

Publisher: Hakkı ARIS
Research: İbrahim SÜNNETCİ
Technical Coordination: Mehmet DEMİRKOL
Implementation: Osman ŞAHİNYAVUZ
Conceptual Graphics & Cover Design: Etkileşim Design Works
Proofreading: Colin SUTCLIFFE
Mönch Media TR Ltd
Halit Ziya Sok, #26/9
Printing: Ankara Ofset
CompasView Test Tool for the HAWK-AMRAAM Air Defence System
The Altay Corporation was established in 1957 and operates mainly within the defence sector. Since 1998 the Altay Software Group has been developing custommade commercial and military software for domestic and international customers
according to ISO-9001:2008 and NATO AQAP-160 quality standards.
Naval Systems, Mine Counter Measures, Harbour Intruder Protection, Target
Motion Analysis
Air Defence Systems, Communication Planning, Field Testing
Simulation Systems
Test Systems
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
Selected Projects:
Turkish Ministry of National Defence Information System (MBS)
Communication Planning Tool for the HAWK-AMRAAM Air Defence System
Recording Control and Data Reduction of Field Test System for
The HAWK-AMRAAM Air Defence System
Link-1 Radar Simulator
Mine Counter Measure Man-Machine Interface for Royal
Norwegian Navy
YUNUS Harbour Intruder Surveillance and
Detection System Underwater Man Machine Interface
Kızılırmak Cad. No: 2
Bakanlıklar 06640
Tel: +90 312 425 25 06
Fax: +90 312 425 32 11
ASELSAN was founded by the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation in 1975, and has
since that time developed into a high technology, multi-product company that designs, develops and produces high-end products and systems for military and professional applications. ASELSAN is today a leading and pioneering company in the
Turkish defence sector, meeting the requirements of not only the Turkish Armed
Forces, but also a number of international customers. ASELSAN’s broad product
range includes Military Communication Systems, Radar Systems, Electronic Warfare Systems, Electro-Optic Systems, Navigation & Avionic Systems, Weapon Systems, C4ISR Systems, Naval Systems and Homeland Security Systems.
Software Defined Networking Radios (SDNR)
Owing to their software configurable architecture, SDNRs ensure clear or encrypted voice and data communications in the VHF and UHF frequency bands
(30–512 MHz), as well as full automatic integration with tactical and strategic or
PSTN Networks to provide “cellular phone” services to tactical
users. The menu structure and controls are very similar to
cellular phones for ease of use and training. SDNRs
ensure increased survivability against Electronic
Warfare threats by providing alternative communication functions to conventional radios.
Thermal Weapon Sights
ASELSAN’s Portable Weapon Sight is a lightweight, ruggedised, un-cooled thermal
sight operating in the 8–12 micrometer spectral band. It operates passively and
senses the differences in heat emitted by objects in its field of view. The sight operates in total darkness and will not shut down or
bloom when hit by direct light. The Portable
Weapon Sight separates targets from backgrounds in all weather and atmospheric conditions, like dust, smoke, fog, haze and other
battlefield obscurants.
ASIR –Thermal Imaging System
ASIR is a 288X4 Focal Plane Array Thermal Surveillance System operating in the 8–12 micrometer wave band. The system has a high sensitivity
that enables long-range detection of targets with
very low temperature differences within their environment. In addition to good day and night
weather conditions, ASIR gives a high performance in
adverse weather conditions with limited atmospheric energy transmission such as
fog, haze, etc.; or due to smoke, dust, fire, etc. in the battlefield.
Stabilised Weapon Platforms
STAMP and STOP are distinguished from
each other with respect to the weapons that
can be integrated into each system. STAMP
is suitable for the integration of 7.62mm
machine guns, 12.7mm heavy machine guns
and 40mm automatic grenade launchers;
whereas STOP can be integrated with
20/25/30mm guns, according to the requirement of the individual customer. The systems provide protection not only against asymmetric threats, but also in applications for
the strengthening of coastal defence, border defence and the self-defence of
naval vessels against either envisaged or unprecedented threats with the help
of electro-optic sensors, remote control applications and a stabilisation feature.
Manpack Jammer System
The RCIED Jammer system is designed to provide protection for patrols and
military vehicles that may be at risk from Radio Frequency (RF) Controlled
Improvised Explosive Devices, also known as RCIEDs.
