Fabienne Dumoulin Gebze Technical University


Fabienne Dumoulin Gebze Technical University
Fabienne Dumoulin
Gebze Technical University - GTÜ
Chemistry Department
PO box 141 - 41400 Gebze-Kocaeli TURKEY
Office +90 262 605 30 22 / Lab +90 262 605 30 72
Fax +90 262 605 30 05
fdumoulin@gtu.edu.tr / dumoulin.fabienne@gmail.com
Birthdate 27/05/1976 - Villeurbanne FRANCE
Editing activities
Invited co-editor of the October issue (2013) of the Journal of Porphyrins and
dedicated to the 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. Vefa Ahsen
Preface: J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 2013; 17: 912
Book chapter
Design and conception of photosensitisers
Fabienne Dumoulin in Photosensitisers in medicine,environment and security (Chapter 1)
Nyokong and Ahsen Eds - Springer New York 2012.
Peer-reviewed journals
44. Deniz Kutlu Tarakci, Savaş Berber, Yunus Zorlu, Devrim Atilla, Vefa Ahsen, Fabienne Dumoulin
Synthesis of an octasubstituted monohydroxylated phthalocyanine designed to investigate the effect of the
presence of active moieties
New. J. Chem 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5NJ00229J
43. Yunus Zorlu, Ufuk Kumru, Ümit İşci, Burcin Divrik, Erwann Jeanneau, Florian Albrieux, Yavuz Dede, Vefa
Ahsen and Fabienne Dumoulin
1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25-Alkylsulfanyl phthalocyanines. Effect of macrocycle distortion on spectroscopic and
packing properties
Chem Commun, 2015, 5, 6580--6583
42. Ümit İşci, Yunus Zorlu, Fabıenne Dumoulin
Fluorescent Mono and Tetra Dansylated Cavitands: Synthesis and Acid Sensitivity
Turkish J. Chem. 2015, 39, 207-216
41. Ümit İşci, Celal Caner, Yunus Zorlu, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Fabienne Dumoulin and Vefa Ahsen
Sulfonamide-Substituted Iron Phthalocyanine: Design, Solubility Range, Stability and Oxidation of Olefins
Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 17916-17919
40. Ümit İşci, Fabienne Dumoulin, Alexander B. Sorokin and Vefa Ahsen
N-bridged dimers of tetrapyrroles complexed by transition metals: syntheses, characterization methods and
uses as oxidation catalysts.
Turkish J. Chem. 2014, 38, 923-949
39. Duygu Aydın Tekdaş, Ruslan Garifullin, Berna Şentürk, Yunus Zorlu, Umut Gundogdu, Ergin Atalar, Ayse
B. Tekinay, Alexander A. Chernonosov, Yusuf Yerli, Fabienne Dumoulin, Mustafa O. Guler, Vefa Ahsen and
Ayşe Gül Gürek
Design of a Gd-DOTA-phthalocyanine conjugate combining MRI-contrast imaging and photosensitization
properties as a potential molecular theranostic
Photochem. Photobiol. 2014, 90, 1376–1386
38. Yunus Zorlu, Derya Topkaya Taşkıran, Deniz Kutlu Tarakçı, Ufuk Kumru, Serkan Alpugan, Ümit İşci,
Fabienne Dumoulin,* Vefa Ahsen*
Dihydroxylated Alkylsulfanyl Phthalonitriles
J. Chem. Cryst. 2014, 44, 337-345
37. Serkan Alpugan, Ümit İşci, Florian Albrieux, Catherine Hirel, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Yann Bretonnière, Vefa
Ahsen and Fabienne Dumoulin*
Expeditious selective access to functionalized platforms of A7B-type heteroleptic lanthanide double-decker
complexes of phthalocyanine
Chem Commun, 2014, 50, 7466-7468
36. Yunni Chin, Siang Hui Lim, Yunus Zorlu, Vefa Ahsen, Lik Voon Kiew, Lip Yong Chung, Fabienne
Dumoulin,* Hong Boon Lee
Improved photodynamic efficacy of Zn(II) phthalocyanines via glycerol substitution. In vitro and CAM
PlosOne, 2014, 9(5): e97894. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097894
35. Mehmet Menaf Ayhan, Yunus Zorlu, Özlem Gökdemir, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Fabienne Dumoulin,*
Vefa Ahsen and Catherine Hirel*
Optimized synthesis and crystal growth by sublimation of 1,3,3-trichloroisoindolenines, key building blocks for
crosswise phthalocyanines
CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 6493–6804
34. Sevinc Z. Topal, Ümit İşci, Ufuk Kumru, Devrim Atilla, Ayşe G. Gürek, Catherine Hirel, Mahmut Durmuş,
Jean-Bernard Tommasino, Dominique Luneau, Savas Berber, Fabienne Dumoulin,* and Vefa Ahsen*
Modulation of the electronic and spectroscopic properties of Zn(II) phthalocyanines by their substitution pattern
Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 6897–6908
33. Derya Topkaya, Fabienne Dumoulin, Vefa Ahsen and Ümit İşci
Axial Binding and Host-guest Interactions of a Phthalocyanine Resorcinarene Cavitand Hybrid
Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 2032-2037
32. Victor N. Nemykin, Semen V. Dudkin, Fabienne Dumoulin, Catherine Hirel, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Vefa Ahsen
An introduction to synthetic methods for preparation of asymmetric phthalocyanines and their analogues
Arkivoc, 2014, (i) 142-204
