Different Parasitic Phyla of Fish from Turkey excluding Helminths


Different Parasitic Phyla of Fish from Turkey excluding Helminths
The Journal of Zoology Studies 2015; 2(2): 24-41
The Journal of Zoology Studies
ISSN 2348-5914
JOZS 2015; 2(2): 24-41
JOZS © 2015
Received: 03-04-2015
Accepted: 25-04-2015
Different Parasitic Phyla of Fish from Turkey excluding
Helminths and Crustacea
Authors: Ali ALAŞ, Ahmet ÖKTENER
Department of Biology,
Education Faculty, Necmettin
Erbakan University, 42090,
Meram, Konya, Turkey
This review is done to update the species list of the parasitic phyla: Ciliophora, Myxozoa,
Myzozoa, Euglenozoa, Metamonada, Microsporidia and Choanozoa reported from freshwater and
marine fishes from Turkey. Information from all available references (journal publications, reports
of research projects, thesis, proceedings of congress, symposium proceedings) on different parasitic
Deparment of Fisheries, Sheep
Research Station, Çanakkale
Street 7km., 10200, Bandırma,
Balıkesir, Turkey
phyla except of helminths and crustacea reported from fishes of Turkey from 1931 to 2014 were
gathered to provide parasite-host lists. This update includes additional records and allows for the
correction of synonymies and valid names of species that were present in the preceding versions.
The list was compiled with the parasite species arranged by phylum, class and alphabetical, as
appropriate. A review of the literature indicated the occurrence of 49 parasite species which
included 21 Ciliophora, 16 Myxozoa, 5 Myzozoa, 3 Euglenozoa, 1 Metamonada,1 Microsporidia
and 2 Choanozoa species.
Keywords: Turkey, fish, parasite, Ciliophora, Myxozoa
1. Introduction
A checklist of parasitic helminths of freshwater fish included 99 species (73 named and 26
unnamed), while 114 species (95 named and 19 unnamed) were reported from marine fish of Turkey
[1, 2]
. But these articles include incorrect spellings of parasite names, host names and species author’s
names, and incorrect attributions of dates of species authorship. This status is derived from some
Turkish scientist’s articles not given in spite of our contact, difficulties to reach to some old studies
made by foreign scientists (for example Tareen
), lack of use of online control database
[3, 6]
Checklists of parasitic helminths of freshwater fish from Turkey were revised and updated according
to online database, and other literature
. The last status of parasitic helminths of freshwater fish
from Turkey revealed increased species number, especially in the phylum Plathyhelminthes.
Increased host diversity was also determined. Host diversity examined reached from 41 to 71 species
Corresponding Author:
in freshwater habitats
Deparment of Fisheries,
Sheep Research Station,
Çanakkale Street 7km., 10200,
Bandırma, Balıkesir, Turkey.
E-mail: ahmetoktener@yahoo.com
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
. Protozoon and other minor parasites of fish reported from Turkey were
.This publication needs to be revised according to changes in classification and new
species records. Finally, it is also aimed to gather parasite records with hosts from aquarium and
farm conditions, marine and freshwater habitats of Turkey. Here we presented the list of fish
parasites from Turkey excluding parasitic helminths and crustacea.
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The Journal of Zoology Studies
2.Material and Method
Information from all available references (journal
publications, reports of research projects, thesis,
proceedings of congress, symposium proceedings) on fish
parasites in Turkey, excluding parasitic helminths and
crustaceans from 1931 to 2014 were gathered to provide
host-parasite and parasite-host lists.
In the literature dealing with the other fish parasites in
Turkey, many incorrect spellings of parasite names, host
names and species author’s names, as well as incorrect
attributions of dates of species authorship appear. The
classification (validity scientific names, synonyms,
spellings) of parasite and host were checked with main
electronic sites [3-6].and updated literature [9].
