“A cross-road for continents, cultures and early stage investors”


“A cross-road for continents, cultures and early stage investors”
EBAN 10th Annual Congress & 5th Awards Ceremony 2010
15/16 April 2010 | Istanbul | Turkey | http://congress2010.eban.org/
“A cross-road for continents, cultures and early stage
Final agenda
Day 1:
April 15 2010
Day 1 moderated by: Stuart Rock, Real Deals
Welcome from EBAN and Metutech
Brigitte Baumann, President of EBAN/Claire Munck, Managing Director EBAN
Prof. Ahmet Acar, President of METU and METUTECH BAN, TR
Key note speech- inspirational angel experience and Q&A
Jan Andresen, Business Angel (D)
Key information about Turkey and the Turkish start-up and BA scene
Tanıl Küçük ,Chairman, Istanbul Chamber of Industry
Nihat Ergün, Ministry of Industry & Trade of Turkey
Coffee break
What's hot and what's not: investment sectors of interest to early stage investors
What do LPs like to invest in?
Haluk Zontul, Teknoloji Yatırım Inc. (TR)
Sven Lingaerde, Endeavour Vision
Margus Uudam, Ambient Sound Investments (EE)
Frank Salzgeber, European Space Agency
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Moderated by: John Huston, Angel Capital Association (US)
Lunch including 6 prearranged affinity/networking tables animated by EBAN
Board Members
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Environmental and social
Medical devices
Cross border
Animated by Joseph de
Animated by ArneAnimated by Brigitte
Gheldere, Be Angels (B)
G. Hostrup, f.u.n.
Baumann, Go Beyond
nordbayern gmbh
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
New media/ICT Investing
Co-investment funds
Federations of
Animated by Philippe Gluntz, Animated by Paulo Andrez,
France Angels (FR)
Animated by Sergi
Mora, Accio (E)
Break-out 1:
Break-out sessions
Creating winning national ecosystems
Jochebed Heiland, Policy Adviser, Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs: Rationale behind
support to Dutch Federation in 2009 and key collaboration with government (NL)
Johannes Velling: Director of the department start-up and start-up financing, Ministry of
economics and technology (D)
José Romano, Istanbul Venture Capital Initiative and European Investment Fund
Antoni Abad, ESBAN (ES)
Moderator: Philippe Gluntz, France Angels (FR)
Break-out 2:
Collaboration between business angels and seed funds
Ziya Boyacigiller, Galata Business Angels (TR)
Malcolm Begemann, B.A.T. fund, (NL)
Wojciech Szapiel, Polish Investment Fund (PL)
Moderator: Arne-G. Hostrup, f.u.n. netzwerk nordbayern (D)
Break-out 3:
Cross border collaboration: networks and initiatives
Thierry Baujard, Media Deals
John May, Co-Chairman World Business Angels Association (WBAA)
Sally Goodsell, Finance South East, UK about Ready for Equity!2
Moderator: Jean-Marc Blankert, Go Beyond
Break-out 4:
How to get started - making your first investments
Valerio Caracciolo, Italian Angels for Growth (I)
Diane Roberts, HALO Ireland (IRL)
Dr. Wentz, Business Angel, Member of BAAR (D)
Moderator: Jacek Blonski, Lewiatan Business Angels (PL)
Break-out 5:
Higher Education Institutions and early stage investing
Guilhem Bertholet, HEC Angels (FR)
Jean-Philippe Lallement, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL (CH)
Fernando Zallo, ESADE (ES)
Moderator: Niko Slavnic, BAN Slovenia, Angel investor, Professor Advancia (SL)
Coffee break and participants go back to the main session room
Reporting from the moderators
Special presentation from EVCA: The changing face of VC in Europe
Hendrik Brandis, Managing partner at Earlybird Venture Capital, Chairman of EVCA’s
Venture Platform Council
What's hot in the market: transforming initiatives
Anthony Clarke, Chairman BBAA - UK Awareness campaign and latest statistics, UK
Matey Nedkov, Canadian Angel Capital Association - Co-investment summits including
at cross border level for business angels
Nicolas Fritz, General Manager France Angels – A federation as the engine and
catalyst behind the growth of the angel market
Sam Rosenbalm, Emerging Business Team, Microsoft – connecting the best BizSpark
start-ups to early stage investors
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Moderated by: Modwenna Rees-Mogg, Angel News (UK)
End of day 1
EBAN General Assembly - Elections of the new Board of Directors (for full EBAN
Shuttles leave hotel to the marina
On the boat - Cocktail
Award Ceremony - Dinner DRESS CODE: Black tie
Award Ceremony
Animator: Frank Peters, Frank Peters Show (Twitter: @FrankPetersShow)
Animation: TBA
End of the evening
Day 2
April 16 2010
Day 2 moderated by Modwenna Rees-Mogg, Angel News (UK)
Developing successful exit opportunities? Panel debate about future prospects
Helen Rodwell, Partner, CMS – Presentation of CMS European M&A Survey a rigorous
analysis of nearly 500 European M&A deals that CMS has worked on in 2007 and 2008,
offering a unique insight into European M&A deal culture.
Jeffrey Sohl, Initial Public Offerings and Pre-IPO Shareholders: Angels Versus Venture
Capitalists, Centre for Venture Research, (US)
Göktekin Dinçerler, Turkven, (TR)
X, Intel
Moderator: Modwenna Rees-Mogg, Angel News (UK)
Coffee break
Special BDO presentation about ongoing research on fiscal incentives and funds
Cristina Dias, BDO
Raising an early stage fund
Candace Johnson, Sophia BA and Success Europe, (FR)
Elbruz Yılmaz, Inovent, (TR)
Luis Filipe Costa, President of IAPMEI, (PT)
Uli Fricke, Triangle Ventures (D)
Moderated by: Sven Lingaerde, Endeavour Vision
One year after: angels reflect on their last investment year
Alphan Manas, Brightwell Holdings BV, Serial angel investor, (TR)
Ari Korhonen, Lagoon Capital, (FI)
Sasha Mirchandani, Co-founder Mumbai Angels, India
Fuat Sami, Lab-X (TR)
Moderated by: Frank Peters, Past Chairman Tech Coast Angels (Twitter:
Introduction to the next EBAN events (Winter University and Congress 2011)
Closing speeches and summing up
Buffet lunch (Table reserved for newly elected Board members)
Ready for Equity! Training for Angel Investors and Entrepreneurs
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