NM102 Communication Technologies and Systems Course Info


NM102 Communication Technologies and Systems Course Info
NM102 Communication Technologies and Systems Course Info: Lecturer İsmail Hakkı Polat Spring 2012 Course Description: This course aims to emphasize the correlation of the key concepts with New Media such as broadcasting&publishing, advertising, corp. comms&reputation management, economy&business, law&ethics, culture&art and politics. The students will have a detailed theory about the transformation of each concept into New Media environment and disruption of the existing concepts. The course will be supported by the practices from the new media industry like educational films, case studies and guest speakers. Course Objectives: The students are expected to: understand and practice the concepts of key industries as well as their transformations on the new media. Course Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course the students should be able to: -­‐ interpret the disruption concept and disruptive technologies. -­‐ learn about the correlations and synergies of new media with other industries. -­‐ comprehend the changing form and content in new media. Course References: * Bolter, J.D., Grusin R., ReMediation: Understanding New Media, MIT Press,1999 * Levinson, P., New New Media, Penguin Academics, 2009. * Pavlik, John V., Journalism and New Media, Columbia University Press, 2001. * Quinn S., Lamble S., Online Newsgathering, Focal Press, 2008. * Quinn S., Filak V., Convergent Journalism, Focal Press, 2005. * Spurgeon C., Advertising and New Media, Routledge, 2008 * http://www.slideshare.net/kamilmehmetozkan/yeni-­‐medya-­‐ve-­‐reklamcilik * Cady M., New Media in Corporate Communications, Hawksmere, 1999. * Castells M., The Rise of Network Society, Wiley-­‐Blackwell, 2010. * Uçkan, Ö, Ertem C., Wikileaks Yeni Dünya Düzenine Hoş geldiniz!, Etkileşim Yayınları, 2011. * * Keller D. New Media and New Literacies Reconstructing Education for the New Millennium (from the book The Handbook of New Media), SAGE Publications, 2002. (pp. 90-­‐104) * Gershon I., The Breakup2.0, Cornell University Press, 2010. * Yeni Medya Yeni Birey Yeni Toplum Prof. Dr. Kemal Sayar`s presentation. April 26th, 2012 Kadir Has University New Media Conference. http://youtu.be/mldcT4SglgE * Shea V., Netiquette, Albion Books, 2004 Course Evaluation: -­‐Assignments %10 -­‐Term Paper & Project %50 -­‐Final %40 Lecture Schedule: Week 1: – Course Introduction: Course syllabus and ground rules Talking about mutual expectations Week 2: – New Media Journalism, Publishing & Broadcasting (1) -­‐ New Forms and Content -­‐ Brand New Media Week 3: New Media Journalism, Publishing & Broadcasting (2) -­‐Transformation of Classical Media to a new environment Week 4: New Media Journalism, Publishing & Broadcasting (3) -­‐ Convergence of Transformed Classical Media & Brand New Media -­‐ Guest Speaker (M. Serdar Kuzuloğlu) Week 5: New Media Advertising (1) -­‐ Dynamics of New Media and ad -­‐ Convergence of Content & Ad -­‐ Product Placement in NM Week 6: New Media Advertising (2) -­‐ Banner -­‐ Search, SEO, SEM, SMO -­‐ Viral Ads -­‐ Guest Speaker Week 7: New Media and PR -­‐Online Reputation Management -­‐Organizational Transformation Week 8: New Media and Business -­‐ New Media Business and Commerce -­‐ Internet and Mobile Business Models -­‐ Virtualisation of things -­‐ Free, Freemium, Long Tail, Social Commerce Week 9: MidTerm Exam Week 10: New Media and Culture-­‐Art -­‐New forms and content -­‐Guest Speaker Week 11: New Media and Politics -­‐Guest Speaker (Dr. Özgür Uçkan-­‐Bilgi University) Week 12: New Media and Individual, Society and Government Week 13: New Media and Education -­‐ The Changing education landscape -­‐ The new teaching methods and new role of teachers and student -­‐ Online and distance education Week 14: New Media and Ethics Final Exam: Jan XX, 2012