Ayrıntılı özgeçmiş için tıklayınız


Ayrıntılı özgeçmiş için tıklayınız
1. Adı Soyadı
2. Doğum Tarihi
: 11 Şubat 1971
3. Unvanı
: Doçent Dr.
4. Öğrenim Durumu :
Y. Lisans
Tıp Fakültesi
Çocuk Sağ.ve Hast.
Çocuk Nefroloji
Ege Üniversitesi
Hacettepe Universitesi
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
5. Akademik Unvanlar
Yardımcı Doçent
Çocuk Sağ. Ve Hastalıkları
Hacettepe Üniv.
Çocuk Sağ. Ve Hastalıkları
Hacettepe Üniv
Doçent unvanını aldığı tarih: 2006
6. Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri
6.1 Yüksek Lisans Tezleri
Gür, P..”2000-2010 yılları arasında Pediatrik Nefroloji ve Pediatrik Patoloji
Ünitelerinde Üriner Sistemin Konjenital Anomalilerinin Değerlendirilmesi”,
Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Devam ediyor
7. Yayınlar
7.1 Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
7.1.1 Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan orijinal araştırma makaleleri
Ozaltin F., N. Besbas, D. Uckan, M. Tuncer, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, U. Saatci ve
A.Bakkaloglu. “The role of apoptosis in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura”.
Clin. Rheumatol. 22, 265-267 (2003)
Duzova A., A. Bakkaloglu, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, F. Ozaltin, Y.
Bassoy, ve E. Yilmaz. “Role of A-SAA in monitoring subclinical inflammation
and in colchicine dosage in familial Mediterranean fever”. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol.
21, 509-514 (2003)
Besbas N., F. Ozaltin, T. Coskun, S. Ozalp, U. Saatci, A. Bakkaloglu ve A.M.El
Nahas. “Relationship of leptin and insulin-like growth factor I to nutritional
status in hemodialyzed children”. Pediatr. Nephrol. 18, 1255-1259 (2003)
Sackesen C., A. Bakkaloglu, B. E. Sekerel, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, E. Yilmaz, G.
Adalioglu ve S. Ozen. “Decreased frequency of atopy in pediatric patients with
Familial Mediterranean Fever”. Ann. Rheum. Dis. 63, 187-190 (2004)
Bakkaloglu A., A.Duzova, S. Ozen, B. Balci, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, F. Ozaltin
ve E. Yilmaz. “The influence of SAA1, SAA2 gene polymorphisms on renal
amyloidosis, and on SAA/CRP value in patients with familial Mediterranean
fever in the Turkish population”. J. Rheumatol. 31, 1139-42 (2004)
Ozaltin F., A.Bakkaloglu, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, U. Kavak, M. Kalyoncu ve N.
Besbas. “The significance of IgA class of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
(ANCA) in childhood Henoch-Schonlein purpura”. Clin. Rheumatol. 23, 426-429
Duzova A., F. Ozaltin, A.Ozon, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen ve
A.Bakkaloglu. “Bone mineral density in children with familial Mediterranean
fever”. Clin. Rheumatol. 23, 230-234 (2004)
Besbas N., F. Ozaltin, F. Catal, S. Ozen, R.Topaloglu ve A.Bakkaloglu.
“Macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 and interleukin-8 in acute
poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis”. Pediatr. Nephrol. 9, 864-868 (2004)
Ruf R.G., M. Schultheiss, A. Lichtenberger, S.M. Karle, I. Zalewski, B. Mucha,
A.S. Everding, T. Neuhaus, L. Patzer, C. Plank, J.P. Haas, F. Ozaltin , A. Imm, A.
Fuchshuber, A. Bakkaloglu, F. Hildebrandt ve APN Study Group. “Prevalence of
WT1 mutations in a large cohort of patients with steroid-resistant and steroidsensitive nephrotic syndrome”. Kidney. Int. 66, 564-570 (2004)
Topaloglu R., F. Ozaltin, E. Yilmaz, S. Ozen, B. Balci, N. Besbas ve A.
Bakkaloglu. “E148Q is a disease causing MEFV mutation: a phenotypic
evaluation in patients with familial Mediterranean fever”. Ann. Rheum. Dis. 64,
750-752 (2005)
Turkish FMF Study Group. “Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) in Turkey:
Results of a Nationwide Multicenter Study”. Medicine (Baltimore), 84, 1-11
Ozaltin F., N.Besbas, A.Bakkaloglu, S. Gucer, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, G. Kale ve
M. Caglar. “Apoptosis and proliferation in childhood proliferative
glomerulonephritis”. Pediatr. Nephrol. 20, 1572-1577 (2005)
Mucha B., F. Ozaltin, B.G. Hinkes, K. Hasselbacher, R.G. Ruf, M. Schultheiss,
D. Hangan, B. Hoskins, A.S. Everding, R. Bogdanovic, T. Seeman, B. Hoppe, F.
Hildebrandt ve Members of the APN Study Group. “Mutations in the Wilms’
Tumor 1 Gene Cause Isolated Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and Occur
in Exons 8 and 9”. Pediatr. Res. 59, 325-331 (2006)
Kalyoncu M., R. Topaloglu, U. Bayrakci, A. Bakkaloglu, N. Besbas, F. Ozaltin,
M. Bakkaloglu. “Cyclosporine drug monitoring with C0 and C2 concentrations in
children with stable renal allograft function.” Pediatr. Transplant 10, 168-171
Hasselbacher K., R.C. Wiggins, V. Matejas, B.G. Hinkes, B. Mucha, B.E.
Hoskins, F. Ozaltin, G. Nurnberg, C. Becker, D. Hangan, M. Pohl, E. KuwertzBroking, M. Griebel, V. Schumacher, B. Royer-Pokora, A. Bakkaloglu, P.
Nurnberg, M. Zenker, F. Hildebrandt. “Recessive missense mutations in LAMB2
expand the clinical spectrum of LAMB2-associated disorders.” Kidney Int. 70(6),
1008-1012 (2006)
Hinkes B., R.C. Wiggins, R. Gbadegesin, C.N. Vlangos, D. Seelow, G. Nürnberg,
P. Garg, R. Verma, H. Chaib, B.E. Hoskins, S. Ashraf, C. Becker, H.C. Hennies,
M. Goyal, B.L. Wharram, A.D. Schachter, S. Mudumana, I. Drummond, D.
Kerjaschki, R. Waldherr, A. Dietrich, F. Ozaltin, A. Bakkaloglu, R. Cleper, L.
Basel-Vanagaite, M. Pohl, M. Griebel, A.N. Tsygin, A. Soylu, D. Müller, C.S.
Sorli, T.D. Bunney, M. Katan, J. Liu, M. Attanasio, J.F. O'Toole, K.
Hasselbacher, B. Mucha, E.A. Otto, R. Airik, A. Kispert, G.G. Kelley, A.V.
Smrcka, T. Gudermann, L.B. Holzman, P. Nürnberg, F. Hildebrandt. “Positional
cloning uncovers mutations in PLCE1 responsible for a nephrotic syndrome
variant that may be reversible.” Nat. Genet. 38(12), 1397-1405 (2006)
Utsch B., A. Bokenkamp, M.R. Benz, N. Besbas, J. Dotsch, I. Franke, S. Frund, F.
Gok, B. Hoppe, S. Karle, E. Kuwertz-Broking, G. Laube, M. Neb, M. Nuutinen,
F. Ozaltin, W. Rascher, T. Ring, V. Tasic, J.A. van Wijk, M. Ludwig. “Novel
OCRL1 Mutations in Patients With the Phenotype of Dent Disease.” Am. J.
Kidney Dis. 48(6), 942-954 (2006)
Ozen S., A. Bakkaloglu, R. Dusunsel, O. Soylemezoglu, F. Ozaltin, H. Poyrazoglu,
O. Kasapcopur, O. Ozkaya, F. Yalcinkaya, A. Balat, N. Kural, O. Donmez, H.
Alpay, A. Anarat, S. Mir, A. Gur-Guven, F. Sonmez, F. Gok. “On behalf of
Turkish Pediatric Vasculitis Study Group. Childhood vasculitides in Turkey: a
nationwide survey.” Clin. Rheumatol. 26(2),196-200 (2007)
Hinkes B.G., B.Mucha, C.N. Vlangos, R. Gbadegesin, J.Liu, K. Hasselbacher, D.
