Curriculum Vitae - Remzi Sanver


Curriculum Vitae - Remzi Sanver
M. Remzi Sanver
Curriculum Vitae
September 2007
Place, Date of Birth : İstanbul, 7.6.1970
Citizenship : Turkish
Marital Status : Married, two children
Languages : English, French, Spanish
Boğaziçi University Department of Economics, Ph.D., (Ph.D. Thesis: Six
Essays in Economic Design, Supervisor: Murat R. Sertel).
Boğaziçi University Department of Economics, M.A.
Boğaziçi University Department of Industrial Engineering, B.S.
Galatasaray Lisesi
Fields of Specialization
Social Choice Theory
Economic Design
Game Theory
Microeoconomic Theory
Work Experience
Professor, Bilgi University, Department of Economics.
2000 - 2006
Associate Professor, Bilgi University, Department of Economics.
2001, 2005
Koç University, Department of Economics (part-time).
1999 - 2001
Boğaziçi University, Department of Economics (part-time).
1998 - 2000
Galatasaray University, Department of Economics (part-time).
1998 - 2000
Assistant Professor, Bilgi University, Department of Economics.
1994 -1995
Teaching Assistant, Boğaziçi University, Department of Economics.
Ecole Polytechnique, March-April 2007
Russell Square International College, Mumbai, March 2006
Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, September 2005
Mathematisches Forschunginstitut Oberwolfach, March 2004
Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, January-February 1998
Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, April-May 1997
Honours, Awards, Scholarships
Turkish Academy of Sciences Distinguished Young Scientist Award
The Middle East Technical University, Mustafa Parlar Foundation, Scientific
Research Promotion Award
Turkish Academy of Sciences, Social Sciences Promotion Award
The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Integrated
Doctoral Program Fellowship
Turkish Academy of Sciences, Integrated Doctoral Program Fellowship
Research Grants
Project Title: Social Perception - A Social Choice Perspective
Supported by: Istanbul Bilgi University Research Fund
Dates: 1 January 2007- 30 June 2008
Project Title: An Analysis of Preferences over Non-Resolute Outcomes
Supported by: The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
Project Number: 106K380
Dates: 1 February 2007- 1 August 2007
Project Title: Designing Electoral Systems- An Axiomatic Analysis
Supported by: Istanbul Bilgi University Research Fund
Dates: 1 January 2004- 30 June 2005
Seminars and invited talks
Bilkent University, Boğaziçi University, Bologna University, Eighteenth European Summer
School in Logic Language and Information, Indian Statistical Institute, İstanbul Technical
University, Koç University, Maastricht University, Marmara University, Sabancı University,
Seminaire Parisien de Theorie des Jeux, Seminaire Roy (Paris) , Tilburg University, Universitat
Autonòma de Barcelona, Université de Caen, University of Graz, Yıldız Technical University
Membership in Professional Societies
Center for Economic Design, Foundation for Economic Design, Game Theory Society, Public
Choice Society, Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Society for Economic
Design, Society for Social Choice and Welfare
Editorial Responsibilities
Mathematical Social Sciences, Associate Editor
Theory and Decision, Associate Editor
Refereeing or Reviewing
American Economic Review, American Political Science Review, Economic Theory, Games and
Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics,
Mathematical Reviews, Mathematical Social Sciences, Review of Economic Design, Social
Choice and Welfare, Theory and Decision
Scientific Meeting Organizations
Eighth International Meeting of the Association for Public Economic Theory, 2007, Vanderbilt
University, Program Committee Member.
Eighth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, 2006, İstanbul,
(, Program Committee and Local Organizing Committee Chair.
Fourth International Meeting of the Society for Economic Design, 2006, Bodrum, Program
Committee and Local Organizing Committee Member.
European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society, 2005, İstanbul,
(, Local Organizing Committee Chair.
Murat Sertel Memorial Conference on Economic Theory, 2004, İstanbul,
(, Program Committee Chair and Local Organizing Committee member.
Annual Meeting of the Southern European Association for Economic Theory (ASSET), 2003,
Ankara, (, Program Committee and Local Organizing
Committee member.
