Prof. Dr. Kadriye BAKIRCI - Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi


Prof. Dr. Kadriye BAKIRCI - Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi
Professor Kadriye BAKIRCI, PhD.
Professor of Labour and Social Security Law
Hacettepe Universitesi (Hacettepe University)
Hukuk Fakultesi (Faculty of Law)
06800 Beytepe
0090 312 297 62 76
International, European Union and Turkish Labour and Social Security Law;
Public Personnel Law;
Occupational Health and Safety Law;
Non-Discrimination and Equality in Employment;
Human Rights of Working Women;
Protection of the Rights of the Child and Young Workers,
Rights of Disabled Workers.
LLB: Istanbul University Law Faculty
LLM: Istanbul University Law Faculty
PhD: Istanbul University Law Faculty
London University, The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (1992-1993).
London University, The London School of Economics and Political Science, Law
Department (1995-1996).
London University, The London School of Economics and Political Science, Law
Department (2001-2002).
Cambridge University, School of Law, Centre for European Law Studies (2005-2006).
Cambridge University, School of Law, Centre for European Law Studies (2007).
Stockholm University, Faculty of Law (2010-2011).
Stockholm University, Faculty of Law (2011-2012).
Cambridge University, School of Law, Centre for European Law Studies (2013).
Cambridge University (2013).
Vehbi Koc Foundation (1992-1993).
London University, The London School of Economics and Political Science (1995-1996).
The British Council (2001-2002).
Istanbul Technical University (2001-2002).
The Swedish Institute (2010-2011).
The Swedish Institute (2011-2012).
Turkish Higher Education Board (2013).
Member of Education Committee, Hacettepe University (2014-…)
Member of the Advisory Committee for Disability Research and Application Center,
Hacettepe University (2014-…)
Member of the the Council for Women's Studies Research and Application Center ,
Hacettepe University (2014-…)
Member of Institute of Social Sciences’ Committee, Hacettepe University (2013-…).
Member of the Council of Research and Application Centre for Health and Safety and
Occupational Diseases, Hacettepe University (2012-…).
Head of Private Law Department, Hacettepe University Law Faculty (2012-…)
Head of Labour and Social Security Law Division, Hacettepe University Law Faculty
Member of Executive Committee, Hacettepe University Law Faculty (2012-…)
Member of Faculty Council, Hacettepe University Law Faculty (2012-…)
Member of Law Faculty’s Bologna Committee, Hacettepe University Law Faculty
Member of Law Faculty’s Education Committee, Hacettepe University Law Faculty
Founding Member and Member of the Advisory Committee of Women’s Studies Centre
in Science, Engineering and Technology (WSC in SET), Istanbul Technical University
Coordinator of the Employee-Employer Relations Commission, Istanbul Technical
University (2006-2009).
Coordinator of the Civil Servants’ Commission, Istanbul Technical University (20052009).
Coordinator of the Library of Istanbul Technical University Management Faculty
Member of the Library Committee of Istanbul Technical University Management Faculty
Member of Istanbul Technical University Management Faculty’s Council (1998-1999).
Member of Istanbul Technical University Management Faculty’s Executive Committee
and Faculty Council (1998-1999).
Elected representative of Istanbul Technical University Management Faculty’s research
assistants (1998-1999).
Member of Istanbul Technical University’s Board of Governors (1998-1999).
(During this period my most important initiative was my proposal to allow female
students to enter the Maritime Faculty of Istanbul Technical University. My
proposal was accepted by the University governing body and it was decided that
female students should be allowed to enter the Maritime Faculty for the first time
in 1999. The faculty was established in 1884).
Member of Istanbul Technical University’s Senate (1998-1999).
Elected representative of Istanbul Technical University’s research assistants (1998-1999).
Duties within the Governance of Istanbul and the Governance of Beyoglu District:
Member of the Human Rights Board of Governance of Istanbul (2003-2010).
Member of the Human Rights Board of Governance of Beyoglu District (2008-2010).
Duties at the Turkish Ministry of Employment and at the Prime Ministry:
Gave law seminars to Bulgarian immigrants for the Ministry of Labour and Social
Security (1991).
Worked for the Turkish Prime Ministry as a draft legislator of the Public Workers Act
(April 2003-July 2003).
International Society for Labour Law and Social Security.
The Association for International and Comparative Studies in Labour Law and Industrial
Socio-Legal Studies Association (2006-2007).
Istanbul Technical University, Management Faculty (Undergraduate).
Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences (Graduate)
Istanbul Bilgi University, Institute of Social Sciences (Graduate)
Dogus University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Undergraduate).
Yildiz University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Undergraduate).
London University, The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (LLB) (2003).
Cambridge University, MPhil Programme in Development Studies (MA) (2007).
Anglia Ruskin University, School of Law (LLB/LLM) (2010).
Eastern Mediterranean University, Law Faculty (Northern Cyprus/LLB).
Stockholm University, Law Faculty (LLM) (2012).
Books in Turkish:
Bakirci, K./ O.Karadeniz/ H.Yilmaz./ E.N.Lewis/ N.Durmaz, Women in the World of
Work, Volume 2, Turkonfed Yayini, Istanbul 2014.
