Development of Industry and Local Change


Development of Industry and Local Change
Development of Industry
Local Change
M. Melih Pınarcıoğlu
Conten ts
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AbstractA )/ci
Rcsiructuring of the teuile and clothing industry:
aconceptual formulation
The development of Turkish textile and clothing industry
Wages, trade unions. labour and the
Turkish textilc and clothing industry in the 1980s and 1990s
Old wine in a new bottle: developmenl and iransforrnation
in the textile and clothing industry in Burs;ı
Land of miracles: developmenl and iransforrnation in
textüe and clothing industry in Deni/li
Tablc 3.1 Turkish tcxtile and clothing exports
by regions and countries of destination. 1982. 1987, 1993
Tablc 3.2 Tax rcbates and cxporls, 1980-1988
Tablc 3.3 Export credits and foreign exchange allocations
(FEA) in Turkcy, 1980-1995
Table 3.4 Investment incentive certificates (IIC). 1980-1994
Table 5.1 Exports rcgistercd al the
Bursa Chambcr of Commercc and industry. 1965-1994
Table 5.2 Activily of private texlile establishments vvith
more ıhan 10 employecs, 1975-1992
Table 5.3 Aclivity of privaie clothing establishments vvith
more ıhan 10 employecs. 1980-1992
Tablc 5.4 Activity of Bursa Sümcrbank vvool textile and
clothing establishment. 1990-1994
Tablc 6.1 Exports registered at thc
Denizli Chambcr of Commercc. 1980-1994
Table 6.2 Activity of private textile establishments vvith
more ıhan 10 employecs in Denizli
Table 6.3 Activity of Denizli Cotton Textile Factory. 1990-1994
Figüre 3.1 Number of establishments in
Turkish and clothing industry. 1950-1992
Figüre 3.2 Number of employecs in
Turkish and clothing induslry, 1950-1992
Figüre 3.3 Value added in Turkish and clothing industry 1950-1992
Figüre 3.4 Total Turkish textile and clothing exports, 1965-1994
Figüre 3.5 Turkish industrial exports and
textile and clothing exports, 1965-1994
Figüre 3.6 The composition of Turkish textile and
clothing exports, 1965-1994
Figüre 3.7 Number of establishments in Turkish private textile and
clothing industry, 1970-1992
Figüre 3.8 Number of employees in Turkish private textile and
clothing industry. 1970-1992
Figüre 3.9 Value added in Turkish private textile and
clothing industry, 1970-1992
Figüre 3.10 The annual profit (loss) performance of Sümerbank, 1978-1991
Figüre 4.1 Number of strikes in Turkey, 1975-1994
Figüre 4.2 Number of workers involved in strikes in Turkey, 1975-1994
Figüre 4.3 Days lost in strikes in Turkey, 1975-1994
Figüre 4.4 Real wages in Turkish statc and private sectors, 1981-1992
Figüre 4.5 Real vvages of Turkish vvorkers registered at ıhe
Social Insurance Organisation. 1975-1994
Figüre 4.6 Real vvages in Turkish state and
private manufacturing industry, 1975-1992
Figüre 4.7 İnflaıion nite based on consumer pricc index and
year-on-year ehange in exchange rate in US dollars
Figüre 4.8 Real vvages in Turkish textilc and elothing industry, 1975-1992
Figüre 4.9 Real vvages in state and textile elothing industry, 1975-1992
Figüre 4.10 Real vvages in Turkish statc and
private tcxtile and elothing industry, 1975-1992
Figüre 4.11 Real vvages in Turkish private manufacturing,
textile and elothing industry. 1975-1992
Figüre 4.12
Figüre 4.13
Map 3.1 Number of establishmcnts in private textile and
elothing industry by provinces in Turkey. 1979
Map 3.2 Number of employecs in private textile and
elothing industry by provinces in Turkey. 1979
Map 3.3 Value added in private textile and
elothing industry by provinces in Turkey, 1979
Map 3.4 Number of employees in state textile and
elothing industry by provinces in Turkey, 1979
Map 3.5 Value added in state tcxtile and
elothing industry by provinces in Turkey, 1979
Map 3.6 Number of establishments in private textile and
elothing industry by provinces in Turkey. 1992
Map 3.7 Number of employees in private textile and
elothing industry by provinces in Turkey, 1979
Map 3.8 Value added in private textile and
elothing industry by provinces in Turkey, 1979
Map 3.9 Number of investment incentive certificates (I1C) on
textile and elothing industry by provinces in Turkey, 1980-1995
Map 3.10 Valuc of investment incentivc eerlificutes (1IC)
on tcxtilc and clotlıing industry by provinccs in Turkey, 1980-1995
Map 4.1 Monthly real wagcs in private textilc and
clolhing industry by provinccs in Turkey, 1992
Map 5.1 Main locations of Bursa's tcxtilc and clolhing industry
Map 6.1 Main locations of Denizli's textîle and clolhing industry
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Development of Industry and Local Change
This Ux)k is constructed to esamine the relatioos and conflids
betweea the state, the ındustry and labour .ıs u d i as betwı
producers in the differenl segments ı>ı textik and ilminim " n 'I'1' OJM
lı;i!Kİ. the ne* geographical map of economic developmem m term
the indusD) m Turke\ COncemed on the other. in the .ın.ıhsıs ..t the
local dynamics, the two towns appear at the differenl poinis Buma ıs
one of the few towns in Turkey wlmh made Its appearance, as A strong
textile town under the tutelage "t several brge firms foı the nam mal
market Ivlnre 1980 and bas efljoyed f'urther development thanks in
eXpOTl aeii\iıicv bv restrueluring ıts ındustry to fil the neu conditt
while Denizli, an underachiever in the previous period, has no*
under^me an imprecedented development mitiated İn ıts sm.ıll and
mediıım-si/ed te.Uile and CİOtbing lirms. qUİCk on the ııplake ot the
pnteniıalıtii's m the ne\\ period
This dıÜerenee beuurıı the t\\o louns enables us to have a rich
parison to serutinise the sock>spatial process. in such an incjuiıy
ınto the shared and ımshared esperiences "I tfaese tOUUfi m tlııs
process, this paper ıs.
ı sensitise our undersundinu ı >ı
industrial cliMrıc ts and net\vork relatıonshıps in loealities \eith a new
pirıcal evidence Irom a devetoping eouı
Mhhlle fiosf Ttihnıaı!
> w the Department cfCIty and Regh imâ Ptoronn
I mu •
METU Faculty of ArchıCccl