January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report


January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
January 2008-June 2009
Annual Report
01 The Mother Child Education Foundation (ACEV)
in Brief
02 President's Message
04 Board of Trustees, Board of Directors, and
05 Supporters
08 ACEV Activities
10 Milestones in ACEV's 16 Years
12 Highlights of ACEV’s Activities in the January
2008-June 2009 Period
15 Provinces Where Programs are Implemented
18 Early Childhood Education Programs
20 Family Education Programs
22 Women's Support and Literacy Education
24 The “7 Is Too Late” Campaign
International Activities
Human Resources
Organization Chart
Fundraising Activities
ACEV Supporters in the January 2008-June
2009 Period
40 Directory
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
The Mother Child
Education Foundation in
Brief (ACEV)
Founded in 1993, ACEV is a nongovernmental organization that conducts
research in early childhood and adult
education, develops scientifically-based
education programs, and implements
these programs to benefit those in need
through institutional cooperation and the
support of collaboration partners.
ACEV employs various intervention
methods to develop education programs
in its areas of expertise, which are then
utilized for societal capacity-building, to;
• achieve the principle of equal
opportunity in education;
• support not only children but
children's immediate environment;
• ensure lifelong education.
ACEV has reached,
537,742 individuals through face-to-face education programs for children, families, and women with
6,573 trainers,
7,000,000 viewers through TV programs geared to children, families, and women,
40,000,000 people through social stakeholders, decision-makers, and publications, research studies, and advocacy
work geared to the public,
• Into 10 different countries other than Turkey, mainly in Europe and the Middle East.
ACEV's strategy and educational
ACEV's education programs target
children who are inadequately supported
in their environments due to their social
and economic circumstances, parents,
and illiterate adults.
ACEV assesses the needs of the target
groups through research, develops
programs that will answer these needs,
implements them through collaborative
partnerships, and evaluates program
implementation. Evaluations are
employed both to investigate program
efficiency, and modify programs based
on obtained findings and make them
better suited to program objectives.
• Develops alternative education
programs in the field of preschool
education, and supports existing
• Supports families and child
development, conducts education
programs for parents, who play a
crucial role in early childhood as the
“first educators” of their children.
• Develops training programs to raise
public awareness on preventing
gender inequality in society and
empowering women.
Advocacy, Awareness Raising Activities
Publications and Web Based Resources
Educational Programs via TV
Short Training Seminars
Intensive Training & Education Programs
• Prepares educational television
programs in order to be able to reach
wider audiences.
• In addition to programs that aim longterm behavior and attitudinal change,
also develops and implements shortterm scientifically-based education
programs in the form of seminars to
increase public awareness and
knowledge & works to generate
awareness and support.
• Works on new educational models
and policies that can be implemented
more extensively, to reach all
communities that need assistance.
02 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
President's Message
Dear Friends of ACEV,
ACEV has always made scientificallybased methodologies and institutional
capacity-building a priority, and
completed its 16th year as of 2008.
During this activity period, we strived to
fulfill our self-appointed role of creating
a brighter tomorrow for Turkey and for
children, together with our national and
international supporters and multifaceted cooperation efforts.
A decisive point in the “7 Is Too Late”
ACEV has been running the “7 Is Too
Late” Campaign since 2005, and a
noteworthy landmark was reached in
2009. Pursuant to intense
communication efforts, we were
instrumental in building significant public
awareness on early childhood education,
and reached a new, and encouraging
stage that comprises a concrete, political
step in the right direction. The Ministry
of National Education has decided to
initiate a pilot implementation for nine
years of mandatory education, including
one year of preschool education, as of
this year. So, as ACEV, we are now
much closer to our goal of providing
preschool education and equal
opportunity to every child in Turkey.
Our ultimate goal is for all provinces to
be covered by mandatory preschool
education by law, and to reach all children
in rural areas, once the pilot
implementation presently initiated in 32
provinces is complete.
We reached 126,500 people through
our education programs.
ACEV met all program targets during
this period as well, and 126,500 people
benefited from our education programs.
To meet these targets and expand the
breadth of our programs, we continue
to work jointly with various local and
national organizations. Consequently,
our 16-year collaboration with the
Ministry of National Education gives us
the chance to reach increasingly more
people throughout the country.
ACEV makes significant contributions
to national family education programs.
Ever since its inception, ACEV has
worked on and underlined the
importance of family education
programs. Our efforts have been geared
toward developing successful examples
and reaching an even higher number of
parents. The Mother Child Education
Program, once the main reason for the
establishment of ACEV, has not only
transformed into a program implemented
in almost every province in Turkey and
10 different countries, but also provides
the grounds for other education
Recently a number of organizations, first
and foremost the Ministry of National
Education, have hastened their work
pertaining to family education; a very
pleasing development for ACEV.
Spearheaded by the Apprenticeship and
Non-Formal Education General
Directorate attached to the Ministry of
National Education, National Family
Education Programs are currently being
developed, and ACEV experts are heavily
featured throughout the whole process.
After running our education programs in
collaboration with the Ministry of National
Education for many years, we are
especially proud of the fact that these
programs now form the basis of the
ministry's family programs, and that our
expertise is being employed in their
We are developing alternative
education models.
ACEV continues to work toward
developing and implementing alternative
education models in places where
institutional and formal education is
inadequate. The Rural Education Project
that became a reality in 2009, where
new technologies are employed and
audio-visual education materials are used,
is being developed to this end. The
program is prepared based on our
accumulated knowhow and expertise,
and with it we hope to reach parts of
society where needs are the greatest,
and to implement mother and father
education and women's support
programs in areas far from urban centers.
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 03
ACEV will continue working to ensure quality preschool
education reaches all children in Turkey.
Our collaboration with Harvard
University is growing stronger.
In the last period, ACEV and Harvard
University's Center on the Developing
Child had established scientific
collaboration based on social
responsibility. For problems in various
parts of the world to be investigated by
such an esteemed venerable
establishment as Harvard University,
and for the matter of early childhood to
be addressed in conjunction with ACEV
to generate solutions to existing
problems, is indeed a momentous step.
I believe our joint efforts will contribute
to the amelioration of poverty and to
early childhood education, an important
basis for peace-building. Our
collaboration is growing even stronger
with new projects, and constitutes a
noteworthy step for ACEV in terms of
expanding into the international arena.
ACEV programs are increasingly
implemented on an international scale
In line with incoming requests, ACEV is
transferring its education programs to
the international arena. Our efforts and
the success of the Mother Child
Education Program have also attracted
international interest. Collaborations
were struck in response to the demand,
and it has now become a worldwide
program. ACEV's education programs
are offered to trainers, who then
implement them with Turkish immigrant
families in Europe, or the local populace
in Middle Eastern countries. Following
in the steps of our mother education
programs, the implementation of our
father education programs began in a
number of countries in 2008. We are
working hard to meet the demand from
our international partners. We consider
this to be a source of pride not only for
ourselves, but for Turkey as well.
Final words and acknowledgements…
We believe quality preschool education
needs to be made available to all children
in Turkey.
This concept involves quality buildings,
teachers, equipment and curriculum,
and the family's support.
We believe that our work in relation to
the “7 Is Too Late” Campaign enabled
us to get ever closer to this target, and
expect public support on the matter to
increase. ACEV will continue to work
hard and ensure that quality preschool
education reaches areas with limited
opportunities and high levels of need.
We extend our deepest gratitude to
media organizations that provided us
with great support throughout the
campaign. Without them, it would not
have been possible for us to make our
voice heard to this extent and reach all
levels of society.
As in previous years, our sponsors &
partners have continued to support us
in this period, in ever increasing levels.
Fiba Holding continues to be one of our
strongest supporters, as they have done
since our inception. Our collaborator for
16 years in human resources and
logistics, the Ministry of National
Education, was again by our side.
Sabanc› Foundation and Vodafone Turkey
Foundation who conduct grant programs
in Turkey to generate noteworthy
change; have again supported, and
continue to support various ACEV
projects. Our other, myriad organizational
and individual donors continued to
provide us unstinting support, despite
the grave global financial crisis. We offer
them all our heartfelt thanks.
We would also like to extend our
appreciation and gratitude to all our
consultants; our trainers; all expert in
their respective fields; our volunteers;
the teachers who implement our
programs; all the program participants;
and the whole ACEV Family.
With your support, ACEV is determined
to progressively increase its contributions
to society, expand into deprived areas
with innovative projects, and work even
Ayflen Özye¤in
04 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Board of Trustees, Board of Directors, and Consultants
Board of Trustees
Board of Directors
Ayflen Özye¤in
Prof. Dr. Sevda Bekman
Prof. Dr. Çi¤dem Ka¤›tç›bafl›
Dr. Ömer Arif Aras
Hüsnü Özye¤in
Süleyman Sözen
Ayflen Özye¤in
Prof. Dr. Çi¤dem Ka¤›tç›bafl›
Vice President
Ayla Göksel
Vice President and CEO
Prof. Dr. Sevda Bekman
Prof. Dr. Tosun Terzio¤lu
Dr. Ömer Arif Aras
Hüsnü Özye¤in
Academic Consultants
Prof. Dr. Sevda Bekman
Prof. Dr. Çi¤dem Ka¤›tç›bafl›
Early Childhood Education Advisory
Prof. Dr. Berrin Akman
Prof. Dr. Sevda Bekman
Prof. Dr. Sibel Güneysu
Prof. Dr. Tanju Gürkan
Prof. Dr. Nergiz Güven
Prof. Dr. Gelengül Haktan›r
Prof. Dr. Ayla Oktay
Prof. Dr. Fulya Temel
Prof. Dr. Belma Tu¤rul
Training Program and Research
Prof. Dr. Yavuz Akp›nar
Prof. Dr. Bahattin Akflit
Prof. Dr. Sevda Bekman
Prof. Dr. Ayd›n Yücesan Durguno¤lu
Prof. Dr. Çi¤dem Ka¤›tç›bafl›
Prof. Dr. Ayhan Aksu Koç
Prof. Dr. Nükhet Sirman
Prof. Dr. Diane Sunar
Prof. Dr. Eser Erguvanl› Taylan
Assoc. Prof. Banu Öney
Assoc. Prof. fiemsa Özar
Assoc. Prof. Oya Güngörmüfl Özkardefl
Asst. Prof. Zeynep Cemalc›lar
Asst. Prof. Feyza Çorapç›
Asst. Prof. Mine Göl Güven
Asst. Prof. Ayflegül Metindo¤an-Wise
Dr. Enis Balkan
Dr. ‹dil Ifl›l Gül
Dr. fiule Yazgan
fieyma Do¤ramac› (MA Psy.)
