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29.01. 2014
İlgi: Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Kurulu'nun 24.01.2014 tarihli ve CAN/2014-0151
sayılı yazısı.
İlgide kayıtlı yazıda, DEİKlTÜTk-Kanada İş Konseyi tarafından, 17 Şubat 2014 tarihinde, 09.3012.30 saatleri arasında, Ürdün Irak ve Türkiye odaklı faaliyetler yürüten Kanada-Arap İş Konseyi ile
bir toplantı gerçekleştirileceği ifade edilmiştir.
Kanada-Arap İş Konseyi, 1983 yılından bu yana faaliyet gösteren kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluş
olup, Kanada'nın önde gelen firmalarının üye olduğu konseyi n misyonunun, Kuzey Afrika ve Orta
Doğu ile ticari ve ekonomik ilişkilerin geliştirilmesi olduğu belirtilmektedir. Kanada'nın 2013 yılı
sonunda Türkiye'yi "gelişme yolunda olan ülkeler" arasında ı. öncelikli partner seçmesi nedeniyle,
bölgeye ziyaretin son etabında İstanbul' da bir toplantı düzenleneceği ve heyetin öncelikli olarak odak
sektörlerinin, enerji, ulaşım, sosyal ve fiziki altyapı olacağı ifade edilmiştir.
Söz konusu toplantıda, Türk ve Kanada iş çevrelerinin işbirliği alanları hakkında görüş alışverişi ve
ikili iş görüşmeleri öngörülmektedir. Katılım formu ve Kanadalı firma listesi ekte yer almaktadır.
Bilgilerinizi ve konunun ilgili üyelerinize duyurulmasını rica ederim.
Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı
1- Kanadalı Katılımcı Firmalar
2- Katılım formu
No. ~
ts • :ne •.•
Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:252 (Eskişehir Yolu 9. Km.) 06530 IANKARA
Tel: +90 (312) 2182000 (PBX).
Faks: +90 (312) 219 40 90 - 91 - 92 - 93
e-posta: info@tobb.org.tr • Web: www.tobb.org.tr
Ayrıntılı Bilgi İçin: İREM AHİ
TELEFON :3122182224
ıso 9001 :2008
Kalite Yönetim Sistemi
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DIŞ EK()NOrvıii< lLi:31<IL.ER KUr:::uıu
ECOfliC)f\,1/C f?fLATlCNS 80AI<0
Kanada-Arap iş Konseyi ile Toplantı
17 Şubat 2014, TOBB Plaza
Katılımcı Firmalar ve Sektörleri
1. Katch Kan Ltd.:
Katch Kan emerged in 1994 in response to the environmenta/ challenges in the energy seeter. its Rig
Safety System(RSSTM) and Zero Spill System (ZSSTM) assist sustainable development by protecting
and preserving the land, water and personnel in the oil and gas industry. These innovative systerns
work together to optirnize the Malth and safety of those involved in upstream oil and gas projeers.
while minimizing pollution and maxirnizlnq operational results. Katch Kan ™ svsterns enable oil and
gas exploration to occur in a proactive and eco-efficient manner. By using our systerns, Operaters and
Contractors can turn any drilling or work-over rig into a zere spill envlronment. anel minimize the waste
of expensive drilling fluids, resulting in cı cleaner, a safer and more productive working environment.
Katch Kan bullos tlıese systems under ISO 9001 and 14001 management systems and operates a full
service field operation in Canada under COR guidelines. Katch Kan is a global leader in reducing
environmental footprint anel operaticnal safety in the oil and gas drilling industry with 90% presence in
the Canadiarı Market and this innovalive technology has been adopted in over 60 countries worldwtde.
Biography of Abbas AI-Saigh, Ph.D., P. Eng.
V.P. Business Development, Mid(ııe East & North Africa
Petroleurn (B.Sc.) and Chernical (M.Sc., Ph.D.) Engineer.
Joined Katch Kan Ltd as a V.P. Business Development MENA region in January 2012, to date.
Over 12 years of Petroleum Industry experience, with the maior oil sands plant at Syncrude
Canada Ltd., and with Kuwait National Petroleuru Co. (KNPC) at the Shuaiba Refinery.
Over 20 years of International Marketing of Petroleum Equipment, Services, and Technology,
including Trairunç and Education.
Agent of Qatar Petroleuru in Canada and USA for Training and Education since year 2000 lo date.
coordinating the Education program for their sporısored students.
Former Director of Middle East & Africa with the Department of Econornic Development and Trade
(AED&T) of the Province of Alberta - Canada. for over 71S years (Feb. 1988 to August 1995).
Have been engaged in research, development. acadernic teaching and in training
Among other career:
-- Holds a process patent.
-- Menıber of Association of Professional Engineers and Geascience of Alberta (APEGA), and
Ihe lnstitutiorı of Chemical Engineers (IChE) of UK.
Fluent in English and Arabic Languages.
2014 15:23
2. Sonaro Energy Ltd.:
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Sonoro Energy Ltd.
Sonoro is an international bitumen exploratlon and development company.