3.Results and Discussion
Presented checklist of fish parasites from Turkey includes
Ciliophora, Myxozoa, Myzozoa, Euglenozoa, Metamonada,
Microsporidia, Choanozoa and it was compiled with the
parasite species arranged by phylum, class and alphabetical,
as appropriate. The host-parasite list / parasite-host list are
arranged as follow: a list of collected parasite groups and
their parasitized fish, the collection site and reference
(Table 1).
Table1: Different Parasites Reported from freshwater and marine fish from Turkey excluding Parasitic Helminth and
Parasite species and host
Infection Site
G, B
Pond (Ankara Museum)
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L., Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı
F., Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL,
Kızılcahamam Brook, Hirfanlı DL, ÇankırıGünerdiğin Pond
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F., Kurtboğazı DL,
Çankırı-Günerdiğin Pond, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Nallıhan Brook
F (Kesikköprü DL)
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
Bekteşağa Pond
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
G, B
Sarıkum LL
AQ (Rize)
F (Black Sea Region)
F, B, G
Sarıkum LL
F (Aegean Sea)
Phylum Ciliophora
Apiosoma sp
Carassius sp
Alburnus sp
Cyprinus carpio
Tinca tinca
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Varicorhinus sp
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Aphanius danfordii
Vimba vimba
Liza aurata
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Apiosoma piscicolum Blanchard, 1885
Cyprinus carpio
Cyprinus carpio
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Ambiphrya sp
Platichthys flesus
Poecilia reticulata
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Riboscyphidia sp
Platichthys flesus
Dentex dentex
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
F, B, G
G, B
G, B
F, B, G
F, B, G
G, B
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The Journal of Zoology Studies
Scyphidia sp
Aphanius chantrei
Aphanius danfordii
Vimba vimba
Liza aurata
Neogobius melanostomus
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Chilodinella sp
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Silurus glanis
Tinca tinca
Esox lucius
Cyprinus carpio
Cyprinus carpio
Ctenopharyngodon idella
Carassius auratus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Brachydanio rerio
F, B, G
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
F (Marmara Region)
Mogan L
Mogan L
Mogan L
Mogan L
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
F (Ankara DSI)
F (Kesikköprü DL)
AQ (Black Sea Region)
Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)
Kahl, 1931
Carassius auratus
Carassius auratus
G, B
G, B
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
Chilodonella cyprini (Moroff, 1902)
Alburnus sp
Cyprinus carpio
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Varicorhinus sp
Carassius sp
Pterophyllum sp
Symphysodon discus
Blicca bjoerkna
Tilapia rendalli
Tilapia zillii
Sarotherodon galilaeus
Oreochromis niloticus
Oreochromis aureus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oreochromis niloticus
Oreochromis aureus
Oreochromis niloticus
Oreochromis aureus
Poecilia reticulata
Betta splendes
Xiphophorus maculatus
Ctenopharynodon idella
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F, Kurtboğazı DL,
Çankırı-Günerdiğin Pond, Nallıhan Brook
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
Sapanca L
F (Çukurova Univ)
F (Çukurova Univ)
F (Çukurova Univ)
F (Çukurova Univ)
F (Çukurova Univ)
F (Marmara Region)
F (Çukurova Univ)
F (Çukurova Univ)
F (Çukurova Univ)
F (Çukurova Univ)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
Adana DSI
Page 26
The Journal of Zoology Studies
Cyprinus carpio
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Carassius auratus
Chilodinella piscicola (Zacharias, 1894)
Jankowski, 1980
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
G, B
Cryptocaryon irritans Brown, 1951
Sparus aurata
Epistylis sp
Cyprinus carpio
Cyprinus carpio
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Dentex dentex
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Carassius auratus
Ichthyophthirius sp
Oncorhynchus mykiss
F, B, G
F, B, G
F, B, G
G, B
F, B, G
Adana DSI
F (Atatürk DL)
AQ (Rize)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
Aegean Sea
Bekteşağa Pond
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Kesikköprü DL)
F (Aegean Sea)
F (Black Sea Region)
AQ (Rize)
F (Marmara Region)
Ichthyophthirius multifilis Fouquet, 1876
Alburnus sp
G, B
Cyprinus carpio
G, B
Tinca tinca
Oncorhynchus mykiss
G, B
Varicorhinus sp
G, B
Silurus glanis
Barbus sp
Esox lucius
Chondrostoma sp
Blicca bjoerkna
Carassius sp
Hypostomus plecostomus
Xiphophorus hellerii
Poecilia sphenops
Tinca tinca
Carassius auratus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Carassius auratus
Xiphophorus hellerii
Xiphophorus maculatus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Cyprinus carpio
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
B, F
B, F
B, F
F, B, G
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F, Kurtboğazı DL,
Çankırı-Günerdiğin Pond, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Nallıhan Brook
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Sarıyar DL
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Sarıyar DL
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
Kızılcahamam Brook, Nallıhan Brook
Nallıhan Brook
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
F (Fırat Univ.)
