CURRICULUM VITAE - Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngiliz Dili ve


CURRICULUM VITAE - Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngiliz Dili ve
Prof. Dr. Serpil Oppermann
Postal Address: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Language and Literature,
Beytepe Campus, Üniversiteler Mh. 06800, Ankara-Turkey
Tel: 90 312 297 8483 (0ffice); 8475 /76 (secretary’s office)
Degrees: Hacettepe University, Department of English Language and Literature
B.A. July 1980.
M.A. July 1982. Thesis: "The Tragic Conflict Between Fate and Character in Thomas Hardy's Novels."
Ph.D. September 1987. Dissertation: John Fowles as a Postmodernist: An Analysis of Fowles's Fiction within
Metafictional Theories." (UMI 8809274- Reg. TX 2-550-728 Ann Arbor). Included in the Bibliography of
John Fowles: A Reference Companion. New York, London: Greenwood Press, 1991. (By James R. Aubrey)
Academic Appointments: Department of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University, Ankara,
September 1980-July 1984-- Lecturer of English Language at the Foreign Language School.
October 1984-December 1988-- Research Assistant
January 1989--October 1994---Assitant Professor
October 1994-April 2000--Associate Professor
March 1996-1997--Assistant Department Chair
April 2000-present--Full Professor.
Awards and Grants
1985-1986--.Fulbright Scholarship-- The State University of New York at Buffalo, USA.
January 20-February 14, 1993--Symposium Grant. University of Warwick. Center for British and Comparative
Cultural Studies. (British Council in Turkey)
September 2002-July 2003-- Visiting Professor. Department of Eglish, The University of Dresden, Germany.(A
Graduate course taught on “Postmodern British Novel” Fall 2003)
October 2002--Visitng Professor. Center For Ideas and Society. University of California, Riverside, CA. USA.
September 1, 2011-Feburary 29, 2012--Fulbright Senior Grant- University of Nevada, Reno, USA.
Professional Memberships:
ASLE :Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (2005-present)
WEO: World Eco-Culture Organization (Founding Member, 2009)
IDEA: English Language and Literature Research Association of Turkey (2007-2013--Board Member 20072010)
ESSE: European Society for the Study of English (2007-2013)
ASAT: American Studies Association of Turkey (1988-2006)
EASLCE : European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment. (Advisory Board
Member 2010-2014).
EASLCE: Vice President (2014-present)
ASLE Ad-Hoc Committee-Translation Grants Member ( February 2014-present)
MLA: Modern Language Association (2011-present) European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (Sister Organization of the International,
USA Based Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts). Ambassador of Turkey (2014-present)
Research Networks:
Research Partner: "The International Research Group in Environmental Humanities. University of Turin."
Founder and Coordinator, Serenella Iovino (Italy).
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (Editorial Board 2007-present)
Ecozon@ :European Journal of Ecocriticism (Editorial Board 2010-present)
PAN: Philosophy, Activism, Nature. (Advisory Board, 2013-present)
Relations: Beyond Anthropocentrism (Advisory Board 2014-present)
American Journal of Mediterranean Studies (Advisory Board, October 2013-present)
Book Series:
Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group). Ecocritical Theory and Practice Series. (2013-Advisory Board)
Evaluation Committee on assistant professorships at Hacettepe University Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of
Science, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Letters, English Department Ph.D Dissertations, METU (Middle East
Technical University) Faculty of Education Ph.D dissertations.
ASLE Evaluation Committee for the Best Graduate Student Scholarly Paper, 2013.
ASLE-ad hoc Translation Committee, 2013-present.
EASLCE Webinar Committee, 2014-present.
Fulbright workshop: American University, Washington D.C. July 1985.
Graduate Student Workshops on ecocriticism at Hacettepe U, Ankara (January 2010-May 2011).
Graduate Student Workshops on material ecocriticism at UNR, Reno, Nevada ( October 2011 to January 2012)
1. "The Anthropocene's Subterranean Quandary" on Special Panel, "Underground Landscapes:
Geomorphisms, Telluric forces, and Elemental Agencies of the Anthropocene" (Organized by Serpil
Oppermann and Serenella Iovino). ASLE Eleventh Biennial Conference, June 23-27, 2015,
University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA.
2. Keynote. "Narrative Agency in the Age of the Anthropocene." 8th Annual Conference of the Nordic
Network Gender, Body, Health on “Gender, Body, Health—in the Anthropocene" at the Centre for
Gender Research. November 18-19, 2014. Uppsala University, Sweden.