Aylin Atmaca Koçak (MA Psy.)
Çi¤dem Ayd›n
Canan Meray
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 05
We thank the organizations that help guide children toward a brighter future by supporting ACEV's work.
The Fiba Group is ACEV’s primary
corporate sponsor.
Vodafone Turkey Foundation supports the projects
“Summer Preschools and Family Support in the
Southeastern Anatolian Region,” and the “Supporting
Child Development through Mother Training.”
The “Multi-dimensional Empowerment of
Women in Urban Areas” project is supported
within the context of Sabanc› Foundation's
Grant Programs.
The “Literacy for Women's Rights: Empowering Women
through Political and Civil Rights Training” and “Achieving
Gender Equality in Education and Social Participation”
projects were supported by the European Union.
The “Literacy for Women's Empowerment”
project was supported by Gap, Inc.
Mudo sponsors the “Father Education for Social
Change” project.
The “Training Program for Young
Women” was supported by
Supported ACEV's work in education.
These corporations all supported ACEV's work in
Supported ACEV' work in education
by purchasing products made to
benefit the foundation.
Supported the “Welcome, Baby”
Supported ACEV's work in education.
Supported ACEV's work in education.
Supported ACEV's work in education.
Supported ACEV' work in education by
purchasing products made to benefit the
Supported ACEV's work in education.
Supported ACEV's work in education.
Supported ACEV's work in education.
Supported ACEV's work in the “7 is Too Late”
Definitions of ACEV Sponsors and Supporters
Program/Project sponsor or supporter: Individuals or organizations that provided conditional financial support TRY 12,000 or above, to a specific ACEV
General Sponsor or Supporter: Individuals or organizations that provided unconditional financial support TRY 12,000 or above, for ACEV to meet its mission.
Donor: Individuals or organizations that provided conditional or unconditional financial support TRY 12,000 or above to ACEV.
Platinum Sponsor/Supporter
TRY 1,000,000 or above
Red Sponsor/Supporter
TRY 250,000 - 999,999
Blue Sponsor/Supporter
TRY 100,000 - 249,999
Orange Sponsor/Supporter
TRY 25,000 - 99,999
Green Sponsor/Supporter
TRY 12,000 - 24,999
06 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Father Support Program participant, ‹stanbul
I believe that children learn the most
important lessons not from characters on
TV shows and cartoons, but loving families
that play with them, investigate with
them, read with them, listen to them, and
spend time with them. The Father Support
Program confirmed my thoughts.
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 07
08 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
ACEV Activities
Family Education Programs
The Mother Support Program (MSP)
The Father Support Program (FSP)
Parenting Seminars
Early Childhood Education Programs
The Mother Child Education Program
The Preschool Parent Child Education
Program (PPCEP)
The Preschool Education Program (PEP)
Early Childhood Education Programs
These are education programs that support
children's early development and immediate
environment. Providing and/or supporting
low-cost alternatives to center-based
programs, they aim to increase the quality
of preschool education and parental
The Mother Child Education Program
A home-based education program rooted in
science, the Mother Child Education Program
was developed for children 5 to 6 years of
age that have not received preschool
education and their mothers. Mothers are
reached directly in this program, and
supported in preschool education.
The Preschool Parent Child Education
Program (PPCEP)
This is a scientifically-based education
program that strengthens cooperation
between schools and families so that the
educational support provided to children is
continuous and complementary. The program
supports the cognitive development and
literacy and numeracy skills of children in
nursery school/preschool, so they begin
primary school ready.
The Preschool Education Program (PEP)
The aim of this program is to develop the
cognitive, language, social, emotional, and
physical skills of children about to start primary
school, to enhance school readiness. Children
in the 5- to 6-year age group who have never
received education, and live in disadvantaged
conditions in areas where need is high but
participation in education is the least are
targeted, as well as their families.
Family Education Programs
In the early years, the immediate
environment and parental influence and
guidance especially, play a significant role
in children's development. Family
education programs were developed to
support parents in matters of child
development and education during this
activity period.
The Mother Support Program (MSP)
This is an education program prepared to
support mothers improve parenting skills
needed in child-rearing. Keeping in mind age
differences in child development, the program
is geared to two separate target groups;
mothers with children in the 3-to-6 and 7-to11 age groups.
The Father Support Program (FSP)
A scientific education program developed to
support children's multi-dimensional
development by providing educational support
to fathers; it targets fathers with children
between 3 and 11 years of age.
“Parenting Seminars”
At these seminars, families are given
information on different child-rearing styles,
and methods by which they can contribute
toward the healthy development of their
children. Families with children in the
preschool and primary school age, meaning
from 0 to 14 years of age are targeted.
Women's Support and Literacy
Education Programs
Functional Adult Literacy and Women's
Support Program (FALP)
Women's Support and Literacy Education
This program enables women to acquire
or enhance existing literacy skills, with the
aim of strengthening their legal and social
standing and role in the family, and
facilitating their adaptation to social life.
A women's support component was also
added to the program that informs women
of their rights and information necessary
in daily living.
Functional Adult Literacy and Women's
Support Program (FALP)
This is a scientifically-based literacy and
capacity-building program geared to illiterate
youth over the age of 15 and adults. It targets
especially women who have recently migrated
to the city and experience difficulties in
participating in social life because they are
illiterate. In addition to functional literacy skills,
participants are informed of their rights with
the women's support segments featured in
the program.
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 09
International Activities
International Activities
To share its knowhow and experiences
with other countries, ACEV works in
collaboration with various international
organizations in line with relevant
Television Programs
“Will You Play with Me?”
Television Programs
To further expand its reach, ACEV develops
projects for TV programs and uses
television, the most pervasive
communication tool, for educational
Will You Play With Me?
“Will You Play with Me?” is an entertaining,
educational children's program prepared jointly
by ACEV and Turkish Radio and Television
(TRT), to support children's development and
amuse them. The program includes studio
games, animations, actual footage, songs,
and puppetry, and supports not only
preschool-aged children's cognitive, physical,
social, and emotional development, but also
builds awareness in parents.
Communication and
Fundraising Activities
Communication and Fundraising Activities
ACEV's organizational communication
work is conducted under various headings,
including preparing written and visual
promotion/education materials on
organizational identity; web-based
communication work; media relations; and
organizations. In addition, fundraising
efforts are developed as joint projects by
linking them to communication activities
and the education departments.
Policy and Support-Building Activities
The “7 Is Too Late” Campaign
Policy and Support-Building Activities
ACEV also conducts advocacy work geared
to building awareness, raising
consciousness, and spreading information
in its areas of expertise. In addition, effort
is spent to generate support for these
issues from all levels of society, and to
influence policies.
The “7 Is Too Late” Campaign
The “7 Is Too Late” Campaign is about how
vital education is in the early childhood period
from 0 to 6, and ACEV has been running the
campaign since 2005 to educate and inform
the public and make preschool education
more widespread. In this campaign ACEV
joins forces with six non-governmental
organizations active in the field of education;
the Association in Support of Contemporary
Living (ÇYDD), the Foundation to Support
Women's Work (KEDV), the Education
Reform Initiative (ERI), the Educational
Volunteers Foundation (TEGV), the Turkish
Education Foundation (TEV), and the Vehbi
Koç Foundation (VKV).
10 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Milestones in
ACEV's 16 Years
• ACEV is officially founded.
• Implementations of MOCEP begin in
five provinces, in collaboration with
the Ministry of National Education
• The international symposium “Nonformal Education: A Social
Development Tool” is organized.
• MOCEP, including the Cognitive
Development Program is
implemented overseas for the first
time in Belgium, with Turkish
immigrant families.
• Work on developing FALP begins.
• First collaboration between ACEV and
the Association in Support of
Contemporary Living.
• The “Human Development and
Assessment” seminar is held at
Bo¤aziçi University in collaboration
with the Van Leer Foundation.
• The symposium on the “Importance
of Education in Early Childhood” is
• FALP courses begin.
• Work on developing the FSP begins;
pilot implementations are conducted.
• MOCEP spreads through collaborative
efforts and implementation continues
in 23 provinces.
• MOCEP is offered as a course at
Marmara, Ankara, and Gazi
• The collaboration between ACEV and
the Averroes Foundation in Holland
• ACEV joins the “Consultative Group
on Early Childhood Care and
Development” and is designated its
“Central Asia Representative for Early
Childhood Education.”
• MOCEP is translated into English and
program implementation begins in
• Results from MOCEP's evaluation
study are published as a book in
English and Turkish entitled “A Fair
• The “Graduate Mothers” project
geared to children at orphanages of
the Social Services and Child
Protection Agency is launched.
• ACEV is named the “UNESCO Early
Childhood Cooperating Centre for
Central Asia”.
• Work on developing the PPCEP
begins; first pilot implementations
are conducted.
• The “International Central Asia
Literacy Forum” is organized in
collaboration with the Literacy
• The international symposium on “The
Multi-faceted Effects of Non-formal
Education Programs for Women” is
organized in collaboration with Koç
• An ACEV presentation is conducted
at the Presidential Residence, hosted
by President Süleyman Demirel.
• The international symposium on “The
Role and Importance of the Father in
Child Development” is organized.
• The ‹zmit Rehabilitation Center (IREM)
is established to conduct work in the
region in the aftermath of the 17
August 1999 earthquake.
• MOCEP implementations begin in
Belgium and France, and MSP in
• Work begins on the “Preschool
Education in Turkey: Needs
Assessment and Evaluation of
Linguistic Competency” that
comprises the basis of the
Southeastern Anatolia Preschool
Education and Mother Support
• MOCEP is translated into Arabic and
• ACEV begins to support the National
Education Support Campaign and
establishes the “Literacy Information
Hotline” to inform callers by
• FSP implementation begins with
soldiers in collaboration with the
Northern Sea Area Command.
• “Communication with Children”
seminars are held for the first time.
• ACEV receives the “Millennium
Award” from the Women's Health
Commission (KASAKOM), and the
“Most Effective Foundation of the
Year Award” from the Yeni Olgu Art
and Activity Group.
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 11
• Implementation of MOCEP begins in
Bahrain in Arabic, in collaboration with
the Bahrain Society for Children.
• “Will You Play with Me?” begins
airing on TRT channels, in
collaboration with TRT.
