CV - Mustafa Kutlay


CV - Mustafa Kutlay
Assistant Professor at TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Department of
International Relations
Major: International/Comparative Political Economy
Minors: International Relations Theory, Comparative Politics
Date of Birth: 10 March, 1985, Eskisehir
Address: TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Department of International
Relations, Söğütözü Caddesi, No: 43, Söğütözü, Ankara, 06560, Türkiye.
Telephone: (0090) 543 524 72 06
2013-2014: Visiting Research Fellow Royal Holloway University of London, Department of Politics and International Relations.
2010-2014: PhD Koç University, Department of Political Science and International Relations
Thesis title: “Reforming Reactive States: A Comparative Political Economy of
Greek and Turkish Crises”
Dissertation committee: Ziya Öniş (advisor), Caner Bakır (co-advisor), M. Fatih
Tayfur, E. Fuat Keyman, Şuhnaz Yılmaz Özbağcı, Sadık Ünay, Zühre Aksoy
2008-2010: MS Middle East Technical University, European Studies
Thesis title: “Transformation of Finance Capital in Spain and Turkey: A Comparative Political Economy Perspective
Advisor: Professor M. Fatih Tayfur
2003-2008: BA Middle East Technical University, Business Administration (concentration area: Financial economics)
2013: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), PhD
Fellowship Scholarship (for 12 months, Royal Holloway, University of London)
2013: German Marshall Fund of the United States, Marshall Memorial Fellowship, USA
2010: Koç University, Full PhD Scholarship (full tuition waiver and monthly stipend for
four years)
2010: METU, Outstanding Academic Performance Award
2010: METU, Ranked first at the department (MA studies)
2015-still: Assistant Professor of International Political Economy, TOBB University of
Economics and Technology, Department of International Relations
2015-still: Research Fellow, Conflict Analysis Research Centre (CARC), University of
Kent, UK
2015-still: Director, EU Studies Centre at International Strategic Research Organization
2007-still: Research Fellow, International Strategic Research Organization
2010-2014: Research and Teaching Assistant, Koç University, Department of Political Science and International Relations
2011-2013: Editor-in-chief, Analist, Turkish monthly strategy and policy journal
International/Comparative Political Economy
Emerging Powers in Global Order, Political Economy of State Capacity
Turkish Political Economy and Foreign Policy,
Political economy of Europe (particularly southern Europe), and TurkeyEU Relations
International Relations Theory, Qualitative Research Methods
A. Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) Journals
2013: Mustafa Kutlay, “Rising Powers in a Changing Global Order: Political Economy
of Turkey in the Age of BRICs”, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 1408-1425
(with professor Ziya Öniş).
2012: Mustafa Kutlay, “Yeni Türk Dış Politikasının Ekonomi Politiği: Eleştirel
Bir Yaklaşım” [Political Economy of the New Turkish Foreign Policy: A
Critical Assessment], Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 9, No. 35, 2012, pp. 101-127.
2012: Mustafa Kutlay, “Internationalization of Finance Capital in Spain and Turkey: Neoliberal Globalization and the Political Economy of State Strategies”,
New Perspectives on Turkey, No. 47, 2012, pp. 115-137.
2012: Mustafa Kutlay, “Ekonomik Bütünleşme/Siyasal Parçalanmışlık Paradoksu: Euro Krizi ve AB’nin Geleceği” [Economic Integration/Political Fragmentation Paradox:
Euro Crisis and the Future of the EU], Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 9, No. 33, pp. 322 (with professor Ziya Öniş).
Works in progress
“The Economic Dimension of Turkey’s Soft Power: Quo Vadis Turkish Trading
“Emerging Middle Powers in a Changing Global Order: The Significance of the
Turkish Case” (with Professor Ziya Öniş)