Our current focus is a pure play on asphalt resource exploration and development in Iraq.
Sonoro has initiated the evaluation of resource opportunities under our asphalt lleense agreement in
the Salah ad Din Province
Blography of Richard Wadsworth Chairrnan & Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Wadsworth has more than 20 years of successful experience in developing unconventional
resource projacts. He has been involved in various projects
where there was little production, poor infrastructure or markets for bıtumen, growing them into
significant assets throuqh his visian and operatlonal strengths.
He was Co-Founder, President and COO of Bankers Petroleuru Ltd. ("Bankers"), an oil and gas
exploration, development and produetion company listed on the
TSX & AIM, from its inception in 2004 until August 2008. During this period, he led Bankers in redeveloping its hitumen field, building a cornprehenslve team,
the necessary infrastructure and external relationships resulting in reserves growing to over 150
nıillion barrels and production from 500 bopd to over 6,000 bopd.
Mr. Wadsworth previously ted and managed a joint verıturc company for the irıitial exploitation of the
current Bankers oilfield in Albania on behalf of Premier Oil Plc
and its three international E&P partners Previously, he helcl various roles within Koch Petroleum
Canada over 9 years mainly in the bitunıen seeter.
Mr, Wadsworth holds a Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Calgary, and is a
registered Professional Engineer wıth AP EGA.
3. Westdev:
Enerji Detıışmetılık
Westdev is an international business consulting flrm specializing in direct investment and joint
ventures.Westdev has Over two decades of success working with Canadian compantes to expand their
operations to nurnerous international markets. We work with Canaoran cornpanies, particularly tl ose
in the energy industry, to leeale and develop suitable business and project opportunlties, and viable
partners in the Middle East. Our services include screening prospective companfes to ensure they
nıeet the needs of our clients, introductions and follow-up rneetings, advice on cross-cultural business
issues, and works with loeal cornpanies and governınent rrunistrtes. embassies, and other
aqencies. We also work with companies in the Middle East who seek foreign compantes as suppliers
and for their expertise. Westdev also works cıoseıy with all government bodies
Sandra leBiane Business Career
Mrs. Sandra LeBiane, for the past twenty years, has hel d various directorships
management and in-house consurtant positions in private and public international energy companies,
bath upstream and downstreanı. Her exeertise is, working with the technical team, for the acquisition
of cornrnerclally viable international assets. This includes a process to identify, evaluate, source
humarı and financial capital, recornmend and oversee the inıplementation of ttte non-technical aspect
of international energy related projects. Mrs. LeBiane has worked on projects with an investnıent
value of $1mm to $1,2 billian dollars. throughout the Middle East, North Africa, West Africa, Latin
Arnonca. the Former Soviet Union ane! Asla. Previous to joining BURJ Petroleum Energy Corporation
as a director and Vice President Corporate Development, Sandra was with Big Sky Energy, Vice
President Business Development & Governrnent Relations; Mrs. LeBiane was with Snow Leopard
Resources, Vice President Business Development and International Projects: also Vice President,
Business Development & Governınent Relations Ethyl Tech Inc. H2S Remediation Sulphur Recovery;
six years as Vice President & Director of Stepnoi Leopard in Kazakhstan; Senior Consultant with
Aspen Technology & PetroVantage, Cambridge, Mass, supplier of software and services to the
an integrated
VP Business
Delta Catalytic in-house ınternational business development, NOWSCO
relations; Norwest Engineering in-house Consultant International and
President Westdev International a private consulting company.
Professional affiliations include:
President Canada Arab Business Council: Joint Economic Commisslon Kingdam of Saudi Arabia;
Association of International Petroleuru Neçotialors and a number of volunteer roles domestie and
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24. Jan.
2014 15:24
P. 4
internationaL. Sandra LeBiane is a Canadiarı cıuzen. born in Canada and resides in Calgary, Alberta
4. SNC-Lavalin:
Inşaat ve Altyapı (Madencilik,Enerji)
Founded in 1911, SNC-Lavalin is one of the leading engineering and construction groups in the world
anel a maior player in the ownership of infrastrueture. From its offices in over 35 countries, SNCl.avalin provides EPC and EPCM services to elients in a variety of industry sectors, including mining &
metallurgy, oil & gas, environment & water, infrastructure and elearı power. In maııy cases, SNCLavalın combines these services with its financing and operatlons & maintenance capability to provide
a complete end-to-end project approach. It is active on projects in 100 countries
SNC-Lavaliıı maintaiııs exceptionally hlqh standards for health and safety, ethics and compliance and
environmental protection, and is comnıitted to delivering quality projects on budget and on schedule to
the conıplete satisfactton of its clients
Sam Boutziouvis Bio
VP, Gavernment Relations and Multilateral Institutions at SNC-Lavalin Group Ine.
Four years in the Gas Exports Divlsion at Energy Mines and Resources
17 years at BCNI/CCCE with Tom d'Aquina as CEO anel 3 years with John Manley as CEO.
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iş KONSEyi
Kanada-Arap iş Konseyi ile Toplantı
17 Şubat 2014, TOBB Plaza
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