• “Will You Play with Me?” is elected
“Best Children's Program” by the
Radio-Television Journalists'
Association, and receives “Children's
TV Program of the Year Award” from
YA-PA Publications.
• The “Women's Support and Literacy”
program is developed for
implementation in the Southeastern
Anatolian Region. Development of
the “Preschool Education Program”
and the “Mother Support Program”
also begins.
• The “Education Reform Initiative” is
initiated in collaboration with Sabanc›
University and the Open Society
• ACEV receives the “Vehbi Koç
Award” for its work in education.
• The “Family Letters” project is
• The ACEV Family and Child Education
Center is founded in Alipafla,
• MSP is developed and implemented.
• Through collaborative efforts, FSP
implementation is expanded to 16
provinces and the first overseas
implementation begins in Germany.
• ACEV hosts the annual meeting of
the international Consultative Group
on Early Childhood Care and
• Three of ACEV's projects are
accepted under the Reproductive
Health Program and the Gender
Program of the European Union;
implementation begins.
• The “7 Is Too Late” Campaign is
• ACEV publishes “A Cost-Benefit
Analysis of Preschool Education in
Turkey” and “Continuing Effects of
Early Intervention in Adult Life-the
MOCEP Follow-up Study”.
• The “Nutrition Project” is launched.
• The “Our Classroom” literacy
program was prepared in collaboration
with Kanal D and aired on television.
• Overseas program implementations
begin in Switzerland and Saudi Arabia,
in addition to those in Bahrain,
Belgium, France, Germany, and
• The television program, “It's Nice to
be a Father” is prepared and aired in
collaboration with TV channel NTV.
• The “Early Childhood Education for
Social and Economic Development”
conference is organized as part of
the “7 Is Too Late” Campaign.
• ACEV receives the “2006 UNESCO
King Sejong Literacy Award” for FALP
in an annual contest organized by
UNESCO where the best literacy
projects worldwide are appraised.
• The report entitled “Early Childhood
Education for Social and Economic
Development: Its Significance,
Benefits, and Recommendations for
Expansion” is published.
• The www.7cokgec.org website is
launched in connection to the “7 Is
Too Late” Campaign.
• Educational films geared to parents
are prepared for the “Parenting”
• “ACEV Academy” training sessions
• ACEV is presented at the “Women's
Leadership Board” at Harvard
University's John F. Kennedy School
of Government.
• The “Parenting” Project is honored
with the Golden Compass Award
from the Turkish Public Relations
Association (TUHID).
• The www.7cokgec.org website is
awarded second place at the “Golden
Spider Web Awards”.
• ACEV President Ayflen Özye¤in is
honored with the “Happy Kids Service
Award of Preschool Education”.
• A protocol is signed with the Center
on the Developing Child attached
Harvard University's Graduate School
of Education.
• Work is initiated on the “7 Is Too
Late” Campaign in the new period.
• The www.7cokgec.org website is
awarded first place at the “Golden
Spider Web Awards”.
• Work is undertaken in Lebanon
toward implementation of MOCEP
and in Bahrain for FSP.
12 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Highlights of ACEV’s Activities in the
January 2008-June 2009 Period
Our education programs are
becoming increasingly more
In the 18-month period from January
2008 to June 2009, ACEV's education
departments surpassed their target
figures through program
implementations in the field, and
provided training to a total of 126,574
The Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Department began implementing the
MSP in the provinces of Ankara, Kocaeli,
‹zmir, and Samsun, raising the number
of provinces where the program is
implemented to seven. The Father
Support Program Department began
implementing the program for the first
time in the provinces of Bilecik, Denizli,
Malatya, Mufl, Trabzon, and Van. The
Functional Adult Literacy Program
offered courses for the first time in the
provinces of Nevflehir and Trabzon, as
part of the “Multi-faceted Empowerment
of Women” Project.
Our collaboration with the Ministry of
National Education is growing.
ACEV continued working with the
Apprenticeship and Non-formal
Education General Directorate, the
Special Education Guidance and Advisory
Services General Directorate, and the
Preschool Education General Directorate
under the Ministry of National Education
(MoNE), and the Social Services and
Child Protection Agency in the
organization of its education programs.
This has enabled us to reach people in
almost all regions in Turkey through
ACEV education programs, in areas with
the highest need.
In 2008, steps were taken to further
expand ACEV's programs and our
collaboration with the MoNE; a threeway protocol was signed with the
Apprenticeship and Non-formal
Education General Directorate and the
Primary School Education General
Directorate for the FSP, and the FALP
protocol was renewed. Summer
Preschools continued once the existing
protocol with the Preschool Education
General Directorate was renewed.
A significant step toward making
family education programs a part of
national policy
In this activity period, one of the most
important developments for ACEV was
the establishment of the “National Family
Education Program” coordinated by the
Apprenticeship and Non-Formal
Education General Directorate under
MoNE, and the efforts to attempt and
unify different family education
programs. As an organization that has
been conducting family education for
years now, ACEV is highly involved in
this effort to make the family programs
implemented throughout Turkey a part
of national policy and determine the
necessary strategy. A new program
called the National Family Education
Program is being developed; it will target
different needs of the 0- to 19-age group,
and consist of separate, age-specific
modules. ACEV is contributing to this
process especially by working on
programs for the 3-to-11 age group, and
coordinating the whole process together
with the Science Board.
Strong sponsor support
The company Mudo sponsored the FSP
training sessions in 2008, while the
support provided by the Vodafone Turkey
Foundation to summer preschools in
Southeastern Anatolia in 2008, continued
in 2009. As a result, two major programs
were run during this period with sponsor
support in addition to backing from Fiba
Holding and international funding
In addition, the FALP and ECE
departments applied to funding agencies
in Turkey with two important projects,
and were able to secure long-term
support when their proposals were
The first of these is the
“Multidimensional Women's
Empowerment Project” project,
supported within the context of Sabanc›
Foundation's Grant Programs. It will be
implemented in five provinces, over a
period of three years. Groundwork
preparations in the project provinces
were completed in 2008, and
implementation began as of early 2009.
The second project, supported by the
Vodafone Turkey Foundation, was the
“Supporting Child Development with
Mother Education-Today Is Your
Children's Tomorrow” and involved the
ongoing MSP implementations in 20082009; it was highly successful and
surpassed numerical targets.
An important project was finalized.
The “Achieving Gender Equality in
Education and Social Participation
Project” had been ongoing for over three
years, and was completed by the end
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 13
In the 18-month period from January 2008 to June
2009, ACEV's education departments surpassed their
target figures through program implementations in the
field, and provided training to a total of 126,574 people.
The Achieving Gender Equality in
Education and Societal Participation
Conducted within the context of the
European Union's “Integrating Gender
Issues in Development” grant
program, the project was
implemented under ACEV's
leadership, and in partnership with
the Association to Support and Train
Women Candidates (KA-DER) and the
Educational Reform Initiative (ERI). It
was implemented in the provinces of
Mardin, fianl›urfa, Diyarbak›r and
‹stanbul beginning in January 2005,
and completed in June 2008. The
project aimed to address and remove
all obstacles that hinder girls' and
women's access to educational
services and participation in social
life; activities were carried out in three
separate areas: (1) Activities geared
to achieving gender equality in
education (2) activities aiming to
increase illiterate women's
participation in social life, and (3)
activities toward developing policies
to raise the enrolment levels of girl
of June 2008. This was a highly
significant project; not only due to project
implementation and the extensive work
conducted at the policy level to achieve
gender equality, but also because a
gender perspective was integrated into
all of ACEV's work.
The return of “Will You Play With
A television program developed jointly
by ACEV and TRT and geared to
preschool-aged children and their
families, “Will You Play with Me?” was
revived in 2008 following a three-year
hiatus, with ACEV acting as the academic
The program was initially aired from
2002 onwards, with a total of 260
episodes reaching viewers over four
seasons; in its fifth broadcast season,
episodes were first aired on TRT1 then
moved to TRT Children once this channel
began broadcasting.
Efforts to improve our education
programs are ongoing.
In this activity period, ACEV spent effort
to improve its education programs and
revise them based on the needs that
arose in the evaluations conducted. The
Mother Support and Father Support
Programs were revised, and training
materials prepared accordingly. In
addition, PPCEP's Child Education
Program (CEP) underwent content and
design revisions, and the new books
were published by MoNE.
A new and important project in 2009:
The Rural Education Project
ACEV is developing a new education
program to empower women living in
rural areas, based on knowhow in its
fields of expertise, and findings related
to needs-assessment studies. The plan
is for the program to be implemented
widely through various collaborations,
and so it is being designed as a modular,
flexible, easy-to-implement program
heavily featuring audio-visual aids, with
a video-supported program structure. In
settings where the program cannot be
implemented in its entirety, or face-toface education is impossible due to the
circumstances, only its video segments
will be used for educational purposes.
ACEV will work in collaboration with
Hüsnü M. Özye¤in Foundation's Rural
Development Project and implement
the Rural Education Program in the
basins and villages selected for inclusion
in this project.
The program will target young women
and women between the ages of 15
and 65, and include information on
health, rights, the environment,
communication in the family, and child
development for children between 0 and
11 years of age. Planned as eight-weekly
sessions, the training is being developed
to include numerous educational
Program content was prepared and the
filming of educational segments
completed during the activity period.
Once the program development phase
is over, pilot program implementation
and efficiency assessment studies are
also being planned.
14 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Highlights of ACEV’s Activities in the
January 2008-June 2009 Period
Our presence overseas is growing
Since 1997, ACEV's scientifically-based
education programs have been
implemented overseas through various
collaborative efforts.
In this 18-month activity period, ACEV
assessed its international work in a new
and different framework, defined future
strategies, and began expansion
activities in various countries through
new partnerships.
As the Founding International Partner of
Harvard University's Center on the
Developing Child, ACEV also supported
and made possible for a meeting to be
held in 2009 summer, on creating a
research agenda for global early
childhood education. Researchers from
various countries attended the meeting
held at Harvard University; ACEV was
represented by our Vice President, Prof.
Dr. Çi¤dem Ka¤›tç›bafl›.
The new face of our website
Another change for ACEV this year was
the renewal of its website in terms of
content and design, based on changing
and developing needs. www.acev.org
is now open to visitors with its enriched
content, functionality, and user-friendly
design. Similarly, our “7 Is Too Late”
website geared to support parents and
educators was also modified during this
period, and enriched with added new
sections and expert commentary.