31. Yunus Zorlu, İlker Ün, Catherine Hirel, Fabienne Dumoulin, Vefa Ahsen
Phthalonitriles functionalized for click chemistry. Design, synthesis and structural characterization
J. Chem. Cryst. 2013, 43, 636–645
30. Sinem Tuncel, Aurélien Trivella, Devrim Atilla, Khalil Bennis, Huguette Savoie, Florian Albrieux,
Laetitia Delort, Hermine Billard, Virginie Dubois, Vefa Ahsen, Florence Caldefie-Chézet, Claire Richard, Ross
W. Boyle, Sylvie Ducki, and Fabienne Dumoulin
Assessing the Dual Activity of a Chalcone−Phthalocyanine Conjugate: Design, Synthesis, and Antivascular and
Photodynamic Properties
Molecular Pharmaceutics 2013, 10, 3706−3716
29. Angelo D. Quartarolo, Dimitri Pérusse, Fabienne Dumoulin,Nino Russo and Emilia Sicilia
Hydrophilic annulated dinuclear zinc(II) phthalocyanineas Type II photosensitizers for PDT: a combined
experimental and (TD)-DFT investigation
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 2013, 17, 980-988
28. Serkan Alpugan, Guillaume Garcia, Florent Poyer, Mahmut Durmuş, Philippe Maillard, Vefa Ahsen and
Fabienne Dumoulin
Dendrimeric-like hexadecahydroxylated zinc phthalocyanine. Synthesis and evaluation of photodynamic
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 2013, 17, 596-603
27. Ilker Un, Yunus Zorlu, Hanife İbisoğlu, Fabienne Dumoulin, Vefa Ahsen
A phthalocyanine-fluorescein conjugate
Turkish J. Chem. 2013, 37, 394-404
26. D. Lafont, Y. Zorlu, H. Savoie, F. Albrieux, V. Ahsen, R. W. Boyle and F. Dumoulin
Monoglycoconjugated Phthalocyanines. Effect of Sugar and Linkage on Photodynamic Activity
Photodiagn. Photodyn. Ther. 2013, 10, 252-259
25. Yunus Zorlu, Ümit İşci, İlker Ün, Ufuk Kumru, Fabienne Dumoulin, and Vefa Ahsen
Comparative structural analysis of 4,5- and 3,6- dialkylsulfanylphthalonitriles of different bulkiness
Struc. Chem. 2013, 24, 1027-1038
24. Duygu Aydın Tekdaş, Ufuk Kumru, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Mahmut Durmuş, Vefa Ahsen and Fabienne Dumoulin
Towards near-infrared photosensitisation: a photosensitising hydrophilic non-peripherally octasulfanylsubstituted Zn phthalocyanine
Tetrahedron Lett. 2012, 53, 5227-5230
23. Muzaffer Köç, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Fabienne Dumoulin and Vefa Ahsen
Symmetric, twinned and double-decker phthalocyanines substituted by trialkylated pentaerythritol
Turkish J. Chem. 2012, 36, 493-502
22. Francesca Giuntini, Fabienne Dumoulin, R. Daly, V. Ahsen, E. M. Scanlan, A. Lavado, J. W. Aylott, G.
Rosser, Andrew Beeby and Ross W. Boyle
Orthogonally bifunctionalised polyacrylamide nanoparticles: a support for the assembly of multifuctional
Nanoscale 2012, 4, 2034-2045
21. Sinem Tuncel, Jérémie Fournier-dit-Chabert, Florian Albrieux, Vefa Ahsen, Sylvie Ducki* and
Fabienne Dumoulin*
Towards dual photodynamic and antiangiogenic agents: design and synthesis of a phthalocyanine-chalcone
Org. Biomol. Chem. 2012, 10, 1154-1157
20. Ufuk Kumru, Fabienne Dumoulin, Erwann Jeanneau, Fatma Yuksel, Yari Cabezas, Yunus Zorlu and Vefa
4,5-, 3,6-, and 3,4,5,6-tert-Butylsulfanylphthalonitriles: synthesis and comparative structural and spectroscopic
Struc. Chem. 2012, 23, 175-183
19. Fabienne Dumoulin*, Hasrat Ali, Vefa Ahsen and Johan E. van Lier
Preparation of Amphiphilic Glycerol-Substituted Zinc Phthalocyanines using Copper-free
Sonogashira Cross-coupling in Aqueous Medium
Tetrahedron Lett. 2011, 52, 4395–4397
18. Fabienne Dumoulin and Vefa Ahsen
Click chemistry: The emerging role of the azide-alkyne Huisgen dipolar addition in the preparation of
substituted tetrapyrrolic derivatives
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 2011, 15, 481–504
17. Sinem Tuncel, Fabienne Dumoulin, Jürgen Gailer, Melani Sooriyaarachchi, Devrim
Atilla, Mahmut Durmuş, Denis Bouchu, Huguette Savoie, Ross W. Boyle and Vefa
A set of highly water-soluble tetraethyleneglycol-substituted Zn(II) phthalocyanines:
synthesis, photochemical and photophysical properties, interaction with plasma proteins
and in vitro phototoxicity
Dalton Trans. 2011, 40, 4067-4079
16. Yunus Zorlu, Fabienne Dumoulin, Denis Bouchu, Vefa Ahsen et Dominique Lafont
Monoglycoconjugated water-soluble phthalocyanines. Design and synthesis of potential selectively targeting
PDT photosensitizers
Tetrahedron Lett. 2010, 51, 6615-6618
15. Fabienne Dumoulin, Mahmut Durmus, Vefa Ahsen and Tebello Nyokong
Synthetic pathways to water-soluble phthalocyanines
Coord. Chem. Rev. 2010, 254, 2792-2847
14. Yves Queneau, Fabienne Dumoulin, Rouba Cheaib, Stéphane Chambert, Chantal Andraud, Yann
Bretonnière, Loïc J. Blum, Paul Boullanger and Agnès Girard-Egrot
Two-dimensional supramolecular assemblies involving neoglycoplipids: Self-organization and insertion
properties into Langmuir monolayers.