“Turkey and Hungary in Comparative Perspective: The Populist-Nationalist
Challenge and the Limits of EU’s Transformative Power in the European Periphery” (with Professor Ziya Öniş).
“Turkey’s New Political Economy: Potentials and Limits of a NeoDevelopmental State” (invited to contribute to a special issue on Robert Wade,
Development and Change, 2016).
B. International Peer-Reviewed Journals
2013: Mustafa Kutlay, “The Arab Spring: A Game Changer in Turkey-EU Relations?”, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2013, pp. 418430 (with O. Bahadır Dinçer).
2012: Mustafa Kutlay, “Beyond the Global Financial Crisis: Structural Continuities
as Impediments to a Sustainable Recovery”, All-Azimuth: A Journal of Foreign Policy
and Peace, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2012, pp. 10-27 (with professor Ziya Öniş).
2011: Mustafa Kutlay, “Stopping ‘Blame Game’, Revealing the Euro Zone’s Design Faults: ‘Complex Interdependence within the Nation-State Framework’”, Review of International Law and Politics, Vol. 7, No. 27, 2011, pp. 87-111.
2011: Mustafa Kutlay, “Economy as the ‘Practical Hand’ of ‘New Turkish Foreign Policy’: A Political Economy Explanation”, Insight Turkey, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2011,
pp. 67-88.
2009: Mustafa Kutlay, “A Political Economy Approach to the Expansion of Turkish-Greek Relations: Interdependence or Not?” Perceptions: Journal of International
Affairs, Spring-Summer 2009, Vol. XIV, No. 1-2, pp. 91-119.
2009: Mustafa Kutlay, “The Changing Policy of the European Union towards Free
Trade Agreements and its Effects on Turkish Foreign Trade: A Political Economy Perspective”, USAK Yearbook of International Politics and Law, Vol. 2, pp. 117–132.
C. National Peer-Reviewed Journals
2012: Mustafa Kutlay, “Küresel Kriz ve Hâkim Paradigmanın Yeniden Üretimi: Fikirler-Çıkarlar Ekseninde Bir İnceleme” [Global Economic Crisis and the Reproduction of Dominant Paradigm: An Explanation based on Interests and Ideas], Toplum ve
Bilim, No. 124, pp. 223-238 (with professor Ziya Öniş).
2012: Mustafa Kutlay, “Türkiye’nin Ortadoğu’daki Bölgesel Güç Potansiyeline
İlişkin Ampirik Bir İnceleme” [Turkey’s Power Capacity in the Middle East: An
Amprical Analysis], Akademik Ortadoğu, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2012, pp. 61-97 (with O. Bahadır Dinçer).
2011: Mustafa Kutlay, “Arap Baharı ABD’nin Hegemonik Projesi midir?” [Is the Arab Spring Hegemonic Project of the USA?], Türkiye Günlüğü, No. 107, pp. 100-110
(with O. Bahadır Dinçer).
D. Books and Book Chapters
2014: Mustafa Kutlay, “Uluslararası Politik Ekonomi” [International Political Economy] in Saban Kardas and Ali Balcı (eds.), Uluslararası İlişkiler’e Giriş: Tarih, Teori,
Kavram ve Konular, Istanbul: Kure Yayınları (with professor Ziya Öniş).
2013: Mustafa Kutlay, “Euro Krizinin Politik Ekonomisi ve AB’nin
Uluslararası Sistemdeki Geleceği” [The Political Economy of the Euro Crisis and the
Future of the EU in the International System], in Ülke Deneyimleri Işığında
Küresel Kriz ve Yeni Ekonomik Düzen, Fikret Şenses, Ziya Öniş, Caner Bakır
(eds.), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
2009: Mustafa Kutlay, Bundan Sonrası: Senaryo Analizleriyle Türkiye-AB
İlişkileri [What Next: Scenario Analyses on Turkey-EU Relations], Ankara: USAK
Yayınları, (with professor M. Özcan, F. Elmas and C. Mutuş).
E. Miscellaneous (selected)
2013: Mustafa Kutlay, “Skating on Thin Ice: The Political Economy of Turkish Foreign Policy Over The Last Decade”, ISPI Analysis, No. 226, December 2013.
2011: Mustafa Kutlay, “Küresel Ekonomik Kriz: Gerileyen Batı, Dönüşen
Uluslararası Sistem”, Analist, Vol. 1, No. 10, pp. 34-47.
2011: Mustafa Kutlay, “Krizdeki Birlik: Euro Bölgesinin Borç Sarmalı ve
AB'nin Geleceği”, USAK Raporları, Rapor No. 2011-01.
2010: Mustafa Kutlay, “Küresel Finansal Krizin Türk Ekonomisi’ne Etkileri: Türkiye’nin Kalkınması Önünde Engel mi, Fırsat mı?”, Stratejik Boyut, 2010, Yıl. 1, Sayı.
