

yüzyıllara tanıklık eden,
muhteşem bir kent.
a magnificent city of
centuries of witnessing.
Dara, bir di¤er ad›yla Anastasiapolis Mardin'in
güneydo¤usunda ve Mardin’e 30 km. uzakl›kta
O¤uz Köyü'nde yer al›yor. Buras› eski Mezopotamya
Bölgesi’nin en ünlü kentidir. Kent kal›nt›lar› kayalar içine
oyulmufl, çevresi 8-10 kilometreyi bulan
genifl bir alana yay›lm›flt›r.
Bu broflür Opet “Bilinçli Toplum Projeleri “ kapsam›nda haz›rlanm›flt›r.
This brochure has been prepared for Opet, in the context of the “Conscious Society Projects”
Dara, aka Anastasiapolis, is the most famous city of
Mesopotamia, which is 30 kms southeast of Mardin,
in Oguz village. The city, which has been built in the
rocks, occupies an area of 8 to10 kilometers in diameter.
Dara, ‹ran Hükümdar› Dara Yuvaniflin taraf›ndan infla ettirilmifltir. fiehir milad›n ilk
yüzy›llar›na kadar ‹ranl›lar ile Romal›lar aras›nda el de¤ifltirmifltir. 7. yüzy›lda Araplar›n
eline geçen flehir, 15. yüzy›la kadar yerel beylik ve devletler taraf›ndan yönetilmifl,
15. yüzy›ldan sonra art›k Osmanl›lar’›n yönetimindedir.
Harabeler incelendi¤inde Dara'n›n tarihte büyük ve muhteflem saraylara, köprülere,
su kemerlerine ve daha birçok yap›ya sahip zengin bir flehir oldu¤u kolayl›kla anlafl›l›r.
The city of Dara was built by the Persian Ruler Dara Yuvanishin and ruled by Persians
and Romans repeatedly, until the first centuries AD. The Arabs took over the city
in the VII century and until the 15. century local principalities and states ruled the
city respectively. Dara was under the Ottoman Empire’s sovereignty afterwards.
The ruins of Dara give clues of the magnificent palaces, bridges, aqueducts and
a wide range of buildings, at first glance.
fiehir, çevresini saran 4 km’lik surlarla korunur.
Biri kuzeye di¤eri güneye aç›lan iki kap›s› vard›r. Surlar, kuzey kap›s›n›n do¤u ucundan
bafllayarak Zellace Mevkii’ni izleyerek çaya, ve ma¤aralar› da içine alarak tophaneye
iner. Burada Bertevil Saray›’n›n yan›nda güneye aç›lan kap› ile birleflir.
The dungeon which dates back to Dara, the founder of the city,
is still intact and glorious.
fiehrin kurucusu Dara taraf›ndan yapt›r›lan muteflem zindan, bugün bile
bütün heybeti ile ayakta durmaktad›r.
Güney kap›s›n›n bat› ucundan bafllayan sur, Makbeze'yi (Eski Mezarl›k) içine al›r.
C›rgana Sekreti semtinde kesik kayan›n üzerinde Hakni Mevkii’ne ç›kar. Su depolar›n›n
yan›ndan Yunus ziyaretini ve ‹ç Kale'yi de içine alarak Kale Camii’nin yan›nda kuzey
kap›s›n›n do¤usunda birleflerek flehri çevreleyen 4 kilometrelik suru oluflturur.
Kent kal›nt›lar› içinde kilise, saray, çarfl› ve depolar›, zindan, tophane ve su bendini
görmek bugün bile mümkündür. Ayr›ca köyün etraf›nda kayalara oyulmufl
6-7 tane kadar ma¤ara ev vard›r.
Bunlar›n tarihi Geç Roma (Erken Bizans) dönemine kadar gider.
fiehrin kuzeyinde elli metre yüksekli¤indeki tepenin üst düzlü¤ünde bir kale kurulmufltur.
Bugün tepenin üzerinde köylülerin yapt›rd›¤› ve içinde yaflad›klar› evler vard›r.
Burada kalenin temel izinden baflka hiç bir iz kalmam›flt›r.
The city is surrounded by city walls, that 4 kms in length. There are two city
gates, one in south and the other in north. The walls start at the northern wall,
follows the Zellace region and the creek. It goes down to the arsenal,
encompassing the caves, and reaches the southern gate which is located next
to the Bertevil Palace.
The city walls, that embraces Makbeze (the Old Cemetery), start at the west
edge of the south gate and continue to C›rgana Secret, going up to Hakni, at
the top of the flat rock. The walls go around the Yunus tomb and the Inner
Fort, where it meets the east side of the northern gate, which is near the Kale
Mosque. The ruins of the city consist of the church, palace, market and storages,
dungeon, arsenal and aqueducts. The 6-7 cave-houses, which date back to
Late Roman (Early Byzantium) ages, can still be visited at the outskirts
of the village.
There is a fortress on top the 50 meter hill, which is located at the north of the
city. Today there are the houses of the villagers in this region, who are still
living there. Only the remains of the foundation of the fortress is visible.