data via probit link, ERCIM’11, England.
2011, May, 10, Marginalized Models for Bivariate Longitudinal Binary Data, 6th EMR-IBS
Conference, Greece.
2010, July, 14, Statistical early warning systems for company failure, 24th European Conference
on Operational Research [invited session], Portugal
2008, July, 14, Normal or Not?, Dublin, Ireland.
2007, May, 3, Statistical Modeling of Financial Statements, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2007, May, 5. Istatistik Kongresi, ISTKON5, Antalya, Turkey, Sektor Bilancolarinin Istatistiksel
July 19, 2005 European young statisticians training camp to the 25th European Meeting of
Statisticians, Oslo, Norway, Multivariate longitudinal data analysis.
June 22, 2005 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul,
Turkey, Modeling multivariate repeated binary measurements.
May 10, 2005 3rd EMR-IBS International Conference, Corfu, Greece, Marginalized Multilevel
Models for Multivariate Longitudinal Binary Data.
August 4, 2003 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), San Francisco, CA, USA, Contributed paper,
Marginalized Transition Random Effects Models for Multivariate Longitudinal Binary Data.
August 12, 2002 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), New York City, NY, USA, Topic contributed
paper, Exploring Mean Structure in Longitudinal Data with Graphics: Linked Brushing
Departmental seminars:
December 17, 2009 Middle East Technical University, Panel Data Analysis: an introduction and
October 14, 2004 Middle East Technical University, Marginalized Transition Random Effects
Models for Multivariate Longitudinal Binary Data.
March 29, 2004 Iowa State University, Exploratory Multivariate Longitudinal Data Analysis.
April 23, 2001 Iowa State University, Modeling Dependence Between the Number of Trials and
the Probability of Success in Overdispersed Binomial Data - Part I: The Beta-binomial Mixture
Model (joint talk).
Turkish (Native Language)
English (Recently taken exams:
Exam Title; Date taken; Grade
Translation from English to Turkish and Turkish to English; July 2010; Pass
UDS; March 2008; 92.5/100
KPDS; Nov. 2004 ; 92/100
METU Proficiency Test; Sept. 2004; 91.5/100
METU Oral Exam; Sept. 2004; Pass)
Academic performance award from METU - Ranked among the top 20% within the faculty of
Arts and Science for the activities during the last three years (2008 & 2010 & 2014)
Teaching recognition - Ranked among the top 20% within the faculty of Arts and Science in
student evaluations (2005 & 2007 & 2008 & 2009 & 2011 & 2012 & 2013)
Best y-BIS Paper Award - Dag, O., Asar, O., Ilk, O. - Estimating Box-Cox Power Transformation
Parameter Via Goodness-of-Fit Tests. y-BIS 2013: Joint Meeting of Young Business and
Industrial Statisticians in Istanbul, Turkey (2013).
Research grant from TUBITAK for a COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
project - Co-investigator in a research project directed by Assoc. Prof. Hilal Ozdag (Ankara
University, Biotechnology Institute) (2013-)
Co-author of a study that received the 3rd place among oral presentations- Dungul DC, Belder N,
Rajabli F, Inan G, Savas B, Ensari A, Kuzu A, Gecim E, Ilk O, Ilk HG, Ozdag H. (2011) Aile
Temelli Genom Boyu Asosiyasyon Calismasi ile Sporadik Kolorektal Kanserde Yeni Yatkinlik
Genlerinin Tanimlanmasi, XII. Ulusal Tibbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi, Turkiye Klinikleri Tip
Bilimleri Dergisi, pp. 35.
Research grant from TUBITAK - Co-investigator in a research project directed by Assoc. Prof.
Hilal Ozdag (Ankara University, Biotechnology Institute) (2008-2011)
Partial travel grant from TUBITAK - To attend ISTKON5 conference in Antalya, Turkey (2007)
Research grant from TUBITAK - Co-investigator, together with Assist. Prof. Ozlen Konu, in a
research project directed by Assoc. Prof. Isik Yulug (Bilkent, Dept. of Molecular Biology and
Genetics) (2007 & 2008)
Research grant from TUBITAK - Co-investigator, together with Assoc. Prof. Isik Yulug, in a
research project directed by Assist. Prof. Ozlen Konu (Bilkent, Dept. of Molecular Biology and
Genetics) (2007 & 2008)
Research grant from TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Principle investigator of a research project, 36,564 YTL (~ 19,000 Euro) (2006)
Research grant from METU - new faculty start-up grant, 5,000 YTL (~ 2,600 Euro) (2005)
Travel grant from European Union - To attend European young statisticians training camp to the
25th European Meeting of Statisticians and 25th European Meeting of Statisticians (the only
recipient from Turkey) (2005)
Scholarship from Turkish Higher Educational Council and METU for M.S. and Ph.D. studies at
ISU (1998-2003)
Graduated in 3.5 years as a High Honor Student from METU (1997), ranked 2nd in a class of