The modular multi-band RF jammer simultaneously covers
all frequency ranges of probable threats to prevent the
detonation of RCIEDs. Any new threats that may
arise can be addressed quickly via re-programming in the field.
Mehmet Akif Ersoy
Mah. 296. Cad. No:16
Macunköy Yenimahalle
Tel: +90 312 592 10 00
Fax: +90 312 385 19 00
C4I Systems
Turn-key Air Defence Systems
Systems Engineering and Integration
Radar Integration & Automation
Tactical Data Links (ATDL-1, Link-1,
-11/B, -16)
Communication and Video Networks
Picture 1 – Turkish Mobile Radar
Mobile Radar Complexes for the
Turkish Air Force
Radar Integration & Automation for the Turkish Air Force and NATO
Radar Network for the Turkish Air Force
Long-Range Air Missile Defence System for the Turkish Air Force
Integrated Maritime Surveillance System for the Turkish Navy
Automated Target Detection and Tracking System for the Turkish Navy
Avionics Software
Software Development (including BSP and driver development) iaw DO-178B
Independent Verification and Validation
Digital Moving Map for L3 Avionics Systems
Traffic Collusion Avoidance System and Transponder Software for ACSS
S70 and S92 MFD Softwares for
Picture 2 – Digital Moving Map
Rockwell Collins
Took part in F35 Panoramic Cockpit
Display software development and
testing for L3 Display Systems
Avionics Software and driver
development for C130 Modernization
for TAI
Picture 3 – Wiring Harness
Wiring Harness
Design, Development, Production and
NATO E3-A AWACS Modernisation for
F-16 for Lockheed Martin
Helicopter Modernisations for Aselsan
Circuit Card Assembly
Design, Development, Production
and Testing
F35 Missile Remote Interface Unit for
GE Aviation
F35 Panoramic Cockpit Display for
L3 Display Systems
Picture 4 – CCA
Rugged Hardware
Design, Development, Production and Testing
Multi Function Consoles for Frigates and Submarines for Havelsan, Aselsan,
Thales UK, Atlas Elektronik
Electronic Cabinets for Havelsan, Aselsan
Airborne Mission Computer for General
Dynamics Canada and TAI
Picture 5 – Multi
Submarine Junction Box for Thales
Function Console
Underwater Systems
F35 Missile Remote Interface Unit
for GE Aviation.
Sincan Org. San. Bölg.
Oğuz Cad. No: 7
Tel: +90 312 267 27 27
Fax: +90 312 267 01 16
BITES provides software and hardware solutions to the defence sector and large corporations, particularly in Computer Based
Training Systems, Embedded System Software, Simulation Technologies, Information
Management System Software and Logistic
System Software. BITES has developed highly qualified products as a result of its improved workflow and analytical approach in
computer based training systems and maintenance management information systems,
and also in the infrastructures of training
maintenance and avionic simulators for
BlackHawk, SeaHawk and Cougar helicopters and CN-235 aircraft.
The most striking features of the systems
developed for these platforms are in their
ability to provide training with minimum
equipment requirements and maximum cost
effectiveness to the customer, and the opportunity to work with any PC on any desired air vehicle.
BITES has been involved in the following highly sophisticated software projects:
S-70A 28D/DSAR and AS-532 Cougar Helicopters Computer Based Training Systems: This project aims at the adaptation, emergency and refreshment training of
pilots and technicians; assists in maintenance/test pilot training; training in the
course programmes of the helicopter (helicopter systems, auxiliary systems, avionics,
emergencies etc.), either individually or
under the supervision of an instructor; and
the preparation of pilots/technicians for both
simulator and real-time flight.
The Maintenance Management Information System (MMIS) manages and plans all
training tools, and provides communication
between the user and the management.
MMIS helps in stepping up the analysis,
progress and decision-making processes,
tracks the planning of each step and makes the necessary arrangements, and announces automatically every configuration to the related people. The system has
been developed in particular for Gendarmerie aviation units.
Our company is a full member of the Defence Industrialists Association and possesses the Ministry of National Defence Facility Security Certificate.
Our products are manufactured in line with user requests and requirements, are easy
to use and are designed using the latest technological infrastructure, giving BITES a
leading position among its contemporaries in the world.
Main Interest Areas
Educational Software
Computer-Based Training Systems
Computer-Based Task Trainer
Measurement and Evaluation
Modeling And Simulation
3-D Modelling and Visual Database
Flight Data Recording and Debriefing
Virtual Maintenance Trainers
Management Information Systems
Training Management Information
Maintenance Management
Information System.
