June–Uprising in Turkey: Background, Dynamics and Perspectives


June–Uprising in Turkey: Background, Dynamics and Perspectives
June–Uprising in Turkey: Background, Dynamics and Perspectives
15-16th May 2014
International Conference in Kassel
Thursday, May 15th, Kulturzentrum Schlachthof
15.00 – 16.45 Session 1*- Machtverhältnisse in der Türkei vor und nach dem Aufstand
Güney Işıkara, Alp Kayserilioğlu & Max Zirngast: Hegemonie der AKP:
Widersprüche eines Herrschaftsprojekts“
Çağrı Kahveci: „Politische Praktiken der Post-Gezi-Konjunktur“
Dilan Köse: „Globale Legitimationskrise der Politik: Soziale Aufstände in
Griechenland und der Türkei im Vergleich“
Corinna Trogisch: „Geschlechterkonflikte vor und nach Gezi: Mobilisierungen
von Frauen“
Kommentar: Axel Gehring
*Session 1 will be held in German! All other speeches and sessions will be held in English!
17.15 – 19.00 Keynote Speech
Şebnem Oğuz: “Understanding the Structural Dynamics behind the June
Uprising: The Rise of Neoliberal Authoritarianism in Turkey”
Moderation: Ilker Ataç
Friday, May 16th, Senatssaal Kassel University
9.00 – 10.45 Session 2 – Power Strategies in the Context of the Uprising
Cenk Saraçoğlu: “2013 Uprising in Turkey: The Reversal of the Process of
Ideological Dispossession”
Fatma Umul: “Gender Politics in the Context of Gezi-Park Resistance“
Galip Yalman & Sermin Sarıca: “From Gezi Resistance to the Present: The
Contours of the Turkish Political Economy”
Discussant: Özgür Genç
11.15 – 13.00 Session 3 – Remaking of Class
Emre Arslan: “Considering Social Protests from the Perspective of Class
Özgür Narin: “How Class Moves in the June Uprising”
Aslı Vatansever: “Precarian Nights: Gezi Protests as a Challenge for Class
Discussant: Errol Babacan
13.00 – 14.30 Lunch break
14.30 – 16.15 Session 4 – Social Practices and Political Subjectivity
Lena Graser: “Feminization of Gezi Protests“
Heiko Niebur: “Gezi-Park as a Temporary Heterotopy”
Özge Yaka: “The Spirit of Gezi – Commoning and Recomposition”
Discussant: Anıl Al-Rebholz
16.45 – 18.30 Session 5 - Macro Politics in the Context of the Uprising
Pınar Dönmez: “Understanding Gezi Protests in the DepoliticisationPoliticisation Nexus”
Burak Köse: “AKP’s Shady Urban Neoliberalism and the Gezi Uprising”
Bülent Küçük: “From Denial to Partial Recognition: Imaginary of Diversity in
Discussant: Ismail Karatepe
The conference language is English except the Session 1 held on Thursday!
Please register per e-mail for participation!
Registration and Contact: tagung.juniaufstand@gmail.com
Conference Website: www.tagung-juni-aufstand.blogspot.de
Thursday: Kulturzentrum Schlachthof, Mombachstraße 12, Kassel
Friday: Senatssaal, Mönchebergstr. 3, Kassel in Gebäude Technik III/1
Hosted and Funded by: International Center for Development and Decent Work at the
University of Kassel, Schlachthof Kulturzentrum and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Organizing Committee: Ilker Ataç, Errol Babacan, Özgür Genç, Ismail Karatepe
Program Committee: Anıl Al-Rebholz, Emre Arslan, John Kannankulam, Bülent Küçük, Aslı
E. Odman, Ulaş Şener, Özge Yaka

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