Hangan, F. Ozaltin, M. Zenker, F. Hildebrandt and Members of the APN Study
Group. “Nephrotic syndrome in the first year of life: Two thirds of cases are
caused by mutations in four genes (NPHS1, NPHS2, WT1, or LAMB2).”
Pediatrics. 119(4), e907-19 (2007)
Bilginer Y., F. Ozaltin, C. Basaran, T.F. Aki, E. Karabulut, A. Duzova, N.
Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, M. Bakkaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu. “Carotid intimamedia thickness in children and young adults with renal transplant: internal
carotid artery vs. common carotid artery.” Pediatr. Transplant. 11(8), 888-894
Ozaltin F., S. Heeringa, C.E. Poyraz, Y. Bilginer, S. Kadayifcilar, N. Besbas, R.
Topaloglu, S. Ozen, F. Hildebrandt, A. Bakkaloglu. “Eye involvement in children
with primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.” Pediatr. Nephrol. 23(3), 421427 (2008)
Gbadegesin R., B.G. Hinkes, B.E. Hoskins, C.N. Vlangos, S.F. Heeringa, J. Liu,
C. Loirat, F. Ozaltin, S. Hashmi, F. Ulmer, R. Cleper, R.Ettenger, C. Antignac,
R.C.Wiggins, M. Zenker, F. Hildebrandt. “Mutations in PLCE1 are a Major
Cause of Isolated Diffuse Mesangial Sclerosis (IDMS).” Nephrol. Dial.
Transplant. 23(4), 1291-1297 (2007)
Hinkes B., C. Vlangos, S. Heeringa, B. Mucha, R. Gbadegesin, J. Liu, K.
Hasselbacher, F. Ozaltin, F. Hildebrandt; and Members of the APN Study
Group. “Specific podocin mutations correlate with age of onset in steroidresistant nephrotic syndrome.” J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 19(2),365-371 (2008)
Duzova A., T. Aki, A. Bakkaloglu, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, F. Ozaltin,
Y. Bilginer, E. Demirkaya, M. Bakkaloglu. “Triple immunosuppression with
tacrolimus in pediatric renal transplantation: single-center experience.”
Transplant. Proc. 40(1),132-134 (2008)
Bilginer Y., R. Topaloglu, F.T. Aki, E.Demirkaya, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, S. Ozen,
A. Bakkaloglu, I. Erkan, M. Bakkaloglu. “Outcome of primary glomerular
disease in pediatric renal transplantation: a single-center experience.”
Transplant. Proc. 40(1),129-131 (2008)
Bilginer Y., F. Ozaltin, C. Basaran, A. Duzova, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen,
A. Bakkaloglu. “Evaluation of intima media thickness of the common and
internal carotid arteries with inflammatory markers in familial Mediterranean
fever as possible predictors for atherosclerosis.” Rheumatol. Int. 28, 1211-1216
Heeringa S.F., C.N.Vlangos, G. Chernin, B. Hinkes, R. Gbadegesin, J. Liu, B.E.
Hoskins, F. Ozaltin, F. Hildebrandt; Members of the APN Study Group.
“Thirteen novel NPHS1 mutations in a large cohort of children with congenital
nephrotic syndrome.” Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 23(11),3527-3533 (2008)
Besbas N., M. Draaken, M. Ludwig, O. Deren, D. Orhan, Y. Bilginer, F. Ozaltin.
“A novel CLCN7 mutation resulting in a most severe form of autosomal recessive
osteopetrosis.” Eur. J. Pediatr. 168, 1449-1454 (2009)
Altugan F.S., S. Ozen, N. Aktay-Ayaz, Ş. Güçer, R. Topaloğlu, A. Düzova, F.
Ozaltin, N. Beşbaş.”Treatment of severe Henoch-Schönlein nephritis: justifying
more immunosuppression.” Turk. J. Pediatr. 51(6), 551-555 (2009)
Canpınar H., F. Özaltın, Y. Bilginer, A. Bakkaloğlu, S. Özen. “Toll-like receptors
2 and 4 cell surface expression reflects endotoxin tolerance in Henoch-Schönlein
purpura.” Turk. J. Pediatr. 52, 22-27 (2010)
Topaloglu R., I. Er, B.G. Dogan, Y. Bilginer, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, S. Ozen, A.
Bakkaloglu, D. Gur. “Risk factors in community-acquired urinary tract
infections caused by ESBL-producing bacteria in children.” Pediatr. Nephrol.
25(5),919-925 (2010)
Beşbaş N., F. Ozaltin, S. Emre, A. Anarat, H. Alpay, A. Bakkaloğlu, E. Baskin, N.
Buyan, O. Dönmez, R. Düşünsel, M. Ekim, F. Gök, A. Gür-Güven, S. Kavukçu,
S. Mir, F. Sönmez. “Clinical course of primary focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in Turkish children: a report from the Turkish
Pediatric Nephrology FSGS Study Group.” Turk. J. Pediatr. 52(3), 255-261
Chernin G., V. Vega-Warner, D.S. Schoeb, S.F. Heeringa, B. Ovunc, P. Saisawat,
R. Cleper, F. Ozaltin, F. Hildebrandt; Group Members of the GPN Study.
“Genotype/Phenotype Correlation in Nephrotic Syndrome Caused by WT1
Mutations.” Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 5(9), 1655-1662 (2010)
Borzych D., L. Rees, I.S. Ha, A. Chua, P.G. Valles, M. Lipka, P. Zambrano, T.
Ahlenstiel, S.A. Bakkaloglu, A.P. Spizzirri, L. Lopez, F. Ozaltin, N. Printza, P.
Hari, H. Klaus, M. Bak, A. Vogel, G. Ariceta, H.K. Yap, B.A. Warady, F.
Schaefer. “The bone and mineral disorder of children undergoing chronic
peritoneal dialysis.” Kidney. Int. 78(12), 1295-304 (2010)
Demirkaya E., S. Ozen, Y. Bilginer, N.A. Ayaz, B.B. Makay, E. Unsal, M.
Erguven, H. Poyrazoglu, O. Kasapcopur, F. Gok, S. Akman, A. Balat, O.
Cavkaytar, B. Kaya, A. Duzova, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, N. Besbas, A.
Bakkaloglu, N. Arisoy, H. Ozdogan, S. Bakkaloglu, T. Turker. “The distribution
of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the eastern Mediterranean: results from the
registry of the Turkish Paediatric Rheumatology Association.” Clin. Exp.
Rheumatol. 29(1), 111-116 (2011)
Topaloğlu R., Y. Bilginer, A. Alikaşifoğlu, F. Ozaltin, N. Beşbaş, S. Ozen,
A.Bakkaloğlu. “Neuroendocrine immune system in familial Mediterranean
fever.” Turk. J. Pediatr. 52(6):588-593 (2010)
Tayfur A.C., N. Besbas, Y. Bilginer, F. Ozaltin, A. Duzova, M. Bakkaloglu, F.T.
Aki, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu. “Follow-up of patients with juvenile
nephronophthisis after renal transplantation: a single center experience.”
Transplant. Proc. 43(3):847-849 (2011)
Heeringa S.F., G. Chernin, M. Chaki, W. Zhou, A.J. Sloan, Z. Ji, L.X. Xie, L.
Salviati, T.W. Hurd, V. Vega-Warner, P.D. Killen, Y. Raphael, S. Ashraf, B.
Ovunc, D.S Schoeb, H.M. McLaughlin, R. Airik, C.N. Vlangos, R. Gbadegesin, B.
Hinkes, P. Saisawat, E. Trevisson, M. Doimo, A. Casarin, V. Pertegato, G. Giorgi,
H. Prokisch, A. Rötig, G. Nürnberg, C. Becker, S. Wang, F. Ozaltin, R.
Topaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu, S.A. Bakkaloglu, D. Müller, A. Beissert, S. Mir, A.
Berdeli, S. Varpizen, M. Zenker, V. Matejas, C. Santos-Ocaña, P. Navas, T.
Kusakabe, A. Kispert, S. Akman, N.A. Soliman, S. Krick, P. Mundel, J. Reiser, P.
Nürnberg, C.F. Clarke, R.C. Wiggins, C. Faul, F. Hildebrandt. “COQ6
mutations in human patients produce nephrotic syndrome with sensorineural
deafness.” J. Clin. Invest. 121(5):2013-24 (2011)
Ozaltin F., T. Ibsirlioglu, E.Z. Taskiran, D.E. Baydar, F. Kaymaz, M.
