
EU-Turkey Civil Society Dialogue: Cultural Bridges
This project is funded by the European Union
The Digital Platform for Civil Society Dialogue
and Cultural Journalism
Sivil Toplum Diyalo¤u ve
Kültürel Gazetecilik Dijital Platformu
“City of Culture and Art”
Wednesday, 13th April 2011
“Kültür ve Sanat Kenti”
Çarflamba, 13 Nisan 2011
EU-Turkey Civil Society Dialogue: Cultural Bridges
This project is funded by the European Union
The French Institute in Turkey requests
9:45–18:30: International Conference and Debate:
the pleasure of your company to the
“What kind of communication in the Age of widespread
Closing Events of “Digital Bridges”,
09:45:Arrival of Guests and Participants
a project implemented under the
of the conference by Prof. Davut Ayd›n,
EU-Turkey “Cultural Bridges” Programme 10:15:Opening
Rector of Anadolu University
10:30:Presentation of students work
11:00:1st Round Table: Journalism and Communication
“What role and ethics for journalists nowadays”
12:30:Prize-Giving to the Best Articles written by the students
14:30:2nd Round Table: Culture and Communication
“How to use our common heritage to better understand
each other?”
16:00: Coffee break
Anadolu Üniversitesi - Yunus Emre Kampüsü
Ö¤renci Merkezi - Students Union Hall
Salon 2009
26470 Eskiflehir
Wednesday, 13th April 2011
16:15:3rd Round Table: Information and Communication
“The «Arab spring»: How to compare reactions and analysis
in Turkey and Europe?”
17:45:Conclusion by Prof. Dominique Wolton
18:00:Closing of the European project “Digital Bridges”
Speech by H.E. Ambassador Marc Pierini, Head of the EU
Delegation to Turkey
18:30:Signing of MoU for the creation of a Turkish-European
Centre of Innovative Journalism
Please confirm your attendance before
Tuesday, 12th April 2011
To Ms Cécile RICHARD, +90 312 408 82 24 or
+90539548 86 01-
19:45–20:45: Live Digital Performance by Akrylonumerik
EU-Turkey Civil Society Dialogue: Cultural Bridges
This project is funded by the European Union
Türkiye Frans›z Kültür Merkezi
AB-Türkiye “Kültürel Köprüler” Program›
kapsam›nda uygulanan “Dijital Köprüler”
projesinin kapan›fl etkinli¤ini
onurland›rman›z› diler.
9:45–18:30: Uluslararas› Konferans ve Tart›flma:
“Yayg›n Bilgi Ça¤›nda Ne Tür Bir ‹letiflim”
09:45:Konuklar›n ve Kat›l›mc›lar›n Teflrifi
10:15:Anadolu Üniversitesi Rektörü Say›n Prof. Davut Ayd›n’›n
Aç›l›fl Konuflmas›
10:30:Ö¤renci çal›flmalar›n›n sunumu
11:00:1. Yuvarlak Masa: Gazetecilik ve ‹letiflim
“Günümüz Gazetecilerinin Rolü ve Etik De¤erler”
12:30:Ö¤renciler taraf›ndan yaz›lan en iyi makaleye ödül
13:00:Ö¤le Yeme¤i
14:30:2. Yuvarlak Masa: Kültür ve ‹letiflim
“Ortak Miras›m›z› Birbirimizi Daha ‹yi Anlamak ‹çin Nas›l
16:00: Ara
Anadolu Üniversitesi - Yunus Emre Kampüsü
Ö¤renci Merkezi - Students Union Hall
Salon 2009
26470 Eskiflehir
13 Nisan 2011, Çarflamba
16:15:3. Yuvarlak Masa: Bilgi ve ‹letiflim
“Arap bahar›: Türkiye ve Avrupa’da Tepkileri ve Analizi Nas›l
17:45:Dominique Wolton’un kapan›fl konuflmas›
18:00:“Dijital Köprüler” projesinin kapan›fl›
AB Delegasyon Baflkan› Say›n Büyükelçi Marc Pierini’nin
18:30:Türk- Avrupa Yenilikçi Gazetecilik Merkezi Kurulmas›
için Mutabakat Anlaflmas› ‹mzalanmas›
Lütfen en geç 12 Nisan 2011 Sal› tarihine kadar afla¤›daki
numaralar› arayarak kat›l›m durumunuzu bildiriniz.
Cécile RICHARD, +90 312 408 82 24 veya +90539548 86 01
19:45–20:45: Akrylonumerik canl› dijital performans›
EU-Turkey Civil Society Dialogue: Cultural Bridges
This project is funded by the European Union
L’Institut Français de Turquie a le plaisir PROGRAMME
9:45–18:30: Conférence internationale et débats:
de vous convier aux événements de
«Quelle communication à l'heure de l'information
clôture du projet «Ponts numériques»,
généralisée ?»
09:45:Accueil des invités et participants
mis en œuvre dans le cadre du
de la conférence par le Professeur
programme UE-Turquie «Ponts Culturels». 10:15:Ouverture
Davut Ayd›n, Recteur de l’Université Anadolu
10:30:Présentation des travaux d’étudiants en journalisme
11:00:1ère table ronde : Journalisme et Communication
«Quel rôle et quelle éthique pour les journalistes
aujourd’hui ?»
12:30:Remise des prix pour les meilleurs articles des
14:30:2nde table ronde: Culture et Communication
«Comment mobiliser notre patrimoine commun pour mieux
nous comprendre?»