Biochimie 2011, 93, 101-112
13. Yunus Zorlu, Fabienne Dumoulin, Mahmut Durmus and Vefa Ahsen,
Comparative Studies Of Photophysical And Photochemical Properties Of Solketal Substituted Platinum (II) And
Zinc (II) Phthalocyanine Sets
Tetrahedron 2010, 66, 3248-3258.
12. Mahmut Ali Ermeydan, Fabienne Dumoulin, Tamara V. Basova, Denis Bouchu, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Vefa
Ahsen and Dominique Lafont
Amphiphilic carbohydrate-phthalocyanine conjugates obtained by glycosylation or by azide-alkyne click
New. J. Chem. 2010, 34, 1153–1162.
11. Alina Pashkovskaya, Elena Kotova, Yunus Zorlu, Fabienne Dumoulin, Vefa Ahsen,
Igor Agapov and Yuri Antonenko
Light-Triggered Liposomal Release: Membrane Permeabilization by Photodynamic Action
Langmuir 2010, 26(8), 5726-5733.
10. Ümit İşci, Fabienne Dumoulin, Vefa Ahsen and Alexander B. Sorokin
Preparation of N-bridged diiron phthalocyanines bearing bulky or small electronwithdrawing substituents
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 2010, 14, 324-334.
9. Yunus Zorlu, Mahmut Ali Ermeydan, Fabienne Dumoulin,* Vefa Ahsen, Huguette
Savoie and Ross W. Boyle*
Glycerol and Galactose Substituted Zinc Phthalocyanines. Synthesis and Photodynamic Activity
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2009, 8, 312-318.
8. Yunus Zorlu, Ilker Un and Fabienne Dumoulin*
Octasolketal Substituted Phthalocyanines : Synthesis and Systematic Study of Metal Effect and Substitution
Pattern on 13C NMR
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 2009, 13, 760-768.
7. Emel Önal, Fabienne Dumoulin and Catherine Hirel
Tetraimidazophthalocyanines: Influence of Protonation and Aggregation on Spectroscopic Observations
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 2009, 13, 702-711.
6. Fabienne Dumoulin,* Yunus Zorlu, M. Menaf Ayhan, Catherine Hirel, Umit Isci and Vefa Ahsen*
A first ABAC phthalocyanine
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 2009, 13, 161-165.
5. Ufuk Kumru, Mahmut Ali Ermeydan, Fabienne Dumoulin and Vefa Ahsen
Amphiphilic galactosylated phthalocyanines
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 2008, 12, 1090-1095.
4. Fabienne Dumoulin, Dominique Lafont, Thai-LÞ Huynh, Paul Boullanger, Grahame Mackenzie, Jon J. West,
and John W. Goodby,
Synthesis and liquid crystalline properties of mono-, di- and tri-O-alkyl pentaerythritol derivatives bearing tri-, dior monogalactosyl heads: The effects of curvature of molecular packing on mesophase formation,
Chem. Eur. J., 2007, 13, 5585-5600.
3. Nicolas Laurent, Dominique Lafont, Fabienne Dumoulin, Paul Boullanger, Grahame Mackenzie, Paul H. J.
Kouwer and John W. Goodby, Synthesis of amphiphilic phenylazophenyl glycosydes and a study of their liquid
crystal properties,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 15499-15506.
2. Fabienne Dumoulin, Dominique Lafont, Paul Boullanger, Grahame Mackenzie, Georg H. Mehl et John W.
Self-organizing properties of natural and related synthetic glycolipids,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2002, 124, 13737-13748.
1. Dominique Lafont, Barbara Gross, René Kleinegesse, Fabienne Dumoulin and Paul Boullanger,
Syntheses of neoglycolipids with hexitol spacers between the saccharidic and the lipidic parts
Carbohydr. Res., 2001, 331, 107-111.