Silikon Blok No: 1
Teknokent ODTÜ
Tel: +90 312 210 12 56
Fax: +90 312 210 12 58
BMC, one of the most important national companies in Turkey, utilises its advanced
technology and vast experience in the defence sector to meet the requirements of the
Turkish Armed Forces (TAF), as well as those of other nations around the world.
BMC produces Wheeled Tactical Vehicles (WTVs), Aircraft Refuellers, Logistics Support Vehicles, and Wheeled Armoured Vehicles (WAVs).
The quality of BMC’s defence products are
certified with ISO 9001:2000 Quality System
and AQAP-2110 Quality Assurance Requirements for Design, Development and Production for NATO certificates. BMC has
gained the title of “Company Manufacturing
to NATO Standards”; and is a registered
company on the NAMSA (NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency) Source Mailing
List, the list of the companies allowed to make sales to NATO countries.
BMC has also possesses “NATO Secret” and “National Secret” Classified Facility
Certificates, and has been granted a “Production License” by the Turkish Ministry of
National Defence.
BMC KİRPİ 350-16 Z (4x4)
Mine Resistant Ambush Protected
Wheeled Armoured Vehicles:
BMC is engaged in the production and modernisation of Wheeled Armoured Vehicles.
The company started designing the BMC
KIRPI 350-16 Z (4x4) Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles in 2007, which is
now ready for serial production. Previously,
302 units of the BTR 60 (8x8) Wheeled Armoured Vehicles (WAVs) were modernised
and delivered to Gendarmerie General Com-
mand in 1996, where they are currently
being used with great success. BMC has the
capability to similarly modernise BTR 80
(8x8) WAVs.
Wheeled Tactical Vehicles:
BMC produces (4x4), (6x6) and (8x8)
Wheeled Tactical Vehicles of between 2.5 to
25 ton in weight.
BMC EFE 185 -09 B (4x4)
2.5 Ton Wheeled Tactical Vehicle
Logistics Support Vehicles and Special Purpose Vehicles:
BMC has the capability to produce more than 700 variants of its Logistics Support
Vehicles, including Aircraft Refuellers, Recovery Vehicles, Fire Tenders, Gun Tower
Vehicles, Water Tankers, Mobile Repair Workshops, Ammunition Carriers, Ambulances, Command Control Vehicles, Communication Vehicles, Shelter Carrier Vehicles, Damp Vehicles, Cesspit Emptiers. Special purpose vehicles of BMC include
Riot Control Vehicles and Fire Tenders.
BMC, produces Helicopter and Aircraft Refueller Vehicles with the ability to feed both
military and civil aircrafts. Aircraft Refuellers are produced in 5,000 to 20,000 lt capacities in compliance with NATO and NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) standards. BMC’s PRO 827 (6x4) 20,000 lt Aircraft Refuellers unique in their capacities,
and can be transported in C-130 Hercules
cargo aircraft. The 20,000 lt refuellers with
aluminium tanks can refuel a combat plane
within three minutes.
Recent Activities:
BMC has completed delivery of a significant
portion of approximately 2,000 units of
wheeled tactical vehicles, including BMC
BMC 832-18 (4x4)
KIRPI 350-16 Z (4x4) Mine Resistant AmRiot Control Vehicles
bush Protected Vehicles, BMC EFE 185 -09
B (4x4) 2.5 Ton, BMC 235-16 P (4x4) 5 Ton and BMC 380-26 P (6x6) 10 Ton
Wheeled Tactical Vehicles under a recently signed contract for the Turkish Armed
Forces. Besides this, the company has realised the delivery of Recovery Vehicles, Aircraft Refuellers, Mobile Repair Workshops, Fuel Tankers, and Water Tankers to
friendly and allied nations under separate
In addition to the approximately 150 units
Aircraft Refuellers that have been delivered
to the Turkish Armed Forces, 120 BMC Aircraft Refuellers have also been delivered to
BMC 832 (6x4) (Right Hand Drive)
foreign countries. BMC wheeled tactical ve5,000 USG Aircraft Refuellers
hicles have been tested abroad in all climates, including desert, winter and tropical
conditions. A number of different BMC vehicles are currently under evaluation by African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries.
BMC shall shortly participate in two tests in Saudi Arabia.