Buyukcelik, B.D. Kilic, A. Balat, P. Iatropoulos, E. Asan, N.A. Akarsu, F.
Schaefer, E. Yilmaz, A. Bakkaloglu; the PodoNet Consortium. “Disruption of
PTPRO Causes Childhood-Onset Nephrotic Syndrome.” Am. J. Hum. Genet. 89,
139-147 (2011)
Mele C., P. Iatropoulos, R. Donadelli, A. Calabria, R. Maranta, P. Cassis, S.
Buelli, Tomasoni, R. Piras, M. Krendel, S. Bettoni, M. Morigi, M. Delledonne, C.
Pecoraro, I. Abbate, M.R. Capobianchi, F. Hildebrandt, E. Otto, F. Schaefer, F.
Macciardi, F. Ozaltin, S. Emre, T. Ibsirlioglu, A. Benigni, G. Remuzzi, M. Noris,
PodoNet Consortium. “MYO1E Mutations and Childhood Familial Focal
Segmental Glomerulosclerosis.” N. Engl. J. Med. 365, 295-306 (2011)
Gürakan F., G. Bassoy, S. Wedenoja, N. Uslu, H. Ozen, F. Ozaltin, P. Höglund.
“Three cases of a rare disease, congenital chloride diarrhea, summons up the
variation in the clinical course and significance of early diagnosis and adequate
treatment in the prevention of intellectual disability.” Turk. J. Pediatr. 53(2),1948 (2011)
Topaloglu R., T. Vilboux, T. Coskun, F. Ozaltin, B. Tinloy, M. Gunay-Aygun, A.
Bakkaloglu, N. Besbas, L. van den Heuvel, R. Kleta, W.A. Gahl. “Genetic basis of
cystinosis in Turkish patients: a single-center experience.” Pediatr. Nephrol.
27(1):115-121 (2012)
Cil O., M. Ertunc, K.S. Gucer, F. Ozaltin, A.B. Iskit, R. Onur. “Endothelial
Dysfunction and Increased Responses to Renal Nerve Stimulation in Rat Kidneys
during Rhabdomyolysis-Induced Acute Renal Failure: Role of Hydroxyl
Radical.” Ren. Fail. 34(2):211-220 (2012)
Gokce M., Y. Bilginer, N. Besbas, F. Ozaltin, M. Cetin, F. Gumruk, S. Ozen.
“Hematological features of pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus: suggesting
management strategies in children.” Lupus. 21(8), 878-884 (2012)
Wei C., H. Trachtman, J. Li, C. Dong, A.L. Friedman, J.J. Gassman, J.L.
McMahan, M. Radeva, K.M. Heil, A. Trautmann, A. Anarat, S. Emre, G.M.
Ghiggeri, F. Ozaltin, D. Haffner, D.S. Gipson, F. Kaskel, D.C.Fischer, F.
Schaefer, J. Reiser; for the PodoNet and FSGS CT Study Consortia. “Circulating
suPAR in Two Cohorts of Primary FSGS.” J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (2012)
7.1.2. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan vaka sunumları
Balci S., S. Bostanoglu, G. Altınok, F.Özaltın, “Sibs diagnosed prenatally with
situs inversus totalis, renal and pancreatic dysplasia, and cysts: a new
syndrome?” Am. J. Med. Genet. 82(2),166-169 (1999)
Balcı, S., G. Altınok, F. Ozaltin, D. Aktas, E. A. Niron, B. Önol, “Laryngeal
atresia presenting as fetal ascites, olygohydramnios and lung appearance
mimicking cystic adenomatoid malformation in a 25-week-old fetus with Fraser
syndrome”, Prenat. Diagn. 19(9), 856-858 (1999)
Balci, S., S. Bostanoğlu, G.Altınok, F. Özaltin, “New syndrome?: Three sibs
diagnosed prenatally with situs inversus totalis, renal and pancreatic dysplasia,
and cysts”, Am. J. Med. Genet. 90(3),185-187 (2000)
Yetgin, S., M. Çetin , I. Yenicesu, F. Özaltın, D.Uckan, “Acute parvovirus B19
infection mimicking juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia”, Eur. J. Haematol. 65(4),
276-278 (2000)
Besbas, N., A. Duzova, R. Topaloglu, F. Gok, F. Ozaltin, S. Ozen, A. Bakkaloglu,
“Pulmonary haemorrhage in a 6-year-old boy with Henoch-Schonlein purpura”,
Clin. Rheumatol. 20(4), 293-296 (2001)
Semerci, C.N.,, I. Bebitoglu, A. Kacar, S. Yurttagül, S. Erçakmak, D. Ertoy, F.
Özaltin, S. Balci, “An unusual fetus with complete absence of thoracic, lumbar
and sacral vertebrae, bilateral renal agenesis, VSD, meningomyelocele,
imperforate anus, and teratoma” Clin. Dysmorphol. 10(1), 57-60 (2001)
Balcı, S., S.M. Nabaei, F. Ozaltin, B. Onol, “Bilateral subpleural ectopic brain
tissue in a 23-week-old fetus”, Turk. J. Pediatr. 43(3), 273-275 (2001)
Beşbas, N., E. Özyürek, F. Balkancı, S. Ozen, I. Saatçi, F. Özaltın, A.Bakkaloğlu,
“Behçet’s disease with severe arterial involvement in a child”, Clin. Rheumatol.
21(2), 176-179 (2002)
Besbas N., F. Ozaltin, K. Tinaztepe, S. Gucer , S. Ozen, M. Bakkaloglu, A.
Bakkaloglu, “Successful renal transplantation in a child with ANCA associated
microscopic polyangiitis”, Pediatr. Nephrol., 18: 696-699, 2003
Ozaltin F., B. Yalcin, D. Orhan, N. Sari, M. Caglar, N. Besbas, A. Bakkaloglu,
“An unusual cause of acute renal failure: renal lymphoma”, Pediatr.
Nephrol.,19(8): 912-4, 2004
Ozaltin, F., E. Aypar, N. Besbas, N. Kiper, G. Kale, D. Orhan, A. Bakkaloglu ve
S. Ozen, “Sino-Pulmonary-Renal disease in a child”, Pediatric Rheumatology
Online Journal 2(1), 51-62 (2004)
Besbas, N., F. Ozaltin, N. Jeck, H. Seyberth, M. Ludwig, “CLCN5 mutation
(R347X) associated with hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis in a Turkish child: an
unusual presentation of Dent’s disease”, Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 20, 1476-1479
Balcı, S., A.B. Akcan, M.E. Şenocak, A.Ö. Çiftçi, F. Özaltın, “A 13-year-old
female with Turner syndrome and achalasia”, Turk. J. Pediatr. 48, 272-274
Bilginer, Y., F. Ozaltin, A. Duzova, I. Erdogan, T.F. Aki, M. Demircin, M.
Bakkaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu, “Right atrial thrombosis complicating renal
transplantation in a child”, Pediatr. Transplant. 12, 251-255 (2008)
Yildirim, I., M. Ceyhan, N. Bayrakci, M. Uysal, B. Kuskonmaz, F. Ozaltin, “A
case report of thrombocytopenia-associated multiple organ failure secondary to
salmonella enterica serotype typhi infection in a pediatric patient: successful
treatment with plasma Exchange”, Ther. Apher. Dial. 14(2), 226-229 (2010)
Hakan, N., M. Aydin, O. Erdogan, Y.H. Cavusoglu, Z. Aycan, F. Ozaltin, A.
Zenciroglu, S. Apaydin, R. Gunes, G. Sahin, G. Cinar, N. Okumus, “A novel
WT1 gene mutation in a newborn infant diagnosed with Denys-Drash
syndrome”, Genet. Counsel. 23(2), 255-261 (2012)
Baskin E, S. Bayrakci, F. Alehan, H. Ozdemir, A. Oner, R. Horvath, V. VegaWarner, F. Hildebrandt, F. Ozaltin, “Respiratory-chain deficiency presenting as
diffuse mesangial sclerosis with NPHS3 mutation”, Pediatr. Nephrol. 26:1157-61,
Ameli, S., M. Mazaheri, A. Zare-Shahabadi, F. Ozaltin, F. Asgarian, M.