Invited conferences in Congress
2. Design of photosensitising phthalocyanines based on structure-activity relationship and on the fine tuning of
desired properties
Yapı-Aktivite İlişkisi ve İstenilen Özelliklerin İnce Ayarı Dikkate Alınarak Işığa Duyarlı Ftalosiyaninlerin Tasarımı
Second National Congress Of Organic Chemistry/ 2. Ulusal Organik Kimya Kongresi
Ankara, Turkey, 24-26 September 2014
1. Rational design of ideal phthalocyanines for photodynamic therapy
Tetra Pyrrole Discussion group
Cambridge, UK,12-13 January 2012
Oral communications in International Congresses
11. Lanthanide Complexes of Double-decker Phthalocyanines: Molecular Materials for Versatile
Ayse Gul Gurek, Mehmet Menaf Ayhan, Devrim Atilla, Catherine Hirel, Fabienne Dumoulin, Necmettin Kilinc,
Tamara Basova, Aseel K. Hassan, Asim K. Ray, Joseph Zyss, Yann Bretonniere, Chantal Andraud, Dominique
Luneau, Zafer Ziya Ozturk, Vefa Ahsen
8th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-8)
22-27 June 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
10. Expeditious Selective Access to Functionalized Platforms of AB7-Type Heteroleptic Lanthanide DoubleDecker Complexes of Phthalocyanine
Serkan Alpugan, Ümit İşci, Florian Albrieux, Catherine Hirel, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Yann Bretonnière, Vefa Ahsen,
Fabienne Dumoulin
8th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-8)
22-27 June 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
9. Fabienne Dumoulin and Vefa Ahsen
Rational design and synthesis of phthalocyanines for photodynamic therapy
36th Meeting of The American Society for Photobiology (ASP 2012)
Delta Center-Ville, Montréal, Canada - June 23-27, 2012
8. Fabienne Dumoulin, S. Tuncel, J. Fournier-dit-Chabert, L. Ribière, R. Logan, K. Bennis, A. Trivella, D. Atilla,
L. Delort, H. Billard, H. Savoie, F. Caldefie-Chézet, V. Ahsen, C. Richard, R. W. Boyle and S. Ducki
Phthalocyanine-chalcone conjugates : towards dual photodynamic and anti-angiogenic agents
7th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-7)
ICC Jeju, Jungmun resort complex - South Korea, July 1-6, 2012
7. Fabienne Dumoulin, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Ufuk Kumru, Dominique Luneau and Vefa Ahsen
Supramolecular assemblies of magnetically active twinned and double-decker phthalocyanines
11th RSC Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Meeting
Bath, UK, 19-20 December 2011
6. Fabienne Dumoulin and Vefa Ahsen
Designing non-ionic phthalocyanines for PDT: strategies, synthesis and SAR
13th International Photodynamic Association WORLD CONGRESS
Innsbruck, Austria, 13-14 May 2011
5. Fabienne Dumoulin
Synthetic pathways to water-soluble phthalocyanines
Tetra Pyrrol Discussion Group
Berlin, Germany, 13-14 September 2010
4. Fabienne Dumoulin, Yunus Zorlu, Dominique Lafont, Yuri Antonenko, Elena Kotova, Mahmut Durmuş,
Huguette Savoie, Ross W. Boyle and Vefa Ahsen
Solketal and glycerol substituted phthalocyanines. Towards new agents for PDT and other biomedical
Sixth International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-6)
Albuquerque, New-Mexico, USA, 4-9 July 2010
3. Fabienne Dumoulin, Yunus Zorlu, M. Menaf Ayhan, Ümit İşci, Catherine Hirel and Vefa Ahsen
ABAC phthalocyanine's arrival
Fifth International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-5)
Moscou, Russia, July 2008.
2. Fabienne Dumoulin, M. A. Ermeydan, U. Kumru, S. Tuncel and V. Ahsen
Carbohydrates-conjugated phthalonitriles
International Conference on Organic Chemistry
Erzurum, Turkey, 5-9 June 2007.
1. F. Dumoulin, P. Boullanger, D. Lafont et J. W. Goodby,
Neogycolipides analogues de galactosylcéramides et étude de leurs propriétés cristal-liquides,
XIXèmes journées de Chimie et Biochimie des Glucides
Albé, France, May 2002.
Oral communications in National Congresses
6. Derya Topkaya and Fabienne Dumoulin
Singlet Oksijen Üretimini ve Hücre Alımını Arttıran Halojen İçeren Asimetrik
Işığa Duyarlı Porfirinlerin Tasarımı
Second National Congress Of Organic Chemistry/ 2. Ulusal Organik Kimya Kongresi
Ankara, Turkey, 24-26 September 2014
5. Serkan Alpugan, Ümit İşci, Florian Albrieux, Catherine Hirel, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Yann Bretonnière, Vefa Ahsen
and Fabienne Dumoulin
AB7 Tipi Heteroleptik Lantanit Double-Decker Ftalosiyanin Komplekslerine Hızlı ve Seçici Erişim Yöntemi
Second National Congress Of Organic Chemistry/ 2. Ulusal Organik Kimya Kongresi
Ankara, Turkey, 24-26 September 2014
4. Deniz Kutlu Tarakcı, , Devrim Atilla, Yunus Zorlu, Vefa Ahsen, Fabienne Dumoulin
Aktif Kısımların Varlığının Etkisini Araştırabilmek için uygun şekilde Sübstitüe Edilmiş Ftalosiyanin Tasarımı ve
Biotin Konjügasyonunda Kullanılması
Second National Congress Of Organic Chemistry/ 2. Ulusal Organik Kimya Kongresi
Ankara, Turkey, 24-26 September 2014
3. Yunni Chin, Siang Hui Lim,Yunus Zorlu, Vefa Ahsen, Lik Voon Kiew, Lip Yong Chung, Ross W. Boyle, Hong
Boon Lee, Fabienne Dumoulin
Gliserol Sübstitüe Zn(II) Ftalosiyaninlerin Tasarımı ve Fotodinamik Etkinliği: Yapı-aktivite İlişkisi Yaklaşımı ile In
Vitro ve CAM incelemeleri (in Turkish)
IV. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi
Tokat, Turkey, 30 May - 2 June 2013
2. Fabienne Dumoulin, Yunus Zorlu and Vefa Ahsen
Gliserol Sübstitüe Ftalosiyaninler: Neden? Nasil? Ve Sonrasi? (in Turkish)
III. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi
Çanakkale, Turkey, 19-22 May 2011
1. Fabienne Dumoulin, Sinem Tuncel, Mahmut A. Ermeydan, Ufuk Kumru ve Vefa Ahsen
Karbonhidratlı amfifilik ftalosiyaninler (in Turkish)
II. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi,
Elazığ, Turkey, 16-19 May 2009
Invited conferences in universities
SAR based rational design of photosensitising phthalocyanines for photodynamic applications: results and
4 October 2013
Institut Curie, Paris, France
Invitation from Dr. Philippe Maillard
Phthalocyanines : ABAC and PDT
28 April 2011
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Invitation from Mustafa O. Güler
Phtalocyanines photosensibles neutres: conception et synthèse
3 June 2009
Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
Invitation from Prof. Johan Van Lier
Conceptualisation et synthèse de phthalocyanines non-ioniques utilisables comme agents photosensibles de
thérapie photodynamique.
