8 1-2 x 14 annual report 10-11 draft.pub


8 1-2 x 14 annual report 10-11 draft.pub
April 27, 2012 Annual Fundraiser
“An Enchanted Evening”
2013 Fall Fundraiser
2013 Annual Meeting
Vocational Visions
26041 Pala, Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Phone: (949) 837-7280
Fax: (949) 859-9962
Tax ID #95-2972669
Annual Report
2010 - 2011
About Vocational Visions
Since 1974, Vocational Visions has helped thousands of men and
women with disabilities obtain employment, further education and
reach both professional and personal goals.
All of our participants are identified by state agencies as having intellectual, developmental and or other disabilities. Effective support increases the level of functioning for many of these men and women,
thus maximizing their quality of life vocationally,
and socially. At no charge to our participants, we offer a variety of
comprehensive services for adults with developmental and other disabilities.
Our Mission
$50,000 +
$1,000 to $4,999
Irvine Health Foundation
City of Mission Viejo
Craig & Amy Nickoloff
Samueli Foundation
Tarsadia Foundation
Richard & Pat Trillwood
Orange County United Way
The Wasserman Foundation
Weingart Foundation
Susan Bachtelle
David & Linda Baird
Steve Bell
Richard & Lori Boultinghouse
Bruce & Pam Bugland
Donald Bunker
Cecil & Louise Capps
City of R. Santa Margarita
Kathy & Mike Collins
John & Gesine Connolly
Patrick & Barara Deming
Michael & Sharron Dumas
William Fain
Ching & Humei Feng
Robert Follman/R.A. Industries
Terry & Diane Haffey
Ron & Claudia Hill
Kiwanis Club of Laguna Hills
Nancy Livingston
James Lovelle
Tami Lutzker
Sharon Meredith
Howard & Alana Neufeld
Pacific Western Bank
Barry & Meryl Resnick
Larry & Carol Roberts
Rotary Club of Mission Viejo
Rotary Club of San Clemente
John Roth
James Smith
Thomas & Sharon Smith
Soka University
$5,000 +
Our mission is to provide the highest quality program opportunities to
serve the vocational, economic, and social potential of persons with
developmental and other disabilities, and to
promote the life enriching potential of full community inclusion.
~Empowering individuals to define and achieve their vision
~Maximizing the quality of life
~Participating fully in society
City of Mission Viejo
Beoing Employees Fund
Chris Kortlander
Ed & Michal Masada Lee
Steven Lovell
Konica Minolta
Craig & Amy Nickoloff
Nick’s Restaurants
Orange County United Way
Spectrum Risk Management
Tarsadia Foundation
The Wasserman Foundation
Richard & Pat Trillwood/
Electron Beam Engineering
Stonefield Development
Robert & Susan Strube
Norman & Luella Syler
The MERIT Companies
Ross & Maureen Thomas
Rafael & Sandra Traver
Veolia Transportation
Rodney & Carol Wilbert
Jim & Pat Yeckel
$500 to $999
Daniel & Ada Bora
Lois Clenney
Lew & Jo Anne Coppersmith
Marge Earl
Elks Lodge MV/Saddleback
Leroy & Patrica Ellington
Tim & Janet Fleming
Cindy Frerking
Lawrence Gross
Juel Hansen
Kathryn Hebel
Hilary & Tom Hurt
Edward & Rosemarie Kenna
Kim Kortlander
Sheri Lee
Kevin Maddock
Peter & Alex Neptune
Jim & Pam Pasino
Milt & Lynda Ratcliff
Taco Bell
William & Joan Waiksnis
Debbie Watkins
VOLUNTEERS 2010-2011
Dr. Linda Albers
Dave Anserson
Sandy Anderson
Andrea Armstead
AT&T Pioneers
Sean Bailey
David Baird
Linda Baird
Adrienne Bean
Jack Berger
Larry Bill
Mary Bradsher
Jim Brogan
Sandy Brogan
Ellie Cantrell
Lois Clenney
Terri Collins
John Connolly
Arthur Cooper
Jill Cooper
Alyssa Corsetti
Rose Mary Coward
Connie De La rosa
Duncan Dieterly
Carolyn Dorin-Watkins
Roland Fernandez
Joseph Foley
Dawn Funkhouser
Marguerite Glynn
Kris Graham
Patricia Griggs
Aprille Harris
Donna Haskill
Ed Haskill
Lynda Head
Catherine Hebert
Jessica Henderson
Jackie Huckleberry
Wayne Hunt
Nancy Hunter
Hilary Hurt
Blake Ingram
Maria Jacobs
Barbara Johnson
Melissa Jones
Ed Kenna
Kiwanis Club/Laguna Hills
Kim Klavzar
Rebekka Knoles
Fred Kushner
Ed Lee
Mayumi Lee
Sheri Lee
Rosemarie Leonard
Brian Lively
Nancy Livingston
James Lovelle
Jessica Maccaro
Marlon Machado
Linda Mackie
John Maginnis
Valerie Maginnis
Sharon Meredith
Mike Mitchell
Yolanda Mooney
Magaret Nakamura
Peter Neptune
Howard Neufeld
Tina Neukirch
Jason Nino
Carol Roberts
Ken Rook
John Roth
Gilbert Rowland
Bari Russell
Nika Shoemaker
Keith Sims
Margaret Stillwell
Norman Syler
Luella Syler
Richard Trillwood
Keanu Trujillo
Dixie Tucker
Dennis Walsh
Debbie Watkins
Cathy Wetmore
Scott Winchell
David Wise
LETTER FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECVocational Visions has just completed its 37th year providing daily
programming, training, and employment support for men and
women with developmental disabilities. It has been a wonderful
37 years. We have grown, and expanded time and again. Programs
and people have been added and space and buildings have been
secured. The success and stellar reputation of the organization in
the community is obvious.