3. Keynote. "Nature’s Narrative Agencies as Compound Individuals: A Material Ecocritical Vision.The 6th
Tamkang International Conference on Ecological Discourse. “Speculative Materialism: Contexts and
Paradigms for Ecological Engagement.” December 19-20, 2014. Tamkang University, Tamsui,
4. "Hybrid Waters and Storied Matter in the Fisherman of Halicarnassus' Mediterranean Tales." On Special
Panel, "Framing Hybridity: Natures, Cultures, and Stories" (Organized By Serpil Oppermann,
Serenella Iovino and Heather Sullivan) 2014 EASLCE-NIES Joint Conference on “Framing Nature:
Signs, Stories, and Ecologies of Meaning.” April 29- May 3, 2014.Tartu, Estonia
5. "Naturalcultural Stories of Compound Individuals” Organized panel (by Serpil Oppermann, Serenella Iovino
and Heather Sullivan) on “Naturalcultural Alliances: Material Ecocriticism and the Blurred
Boundaries of Bodies and Texts.” ASLE International Tenth Biennial Conference on “Changing
Nature: Migrations, Energies, Limits.” May 28-‐ June 1, 2013. University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA.
6. Pre-conference seminar: “Material Ecocriticism and Changing Natures” with Serenella Iovino. ASLE 2013.
7. Respondent on paper jam panel, “Prismatic Ecologies: Ecotheory Beyond Green.” ASLE 2013.
8. “Agency and Material Ecocriticism.” Special Panel on Material Ecocriticism. 5th EASLCE International
Conference, "Natura Loquens: Eruptive Dialogues, Disruptive Discourses,” 27-30 June 2012. La
Laguna University, Tenerife, Canary Islands.
9. “Postmodern Ecocriticism.” Special Panel on Theorizing Ecocriticism: Promises and Hopes.” (Also
Moderator). ASLE: International Conference on “Species, Space, and the Imagination of the Global.”
June 21-26, 2011. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
10. “Rethinking Ecocriticism in an Ecological Postmodern Framework.” International Conference on
"Literature, Ecology, Ethics:Recent Trends in European Ecocriticism." 3-5 March, 2011.University of
Augsburg, Germany.
11. Keynote. “The Fisherman of Halicarnassus’s Narratives of the White Sea (The Mediterranean):
Translocal Subjects, Nonlocal ConnectionsThe Fifth Tamkang International Conference on Ecological
Discourse: “Ecocriticism in Asia: Reorienting Modernity, Reclaiming Nature?” 16-18 December, 2010.
Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan.
12. Keynote. “An Ecology of a Surfictional Self: Raymond Federman’s Inventions.” The International
Conference on “Ecology and Life-Writing.” 24-27 June, 2010. Gutenberg University, Mainz-Germany.
13. “The Future of Ecocriticism: The Third Wave.” (Plenary Panel). An International Conference on “The
Future of Ecocriticsm: New Horizons.” November 4-6, 2009. Hacettepe University and Ankara
University. Hotel Limak Limara, Kemer-Antalya. (Organizer of the Conference).
14. “’Istanbul is like a Judas Tree:’ Urban Ecology and Fictions of Istanbul.” (Speaker and Moderator of Panel
Session on “Reading Istanbul Ecocritically: From Tulip Age to Toxic Waste”). The Seventh
International Congress for Turkish Culture: “Istanbul in Turkish and World Literature.” October 6-10,
2009. The Presidency of Atatürk Culture Center, Ankara.
15. Keynote. “Ecocritical Encounters with Postmodernism: New Directions.” International Conference on
“Ecological Literature and Environmental Education: Asian Forum for Cross-Cultural Dialogues.”
August 14-20, 2009 Beijing University, Bejing,China.
16. Plenary Lecture. “Ekoeleştiri” (Ecocriticism). Doğa ve Edebiyat Paneli (Panel on Environment and
Literature). Organized by PEN Turkish Center, Green PEN Program. April 17, 2009. Yapı Kredi
Sermet Çifter Hall, Istanbul.
17. “To Whom It May Concern: Ecocritical Encounters with Metafiction.” International Conference on
“Beyond Thoreau: American and International Responses to Nature.” October 9-11, 2008. Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China.
18. “Turkish Landscapes in English Travel Writing From the Perspective of Ecological Imperialism.”.
International Conference on “Orient and Occident: East Meets West.” Netherlands Institute,
Istanbul; Université de la Picardie Amiens; Universiteit Utrecht. June 25-27, 2008. Ankara University.
19. Keynote. “Seeking Environmental Awareness in Postmodern Fictions.” International Conference on
“Environment: Survival and Sustainability.” February 19-24, 2007. Near-East University, Nicosia
(Lefkosha), Northern Cyprus.
