Professional Resume - Civil Engineering Department


Professional Resume - Civil Engineering Department
Huriye Bilsel
Eastern Mediterranean University
Gazimagusa, Mersin-10, Turkey
Tel. +90 392 630 1268
Fax.+90 392 630 2869
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, N. Cyprus.
M.S. Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University, USA.
B.S. Civil Engineering, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Turkey.
2007-2010 Chair of the Civil Engineering Department,
Eastern Mediterranean University.
1981-2007 Senior lecturer/ Assist. Prof.
Higher Technological Institute/Eastern Mediterranean University
The founding chair of the Civil Engineering Department (acting)
Higher Technological Institute.
Project Engineer, Eustis Engineering Company, Metairie, New Orleans.
Chaired the Civil Engineering Department (July2007-January 2010).
Chaired the International Conference on Problematic Soils (GEOPROB 2005)
(May 2005).
Carried out an extensive research on soils of Cyprus by establishing a research
laboratory possessing advanced testing techniques.
Undertaken various consultancy jobs.
Director of the Building Sciences Research Centre (2004- present).
Collaborated in a bi-communal project on “Swelling Clays of Cyprus” funded
by UNOPS (2002).
Has been one of the organizers of the Mediterranean Workshop on Repair and
Retrofit of RC Structures, September 2002.
Has been one of the founders of the Building Sciences Research Centre (BSRC)
Organized the Mediterranean Workshop on Geotechnical Engineering,
August 2001.
Established the Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory.
 Has developed the first curriculum of the Civil Engineering Department in the
transition period of the HTI into EMU.
 Has taken part in the establishment of the Civil Engineering Department of
EMU as the acting founding Chair.
 Worked in various subsurface exploration and foundation recommendation
Supervised Term/
Capstone Projects
A Study of Two-dimensional Seepage and Solution of Laplace Equation.
Compaction Characteristics and CBR of a Compacted Fill Material and its
Application to Highway Design.
Survey of Expansive Soils in Northern Cyprus.
Effect of Earth Reinforcement on Bearing Capacity.
Determination of Swell Potential Using Filter Paper Method.
Characterization of Swell Potential Behavior by Soil Suction.
Use of Ceramic Plate Extractor in Unsaturated Soils Applications.
Stabilization of Tuzla Clay by Sand Admixtures.
Effect of Salt on Swell Potential of Expansive Soils.
Identifying Swell Potential and Predicting Heave of Y.İskele Clay.
Quantitative Identification of Swell Potential of Tuzla Clay
Lime and Slag Treatment of an Expansive Clay Deposit of Magusa.
Effect of Temperature on Total Suction Measurements.
Compacted Sand-bentonite as Waste Barriers.
Design of a Deep Excavation and a High Rise Building on Pile Foundations
using PLAXIS V8.
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses:
 Engineering Geology
 Materials Science
 Materials of Construction
 Civil Engineering Technology
 Earth Science
 Statics
 CE351 Soil Mechanics 1
 CE 352 Soil Mechanics 2
 CE 451 Foundation Engineering 1
 CIVL401 Introduction to Capstone Project
 CIVL402 Capstone Project
 CE 452 Foundation Engineering 2 (Elective)
 CE 453 Expansive Soils (Elective)
 CE 453 Problematic Soils(Elective)
 CE 455 Earth Retaining Structures (Elective)
 CE 401 Special Project (Elective)
Graduate Courses:
 CIVL550 Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering
 CIVL552 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
 CIVL555 Expansive Soils
CIVL556 Measurement of Shear Strength of Soils
 CIVL557 Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils
 CIVL558 Computational Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
Research Interests
 Unsaturated soils: swelling-shrinking soils, soils of arid environments.
 Geo-environment: Waste barriers, THMC effects.
 Geotechnical earthquake engineering: liquefaction potential, microzonation
Theses Supervised/
under Supervision
 The effect of Cementation on the Unsaturated Soil Property Functions of
Expansive Clays, MS, Ş. Öncü (2004).
 Hydro-mechanical Properties of Calcareous Saline Sands of Cyprus, MS,
S. Avcı (2005).
 Hydro-Mechanical Properties of Compacted Sand- Bentonite Mixtures in a
Semi-arid Climate, MS, A. Anoosheh (2007).
 Assessment of Liquefaction Potential and Potential for Cyclic Failure of
Tuzla Soils, MS, G. Erhan (2009).
 Polypropylene Mitigation of Expansive Soils, MS, M. Malekhzadeh