Monajemzadeh, B. Bazargani, N. Ataei, N. Hajezadeh, A. Madani, T. Esfahani,
A. Isaian, M. Zenker, N. Rezaei, “NPHS2 gene mutation in an Iranian family
with familial steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome”, Nefrologia. 32(5), 674-676
Topaloglu, R., E.Z. Taskiran, C. Tan, B. Erman, F. Ozaltin, O. Sanal, “C1q
deficiency: identification of a novel missense mutation and treatment with fresh
frozen plasma”, Clin. Rheumatol. 31(7), 1123-1126 (2012)
Besbas N, B. Gulhan, D. Karpman, R. Topaloglu, A. Duzova, E. Korkmaz, F.
Ozaltin, “Neonatal onset atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome successfully treated
with eculizumab”, Pediatr. Nephrol. 2012
7.1.3. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan editöre mektuplar
Sanal, Ö., F. Özaltin, İ.Tezcan, F. Ersoy, “Serum IgD concentrations in patients
with ataxia telangiectasia and with selective IgA deficiency”, Int. Arch. Allergy.
Immunol. 116(3), 246 (1998)
Ozaltın, F., A. Bakkaloglu, M. Orhon, A. Duzova, M. Irkec, “Bilateral uveitis in a
7-year-old patient with familial Mediterranean fever. An extremely rare
complication”, Clin. Exp. Rheumatol. 19 (5 Suppl 24), S80-81 (2001)
Ozaltin, F. A. Bakkaloglu, I.N. Saltik, H.Demir, A.Duzova, A. Bulun, N.Besbas, R.
Topaloglu, S. Ozen, “Helicobacter pylori infection in Turkish children with
familial Mediterranean fever: is it a cause of persistent inflammation?” Clin.
Rheum. 23, 186-187 (2004)
Balci, Y.I., B. Tavil, G. Fidan, F. Ozaltin, “Cerebral sinovenous thrombosis in a
child with steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome”, Eur. J. Pediatr. 166,757-758
Balci, S., F. Ozaltin, S. Bostanoğlu, “New syndrome--situs inversus totalis with
cystic dysplasia of kidneys, pancreas and bowing”, Clin. Dysmorphol. 19(3),173174 (2004)
7.2 Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceeedins)
basılan bildiriler.
7.2.1. Sözlü sunumlar
Ozaltın, F., N. Besbas, D. Uçkan, M.Tuncer, R.Topaloğlu, S.Özen ve
A.Bakkaloğlu, “The role of apoptosis in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura,”
XXXVIII Congress of the ERA-EDTA, Vieanna, Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 16,
A59 (2001)
Ozaltin, F., N. Besbas, T. Coskun, A. Duzova, S. Ozen, R.Topaloglu ve A.
Bakkaloglu, “The value of leptin and IGF-I in the malnutrition of children under
CAPD,” 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric Nephrology,
Bilbao, Pediatr. Nephrol. (Abstracts) 17, C54,O35 (2002)
Besbas, N., F. Catal, F.Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, A. Duzova, S. Ozen, Y.Bassoy ve A.
Bakkaloglu, “The role of MCP-1 and IL-8 in acute poststreptococcal
glomerulonephritis,” 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric
Nephrology, Bilbao, Pediatr Nephrol (Abstracts) 17, C51, O25 (2002)
Ozaltin, F., A. Bakkaloglu, S. Ozen, U. Kavak, M. Kalyoncu, R.Topaloglu ve N.
Besbas, “The significance of IgA class of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
(ANCA) in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura,” Xth European Pediatric
Rheumatology Congress Annual Scientific Meeting of PRES, Stresa, (2003)
Hasselbacher, K., R. Wiggins, B. Mucha, B. Hinkes, M. Pohl, M. Zenker, F.
Ozaltin, A. Bakkaloglu, D. Hangan ve F. Hildebrandt, “Recessive Mutations in
LAMB2 as cause of congenital nephrotic syndrome (CNS),” The American
Society of Nephrology Renal Week, Philadelphia, J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (Abstracts
issue),16, 92A, SA-FC048 (2005)
Bilginer, Y., C. Basaran, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, M. Ozmen
ve A. Bakkaloglu, “Long term implications of inflammation in familial
Mediterranean fever assessed by intima media thickness: a predictor for
atherosclerosis?” Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2006),
Amsterdam, Ann. Rheum.Dis., 65(Suppl II), p100, OP0152 (2006)
Bilginer, Y., R.Topaloglu, A. Alikasifoglu, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, S. Ozen ve
A.Bakkaloglu, “Is there a defect in the neuroendocrine immune system in
familial Mediterranean fever?” 14th European Paediatric Rheumatology
Congress, İstanbul, Abstract YIM OP-9, p 31, (2007)
Schaefer, F., D. Borzych, S.Testa, M.Cantwell, M.Lipka, F. Ozaltin, A.R. Watson,
G. Klaus, E. Verrina, S. Bakkaloglu, N. Aksu, B.A. Warrady ve International
Pediatric PD Network (IPPN), “Are the pediatric K/DOQI bone guidelines
appropriate for children on chronic peritoneal dialysis?” 42nd Annual Meeting
ESPN, Lyon, Pediatr. Nephrol., 23, 1585, O11 (2008)
Ozaltin, F., T. Ibsirlioglu, Z.E.Taskiran, D.Ertoy Baydar, F. Kaymaz, M.
Buyukcelik, P.Iatropoulos, N.A. Akarsu, F. Schaefer ve A. Bakkaloglu,
“Disruption of the ptpro gene causes childhood onset nephrotic syndrome,” 44th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology,
Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Pediatr. Nephrol. 26, 1573-1590, OS3-FRI-139 (2011)
Trautmann, A., K. Heil, F. Ozaltin, M. Azocar, S. Emre, S. Caliskan, F. Emma,
G.M. Ghiggeri ve F. Schaefer, for the PodoNet consortium, “Multidrug resistance
and genetic diagnosis define poor long-term prognosis in Steroid Resistant
Nephrotic Syndrome (SRNS),” 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European
Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Pediatr. Nephrol. 26,
1573-1590, OS3-FRI-456 (2011)
Besbas, N., B. Gulhan, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, A. Duzova, C. Yildiz ve F. Ozaltin,
“Atypical HUS and Eculizumab Treatment: Experience of a Tertiary Center,”
45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric
Nephrology, Krakow, Pediatr. Nephrol. 27, 1630, #OP47 (2012)
7.2.2. Poster sunumları
Ozaltin, F., S. Balci, G. Tekinalp, Z. Akçören, M. Eryılmaz, S. Göğüs ve C.A.
Öztürk, “A severe case of Walker-Warburg syndrome with hydrencephalus,
cataract, glaucoma, microphtalmia and anorchia in a one day old male infant,”
29th Annual Meeting of The European Society of Human Genetics, Genova,
P2.023, (1997)
Ozaltin, F., N. Beşbaş, A. Tuncer, A. Gürgey, G. Tuncer ve Ü. Saatçi, “Evidence
of disseminated intravascular coagulation associated with rheumatoid vasculitis:
could it be related to macrophage activation syndrome?” Fifth European
Conference On Pediatric Rheumatology, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, F18,(1997)
Yılmaz, E., S. Ozen , A.Bakkaloglu, A.Duzova , F.Ozaltin , R.Topaloglu ,
N.Besbas, Ü. Saatci ve M. Ozguc, “Mutation analysis and amyloidosis and
evidence for a high carrier rate in the Turkish population,” XXXVIII Congress
of the ERA-EDTA, Vienna, pp25, (2001)
Duzova, A. , S. Ozen, N. Besbas , F. Ozaltin , F. Catal , R. Topaloglu , A.
Bakkaloglu, “Acute renal failure in children: Experience of a tertiary health
center in Turkey”, XXXVIII Congress of the ERA-EDTA, Vieanna, pp83, (2001)
Ozaltin F., N. Besbas , A. Bakkaloglu, T. Coskun , A. Duzova , S. Ozen , R. Emre,
R. Topaloglu , S. Tekgül, M. Bakkaloglu, “Nutritional assessment of children on
continuous ambulatory peritonela diaysis: value of leptin snd IGF-1”, XXXVIII
Congress of the ERA-EDTA, Vieanna, pp224, (2001)
Ozaltin F., A. Bakkaloglu, N. Besbas , D. Us, M. Bakkaloglu, A. Duzova , R.
