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Ege University ADİKAM
Literature & Cultural Studies Conference
Myth-Making Across Boundaries
Wednesday 22 October 2014
Main Hall (Faculty of Letters Conference Hall)
Registration and Morning Coffee
Welcoming Speeches & Keynote Lecture
Marek Oziewicz “Interpreting Mythmaking: Four
Theories You Have Almost Certainly Missed”
Chair: Dilek Direnç
Coffee Break
Jim Savio “A Slum in Nairobi, A Suicide Note and
Seven Transgendered Princesses: Mythology as a
Pedagogy for the Modern World”
Selin Siral “Rewriting Myths Interrupted: The Lost
Books of the Odyssey as a Case of Reproducing Myths
in the Digital Age”
Kate Harvey “Mythologies of Ireland in Tomm
Moore’s The Secret of Kells”
Chair: Nevin Koyuncu
Aslı Değirmenci “Nation as Myth in Salman
Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children”
Christopher Tumminello “Postsecular Myth and
European Identity in Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic
Ercan Afacan “The Liminal and Changing Nature
of the Myth of Englishness in Hanif Kureishi’s The
Buddha of Suburbia”
Chair: Rezzan Silkü
Coffee Break
“Mythic Poetics: A Reading by Three Poets”
Michelle Bitting, James Meetze and Andrew
Tea-Time in the Secret Garden
Hall A (308)
Hall B (306)
Sevinç Özer “Myths and Politics of Literature”
Basilius Bawardi “The Phoenician-Lebanese
Myth-making: Constructing a Phoenician-Lebanese
Nationality, Culture and Language”
Roy Vilozny “Can we Talk about a Shī‛ite
Chair: Murat Erdem
Aikaterini Delikonstantinidou “Questing for 21st
Century Mestizaje in the Realm of the Greek Tragic
Myth: Dramatic Mythic(al) Revisions by Cherríe
Moraga, Luis Alfaro, and Caridad Svich”
Sameerah Mahmood “Craceland: A Journey
through Mythical Landscape: An Exploration of Jim
Crace’s Novels with Reference to Ernst Cassirer’s
Mythical Thought”
Begüm Tuğlu “Playing Beckett’s Endgame with
Derrida’s Rules: Mythicizing the Second World
Chair: Şebnem Toplu
Cüneyd Atamal “On the Road as an American
Gül Koçsoy “Invention of ‘Hunter-hero Myth’ in
‘The Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone’”
Yasemin Güniz Sertel “Patriarchal American
Myths Revisited”
Chair: Esra Öztarhan
Papatya Şenol Taşpınar “One-Eyed Creatures
through Time”
Ayşen Demir “Phoenix: Global and Timeless
Desire for Immortality Represented in Harry Potter”
Marco Ferraro “Analysis of a Modern Folktale:
Harry Potter, Magic and the Commodification of
the Imaginary”
Chair: Yonca Denizarslanı
Ege University ADİKAM
Literature & Cultural Studies Conference
Myth-Making Across Boundaries
Thursday 23 October 2014
Main Hall (Faculty of Letters Conference Hall)
Registration and Morning Coffee
James Meetze and Andrew Wessels “Orphic
Capability and the Oblique Lyric Poem”
Michelle Bitting “Spirit in the Sensate World:
Poesis and the Poet Singing Myth into the World”
Chair: James Meetze
Coffee Break
Özge Özkan “The Flood Myth Rewritten:
Memories of a Stowaway in A History of the World in
10 ½ Chapters”
Carla Comellini “The Myth of Noah’s Ark in the
Fictionalization of the Canadian Writer Timothy
Klára Kolinská “Creating Stories with Coyote:
Thomas King’s Narrative Trickery in ‘One Good
Story, That One’”
Chair: Melis Erkal
Chilka Ghosh “Mythologizing Boy/Girlhood—
Modern Bengali Juvenile Literature”
Dunja Resanovic “The Role and Image of Serbian
Women in the Kosovo Myth”
Laura Schlosberg “Mythologized Muse as MythMaker: Zinaida Volkonskaia’s ‘The Saga of Ol’ga’”
Chair: Nevin Koyuncu
Coffee Break
Movie Screening and Commentary/Discussion
with Ümit Ünal
Hall A (308)
Hall B (306)
Slobodan Dan Paich “Edges of Language:
Diachronic Look at Mythological Imagery for Nonliterate and Highly-literate Populations”
Smita Tewari Jassal “Myth Making, Justice, and
Cultural Production: Transcending Religious
Boundaries in N. India”
Chair: Şebnem Toplu
Anastasiia Zherdieva “Breakthrough into
Comparison: The Legends about Golden Cradles in
Crimea, in Turkey”