(currently supervised)
 Modeling of Pile Foundation Behavior in Soft Deposits of Cyprus Using
MPILE, MS, Negar Rahemi (currently supervised)
 Hydro-mechanical properties of Compacted Residual Red Soil, MS, Sajjad
Mirsalehi (currently supervised)
 Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical and Chemical (THMC) Coupling Effects On
The Performance Of Waste Containment Barriers, PhD, S. Oncu (currently
 Thermo-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) Coupling Effects on the Formation
of Crack Patterns and Influence on the Performance of Cement Enhanced
Compacted Barriers, PhD, A. Iravanian (currently supervised)
Selected Publications
 H., Tuncer, E.R. (1997). Tekrarlı Şişme Davranışının Sıkıştırılmış Konnos
Kilinin Şişme Potansiyeline Etkisi, İnşaat Mühendisliğinde Gelişmeler, III.
Teknik Kongre, ODTÜ, Ankara, 15-16 Eylul, Cilt 3, pp. 807-815.
 Bilsel, H., Tuncer, E.R. (1998). Cyclic Swell-Shrink Behavior of Cyprus
Clay, in E. Yanagisawa, N. Moroto and T. Mitachi (eds.), Proceedings of
the International Symposium on Problematic Soils IS-Tohoku' 98,
Rotterdam: Balkema, Vol.1, pp. 337-340.
 Bilsel, H., Tuncer, E.R. (1999). Cyclic Swell-Shrink of Structured Soils in a
Semi-arid Climate, Proceedings of the 52nd Conference of the Canadian
Geotechnical Society, Regina, Saskatchewan, 25-27 October, Canada, pp.3.
 Bilsel, H, Uygar, E. (2000). The Effect of Repeated Wetting-Drying on the
Hydraulic Properties of the Konnos Clay, Proceedings of the 53rd
Conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Montreal, Quebec, 1518 October, Canada.
 Bilsel, H.,Uygar, E., Aydin, E. (2000). Characterization of the Soil Water
Characteristic Curves of Selected Soils from North Cyprus and
Determination of Their Unsaturated Permeability Functions, Proceedings of
the Fourth International Conference, Advances in Civil Engineering,
Gazimagusa, 2-4 November, North Cyprus.
 Bilsel, H., Çelikağ, M., Eren, Ő., Şensoy, S. (2001). Repairs to Teachers training
Academy RC Building in North Cyprus-Case Study, Proceedings of the
conference: Inspection, Appraisal, Repairs and Maintenance of Buildings and
Structures, 11 - 13 September, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom.
 Nalbantoğlu, Z., ve Bilsel, H. (2002). Şişen Zeminler, KTMMOB İnşaat
Mühendisleri Odası Teknik Bülten, Sayı 4, s. 51-56, Lefkoşa, Haziran.
 Bilsel, H. (2003). Characterization of the Hydraulic Properties of Marine Soils
of Cyprus, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Vol. 27,
No. B1.
 Bilsel, H. “Hydraulic Properties of Compacted Calcareous and Saline Soils of
Cyprus”, Proceedings of the XIIIth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering, Prague, 25-28 August, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, pp.
 Çelik, E., Bilsel, H. (2003). Application of Soil Suction Measurement
Techniques to Soils of North Cyprus, Proceedings of International Conference
on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Near
East University, 29-31 May, N. Cyprus.
 Öncu, Ş., Bilsel, H. (2003). Application of Soil-water Characteristic Curve
Models to Soils of Cyprus, Proceedings of International Conference on New
Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Near East
University, 29-31 May, N. Cyprus.
 Bilsel, H. (2004) “ Hydraulic Properties of Soils Derived from Marine
Sediments of Cyprus,” Journal of Arid Environments, Volume 56, Issue 1 ,
January, Pages 27-41.
 Bilsel, H., Tawfiq, S., Çelik, E.,,Öncü, Ş. (2004).Unsaturated Soil Property
Functions of Lime Treated Expansive Soils”, Proceedings of 6th International
Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 6-8 October, Boğaziçi University,
Istanbul, Turkey.
 Bilsel, H., Oncu, S. (2005). Soil-water characteristics and volume change
behavior of an artificially cemented expansive clay. Proceedings of an
International Symposium on Advanced Experimental Unsaturated Soil
Mechanics, Trento, Italy, 27-29 June, A.A. Balkema Publishers, Taylor &
Francis Group, London, pp. 331-335.
 Bilsel, H. (2006). Kuzey Kıbrıs’da İnşaat Sektöründe Geoteknik Mühendisliği
Uygulamalarının Önemi, II. Konut Kurultayı, Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta Konut-SorunlarÖneriler, 8–10 Mart, KTMMOB, Lefkoşa, KKTC.
 Bilsel, H., Avci, S. (2006). Estimation of the Soil -Water Characteristic Curves
of Klapsides Sand from the Unimodal Equation of the Grain -Size Distribution.
Seventh International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, October 1113, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