Topaloglu, S. Ozen, ”Serum bone turnover parameters in uremic children under
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis”, XXXVIII Congress of the ERAEDTA, Vieanna, pp307, (2001)
Ozaltin F., N. Besbas, T. Coskun, A. Duzova, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, A.
Bakkaloglu, “The value of leptin and IGF-I in the malnutrition of children under
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)”, XXXIX ERA-EDTA
Congress, Cophenhagen, P422, (2002)
Besbas N., F. Ozaltin, F. Catal, R. Topaloglu, A. Duzova, S. Ozen, Y. Bassoy, A.
Bakkaloglu, “The role of MCP-1 and IL-8 in acute poststreptococcal
glomerulonephritis”, XXXIX ERA-EDTA Congress, Cophenhagen, P422, (2002)
Bakkaloğlu A, E. Yilmaz, B. Balcı, S. Kutlay, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, A. Duzova,
F. Ozaltin, S. Erturk, A. Oner, N. Besbas, “SAA1 polymorphism is a predictor
for amyloid development in familial Mediterranean fever”, 36th Annual Meeting
of European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, Bilbao, Pediatr. Nephrol.
(Abstracts) 17; C84:P090, (2002)
Duzova A, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, A. Bakkaloglu, “Bone
mineral content, serum and urinary bone turnover parameters in familial
Mediterranean fever”, III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean
Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders, Montpellier, Clin. Exp.
Rheumatol., 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-81: B20, (2002)
Topaloglu R, F. Ozaltin, B. Balci, A. Bakkaloglu, S. Ozen, N. Besbas, “The
phenotypic features of the E148Q mutation in the Turkish patients with FMF”,
III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary
Inflammatory Disorders, Montpellier. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol., 20(4) (Suppl 26):
S-82: B23, (2002)
Sackesen C, S. Ozen, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, B. Sekerel, A. Bakkaloglu,
“Decreased atopic sensitization in children with familial Mediterranean fever”,
III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary
Inflammatory Disorders”, Montpellier, Clin. Exp. Rheumatol., 20(4) (Suppl 26):
S-86: C6, (2002)
Ozaltin F, A. Bakkaloglu, I.N. Saltik, A. Duzova, S. Ozen, N. Besbas,
“Helicobacter pylori infection in Turkish children with familial Mediterranean
fever: is it a causative agent inducing inflammation?”, III International
Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory
Disorders, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-87: C9, (2002)
Duzova A, F. Gumruk, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, C. Altay, A. Bakkaloglu, “The
prevalence of beta-thalassemia trait in patients with familial Mediterranean
fever”, III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and
Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders, Montpellier, Clin. Exp. Rheumatol., 20(4)
(Suppl 26): S-89: C17, (2002)
Ozaltin F, N. Besbas, A. Bakkaloglu, S. Gucer, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, M. Caglar,
“The role of apoptosis in the course of crescentic glomerulonephritis in
childhood”, World Congress of Nephrology, Berlin, Nephrol. Dial. Transplant.,
18 (Suppl 4): S-526: T761, (2003)
Besbas N., M. Alikasifoglu, S. Ozen, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, E. Tuncbilek, A.
Bakkaloglu, “Do RAS gene (ACE and AT1) polymorphisms affect the risk and
outcome of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis?”, World Congress of Nephrology,
Berlin, Nephrol. Dial. Transplant., 18 (Suppl 4): S-257: M802, (2003)
Besbas N., F. Ozaltin, M. Alikasifoglu, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, A. Bakkaloglu,
“The efficacy of ınfliximab in the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis”, Xth
European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress Annual Scientific Meeting of PRES,
Stresa, Italy, (2003)
Kavak U., R. Topaloglu, N. Besbas, S. Ozen, A. Duzova, F. Ozaltın, M.
Kalyoncu, A. Bakkaloglu, “Effect of early corticosteroid therapy on developing
delayed nephritis in Henoch-Schonlein purpura”, Xth European Pediatric
Rheumatology Congress Annual Scientific Meeting of PRES, Stresa, Italy, (2003)
Ozaltin F., A. Duzova, A. Ozon, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, A. Bakkaloglu,
“Bone mineral density in children with familial mediterranean fever”, Xth
European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress Annual Scientific Meeting of PRES,
Stresa, Italy, (2003)
Sackesen C., A. Bakkaloglu, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, N. Besbas, S. Ozen, “Atopy
is decreased in pediatric patients wıth familial mediterranean fever”, Xth
European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress Annual Scientific Meeting of PRES,
Stresa, Italy, (2003)
Guc D., A.L. Dogan, A. Bakkaloglu, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, B. Prakken, S. Albani,
S. Ozen, “Cellular response against streptococci in paediatric Henoch Schonlein
purpura and polyarteritis nodosa”, Annual European Congress of
Rheumatology, Berlin, FRI0461, (2004)
Yigitbas E, A. Uner, M.T. Dorak, W.Z. Ding, G. Tatayoglu, B. Balci, A. Duzova,
F. Ozaltin, S. Ozen, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, E. Yilmaz, A. Bakkaloglu, M.
Ozguc, E. Kansu, P.A. Fraser, “MICA exon 5 microsatellite alleles in Turkish
patients with FMF”, Hum. Immunol., 65 (Suppl 1): S105-S105, (2004)
Bilginer Y, D. Guc, L. Dogan, A. Bakkaloglu, N. Besbas, F. Ozaltin, B. Prakken,
S. Albani, S. Ozen S, “T-Cell response against heat shock peptides and
streptococci in pediatric Henoch Schonlein purpura and polyarteritis nodosa”,
Arthritis Rheum., 50 (12): 4093-4093, (2004)
Duzova A. , M. Kalyoncu, T. Aki, U. Bayrakci, F. Ozaltin, M. Bakkaloglu,
“Calcineurin inhibitors combined with mycophenolate mofetil and prednisolone
in pediatric renal recipients: single center experience”, 39th Annual Meeting of
the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Istanbul, Pediatr. Nephrol., 20:
C44; PP-061, (2005)
Ozaltin F., N. Besbas, A. Bakkaloglu, S. Gucer, G. Kale, A. Duzova, S. Ozen, R.
Topaloglu, M. Caglar, “Prognosis of acute poststreptococcal crescentic
glomerulonephritis (APSCG) in children”,
39th Annual Meeting of the
European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Istanbul, Pediatr. Nephrol., 20:
C68; PP-200, (2005)
Kalyoncu M., N. Besbas, K. Ozgul, A. Duzova, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen,
M. Ozguc, A. Bakkaloglu, “G/A polymorhism and levels of monocyte
chemoattractant protein-1 in children with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis”,
39th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology ,
Istanbul, Pediatr. Nephrol., 20: C73; PP-230, (2005)
Mucha BE, F. Ozaltin, B. Hinkes, K. Hasselbacher, R.G. Ruf, M. Schultheiss, A.
Bakkaloglu, F. Hildebrandt, “ Mutations in the WT1 gene cause isolated steroid
resistant nephrotic syndrome and occur in exons 8 and 9”, The American Society
of Nephrology Renal Week, Philadelphia, J. Am. Soc. Nephrol., 16: 365A; FPO126, (2005)
Mucha BE, B. Hinkes, F. Ozaltin, M. Schultheis , R.G. Ruf, K. Hasselbacher, A.
Bakkaloglu, F. Hildebrandt, “Congenital nephrotic syndrome is primarily caused
by mutations in nephrin, podocin and WT1”, The American Society of
Nephrology Renal Week, Philadelphia, USA, J. Am. Soc. Nephrol., 16: 365A; FPO127, (2005)
Besbas N, F. Ozaltin, A. Duzova, M. Kalyoncu, O. Sakalli, U. Bayrakci, R. Emre,
A. Bakkaloglu, “Peritoneal function test as a basis of assessment od adequate
therapy in children on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)”, 26th
Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, San Francisco, Perit. Dial. Int., 26
(Suppl 1); pp s48, (2006)
Bilginer Y., B. Salancı, S. Ozen, M. A. Kasifoglu, O. Kasapcopur, F. Ozaltin, R.
Topaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu, “Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene A1298C
polymorphism does not reflect the efficiacy of methotrexate in juvenile idiopathic
arthritis”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2006),
Amsterdam, Ann. Rheum. Dis., 65(Suppl II): p245, THU0430, (2006)
Bilginer Y., C.E. Poyraz, F. Ozaltin, S. Kadayifcilar, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S.
