Scientific Program and Schedule of the 28 International Conference


Scientific Program and Schedule of the 28 International Conference
Scientific Program and Schedule of the 28th International Conference
of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society
Sherwood Club Kemer Hotel Antalya Turkey
15-19 May 2015
15 May 2015 Friday
10:30 – 12:00
12:30 - 13:45
16:15 - 16:30
16:30 - 16:45
16:45 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:15
17:15 - 17:45
Opening Ceremony
Chairman: Yilmaz SIMSEK
Invited Speaker Talk: H. M. Srivastava - Some Families of Double-Layer Potentials Associated with a
Certain Generalized Bi-Axially Symmetric Helmholtz Equation
Chairman: Seog-Hoon RIM
Invited Speaker Talk: Wolfgang SPROSSIG - Hypercomplex Analysis with Applications to fluid flow
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions
Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Dae San KIM
Ismail Naci CANGUL
Oznur Kulak - Bilinear
Jong Jin Seo, Taekyun Kim - A
Mehmet Karakoc, Melih Gunay, Guler
Multipliers of Function
note on the analysis of
Cigdem, Fadi Alturjman - A MetaSpaces with Wavelet
Mathematical learning
Heuristic Approach for Course
Scheduling in Akdeniz University
Hamid Vaezi, Sepideh
Nasresfahani - Weighted
composition operators on
vector valued weighted
Dirichlet type spaces
J. Y. Kang, C. S. Ryoo - A
numerical verification on
the structure of the zeros
of Genocchi polynomials
Abedallah Rababah - A
Recurrence Relation for
Orthogonal Polynomials on
Triangular Domains
Ayhan ESI
Figen Öke - On the residual
algebraic free extension of a
valuation on K to K(x)
Melih Gunay, Irem Kucukoglu, Fadi AlTurjman - A Novel Method to
Characterize Data Requests in the
Future Internet
Burcu Öztürk, Figen Öke - On
Certain Extensions of
Valuated Fields
Recep Ozdemir, Fadi Al-Turjman,Melih
Gunay - Stay Connected in Vehicular
Wireless Networks using Graph Theory
and AI
Mustafa Özkan, Figen Öke On Hadamard codes
constructed over
Coffee Break
Abdullah CAVUS
17:45 - 18:00
Seog-Hoon Rim - Current
works on Daehee numbers
and polynomials
Yong Uk Cho - On near-rings
with strong reducibility
Füsun Yalçın, Daniel G. Nyamsari, Ebru
Paksu, M. Gürhan Yalçın - Statistical
Assessment of Heavy Metals
Distribution and Contamination of
Sand Along the Manavgat Alanya
Coastline of Antalya, Turkey
18:00 - 18:15
Dongkyu Lim, Younghae Do
- Some identities of Barnestype special polynomials
Dmitry V. Kruchinin and
Vladimir V. Kruchinin About a new recurrence
relation for the generalized
Hashem Sazegar - A Method
for Solving Legendre's
Atilla Berczes - Effective
results for diophantine
equations over finitely
generated domains
Yusuf URAS, Alican Kop, Mahmut DA The Geothermal Model of Mersin
(Turkey) Region
Mehmet Karakoc, Fadi Alturjman, Melih
Gunay - On-line Heuristic Approach for
Data-Collectors Assignment in ITS
18:15 - 18:30
18:30 - 18:45
Bernoulli polynomials
Dmitry V. Kruchinin,
Alexandr A. Shelupanov Explicit formulas for
Korobov polynomials
Hasan Pourmahmood
Aghababa, Mohammad
Hossein Sattari Semigroup algebra and
nilpotent ideals
Fusun Yalcin, Nurdane Ilbeyli-Cluster
analysis applied to alkaline geochemical
data (Hamit, Turkey)
16 May 2015 Saturday
09:00 - 09:45
09:45 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 11:45
12:30 - 13:45
13:45 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:15
15:15 - 15:30
15:30 - 15:45
15:45 - 16:00
Chairman: H. M. SRIVASTAVA
Invited Speaker Talk: Gradimir V. MILOVANOVIC - Generalized Gaussian quadratures for singular
integrals and applications
Chairman: Wolfgang SPROSSIG
Invited Speaker Talk: Satish IYENGAR - Lower tail independence of hitting times of two-dimension