A solid step forward in the “7 Is Too
Late” Campaign
ACEV continued to strategize in 2008
and the first quarter of 2009, and decided
to adopt new publicity events and more
efficient support-building activities for
the third phase of the “7 Is Too Late”
Campaign. Accordingly, in May-June
2009, intense communication efforts
were undertaken with the support of
the media via television and the written
press, coupled with lobbying at the
governmental level.
We support Global
ACEV also joined the
organizations that endorse
Global Compact as of 2008,
and its special consultative
status at the UN Economic and Social
Council was approved.
Consequently, the Ministry of National
Education announced plans to raise
mandatory primary school education to
nine years, initially in 32 provinces with
the adequate infrastructure, which was
a significant development. This is
considered a major step forward in
achieving the campaign's-and thus
ACEV's-target of providing “quality
preschool education to all children in
The ACEV-Academy training sessions
also continued intermittently during this
period. Within the context of the
Theoretical Module, Prof. Dr. Ayhan Koç
presented the “Cognitive Development
and Language Development” session;
Prof. Dr. Çi¤dem Ka¤›tç›bafl› presented
the “Family and Development of Self in
the Context of Social Change” session;
and Prof. Dr. Do¤an Cücelo¤lu presented
the “Parenting on the Journey of Being
a Human Being” session.
National awards
In 2008, ACEV received the Golden
Compass Award from the Turkish Public
Relations Association for the
“Parenthood” project realized in
collaboration the previous year with
DIGITURK, and another honor came
from abroad. In addition, ACEV's
www.7cokgec.org website received first
place honors in civil society and social
responsibility, and second place in
education at the Golden Spider Web
ACEV receives international award
from the Amadeus Institute
The Amadeus Institute, a think-tank that
focuses its work on Morocco, North
Africa, and Mediterranean countries,
honored ACEV with an award at MEDays
2008, for its work in the region on
education and culture.
As part of the Trainer Formation Module,
prospective supervisors of the PEP and
the MSP Diyarbak›r supervisors received
training in trainer and supervisor
And as part of the ACEV Programs
Module, FALP master trainers were
provided with basic trainer training. In
addition, at the “Training Workshop”
geared specifically to the trainers on the
central team staff, informative weekly
group meetings were held that covered
developing supervisor training and
evaluation activities.
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 15
Provinces Where Programs are Implemented
We would like to extend our gratitude to the Ministry of National Education and the
Social Services and Child Protection Agency, for supporting the expansion of ACEV's
education programs to every region in Turkey.
Bart›n Kastamonu Sinop
Artvin Ardahan
Ordu Giresun Trabzon
Tekirda¤ ‹stanbul
Provinces where ACEV offers services
ACEV’s Representative Offices
Well aware of the fact that education is necessary for any developing society, ACEV's
mission is to contribute to early childhood and adult education, its areas of expertise,
through its programs and practices and create a nation-wide service network.
ACEV offers Functional Adult Literacy and Women's Support Programs in 11 provinces,
Family Education Programs in 23 provinces and Early Childhood Education in 73
16 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Mother Child Education Program participant, ‹stanbul
During the time I attended the course,
I learned a lot on mother-child education.
I believe I am now more patient,
knowledgeable, informed, and better
equipped. Mothers have a large role to
play in child development. Which is why
this course is so important. My heartfelt
thanks to ACEV.
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 17
18 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Early Childhood Education Programs
Including those by the new teachers trained in
2008, 1,319 courses were opened in 71 provinces,
and a total of 54,748 mother-child pairs benefited
from the program.
The Mother Child Education Program
Number of provinces
Courses opened
People reached (mother-child pairs)
The Preschool Parent Child
Education Program (PPCEP)
Number of Provinces
Courses opened
People reached (parent-child pairs)
MOCEP is taking on a different form
within the context of the Ministry of
National Education's work on the
“National Family Education Program”.
During this activity period (January 2008June 2009), and in line with the new
strategies regarding the family education
programs being conducted and coordinated
by the Apprenticeship and Non-Formal
Education General Directorate under MoNE,
the duration of MOCEP trainer trainings
was shortened in 2008; new training
sessions were held in 2009 neither with
MoNE nor the Social Services and Child
Protection Agency. As of 2010, MOCEP
will once again be backed by ACEV, and
implemented over a two-year period.
The program's training materials were
In 2008, and in collaboration with the
Preschool Education General Directorate,
the PPCEP was implemented in 120
classrooms in 25 provinces by 101
nursery school teachers-including 55
trained at Erzurum On-the-Job Training
Institute-and 5,556 mother-child pairs
were reached. Participating independent
preschool directors implemented the
program in more than one classroom.
Including those by the new teachers
trained in 2008, 353 Public Education
Center teachers opened 640 courses in
71 provinces during this activity period
and reached a total of 26,772 motherchild pairs, while 364 previously trained
Public Education Center teachers opened
640 courses in 69 provinces in 2009, and
a total of 26,004 mother-child pairs
benefited from the program. In line with
our cooperation with the Social Services
and Child Protection Agency, 13
previously trained social workers opened
20 courses in eight provinces and reached
992 mother-child pairs, while 12
previously trained social workers opened
19 courses in 6 provinces and reached
980 mother-child pairs in 2009.
In the first half of 2009, 148 teachers
implemented the program in 179
classrooms and 8,560 mother-child pairs
benefited from it. In addition, 39 new
teachers were trained at the trainer
training held in June.
A noteworthy development in this
activity period; the Child Education
Program (CEP) component of the PPCEP
underwent content and design revision,
and the teachers were updated on this
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 19
The 2008 and 2009 Summer Preschools, conducted
in accordance with the protocol signed with the
Preschool Education General Directorate under
MoNE, were made possible by financial support
from the Vodafone Turkey Foundation.
The Preschool Education Program
and Mother Support Program
(PEP and MSP)
Number of provinces
Courses opened
Summer Program Implementations
The program had been implemented
in two provinces in the past few years;
it was supported by the Grant Program
of the Vodafone Turkey Foundation in
this period and expanded to a third
Known in the Southeastern Anatolian
Region during the summer as the
Summer Preschools, implementation of
the program began in Batman in addition
to Diyarbak›r and Mardin.
People reached
976 children 764 mothers
Master instructors trained by ACEV,
brought preschool education to 868
children just about to start school, for a
period of nine weeks during the summer
of 2008, in 62 classrooms in three
provinces. In addition, ACEV-trained group
leaders also provided education to 657
mothers in 49 mother groups in Diyarbak›r
and Mardin. Meanwhile, ACEV's Father
Support Program trainers held evaluation
meetings with the fathers of these
Pre- and post-test measurements to
assess the impact of the program (literacy
and numeracy skills) on children, found
that following the nine-week
implementation, the literacy and numeracy
skills of the participating children were
significantly higher compared to children
who did not participate.
The teachers trained at the trainer training
held prior to the Summer Preschools
opened in July 2009 have completed their
class-formation work. The preschool
education activities completed in
September were again supported by
mother education, and the parents of
children who completed the program
were encouraged to enroll their children
in primary school.
Financial support by the Vodafone
Turkey Foundation
The 2008 and 2009 Summer Preschools
conducted in accordance with the protocol
signed with the Preschool Education
General Directorate under MoNE, were
made possible by financial support from
the Vodafone Turkey Foundation.
At the end of this project;
• The equipment and education
materials used in the classrooms
created for the summer months, which
may be considered “ideal nursery
schools”, are turned over to schools
in the region, making it possible for
even more children in the area to
benefit from preschool education.
• Teachers in the first years of their
education career receive extensive
training in a different occupational field,
which contributes to their personal
• In addition to directly or indirectly
reaching over 4,000 people in the two
summers the project was
implemented, the collaboration
between the Vodafone Turkey
Foundation and ACEV provides
fundamental input to the region's
preschool infrastructure, and steps are
taken to ensure preschool education
services can become more
widespread and sustained in the area.
Winter Program Implementations
The Diyarbak›r Alipafla ACEV Family
and Child Education Center has
become an exemplary preschool.
Education continued at the center during
the 2008-2009 school year. The preschool
education program was implemented
with 54 children in three of the
classrooms at the center, while their
mothers attended the MSP provided in
four classrooms.
20 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Family Education Programs
The Mother Support Program was implemented
in eight provinces as part of the “Today is Your
Children's Tomorrow” Project backed by the
Vodafone Turkey Foundation.
Mother Support Program (MSP)
The Mother Support Program was
implemented during this activity
period with support from the
Vodafone Turkey Foundation.
Number of provinces
Courses opened
People reached (mother-child pairs)
In line with the protocol between ACEV
and the Special Education Guidance and
Counseling Services General Directorate,
MSP was offered in eight provinces in
the 2008-2009 school year: Antalya,
Adana, Ankara, Bursa, ‹stanbul, ‹zmir,
Kocaeli, and Samsun. Seven trainer
trainings were held in this period, and
144 new guidance counselors were
trained to implement the program.
A total of 210 old and new trained
counselors opened 565 courses and
reached 27,030 mother-child pairs.
In this activity period, MSP was revised
and modified for implementation in two
separate groups, mothers with children
in the 3-to-6 and the 7-to-11 year age
groups; guidance counselors were
brought up to speed at refresher
The Mother Support Program was
implemented as part of the “Today is
Your Children's Tomorrow” Project
backed by the Vodafone Turkey
Foundation; by educating mothers, their
children's development was supported.
In addition, “Parenting” Seminars were
held in the provinces included in the
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 21
In this activity period, the Father Support Program
was also revised and separated into the 3-to-6 and
6-to-11 year age groups for implementation in the
coming academic year.
Father Support Program (FSP)
Number of provinces
Courses opened
People reached (father-child pairs)
The program was revised, and
separate modules were formed based
on children's age groups.
Like the MSP, the FSP was also revised
and modules created for the 3-to-6 and
the 6-to-11 year age groups and
implemented at new training seminars.
At the four trainer trainings conducted
in collaboration with the MoNE in the
2008-2009 school year, 34 counselors
and guidance counselors, and 117
homeroom teachers at primary schoolsa total of 151 FSP Trainers were trained.
In this activity period, trainers attached
to MoNE and the Social Services and
Child Protection Agency conducted 280
“Parenting” Seminars
Number of provinces
Courses opened
People reached (parents)
The Seminars were implemented in
provinces where the Mother Support
Program is implemented, within the
context of the “Today is Your
Children's Tomorrow” Project.