Ozen, F. Hildebrandt, A. Bakkaloglu, “Eye involvement in children with primary
FSGS”, XLIV ERA-EDTA Congress, Barcelona, Abstract ERA07L_1494:
SaP178, (2007)
Duzova A., O. Bircan, S. Ozen, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, N. Besbas, A.
Bakkaloglu, “Final diagnosis of patients referred to a tertiary referral center
with rheumatic complaints”, 14th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress,
İstanbul, Abstract PP-186, p 307, (2007)
Bilginer Y., N. Besbas, F. Ozaltin, A. Duzova, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, A.
Bakkaloglu, “Cerebral and pulmonary involvement: rare manifestations in
Henoch-Schonlein purpura with familial Mediterrranean fever”, 14th European
Paediatric Rheumatology Congress, İstanbul, Abstract PP-255, p383, (2007)
Ozaltin F., H. Canpinar, Y. Bilginer, U. Kalyoncu, R. Topaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu,
S. Ozen, “TLR expression in peripheral blood samples of patients with HenochSchonlein purpura and Behcet’s disease”, 14th European Paediatric
Rheumatology Congress, İstanbul, Abstract PP,256, p 384, (2007)
Bilginer Y., N. Gonc, A. Duzova, F. Ozaltin, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, N. Besbas, A.
Bakkaloglu, “Adrenocortical functions in children with chronic renal failure”,
14th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association, Budapest,
Pediatr. Nephrol., 22(9): 1560, 600(P), (2007)
Bilginer Y., R. Topaloglu, F. Aki, I. Erkan, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, S. Ozen, A.
Bakkaloglu, “Outcome of primary glomerular disease in pediatric
transplantation: a single center experience”, 14th Congress of the International
Pediatric Nephrology Association, Budapest, Pediatr. Nephrol., 22(9): 1577,
669(P), (2007)
Bilginer Y., S. Heeringa, C. Poyraz, F. Ozaltin, S. Kadayifcilar, N. Besbas, R.
Topaloglu, S. Ozen, F. Hildebrandt, A. Bakkaloglu, “Eye involvement in children
with primary FSGS”, 14th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology
Association, Budapest, Pediatr. Nephrol., 22(9): 1612, 811(P), (2007)
Berdeli A., A. N. Ayaz, S. Ozen, E. Demirkaya, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, N.
Besbas, A. Bakkaloglu, “Can Toll-like receptor 2 polymorphism affect the
phenotype of heterozygous?”, 5th International Congress on FMF and Systemic
Autoinflammatory Diseases, Rome, Clin. Exp. Rheumatol., 26(2): 188, N1, (2008)
Bilginer Y., A. Duzova, N. Gonc, F. Ozaltin, E. Baskin, E. Demirkaya, S. Ozen, R.
Topaloglu, N. Besbas, A. Bakkaloglu, “Is there a defect in neuroendocrine
immune system contributing the inflammation in chronic renal failure?”, 42nd
Annual Meeting ESPN, Lyon, Pediatr. Nephrol., 23: 1612, P063, (2008)
Besbas N., M. Draaken, M. Ludwig, O. Deren, D. Orhan, Y. Bilginer, F. Ozaltin,
“A family with a novel VLCN7 mutation presented with autosomal recessive
osteopetrosis and tubulopathy”, 42nd Annual Meeting ESPN, Lyon, Pediatr.
Nephrol., 23: 1650, P216, (2008)
Bilginer Y., I. Erdogan, A. Duzova, N. Besbas, M. Sahin, F. Ozaltin, E.
Demirkaya, A. Celiker, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu, “42nd Annual
Meeting ESPN, Lyon, Pediatr. Nephrol., 23: 1688, P365, (2008)
Topaloglu R., I. Er, B. Dogan-Guciz, D. Gur, Y. Bilginer, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas,
A. Bakkaloglu, “Treatment and outcome in community acquired UTI caused by
extended-spectrum beta lactamase producing enteric bacteria in children”, 42nd
Annual Meeting ESPN, Lyon, Pediatr. Nephrol., 23: 1703, P428, (2008)
Duzova A., Y. Bilginer, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, N. Besbas, E. Demirkaya, M.
Bakkaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu, “Comparison between serum creatinine and serum
csytatin C level in monitoring renal transplantation”, 5th Congress of the
International Pediatric Transplant Association, İstanbul, Pediatr Transplant, 13
(Suppl 1): 73; Abstract #115, (2009)
Duzova A., Y. Bilginer, F.T. Aki, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu,
“Preemptive renal transplantation in a mediterranean country”, 5th Congress of
the International Pediatric Transplant Association, İstanbul, Pediatr.
Transplant., 13 (Suppl 1): 82, Abstract #155, (2009)
Bilginer Y., I. Erdogan, A. Duzova, N. Besbas, F. Ozaltin, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu,
A. Bakkaloglu, M. Bakkaloglu, “Sinus tachycardia related to tacrolimus after
kidney transplantation in children and young adults”, 5th Congress of the
International Pediatric Transplant Association, İstanbul, Pediatr. Transplant., 13
(Suppl 1): 133, Abstract #363, (2009)
Ozaltin F., N. Besbas, A.B. Iskit, O. Cil, Z. Akcoren, G. Kale, A. Bakkaloglu,
“CKR-1 may play a role in inflammation in experimental mesangioproliferative
glomerulonephritis”, 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for
Paediatric Nephrology, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Pediatr. Nephrol., 26: 1573-1590,
PS1-FRI-140, (2011)
Gulhan B., D. Ö. Hacıhamdioğlu, Y. Bilginer, F. Özaltın, T. Aki, A. Düzova, S.
Özan, N. Beşbaş, R. Topaloğlu, “Hypertension after renal transplantation in
children”, 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric
Nephrology, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Pediatr. Nephrol., 26: 1573-1590, PS1-THU-411,
Hacihamdioglu D.O., F. Ozaltin, C. Zeybek, S. Kalman, E. Demirkaya, F. Gok,
“The benefits of cyclosporine treatment of the patient with NPHS2 mutation”,
45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric
Nephrology, Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow,
Pediatr. Nephrol., 27: 1703, #P131, (2012)
Topaloglu R., B. Gulhan, F. Ozaltin, A. Duzova, N. Besbas, “Rituximab in steroid
dependent and resistant nephrotic syndrome patients”, 45th Annual Scientific
Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Auditorium
Maximum of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Pediatr. Nephrol., 27: 1710,
#P146, (2012)
Gulhan B., A. Duzova, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, Y. Bilginer, A.C.
Tayfur, C. Yildiz, N. Besbas, “Peritoneal dialysis in children under two years of
age”, 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric
Nephrology, Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow,
Pediatr. Nephrol., 27: 1799, #P341, (2012)
Gulhan B., R. Topaloglu, Y. Bilginer, A.C. Tayfur, C. Yildiz, F. Ozaltin, A.
Duzova, S. Ozen, F.T. Aki, N. Besbas, “Conversion to sirolimus in pediatric renal
transplant recipients”, 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society
for Paediatric Nephrology, Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University,
Krakow, Pediatr. Nephrol., 27: 1818, #P381, (2012)
7.3 Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler
Ozaltin, F. ve S. Ozen, “Childhood Polyarteritis Nodosa”, Textbook of Clinical
Pediatrics, 2nd Edition, ed A.Y. Elzouki, F.B. Stapleton, R.J. Whitley, W. Oh,
H.A. Harfi, H. Nazer, 2nd edition, 1685-1687. Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Heidelberg. 2011.
Ozaltin, F. ve S. Ozen, “Vasculitis: Takayasu Arteritis”, Textbook of Clinical
Pediatrics, 2nd Edition, ed A.Y. Elzouki, F.B. Stapleton, R.J. Whitley, W. Oh,
H.A. Harfi, H. Nazer, 2nd edition, 1695-1696. Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Heidelberg. 2011.
Ozaltin, F. ve S. Ozen, “Vasculitis: Other Forms of Vasculitis”, Textbook of
Clinical Pediatrics, 2nd Edition, ed A.Y. Elzouki, F.B. Stapleton, R.J. Whitley,
W. Oh, H.A. Harfi, H. Nazer, 2nd edition, 1697-1699. Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Heidelberg. 2011.