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions
Lee-Chae JANG
Mehmet Acikgoz
Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Mehmet Ali Ozarslan Ayman Badawi - On weakly
N. I. Mahmudov and H. Mahmoud - On
Approximation Properties
semiprime ideals of
existence results for nonlinear
of Jain-Stancu Operators
commutative rings
fractional differential equations with
fourpoint boundary value problem
Seda Ozturk - On A
Togan, M., Yurttas, A., Cevik,
Nazim I. Mahmudov and Sinem Unul Characterization of
A. S., Cangul, I. N. - Minimal
Existence of Solutions of Fractional
Compactness and the Abel- Polynomials Corresponding
Boundary Value Problem with Irregular
Poisson Summability Of
to Spectral Sets of some
Fourier Coefficients In
Banach Spaces
Mehmet Ali Ozarslan, Tuba
Cangul, I. N., Yurttas, A.,
Dahbia Hernane-Boukari, Nadjiba
Vedi - Stancu type q-SzaszTogan, M., Cevik, A. S. - Some Foukroun, Rachida Ait-Yahia Djouadi Schurer Operators
Zagreb Indices of Subdivision
Solvability of a linearized free surface
and r-Subdivision of Doubles
flow problem under gravity-capillarity
of Some Graphs
Cemaliye Kurt, Mehmet Ali
Kubra Erdem Bicer, Salih
Mine Menekse Yilmaz, Gumrah Uysal Ozarslan - 2-j variables
Yalcinbas - Matrix Approach
A Study About Approximation of NonLaguerre polynomials
to Solving Hyperbolic Partial
Convolution Type Double Singular
properties and applications
Differential Equations Using
Integral Operators
Bernoulli Polynomials
Chairman: Satish IYENGAR
Invited Speaker Talk: Chandrashekar Adiga - Ramanujan's Continued Fractions and their
Generalizations and Evaluations
Chairman: Gradimir V. MILOVANOVIC
Invited Speaker Talk: Abdelmejid Bayad - Arithmetic of multiple Hurwitz-Lerch zetas functions
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions
Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Takao Komatsu
A. Sinan ÇEVIK
Halil ORUÇ
Khaled Bataineh - On
Seda Oğuz, Eylem Güzel
Morteza Faghfouri - On 2-dimensional
Rational Knots and Links in
Karpuz - On Finiteness
Finsler manifold
the Solid Torus
Conditions for Bruck-Reilly
and Generalized Bruck-Reilly
N. I. Mahmudov, M.
Firat Ates, I. Naci Cangul, A.
Mustafa Riza, Hatice Aktöre, Buğçe
Momenzadeh - On a class
Sinan Cevik, Eylem Guzel
Eminağa - A Modified Quadratic Lorenz
of q-Bernoulli, q-Euler and
Karpuz - A presentation and
Attractor in Geometric Multiplicative
q-Genocchi polynomials
some finiteness conditions
16:00 – 16:15
Jin-Woo Park - On the qanalogue of Daehee
numbers and polynomials
16:15 - 16:30
Lee-Chae Jang - Some
identities of the higher
order Barnes-type qBernoulli polynomials and
the higher order Barnestype q-Euler polynomials
16:30 - 16:45
for a new version of the
Schützenberger product of
Eylem Güzel Karpuz, Nurten
Urlu, A. Sinan Cevik Gröbner-Shirshov Basis of an
Exceptional Braid Group
Eylem Guzel Karpuz, Esra
Kırmızı Cetinalp - Two-Sided
Crossed Product of Groups
Coffee Break
A. Bayad
Abedallah Rababah
Fulya Yoruk Deren, Nuket Aykut Hamal,
Tugba Senlik Cerdik - A Sum Operator
Method for the Existence and
Uniqueness of Positive Solutions to a
Nonlinear Fractional Differential
Tugba Senlik Cerdik, Nuket Aykut
Hamal, Fulya Yoruk Deren - Existence
Results of Solutions for Nonlinear
Fractional Differential Equations
Bongju LEE
16:45 - 17:00
Takao Komatsu Incomplete Bernoulli and
Cauchy numbers associated
with incomplete Stirling
Gülter Budakçı,
Halil Oruç-qPeano Kernel
and Its
Melek Erdoğdu, Mustafa Özdemir Matrices Over Hyperbolic Split
17:00 - 17:15
Mehmet Acikgoz, Serkan
Araci - Some new identities
concerning some special
polynomials under the
theory of multiple qcalculus
Erkan Ağyüz, Mehmet