F (Fırat Univ.)
Sapanca L
AQ (Eskişehir)
F (Marmara Region)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
F (Aegean Region)
Seyhan River
Page 27
The Journal of Zoology Studies
Ctenopharyngodon idella
Carassius auratus
Poecilia reticulata
Poecilia latipinna
Xiphophorus hellerii
Xiphophorus maculatus
Poecilia reticulata
Poecilia latipinna
Xiphophorus hellerii
Xiphophorus maculatus
Cyprinus carpio
Luciobarbus pectoralis
Carassius auratus
Ctenopharynodon idella
Cyprinus carpio
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Cyprinus auratus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Cyprinus carpio
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Salvelinus fontinalis
Salmo trutta fario
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Salmo trutta labrax
Salvelinus fontinalis
Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
Astronotus ocellatus
Carassius auratus
Symphsodon discus
Neogobius fluviatilis
Trichodina sp
Anguilla anguilla
Liza ramada
Chelon labrosus
Carassius sp
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Carassius sp
Pterophyllum sp
Poecilia sphenops
Xiphophorus hellerii
Poecilia reticulata
Pangasius sp
Betta splenders
Epalzeorhynchos bicolor
Hypostomus plecostomus
Poecilia velifera
Xiphophorus maculatus
Symphysodon discus
Systomus tetrazona
Tinca tinca
Tinca tinca
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
F, B, G
F, B, G
F, B, G
F, B, G
F, B, G
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, I, S, GB
G, I, S, GB
F, B, G
G, B
Ankara DSI
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
Seyhan River
Seyhan River
Adana DSI
Adana DSI
F (Black Sea Region)
AQ (İzmir)
F (Mediterranean Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
Adana DSI
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
AQ (Aydın)
AQ (Rize)
AQ (Rize)
AQ (Rize)
Bafra Balık L
Aegean Sea
Aegean Sea
Aegean Sea
Pond (Ankara Museum)
F (Marmara Region)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
Sapanca L
Mogan L
Page 28
The Journal of Zoology Studies
Esox lucius
Cyprinus carpio
Alburnus escherichii
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Merlangius merlangus
Carassius auratus
Cyprinus carpio
Ctenopharyngodon idella
Poecilia reticulata
Poecilia latipinna
Xiphophorus hellerii
Xiphophorus maculatus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Carassius auratus
Sparus aurata
Merlangius merlangus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Aphanius danfordii
Vimba vimba
Liza aurata
Neogobius melanostomus
Cyprinus carpio
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Salvelinus fontinalis
Salmo trutta fario
Dentex dentex
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Salvelinus fontinalis
Merlangius merlangus
Scardinius erythrophthalmus
Carassius gibelio
Carassius auratus
Heros efasciatus
Labidochromis caeruleus
G, B
G, B
G, B
Mogan L
Mogan L
Mogan L
F (Marmara Region)
Black Sea
AQ (Ankara)
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
Ankara DSI
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Aegean Sea)
Black Sea
F (Kesikköprü DL)
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Halil-ür Rahman L
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Aegean Sea)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
Black Sea
Kızılırmak Delta
Eğirdir L
AQ (Rize)
AQ (Rize)
AQ (Rize)
G, B
G, B
G, B
F, B, G