30 April 2009
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
Invitation from Yann Bretonniere - Chantal Andraud
Phthalocyanines, Colored Members of the Liquid Crystals World
2007 June 12th
University of York, United Kingdom
Invitation from John W. Goodby
Posters in congresses
10th Photodynamic Therapy and Photodiagnosis in Clinical Practice, 14-18 Ekim 2014, Brixen/Bressanone,
P77 Strategies for the design of photosensitizing phthalocyanines with NIR-shifted maximum absorption
F. Dumoulin
P76 Amphiphilic and halogenated porphyrins for optimized cell uptake and singlet oxygen generation
F. Dumoulin, D. Lafont, F. Poyer, P. Maillard, G. Garcia, D. Topkaya
Annual Workshop of the COST Action TD1004, 3-5 Ekim 2014,Istanbul, Turkey
P75 Combining DOTA and Phthalocyanines for a New Theranostic Concept Associating Photosensitization
and MRI Imaging
Duygu Aydın Tekdaş, Ruslan Garifullin, Berna Şentürk, Yunus Zorlu, Umut Gündoğdu, Ergin Atalar, Ayşe B.
Tekinay, Alexander A. Chernonosov, Yusuf Yerli, Fabienne Dumoulin, Mustafa Özgür Güler, Vefa Ahsen, Ayşe
Gül Gürek
2. Ulusal Organik Kimya Kongresi, 24-26 September 2014, Ankara, Turkey
P74 Asit-Baz Duyarlı Sülfonamid Sübstitüe Çinko Ftalosiyaninler
Serkan Alpugan, Celal Caner, Fabienne Dumoulin, Vefa Ahsen, Ümit İşci
8th Asian-European Symposium on Metal-Mediated Efficient Organic Synthesis, 7-10 September 2014, İzmir,
P73 Carboxypropanesulfonyl: a Particularly Suitable Substituent of Iron Phthalocyanine in Oxidation Catalysis
Fabienne Dumoulin, Deniz Kutlu Tarakcı, Vefa Ahsen, Ümit İşci
P72 Heteroleptic N-bridged Diiron Oxo Species: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Ümit İşci, Fabienne Dumoulin, Abayomi S. Faponle, Florian Albrieux, Pavel Afanasiev, Samuel de Visser,
Alexander B. Sorokin and Vefa Ahsen
ISACS13: Challenges in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry, 1-4 July 2014, Dublin, Ireland
P71 Heteroleptic N-Bridged Diiron Phthalocyanines
Ümit İşci, Fabienne Dumoulin, Abayomi S. Faponle, Florian Albrieux, Pavel Afanasiev, Samuel de Visser,
Alexander B. Sorokin and Vefa Ahsen
P70 Oxidation of Cyclohexene by Sulfonamide Substituted Iron Phthalocyanine
Ümit İşci, Celal Caner, Yunus Zorlu, Ayşe Gül Gürek, Fabienne Dumoulin, Vefa Ahsen
Eighth International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-8), 22-27 June 2014, Istanbul,
P69 Molecular variation on phthalocyanine-Gd-DOTA conjugates
Cavuş, A., Koc, V., Tekdaş Aydin, D., Dumoulin, F., Gürek A. G., Ahsen V.
P68 Oxidation of Cyclohexene by a Remarkably Stable Sulfonamide-substituted Iron Phthalocyanine
Isci, Ü., Caner, C., Zorlu, Y., Gürek, A.G., Dumoulin, F., Ahsen V.
P67 Gd-DOTA Complex Functionalized Phthalocyanines as Molecular Theranostic Agents
Tekdaş Aydin, D., Garifullin, R., Sentürk, B., Zorlu, Y., Gündogdu, U., Atalar, E., Tekinay, A.B., Dumoulin, F.,
Güler, M. Ö. Ahsen, V., Gürek, A.G.
P66 Resorcinarene cavitands linked to Zn-metalated tetrapyrroles: Axial binding and host-guest interactions
Isci Ü, Topkaya Taskiran D., Dumoulin, F., Ahsen V.
P65 Effect of phthalocyanine macrocycle distortion on packing and spectroscopic properties: A combined
experimental and theoretical investigation
Zorlu Y., Kumru, U., Isci Ü., Jeanneau, E., Ahsen V. Divrik, B., Gördesel, M., Dede, Y. Dumoulin, F.,
P64 Design of Porphyrine-Azlactone Derivatives
Topkaya Taskiran D., Dumoulin F, Alp S.
P63 Photodynamic inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus strains by a tetraethyleneglycolsubstituted Zn(II)
phtalocyanine and 650 nm Laser irradiation
Kabay N., Ergun Mete, Dumoulin, F., Ahsen, V., Tuncel S., Ergin C.
P62 Effect of Substituent Bulkiness on the Aggregation of Eu(III) Double-decker and Zn(II) Phthalocyanines
Desde, M., Dumoulin, F., Ahsen, V.,
P61 Phototoxic effects of a novel tetraethyleneglycol-substituted Zn(II) phthalocyanine in tumor bearing rats
Dumoulin, F., Aykota, M. R., Tuncel, S., Kabay, N., Yenisey, C., Ahsen, V., Kabay B.