Acikgoz, Serkan Araci - A
symmetric identity on the
q-Genocchi polynomials of
higher order under third
dihedral group D3
Sedef Erim Karakılıc, Setenay
Akduman, Didem Coskan Asymptotic Behaviour of
Resonance Eigenvalues of the
Schrödinger Operator with a
Matrix Potential
Çetin Dişibüyük, Şule
Ulutaş - A B-Spline
Approach to q-Eulerian
Hakan Şimşek, Mustafa Özdemir - The
Similarity Invariants of Non-lightlike
Curves in the Minkowski 3-space
Ahmet Altürk- Application of
the Bernstein polynomials for
solving Volterra integral
equations with convolution
Yassine Zaim - A general approach for
enrichment of the nonconforming finite
elements in any dimension
17:15 - 17:30
17:30 - 17:45
Ayse Yilmaz Ceylan, A. Aziz Ergin Mannheim Curves in Cartan-Vranceanu
17 May 2015 Sunday
09:45 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:15
Chairman: Dae San Kim
Invited Speaker Talk: Taekyun Kim - Some properties of p-adic integral on the ring of p-adic integers
associated with special polynomials
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions
Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Veli Kurt
Dmitry V. Dolgy
Chandrashekara ADIGA
Dae San Kim, Taekyun Kim - Ik-Pyo Kim - Eigenspaces of
Burcin Simsek, Satish Iyengar - On the
Two Generalizations of
matrices associated with the
approximation of the Conway-MaxwellPower and Alternating
Pascal matrix
Poisson normalizing constant
Power Sum Identities
Serkan Araci, Mehmet
Armend Salihu, Fatlinda
Gokce Tuncer, Vilda Purutcuoglu Acikgoz - On the von
Musliu-Salihu - Matrix and
Comparative Analysis of Simulation
Staudt-Clausen theorem of
determinants division using
Tools in Biochemical Networks
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 11:45
12:30 - 14:20
14:30 - 15:15
15:15 - 15:30
15:30 - 15:45
15:45 - 16:00
16:00 – 16:15
16:15 - 16:30
16:30 - 16:45
16:45 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:15
17:15 - 17:30
17:30 - 17:45
q-Frobenius-Euler numbers
Uğur Duran, Mehmet
Acikgoz, Serkan Araci Symmetric identities
involving q-analog of Euler
polynomials under S4
Seyyed Hossein JafariPetroudi, Maryam Pirouz- A
note on tribonacci numbers
with particular matrices
Salihu's method
Rashid Abu-Dawwas - On
Graded Semi-Prime Rings
Hernane Mohand Ouamar,
Jean-Louis Nicolas - Zeros of
certain trinomials
Gokce Tuncer, Vilda Purutcuoglu Application of Impulsive Deterministic
Simulations of Biochemical Networks
via Simulations Tools
Tibor K. Pogany - Hypergeometric type
functions' use in statistical moments
Chairman: Tibor K. Pogany
Invited Speaker Talk: Rekha Srivastava - Certain Generalized Hypergeometric and Other Classes of
Generating Functions
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions
Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Mehmet Ali Ozarslan
Armen Bagdasaryan
Jin-Woo Park
Veli KURT - Unified Apostol- K. Ghanbari , M. Moghaddam Tounsia Benzekri - Control of the
Type Polynomials and
- On the Isospectral Matrix
chaotic dynamics of the HindmarshAlternating Sums
Rose model
Bokhee Im, Ji-Young Ryu M. A. Shakhatreh, T. A.
Erdal Karapınar - Some inevitable
Quasigroup and its weak
Qawasmeh - Associativity of
Remarks on the some recent trends in
compatibility graph for the
Max-Min Compsition of Three fixed point theory
homogeneous space of
Fuzzy Relations
degree 4
Sang-Hun Lee - A p-Adic
Zarife Gokcen Karadem,
M. Saraj, Z.Mousavi - Multi Objective
Approach to Identities of
Mevlude Yakit Ongun, Damla
Geometric programming With Interval
Symmetry for Carlitzs qArslan - Fractional order
Coecients: A parametric Approach
Bernoulli Polynomials
logistic Equation Derived
from Hanta Epidemics
Seyda Keles, Vagif S.