 Durgunoglu, T., Bilsel, H. (2007). A microzonation study based on liquefaction
and cyclic failure potential of fine grained soils. 4th International Conference on
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 25-28.
 Bilsel, H., Iravanian, A. (2008). Hydro-Mechanical Properties of
Compacted Sand- Bentonite Mixtures in a Semi-arid Climate. First
European Conference on Unsaturated Soils. Durham, 2-4 July.
Bilsel, H., Iravanian, A. (2008). Volume Change Characteristics of
Compacted Sand- Bentonite Mixtures. 8th Intertnational Conference on
Advances in Civil Engineering. North Cyprus, 15-17 September.
 Iravanian, A., Bilsel, H. (2009). Characterization of compacted sandbentonite mixtures as landfill barriers in North Cyprus. 2nd International
Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical
Engineering, Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 28-30 May.
Funded Research
Bilsel, H., Erhan, G., Durgunoglu, T. (2010). Assessment of
Liquefaction/cyclic Mobility of Alluvial Deposits on the Eastern Coast of
Cyprus. 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical
Earthquake Engineering and Symposium in Honour of Prof. I.M.Idriss,
May 24-29, San Diego, USA.
 The Influence of Climatic Effects on the Hydro-mechanical Properties of Soils
of Cyprus. Project Type B (Grant: 14 400 TRY)
 Characterization of Polymer Enhanced Compacted Sand-Bentonite as
Waste Containment Barrier for Landfills and Mine Waste in a Semi-arid
Climate. Project Type A (Grant: 22 300 TRY).
 Chemical Stabilization of Liquefiable Soils of Tuzla. Project Type B
(Grant: 20 000 TRY).
 GEOPROB 2005 International Conference on Problematic Soils, May 2527, 2005, Famagusta (Chair).
 RB07 CI-Premier Conference, 11th International Conference on Inspection,
Appraisal, Repairs & Maintenance of Structures, 14 –17 November 2007,
 ACE 2008 8th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering,
15-17 September 2008, Famagusta.
Conference Advisory/
Scientific Committee
seminars attended as
ZM13, Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği 13.Ulusal Kongresi, 30
Eylül – 1 Ekim 2010, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi.
ACE2010 9th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering,
KTU, Trabzon, Turkey.
UNSAT2010, 5th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, September
6-7, 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
International Conference on Problematic Soils, 7-9 April 2010, Adelaide,
3. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 3-4 Aralık 2009, Adana, Turkey.
ACE2008 8th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering,
15-17 September 2008, Famagusta, N. Cyprus.
Teori ve Uygulamada Zemin-Yapı Etkileşimi, 1. Özel Konulu Sempozyum,
8-9 Kasım 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.
RB07 CI-Premier Conference, 11th International Conference on Inspection,
Appraisal, Repairs & Maintenance of Structures, 14 –17 November 2007,
UNSAT2007 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Unsaturated
Soils, March 7-9, 2007, Weimar, Germany.
ACE2006 7th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering,
YTU October 11-13, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.
 Suya Doymamış Zeminlerde Emme Basıncı
Mühendisliğindeki Uygulamaları, KTMMOB, 2003.
 Tuzla Bölgesi Zemin Özellikleri ve Yapılaşma, KTMMOB, 2006.
 Doygun Olmayan Zeminler: Teori ve Uygulamalar, ZM11, Zemin
Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Onbirinci Ulusal Kongresi, Karadeniz
Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon, 7-8 Eylül 2006.
 Zeminden Kaynaklanan Yapısal Sorunlar ve Zemin Etüdünün Önemi,
UKÜ, 2007.
 Reporter, ZM13, Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Onüçüncü
Ulusal Kongresi, Kültür Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 30 Eylül- 1 Ekim 2010.

Benzer belgeler

CV - Civil Engineering Department

CV - Civil Engineering Department 13) Monkul, M.M. and Yamamuro, J. A. (2010). “Influence of densification method on some aspects of undrained silty sand behavior”. Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical ...


07.01.2016 AİT101(10:00) V101-V105 AUE421/OTO421 7 BLG322



Mehmet Murat Monkul - Civil Engineering Department

Mehmet Murat Monkul - Civil Engineering Department liquefaction of silty sands”. Geotechnical Special Publication No 225: State of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, 799-808. ISBN: 978-0-7844-12121. 13) Monkul, M.M. and Yamamur...