P60 Tailoring the amphiphilicity of glycerol substituted phthalocyanines
Köc, M. Dumoulin, F., Ahsen, V.,
P59 Phthalocyanine-Aptamer Conjugation
Niazi, J. H., Topkaya Taskiran, D., Verma, S. K., Atilla, D., Chouhan, R. S., Ahsen, V., Dumoulin, F.,
P58 Red-shifted Absorption for PDT: Octasulfanyl Substitution of Phthalocyanines
Tuğba Okyay M. T., Ahsen, V., Dumoulin, F.,
P57 Biotin-Phthalocyanine Conjugates as a New Strategy for Targeted Photodynamic Therapy
Kutlu Tarakcı B. K., Atilla, D., Ahsen, V., Dumoulin, F.,
P56 Porphyrin-Chalcone Conjugates
Topkaya Taskiran D., Atilla, D., Bennis, K., Ducki, S., Ahsen, V., Dumoulin, F.,
P55 NIR Absorbing Photosensitising Phthalocyanines Functionalized for Click Chemistry
Kumru, U., Ahsen, V., Dumoulin, F.,
V. Ulusal Kataliz Kongresi, 23-26 Nisan 2014, Adana
P54 Sülfonamid Sübstitüe Demir Ftalosiyaninler: Kararlı, Potansiyel Oksidasyon Katalizörleri
Ü. İşçi, C. Caner, Y. Zorlu, A.G. Gürek, U.Kumru, F.Dumoulin, V. Ahsen ‘
I. Ulusal Organik Kimya Kongresi, 25-29 Ekim 2013, Sakarya, Turkey
P53 Taşkıran Topkaya D., Önal E., Tuncel S., Hirel C., Ducki S., Bennis K., Kandepedu N., Ahsen V.,
Dumoulin F. “Şalkon Konjuge Porfirin Türevleri”
15th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, 2-6 Eylül 2013, Liege - Belçika
P52 Molecular targeting and dual strategies for photosensitising phthalocyanines. Design and synthetic
F. Dumoulin and V. Ahsen
P51 Synthetic strategies for chalcone-porphyrin conjugates
D. Taşkıran Topkaya, S. Tuncel, E. Önal, K. Bennis, C. Hirel,V. Ahsen, S. Ducki, F. Dumoulin
Advanced Materials World Congress, 16-19 Eylül 2013, İzmir, Türkiye
P50 Tetrapyrrolic derivatives linked to resorcinarene cavitands
D. Topkaya Taşkıran, V. Ahsen, F. Dumoulin and Ü. İşci
P49 Phthalocyanine-aptamer conjugates: a strategy towards targeting photosensitisers for PDT
D. Topkaya Taşkıran, D. Atilla, R. S. Chouhan, V. Ahsen, J. H. Niazi, F. Dumoulin
P48 Functionalized Photosensitising Phthalocyanines Conjugated To Vitamins For An Increased Tumor Uptake
D. Kutlu Tarakcı, F. Dumoulin, V.Ahsen
The 28th Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association 25-29 August 2013, Warwick, United Kingdom
P47 Comparative X-ray structure analyses of 4,5- and 3,6-dialkylsulfanylphthalonitriles of different bulkiness
Y. Zorlu, Ü. İşçi, U. Kumru, F. Dumoulin, V. Ahsen
IUPAC 44th world chemistry congress, 11-16 August 2013, Istanbul - Turkey,
P46 Synthesis And Polymerization Reactions Of Thiophene - Porphyrin Conjugates For Photovoltaic Devices
B. Köroğlu, C. Hirel, E. Önal, V. Ahsen, T. Öztürk, F. Dumoulin
P45 Structure-Related, Experimental And Teoritical Investigations Of Various Substution Patterns On
Photoproperties Of Zinc (II) Phthalocyanines
S.Z. Topal, Ü. İşci, U. Kumru, D. Atilla, A. G. Gürek, C. Hirel, Y. Bretonniere, C. Andraud, M. Durmuş, J.B.Tommasino, D. Luneau, F. Dumoulin ve V. Ahsen
12th International Conference on Calixarenes (Calix 2013), July 14-17, 2013, Saint-John new Foundlands,
P44 Fluorescent Mono- and Tetra-Dansylated Cavitands: Synthesis and Acid Sensitivity
Ü. İşci, F. Dumoulin and Y. Zorlu
P43 Resorcinarene cavitands linked to phthalocyanines
Ü.İşci, D. Topkaya Taşkıran, V. Ahsen and F. Dumoulin
IV. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi, 30 Mai - 2 Juin 2013, Tokat, Turkey
P42 Porfirinler Üzerine Şalkon Yapılarının Bağlanması
D. Topkaya Taşkıran, E. Önal, S. Tuncel, C. Hirel, S. Ducki, K. Bennis, N. Kandepedu, V. Ahsen, F. Dumoulin
P41 Yakın Kızılötesi Absorpsiyon Yapan Suda Çözünebilir ve Işığa Duyarlı Kaynaşık (İkiz) Zn(II) Ftalosiyanin
D. Topkaya Taşkıran, V. Ahsen, F. Dumoulin
P40 Hedefli Fotodinamik Terapi İçin Biotin-Ftalosiyanin Konjügatları
D. Atilla, D. KutluTarakcı, S. Alpugan, Vefa Ahsen, F. Dumoulin
P39 Tetraazidoftalosiyanin üzerine alkinil tiyofenin kliklenmesi
M. E. Cinar, C. Vey, F. Aribi, M. Köç, Y. Zorlu, A. G. Gürek, Ve. Ahsen, F. Dumoulin and T. Öztük
P38 Çinko Ftalosiyaninlerin Fotofiziksel ve Fotokimyasal Özelliklerine Sübstitüent Etkisinin Deneysel ve Teorik
