Accommodation Beach Bell Tower Border Bridge Building Church


Accommodation Beach Bell Tower Border Bridge Building Church
Bell Tower
Off-Road Racing
Photo Safari
Spring Water
What is the weather like there?
How is the weather?
What was the weather like in Istanbul?
What‟s the climate in Kayseri?
-Peter: How was the weather?
-Sally : The weather was great. It was warm and sunny.
-Peter: What‟s the weather like there?
- Sally: It has a tropical climate, so it has a mild temperature the
year around.
1-You can use "prefer to (do)" or "prefer -ing" to say what you prefer
in general:
• I don't like cities. I prefer to live in the country OR I prefer living in
the country.
Study the differences in structure after prefer. We say:
I prefer something to something else.
I prefer to do something rather than (do) something else.
I prefer doing something to doing something else.
• I prefer this coat to the coat you were wearing yesterday.
• I prefer driving to traveling by train.
but • I prefer to drive rather than travel by train.
• Ann prefers to live in the country rather than (live) in a city.
2-We use "would prefer" to say what somebody wants in a particular
situation (not in general):
• "Would you prefer tea or coffee" "Coffee, please."
We say "would prefer to do" (not "doing"):
• "Shall we go by train?" "Well, I'd prefer to go by car. (not "I'd prefer
• I'd prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.
3-Would rather (do) = would prefer (to do). After would rather we use
the infinitive without to.
• "Shall we go by train?"
• "Would you rather have tea or coffee" "Coffee, please."
The negative is "I'd rather not (do something)":
• I'm tired. I'd rather not go out this evening, if you don't mind.
• "Do you want to go out this evening" "I'd rather not."
Study the structure after would rather:
do something
I mean ….. (Demek istiyorum ki)
"I'd prefer to go by car."
"I'd rather go by car. (not to go)
I'd rather
• "Shall I stay here?" "I'd rather you came with us."
• "Shall I tell them the news?" "No. I'd rather they didn't know."
• "Shall I tell them or would you rather they didn't know?"
In this structure we use the past (came, did etc.), but the meaning is
present or future, not past.
• I'd rather cook the dinner now.
but • I'd rather you cooked the dinner now. (not "I'd rather you cook")
The negative is "I'd rather you didn't...":
• I'd rather you didn't tell anyone what I said.
• "Do you mind if I smoke?" "I'd rather you didn't."
than (do)
something else.
• I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema.
I'd rather you did something
When you want somebody to do something, you can say "I'd rather you
did something":
Who were you with? (I mean, were you alone or with another person?)
Stand for (anlamına gelmek) …..
One of the most popular extreme sports is BASE jumping. BASE stands for
In other words ( Diğer bir deyişle)
Rock-climbing, white-water rafting and parachute diving are the examples of
“extreme sports” or in other words “adventure sports”.
That‟s why …. (Bu sepebten)
Extreme sports are both dangerous and chllenging , but of course that‟s why
adrenalin seekers love it.
E.g. …..(örneğin, mesela)
Never give strangers your personal information, e.g. your
address, telephone number, etc.
Etc. ….(vb, vs.)
Never give strangers your personal information, e.g. your
address, telephone number, etc.
Such as ( gibi)
Heart-stopping activities such as rock-climbing, white-water
rafting and parachute diving are the examples of “extreme sports”
What does “………….” mean? “……..” Ne anlama gelmektedir?
Sıfata "daha" niteliği kazandıran "-er" ve "more" eklenmesi ile oluşan yapılardır.
Türkçe'de mukayese sıfatları olarak ifade edilirler.
Cümle yapısı: sıfat + -er / more + sıfat + than
- She is more intelligent than her sister (O kız kardeşinden daha zekidir).
İngilizcede niteleme sıfatları düzenli ve düzensiz olarak, yani kurallı veya kuralsız
olarak iki şekilde derecelendirilebilir.
► Bir heceli sıfatlara -er takısı eklenir.
- My car is faster than yours. (Benim arabam seninkinden daha hızlıdır.)
► İkiden fazla heceli sıfatlarda more kelimesi sıfatlardan önce getirilir.
- Her new dress is more beautiful than her old one. (Yeni elbisesi
eskisinden daha güzel.)