Eleni Boliaki “Argo and ‘Star Wars’: Ships in
Quest of the Heroic”
Chair: Rezzan Silkü
Candan Kızılgöl “Crow’s Songs, Being’s Poem:
Ted Hughes’ Crow as Heideggerian Poetry”
Ramazan Saral “The Immortal Hand and Eye:
Blake’s Chaotic Creation in The Book of Urizen”
Anca Munteanu “Limit and Melancholia: A
Peratological Reading of Blake’s The Book of Urizen”
Chair: Sena Şahini
Aslı Bülbül “The Common Humane Sharings in
Different Mythologies of The Lord of the Rings and
Murat Akpınar “Worldwide Changing Perceptions
of Dragons as Mythic Creatures: Dragons in
George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire”
Hazal Çomak “How to Portray Your Dragon, A
Comparison of the Eastern and Western Mythical
Dragon Figure in Modern Times: Smaug and Haku”
Chair: Önder Çetin
Fauzia Janjua “Remaking Feminist Myth in
Feryal Çubukçu “Defamiliarization and
Refamiliarization of the Role of Women in Native
American Myths”
Fjoralba Miraka “Hollywood and the Myth of the
Femme Fatale”
Chair: Asya Altuğ
Burak Irmak “From Apollodorus to Winterson: A
Story of Deconstruction, Legend of Hercules”
Kübra Baysal “Surpassing the Boundaries in
Winterson’s Weight”
Selin Yılmaz “Mad Scientist-Goddess and
Hermaphrodite Virgin: Technological Myth-Making
in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve”
Chair: Aylin Atilla
Ege University ADİKAM
Literature & Cultural Studies Conference
Main Hall (Faculty of Letters Conference Hall)
Registration and Morning Coffee
Keynote Lecture
Ümit Ünal “What is ‘Film Language?’”
Chair: Funda Civelekoğlu
Coffee Break
Selena Erkızan “Logic, Language and the Medieval
Carlos A. Sanz Mingo “Arthurian Adaptations of
the Otherworld”
Pınar Taşdelen “Sanctifying the Myth:
Medievalisation of the Orpheus Myth in Sir Orfeo”
Chair: Aylin Atilla
Işıl Şahin Gülter “Beauty Myth in ‘The
Işın Sacır “Demystification of Gender Myth
through Pornographication of Flesh in Angela
Carter’s The Sadeian Woman”
Mubina Talaat “Meatless Days: The Myth of a
Silent Woman”
Chair: Sena Şahini
Coffee Break
Wrap-up Discussions
Myth-Making Across Boundaries
Friday 24 October 2014
Hall A (308)
Hall B (306)
Abulaiti Yasheng “The ‘Karahan’ Myth and
Imagination of the World Among Ancient Uyghur’s
Meltem Uzunoğlu Erten “Mythical Hero as One
of Us: Stephen Dedalus of Modern Times”
Murat Göç “The Masculine Mystique in Lost”
Chair: Özlem Gümüşçubuk
Najmeh Nouri “From Medieval Chastity Belt to
Modern Wedding Garter: Myth or Reality in Nick
Hornby’s How to Be Good”
Niğmet Çetiner “Obsession and its Mostly
Destructive Effects in Greek Mythology”
Mahinur Akşehir Uygur “The Reversal of
Mythopoeia: Seneca’s The Apocolocynthosis”
Chair: Önder Çetin
Tatiana Mozhaeva “Temporality of Myths in
Turkish Mass Media Discourse”
Erkin Kıryaman “Myth of the Nation: MythMaking as a National Discoursein Erendiz Atasü’s
The Other Side of The Mountain”
Ece Saatçıoğlu “Finding Orpheus: Nazlı Eray’s
Fantastic Rewriting of the Myth”
Chair: Dilek Direnç
Önder Göncüoğlu “‘God or Beast’:Patrick
Süskind’s anti-hero Jean-Baptiste Grenouille in
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”
Selahattin Karagöz “Deconstructing Horror and
Reassembling Horror Elements through Ideology:
The Case of Turkish Horror Fiction”
Meryem Ayan “Myth-Making in Meyer’s Twilight”
Chair: Funda Civelekoğlu

Benzer belgeler

Dr. Pınar TAŞDELEN E-Mail: pinart@hacettepe.edu.tr Academic

Dr. Pınar TAŞDELEN E-Mail: pinart@hacettepe.edu.tr Academic Chaucer’s The Franklin’s Tale.” Eighth International IDEA Conference: Studies in English, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla/Turkey, 16-18 Apr. 2014. 7. Taşdelen, Pınar. “Romancing the History: R...


C - Department of English Language and Literature

C - Department of English Language and Literature University Press, 39: 1-2, 113-27. Silkü, Rezzan Kocaöner (2004) “The Postcolonial Feminist Discourse in Flora Nwapa’s Women are Different.” World Literature Written in English, Dunedin, New Zealan...