Olarak Araştırılması
S. Zehra Topal, Ü. İşci, U. Kumru, D. Atilla, A. G. Gürek, C. Hirel, Y. Bretonniere, C. Andraud, M. Durmuş, J.-B.
Tommasino, D. Luneau, F. Dumoulin, V. Ahsen
P37 1,4-Dihidroksilli Ftalosiyaninlerle İlgili Sentez Stratejileri
U. Kumru, Y. Zorlu, F. Dumoulin, V. Ahsen
P36 Oksidasyon Katalizörü Olarak Heteroleptik μ-Nitrido Demir Ftalosiyanin Tasarımı ve Sentezi
C.Caner, Ü. İşci, F. Dumoulin, V. Ahsen
P35 Farklı Büyüklükte Sülfonamid Bağlı Çinko Ftalosiyaninler: Sentez, Karakterizasyon ve Fotokimyasal
Ü. İşci, C. Caner, F. Dumoulin, A. Gül Gürek, M. Durmuş, V. Ahsen
P34 Heteroleptik μ-Nitrido Demir Ftalosiyaninler
Ü. İşci, F. Dumoulin, F. Albrieux, P. Afanasiev, V. Briois, V. Ahsen, A. B. Sorokin
P33 Non-periferal Oktasübstitüe Ftalosiyaninlerin Sentezi, Spektral Özellikleri ve Kristal Yapıları
Y. Zorlu, U.Kumru, Ü. İşçi, E. Jeanneau, Fa.Dumoulin, V. Ahsen
I. Ulusal Organik Kimya Kongresi, 25-29 Ekim 2013, Sakarya, Türkiye
P32 Şalkon Konjuge Porfirin Türevleri
D. Topkaya Taşkıran, E. Önal, S. Tuncel, C. Hirel, S. Ducki, K. Bennis, N. Kandepedu, V. Ahsen, F. Dumoulin
9th International Symposium on Photodynamic Therapy and Photodiagnosis in Clinical Practice coupled with
4th International Meeting EPPM European Platform for Photodynamic Medicine, October 16-20, 2012,
Brixen/Bressanone (South Tyrol, Italy)
P31 Glycerol substituted Zn(II) Phthalocyanines as photosensitizers for PDT treatment of cancer
Y.Chin, L. V. Kiew, L.Y. Chung, Y. Zorlu, V. Ahsen, F. Dumoulin, H. B. Lee, S. H. Lim
P30 Silica nanoparticles engineering. Strategies for conjugation onto photosensitising phthalocyanines and
size control
S. Alpugan, O.Oğuzhan, Ö. Malay, V. Ahsen, Y. Menceloğlu, Fi Dumoulin
P29 PEG and glycerol substituted phthalocyanines. Playing with chalcone antivascular or heavy atom effect
S. Tuncel, Y. Zorlu, Y. Chin, Hu. Savoie, J. Fournier-dit-Chabert, R. Logan, K. Bennis, A.Trivella, L. Delort, H.
Billard, F. Caldefie-Chézet, S. H. Lim, C. Richard, S. Ducki, H. B. Lee, R. W Boyle, Ve. Ahsen, F. Dumoulin
XXVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Muğla Üniversitesi - Turkey, 1-6 October 2012, Lykia World Ölüdeniz, Turquie
P28 Synthesis of Polymerizable Mono and Dihydroxy Substituted Phthalocyanine
S. Alpugan, F. Dumoulin, V. Ahsen
P27 A Light-Sensitive Phthalocyanine Functionalized With Amine Groups
M. Göksel, M. Durmuş, F. Dumoulın, D. Atılla, V. Ahsen
7th international conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, organisée par la Society of Porphyrins and
Phthalocyanines, July 1-6, 2012, ICC Jeju, Jungmun resort complex - South Korea
P26 Synthetic strategies to form side-chain polymers of double-decker phthalocyanines
F. Dumoulin, S. Alpugan, A. G. Gürek, V. Ahsen
P25 Homoleptic and Heteroleptic N-bridged Diiron Phthalocyanines
F. Dumoulin, U. Isci, V. Ahsen, P. Afanasiev, A. B. Sorokin
P24 Symmetric, twinned and double-decker phthalocyanines substituted by trialkylated pentaerythritol
M. Köç, F. Dumoulin, A. G. Gürek, V. Ahsen
48th International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry - 48èmes Rencontres Internationales de Chimie
Thérapeutique (RICT 2012) Interfacing Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery, Organisée par la Société
Francaise de Chimie Thérapeutique (SFCT) - French Society of Medicinal Chemistry, July 4-6, 2012, Poitiers,
P23 Synthesis of Phthalocyanine-Chalcone conjugates : towards dual photodynamic and anti-vascular agents
K. Bennis, N. Kandepedu, J. Fournier-dit-Chabert, L. Ribière, R. Logan, F. Dumoulin, S. Tuncel, V. Ahsen, C.
Richard A. Trivella and S. Ducki
3rd Turkish National Crystallographic Meeting TUCr2012, Organisée par la Turkish Crystallographic
Association, TUCr, 7-9 June 2012, Dokuz Eylul University Buca-İzmir-TURKEY
P22 4,5-, 3-6- and 3,4,5,6-tert-butylsulfanylphthalonitriles: Synthesis and Comparison of X-ray Crystal
Y. Zorlu, U. Kumru, F. Dumoulin, E. Jeanneau, F. Yüksel, Y. Cabezas, V. Ahsen
26èmes Journées Franco-belges de Pharmacochimie JFB 2012, Université d'Orléans, May 24-25, 2012,
Orléans, France
P21Synthesis of Phthalocyanine-Chalcone conjugates : towards dual photodynamic and anti-vascular agents