20. “Ecological Imperialism in British Colonial Fiction.” 1st International IDEA Conference:“Studies in
English.” April, 24-26, 2006. Boğaziçi University, Department of Western Languages and
Literatures, and IDEA -English Language and Literature Research Association, Istanbul.
21. “Doğa Yazınında Beden Politikası.” (Body Politcs in American Nature-Writing) “Yazında ve Çeviride
Beden.” (Akşit Göktürk’ü Anma Toplantısı) March, 15-18, 2006. İstanbul Üniversitesi-Fen-Edebiyat
Fakültesi, Kuyucu Muratpaşa Medresesi, Istanbul.
22. "Postmodernism in the Ecological Viewfinder: Ecocentric Postmodern Theory in the Literary Profession."
4th International Conference of Literatures in English “The Endangered Planet in Literature”
November 16- 18, 2005 Doğuş University, Istanbul.
23. "Whole Sight and Implicate Order in the Postmodern Wormholes of Daniel Martin." The 8th Metu British
Novelists Seminar on "John Fowles and His Work." December 7-8, 2000. Middle East Technical
University, Ankara.
24. "The Interplay Between Historicism and Textuality: Postmodern Histories." First International Postgraduate
Conference on "Postmodern Discourses Between Language and Power." November 20-22, 1998.
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
25. "The Interplay Between Chance and Freedom in Paul Auster's Fiction." 22 nd Annual American Studies
Seminar on "Freedom in America: The Principle, The Theme, The Reality." November 5-8, 1997.
Hilton Hotel, Mersin.
26. "Contemporary English Novel.". Panel on Contemporary Novel in England, France, Germany and Turkey.
April 17, 1996.Hacettepe University.
27. "John Fowles." Panel on "Contemporary Novel in Britain From Three Perspectives: John
Buchi Emecheta, Angela Carter." October 15, 1996. Turco-British Association Cultural Activities
28. "The Problematizing of History in Hawksmoor." 17th All-Turkey English Literature Conference on
"British Fiction From the 70s to the Present."April 10-12, 1996. Cumhuriyet University-Sivas.
29. "The Novel as Performance: The Example of Raymond Federman."(With Dr. Michael Oppermann). 20 th
Annual American Studies Seminar- "1975-1995: Looking Backward." November 1-4, 1995.Dedeman
Hotel, Antalya.
30. "The Parodic Conventions in The French Lieutenant’s Woman." July 1-21, 1991. University of London.
Summer School in "British Theater, Literature and Culture Since 1940."
31. "John Fowles's Metafictional Games in Mantissa and A Maggot." March 23-25, 1988. Bogazici University,
Istanbul. (IX. All-Turkey English Literature Conference)
Invited Lectures :
“Material Ecocriticism.” Literature and Environment Colloquium Series, Frandsen Humanites, February 3,
2012.University of Nevada, Reno, USA.
"Are We Really Interconnected? Ecophilosophy and Quantum Theory From a Postmodern Perspective."
Center For Ideas and Society. October 9, 2002. University of California, Riverside, USA($ 300
Same paper presented upon request at The University of Dresden, Germany (Institute für Anglistik und
Amerikanistik), HSZ/E03. November 27, 2002.
"Ecocentric Postmodern Theory." October, 2001. Hacettepe University, Ankara
"Postmodernisms." March 31, 1995. Hacettepe University, Ankara.
"Introduction and Welcome Speech in honor of Raymond Federman." 1994. Turkish-American
Association, Ankara. (The 1994 Lectures in Turkey).
“Deconstruction." May 20, 1991. Turkish-American Association, Ankara.
Director and producer of the plays:
"Sand Box," and "The Tiger" (H.U.English Department's Student stage-performance). March 1990. The
Auditorium of The Turkish-American Association. Also performed upon invitation at Çukurova University,
Adana, during 11th All-Turkey English literature Seminar, March, 26-29, 1990.
1. "Il corpo tossico dell’altro. Contaminazione ambientale e alterità ecologiche." (The Other's Toxic Body:
Contamination and Ecological Otherness). Trans. Serenella Iovino. ContaminAzioni ecologiche: Cibi,
nature, culture. Eds. D. Fargione and Serenella Iovino. (Forthcoming 2015).
2. "Nature's Colors: A Prismatic Materiality in the NaturealCultural Realms." No Beauty, No Peace: Rethinking
the Role of Beauty and Immediacy in Ecocritical Criticism. Eds. Peter Quigley and Scott Slovic.
(Forthcoming, 2015).
3. To Whom It May Concern: Reading Metafiction Ecocritically. Kültür Ötesi Bir Gezgin/ A Transcultural
Wanderer. (A Festschrift for Gönül Pultar/ Gönül Pultar’a Armağan Kitabı). Ed. Mustafa Pultar.
İstanbul: Tetragon, 2014. 141-158.