Kemalpaşa Cad. No.: 32
Pınarbaşı 35060
Tel: +90 232 477 18 73
Fax: +90 232 477 19 50
C2Tech Bilişim Teknolojileri A.Ş. (C2Tech) is specialised in:
Modelling and Simulation
Satellite Communications
Network Packet Processing and Cyber
Video Streaming
Enterprise Network and Security
C2Tech is engaged the fields of military and
space technologies, conforming to both civil
and military standards. C2Tech is currently
engaged in the design and production of:
Surface-to-Air Defence Modelling and
Simulation System: This is a comprehensive modelling and simulation system for the analysis of Land-Based Air Defence
systems at a strategic and operative level. The system is interoperable, reusable and
extendable; and has a flexible and customisable model library of simulation models
taking part in an air defence scenarios, listed
in categorical and hierarchical ways.
MODEO Video Streaming System: MODEO
is a portable news-gathering device designed by C2Tech. The concept is based on
the use of multiple 3G/3G+ bonded networks or Wi-Fi connections, replacing the
complex and heavy DSNG and DENG infrastructures and costly satellite contribution
links. Performance and reliability over low
data-rate networks are the main hallmarks
of the MODEO solution. The unit is compact
and lightweight, and its rugged chassis can be deployed in minutes.
Radar Test System: Developed by C2Tech, this system has the ability to define scenarios under different weather and operational conditions, and will generate realistic
I-Q signals out of the scenario. It is a high-fidelity virtual test radar that includes a
propagation and radar model embedded into an electronic board. The user has the
ability to fine tune any virtual radar parameters and will see the signals under the new
conditions. By feeding the virtual radar I-Q signals into the radar to be tested and ap-
plying a comparison, the user is able to see
and compare the radar system’s performance, even under harsh and demanding test
DPI Solutions for Cyber Defence: C2Tech
provides Deep Packet Inspection solutions
for centralised backbone IP traffic. To obtain
the highest performance, C2Tech uses high
capacity switches and packet processors for
Load Balancing and Probing, applying a deep packet inspection for traffic classification and decoding. The C2Tech Probing and Packet Inspection (C2-Probe) solution
has advanced protocol classification, extraction of content and metadata capabilities in real-time and supports Gbps+ throughputs.
Satcom X-Band EPM Modem: C2Tech has
developed a state-of-the art NATO-compliant secure satellite modem system. The frequency-hopping and encryption features of
the modem provide strong resilience against
jamming. It has a broad-band communication capability that ensures the security of
tactical wired legacy modem systems. The
system provides security for voice, data and
video transmissions over secure channels.
Multisensor Data Fusion: C2Tech’s “Multisensor Data Fusion Tool” is an evolving
technology that addresses the problem of how to fuse data from multiple sensors in
order to make a more accurate estimation of the environment. The applications of
data fusion cover a wide spectrum, including environment monitoring, automatic target detection and tracking, battlefield surveillance, remote sensing, global awareness, etc.
RIKA (Radar Signature Prediction and Analysis Software): RIKA software can
analyse the radar signature of any platform, starting from its CAD model. Computation of Radar Cross Section (RCS), determination of hot-spots or scattering centres,
computation of the induced surface currents, evaluation of the effectiveness of
surface coatings, formation of ISAR images, determination of range profiles
and computation of a polarimetric scattering analysis can all be carried
out with ease using this software.
Teknoloji Serbest
Bölgesi Yeni Teknoloji
Binaları C Blok No: 210
Gebze / Kocaeli/TÜRKİYE
Tel: +90 262 644 90 48
Fax: +90 262 644 90 47
About Dearsan - key capabilities and key product areas
Dearsan is a modern shipyard that is registered and incorporated in Istanbul, Turkey.
Dearsan specialises in providing design and construction services for complex commercial and naval ships, including the integration of weapon combat systems.
Dearsan has a proven capability in the “world class” design, engineering, fabrication
and building of platforms in its shipbuilding facilities, and maintains a highly experienced workforce. The Dearsan Shipyard has NATO SECRET Facility Security Clearance and NATIONAL SECRET Facility Security Clearance, and possesses ISO
9001-2000, OHSAS 18001:2007 and SaSaD Defence Industry Manufacturers Association certificates.
The core of our defence business
Dearsan is the main contractor in the 16-vessel Tuzla Class Patrol Boat Programme
after winning a tender launched by the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries to
meet the requirements of Turkish Naval Forces Command. The design of the 56metre Patrol Boat has been fully developed by Dearsan’s in-house concept design and
combat systems design/integration divisions.