Jacob Wood, Jungsuk Kim Dmitriy V. Dolgy - Controllability
Guliyev - Vector-valued BDetermining Factors of FTA
problem for interval linear systems
singular integral operators
Negotiation Outcomes: An
in Lebesgue spaces
analysis using Instrument
Variable Two Stage Least
Coffee Break
Vilda Purutcuoglu
Taekyun KIM
Atilla Berczes
Aykut Ahmet Aygüneş Armen Bagdasaryan - On
Asuman Zeytinoglu, Murat Sari - HighRemarks on formulas
some explicit and asymptotic
order Schemes for the Klein-Gordon
related to modular forms
formulas related to the mEquations
arithmetic triangle
Elif Cetin - A Special Finite
Armen Bagdasaryan,
David Radnell - Determinant line
Sum Associated with the
Seifedine Kadry - Inversion
bundles over Teichmuller space
Dedekind and Hardy type
formula for analytic functions
Irem Kucukoglu, Yilmaz
S. N. Fathima, Yudhisthira
Samer Al Ghour - New Results on
Simsek - Unification of the Jamudulia - On Some New
Omega Paracompactness
B-Splines by using
Circular Summation Formulas
generating functions for
of Theta Functions
the Bernstein type basis
Gulsah Ozdemir, Yilmaz
Mouloud Goubi - Asymptotic
Simsek - On Generating
Formula For Vasyunin
Functions For Jacobsthal
Cotangent Sum
and Fibonacci Polynomials
of Higher Order
18 May 2015 Monday
09:00 – 19:00
19 May 2015 Tuesday
09:00 - 09:15
09:15 - 09:30
09:30 - 09:45
09:45 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:00
11:00- 11:15
11:15 - 12:30
12:30 - 14:00
Parallel Sessions
Hall 1
Hall 2
Mustafa Alkan
Mansur Saraj
Yesim Saglam Ozkan, Sezayi Issam Louhichi - Product of
Hizliyel - Generalized
Toeplitz operators on the
Beltrami Systems with a
harmonic Bergman space
Singular Point
Abdullah Cavus, Djavvat
Mujo Mesanovic - Toeplitz
Khadjiev, Seda Ozturk operators in the analytic
On Periodic Solutions to
Bergman space
Nonlinear Differential
Equations In Banach Spaces
Rahime Dere - Some
Evgin Göçeri - Effects of
Hermite Base Polynomials
Chosen Scalar Products on
on q-Umbral Algebra
Gradient Descent Algorithms
Burak KURT - Notes on
Evgin Göçeri, Melih Gunay,
Unified q-Apostol-Type
Fadi Alturjman - Automated
Detection of Facial Disorders
(ADFD): A Novel Approach
Based-on Digital Photographs
Coffee Break
Melih Gunay
Tacksun Jung
Melih Gunay - Robust CTB. Bayraktar and V. KudaevPrediction Algorithm for RT- Solution for the Problem of
the Best Uniform
Approximation of the Grid
Function with Linear Splines
and Applications for Making
Umit Deniz ULUSAR A.K. Alomari - Legender
Combining Short
operator matrix of
Ultrasound Recordings for
differentiation for solving
Long Duration Observation
Chua's System
of Fetal Breathing
Admir Hodzic, Adnan
Behrem, Nina Bijedic PhD,
Emir Slanjankic - Epidemic
in Travnik
Salih Tekin - Revenue
maximization policies for
Queueing Networks with
Flexible Servers
Young Scientist Excellence Award & Closing Ceremony
Hall 3
Ayman Badawi
Seçil Çeken, Mustafa Alkan - On the
Weakly Second Spectrum of a Module
Seçil Çeken, Mustafa Alkan - On the
Classical Zariski Topology Over Prime
Spectrum of a Module
Ortaç Öneş, Mustafa Alkan - On the
radical of a submodule over a
noncommutative ring
Mehmet Uc, Ortaç Öneş, Mustafa Alkan
- On Modules over A Group
Mustafa Özdemir
Messaoud Boulbrachene - An
Algorithmic Finite Element Method for
Noncoercive Variational Inequalities
Güzide Şenel - A Soft Based Method to
Solve the Analysis Problem of the
Distance Between Two Soft Points