Université Anadolu - Yunus Emre Kampüsü
Ö¤renci Merkezi - Students Union Hall
Salon 2009
26470 Eskiflehir
Date :
Mercredi 13 avril 2011
Veuillez confirmer votre participation avant le
mardi 12 avril 2011
Auprès de Mlle Cécile RICHARD, +90 312 408 82 24 or
+90539548 86 01-
16:00: Pause café
16:15:3ème table ronde: Informations et Communication
«Le “Printemps arabe” : comment croiser les réactions et
analyses en Turquie et en Europe ?»
17:45:Conclusion de la Conférence par le Professeur
Dominique Wolton
18:00:Clôture du projet européen “Digital Bridges”
Allocution de S.E. M. Marc Pierini, Ambassadeur, Chef de la
Délégation de l’UE en Turquie
18:30:Signature d’un Protocole d’entente portant création
d’un Centre turco-européen de journalisme innovant
19:45–20:45: Performance artistique numérique en direct
par le collectif Akrylonumerik
International Conference and Debate / Uluslararas› Konferans ve Tart›flma:
“What kind of communication in the Age of widespread information?”
Mr. Alexandru Balasescu: Anthropologist, National School of Political Studies, Bucharest
Mr. Paul Dumont: Director, Department of Turkish Studies, University of Strasbourg
Mr. Talât Halman: Former Turkish Minister of Culture
Mr. François Heinderyckx: Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Mr. Faruk Günaltay: Director, Art House cinema “L’Odyssée”, Strasbourg
Mr. Nedim Gürsel: Writer and novelist
Mr. Zyed Krichen: Editor in chief of “Réalités”, Tunisia
Mr. Bernard Maris: Economist, Journalist and Columnist
Mr. Cafer Özkul: President, University of Rouen, France
Mr. Michel Sailhan: Agence France Presse, Turkey
Mr. Okan fienozan: Deputy Director, National Theatre of Ankara
Mr. Bernard Valade: Sociologist, University La Sorbonne, Paris
Mr. Dominique Wolton: Media Sociologist and Communication Expert
Ms. Serra Y›lmaz: Actress
Akrylonumerik 30 39, Devrim
Akrylonumerik is an interactive multicultural group of urban artists specialized in live digital, sound
and graphic street art performances, around and in the heart of the city. Street artists, painters, dancers,
musicians, sound designers, architects, performers, new media artists, video artists, photographers
and e-journalists from Europe and Turkey will meet in Eskiflehir to create, especially for the “Digital
Bridges” project, an ephemeral transdisciplinary performance that questions the place of new artistic
expressions in the public space of 21st century.
Welcome to Eskiflehir,
“City of Culture and Art”
“Kültür ve Sanat Kenti”
Eskiflehir’e Hofl geldiniz
Halfway between Istanbul and Ankara, Eskiflehir is a lively city which
has considerably grown for the last years. It benefits froma rich
cultural heritage (Phrygians and Hittites), the energy of Anadolu
University (the biggest of Turkey, 1.5 million students)and astrong
economy based on sustainable development. This combination
creates a charming and animated city, considered by the Turks as
one of the most pleasant major cities of their country.
‹stanbul ve Ankara illerinin ortas›nda yer alan Eskiflehir, son y›llarda
oldukça geliflen canl› bir kenttir. Zengin kültürel miras› (Frigyal›lar,
Hititler), Anadolu Üniversitesi’nin enerjisi (1.5 milyon ö¤rencisiyle
Türkiye’nin en büyük üniversitesi) ve sürdürülebilir kalk›nmaya dayal›
güçlü ekonomisinin yan›nda, Eskiflehir nefleli ve canl› bir kenttir ve
Türkler taraf›ndan ülkenin baflta gelen en güzel flehirlerinden biri
oldu¤u düflünülmektedir.
How to reach Eskiflehir?
Eskiflehir’e Nas›l Geleceksiniz?
From ‹stanbul
> By train: Tuesday, 12th April: Departure from Istanbul Haydarpafla
train station at 13:30, arrival at Eskiflehir train station at 17:30.
> By car: following the E80 and the D650, 330 km, approximately
5 hours drive.
> By plane: Tuesday, 12th April: Departure from Istanbul Atatürk
Airport at 19:55, arrival at Eskiflehir Anadolu UniversityAirport at
20:50. / Wednesday, 13th April: Departure from Istanbul Atatürk
Airport at 6:30 a.m., arrival at Eskiflehir Anadolu UniversityAirport
at 7:25 a.m.
> Trenle: 12 Nisan, Sal›: 13.30’da ‹stanbul Haydarpafla Gar›’ndan
hareket, 17.30’da Eskiflehir tren istasyonuna var›fl.
> Arabayla: E80 ve D650 karayolunu takip ederek, 330 km, yaklafl›k
5 saat sürmektedir.
> Uçakla: Sal›, 12 Nisan: 19.55’de Atatürk Havaliman›ndan Hareket,
20.50’de Eskiflehir Anadolu Havaalan›’na var›fl / 13 Nisan: 6.30’da
Atatürk Havaliman›’ndan hareket, 07.25’de Eskiflehir Anadolu
Havaalan›’na var›fl.
From Ankara
> By train: Wednesday, 13th April: Departure from Ankara train
station at 08:00, arrival at Eskiflehir train station at 09:30.
> By car: Following the E90, 253 km, approximately 3 hours drive.
Contracting Authority
Sözleflme Makam›
Implemented by
Uygulay›c› Kurum
Central Finance and Contracts Unit
Project Partners
Proje Ortaklar›
With the support of
Destek Verenler
Digital Platform:
> Trenle: Çarflamba, 13 Nisan: 08.00’de Ankara tren istasyonundan
hareket, 09.30’da Eskiflehir tren istasyonuna var›fl.
> Arabayla: E90 karayolundan, 253 km, yaklafl›k 3 saat sürmektedir.