What perhaps is not as obvious is the difficulties the last few years
reduction in state and school district funding has presented. Adjustments
have been made in staff benefits, hours worked and positions assigned. The staff are
dedicated, compassionate, and exemplary leaders--the true strength of the organization. This has been true for as many years as the organization has been in existence.
We feel very blessed to have employees who have committed their working lives
to making a better world for men and women with disabilities, despite the difficulties funding cuts present.
We realize that we must continue to let the legislature know that any
cuts to state support could be devastating. Many years ago the state committed to
providing ongoing services to men and women with
developmental disabilities. It is imperative that this not change. Luckily,
Vocational Visions has
support from people like you. Much of the organization’s success is made possible
by the generous support given by family members, community friends, employers,
volunteers and donors. Each of you has contributed a significant component necessary for developing a strong organization. Thank you so much for all you have done.
Kathryn Hebel
Executive Director
Our Board of Directors 2010 - 2011
Participants Served by Program
Edward W. Kenna
Parent Representative
Tina Neukirch
Vice Chairperson
Project Manager
Nancy Livingston
City of Mission Viejo
Dr. Linda Albers
Adult Education, SVUSD
Larry Bill
Trader Joe’s
John Connolly
Attorney at Law
Arthur Cooper, C.F.P.
Cooper McManus
Joe Foley
Attorney at Law
Patricia Griggs
Wayne Hunt
Hilary Hurt
Electron Beam
Howard Neufeld
Attorney at Law
John Roth
Attorney at Law
Richard Trillwood
Electron Beam
Dennis Walsh
SVUSD Board of
cation Member
Eduardo Lee
Wahoo’s Fish Taco
Direct Placement
Sheri Lee
The Merit
Work Activity
James Lovelle
Bethesda LC
Participant Earnings*
John Maginnis
Administrative Hearing
Work Activity
Adult Development
April 2011, “An Enchanted Evening…
in Key West”
*Includes earnings from both community employers and Vocational Visions
OUR NUMBERS 20010-2011
Walk & Talk - November 2010
Expenses $5,843,159
Income $6,022,248
Customer Fees
Fund Development
and Other
State Support
Work Activity
During the last fiscal year,
Vocational Visions served the needs of
595 men and women.
Low overhead costs meant that $.92 of
every dollar donated
directly benefited our
2011 Employer of the Year
City of Mission Viejo
The City of Mission Viejo was Vocational
Visions’ 2011 Employer of the Year. The City has
shown a continual commitment to supporting
Vocational Visions and its
participants in ongoing employment in our
community. They
provide jobs that promote self-sustainability and
The city of Mission Viejo has been
in- Trish Kelley, Dennis Wilberg,
Nancy Livingston and
strumental in supporting our efforts to offer full
Kathryn Hebel
inclusion. The employment opportunities they
offer have directly provided support for 15 individuals with developmental
disabilities. The city also offers Vocational Visions support in our fundraising efforts though grants and attendance at our events.
Vocational Visions looks forward to many years of partnership with the City
of Mission Viejo.
Our Programs
Day Training Activity Program
This program is provided in our facility and in the community, and offers participation in leisure activities, recreation and instruction in daily
living skills. Individual staff ratios assure supervision and optimum community integration. A weekly theme in the classroom offers many opportunities for cooking, art, music and socialization. Opportunities are also
available for people with ongoing medical conditions requiring constant
care and supervision.
Work Activity Program
This work training program provides assessment, vocational training and
counseling to over 100 participants. It can be a stepping-stone to many
opportunities for future employment in the community. Businesses bring
jobs to us such as assembling, collating, and mailings. These jobs provide a paycheck for our workers and an opportunity to develop and use
new skills.
Adult Development Program
The ADP program is perfect for those individuals whose needs are best
served by being in the community 100% of the day. Close supervision
with a 1:4 staff to participant ratio offers optimum integration and participation. Activities include supported work, mobility training, and participation in community-sponsored programs, events and classes.
Emeritus Program
This fine arts program is perfect for those persons who choose not to be
in a work setting or whose skill levels are regressing due to illness or
age. It provides a daily curriculum filled with stimulation activities designed to involve each participant. Many activities are provided in the
Supported Employment Program
Supported Employment offers the individual an opportunity to work in either a
group setting at a business with a Vocational Visions job coach providing training,
supervision, encouragement, and company satisfaction or to work independently
with less supervision, but continued support from Vocational Visions. A full time
Job Developer works with each person to determine
interest and capability and
develops jobs in the community based on this information. Businesses benefit by
having competent, dependable,
well–trained employees.
Health Related Services
This is an individualized program for adults with developmental disabilities who
also have restricted medical conditions. The staff includes a licensed nurse and personal attendants to meet all needs for personal growth and development as well as
nursing intervention. Site-based training includes
socializations skills, sensory
stimulation, communications skills, self-care and leisure. The program is also designed to include community integration, which enhances community interaction
and awareness, purchasing skills, and decision making in planned community outings. The goal of the program is to maximize the opportunity for peer interaction and
community integration.
Direct Placement
This program is open to Department of Rehabilitation participant who are on a vocational track. The purpose of this program is to assist individuals with disabilities
(but not necessarily people who have a developmental disability) who require job
placement services to find and maintain competitive employment. These individuals
may have learning disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, orthopedic disabilities, acquired brain injuries, or may be blind or visually impaired as well. Services provided are based upon each individual’s strengths, abilities, work experience and career preference.
Clubhouse Program
The Clubhouse Program is the only south Orange County clubhouse for adults with
developmental disabilities to provide recreation, socialization, and
support in an atmosphere that encourages self-determination; the members vote on
all aspects of running this program. The Clubhouse relies solely on membership
dues and donations.