Assoc. Prof. ABDULKERİM SÖNMEZ Personal Information Sex


Assoc. Prof. ABDULKERİM SÖNMEZ Personal Information Sex
Personal Information
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1961
Marital Status: Married
Address: Hacettepe University Department of Sociology
06800, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey.
Telephone: +90-312-297 84 35
Degrees obtained
1. B. Sc. inSocial Work, Hacettepe University, Ankara (TR), 1982
2. M. Sc. inSociology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara (TR), 1986
3. Ph. D. inSociology, University of Durham, Durham (UK), 1993
Teaching interests
Classical and postmodern sociological theory, methodology, rural transformation, sociology of
agriculture, sociology of religion
Courses taught
Undergraduate: Classical Sociological Theory, Postmodern Debates in Sociological Theory, Rural Social
Structures, Sociology of Religion
Postgraduate: Methodology, Rural Social Structures, Comparative Theories of Rural Transformation,
Basic Topics and Issues in Sociology
Research interests
Rural transformation, political violence and agrarian structures, social mobility and social stratification,
method in social sciences, traffic safety and driving tuition
Completed-continuing research projects
Project coordinator, The Impact of Automatic Control Systems on Traffic Safety, and Safety
Perceptions, Behaviour and the Problems of Drivers in Urban Traffic, T.C. EGM. General
Directorate of Security Centre for Traffic Research and Services, Ankara, 2009- in progress.
Project advisor, Research on Migration and Displaced Population in Turkey, Hacettepe University
Institute of Population Studies, 2004-2006, Ankara.
Project Coordinator, Driving Tuition and New Drivers-I, General Directorate of Security Centre
for Traffic Research and Services, Ankara, 2002.
Project Coordinator, Work Conditions and Traffic Accidents. A Study on Long-distance Bus and
Truck Drivers, General Directorate of Security Centre for Traffic Research and Services, Ankara,
Academic Publications
Articles, chapters in a book
“Alain Touraine: Modernity and Democracy (Alain Touraine: Modernlik ve Demokrasi)”, in
Contemporary Sociological Theories (Çağdaş Sosyoloji Kuramları) (eds. Aylin Görgün Baran ve
Serap Suğur), Eskişehir: Anadolu Universitesi, 2011, pp.28-49.
'The Effects of Violence and Internal Displacement on Rural-Agrarian Change in Turkey', Rural
Sociology, 73 (3): 370-413 (2008).
'Patterns of Structural Change in Turkish Agriculture, Terror and the Conditions for the Return to
Villages of Internally Displaced Population' (Türk Tarımında Yapısal Değişme Örüntüleri, Terör ve
Yerinden Olmuş Nüfusun Yeniden Kırsal Alana Dönüş Koşulları), Kebikeç, 2007, 23:263-317.
'The Transformation of Occupational Structure and Chances for Mobility in Turkey in the Context
of Studies on Social-Class Mobility', Bilig, Spring 2007, 41: 175-204.
'The Measurement of Social-Class Mobility and a Discussion of Some of the Methodological
Issues Involved', Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters, 2006, 23 (2): 163-173.
'The Question of Delineating Family and Household as Units of Analysis' ('Bir Analiz Birimi Olarak
Aile ve Hanehalkının Mahiyet ve Yapısının Belirlenmesi Sorunu') in proceedings of the Third
Conference on Turkish Demography, Ankara 1997 December 2-5, Ankara: Hacettepe University
Institute of Population Studies, June 2003, pp. 311-332.
'Traffic Safety, Driving Tuition and New Drivers: Level of Driving Skills Among New Drivers and a
Proposal for a New Program' ('Trafik Güvenliği, Sürücü Eğitimi ve Yeni Sürücüler: Sürücülerin
Beceri Düzeyi, Beceri Eksiklikleri ve Yeni Bir Program Önerisi') in Uluslararası Polislik ve İç
Güvenlik , (eds. Tülin Günşen İçli ve Fatih Karaosmanoğlu) Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım,
February 2003. pp. 499-546.
'The Impact of Sociodemographic Factors, Work Habits and Conditions on Traffic Safety: A Study