Society for the Advancement for Economic Theory Conference, 2003, Rhodes,
(, Organizer of the Session on Electoral System Design
Group Decision and Negotiation Meeting, 2003, İstanbul,
(, Organizer of the Session on Social Choice
Bosphorus Workshops on Economic Design, (, Program and Local
Organizing Committee Member
Teaching and Graduate Students
Courses Taught
Introduction to Economics
Microeconomic Theory (undergraduate)
Microeconomic Theory (graduate)
Real Analysis (undergraduate)
Social Choice Theory (graduate)
Graduate Students
Danilo Coelho, Ph.D. Jury Member (Economics), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Şeyla Ergenekon, Ph.D. Jury Member (Environmental Engineering), Boğaziçi University
Ahmet Kutsi Nircan, Ph.D. Jury Member (Civil Engineering), Boğaziçi University
Bilge Öztürk, Ph.D. Jury Member (Economics), Ecole Polytechnique
Ensar Yılmaz, Ph.D. Jury Member (Economics), Yildiz Technical University
Burak Can, M.Sc. Thesis Advisor (Economics), Bilgi University
Murat Ali Cengelci, M.Sc. Thesis Advisor (Economics), Bilgi University
Emre Doğan, M.Sc. Thesis Advisor (Economics), Bilgi University
Bora Erdamar, M.Sc. Thesis Advisor (Economics), Bilgi University
Levent Kutlu, M.Sc. Thesis Advisor (Economics), Bilgi University
Alper Nakkaş, M.Sc. Thesis Advisor (Economics), Bilgi University
Uğur Özdemir, M.Sc. Thesis Advisor (Economics), Bilgi University
Selçuk Özyurt, M.A. Thesis Advisor (Economics), Boğaziçi University
Orhan Erdem, M.A. Project Advisor (Economics), Boğaziçi University
Barış Kaymak, M.A. Project Advisor (Economics), Boğaziçi University
Coordinator of the M.Sc. Program in Economics at Bilgi University (
Papers in Refereed International Journals
26. A Characterization of Superdictatorial Domains for Strategy-proof Social Choice
forthcoming in Mathematical Social Sciences
25. Expected Utility Consistent Extensions of Preferences
(with Burak Can and Bora Erdamar), forthcoming in Theory and Decision
24. Arrovian Impossibilities in Aggregating Preferences over Sets
(with Emre Doğan), forthcoming in Social Choice and Welfare
23. Nash Implementability of the Plurality Rule over Restricted Domains
forthcoming in Economics Letters
22. Strategy-Proof Resolute Social Choice Correspondences
(with Selçuk Özyurt), forthcoming in Social Choice and Welfare
21. A Minimax Procedure for Electing Committees
(with Steven J. Brams and D. Marc Kilgour), Public Choice, 132 (3-4), 401-420
20. On Combining Implementable Social Choice Rules
(with Jean-Pierre Benoit and Efe Ok), Games and Economic Behavior, 2007, 60 (1), 20-30
19. On the Alternating Use of "Unanimity" and "Surjectivity" in the GibbardSatterthwaite Theorem
(with Emre Doğan), Economics Letters, 2007, 96, 140-143.
18. Is Abstention an Escape from Arrow’s Theorem?
(with Murat Ali Çengelci), Social Choice and Welfare, 2007, 28(3), 439-442.
17. Dictatorial Domains in Preference Aggregation
(with Uğur Özdemir), Social Choice and Welfare, 2007, 28, 61-76
16. Ensuring Pareto Optimality by Referendum Voting
(with İpek Özkal-Sanver), Social Choice and Welfare, 2006, 27 (1), 211-219
15. Nash Implementation via Hyperfunctions
(with İpek Özkal-Sanver), Social Choice and Welfare, 2006, 26 (3), 607-623
14. Critical Strategies Under Approval Voting: Who Gets Ruled In and Who Gets Ruled
(with Steven J. Brams), Electoral Studies, 2006, 25 (2), 287-305
13. Nash Implementation of the Majority Rule
Economics Letters, 2006, 91 (3), 369-372
12. Maskin Monotonic Aggregation Rules
(with Göksel Aşan), Economics Letters, 2006, 91 (2), 179-183
11. Nash Implementing Non-Monotonic Social Choice Rules by Awards
Economic Theory, 2006, 28 (2), 453-460
10. Equilibrium Outcomes of Taxation Endowment Games
Review of Economic Design, 2005, 9 (4), 307-316.
9. Minimal Monotonic Extensions of Scoring Rules
(with Orhan Erdem), Social Choice and Welfare, 2005, 25, 31-42
8. Implementing Matching Rules by Type Pretension Mechanisms
(with İpek Özkal-Sanver), Mathematical Social Sciences, 2005, 50, 304-317
7. Efficiency in the Degree of Compromise: A New Axiom for Social Choice
(with İpek Özkal-Sanver), Group Decision and Negotiation, 2004, 13, 375-380
6. Strong Equilibrium Outcomes of Voting Games are the Generalized Condorcet Winners
(with Murat R. Sertel), Social Choice and Welfare, 2004, 22, 331-347.
5. Sets of Alternatives as Condorcet Winners
(with Barış Kaymak), Social Choice and Welfare, 2003, 20 (3), 477-494.
