Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayça Gelgeç Bakacak


Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayça Gelgeç Bakacak
Assist. Prof. Ayça GELGEÇ BAKACAK
Personal Information
Correspondance Address: Hacettepe University Department of Sociology, 06800, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey
Telephone: +90-312- 297 83 41
Degrees obtained
1. B. Sc. in Sociology, Hacettepe University, Ankara (TR), 1998
2. M. Sc. in Sociology, Hacettepe University, Ankara (TR), 2002
3. Ph. D in Sociology, Hacettepe University, Ankara (TR), 2008
Teaching interests
Sociology of Health and Illness, crime, deviance, sociology of gender, , statistics in social science, sociological
Courses taught
History of Science
Contemporary Sociological Theories II
Statistical Methods in Social Sciences
Sociology of Health and Illness
Political Structure of Turkey
Contemporary Sociological Theories
Deviance and Social Control
Women and Political Thought in Turkey
Research interests
Crime, deviance, gender, health and illness, social control, power.
Completed/Continuing Research Projects
Continuing Research Projects
Researcher, Traditional Crafts in Turkey and Azerbaijan, Turkish National Commission for UNESCO,
2013Researcher, The Perception of Ageing and Life Quality in Ankara, Hacettepe University, 2009.
Completed Research Projects
Project Assistant, Being Disabled in Turkey: A Study on Disabled Persons' Main Social Characteristics
and Problems, (Türkiye'de Özürlü Birey Olma: Temel Sosyolojik Özellikleri ve Sorunları Üzerine Bir
Araştırma), 2004-2006.
Project Assistant, Prominent Women of National Independence War and Early Republican Era, (Milli
Mücadele Yıllarında ve Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında İz Bırakan Kadınlar), 1999-2003.
Academic publications
“Homosexuality in Turkey: Strategies for Managing Heterosexism”, (with Pınar Öktem), Journal of
Homosexuality, vol.61, issue:6, 2014, in print
“A Qualitative Study of the Definition of Mental Illness”, (with Aslıhan Öğün Boyacıoğlu), Journal of
Sociology, vol.27, 2012, pp: 1-15.
“An Assessment on Image of Women in Republican Period”, Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, cilt:11, sayı:44, Fall
2009, pp: 627-638.
"Differing Faces of Discourse on Social Control in Modernity", ( with Rahşan Balamir Bektaş), Journal of
Faculty of Letters in Hacettepe University,vol:26, number:1, June 2009, pp: 33-48.
"Media Discourses on Homosexuality and Managing Heterosexism in Turkey", (with Pınar
Öktem), Journal of Sociological Research, cilt:12, number:1, Spring 2009, pp: 5-32.
Book Chapters
“The Emergence of Sociology and Theoretical Perspectives”, in (Nevin Güngör Ergan, Birsen Şahin
Kütük, Recai Coştur ed.), Behavioral Sciences (in Turkish), Siyasal Kitabevi: Ankara, 2012, pp: 197-222.
The Presentation of International Congress
“A Critical Evaluation about ‘Transformation in Health Program’s Effect in Turkey”, 11th European
Sociological Association Conference, 28-31 August 2013, Turin, Italy.
“Economic Violence Against Woman: Turkish Women in Macedonia”, The Symposium of Violence
against Women and Children, 27-28 April 2012, Ankara, Turkey.
"Media Discourses on Homosexuality and Managing Heterosexism in Turkey", paper presented (with
Pınar Öktem), Art, Culture and Public Sephere: Expressive and Instrumental Values in Economic and
Sociological Perspectives, 4-8 Kasım 2008, Venedik, İtalya.
"First Women in Certain Proffession in connection with Early Republican Turkey on Women", paper
presented (with Tülin İçli),The Fifth International Congress on Atatürk, 8-12 December 2003,
Ankara, Vol:1, Divan Yayıncılık, Ankara:2005, pp: 83-96
The Presentation of National Congress
"Homosexuality as "Deviant Others": Labelled by others or Labelling Others", (Sapmış "Öteki" Olarak
Eşcinsellik: Etiketlenen mi? Etiketleyen mi?), paper presented (with Pınar Öktem) The Fifth National
Congress on Sociology, Current Social Problems in Turkey, 19-23 September 2006, Malatya, pp: 105112.
"The Phenomenology of Husserl in Sociology: Phenomenologic Sociology", (Husserl'in
Fenomenolojisi'nin Sosyoloji'deki Yansıması: Fenomenolojik Sosyoloji), Symposiom on Philosophy and
Social Science, 5-7 October 2005, Muğla, Vadi Yayınları, 2006.
Being Disabled in Turkey: A Study on Disabled Persons' Main Social Characteristics and Problems,
(Türkiye'de Özürlü Birey Olma: Temel Sosyolojik Özellikleri ve Sorunları Üzerine Bir Araştırma),
presented (with E. Burcu, A. Öğün, P. Öktem, M. Kamanlıoğlu, R. B. Bektaş, S. Turan), Proje Poster
Sunumu, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Bilim Düşün Sanat Şenliği, 4-6 October, Ankara, 2005.
PhD. Dissertation
A Qualitative Study on The Perception of Mental Illness based upon The Distinction between
Normal/Pathological,(unpublished PhD thesis), Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2008.
M.A. Dissertation
The Concept of labelled criminal reflected in the works of Becker and Goffman within the intellectual
framework of the modernist era and its implications to the present, (Unpublished masters thesis),
Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2002.

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ÖZGEÇMİŞ Adı, Soyadı : Hakan KARAARDIÇ Doğum Tarihi ve Yeri

ÖZGEÇMİŞ Adı, Soyadı : Hakan KARAARDIÇ Doğum Tarihi ve Yeri (5) Karaardıç, H., Özkan, L. Wilkins, M.R., Safran, R.J. 2013. Survival rate of adult barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) in south Turkey populations. 50th Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society...