on Bus and Lorry Drivers' (Ağır Vasıta Sürücülerinin Bazı Toplumsal Nitelikleri, Çalışma
Alışkanlıkları ve Koşullarının Trafik Güvenliğine Etkisi') Turkish Journal of Police Studies, JulyDecember 2001: 3 (3-4), pp. 219-238.
'Agadom, peasantry and rural transformation in the hazelnut producing Eastern Black Sea
Region of Turkey' ('Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi fındık üretim kuşağında toprak ağalığı, köylülük ve
kırsal dönüşüm'), Toplum ve Bilim (88):69-104, Spring 2001
'Family Solidarity and Rural Economy: A Qualitative Study on Family Solidarity Among Hazelnut
Producers in the Central Black Sea Region' ('Aile Dayanışması ve Kırsal Ekonomi: Orta Karadeniz
Bölgesinde Fındık Üretimiyle Bağlantılı Aile Dayanışması Üzerine Niteliksel Bir İnceleme'),
Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters (2000) 17 (1), pp. 61-80.
'Traditional Approach to Road Traffic Safety: Achievements, Problems and Suggestions'
('Karayolu Trafik Güvenliğinde Geleneksel Yaklaşım: Başarılar, Sorunlar ve Öneriler'), Turkish
Journal of Police Studies, (2000) 2 (7-8), pp. 275-290.
'The Question of Traffic Accidents and Drivers' Faults and Misconduct in Turkey' ('Türkiye'de
Trafik Kazaları ve Sürücü Kusurları Sorunu'), Turkish Journal of Police Studies, (1999-2000) 2
(5-6), pp. 151-164.
'The Question of Delineating Family and Household as Units of Analysis in Social Research'
('Toplumsal Araştırmalarda Analiz Birimleri Olarak Aile ve Hanehalkının Mahiyet ve Yapılarının
Belirlenmesi Sorunu'), Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters,(June 1998) 15 (1), pp.
Translation, Türkiye'de Toplumsal Dönüşüm: Kırsal Göç, Gecekondu ve Kentleşme (translated
from English, The Gecekondu: Rural migration and urbanization, Kemal H. Karpat, 1976),
Ankara: İmge Kitabevi, 2003
Driving Tuition and New Drivers-I [Sürücü Eğitimi ve Yeni Sürücüler-I] ( with the assisstance of
Fatih Vursavaş ve Hüseyin Şimşek), Ankara: T.C. EGM. Trafik Hizmetleri Başkanlığı Trafik
Araştırma Merkezi Müdürlüğü, Haziran, 2002.
Translation, Köylüler,[translated from English, Peasants, Eric R. Wolf, Penguin Books, 1966],
Ankara: İmge Kitabevi, 2000.
Work Conditions and Traffic Accidents, A Study on Long-distance Bus and Lorry Drivers [Ağır
Vasıta Sürücüleri'nin Çalışma Koşulları ve Trafik Kazaları, Uzun Mesafe Yük ve Yolcu Taşımacılığı
Yapan Sürücüler Üzerine Bir Çalışma,]T.C. Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Trafik Hizmetleri Başkanlığı
Trafik Araştırma Merkezi Müdürlüğü, Ankara: 1999.
Other publications and works
The Question of Delineating Family and Household as Units of Analysis' ('Bir Analiz Birimi Olarak
Aile ve Hanehalkının Mahiyet ve Yapısının Belirlenmesi Sorunu') in proceedings of the Third
Conference on Turkish Demography, Ankara 1997 December 2-5, Ankara: Hacettepe University
Institute of Population Studies, June 2003, pp. 311-332.
'Driving Tuition and Self-Confidence Among New Drivers' ('Sürücü Eğitimi ve Yeni Sürücülerin
Kendi Sürücü Becerileri ve Performanslarına Duydukları Özgüven') (with Fatih Vursavaş)
Proceedings of the 1st International Traffic and Road Safety Congress, 8-12 May, Anakara,
Ankara: Forum Fuarcılık ve Geliştirme A.Ş. Mayıs 2002, pp. 406-414.
Peasant Household Survival Strategies: Rural Transformation in the Heartland of Turkey's
Hazelnut Production Belt, (Unpublished PhD thesis), University of Durham (UK), Durham: 1993.
A Sociological Analysis of Unofficial Marriages in Turkey Based on Provincial Statistics.
(Unpublished masters thesis), Institute of Social Sciences, The Middle East Technical University,
Ankara: 1986.

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indir - Bornova Veteriner Kontrol Enstitüsü is an original work, has not been previously published and is not being submitted for publishing elsewhere, and that all authors have seen and approved the manuscript as submitted. We, all authors ...



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