First Patrol Boat delivered: TCG Tuzla
The first patrol boat, given the name “TCG TUZLA” by the Turkish Navy to honour the
region dedicated to Turkish shipbuilding, has been delivered on time and within
budget, making Dearsan Shipyard the first privately owned shipyard to deliver a warship in Turkey, thus elevating Dearsan into the select group of companies that are capable
equipping, designing and integrating naval platforms and
weapon systems.
Dearsan is programmed to
deliver one patrol boat every
three months until 2015.
With its optimised characteristics, proven performance and high capabilities, the
Tuzla Class Patrol Boat is able to carry out such missions as operations against
asymmetric threats; coastline, waterway, port, and oil and gas field protection, antismuggling, anti-piracy, illegal immigration patrols and fisheries inspection.
Future activities
Development activities are being carried out carefully by Dearsan to allow them to produce similar variants of the Tuzla Class Patrol Boat. This will ensure flexibility to satisfy specialised requests and requirements from other end users of the Tuzla Class
Patrol Boat. Tailor-made variations may include a rear ramp for inflatable craft for
Coast Guard operations, integration of different missile systems for air defence, the
addition of a larger forward gun for corvette-type missions, or even extending the dimensions (in length or beam) to satisfy the specific requirement of the end user. In
addition to the Tuzla Class Patrol Boat programme and its variants, Dearsan has also
the capability to design and build tug boats,
replenishment-at-sea tankers, fast intervention boats with aluminium hulls and corvette
type ships. Dearsan also offers package
projects for submarine rescue motherships,
special forces attack craft and landing ships
for armoured cavalry. Dearsan is currently
in various negotiations with potential end
users to conceptualise other naval projects
such as diving support vessels and the previously explained Tuzla Class Patrol Boat
Aydıntepe Mah.
Rauf Orbay Cad. No: 2
Tuzla 34940
Tel: +90 216 395 75 75
Fax: +90 216 395 75 77
ETC (Environmental Tectonics Corporation) started its operations in Turkey in 1985,
and now has two companies in Turkey: “ETC Turkey” and “ETC-IS A.Ş.”.
ETC Product Line:
Aircrew Training Systems
Incident Command & Vehicle Driving Simulators
Biomedical Systems
Sterilisation Systems
Testing & Simulation Systems
Entertainment Systems
ATFS-400-31 provides a realistic training
environment in real time, allowing aircrews
to learn how to recognise and combat the
effects of GLOC, a serious problem among
high performance aircraft pilots.
ATFS 400 combines high G onset rates-up
to 15G/sec, and the capability to generate
sustained high G levels, up to 25Gz, with a powered pitch and roll motion to take on
the challenges of high G training and research. The ATFS 400's spacious gondola can
accommodate realistic, interchangeable cockpits.
WST (Water Survival Training System) All aviators are required to be trained in
water survival skills if their operations take them over any body of water. It is of great
importance that all aircrew know how to survive a water landing and maintain survival until the arrival of rescue services.
ETC offers a complete line of water survival
equipment for Underwater Escape, Parachute Drag, Parachute Drop and Disentanglement, and Helicopter Rescue Hoist
ADMS™ (Advanced Disaster Management Simulator) is an interactive virtual reality-based team training system that provides emergency responders with the opportunity to develop skills in the four Cs: Command, Control, Coordination and
Communication. ADMS immerses the trainee in the emergency environment by presenting realistic sound and visual cues in Real Time. The system can be designed to
accommodate any type of emergency scenario where the skills of an incident commander are required. For over a decade, ADMS has been used worldwide by training and response organisations, and is a mature system that has a proven track
record in advanced operational imperatives and the reduction of costs.
EOCTR Emergency Management Simulator, is a web-based simulator that has been
developed to meet the training requirements of the staff of Emergency Management
Centres. With EOCTR, various emergency scenarios can be generated, and emergency management trainings can be executed on satellite images within these scenarios. The aim of EOCTR is to ensure an efficient training environment that will
develop the intervention capabilities of emergency management centre personnel in
virtual emergency scenarios before actual emergencies occur. The target is to ensure
a training environment that will develop the situational awareness abilities that are
particularly required in the emergency management field.