► İki heceli sıfatların bazılarına -er takısı eklenir, bazılarından önce
ise more kelimesi getirilir. Hangi durumlarda hangi eki getireceğinizi
öğrenebilmek için aşağıdaki açıklamaları okuyunuz.
►Sonunda -y harfi bulunan sıfatlar -er takısı alır -y -ie„ye dönüşür.
- English is easier than French. (İngilizce Fransızcadan daha kolaydır.)
►Birçok iki heceli sıfattan önce more kelimesi getirilir.
- Some films are more boring than others. (Bazı filmler diğerlerinden daha
►Bazı sıfatlar ise yukarıda belirtilen kuralların dışında düzensiz değişirler.
Belirli bir kural olmadığı için ezberlenmeleri gerekir. Aşağıda bu sıfatlar
good (iyi) - better (daha iyi) - the best (en iyi)
bad (kötü) - worse (daha kötü) - the worst (en kötü)
much (fazla) - more (daha fazla) - the most (en fazla)
many (fazla) - more (daha fazla) - the most (en fazla)
little (az) - less (daha az) - the least (en az)
► Bazı iki heceli sıfatlarla hem -er takısı eklenerek ve hem de
başına more kelimesi getirilerek kıyaslama yapılabilir.
Bunlar -ow, -er ve -le heceleriyle biten sıfatlar ile, handsome, polite, tired,
quiet, pleasant, stupid, cruel, wicked, common kelimeleridir.
- A monkey is cleverer / more clever than a donkey. (Maymun eşekten daha
Expressing Opinion(Fikir Belirtme)
As I see it ( gördüğüm kadarıyla)
As far as I’m concerned (bana kalırsa)
If you ask me ( bana sorarsan)
From my point of view (benim açımdan)
To be honest, I think(dürüst olmak gerekirse sanırım)
Expressing Opinion(Fikir Belirtme)
I believe....(inanıyorum ki)
I feel.....( hissediyorum ki)
In my opinion.....(bence)
In my view....(benim görüşüme göre)
I think that....(şöyle düşünüyorum)
Asking Opininon(Fikir Sorma)
Do you think…? (düşünüyormusun?)
What do you think about…..? (–nun hakkında ne düşünüyorsun?)
What’s your opinion of……….?(fikriniz nedir)
How do you feel about………..?(…hakkında ne düşünüyorsun?)
How do you like…………………..?(nasıl buldun)
What’s your point of view……?(sizin bakışınız nedir)
Agreeing an Opinion(Bir fikre katılma)
I agree with this idea.(bu fikre katılıyorum)
I completely agree with you.(sana tamamen katılıyorum)
I’m of exactly the same opinion.( tamamen aynı görüşteyim)
That’s acceptable to us.( Bu bizim için kabul edilebilir.)
Disagreeing an Opininon(Bir fikre karşı olma)
I don’t agree with you (size katılmıyorum)
I’m afraid (korkarım)
I disagree with you (size katılmıyorum)
I don’t agree that.(buna katılmıyorum)
1. A: I think bungee jumping is more difficult than
B: ………………water sports are easier.
A) You are wrong.
C) You are right.
Simple Past Tense asıl olarak geçmişteki olayları anlatmak için kullanılır.
Aşağıda bu zamanın olumlu, olumsuz ve soru şekillerinin yapılışlarıyla ilgili
tabloyu inceleyiniz.
I played (Oynadım)
You played (Oynadın)
He played (Oynadı)
She played (Oynadı)
It played (Oynadı)
We played (Oynadık)
They played (Oynadılar)
I didn't play (Oynamadım)
You didn't play (Oynamadın)
He didn't play (Oynamadı)
She didn't play (Oynamadı)
It didn't play (Oynamadı)
We didn't play (Oynamadık)
They didn't play (Oynamadılar)
Did I play? (Oynadım mı?)
Did you play? (Oynadın mı?)
Did he play? (Oynadı mı?)
Did she play? (Oynadı mı?)
Did it play? (Oynadı mı?)
Did we play? (Oynadık mı?)
Did they play? (Oynadılar mı?)
B) I don’t think so.
D) That’s not true.
2. A: I think skydiving is boring.
B: ……………… I think it is interesting and challenging.
