References - The New Educational Review


References - The New Educational Review
The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Teaching of Polygon and Plane Geometry Unit
tion as individuals focusing on general concepts, thinking and discipline, aims at
facilitating learning within small groups considering that learner-centered learning
is significant. However, this approach should not be expected to be appropriate
for every subject and every lesson because the subjects of projects may not be
interesting for students, they may not be appropriate to the objectives of lessons,
or some students may not be good at group work. Besides, we should never forget
that the teachers who implement the PBL approach should work in cooperation.
We can indicate individuals that contemporary education systems aim at only with
the use of studies carried out considering all the variables stated above (those who
are willing to do research, can solve problems, have critical thinking skills and can
work in groups, etc.)
American Institutes for Research & SRI International. (2005). Executive summary: Evaluation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s High School Grants,
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Atıcı, B. & Polat, H. (2010). The effects of project based learning approach on
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Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 1(2), 122–132.
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Bilen, Mürüvvet. Theaching from plan to application. Ankara: Anı Publishing, 2002.
Bransford, J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind,
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Boaler, J. (1999). Mathematics for the moment, or the millennium? What a British
study has to say about teaching methods. Education Week, March 31, 1999.
Coşkun, H. (2004). Project Approach In Geography Teaching. Gazi Üniv. Kırşehir
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Çıbık, A.S. (2006). The effect of project based learning approach to the logical thinking
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Eskrootchi, R., & Oskrochi, G.R. (2010). A Study of the Efficacy of Project-based
Sevinç Mert Uyangör
Learning Integrated with Computer-based Simulation – STELLA. Educational
Technology & Society, 13(1), 236–245.
George Lucas Educational Foundation. (2001, November 1). Project-Based Learning Research. Edutopia.
Gültekin, M. (2005). The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Learning Outcomes
in the 5 Grade Social Studies Course in Primary Education. Educational Sciences: Theory &Practice 5(2), 548–550.
Gültekin, M. (2007). The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Learning Outcomes
in the 5 Grade Science Studies Course. Elementary Education Online, 6(1),
Kubiatko, M. &Vaculová, I. (2011). Project-based learning: characteristic and the
experiences with application in the science subjects Energy Education Science
and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 3(1): 65–74.
Memişoğlu, H., 2008. Project based learning approach in teaching of the social sciences course,. G.Ü. Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 236s, Ankara.
Newell, R. & Van Ryzin, M. (2007). Growing Hope as a Determinant of School
Effectiveness. Phi Delta Kappan, February, 2007.
MEB(Ministry of Education, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı) Secondary
Education Geometry Lesson (9–10 grade) Curriculum, 2010.
MEB(Ministry of Education, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı) Secondary
Education Biology Lesson (9 grade) Curriculum, 2007.
MEB(Ministry of Education, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı) Secondary
Education Geography lesson Lesson (9–12 th grade) Curriculum, 2010.
Özdener, N., & Özçoban, T. (2004). A project based learning model’s effectiveness on computer courses and multiple intelligence theory. Education Sciences:
Theory & Practice, 4, 147–170.
Partnership for 21 Century Skills (2008). www.21
Railsback, J. (2002). Project-based instruction: Creating excitement for learning.
Portland, OR: Northwest.
Ravitz, J., Project Based Learning as a Catalyst in Reforming High Schools, Buck Institute for Education.
Regional Educational Laboratory.
SRI International. (2000, January). Silicon valley challenge 2000: Year 4 Report. San
Jose, CA: Joint Venture, Silicon Valley Network.
The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Teaching of Polygon and Plane Geometry Unit
Thomas, J.W. (2000). A Review of Research on Project-Based Learning. San Rafael,
CA: Autodesk.
Uyangör,S.M., &Övez, M.,G., (2008). The Effect of Project-Based Learning Aproach
on Student Success at The Math Education, 11.International Conference on
Further Education In the Balkan Countries, Selçuk University, 23–25 October,
2008, Konya, Türkiye.
Uzun, Y., (2007). Project based learning approach and its usage in religious culture
and moral knowledge lessons in elementary school. Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal
Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 342s, İstanbul.
Watters J.J. & Ginns, I.S. (2000). Developing motivation to teach elementary science:
Effect of collaborative and authentic learning practices in preservice education.
Journal of Science. Teacher Education, 11(4), 277–313.