Gümüş Blok
A Blok, Z Kat
Batı Cephe Suit 2
ODTÜ Teknokent
Tel: +90 312 210 17 80
Fax: +90 312 210 17 84
FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş.
A joint venture between the Nurol Group of Turkey and BAE Systems, FNSS Savunma
Sistemleri A.S. is a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of armoured combat vehicles and weapon systems for the Turkish Armed Forces, as well as the armed
forces of allied nations. Its extensive product line comprises tracked and wheeled
armoured combat vehicles, weapons stations and combat utility vehicles.
The tracked Armoured Combat Vehicle (ACV) family is a combat-proven low-silhouette vehicle that is capable offering high mobility over all kinds of terrain and in amphibious operations. It has the necessary mounting provisions for the transformation
of the vehicle into various configurations, all based on the standard chassis of the Advanced Armoured Personnel Carrier (AAPC).
Using the experience gained with the ACV, FNSS has developed the ACV-S family,
which features a higher internal volume and payload. The ACV-S offers the latest developments in vehicle performance while maintaining commonality with the ACV family, and is similarly available in a number of different configurations. In service with
a number of armies worldwide, ACV and ACV-S vehicles have proven themselves in
high-intensity operations, peace support/keeping and against asymmetrical threats.
FNSS has also developed the PARS wheeled armoured combat vehicles, with special emphasis on mobility, protection, payload and growth potential. The vehicles
employ the latest designs and technologies from commercial automotive industries,
but militarised to meet the performance and durability of operational requirements.
The PARS family is available in 6x6 and 8x8 configurations, and can be tailored to
satisfy a wealth of customer requirements.
Besides manufacturing new vehicles, FNSS is also experienced in the upgrading and
modernising of the aged M113 family to M113A350/300 configurations, including improvements to survivability and lethality.
FNSS also develops and produces turrets and weapon stations, and currently offers
a one-person (Sharpshooter) turret in three different configurations with a number of
weapon options (25mm, 40mm AGL, and 12.7mm MG). They are fully stabilised to
provide a “shoot on the move” capability with high-performance sighting systems.
The company is about to complete the development of an unmanned remote turret
which can be fitted with a 25mm or 30mm gun.
Since 2007, FNSS has been under contract with the SSM to provide Amphibious Assault Bridge vehicles for the Turkish Armed Forces, of which the first three prototypes are now under test. The company has been developing Amphibious Armoured
Combat Earthmover vehicles for the Turkish Armed Forces; and is also the developer of the tracked vehicle platform for the Turkish 35mm air defence gun program.
PK.37 Gölbaşı 06830
Tel: +90 312 497 43 00
Fax: +90 312 497 43 01
Since 1989, Gate Electronic Inc. has been
specialised in the provision of depot-level
onsite maintenance and repair to military/industrial/civil electronic systems, avionics,
etc., while also offering system integration and maintenance engineering, software
development and electronic production services.
With 20 years of experience in the business, Gate Elektronik is working in the defence
sector, offering a scope of services that includes:
Electronic Production
PCB design-Production & Assembly
(Sub Assembly), Cable Harness,
FibreCable Harness, Chassis
Test & Measurement System, Back
Plane Testing
Technical Services
In-house maintenance & repair
Onsite maintenance & repair
System Integration & Maintenance
Integrated Logistic Support
Software Development
Test Programme Sets -TPS development
& ATUs (Adaptors for Test Units)
Flight Simulator software development
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)
Single Shot Rov (SSR)
Gate Elektronik has recently focused on:
A400M avionics’ test benches and test
programme sets (TPS)
Test sets of hydraulic cranes on
Test sets of electro valves on helicopters
On ship entertainment and training
Procurement of mapping table
Integration, maintenance and repair of
KU-Band Satellite Systems
Design and Production of Jammer
National Remotely Operated Vehicle
Besides more than 2,500 local customers, Gate
Elektronik is providing reliable engineering services to NAMSA (NATO) and exports to the countries such as the US, UK, UAE, Russia, Norway,
Japan and France.
Gate Elektronik’s technical service department is capable of providing on-site assistance; and is happy to offer its services to other potential partners in possible future
projects and business opportunities, both in Turkey and abroad, as your reliable and
qualified solution partner. Please visit our
web page: www.gateelektronik.com.tr for
further information.
İstanbul Yolu
Ayaş Kavşağı
16.Km. No:1/A
Tel: +90 312 257 07 37
Fax: +90 312 257 21 63