F, B, G
F, B, G
F, B, G
F, B, G
G, B
G, B
F, B, G
F, B, G
G, B
F, B, G
G, B
G, B
G, B
F, G
Trichodina nigra Lom, 1960
Alburnus sp
G, B
Cyprinus carpio
G, B
Tinca tinca
Oncorhynchus mykiss
G, B
G, B
Varicorhinus sp
G, B
Silurus glanis
Barbus sp
Esox lucius
Cyprinus carpio
Cyprinus carpio
Cyprinus carpio
G, B
G, B
G, B
F, B, G
F, B, G
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F, Kurtboğazı DL,
Kızılcahamam Brook, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Pond, Nallıhan Brook
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Sarıyar DL
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F, Sarıyar DL
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
F (Black Sea Region)
Bekteşağa Pond
Seyhan River
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The Journal of Zoology Studies
Carassius auratus
Poecilia reticulata
Poecilia latipinna
Xiphophorus hellerii
Xiphophorus maculatus
Cyprinus carpio
Luciobarbus mystaceus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Cyprinus carpio
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
Seyhan River
Seyhan River
F (Atatürk DL)
Yamula DL
F (Black Sea Region)
G, B
G, B
Adana DSI
Adana DSI
F, B, G
F, B, G
Bekteşağa Pond
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Çukurova Univ.)
F (Çukurova Univ.)
F (Çukurova Univ.)
F (Çukurova Univ.)
Kızılırmak Delta
F, B, G
F, B, G
Bekteşağa Pond
F (Black Sea Region)
F, B, G
F, B, G
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F, Kurtboğazı DL,
Çankırı-Günerdiğin Pond, Nallıhan Brook,
Kızılcahamam Brook
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Sarıyar DL
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Sarıyar DL
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Sarıkum LL
Sarıkum LL
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
Trichodina claviformis Dobberstein &
Palm, 2000
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Trichodina perforate Lom, 1961
Ctenopharynodon idella
Cyprinus carpio
Trichodina acuta Lom, 1961
Cyprinus carpio
Cyprinus carpio
Oreochromis niloticus
Oreochromis aureus
Oreochromis niloticus
Oreochromis aureus
Cyprinus carpio
Trichodina mutabilis Kaz.&Mig.,1868
Cyprinus carpio
Cyprinus carpio
Trichodina domerquei (Wallengren,
Alburnus sp
Cyprinus carpio
Tinca tinca
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Varicorhinus sp
Silurus glanis
Barbus sp
Esox lucius
Gasterosteus aculeatus
Neogobius melanostomus
Platichthys flesus
Aphanius chantrei
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
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The Journal of Zoology Studies
Aphanius danfordii
Dicentrarchus labrax
Merlangius merlangus
Neogobius fluviatilis
F, B, G
F, B, G
Sarıkum LL
Hurmaboğazı LL
Black Sea
Bafra Balık L
Trichodina jadranica Raabe, 1958
Platichthys flesus
F, B, G
Sarıkum LL
Trichodina modesta Lom, 1970
Aphanius chantrei
Aphanius chantrei
Aphanius danfordii
Aphanius danfordii
F, B, G
F, B, G
G, B
F, B, G
Sarıkum LL
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sarıkum LL
Trichodina puytoraci Lom, 1962
Liza aurata
Mugil cephalus
Merlangius merlangus
Merlangius merlangus
F, B, G
G, B
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Black Sea
Black Sea
Trichodina lepsii Lom, 1962
Mugil cephalus
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Trichodina tenuidens Fauré-Fremiet,