K. Bennis, N. Kandepedu, J. Fournier-dit-Chabert, L. Ribière, R. Logan, F. Dumoulin, S. Tuncel, V. Ahsen, C.
Richard A. Trivella and S. Ducki
26th Scientific Meeting of Malaysian Society of Pharmacology & Physiology, Malaysian Society of
Pharmacology & Physiology, May 18-20 2012, Equatorial Hotel, Penang Island, Malaysia
P20 Improved efficacy of modified Zn(II) Phthalocyanines as photosensitizers for PDT
Y. Chin, S. H. Lim, L. V. Kiew, L. Y. Chung, H. B. Lee, Y. Zorlu, V.Ahsen, F. Dumoulin
11th Royal Society of Chemistry - Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Meeting, 19-20 December 2011,
University of Bath, UK
P18 Supramolecular assemblies of magnetically active twinned and double-decker phthalocyanines
F. Dumoulin, A. G. Gürek, U. Kumru, D. Luneau and V. Ahsen
14th Congress of the European Society of Photobiology, 1-6 September 2011, Geneva, Switzerland
P17Towards the near-infra red absorption: a watersoluble non-peripherally octasulfanyl substituted Zn
D. Aydın Tekdaş, F. Dumoulin, M. Durmuş, A. G. Gürek and V. Ahsen
P16 Monoglycoconjugated Water-Soluble Phthalocyanines, Design, synthesis and investigation of their in vitro
Dumoulin. F, Savoie, H., Zorlu, Y., Lafont, D., Boyle, R. W., Ahsen, V.
25. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 27 Haziran - 2 Temmuz 2011, Erzurum, Turquie
P15 Manyetik Özellikli Homoleptik Sandviç Terbiyum(III) Ftalosiyanin Kompleksleri
A. G. Gürek, Fa. Dumoulin, E. Jeanneau, D. Luneau, V. Ahsen
P14 Potansiyel Fotosensitizer Amfifilik Ftalosiyaninlerin Tasarımı, Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu
M. Köç, F. Dumoulin, Vefa Ahsen
8th International Symposium on Photodynamic Therapy and Photodiagnosis in Clinical Practice, October 6-9,
2010, Brixen/Bressanone (South Tyrol, Italy)
P13 Variations on glycerol and carbohydrates substituted phthalocyanines
F. Dumoulin, Y. Zorlu, M. Köç, M. Durmuş, V. Ahsen, D. Lafont and R. W. Boyle
6th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 4-9 July 2010, Albuquerque, New MexicoUSA
P12 Influence of Bulkiness of Substituents on the Electronic State and Properties of N-bridged Diiron
U. Isci, F. Dumoulin, E. V. Kudrik, P. Afanasiev, J. M. M. Millet, V. Ahsen, A. B. Sorokin
Groupe Lyonnais des Glycosciences, Juin 2009, Lyon, France
P11 Synthèse de nouvelles phtalocyanines glycosylées par glycosylation directe ou par réaction de type click
M. A. Ermeydan, F. Dumoulin. D. Bouchu, V. Ahsen, D. Lafont
12th Frühjahrssymposium, Universität Göttingen, March 17th–20th, 2010, Universität Göttingen, Germany
P10 Comparative Studies of Photophysical and Photochemical Properties of Solketal Substituted Platinum (II)
and Zinc (II) Phthalocyanine Sets
Y. Zorlu, F. Dumoulin, M. Durmuş, V. Ahsen
XXIV. National Chemistry Congress, 29 Haziran-02 Temmuz 2010, Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi
Zonguldak, Turquie
P9 Hedefe Yönelik Solketal ve Gliserol Sübstitüe Simetrik ve Asimetrik Ftalosiyaninler
Y. Zorlu, F. Dumoulin, M. Durmuş, V. Ahsen, R. W. Boyle, D. Lafont, Y.Antonenko
P8 Potansiyel Fotosensitizer Solketal ve Gliserol Sübstitüe Ftalosiyaninlerin Dizaynı, Sentezi ve
M. Köç, F. Dumoulin, V. Ahsen
2nd Georgian Bay International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry (CanBIC-2009), May 26-29, 2009,
Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada
P7 An overview of the synthesis of water-soluble neutral Pcs
F. Dumoulin, D. Lafont, R.W. Boyle and V. Ahsen
7th International Symposium on Photodynamic Therapy and Photodiagnosis in Clinical Practice, October 7-11,
2008, Brixen/Bressanone (South Tyrol, Italy)
P6 Non-ionic galactose and glycerol-substituted Zn phthalocyanines: substituent effect on PDT activity
Y. Zorlu, F. Dumoulin, Ve.Ahsen and R.Boyle
5th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines ICPP-5, July 6-11, 2008, Russian Academy
of Science, Moscow, Russia
P5 Tetraethyleneglycol Substituted Zn (II) Phthalocyanines: A High Water-Solubility For Potential PDT Agents
S.Tuncel, F. Dumoulin And V. Ahsen
P4 Glycosylated amphiphilic phthalocyanines
M. A. Ermeydan, U. Kumru, Fa. Dumoulin, and V. Ahsen
P3 Non-ionic water-soluble phthalocyanines: remarkable effect of glycerol substitution
Y. Zorlu, F. Dumoulin, R. W. Boyle and V. Ahsen
XX Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 4-8 September 2006, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kayseri, Turkey
P2 Micro-Waves Assisted Dinitrilation And Phthalocyanines Synthesis
F. Dumoulin, C. Hirel, V. Ahsen
XIXèmes journées de Chimie et Biochimie des Glucides, Albé, France, Mai 2002
P1 Neogycolipides analogues de galactosylcéramides et étude de leurs propriétés cristal-liquides
F. Dumoulin, P. Boullanger, D. Lafont et J. W. Goodby

Benzer belgeler

Optimized synthesis and crystal growth by sublimation of 1,3,3

Optimized synthesis and crystal growth by sublimation of 1,3,3 Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for CrystEngComm. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014


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