This is Mehmet AKAY, was born in 1951 and citizen of North Cyprus


This is Mehmet AKAY, was born in 1951 and citizen of North Cyprus
This is Mehmet AKAY, was born in 1951 and citizen of North Cyprus Turkish Republic have
attended “Dispensing Optic” education programs between 1969-1972 in London. (2 years of
education + 1 year of internship)
I am British Optical Association’s member as owner of a few optical foundations In North
Cyprus Turkish Republic. Unfortunately, no law is related with Optical sector in North Cyprus
Turkish Republic. Because of that I want to present and examine shortly the “Dispensing Optics
and Optometry Act” managed by our neighbor South Cyprus Government. I want to thank in
advance to South Cyprus Government Opticians Association’s President Mr. Adolfos Kanneti for
helping to prepare this presentation.
North Cyprus Turkish Republic’s population is 250.000, Optician’s number is 23. Watch, gold or
silver jewelery are sold in great majority of Optic shops.
First opticians were watch sellers in South Cyprus. Afterwards some pharmacies started to sell
glasses. Presently, any watch opticians cannot realize watch selling in South Cyprus. Besides
pharmacies don’t sell glasses neither. Opticians just sell glasses, sunglasses and contact lenses.
Just 2 opticians have a certificate from England in North Cyprus Turkish Republic. Others are
working with a legal permit, which is taken from courses in Turkey or North Cyprus Turkish
Republic The Ministry of Health. 2 opticians are working with certificates from Canada. On the
other hand, opticians do not sell lenses and solutions in North Cyprus Turkish Republic.
Solutions are in within medicine due to be selling pharmacy. Dispensing Optic and Optometry
Act most likely similar of Opticians act in England.
The current act was effectuated in 1992. In South Cyprus, which has been 700.000 population,
living and pay dues, there are 60 opticians and 175 optometrist. Most of those opticians have
graduated from England Schools in actual standards and opticians who have diploma. Some of
them graduated from Greece and Italy.
To be an optician, at least 2 years of Opticians School education and 1 year of internship is
necessary. Opticians get glasses order, can self-produce or provide from outsourcers. Otherwise
they get glasses frame settings. They cannot perform contact lens but sell according to
prescription of optometrists or doctors. Optician should have permit to work from Cyprus
Opticians Council. A shop, which is the working place of an optician, shouldn’t perform any
different job. On the other hand, tools, machines and equipments, which are necessary for an
optician, should be found in working place.
Optometry education is minimum 3 years degree education. In addition 1-year internship is
required. Optometrists perform eye examination. The main mission and specialization of
optometrists is to perform refraction and contact lens. They get glasses and contact lens
prescription. Although they have education to determine any problem in eyes, they do not cure
with medicine or operation. In this kind of cases optometrists forward the patient to doctors.
Optometrists can also get glasses order like an optician.
Optometrists should have permit to work from Cyprus Opticians Council. A shop, which is
working place of an optician, shouldn’t perform any different job. Besides Optometrist should
have eye examination equipments. Opticians realize internships only under control of “licensed”
opticians and optometrists. In order to accept the internship of Optometrists, the internship has to
be done under control of “licensed” optometrists for one year of duration. These internships are
realized in countries from which the opticians graduated or from South Cyprus.
South Cyprus Opticians Association performs like a union, which is inclusive for all opticians.
This association looks after the rights of opticians and optometrist and works hard for their
trainings. It also builds bridges between ministries and members of the sector for their
development process. Although the association has no sanction, all opticians have to be a
member as a requirement of the law. Registration and membership fee is 20 Cyprus Liras.
South Cyprus Optician Council has sanction in South Cyprus. The Ministry of Health of South
Cyprus appoints council for two years.
The necessary permits are given by the association and are also renewed every year. The needed
documents to get a permit for being an Optician or optometrist;
1. Optician or Optometry diploma,
2. Certificate that proves the 1-year of internship at a legal optician or optometrist
3. Is available just for Citizens of European Union and no criminal record from attorney
South Cyprus Opticians Council provides permit for anybody who can fulfill these
circumstances. 2 Latvians (in Master degree) who have these qualifications are working in South
Cyprus. In 1992 this council performed Optician and Optometry Law and additional clause to
control all optician and prevent working without permit. Members who are against to laws are
send to discipline board by council, when to be necessary council confiscate their permit transient
or continuous, punish them with fine and even prison
One of the important problems of the opticians of South Cyprus is the educational difference
between the members of the association. Most of the members have been graduated from United
Kingdom, but there are also member who have completed their education in Greece or Italy.
Some of the members are being arrogant about it. However, it is a known fact that “ECOO-The
European Council of Optometry and Optics” is going to come up with some new training
standards in order to eliminate those differences between the members.
Besides that some discussions between the optometrists and eye doctors have been also observed.
In KKTC there are 30 eye doctors working and they have all completed their education in
Turkey. They all have special clinics or they prefer to work at a private hospital. There are 8 eye
doctors who also work for public hospitals. Currently, there is no active optometrist in KKTC.