“Parenting” Seminars are an important
tool in promoting ACEV and our
programs; in the 2008-2009 school year
78 seminars took place, reaching 4,120
parents. In addition, 1,070 parents were
reached with 14 seminars conducted as
part of the “Today is Your Children's
Tomorrow” Project backed by the
Vodafone Turkey Foundation.
father groups in 22 provinces and
reached a total of 7,024 father-child pairs.
The provinces were: - Adana, Afyon,
Ankara, Bal›kesir, Bingöl, Bursa, Denizli,
Diyarbak›r, Elaz›¤, Gaziantep, ‹stanbul,
‹zmir, ‹zmit, Kayseri, Kahramanmarafl,
Mersin, Mu¤la, Mufl, Samsun, Sivas,
Trabzon and Van.
Another significant development was
that program implementation also took
place at the Ümraniye Penitentiary with
inmates, and work has now begun to
expand such implementations.
The 2008 implementations of the
program were financially backed by the
firm Mudo.
“Parenting” Seminars are an important
source of support, especially in cases
where schools and organizations
approach ACEV specifically for our
expertise in the field, but implementing
long-term programs is not possible.
22 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Women's Support and Literacy Education Programs
A total of 18 trainer training seminars were held
this activity period, and 517 volunteer trainers
were trained.
Functional Adult Literacy and
Women's Support Program (FALP)
Number of provinces
Courses opened
People reached
In this activity period, a large majority
of the FALP courses were backed by
funds secured through various
projects, and expanded to new
A total of 10 trainer training seminars
were held in 2008, and 329 new
volunteer trainers were trained. And in
2009, 188 new volunteer trainers were
trained in eight trainer training seminars.
These trainers also received education
in Women's Support and Disability
Rights, in line with the projects.
FALP was implemented in 11 provinces
in this activity period: Adana, Ankara,
Bursa, Kocaeli, Diyarbak›r, Gaziantep,
‹stanbul, ‹zmir, Trabzon, Nevflehir and
Mardin. Through a total of 859 FALP
courses, 14,630 people were reached,
and also provided with women's support
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 23
Funding for the three-year “Multidimensional
Women's Empowerment” Project was provided
by the Grant Programs of Sabanc› Foundation.
Women's Support and Literacy
Education Programs
Funding support to FALP projects…
Five different projects were run in 2008
to further expand FALP implementations.
Two of them were realized with EU funds,
while GAP, Inc. backed one and Empower
backed two of the remaining projects. In
addition, as of 2009, the implementation
of a brand new project was realized with
support from the Sabanc› Foundation
Grant Program.
• Following the three-year duration of
the EU-funded Achieving Gender
Equality in Education and Social
Participation Project, a six-month
extension was requested; 45 courses
were opened in the first half of 2008,
and 801 more women benefited from
the education program.
• A total of 190 courses were opened
in the provinces Ankara, Bursa, Kocaeli,
Adana, and ‹zmir under the EU
Women's Rights Project; project
targets were reached and 3,024
women were trained.
• The Literacy for Women's
Empowerment Project was funded
by GAP, Inc. and 120 courses were
opened in the provinces of ‹stanbul
and Bursa, where 2,353 women
received training.
• The Education for Young Women
Project was backed by Empower; it
focused chiefly on young women
between 14 and 24 years of age,
encouraging them to acquire literacy
skills in Stage 1 literacy courses, then
to continue with their education
following course completion.
Successfully completed in 2008, the
project was extended until June 2009.
In this context, in the 62 courses
opened in 2008-2009 in the provinces
of Diyarbak›r and Mardin, 1,135
participants were trained; 65 percent
of the participants were between the
ages of 14 and 24. And 232 of the
participants continued on to attend
Stage 2 literacy courses.
• The Multidimensional Women's
Empowerment Project, funded by
the Grant Programs of Sabanc›
Foundation, enables ACEV's FALP
implementations to become more
widespread. The three-year project
will be implemented from 2009 to
2011, and aims to help women over
the age of 15 and orthopedicallydisabled women who will attend the
courses, to participate in social life
through the acquisition of literacy skills,
and create awareness in and sensitize
both the participants, and society, on
the rights of the disabled.
The project made it possible for FALP
to expand to the provinces of Trabzon
and Nevflehir for the first time, and
program implementation began as of
2009. The Disability Rights module
developed within the context of the
project was included in the program,
and 86 courses were opened until the
end of June, reaching 1,514 women.
With this project, ACEV began to
include a disability rights perspective
in its programs.
24 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
The “7 Is Too Late” Campaign
While 16 percent of children in the 4-to-6 age
group were benefiting from preschool education
at the onset of the campaign, a 107 percent
increase has been evidenced to date, and the rate
of school enrolment increased to 33.4 percent for
this age group in 2008.
The “7 Is Too Late” Campaign
ACEV has been running the “7 Is Too
Late” Campaign since 2005, to create
awareness of education during the early
childhood years and ensure the 7 million
children in the 0-to-6 age group in Turkey
benefit from quality preschool education.
ACEV joined forces with six leading nongovernmental organizations in Turkey
for the campaign, to draw public
attention to problems concerning
preschool education and raise awareness
of the issue.
While 16 percent of children in the 4-to6 age group were benefiting from
preschool education at the onset of the
campaign, a 107 percent increase has
been evidenced to date, and the rate of
school enrolment increased to 33.4
percent for this age group in 2008. We
believe this to be the joint outcome of
ACEV's work, parents' increased
awareness on the issue, and efforts by
the state.
In line with its mission, ACEV continued
its fieldwork in the four years since the
onset of the campaign, and reached
240,000 people through preschool
education activities and various other
Yet, one of the targets we hoped to
achieve in five years as we launched the
campaign in 2005, namely the matter of
making it legally mandatory for all
children in the 5-to-6 age group to benefit
from preschool education, has yet to
become a reality. In Turkey, school
enrolment rates for preschool education
still lag behind international averages.
Consequently, it was decided to continue
with communication and advocacy work
for the “7 Is Too Late” Campaign in
2009 as well.
In 2008 and the first months of 2009,
we worked to determine strategies and
plan new publicity measures for the third
phase of the campaign. Meetings were
held with our collaborative partners in
the “7 Is Too Late” Campaign, and with
the Early Childhood Education
Consultative Board composed of
academics from various universities. As
a result, it was decided to re-publicize
the campaign and carry out
communication activities, such as
preparing TV spots, newspaper/magazine
ads and billboards; conducting media
and PR work; and drawing up policy
recommendations to lobby and
encourage officials to take concrete
An activity plan was developed in light
of these decisions, and promotion and
communication materials were prepared
with the help of various agencies.
DDB&Co Advertising Agency and G7
Communication Agency supported ACEV
to this end.
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 25
The ultimate goal of the “7 Is Too Late” Campaign
is the enactment of a law that will make one year
of preschool education mandatory, and for children
to receive preschool education before they start
school free of charge at public nursery schools.
Third Phase Activities of the “7 Is Too
Late” Campaign - 2009
The ultimate goal of the campaign is the
enactment of a law that will make one
year of preschool education mandatory,
and for children to receive preschool
education before they start school free
of charge at public nursery schools.
ACEV prepared a policy brief and
communicated it to relevant parties. The
brief included recommendations to also
keep the quality of early childhood
education on the agenda; expand
preschool education in ways that ensure
equal opportunity for all children in
Turkey, and give priority to higher-need
areas in preschool education
To bring preschool education onto the
agenda and draw the attention of the
public and the authorities, brand new
TV/radio spots, newspaper/magazine
ads, internet banners and billboards were
prepared on the issue; with the support
of media organizations, 83
newspaper/magazine ads and 22 news
pieces published, and 1,817 TV/radio
spots were aired in May-June 2009. In
addition, announcements were made
through the use of banners and
billboards, and campaign brochures were
distributed. The campaign was also
promoted at the fetes and festivals of
various organizations.
The www.acev.org and
www.7cokgec.org websites were
modified in line with campaign targets,
and a “signature campaign” was initiated
on our “7 Is Too Late” website to draw
public support.
In a promising development parallel to
ACEV's efforts, the new Ministry of
National Education declared that
preschool education would be addressed
as a priority issue, and would be made
mandatory, in phases, for the 5-to-6 year
age group. Furthermore, it was said that
preschool education would be made
accessible to all children in that age
group in 32 provinces with suitable
26 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Functional Adult Literacy and Women's Support Program participant, ‹stanbul
I used to live in Eskiflehir, and was in
‹stanbul visiting my daughter. I asked
about the course, and when they said it
wasn't offered in Eskiflehir, I moved here
to learn how to read and write. It's
wonderful to read and learn; to improve
yourself. It brings positive changes to
your life.
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 27
28 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
International Activities
• To share its knowhow and
experiences with other countries,
ACEV works in collaboration with
various national and international
organizations in line with relevant
demands. ACEV plays an active role
in international networks in the fields
of early childhood and adult education,
and contributes to developments in
these fields.
• As the International Founding Partner
of Harvard University's Center on the
Developing Child, ACEV collaborates
in efforts to improve the lives of
children worldwide and plan a global
strategy for early childhood.
• As a member of the Consultative
Group on Early Childhood Care and
Development and the World Forum
on Early Childhood, ACEV participates
in the work conducted on these
platforms and shares its knowhow.
• ACEV shares its experiences and
knowhow with neighboring countries
through UNESCO's Early Childhood
Cooperating Center.
• ACEV regularly interacts with groups
that have developed different early
childhood education programs and
methods, such as the International
Step by Step Association, and HIPPY
International, and ACEV programs are
implemented together with HIPPY
programs in Germany.
• In addition to the field of early
childhood education, ACEV is also a
part of international initiatives focused
more on development, such as the
Clinton Global Initiative.
• ACEV endorses the implementation
of its existing education programs
especially in European and Arab
countries, by cooperating with local
organizations. While in European
countries the programs are
implemented in Turkish with Turkish
immigrant families, in Arab nations
implementations are sometimes in
Turkish for the Turkish families there,
and sometimes in Arabic for the local
population. ACEV's role in overseas
implementations is to provide training
and materials on ACEV-developed
programs to staff members of the
organizations we collaborate with,
and supervision and consultancy to
program implementations conducted
by these trainers. In other words,
ACEV shares is expertise in early
childhood and family education
programs, communicates its
knowhow, and endorses the
expansion of its scientifically-based
programs in different countries and
• ACEV programs are currently
implemented in Bahrain, Belgium,
France, Germany, Holland, Jordan,
Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland,
and the Turkish Republic of Northern
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 29
In the January 2008-June 2009
International efforts on our mother
education programs gained speed.