4. “From Material to Posthuman Ecocriticism: Hybridity, Stories, Natures.” Handbook of Ecocriticism and
Cultural Ecology. Ed. Hubert Zapf. (forthcoming from DeGruyter Press, 2015)
5. "Nature's Narrative Agencies as Compound Individuals: A Material Ecocritical Perspective."Natura
Agens/Natura Loquens. Ed. Carmen Flys Junquera and Juan Ignacio Oliva. (Book under review.)
6. "Alien Agencies, Toxic Bodies: A Material Ecocritical Perspective on Ecological Others." The Postcolonial
World. Eds. Jyotsna G. Singh and David D. Kim. (Forthcoming from Routledge, 2015).
7. "Coda: Wandering Elements and Natures to Come." (With Sernella Iovino). Elemental Ecocriticism, Eds.
Jeffrey Cohen and Lowell Duckert. Foorthcoming from Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2015 (in
8. “Introduction: New International Voices in Ecocriticism.” New International Voices in Ecocriticism. Ed
Serpil Oppermann. New York: Lexington Books, 2015. 1-24.
9. “From Ecological Postmodernism to Material Ecocriticism: Creative Materiality and Narrative Agency.”
Material Ecocriticsm. Eds. Serenella Iovino, Serpil Oppermann. (Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2014). 2136.
10. "Introduction: Stories Come to Matter." (with Serenella Iovino). Material Ecocriticsm. Eds. Serenella
Iovino, Serpil Oppermann. (Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2014). 1-17.
11. “Onward. After Green Ecologies: Prismatic Visions.” (with Serenella Iovino). Prismatic Ecology:
Ecotheory Beyond. Ed. Jeffrey J. Cohen. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2013. 328-336.
12. “Feminist Ecocriticism: A Posthumanist Direction in Ecocritical Trajectory.” International Perspectives in
Feminist Ecocriticism. Eds. Greta Gaard, Simon C. Estok, Serpil Oppermann. New York: Routledge
13. "Introduction." (with Greta Gaard and Simon C. Estok). International Perspectives in Feminist Ecocriticism.
Eds. Greta Gaard, Simon C. Estok, Serpil Oppermann. New York: Routledge 2013. 1-16.
14. “An Ecology of Surfictional Self: Raymond Federman’s Inventions.” Ecology and Life Writing Eds. Alfred
Hornung and Zhao Baisheng. Heidelberg: UniversitätsverlagWinter, 2013. 353-374.
15. “Ekoeleştiri: Çevre ve Edebiyat Çalışmalarının Dünü ve Bugünü.” Ekoeleştiri: Çevre ve Edebiyat. Ed. Serpil
Oppermann Ankara: Phoenix, 2012). (Ecocriticism: The Past and Present of Environmental Literary
Studies). 9-57.
16. “Rethinking Ecocriticism in an Ecological Postmodern Framework: Mangled Matter, Meaning, and
Agency.” Literature, Ecology, Ethics: Recent Trends in European Ecocriticism. Eds. Timo Müller,
Michael Sauter. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2012. 35-50.
17. “Ecocentric Postmodern Theory as a Sustainable Ecocritical Thought: Interrelations Between Postmodern,
Ecological and Quantum Theories.” Ecocritical Theory: New European Approaches. Eds. Axel
Goodbody and Kate Rigby. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P, 2011. 230-242.
18. “The Future of Ecocriticism: Present Currents.” The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons. Eds. Serpil
Oppermann, Ufuk Özdağ, Nevin Özkan, Scott Slovic. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars P, 2011. 14-29.
19. "Introduction: New Connections in Ecocriticism." (with Ufuk Özdağ, Nevin Özkan and Scott Slovic). The
Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons. Eds. Serpil Oppermann, Ufuk Özdağ, Nevin Özkan, Scott
Slovic. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars P, 2011. 1-8.
20. “’Istanbul is like a Judas tree.’” Urban Ecology and Fictions of Istanbul.” The Seventh International
Congress for Turkish Culture: Istanbul in Turkish and World Literature Proceedings. The Presidency
of Atatürk Culture Center, Ankara, 2011. 487-498.
21. “Yeni Tarihselcilik." Türkiyede Tarih Yazımı. Eds. Vahdettin Engin, Ahmet Şimşek. İstanbul: Yeditepe,
2011. 331-345. (New Historicism: Relations between History and Literature).
22. “Ecocentric Postmodern Theory in the Literary Profession.” The Endangered Planet in Literature.
IV.International Conference of Literatures in English. Selected Proceedings. 16-18 November 2005.
Eds. Barry Tharaud and Elizabeth Pallito. Istanbul: Doğuş University P, 2005. 122-140.
