h. murat celik


h. murat celik
Professor of Urban Planning
Izmir Institute of Technology
Department of City and Regional Planning
Urla, Izmir Turkey 35437
(+90) (232) 750 7038
(+90) (533) 323 0436
Sep.97- Dec. 01
Ph. D. in City and Regional Planning.
The Ohio State University, Knowlton School of Architecture, Department of
City and Regional Planning, Columbus-Ohio.
Jan. 95 - Dec. 96
Master of Urban ( Transportation ) Planning.
The University of Kansas, School of Architecture and Urban Design,
Graduate Program in Urban Planning, Lawrence- Kansas.
Oct. 94 - Dec. 94
Non-Degree Advanced Level English and Orientation Course.
Louisiana State University, English Language and Orientation Program,
Baton Rouge- Louisiana.
Mar. 89 - Dec. 89
Master of City Planning.
Mimar Sinan University, Faculty of Architecture, City and Regional
Planning Department, Istanbul Turkey.
(Discontinued to work with City of Mersin as a planner and advisor to the
Sep. 83 - June 87
Bachelor of City Planning.
Mimar Sinan University, Faculty of Architecture, City and Regional
Planning Department, Istanbul Turkey.
Sep 11- Present
Professor of City and Regional Planning
Department Chair,
Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir Turkey
May 06-Sep 11
Associate Professor of City and Regional Planning
Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir Turkey
Jan. 02 – May 06
Assistant Professor of City and Regional Planning
Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir Turkey
Jan. 00- Dec. 01
Teaching and Research Assistant
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Aug. 96- May. 97
Research and Teaching Assistant
The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Feb 2011 – May 2011
Project Advisor
Hatay Provincial Logistics Strategic Plan, Hatay Chamber of Commerce
and DOĞAKA Development Agency.
Sep 2010 – Jan 2011
Project Advisor
Samsun Provincial Logistics Strategic Plan, Samsun Chamber of
Sep 09-March 2010
Project Coordinator
Ex-post Evaluation of 4. Levent-Ayazağa Metro Extension , tThe French
Development Agency.
Jul 08 – Mar 2009
Project Advisor
Mersin Provincial Logistics Strategic Plan, Mersin Chamber of Commerce
and Ministery of Foreign Trade
Aug 07 – Jul 2009
Project Supervisor and Advisor
Istanbul Transportation Master Plan Study, Istanbul Greater Municipality,
Istanbul Turkey
Jun. 05- Aug 07
Project Manager
Istanbul Transportation Master Plan Study, Istanbul Greater Municipality,
Istanbul Turkey
Jun. 96 - Aug. 96
Transportation (Intern) Planner.
City of Excelsior Springs, Missouri.
Apr. 91 - Aug. 94
Regional Planning Specialist.
Prime Ministry of Republic of Turkey, Southeastern Anatolia Project,
Regional Development Administration, Ankara
Jan. 90 - Apr. 91
City Planner and Advisor to Mayor.
City of Mersin, Turkey.
Aug. 89 - Dec. 89
City Planner and Urban Designer.
Iller 71 City Planning Office, Istanbul.
Apr. 88 - Jul. 89
Enlisted Artillery Officer.
Turkish Army.
Nov. 87 - Mar. 88
City Planner and Urban Designer.
Iller 71 City Planning Office, Istanbul.
Honor Student, Graduated first in his class from Mimar Sinan University.
Honor Student, Graduated first in his class from the University of Kansas.
Turkish Education Ministry Scholarship for study abroad for “Masters’ and
Ph.D. Studies”.
“Outstanding Student Award” of the American Institute of Certified
May 01
Ohio State University, Knowlton School of Architecture “Jerald Voss
“Determination of Optimum Environmental Conservation Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making
Techniques” with Türk E., European Planning Studies, 2011, 19(3): 479-499.
“Sample Size Needed for Calibrating Trip Distribution Models and Behavior of the Gravity Model”,
Journal of Transport Geography, 2010, 18:183-190
“Chaotic Structure Test and Predictability Analysis on Traffic Time Series in the City of Istanbul”,
Journal of Applied Functional Analysis, with Yankaya, U., M., Özdemir, S. ve Sevil, H. E., 2011, 6(2):
“Modeling Freight Distribution Using Artificial Neural Networks”, Journal of Transport Geography,
2004, 12: 141-148
“Forecasting Interregional Commodity Flows with Artificial Neural Networks: An Evaluation “,
Transportation Planning and Technology, 27/6: 449-467.
“Spatial Interaction Modeling of Interregional Commodity Flows”, with Jean-Michel Guldmann,
Socio-Economic Planning Science, 2007, 41,147-162.
“The Impact of Rail Transit Investment on the Residential Property Values in Developing Countries:
the Case of Izmir Subway, Turkey” with Ugur Yankaya, Property Management, 24/4: 369-382.
“Detection of Urban Change Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Izmir Case” in Urban and Regional