ACEV's Mother Child Education Program
has been implemented overseas since
1997, and to understand the structure
and content of this experience in terms
of the mothers, a study was conducted
to assess these MOCEP
implementations under the leadership
of Prof. Dr. Sevda Bekman.
In this activity period, 2,096 mother-child
pairs were reached via 71 mother
education courses implemented in
Belgium (Brussels and Ghent), France
(Paris), Germany (Bremen), Saudi Arabia
(Riyadh, Medina, Jeddah, and
Dammam), and Switzerland (Geneva,
Zurich, and Bern), and in Jordan and
International strategies are being
As of 2009, ACEV has begun to assess
its international efforts in a new and
different framework, and strategic plans
for the future involve transferring its
accumulated academic knowhow to
different countries through various
collaborations. To this end, effort is being
spent to make a mark in the international
arena in the field of early childhood by
building cooperation with various
international organizations, and
contributing to world peace through
In this activity period, implementation
of MOCEP began in Lebanon in
collaboration with the Arab Resource
Collective (ARC), and the Father Support
Program in Bahrain in collaboration with
MOCEP-Bahrain, both for the first time.
The IMPACT (Improving Parenting
Competences)-Grundtvig I Project was
ACEV was part of a subprogram of the
EU's Socrates Program, called the
“Grundtvig 1 IMPACT (Improving
Parenting Competences) Project”. In
this two-year project, eight organizations
from five countries (Britain, Finland,
Germany, Romania, and Turkey) worked
together to improve the parenting
competencies of families. While efforts
focused on the preparation of an online
“e-course” and forum, ACEV lent
support to building of the project's
website and conducted its needassessment study. Including pilot
implementations, e-course work was
conducted with 45 parents, followed by
relevant analyses. At the concluding
meeting held in Finland, the project was
finalized following its evaluation.
30 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Mother Child Education Program participant, ‹stanbul
I attended the MOCEP training to raise
my children better, but learned that I had
to correct myself first. I saw there was
a lot I didn't know, that sometimes my
behavior was wrong. I'm happy that I
participated in the program.
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 31
32 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Human Resources
ACEV's human resources have
embraced the organizational culture and
reflect this in their actions, thus
representing a strong organizational
structure among non-governmental
ACEV has a staff of 165 members, each
expert and proficient in their fields; on
average, staff members are 40-years
old, merging dynamism with experience.
Over 65 percent of staff members are
at least university graduates; while 76
percent are women, 24 percent are men.
Administration comprises 13 percent
and trainers 86 percent of the staff; 1
percent is both.
Staff Members by Gender
Administrative/Trainer Staff Members
Administrative Staff
Administrative and
Trainer Staff
Education Level of Staff Members
High School
Associate Degree
Primary School
Middle School
Female 76%
Study Area in Associate Degree and Higher
Staff Members by Province
Of the over 3,000 thousand trainers that
participate voluntarily in Literacy
Education activities, 859 actively
participated in work during this period.
Education and Social Sciences
Administrative Sciences
Communications and Public Relations 3%
Political Sciences
Technical Sciences
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 33
Organization Chart
Board of Directors
Ayla Göksel
CEO&Vice President
Academic Consultants
Prof. Dr. Çi¤dem Ka¤›tç›bafl› and
Prof. Dr. Sevda Bekman
Derya Uysal
General Manager
Hilal Kuflcul
Dep. General Manager
Subject Matter Expert
Deniz fienocak
Dep. General Manager
Subject Matter Expert
Communication and
Fundraising Dept
Finance and
Administration Dept.
Development Dept.
Support Dept.
Literacy Education
and Woman
Support Dept.
Early Childhood
Education Dept.
Nevin ‹lhan Koçak
Cengiz Sa¤dan
Serkan Kahyao¤lu
Subject Matter Expert
Hasan Deniz
Meltem Cantürk
Nur S. Çorapç›
Subject Matter Expert
Seda Y›lmaz
Filiz Öztürk
Kader Göktafl
Emine Kuzutürk
(Rural Project)
Deniz Do¤ruöz
Education Specialist
Özlem fiahan
Assistant Coordinator
Canan Erman
Education Specialist
Filiz Buluttekin
Elif Aliflo¤lu
Alper Karabak›r
Assistant Specialist
Olcayto Ezgin
Education Specialist
Mutlu Yasa Budak
Education Specialist
Ayfle Özdemir
Education Specialist
Ayfer Yürük
Assist. Diyarbak›r
Harika Özat›c›
Assist. Specialist
Zekai Keskin
Admin. Staff
Hilal Gencay
Education Specialist
Tümay Algan
Education Specialist
Ertu¤rul Kaya
Admin. Staff
Gülseren Demir
Dept. Assistant
Yeflim Çaylakl›
Education Specialist
Mehmet Akçaova
Admin. Staff
fiermin Erflan
Office Manager
Ercan Keskin
Admin. Staff
Elif Tanr›ver
Dept. Assistant
Gamze Coflar
Platform Assistant
Support Dept.
Field Staff
Literacy Education and
Woman Support Dept.
Field Staff
Early Childhood
Education Dept.
Field Staff
34 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
Fundraising Activities
Garanti Bank Credit Cards
Donations were made to four nongovernmental organizations (ÇYDD, the
TOHUM Foundation, and TESYEV)
including ACEV by Garanti Bank Credit
Cards; the &club privé card in 2008, and
Shop&Miles in card in 2009.
The “Welcome, Baby” Project with
Joker Maxitoys
ACEV's “Family Letters” information kit
was turned into a book entitled
“Welcome, Baby” and gifted to
participants at the “Welcome, Baby”
seminar organized by ACEV.
Cooking Contest with Scotch-Brite
Through the mother and child creative
cooking contest, Scotch-Brite aimed
both to draw the attention of mothers
and children to good nutrition, and
support ACEV's work. For the duration
of the contest, Scotch-Brite donated a
portion of its proceeds from each
microfiber cloth package sold.
Support to ACEV from Tchibo's sales
Tchibo channeled revenues from a
certain portion of their sales of specific
themed products in their stores to
ACEV's work.
Donations to ACEV from the sale of
Pigeon's products
A certain portion of the proceeds
generated from Pigeon brand mother
and baby products are donated to ACEV
in contribution to educational activities.
ACEV's Happy Day Products
A variety of products went on sale to
provide support to ACEV's educational
activities on special days at
Marks&Spencer, GAP, Banana Republic,
Mudo, and Joker Maxitoys stores.
Silver bracelets were prepared for
Valentine's Day, t-shirts for Mother's
Day, Turkish delight during religious
holidays, pencils for the back-to-school
period, colorful decorations and greeting
cards for New Years, ACEV storybooks
for the Children's Festival, and canvas
bags for the summer; all were
successfully sold.
Support to ACEV from Art Projects
Artist Günseli Kato contributes to ACEV's
education programs every year with
different projects; the colorful and multidesign trunks she made for her “Trunk
Island” exhibition were sold to benefit
ACEV in this activity period. The
exhibition was hosted by ‹stinye Park
Mall, and Antik A.fi. provided support to
its organization; ‹zzeddin Çal›fllar
contributed to promoting the exhibition
with original texts, while Marka Sokak
Advertising Agency helped with its
Another exhibition organized to benefit
ACEV, was photographer Sara Rodrik's
“Living Goddess” exhibition held at GArt Art Gallery. All the proceeds from
the sale of the exhibition pieces were
donated to ACEV.
Support to the “7 Is Too Late”
Campaign at the Carte d'Or Outdoor
The Outdoor Concerts sponsored by
Carte d'Or lent support to the promotion
of the 7 Is Too Late Campaign; the
company not only donated to ACEV, but
broadcast campaign spots to 18,000
people who went to these concerts, and
distributed campaign brochures.
The Mother Dearest and Father
Dearest Photography Exhibitions
During Mother's Day and Father's Day,
the “Mother Dearest” and “Father
Dearest” photography exhibitions were
organized at the ‹stinye Park Rotunda
and at Bursa Korupark; ACEV volunteer
Banu Bildik directed the project.
Photographer Pemra Yüce and Nurhan
Atar photographed numerous wellknown mothers and fathers with their
children for the exhibition. A Kite Festival
was organized as part of the project on
Mother's Day, and a portion of the
proceeds from the project was donated
to ACEV's work in education.
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 35
ACEV Supporters in the
January 2008-June 2009
We thank the individuals and organizations that help guide children toward a brighter future by
supporting ACEV's work.
Institutional Contributors
AIG Blue Voyage Advisors
Alpman Art Gallery
Antik A.fi.
Arçelik Ankara
Arnilnet Computer
Bat›nak Denizcilik
The Conference Interpreters Association
in Turkey
Boehringer Ingelheim
Boyut Publishing Group
Citibank Accounts Department
Credit Europe Bank Ltd.
Credit Europe Bank N.V.
Credit Europe Bank Suisse
Credit Europe Leasing
Çekirge Physical Therapy Clinic
Çetin Elektrik A.fi.
Çevre College Classroom B
Denso Otomotiv
Deva Holding A.fi.
Do¤an Burda Magazine
Durmaz Durable Consumer Goods
EFG ‹stanbul Securities
Education Reform Initiative
Enthone Galvanoplasti Sanayi
Estetiknel Ltd. fiti.
Eureko Sigorta A.fi.
Eyübo¤lu Çaml›ca Primary School
Fiba Air Team
Fiba AVM Gel. A.fi.
Fiba Faktoring
Fiba Gayrimenkul
Fiba Group
Fiba Holding
Fiba Kapital Holding A.fi.
Fiba Sigorta
Fina Holding A.fi.
Finans Invest
Finans Leasing
Finans Portföy Yönetimi
Finans Yat›r›m A.fi.
Finansbank A.fi. Avrupa Branch
Finansbank A.fi. Gayrettepe Branch
Finansbank ‹zmir Branch
Finansbank Otokent Branch
Finansbank P›narbafl› Branch
Garanti Portföy Yönetimi
Genmar Sanayi Ürünleri
GFK Turkey
Giriflim Factoring
Globalgiving Foundation
Göztepe Soroptimistik Kulübü
Grup 7 Communications Services
Gülnak Denizcilik
Güreli Chartered Accountant
Hac› Sani Konuko¤lu Foundation
Hayata Textiles
Henkel Turkey
Ifl›k Plastik
‹mpeks D›fl Tic.A.fi.