23. "Doğa Yazınında Beden Politikası." Akşit Göktürk'ü Anma Toplantısı (15-17 Mart 2006): Yazında ve
Çeviride Beden. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Rektörlük Yayınları, 2007. 79-90.
24. “Wholesight and Implicate Order in the Postmodern Wormholes of Daniel Martin.” John Fowles and His
Work: The 8th Metu British Novelists Seminar Proceedings. Ed. Dürrin Alpakın Martinez-Caro.
Ankara: Erk Yayıncılık, 2003. 69-75
25. “The Interplay Between Historicism and Textuality: Postmodern Histories.” PostModerne Diskurse
zwischen Sprache und Macht. Eds. Johannes Angermüller and Martin Nonhoff. Hamburg, Berlin:
Argument Verlag, 1999. 154-163.
26. "Introduction." The Supreme Indecision of the Writer: The 1994 Lectures in Turkey. By Raymond
Federman. Buffalo, New York, and Ankara: The Poetry/Rare Books Collection: State U of New York,
and H.Ü. Department of American Culture and Literature. 1995. 9-11.
ARTICLES (in Peer-Reviewed Journals)
1. "Posthuman Ecocriticism." Relations: Beyond Anthropocentrism. Special Issue on Posthumanism. Eds.
Roberto Marchesini and Serenella Iovino (Forthcoming 2016)
2. “Quantum Physics and Literature: How They Meet the Universe Halfway.” Anglia: Journal of English
Philology. Special Issue on Literature and Science. Ed. Hubert Zapf. 133.1 (2015):
3. "Ecocriticial Forms of Engagement with Nature and Texts." FWS: Forum for Word Literature Studies. 6.2
(2014): 305- 319.
4. “Diffractive Narratives, Prismatic Ecologies: The Fisherman of Halicarnasus. O-Zone: A Journal of Object
Oriented Studies. Issue 1: Object/Ecology. Eds. Levi Bryant and Eileen Joy. 1 (January 2014).
5. “Feminist Ecocriticism: The New Ecofeminist Settlement.” Feminismo/s. Special Issue on Ecofeminism.
Guest Editors: Terry Gifford and Lorraine Kerslake. 22 (December 2013): 65-88.
6. "Material Ecocriticism and the Creativity of Storied Matter." Frame: Journal of Literary Studies Special Issue
on Ecocriticism. 26.2 (November 2013): 57-72.
7. "Enchanted By Akdeniz: The Fisherman of Halicarnassus's Narratives of the Mediterranean." Ecozon@
Special Issue on Mediterranean Ecocriticism. Ed. Serenella Iovino. 4.2 (2013): 100-116.
8. “Transnationalization of Ecocriticism.” Anglia: Journal of English Philology .130.3 (October 2012): 401419.
9. “A Lateral Continuum: Ecocriticism and Postmodern Materialism.” (Part 2 of Serenella Iovino and Serpil
Oppermann,“Theorizing Material Ecocriticism: A Diptych”). ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in
Literature and Environment. Special Issue. Material Ecocriticism: Dirt, Waste, Bodies, Food, and
Other Matter. Eds. Heather Sullivan and Dana Phillips. 19.3 (Summer 2012): 460-475.
10. “Raymond Federman’s To Whom It May Concern: Reading Metafiction Ecocritically.” Revista Canaria de
Estudios Ingleses (Canary Island Journal of Literature). Special Issue on Ecocriticism. 64 (2012): 95110.
11. “ Material Ecocriticism: Materiality, Agency, and Models of Narrativity” (with Serenella Iovino). Ecozon@:
European Journal on Literature and Environment. 3.1 (Spring 2012):75-91
12. “Ecocriticism’s Theoretical Discontents.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Indterdisciplinary Study of Literature.
44. 2 (June 2011): 153- 169.
13. “The Fisherman of Halicarnassus’s Narratives of the White Sea (the Mediteranean): Translocal Subjects,
Nonlocal Connections.” Tamkang Review 41.2 (June 2011): 21-39.
14. “Ecocriticism’s Phobic Relations with Theory.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and
Environment. “Special Forum on Ecocriticism and Theory.” 18.1 (Winter 2011). 768-770.
15. “The Rhizomatic Trajectory of Ecocriticism.” ECOZON@: European Journal on Literature and
Environment. Special Issue on New Ecocritical Perspectives: European and Transnational
Ecocriticism. 1.1 (Spring 2010): 17-21.
16. “Seeking Environmental Awareness in Postmodern Fictions.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction.
49.3 (Spring 2008):243-253.
17. “A la búsqueda de conciencia medioambiental en la novella postmoderna.” Nerter: Monografia Ecocritica.