Gasterosteus aculeatus
Sırakaraağaçlar Stream
Trichodina heterodentata Duncan, 1977
Neogobius fluviatilis
Bafra Balık L
Paratrichodina corlissi Lom and Haldar,
Neogobius fluviatilis
Bafra Balık L
Pond (Ankara Museum)
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Sarıyar DL
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
Sapanca L
Fish Production Station (Sinop)
G, B
F (Kesikköprü DL)
Trichodinella sp
Carassius sp
G, B
Alburnus sp
Cyprinus carpio
Tinca tinca
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Silurus glanis
Carassius sp
Poecilia sphenops
Tinca tinca
Trichodinella subtilis Lom, 1961
Cyprinus carpio
Tripartiella sp
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
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The Journal of Zoology Studies
Tripartiella macrosoma Basson ve Van
As, 1980
Aphanius chantrei
Aphanius danfordii
Tetrahymena sp
Poecilia reticulata
Poecilia reticulata
Amatitlania nigrofasciata
Labidochromis caeruleus
Vorticella sp
Platichthys flesus
Amatitlania nigrofasciata
F, B, G
Sarıkum LL
Sarıkum LL
G, B
F (Black Sea Region)
AQ (Rize)
AQ (Rize)
AQ (Rize)
Sarıkum LL
AQ (Rize)
Sapanca L
F (Aegean Sea)
F (Black Sea)
Black Sea
Sapanca L
Aegean Sea
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F, Kurtboğazı DL,
Kızılcahamam Brook, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Pond, Nallıhan Brook
Kızılcahamam Brook, Nallıhan Brook
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Ankara)
Sapanca L
Sapanca L
Sapanca L
İznik L
İznik L
Aegean Sea
Mediterranean Sea
Samsun Province
F, B, G
Phylum Myxozoa
Chloromyxum sp
Rutilus rutilus
Ceratomyxa sp
Dentex dentex
Dicentrarchus labrax
Ceratomyxa merlangi (Zaika, 1966)
Merlangius merlangus
Henneguya sp
Esox lucius
Myxosoma sp
Anguilla anguilla
Alburnus sp
Varicorhinus sp
Chondrostoma sp
Carassius sp
Pterophyllum sp
Poecilia reticulata
Scardinius erythrophthalmus
Blicca bjoerkna
Tinca tinca
Tinca tinca
Cyprinus carpio
Scomber japonicus
Scomber japonicus
Myxobolus anatolicus Pekmezci,
Yardimci, Yilmaz, Polat, 2014
Capoeta tinca
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
GB , G
GB , G
GB , G
Page 32
The Journal of Zoology Studies
Myxobolus exiguus Thelohan, 1895
Mugil cephalus
Liza ramada
Liza saliens
Liza aurata
Chelon labrosus
Oedalechilus labeo
G, I, S, GB
G, I, S, GB
G, I, S, GB
G, I, S, GB
G, I, S, GB, MZ
G, I, S, GB, MZ
Aegean Sea
Aegean Sea
Aegean Sea
Aegean Sea
Aegean Sea
Aegean Sea
Myxobolus cyprinicola Reuss, 1906
Capoeta trutta
Capoeta damascina
Capoeta damascina
Squalius cephalus
Cyprinus carpio
G, F
G, F
Keban DL
Keban DL
Hazar L
Hazar L
Hazar L
Myxobolus episquamalis Egusa, Maeno
& Sorimachi, 1990
Mugil cephalus
B, G
Çamlık LL
Myxobolus ichkeulensis Bahri &
Marques, 1996
Mugil cephalus
B, G
Çamlık LL
Myxobolus muelleri Bütschli, 1882
Mugil cephalus
Black Sea
Black Sea
Myxobolus asymmetricus (Parisi, 1912)
Parablennius sanguinolentus
Thelohanellus sp
Scardinius erythrophthalmus
Sapanca L
Myxidium sp
Esox lucius
Rutilus rutilus
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
Sapanca L
Myxidium gadi (Geogevitsch, 1916)
Merlangius merlangus
Black Sea
Myxidium parvum Yurakhno, 1991
Salaria pavo
Parablennius tentacularis
Black Sea
Black Sea
Sphaeromyxa sevastopoli Naidenova,
Parablennius sanguinolentus
Black Sea
Orthelina divergens (Thelohan, 1895)
Parablennius sanguinolentus
Black Sea