‹ntaya ‹nflaat
‹stanbul Erkek Liseliler Vakf›
Robert College
‹zmir Tourism
Kale-Alt›nay Robotik
Kalkanc› Konfeksiyon
Kanguru Kids Club
Karacasu Textiles
Kent G›da
Kibar Holding A.fi.
Kumport Liman Hizmetleri ve Lojistik
Mercedes-Benz Türk A.fi.
Merchandising Marketing Services
Metal Yap›
Metro AG
Minnesota University
MMZ Onur Boru
MPR Public Relations
Mutlu Akü A.fi.
Niflantafl› Education and Consultancy
Okyanus Toys
Oraysan A.fi.
Organik Kimya
Öncü Marketing
Önde College Parent-Teacher
Özka ‹nflaat A.fi.
Pembe Mavi Hospital
Pharmasante Bitkisel A.fi.
Private Meral Kindergarten
Promark Consultancy
Remzi Bookstore
Research Turkey
Sayem Healthcare Services
Schering Plough
Schindler Türkeli Lifts
SEW Eurodrive
Shuaa Capital PSC Turkey
Sicpa Assan
Sipahiler Tourism
Tat Konserve San A.fi.
Tomurcuk Law Office
Troy Elektrik
Turkish Embassy School Riyadh
Turkish Women Council - Sar›yer
Third Sector Foundation of Turkey
Unidea Fondazione
Villa Beauty Center
Yap› Art› Architecture
Benevolent Society
Yeflim Textile
36 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
ACEV Supporters in the January
2008-June 2009 Period
We thank artists Ali Arif Ersen- Argun Okumuflo¤lu, Dilara Akay, Elif Karaday›, Erica Beard, Funda Özkan - Tu¤ba Ülker, Gökte
Tunç, Günseli Kato, Hera Büyüktaflç›yan-Yegane Jabbarova, Hülya Vurnal ‹kizgül, ‹brahim Koç, ‹rem ‹nceday› , Kamil F›rat, Koray
Arifl, Neslihan Karaa¤aç, Nurhan Artar, Pemra Yüce, Saim Gökhan Ercan, Sara Rodrik, Suzy Levy, Titi, and Uluhan Ataç for
supporting ACEV with their work.
Individual Contributors
A. Nuvit Çaml›bel
A. Sahir ‹kbal
A. Sibel Alpsal
A. Umut Serter
Abidin Bayraktaro¤lu
Adem Özen
Adnan Pestil
Ahmet Cumhur Çeviker
Ahmet Erdinç
Ahmet Nuri Eriko¤lu
Ahmet Tar›k
Ahmet Yaz›c›
Ak›n Divanl›o¤lu
Ali Ayd›n Erdo¤an
Ali Ayd›n Y›ld›z
Ali Cem Ergüven
Ali Çapa
Ali Do¤ramac›
Ali Mutlu
Ali Niyazi Lüle
Ali Oruç
Ali Tekin
Alihan Haydaro¤lu
Alkan Titiz
Alphan Salarvan
Alsev Utku
Altay Gereçci
Andaç Ak›nc›o¤lu
Arda Köken
Arda Tonay
Arif Selçuk Ulua¤aç
Arzu-Melda Arat
Asl› Ad›n›r
Asl› Aksoy
Asl› Bekdir
Asl› Kerimol
Asl› Silahdaro¤lu
Asl› Soyak
Asl› Yerulu¤
Asl›-Sinan fiahinbafl
Asuman Ayy›ld›z
Afliyan Meriç
Atefl Yenen
Ayça Eleman
Ayça Kaya
Ayd›n Ersöz
Aygül Ok
Ayhan Tamsöz
Aykut Hamzagil
Ayla Göksel
Aylin Kantarc›
Aysun Kibar
Aysun Mercan
Aysun fienel
Ayfle Beyaz›t
Ayfle Dilek Yaman
Ayfle Evyap Ar›n
Ayfle ‹pek Torfilli
Ayfle Özcan
Ayfle Rüya Birben
Ayfle Sö¤üt
Ayfle Us
Ayfle-Bülent Yurdalan
Ayflen Üstünel
B. Nalan Dermanc›
Bahad›r Demiray
Bahad›r Dindar
Bahar Çotur
Bahar Özince
Bahar Say›ner
Banu Bildik
Banu ‹peker
Banu K›l›ç
Banu K›l›ç Taflköprü
Barbaros K›lbafl
Bar›fl Süleyman Elaz›¤
Baflak Coflkun
Bayram Cen
Bayram Özkök
Bayram Samur
Bekir Dildar
Bengi-Ertan Albayrak
Beril Çavuflo¤lu
Berin Yoleri
Berkan Akyüz
Berrin Açmaz
Beflir Umut Amcao¤lu
Beyza Kurt
Beyza Meriç
Billur Tekin
Birgül Ufac›k
Birsen-Yahya Akel
Bulut Serdar Ar›c›o¤lu
Burak Bal›k
Burak Çamur
Burak fiener
Burak U¤ur
Burak Ulusman
Burcu Yaro¤lu
Burçak Say›lgan
Burhan Ayhan
Burhan Deregözü
Büge Seçilmifl
Bülent Günceler
Bülent Güngör
Bülent Paksoy
Bülent Yurdalan
Candafl Özden
Cem Boyner
Cem Tafldo¤an
Cem Tulu¤ Erayd›n
Cemal Bulut
Cemal fiafak Ay›fl›¤›
Cemil Ilgaz
Cengiz Kabatepe
Cengizhan Al›çl›
Cenk Atmaca
Ceren Çerezci
Ceyda Haksal
Ceylan Atuk
Cihan Özevin
Cüneyd Er
Cüneyt Özgümüfl
Çetin Baydemir
Çetin Erbefl
Çi¤dem Çardak Çeçen
Çi¤dem Eren-Nurdan Çelik
Çi¤dem Erginöz
Çi¤dem Makbule Tu¤tekin Derviflo¤lu
Defne Özkan
Deniz Ergen
Deniz Gökçe
Deniz Ketenci
Deniz Sinem ‹smailo¤lu
Deniz-Cemflid Demiro¤lu
Deyzi Torel
Didem Ero¤lu
Didem Kurdo¤lu
Didem Sutay
Dikmen Masis
Dilara Akay
Dilek Dölük
Dilek-Naz›m Belger
Duygu Çetin
Duygu Ertan
E. Zeren Tatar
Ebru Aksoy
Ebru Bayram Özgen
Ebru Ferah ‹flel
Ebru-Haluk Sanver
Ece Hergüner
Edi B.
Efe Deliktafl
Elif Badur
Elif ‹nci Ünsalan
Elif Meltem
Elif-Murat fiakar
Emel Gömeço¤lu
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 37
Emel Y›ld›r›m
Emre Bar›fl
Ender Tafldemir
Engin Bahad›r ‹man
Enver Murat Baflbay
Eral-Esra Türk
Ercan Osman Koroç
Erkut fiahinbafl
Erol Hananel
Erol Tabanca
Ersin Kahraman
Eser Tümen
Esin Had›ml›
Esra Künar
Esra Yakupo¤lu
Evrim Çetin
Evrim Zeybek
F. S›la Kaplan
F. Yüksel Ersoy
Fatih Aslan
Fatih Kuzgun
Fatih P›nar
Fatma Barkul
Fatma Ortaç
Fatma Özge Y›lmaz
Fatma Tuba Akbaytürk Çanak
Fatma-Ahmet Nuri Eriko¤lu
Fatofl Arnes
Fatofl-Müfit Arcasoy Ailesi
Feray Ayd›n
Ferda ‹nanç
Ferhat-Fatma Küçüker
Feridun-Ayfle Taflman
Feridun-Filiz-Gülnur Esen
Feriz Hot
Feyza Göçer
Feyza-Ömer Aras
F›rat So¤anc›k
Figen Benek
Figen Ökmen Can
Filiz Behrendi
Filiz ‹zmir
Funda Canbek
Füsun Ahmetolan
Füsun Arsan
Füsun Berkol
Füsun Doruk
Gamze Bay›nd›r
Gamze Erdem
Gaye Ahmet Tan›k
Gevher Gürkan
Görkem Bozdemir
Güçlü Tözün
Gülay Atefl
Gülay Erman
Gülay Özerdo¤an
Gülbin-Erman Eriko¤lu
Gül-Çetin Birgün
Gülçin Tezel
Güler-Semih Aktafl
Gülhan Öncer
Gülnihal Yavuz
Gülser Çetin
Gülflah At›lgan
Günefl Ay›fl›¤›
Gürer Cem Kurdo¤lu
Gürol Bütüner
H.Özlem Gökalp
Hacer Özkar
Hakan Börtecene
Hakan Çetin
Hakan Erkan
Hakan Kutlu
Hakan fiahin
Hakan Uzun
Hakan Ünal
Halit Murat Odabafl›
Hamdi Ayd›n ve Efli
Hamdi Onar
Hande Halime Canl›
Harika Balak
Hasan Y›llar
Hatice Serta
Havva Ekfli
Heda Baflyurt
H›z›r Gürel
Hikmet Erdinç Acar
Hisli Ailesi
Hülya Ayd›n
Hülya Çomo¤lu
Hüseyin Albayrak
Hüseyin Biçer
Hüseyin Eriko¤lu
Hüseyin Örde
Hüsnü Özye¤in
Ifl›k Sönmez
Ifl›l Kapu
Ifl›l Tokcan
‹. Ferhat Çekem
‹. Hakk› Tuyun
‹. Kaya Erdem
‹. Selçuk Akman
‹brahim Erenel
‹brahim Kefeli
‹hsan Bican Orhon
‹lgen Ertu¤ Utku
‹lyas Taytak
‹nci fialc›
‹smail Ferhat Çekem
‹smail Turkal
‹zzet ‹ncekara
Jennifer Geron
Jessi Baruh
Jülide O¤uz
Kaan Arslan
Kadriye Özalp
Ka¤an Candan
Karlo Miloviç ve Ailesi
Kemal Avc›
Kemal -‹zim Çetinda¤
Kemal Uysal
Kenan Yi¤it
Kerem Sekizyaral›
Kerim Rota
Kerime Balta
Kerim-Tülin Sipahiler
Kubilay-Sevgi Güler
Lale Maro
Layza Ovadyo
Levent Adal›
Levent Ayd›n-Tez Tour
Levent Karaca
Leyla Alaton
Lincol McCurdy
Lucien Arkas
Lüset Saul
Lütfü Çiçek
M. Ayd›n Aysan
M. Fuat Diyarbak›rl›
M. ‹lker fien
M. Kemal Tahir Demircio¤lu
M. P›nar Ünlü
Mahre An›l Kazan