4. Another Characterization of the Majority Rule
(with Göksel Aşan), Economics Letters, 2002, 75 (3), 409-413
3. Scoring Rules Cannot Respect Majority in Choice and Elimination Simultaneously
Mathematical Social Sciences, 2002, 43 (2), 151-155
2. An Allocation Rule with Wealth-Regressive Tax Rates
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2002, 4 (1), 63-69.
1. Equilibrium Outcomes of Lindahl Endowment-Pretension Games
(with Murat R. Sertel), European Journal of Political Economy, 1999, 15 (2), 149-162.
Research Papers in Edited Books
4. A Minimax Procedure for Negotiating Multilateral Treaties
(with Steven J. Brams and Marc D. Kilgour), in Diplomacy Games (eds. Avenhaus R. and
I.W.Zartman), Springer, 2007, 265-282.
also in Reasoned Choices: Essays in Honor of Academy Professor Hannu Nurmi (ed. Matti
Wiberg), The Finnish Political Science Association, 2004, 108-139.
3. How to Elect a Representative Committee Using Approval Balloting
(with D. M. Kilgour and S. J. Brams), in Mathematics and Democracy: Recent Advances in
Voting Systems and Collective Choice (eds. B. Simeone and F. Pukelsheim), Springer, BerlinHeidelberg, 2006.
2. Coalition Structural Games and the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods
(with Göksel Aşan), in Advances in Economic Design (eds. M.R. Sertel and S. Koray), SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 2003, 251-259.
1. Designing Public Choice Mechanisms
(with Murat R. Sertel), in Institutional Reform and Development in the MENA Region (ed. Imed
Limam), The Arab Planning Institute, 1999, 129-148.
Other Papers
8. Nöroiktisat
(in Turkish, with Ugur Ozdemir), Cognitive Neuroscience Forum, 2006, pp. 65-67
7. Oyunlar, Kurallar ve Düzen
(in Turkish, with Coşkun Can Aktan and İpek Özkal-Sanver), in Kurallar, Kurumlar ve Düzen
(ed. Coşkun Can Aktan), 2006, pp. 97-113, Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu Yayınları, Ankara
6. Murat R. Sertel et l’Economie Publique
(in French, with Semih Koray), Economie Publique, 2004, 15 (2), pp. 207-211
5. Dört Seçim Yönteminin Aksiyomatik bir Karşılaştırması
(in Turkish, with Goksel Asan), in Gülten Kazgan’a Armağan – Türkiye Ekonomisi (eds. L.
Hilal Akgül and Fahri Aral), 2004, pp. 147-155, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
4. Çoğunluk Yöntemi ve Condorcet Galipleri
(in Turkish), Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2000, 55 (3), 134-144.
3. Demokrasinin Temel Sorunları
(in Turkish, with Murat R. Sertel), Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 75. Yılında Türkiye Bilimler
Akademisi Konferansları, 2000
2. Toplum İçin İyi Olanı Saptamak
(in Turkish), Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2000, 55 (1), 173-186.
1. İktisatta Akılcı İnsan Varsayımı
(in Turkish), Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2000, 1 (2), 5-15.
Work in Progress
1. A General Impossibility Result on Strategy-Proof Social Choice Hyperfunctions (with
Selçuk Özyurt)
2. Implementing Pareto Optimal and Individually Rational Outcomes by Veto
3. Nash Implementing Social Choice Rules with Restricted Ranges
4. Voting Systems that Combine Approval and Preference (with Steven Brams)
5. Embracing Liberalism for Collective Identity Determination (with Murat Ali Çengelci)
6. Sophisticated Preference Aggregation (with Ozer Selcuk)
7. One-way monotonicity as a form of strategy-proofness (with William S. Zwicker)
8. Characterizations of majoritarianism - A unified approach
9. Strategy-Proofness of the Plurality Rule over Restricted Domains
10. Nash Implementability of Tournament Solutions (with Ipek Ozkal-Sanver)
11. Stereotype Formation as Trait Aggregation (with Burak Can)
12. Choosers as Extension Axioms (with Bora Erdamar)
13. The Tiebout Hypothesis under Membership Property Rights (with Goksel Asan)

Benzer belgeler


Slides. Thank you for attending....


Levent Kutlu Curriculum Vitae E-mail : www

Levent Kutlu Curriculum Vitae E-mail : www 15) Kutlu, L. (2007), Arrovian Aggregation for Preferences over Sets, Mathematical Social Sciences, 53, 255258. R&R, Submitted, and Working: 1) Almanidis, P., Karakaplan, M.U., and Kutlu, L. (2016)...


Levent Kutlu Curriculum Vitae Phone : +1 (404) 894

Levent Kutlu Curriculum Vitae Phone : +1 (404) 894 7) Kutlu, L. (2012), Price Discrimination in Cournot Competition, Economics Letters, 117, 540-543. 8) Kutlu, L. (2012), U.S. Banking Efficiency, 1984-1995, Economics Letters, 117, 53-56. 9) Kutlu, ...