Ozaltin, F. ve S. Ozen, “Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA)Associated Small-Vessel Vasculitides”, Textbook of Clinical Pediatrics, 2nd
Edition, ed A.Y. Elzouki, F.B. Stapleton, R.J. Whitley, W. Oh, H.A. Harfi, H.
Nazer, 2nd edition, 1689-1693. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. 2011.
7.4 Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler
Beşbaş, N. ve F. Özaltın, “Renal osteodistrofi: patogenez ve tedavi ilkeleri”,
Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 41, 565-580 (1998).
Beşbaş, N. ve F. Özaltın, “Sistemik Vaskülitler”, Katkı Pediatri Dergisi, 20(6),
703-25 (1999).
Özaltın, F. ve A. Bakkaloğlu, “Hipertansiyon taraması”, Katkı Pediatri Dergisi,
21(3), 353-61 (2000).
Özaltın, F. ve N. Beşbaş, “Nefrolojide Otoimmunite”, Katkı Pediatri Dergisi,
23(4), 414-25 (2002).
Özaltın, F. ve S. Özen, “Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşi”, Türkiye Tıp Dergisi, 10(2), 93-97
Özaltin,F. ve S. Özen, “Jüvenil spondiloartritler”, Türkiye Klinikleri İmmunoloji
Romatoloji, 4(1), 58-67 (2004).
Özaltın, F. ve A. Bakkaloğlu, “Sodyum ve su dengesi”, Katkı Pediatri Dergisi,
29(1), 41-60 (2007).
Özaltın, F. ve A. Bakkaloğlu, “Sodyum dengesi bozuklukları ve tedavisi”, Katkı
Pediatri Dergisi, 29(1), 61-92 (2007).
Özaltın, F., “Nefroloji ve Genetik”, Türkiye Klinikleri J. Pediatr. Sci., 4(1), 164178 (2008).
7.5 Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
Balcı S., B. Onol, M. Nabei, F. Özaltın, F. Söylemezoğlu, “Akciğerde ektopik
beyin dokusunun görüldüğü 23 haftalık bir fetusun sunumu”, XIII. Ulusal
Patoloji Kongresi, S18. İstanbul 1997.
Balcı S., S. Bostanoğlu, G. Altınok, F. Özaltın, “Prenatal fetal US ile tanı alan iki
kardeşte renal, pankreatik displazi ve kist, timik hipoplazi, situs inversus totalis,
alt ektremite kemiklerinde yaylanma ila karakterize yeni otozomal resesif bir
sendrom”, 3.Tıbbi Görüntüleme ve Girişimsel Radyoloji Kongresi, S802. Antalya
Özaltın F., N. Beşbaş, A. Tuncer, A. Gürgey, S. Özdemir, G. Tuncer, “Sistemik
Juvenil Romatoid Artrit’e (JRA) Bağlı Vaskülit ve DİK”, I.Ulusal Pediatrik
Romatoloji Kongresi, Ankara 1997.
Özaltın F., N. Besbas, D. Uçkan, M. Tuncer, R. Topaloğlu, S. Özen, A.
Bakkaloğlu, “Çocuklarda Henoch-Schönlein purpurasında apoptosisin rolü”, 18.
Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Sayfa 8,
SS/021. Kapadokya 2001.
Çatal F., N. Besbas , F. Özaltın , R. Topaloglu, A. Düzova , S. Özen, A.
Bakkaloğlu, “Akut poststreptokoksik glomerulonefritte MCP-1 ve IL-8'in
patogenezdeki yeri”, 18. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve
Transplantasyon Kongresi, Sayfa 8, SS/023. Kapadokya 2001.
Özaltın F. , S. Tekgül, M. Bakkaloğlu , S. Eskiçorapçı, S. Özen , R. Topaloğlu , N.
Besbas , A. Bakkaloğlu, “Pediatrik SAPD: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Deneyimi”, 6.
Ulusal Çocuk Ürolojisi Kongresi, Samsun 2001.
Düzova A., F. Özaltın, N. Beşbaş, R. Topaloğlu, S. Özen, A. Bakkaloğlu, “Ailevi
Akdeniz ateşinde kemik mineral kontenti, serum ve idrar kemik döngüsü
belirleyicileri”, 1.Ulusal Osteoporoz Kongresi, Antalya 2002.
Bakkaloğlu A., A. Düzova, B. Balcı, N. Beşbaş, R. Topaloğlu, F. Özaltın, S. Özen,
E. Yılmaz, “Ailevi Akdeniz ateşinde SAA1, SAA2 gen polimorfizmlerinin renal
amiloidoz ve SAA düzeyleri üzerine etkisi”, 3.Ulusal Pediatrik Nefroloji
Kongresi, Antalya 2002.
Özaltın F, N. Beşbaş, T. Coşkun, A. Düzova, S. Özen, R. Topaloğlu, A.
Bakkaloğlu, “Sürekli ayaktan periton diaylizi uygulanan son dönem böbrek
yetmezliğindeki çocuklarda beslenme durumunun değerlendirilmesinde leptin ve
IGF-1'in yeri”, 3.Ulusal Pediatrik Nefroloji Kongresi, Antalya 2002.
Balcı S., B. Akcan, A. Ö. Çiftçi, M. E. Şenocak, F. Özaltın, “Turner sendromlu ve
akalazyalı bir vaka. Çocukluktan Erişkinliğe Turner Sendromu”, Pediatrik
Endokrinoloji ve Oksoloji Derneği Sempozyumu-II, İstanbul 2003.
Özaltın F. , N. Besbas , D. Uçkan , M. Tuncer , R. Topaloğlu , S. Özen , A.
Bakkaloğlu, “The role of apoptosis in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura”, 1st
Meeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, pp49 ,
P6 . İstanbul 2001.
Duzova A., A. Bakkaoglu , N. Besbas , Ş. Gücer , K. Tinaztepe , R. Topalglu , S.
Ozen, F. Ozaltin, Ü. Saatci , “Cyclophosphamide and cyclosporin A in the
treatment of primary MPGN in children”, 1st Meeting of Southeastern European
Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, pp49 , P7. İstanbul 2001.
Duzova A. , S. Ozen , N. Besbas , F. Ozaltin , F. Catal , R. Topaloglu, A.
Bakkaloglu, “Acute renal failure in children: Experience of a tertiary health
center in Turkey”, 1st Meeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology
Working Group, pp 52, P20. İstanbul 2001.
Ozaltin F. , A. Bakkaloglu , N. Besbas , D. Us , M. Bakkaloglu , A. Duzova, R.
Topaloglu , S. Ozen, “Serum bone turnover parameters in uremic children under
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis”, 1st Meeting of Southeastern
European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, pp 53, P21. İstanbul 2001.
Ozaltin F. , N. Besbas, A. Bakkaloglu, T. Coskun, A. Duzova, S. Ozen, R. Emre,
R. Topaloglu, S. Tekgül, M. Bakkaloglu, “Nutritional assessment of children on
continuous ambulatory peritoneal diaysis: value of leptin snd IGF-1”, 1st
Meeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, pp 53,
P22. İstanbul 2001.
Ozen S. , E. Yılmaz, A. Bakkaloglu, A. Duzova, F. Ozaltin , R. Topaloglu , N.
Besbas , Ü. Saatci, “Mutation analysis in Familial Mediterranean fever and
amyloidosis and evidence for a high carrier rate in the Turkish population”, 1st
Meeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, pp 57,
P40. İstanbul 2001.
Ozen S , D. Ertoy, I. Heidet, L. Cohen-Solal, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, A. Duzova,
F. Ozaltin, H. Ozen, A. Bakkaloglu, C. Antignac, “Benign Familial hematuria
associated with a novel COL4A4 mutation”, 1st Meeting of Southeastern
European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, pp 58, P44. İstanbul 2001.
Düzova A., A. Bakkaloğlu , N. Besbas , Ş. Güçer , K. Tınaztepe , R. Topaloğlu , S.
Özen , F. Özaltın , Ü. Saatçi, “Çocukluk çağı MPGN tedavisinde silofosfamid ve
siklosporin A tedavisi”, 18. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve
Transplantasyon Kongresi, Sayfa 14, P-GN/007. Kapadokya 2001.
Özaltın F. , A. Bakkaloglu, N. Besbas, D. Us, A. Düzova, R. Emre, S. Özen, R.