Ortholinea gobiusi Naidenova,1968
Neogobius melanostomus
Black Sea
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
Page 33
The Journal of Zoology Studies
Sinuolinea rebae Tripathi, 1948
Solea solea
Black Sea
Zschokkella sp
Tinca tinca
Sapanca L
Myxobilatus gasterostei (Parisi, 1912)
Gasterosteus aculeatus
Sırakaraağaçlar Brook
Gölbaşı, Eymir L, Çifeteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
deresi, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Gölbaşı, Eymir L
Sırakaraağaçlar Brook
Sphaerospora sp
Cyprinus carpio
Tinca tinca
Sphaerospora elegans Thelohan, 1892
Gasterosteus aculeatus
Phylum Myzozoa
Eimeria sp
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F, Sarıyar DL
Alburnus sp
Cyprinus carpio
Barbus sp
Eimeria truttae (Leger. &. Hesse, 1919)
Stankovitch, 1924
Oncorhynchus mykiss
F (East Anatolian Region)
Eimeria carpelli (Schaperclaus 1943)
Carassius auratus
AQ (Ankara)
Eimeria merlangi (Zaika, 1966)
Merlangius merlangus
Black Sea
Amyloodinium ocellatum Brown,1931
Sparus aurata
Dicentrarchus labrax
Dentex dentex
Aegean Sea
F (Aegean Sea)
F (Aegean Sea)
Oodinium pillularis Schaperclaus, 1953
Capoeta trutta
Cyprinus carpio
Carassius auratus
Poecilia reticulata
Poecilia latipinna
Xiphophorus hellerii
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
Keban DL
Keban DL
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
Page 34
The Journal of Zoology Studies
Xiphophorus maculatus
Poecilia reticulata
Poecilia latipinna
Xiphophorus hellerii
Xiphophorus maculatus
Betta splendens
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
B, F
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Rize)
Phylum Euglenozoa
Cryptobia branchialis Nie (Chien,1856)
Tinca tinca
Silurus glanis
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Sarıyar DL
Cryptobia tincae
Scardinius erythrophthalmus
Rutilus rutilus
Sapanca L
Sapanca L
Cyprinus carpio
Ichthyobodo necator (Henneguy, 1883)
Pinto, 1928
Alburnus sp
Cyprinus carpio
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Carassius sp
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Carassius auratus
Poecilia reticulata
Poecilia latipinna
Xiphophorus hellerii
Xiphophorus maculatus
Poecilia reticulata
Poecilia latipinna
Xiphophorus hellerii
Xiphophorus maculatus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Poecilia reticulata
Salmo trutta fario
Oncorhynchus myksis
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Salmo trutta fario
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Nimbochromis livingstonii
Pelvicachromis pulcher
Salmo trutta labrax
Carassius auratus
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
F, B, G
F, B, G
F, B, G
F, B, G
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
G, B
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F
Pond (Ankara Museum)
F (Marmara Region)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
AQ (Mersin)
F (Black Sea Region)
AQ (Rize)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
AQ (Black Sea Region)
AQ (Black Sea Region)
F (Black Sea Region)
AQ (Rize)
Page 35
The Journal of Zoology Studies
AQ (Rize)
AQ (Rize)
F, B, G
G, B
G, B, F
F (Marmara Region)
F (Aegean Sea)
F (Kesikköprü DL)
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Sarıyar DL
Sapanca L
Sapanca L
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
Brook, Hirfanlı DL, Çankırı-Günerdiğin