Eds. Carmen Flys Junquera, Juan Ignacio Oliva. 15-16 (verano-otõno 2010): 59-71. (Translation of my
essay in Critique).
18. “Ecological Imperialism in British Colonial Fiction.” H.U. Journal of Faculty of Letters. 24. 1 (June
19. “Doğa Yazınında Beden Politikası.” Littera: Edebiyat Yazıları.Ortak Kitap (Journal for the Study and
Research of World Literatures). 18 .13 (June 2006): 75-85. (Body Politics in Nature Writing)
20. “Theorizing Ecocriticism:Towards a Postmodern Ecocritical Practice.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in
Literature and Environment. 13.2 (Summer 2006): 103-128.
21. "Towards an Ecocentric Postmodern Theory: Fusing Deep Ecology and Quantum Mechanics." The
Trumpeter: A Journal of Ecosophy. 19. 1 (2003): 7-36
22. "Are We Really Interconnected? Ecophilosophy and Quantum Theory from a Postmodern Perspective"
JAST: Journal of American Studies of Turkey. 16 (Fall 2002): 51-64.
23. “Tarihyazımcı Postmodern Roman.” Frankofoni. Ortak Kitap 13. ( Ankara 2001): 473: 482.
(Historiographic Metafiction)
24. “Postmodern Parody and Intertextuality in Jeanette Winterson’s Boating for Beginners.” Journal of English
Literature and British Culture. 8 (1999-2000): 82-104.
25. “Ecocriticism: Natural World in the Literary Viewfinder.” H.U. Journal of Faculty of Letters. 16. 2
(December 1999):29-46.
26. “Paul Auster’s Quantum Reflections on Chance and Freedom in a Postmodern Reality.” JAST: Journal of
American Studies of Turkey. The Millennium Special Issue. (1999): 10-25.
27. “The Interplay Between Historicism and Textuality: Postmodern Histories.” H.U. Journal of Faculty of
Letters. 16. 1 (June 1999): 13-27.)
28. “Historicist Inquiry in the New Historicism and British Historiographic Metafiction.” H.U. Journal of
Faculty of Letters. 15. 1 (June 1998): 39-52.
29. "Raymond Federman's Closet Experience: The Great Divide." (with Dr. Michael Oppermann). The Journal
of American Culture and Literature: (15th Anniversary Special Issue 1997): 20-35.
30. "Raymond Federman's Double or Nothing: A Prolegomena to a Postmodern Production Aesthetics" (with
Dr. Michael Oppermann). Zeitschrifht für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. 45.1 (1997): 43-55. A longer
version of "Raymond Federman's Double or Nothing: A Prolegomena to a Postmodern Production
Aesthetics” is published in American Studies International. xxxv. 3 (October 1997):42-66.
31. "The Problematizing of History in Hawksmoor." 17th All-Turkey English Literature Proceedings. (10-12
April 1996): 147-158.
32. "The Novel as Performance: The Example of Raymond Federman" (with Dr. Michael Oppermann). JAST:
Journal of American Studies of Turkey. 3 (Spring 1996): 75-93.
33. "Subjectivity and Foundationalism in American Romanticism: The Example of Emerson." The Journal of
American Culture and Literature. Special Issue :Romanticism: The Persistent Impulse. (1995-1996 ):
34. "A Parodic Rehandling of Conventions: The French Lieutenant's Woman." JELL: Journal of English
Language and Literature. 3 (1995 Issue): 75-82.
35. " History and Subjectivity in Contemporary English Novel." JELL: Journal of English Language and
Literature. 3 (1995): 59-74.
36. "Feminist Literary Criticism: Expanding the Canon As Regards the Novel." Journal of English Language
and Literature. 2 (December 1994): 65-98.
37. "1968-1975: Looking Back on the Re-Birth of the Novel in America." The Journal of American Culture and
Literature. Uprising: Protests and the Arts. (1994): 37-47.
38. "I.A. Richards'tan Wolfgang Iser'e: Okur Merkezli Eleştiri ve Okuma Kuramının Gelişimi." Kuram 4 (Ocak
1994): 32-38. (From I.A.Richards to Wolfgang Iser: Reader-Response Criticism and the Development
of Reception Aesthetics)
39. "To Whom It May Concern: Rewriting of History as Fiction." H.U. Journal of the Faculty of Letters. 10. 2
(December 1993): 67-87.
40. "The Interchange Between Man and Nature in Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native." H.U. Journal of
the Faculty of Letters. 10. 1 (July 1993): 165-190.