Topaloglu, S. Tekgül, M. Bakkaloglu, “Sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi
uygulanan çocuk hastalarda serum kemik turnover parametreleri”, 18. Ulusal
Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Sayfa 50, PP/116. Kapadokya 2001.
Özaltın F. , N. Besbas, A. Bakkaloglu, T. Coskun, A. Düzova, S. Özen, R. Emre,
R. Topaloglu, S. Tekgül, M. Bakkaloglu, “Sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi
uygulanan çocukların nutrisyonel değerlendirmesi: Leptin ve IGF-1'in değeri”,
18. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Sayfa
50, P-PD/117. Kapadokya 2001.
Kavak U, F. Özaltın, D. Orhan, N. Beşbaş, G. Kale, A. Bakkaloğlu,
“Nefrokalsinozisin eşlik ettiği konjenital mezoblastik nefroma”, 3.Ulusal
Pediatrik Nefroloji Kongresi, Antalya 2002..
8. Projeler
“Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşinde SAA1, SAA2 ve ApoE Polimorfizmleri ve Bu
Polimorfizmlerin Amiloidoz ile Hastalardaki Kolşisin Farmakogenetiği ile
İlişkisi”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Güdümlü altyapı projesi, 01 G 003,
Yardımcı Araştırıcı, 2003
“Deneysel Proliferatif Glomerulonefrit Modelinde MCP-1 ve Reseptörlerinin
Rolü ile Siklosporin A’nın Yeri”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Araştırma Projesi, 01 02
101023, Yardımcı Araştırıcı, 2004
Moleküler Nefroloji laboratuarının Kurulması, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Alt Yapı
Projesi, 06A 101 008. Proje Yürütücüsü, 2007.
“PodoNet: Consortium for Clinical, Genetic and Experimental Research into
Hereditary Diseases of the Podocyte”, E-RARE (ERA-Net for research programs
on rare diseases) Projesi, Yardımcı Araştırıcı, 2008.
A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, paralel-group, evaluation of 12 weeks
of valsartan compared to enalapril on sitting systolic blood pressure in children 6
to 17 years of age with hypertension (CVAL489K2302), Faz 3 çalışma, Yardımcı
Araştırıcı (08/05/2008)
A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, 6 week study to evaluate the dose
response of valsartan on blood pressure reduction in children 1-5 years old with
hypertension, followed by a 2 week placebo withdrawal period
(CVAL489K2303). Faz 3 çalışma, Yardımcı Araştırıcı, 2008
European Consortium for High-Throughput Research in Rare Kidney Diseases,
EURenOmics, AB 7.Çerçeve Projesi, Partner, Devam ediyor
9. İdari Görevler
Başasistanlık Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağ.ve Hast. 1998-1999
10. Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikler
Çocuk Nefroloji Derneği
Çocuk Romatoloji Derneği
European Society For Paediatric Nephrology
Türk Nefroloji Derneği
11. Ödüller
a. The role of apoptosis in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura. European Renal
Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association Annual Congress,
Vienna, Austria 24-27 June, 2001. “Best abstracts presented by young authors”
b. The value of leptin and IGF-I in the malnutrition of children under CAPD
(sözlü sunum). 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric
Nephrology, 20-23 September 2002, Bilbao. Kongre "grant" i (kayıt ve
konaklama ücreti kongre sekreteryası tarafından karşılandı).
c. Ailevi Akdeniz ateşinde kemik mineral kontenti, serum ve idrar kemik
döngüsü belirleyicileri (sözlü sunum). 1.Ulusal Osteoporoz Kongresi, 7-11 Ekim
2002, Antalya (birincilik)
d. Sürekli ayaktan periton diaylizi uygulanan son dönem böbrek yetmezliğindeki
çocuklarda beslenme durumunun değerlendirilmesinde leptin ve IGF-1'in yeri
(sözlü sunum). 3.Ulusal Pediatrik Nefroloji Kongresi, 10-13 Kasım 2002, Antalya,
(Anadolu Böbrek Vakfı Eğitim Teşvik Ödülü)
e. The role of apoptosis in the course of crescentic glomerulonephritis in
childhood. World Congress of Nephrology. 8-12 June2003, Berlin (ESPN ödülü)
f. Hacettepe Üniversitesi 2004-2005 Akademik Yılı Bilimde Teşvik Ödülü
12. Son beş yılda verdiğiniz lisans ve lisansüstü düzeydeki dersler için aşağıdaki
tabloyu doldurunuz.
Dönem ve Dersler
2006-2007: Sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi (Asistan)
2006-2007: Sıvı-elektrolit tedavisi (Asistan)
2006-2007: Sıvı-elektrolit (Dönem IV, PDÖ), 2 yarıyıl
2006-2007: Dehidratasyon ve tedavisi (Dönem IV, Türkçe Tıp), 2 yarıyıl
2006-2007: Dehidratasyon ve tedavisi (Dönem IV, İngilizce Tıp), 2 yarıyıl
2006-2007: Kanıta dayalı tıp (Dönem IV)
2007-2008: Sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi (Asistan)
2007-2008: Sıvı-elektrolit tedavisi (Asistan)
2007-2008: Dehidratasyon ve tedavisi (Dönem IV, Türkçe Tıp), 2 yarıyıl
2007-2008: Dehidratasyon ve tedavisi (Dönem IV, İngilizce Tıp), 2 yarıyıl
2007-2007: Dehidratasyon (Dönem IV, PDÖ), 2 yarıyıl
2007-2008: Preterm eylem (Dönem III, PDÖ)
2007-2008: Sodyum ve su dengesi bozuklukları (Dönem III, Türkçe Tıp)
2007-2008: Sodyum ve su dengesi bozuklukları (Dönem III, İngilizce Tıp)
2007-2008: Akut böbrek yetmezliği (Dönem III, Türkçe Tıp)
2008-2009: Sıvı-elektrolit tedavisi (Asistan)
2008-2009: Sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi (Asistan)
2008-2009: Dehidratasyon ve tedavisi (Dönem IV, Türkçe Tıp), 2 yarıyıl
2008-2009: Dehidratasyon ve tedavisi (Dönem IV, İngilizce Tıp), 2 yarıyıl
2008-2009: Dehidratasyon (Dönem IV, PDÖ), 2 yarıyıl
2008-2009: İyi hekimlik uygulamaları (Dönem III), 2 yarıyıl
2008-2009: Sodyum ve su dengesi bozuklukları (Dönem III, Türkçe Tıp)
2008-2009: Sodyum ve su dengesi bozuklukları (Dönem III, İngilizce Tıp)
2008-2009: Akut böbrek yetmezliği (Dönem III, Türkçe Tıp)
2008-2009: Başağrısı (Dönem III, PDÖ)
2009-2010: Sıvı-elektrolit tedavisi (Asistan)
2009-2010: Dehidratasyon ve tedavisi (Dönem IV, Türkçe Tıp), 2 yarıyıl
2009-2010: Dehidratasyon ve tedavisi (Dönem IV, İngilizce Tıp), 2 yarıyıl
2009-2010: Poliüri-polidipsi (Dönem IV PDÖ), 2 yarıyıl
2009-2010: Kanıta dayalı tıp (Dönem IV)
2008-2009: Sodyum ve su dengesi bozuklukları (Dönem III, Türkçe Tıp)
2008-2009: Sodyum ve su dengesi bozuklukları (Dönem III, İngilizce Tıp)
2008-2009: Akut böbrek yetmezliği (Dönem III, Türkçe Tıp)
2009-2010: İyi hekimlik uygulamaları (Dönem I), 2 yarıyıl
2010-2011: Sıvı-elektrolit tedavisi (Asistan)
2010-2011: Dehidratasyon ve tedavisi (Dönem IV, Türkçe Tıp), 2 yarıyıl
2010-2011: Dehidratasyon ve tedavisi (Dönem IV, İngilizce Tıp), 2 yarıyıl
2010-2011: Poliüri-polidipsi (Dönem IV PDÖ)
2010-2011: Sodyum ve su dengesi bozuklukları (Dönem III, İngilizce Tıp)
2010-2011: Potasyum dengesi ve bozuklukları (Dönem III, İngilizce Tıp)
2010-2011: Akut böbrek yetmezliği (Dönem III, Türkçe Tıp)
Not: Açılmışsa yaz döneminde verilen dersler de tabloya ilave edilecektir.