Data Management, UDMS Annual 2007 – Coors, Rumor, Fendel and Zlatanoca (eds.), with Tarhan,
C., Arkon, C., Gumustekin, S. and Tecim, V. p. 57-72, 2008 Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK,
ISBN: 978-0-415-44059-2 (hbk), ISBN: 978-0-203-93194-2 (e-book)
“Türkiye’de Batı Tarzı Büyük Ölçekli Tüketim Mekanlarının Gelişimi ve Kentsel Perakende
Alanlarının Yasal ve Yapısal Olarak Düzenlenmesi”with Kompil, M., 2009, Megaron, 4/2:90-100.
“Lojistik Sektör Planlaması, Organize Lojistik Bölgeleri ve Mersin Kenti Lojistik Planı”, Planlama,
2009, 45:13-19.
“The Turkish Planning System in the World Planning Theory and Its Bottlenecks”, Magazine of
Turkish Planners’ Chamber, 2003/4, 93-105
“İzmir Metrosunun Konut Fiyatları Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Hedonik Fiyat Yöntemi ile Modellenmesi”,
(Modeling the Impact of Izmir Subway on the Housing Values with Hedonic Price Model) , Dokuz
Eylül Üniversity, IIBF Magazine 20/2, 61-79 with Ugur Yankaya .
“Sustainable Transportation and Transportation Problem of Turkish Cities”, presented at Izmir City
Symposium, January 8-10, 2009, Izmir.
“Detection of Urban Change Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Izmir Case” with Tarhan, C., Arkon, C.,
Celik, Gumustekin, S. and Tecim, V. in 26th Urban Data Management Society 2007, StuttgartGermany, October 9-12 2007.
“Türkiye’de Perakendecilik Sektöründeki Yaşanan Değişim ve Büyük Ölçekli Tüketim Mekanlarının
Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Mekansal Yapıya Etkileri”, with Mert Kompil, Working Paper included in the
Panel CD-ROM, 14 December 2006, İzmir Chamber of Craftsmen and Artisans (IESOB) and İzmir
Chamber of Commerce (IZTO), Hilton Hotel, İzmir- Turkey.
“Analyzing the Retail Structure Change of Izmir-Turkey: Integrative and Disintegrative Aspects of
Large-Scale Retail Developments” with Mert Kompil, İsoCarp 2006 Congress, Yildiz University
İstanbul Turkey.
“Modeling the spatial consequences of retail structure change of Izmir Turkey: A Quasi-Empirical
Application of Spatial Interaction Model“ with Mert Kompil, Ecomod International Conference on
Regional and Urban Modeling, June 1-3 2006, Brussels.
“Modeling the Impacts of Rail Transit Investment on the Values of Residential Property: A Hedonic
Price Approach in the Case of Izmir Subway, Turkey “ with Ugur Yankaya, Ecomod International
Conference on Regional and Urban Modeling, June 1-3 2006, Brussels.
“Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in City and Regional Planning: Case of Urla and Balçova with
Omur Saygın et al, Presented at 3rd GIS Days of Turkey, 6-9 October 2005, Fatih University, Istanbul.
“Spatial Interaction Modeling of Interregional Commodity Flows”, with Jean-Michel Guldmann,
Presented at 42nd Congress of European Regional Science Association, Aug, 2002 Dortmund,
“İmarda Yolsuzluk Biter mi?” (Does Corruption Ever End in Planning), Taraf, February 23, 3009.
“Mersin Lojistik Sektörü Strateji Planı” ( Mersin Logistics Sector Strategic Plan), Ipek Yolu, 2008 (5),
22-24, Mersin.
-Transportation Planning, Traffic Engineering, Logistics and Logistics Management
-Operations Research (Static and Dynamic Optimization)
-Forecasting and Simulation (Statistical Analysis, Decision Theory, and Econometrics)
-Economic Planning and Engineering Economics (Regional Economics, Transportation Economics,
International Development, Urban Economic Theory, Real Estate Economics, and Consequence
Analysis of Engineering Investments)
-Planning Theory and Political Philosophy
-Physical Planning and Information Technology (Remote Sensing and GIS)
-Environmental Planning and Sustainable Development
Transportation Planning (Undergraduate and Graduate Level)
Introduction to Operations Research (Graduate Level)
Statistics (Undergraduate level)
Statistical Analysis, Modeling and Simulation (Graduate Level)
Quantitative Methods for Planners (Undergraduate Level)
Financial Analysis and Engineering Economics (Graduate Level)
Cost Benefit Analysis (Graduate Level)
Urban and Regional Economics (Undergraduate Level)
Real Estate Economics (Undergraduate Level)
Energy Economics and Managements (Graduate Level)
Introduction to Econometrics and Modeling (Graduate Level)

Benzer belgeler


09-10 Himmet Karaman - İTÜ GEOMATİK MÜHENDİSLİĞİ B-12. Şahin, M., Karaman, H., “Development of GIS Based Loss Estimation Program for Turkey”, Modern Technologies, Education and Professional Practice in Geodesy and Related Fields, Sofia, Bulgary, ...


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nursen kaya

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