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Sarıyar DL
Sapanca L
Sapanca L
Sapanca L
Asi River
Poecilia reticulata
Poecilia sphenops
Ichthyobodo sp
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Sparus aurata
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Trypanosoma sp
Cyprinus carpio
Tinca tinca
Silurus glanis
Silurus glanis
Rutilus rutilus
Trypanoplasma sp
Cyprinus carpio
Tinca tinca
Silurus glanis
Esox lucius
Blicca bjoerkna
Scardinius erythrophthalmus
Clarias gariepinus
Phylum Metamonada
Hexamita sp
Gölbaşı L, Eymir L, Çifteler-Sakaryabaşı F,
Kurtboğazı DL, Sarıyar DL, Kızılcahamam
AQ (Rize)
AQ (Rize)
Alburnus sp
Carassius auratus
Pterophyllum scalare
Hexamita salmonis (Moore, 1922)
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
G, B
F (Black Sea Region)
G, B
F (Black Sea Region)
Oncorhynchus mykiss
G, B
F (Black Sea Region)
M, LI, I, K, S
AQ (İstanbul)
Phylum Microsporidia
Pleisthophora sp
Xiphophorus maculatus
Dasyatispora levantinae Diamant, Goren,
Yokeş, Galil, Klopman, Huchon,
Szitenberg, Karhan (2010)
Vol. 2 No. 2 2015
Page 36
The Journal of Zoology Studies
Dasyatis pastinaca
Mediterranean Sea
Sarıçay Stream
AQ (Ankara)
AQ (Sinop)
Phylum Choanozoa
Sphaerothecum destruens Arkush,
Mendoza, Adkison, Hedrick, 2003
Pseudorasbora parva
Ichthyophonus hoferi Plehn and Mulsow,
Carassius auratus
Carassius auratus
S, LI, K
Ciliophora with 21 named species, Trichodina with 12
named species were the dominant phylum and genus among
these groups regarding species and host diversity, as well as
host distribution.
Members of Ciliophora, Myxozoa, Myzozoa, Euglenozoa,
Metamonada, Microsporidia, Choanozoa were reported
from 40 native (12 marine fish, 28 freshwater fish), 28
aquarium fish and 6 cultured fish in Turkey. Cyprinidae
with 19 species was the dominant family among the
examined fish with regard to the species diversity.
Thirty seven different fish host species were infested with
Trichodina sp; 27 with Ichthyophthirius multifilis Fouquet,
1876; 18 with Chilodonella cyprini (Moroff, 1902) and 14
with Ichthyobodo necator (Henneguy, 1883) Pinto, 1928.
Protozoon and other minor parasites of fish from Turkey
were compiled by Öktener et al. [8]. Ever since that time the
number of fish parasite species from Turkey increased
seriously (Table 2).
Abbreviations for infection sites:
G-Gill; B-Body; F-Fins; I-Intestine; S-Spleen; GB-Gall
bladder; MC-Mouth cavity; MZ-mesentery; SC-Scales; ELEye liquid; U-Urine; K-Kidney; DT-Digestive tract; MMuscle; LI-Liver; BL-Blood;
Abbreviations for locations:
L-Lake; DL-Dam Lake; F-Farm, Fish Production Station;
LL-Lagoon Lake; AQ-Aquarium Producer
A review of the literature indicated the occurence of 40
genera within 7 phyla of fish parasites from Turkey (Table
1). Overall 49 members of 25 different genera within these
phyla were determined to the species level: 21 Ciliophora,
16 Myxozoa, 5 Myzozoa, 3 Euglenozoa, 1 Metamonada, 1
Microsporidia and 2 Choanozoa species (Table 1). Parasites
not identified to the species level are listed separately, and
not included to comments of result, because of reporting
different host species.
Table 2: Change of number of named and unnamed different Parasites species reported from fish species after Öktener et al.
Öktener et al.
Named species
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