41. " Kate Chopin'in 'Bir Saatin Öyküsü' Üzerine Eleştirel Düşünceler." (with Dr. Berrin Karayazıcı). Gündoğan
Edebiyat. 7 (Yaz 1993): 55-60. (Critical Thoughts on Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour")
42. "The Lost Key: A Defence of Interpretation." Journal of Poetry and Poetics (H.U. Department of American
Culture and Literature 1993 Issue): 68-73.
44. "John Fowles's Metafictional Games in Mantissa and A Maggot." Journal of English Language and
Literature. 1 (May 1993): 131-151.
45. "Postmodern Romanda Değişen Anlatım Biçemi ve 'Gerçeklik'/ 'Yazı' İkilemi." Littera 3 (1992): 246-259.
(The Changing Narrative Forms in the Postmodern Novel and the Reality/Writing Opposition)
46. "Daniel Martin: A Quest for Whole Sight Within Narrative Complexity." H.U. Journal of the Faculty of
Letters. 9. 1-2 (December 1992); 133-151.
47. "Transliteration." H.U. Mütercim-Tercümanlık Bölümü Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları. (Kasım 1992): 55-63.
48. "Possible Worlds of Postmodernism: A Survey of Metafiction and Historiographic Metafiction." Journal of
Department of American Culture and Literature 1982 (10th Anniversary Special Issue 1992): 305-322.
49. "Hermeneutics: Yorumbilim." Edebiyat ve Eleştiri. 3/4 (Temmuz-Eylül 1992): 86-92. (The Theory of
50. "1960 Sonrası İngiliz ve Amerikan Romanına Genel Bir Bakış." (with Dr. Berrin Karayazıcı) Karşı. 59
(Mart 1992): 13-17. (A Survey of post-1960 British and American Novel).
51. "The Emergence of Deconstruction: Theory and Practice." H.U. Journal of the Faculty of Letters. 8. 1-2
(Dcember 1991): 33-50.
52. "Enigmatic Fiction: The Popular Appeal of Postmodernism and John Fowles's Tale 'The Enigma.' " H.U.
The Birth and Growth of a Department (Journal of The Department of English Language and
Literature 1965): 25th Anniversary Special Edition 1990): 65-78.
53. "Postmodernism: An Unfinished Debate." H.U. Journal of the Faculty of Letters. 6. 1-2 (December 1989):
1. Review of Bodily Natures: Science, Environment, and the Material Self by Stacy Alaimo. Indiana University
Press, 2010, 193 pp., paper US$17.61. Environmental Ethics 34 (Spring 2012):103-106
2. Review of Turning to Earth: Stories of Ecological Conversion by F. Marina Schauffler. University of
Virginia Press, 2003, 161 pp., hardcover US$49.50; paper US$14.95. The Trumpeter:Journal of
Ecosophy. 24. 3 (2008): 175- 181.
3. Review of Reinhabiting Reality: Towards a Recovery of Culture by Freya Mathews. Albany, NY: SUNY
Press, 2005, 228 pp., hardcover US$86.50; paper US$26.95. The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy. 24.
3 (2008): 167-174.
4. ”Postmodernism Gone Wild: Alev Alatlı’s Schrödinger’s Cat.” Çankaya University Journal of Arts and
Sciences. 6 (December 2006):231-237.
5.a. " Raymond Federman's Loose Shoes: a life story of sorts. ( 397-402).
5 b. "Raymond Federman and George Chambers: The Twilight of the Bums” (A joint Review with Michael
Oppermann) (402-404) appeared in
The Laugh that Laughs at the Laugh: Writing from and about the pen Man, Raymond Federman.
(Journal of Experimental Fiction 23). Ed. Eckhard Gerdes. San Jose, New York, Shanghai: Writers
Club Press, 2002. ( 387-404).
6 a. "The Twilight of the Bums: A Reading" ( 387-394).
6 b."Raymond Federman: 99 hand-written poems/ 99 ècrits à la main. (A joint review with Michael
Oppermann) ( 394-397).
1. Postmodern Tarih Kuramı: Tarihyazımı, Yeni Tarihselcilik ve Roman. Ankara: Evin Yayıncılık, 1999.
(Postmodern Theory of History: Historiography, the New Historicism and the Novel). Revised edition.
Rpt. Ankara: Phoenix, 2006.
2. The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons. (Co-Editor with Ufuk Özdağ, Nevin Özkan, and Scott Slovic).
Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.