Malik Hakan Eltut
Mary Ann
Mehmet Albafl
Mehmet Ali Cantürk
Mehmet Ersoy
Mehmet Güleflçi
Mehmet Özerol
Mehmet Selçuk Karabeyo¤lu
Mehmet-Esra Gürkan
Mehtap Yalç›n
Mehtap-Onur Umut
Melek Dulith
Melek Erim
Melek-Hasan Köni
Melis fieyhun
Melis Yamanlar
Meltem Ayvac›o¤lu
Meltem Oktay
Menekfle Üstünda¤
Meral Keskin
Meriç Urgayl›
Meryem Çak›r
Mevhibe Ata
Mihriban Paker
Mine Çelik
Mine Narin
Mine Ülkü fiencan
Mine-Kemal Persentili
Mune Mogol
Murat Alacakaplan
Murat Ban
38 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
ACEV Supporters in the January
2008-June 2009 Period
Murat Bayburtluo¤lu
Murat Burak Kavak
Murat Dural
Murat Ersoy
Murat Güler
Murat Karatafl
Murat Sabaz
Murat Sezek
Musa Kola
Mustafa Aysan
Mustafa Cemal Ünlü
Mustafa Çapano¤lu
Mustafa Çavuflo¤lu
Mustafa K›l›ç
Mustafa Özdemir
Mutlu Çak›r
Muzaffer Güler
Mübariz Mansimov
Müge Gürel
Münevver P›nar Ünlü
Münire Hüryaflar
Müzeyyen-Talha Görgülü
Nadir Güneri Civao¤lu
Nazan Uyan›k
Necla Erhan Polat
Necla Kavala
Nejat Sümeral
Nergiz Erben
Neriman Özcan
Nermin Kukerik
Neslihan Gülmez
Neslihan Karaa¤aç
Nesrin Esirtgen
Neval Pirlibeyo¤lu
Nezire Ayd›no¤lu
Nihal Kuyafl
Nihat Osmano¤lu
Nilay Onay
Nilüfer Haldun Cillov
Nilüfer Tezel
Nilüfer-Ayhan Celen
Nisan Eriflti
Nisso Baruh
Niymet Bilbaflar
Nur Aydo¤ar
Nur Mehmet Özbafl
Nuray Filiz
Nurcan Artam
Nurcan Geçit
Nurdan fiahin
Nurgin Vatansever
Nurhan Yücesoy
Nurper Fidan
Nursel-Mehmet Esen
Nükhet Eczac›bafl›-Yalç›n Boratap
O¤uz Hano¤lu
O¤uz fienol
Olgu Karaman
Onur Sekizyaral›
Onur Umut
Oran Yoga
Orhan Altas
Orhan Hatipo¤lu
Orkun Dinçel
Orlando Calumeno
Osman Sert
Oya Narin
Oya Yüksel
Oya-Alper Yüksel
Ozan Sa¤lam
Ömer Aras
Ömür ‹nsel
Özden Davasl›gil
Özge Minare
Özge Sabuncu
Özge Sar›o¤lu
Özgür Matchett
Özhan Özk›r›m
Özkan Bayar
Özlem Ar›kan
Özlem Deniz
Özlem Erzurumlu
Özlem Önal
Öznur Dall›
P. Melis Aslana¤›
Patrick Clarke
Pelin Büyüksaraç ‹stanbullu
Pembe Gül Uysal
Perihan Bedestenci
Pervin fiehsuvari
Raffi Van
Ramazan Timuçin Akyaflar
Recep Bildik
Reflat Aytaç
Reyhan Türk
R›fat Nas›
Richard John Pariente
Rüya Gürle Yeyinli
Saadet-Ahmet Nuri Eriko¤lu
Sabahattin Aksoy
Sabiha O¤uztürk
Sabiha Unutmaz
Sadise Akma
Saim Erbak
Salih Serkan
Salvatore Laspada
Seçil Say›nd›
Seçil Yaman
Sefer Orhan
Selda Akdo¤a
Selda Atefl
Selda Seri
Selden Emre
Selin Bayar
Selin Ramazano¤lu
Selma Do¤an
Sema Ilg›n
Semih Arasan
Sera Mizrahi
Serdar Balbunar
Serdar Karabat›
Serdar Kitapç›
Serdar-Senem fiirin
Serkan Muharrem Can
Serkan Yi¤it
Sermin Malçok
Serra Kݍlal
Sevcan Karc›
Sevgi Güven
Sevil Ailesi
Sevil Sevimli
Sevim Çelik
Seyhan Kesic
Sezen Malta
Sezen Y›ld›r
Sezgin Göky›ld›z
Sibel Gül
Sibel-Fevzi Bozer
Sidar fiahin
Simge Yegül
Simla Yaman
Simper Kurflun
Sinan fiahinbafl
Sinan-Hatice Çetinda¤
Sinem Olcay
Sitare Sezgin
Soner Kopuz
Soner Oyma
Suat Kavukluo¤lu
Suat Kerem Sözügüzel
Suat Saçarçelik
Suay Umut
Süleyman Sözen
Sümeyya Cin
fiahin ‹nanç
fiaflmaz Ailesi
fiatana Ailesi
fiebnem Sadi
fiefika Pekin
fiengül Da¤deviren
fiükrü Do¤an Gürkan
Taner Aksoy
Taner Özgen
Taylan Melen
Temel Belek
Tolga Aslanköylü
Tolga Babuz
Tolunay Günefl
Toygun Tekin
Tuana Zeynep Bilgin
Tuba Öztek
ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report 39
Tu¤ba Jabban
Tu¤çe Gürbüz
Tuncay Ergün
Tunç Akyurt
Turgay Gönenç
Turhan Ganiz
Turhan Özen
Tülay Özkan
Tülin Erbaydar
Tümay Algan
Türkan Sabanc›
Ufuk Tarhan
Ulafl Karakoç
Ulviye Gençtu¤
Ünal Akflit
Vehbi Yaz›c›
Vildan Çevik
Volkan Dilen
Volkan Güler
Volkan Yorulmaz
Y. Ali Koç
Ya¤mur fiatana
Yahya fien
Yasemin Dikiflcio¤lu
Yavuz Aykut Cimir
Yavuz Ozman
Yener Dinçmen
Yeflildere Ailesi
Yeflim Erdemir
Yeflim-Olcayto Onur
Y›ld›z Kazado
Y›ld›z Zeren
Yudum K›r›m
Yusuf Çelebi
Yusuf Meydanc›
Yücel Çelik
Yüksel Akay Unvan
Zafer Aybartürk
Zafer Türky›lmaz
Zahide Zeynep Kazanc›gil
Zehra Kirik
Zerrin Y›ld›r›m
Zeynel Abidin Savc›o¤lu
Zeynep Bala Çolako¤lu
Zeynep Bilgin
Zeynep Garabedyan
Zeynep Man
Zeynep Mendi
Zeynep Mutlu Tanberk
Zeynep Okyay
Zeynep Sözen
Zeynep-Ali Köseo¤lu
Zeynep-Ekin Ekflio¤lu
Zeynep-Murat Teksen
”7 is too Late Campaign” Supporters
Bilgi University Psychology Department
Carte d'Or
Dilara Koçak
Group Florence Nightingale
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital
Mercedes-Benz Türk. A.fi
Nisan Consultancy
Nur Gizem Tutar
Serkan Tutar
U¤ur College
Yank› Yazgan
Zeynep Karakafl
Advertisement and Communications
Anne Bebek Magazine
Art› E¤itim Magazine
Best FM
Bugün Newspaper
Cem Radio
Cumhuriyet Newspaper
Do¤an Media Group
Do¤ufl Media Group
‹hlas Media Group
‹stanbul Metropolitan Municipality
‹stanbul FM
Kanaltürk Radio
Karma Advertising
Koza Publishing
Medya Group
Novamedya Publishing
Radyo 7
Saran Publishing
Soda Filmmakers
Stöer - Kentvizyon
Turkuvaz Media Group
Türkmedya Media Group
Vatan Media Group
Yeni fiafak Newspaper
40 ACEV January 2008-June 2009 Annual Report
ACEV Head Office
Büyükdere Cad. Stad Han No: 85 Kat: 2
34387 Mecidiyeköy / ‹STANBUL
Phone: +90 212 213 42 20
Fax: +90 212 213 36 60
e-mail: acev@acev.org
ACEV Ankara Representative Office
Ahmet Rasim Sok. No: 10 D: 1
Çankaya / ANKARA
Phone: +90 312 440 17 11 / 440 17 92
Fax: +90 312 441 35 48
ACEV Adana Representative Office
Reflatbey Mah. 4.Sok. Samanyolu Apt.
Kat: 2 D: 6 ADANA
Phone-Fax: +90 322 453 07 12
ACEV Diyarbak›r Representative Office
Aliemiri 1. Sok. Y›lmaz 13 Apt. Kat: 3
No: 10 Yeniflehir / D‹YARBAKIR
Phone: +90 412 224 22 27
ACEV ‹zmir Representative Office
Kocao¤lu ‹flhan› 545 Sok. No: 4/303
Bornova / ‹ZM‹R
Phone: +90 232 343 84 80
ACEV Nevflehir Representative Office
350 Evler Mah. Ali Dirikoç Bulvar›
Yalç›n Apt. No: 9/1 Merkez / NEVfiEH‹R
Phone: +90 384 213 65 96
ACEV Trabzon Representative Office
Ortahisar Mah. ‹slahhane Sok. Büyük Apt.
No:10/2 Merkez / TRABZON
Phone: +90 462 321 29 67
ACEV Gaziantep Representative Office
Sani Konuko¤lu Foundation
Bey Mah. Atatürk Bulvar›
Hanefio¤lu Sok. No: 7
fiahinbey / GAZ‹ANTEP
Phone: +90 342 231 53 24
Fax: +90 342 230 79 50
ACEV thanks Tayburn Kurumsal for their involvement in the preparation of the foundation’s annual report for
the period January 2008-June 2009.
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