A) I think so, too.
C) What a surprise?
B) I agree with you.
D) I don’t think so.
3. A: Why do millions of tourists visit The Niagara
Waterfalls every year?
B: Because............
A) They want to hear the fascinating sound of the Falls
B) It’s in the Canadian borders of The USA.
C) It has a tropical climate with cold winters.
D) It is the world’s most amazing Mosque.
4. A: I think extreme sports are not for me.
B: …………………
A: Because I don‟t like taking part in the activities involving physical
risk and danger.
A) What do you think about extreme sports?
B) Why do you ask?
C) Why do you think so?
D) Are extreme sports dangerous?
5. Emre: I think travelling should be just for fun. I‟d
rather have fun than learn new things.
Kenan: ………….. We can learn a lot of new things
while travelling.
A) I totally agree.
C) That's exactly what I think.
B) Yes, certainly.
D) I don't think so.
6. A: I think I can‟t do an extreme sport.
B: ……………………….
A: Its risk and danger. I don‟t enjoy dangerous sports.
A) What makes you think like that?
B) Why do you think so?
C) Do you enjoy extreme sports?
D) Do you avoid physical risk?
7. A: What‟s the climate like in Mardin?
B: …………… Hot summers months come after the cold
winter. The temperature usually increases 40 °C in
A) It’s located in the North of Turkey.
C) Mostly snowy in spring.
B) A continental climate.
D) A tropical climate
8. When we went Russia to see The Kremlin Palace in winter, we had to
wear very thick clothes because it was really …………… in Moscow.
A) freezing
C) moderate
B) very hot
9. A: What do you think about the Pisa Tower?
B: …………., It‟s an interesting structure. It started to lean during its
construction and it‟s going on leaning.
A) To me
C) I guess so.
B) I’m sorry.
D) That’s it!
10. A: I think Tarsus is a multicultural province.
B: …………………
A: Because you can see many historic sites and buildings from different
civilizations and cultures.
A) Why do you think so?
B) What do you mean?
C) Do you mean it has different cultures?
D) What’s special about it?
visit a museum  müze ziyaret etmek
take photographs  fotoğraf çekmek
fly economy class ekonomi sınıfında uçmak
go sightseeing  gezip görmeye gitmek
try the local food yöresel gıda/yiyecek denemek
go shopping alışverişe gitmek
buy souvenirs hediyelik eşye almak
stay at a hotel  otelde kalmak
write postcards  karpostal yazmak
* Burj Dubai is a skyscraper in
United Arab Emirates and is the
tallest man-made structure in
the world. It is 829,8 meters
* Burj Dubai Birleşik Arap
Emirliklerin’de bir gökdelendir ve
en uzun insan yapımı binadır.
829,8 metre uzunluğundadır.
Himeji Castle is in
Japan. It’s one of
the finest example
of Japanese
Sumela Monastery is on the Zigana Mountains in Trabzon, Turkey. Local people
also name the monastery as “Meryem Ana” or “Virgin Mary”.
Himeji Kalesi
Japon mimarisinin
en iyi örneklerinden
The Great Wall of China
is one of the greatest
wonders of the world. It
stretches approximately
8851,8 kilometers from
east to west of China.
Çin Seddia Dünyanın
harikalarından biridir. Çinin
doğusundan batısına kadar
yaklaşık 8851,8 km
The Tower of Pisa is a
bell tower in Italy. It
started to lean during
its construction, and
the tower now leans
at about 3,99 degrees
at the top.
Pisa Kulesi, İtalya’da
bir “çan kulesidir” .
İnşaatı devam ederken
eğilmeye başlamıştır
ve zirveden yaklaşık
3,99 derece eğiktir.
Sümela Manastırı Trabzon’daki Zigana Dağlarındadır. Bölge insanı manastırı
Meryem Ana olarak da adlandırır.
The London Eye is a giant Ferris
wheel on the South Bank of the
River Thames in London, the
UK. The entire structure is 135
meters tall, and the wheel has
a diameter of 120 meters .
London Eye, Londra’daki
Thames Nehrinin Güney Batı
kıyışanda bulunan dev bir
“dönme dolap” tır. 135 metre
uzunluğundadır ve dönme
dolap 120 metre çapa sahiptir.