3. Ekoeleştiri: Çevre ve Edebiyat. (Editor). Ankara: Phoenix, 2012. (Ecocriticism: Environment and Literature)
4. International Perspectives in Feminist Ecocriticiam (Co-Editor with Greta Gaard and Simon C. Estok) New
York: Routledge, 2013
5. Material Ecocriticism. (Co-Editor with Serenella Iovino). Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2014.
6. New International Voices in Ecocriticism. (Editor). New York: Lexington Books, 2015.
7. Environmental Humanities (Co-Editor with Serenella Iovino). London: Rowman and Littlefield, forthcoming
8. Posthuman Ecocriticism and the Limits of Agency: Science, Literature, Ethics. (Work in Progress)
1. "The Gap." A-Way with it!Contemporary Innovative Fiction. Ed. Eckhard Gerdes. New York: Writers Club
Press, 2002. 237-243. (with Michael Oppermann)
Readerships for Evaulation of articles:
Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters
JAST: Journal of American Studies of Turkey
The Trumpeter: A Journal of Ecosophy.
Çankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment
Bilig: Journal of Scocial Sciences of the Turkish World
Ecozon@:European Journal of Ecocriticism
Courses Taught:
Undergraduate: Literary Movements (A Survey of Western Thought), American Culture and History,
Highlights of American Literature, American Novel, Contemporary British Novel, 19 th Century English Novel,
18th Century English Novel, Modern British Novel, Postmodern Novel, Romantic Poetry, 18 th Century Prose
and Poetry, Victorian Literature, Literary Criticism I, Literary Criticism II, Postcolonial British Culture and
Literature, Ecocriticism, Ecocriticism.
Graduate (M.A and Ph.D. Courses): Contemporary Critical Theories, Feminist Theory, Contemporary British
Novel, Victorian Novel, Women Studies (Gender theories/French Feminist Theory), Contemporary Literary
Criticism, Contemporary Philosophical and Critical Theories, New Trends in Contemporary Western
Philosophy, Culture and Ecology, Colonial British Culture and Literature, Literary Theory: Major Movements,
Postcolonial Culture and Literature, Comparative Literature, Cultural Theory, British Women Novelists,
Environmental Philosophy, British Women Writers.
Selected Supervised Theses and Dissertations:
MA Theses:
“The Women in D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow, Women in Love and Lady Chatterley’s Lover,” by Didem
Öztekin, 1992; “Paper Figures: Fictional Identity of Characters in John Fowles’s Fiction,” by Şerife İ. Şahin,
1994; “An Anaylysis of Biographical Elements in James Joyce’s The Dubliners, by Bilge Çetin, 1997; “An
Analysis of Women’s Ambition and Desire for Self-Expression in George Eliot’s Middlemarch and Henry
James’s The Portrait of a Lady,” by Hatice Çelikdoğan, 1998; "Postmodern Representations of the Author in
John Fowles's Mantissa and Peter Ackroyd's Chatterton” by Barış Mete, 2004; “Parodying the Bible:
Postmodern Rewritings of Biblical Narratives in Jeanette Winterson’s Boating for Beginners, and Jenny Diski’s
Only Human,” by Papatya Alkan, 2005; "The Collapse of Metanarratives in Jeanette Winterson's The Passion,
Gut Symmetries, and Weight: A Lyotardian Approach " by Gülşah Dindar, June 2010); "Women and EcoDisasters in Maggie Gee's The Ice People, and Sarah Hall's The Carhullan Army: An Ecofeminist Approach" by
Selen Sepetoğlu, May 2014.
Doctoral Disserations:
“From the Collapse of Culture to Construction of Continuity: A Study of T.S. Eliot’s Poetics” by Nurten Birlik,
1999; “New Historicism in Theory and Fiction: A Study of Four Contemporary British Novels,” by Aytül
Özüm, 1999; “Postmodern Fabulation in the Postcolonial Novels of Salman Rushdie and Ben Okri” by Defne
Ersin Tutan, 2006. “Postmodern Realismsin Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry, Peter Ackroyd’s Plato
Papers, and Alasdair Gray’s Poor Things” by Papatya Alkan, June 2011.
Ongoing: Posthuman Ecology (Pelin Kümbet, June 2012--); "Posthuman Ecologies in the 21st-Century British,
American and, Australian Animations" by Başak Ağın Dönmez, (June 2012--); "Ecological Interactions: The
Sense of Place in E. M. Forster’s A Room with a View, D. H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow, and Ford Madox Ford’s
The Good Soldier" by Gülşah Dindar (June 2012--); "Posthuman Bodies in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go,
Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People, and Justina Robson’s Natural History" by Prelin Kümbet (June 2012--); "British
Climate Change Fiction in the Age of the Anthropocene by Fatma Aykanat (June 2013--); "Hybrid Identities in
Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea, Caryl Philipps’s The Final Passage, and Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People" by
Hatice Çelikdoğan June 2013--); and "Postnatural Environments: Literary Cartographies of Pollution in John
Brunner's The Sheep Look Up, Jim Crace's The Pesthouse, and John Burnside's Glister" by Kerim Can