4, ss. 57– 64.
2009: Mustafa Kutlay, “Turkish Economy during the Republican Era: Skate on
Thin Ice”, Vanguardia Dossier, Numero 32, Julio/Septiembre 2009, pp. 60-68 (in Spanish).
2015: Mustafa Kutlay, “The Economic Dimension of Turkey’s Soft Power: Quo Vadis
Turkish Trading State?” De-Provincializing Soft Power, Columbia University Workshop, June 11-12, İstanbul, Turkey.
2015: Mustafa Kutlay, “Turkey’s Quest for Regional Power Status: The Need for a Paradigm Change”, Rethinking Regions: Transnational and Global Perspectives, Royal
Holloway University of London, April 23, London, UK.
2014: Mustafa Kutlay, “Political Economy of Turkey’s Regional Power Strategy: A
Question of Sustainability”, Turkish Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: The Human
Dimension, METU, 13-14 November 2014, Ankara, Turkey.
2014: Mustafa Kutlay, “Shifting Boundaries of State-Market Relations in Turkey in
the Age of BRICS: Limits of Regional Power Influence”, The State in the Balkans,
Balkans Futures Workshop, British School at Athens, 4-7 March 2014, Athens, Greece.
2014: Mustafa Kutlay, “Dynamics of Policy Change in Reactive States: A Comparative Political Economy of Greece and Turkey”, The 6th Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus, London School of Economics and Political
Science, 6-7 June 2013, London, UK.
2013: Mustafa Kutlay, “Dönüşen Uluslararası Sistemde Yükselen Güçler: BRIC
Çağında Türk Dış Politikasının Politik Ekonomisi”, Türk Dış Politikasının
Siyasal İktisadı Çalıştayında sunulan tebliğ, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 3 Mayıs 2013,
2013: Ziya Öniş and Mustafa Kutlay, “Rising Powers in a Changing Global Order: Perspectives on the Political Economy of Turkey in the Post-Global Crisis
Era”, International Studies Association, April 3-6, San Francisco, USA.
2011: Mustafa Kutlay, “Stopping ‘Blame Game’, Revealing the Euro Zone’s Design Faults: ‘Complex Interdependence within the Nation-State Framework’”,
GLODEM Young Scholars Workshop, June 30, 2011, İstanbul, Koç University.
2011: Mustafa Kutlay, “Cyprus Issue in Turkey-EU Relations: An ‘Oversold Issue’”, in
International Conference on Balkans and North Cyprus: Perspectives in Political, Economic and Strategic Issues, Famagusta.
2010: Mustafa Kutlay, “New Turkey’s Role in the (Re)construction of the EU”,
Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, 1-3 April.
2009: Mustafa Kutlay, “The ‘Normative Power’ Test for the EU: Cyprus Case as
an Exemplar”, in International Conference on Europe and North Cyprus: Perspectives in Political, Economic and Strategic Issues, Famagusta.
CNN Türk, NTV, TRT Haber, TRT Türk, TRT Radyo 1, Kanal 24, AlJazeera International, TGRT, Kanal A, TSR, S Haber, A Haber, Hurriyet Daily
News, Star Gazetesi, Todays Zaman, Radikal Gazetesi.
Professor of International Political Economy, Koç University
Tel: +90 212 338 1670
Professor of Global Politics, Royal Holloway, University of London
Tel: +44 1784 414133
Professor of International Relations, Middle East Technical University
Tel: +903122103093
Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Sabancı University
Tel: +90 212 292 4939
Ambassador (R.), Director of International Strategic Research Organization (USAK)
Tel: +90 312 212 28 86

Benzer belgeler

CV - Mustafa Kutlay

CV - Mustafa Kutlay 2013: Mustafa Kutlay, “The Arab Spring: A Game Changer in Turkey-EU Relations?”, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2013, pp. 418430. 2012: Mustafa Kutlay, “Beyond the G...


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seda ünsar - Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler B.8. “The Transition from a Patrimonial Redistributive Structure to a Rational-Legal Structure: The Ottoman Case”, forthcoming. C. Book Chapters C.1. “On the Political Economy of Resistance”, in An...