Bakirci, K. Searching for Gender Equality and the Non-Discrimination Principle Based
on Gender in Employment in International, European Union, United States and Turkish
Law, Seckin Yayinlari, Ankara, June 2012.
Bakirci, K. Exceptions and Objective Justifications for Sex Discrimination in
Employment in International, European Union, United States and Turkish Law, Seckin
Yayinlari, Ankara 2012.
Bakirci, K. /Ecevit Y./Nyberg, Anita/ Silvera, R./Plantenga, J./ Beneria et al./Beng, I./
Matarozzo et al., Towards Gender Equality in the Labour Market: The Policies for
Reconciliation of Family and Working Life (Ed. I. Ilkkaracan), Metis Yayini, Istanbul
Kaboglu, İ. O. / Y. Aliefendioglu, A. U. Azrak / I. Kucuradi / M. Gulmez / S. Inceoglu /
S. Yokus / K. Bakirci/ A. Sezer / T. Ozyavuz / F. Ilkiz / N. Okcan. The Principles of A
Constitution for Freedom, Equality and Social Democracy, DISK Yayinlari, April 2009.
Budak, G / Ozkaya, M./ Yılmaz, H./ Karadeniz, O. / Bakirci, K. Women in the World of
Work, Turkonfed Yayini, Istanbul 2007 .
Bakirci, K. The Protection of the Rights of the Child and Young Employees in
International, Regional and Turkish Law, Beta Yayini, Istanbul 2004.
Bakirci, K. Sexual Harassment in Employment Law, Yasa Yayinlari, Istanbul 2000.
Eyrenci, O./K. Bakirci, Home-Workers in Turkey and in the World, ITO Yayini, Istanbul
2000 (with).
Bakirci, K. Contracted Workers, Kazanci Kitap Ticaret Co., Istanbul 1992.
Books in English:
Bakirci, K./Ritchie G. International and European Documents on Child and Young
Workers and Modern Forms of Child Slavery, Unibook, USA, 2010.
Chapters in English Books:
Bakirci, K. “Migrant Women”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World, Second
Edition (eds. Z. Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, February 2013.
Bakirci, K. “Refugee Women”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World, Second
Edition (eds. Z. Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, February 2013.
Bakirci, K. “Immigrant Rights, as Women’s Issue”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s
World, Second Edition (eds. Z. Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA,
February 2013.
Bakirci, K. “Labour Union (Women’s Participation in)”, Encyclopedia of Women in
Today’s World, Second Edition (eds. Z. Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication,
USA, February 2013.
Bakirci, K. “Domestic Workers”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, Vol. 1 (eds.
Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Health Insurance Issues”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, Vol. 2
(eds. Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Homemakers and Social Security”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's
World, Vol. 2 (eds. Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March
Bakirci, K. “Parental Leave”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, Vol. 3 (eds.
Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Parental Leave Act”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, Vol.3
(eds. Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Part-time Work”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, Vol. 3 (eds.
Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Rural Women”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, Vol. 3 (eds.
Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Sexual Orientation Based Social Discrimination: Outside United States”,
Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World (eds. Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage
Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Gender Quotas in Government”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World,
Vol. 2 (eds. Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Indigenous Women’s Issues”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World,
Vol.2 (eds. Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Sexual Orientation Based Violence: Outside United States”, Encyclopedia of
Women in Today's World (eds. Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA,
March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Voting Rights”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, Vol. 4 (eds.
Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Women in Business: Overview”, Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World,
Vol. 1 (eds. Z.Stange/C.K.Oyster/J.E.Sloan), Sage Publication, USA, March 2011.
Bakirci, K. “Smoking and the Workplace: Turkey”, Bulletin of Comparative Labour
Relations-54: Smoking and the Workplace (ed.Roger Blanpain), Kluwer Law
International, The Hague/ London/ New York, 2005.
Chapters in Turkish Books:
Bakirci, K. “Social Rights in the Constitutions of 1961 and 1982 and in the Draft
Constitution of 2007”, Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Aliefendioglu’na Armagan (Eds. F.Hakan
Baykal/ Ibrahim O. Kaboglu/ Nihal Saban), Yetkin Yayim Basim Dagitim, Ankara 2009.
Bakirci, K. “Working Life and Trade Unions”, Yeni Toplum Yeni Siyaset: Kuresellesme
Caginda Sosyal Demokrat Yaklasimlar, TUSES ve SODEV Yayini, Istanbul, Nisan
2008; “Same Edition”, Sosyal Demokrasi Notlari: Toplumsal Baskaldiriyi Zorlayan
Esitsizlikler Konusunda, TUSES, SODEV ve Kalkedon Yayini, Istanbul 2013.
Bakirci, K. “University Workers: Psychological Violence and Mobbing at the
Universities”, Donusturulen Universiteler ve Egitim Sistemimiz (Eds.S.Akyol/
M.K.Coskun/ Z.Yilmaz/ M.B.Aydin/ R.Altunpolat), Egitim-Sen Yayinlari, Ankara 2008.
Bakirci, K. “Discrimination Against Child and Young Employees in Turkish Law”, Cahit
Talas Anisina Guncel Sosyal Politika Tartismalari (Yay.Haz.Berrin Ceylan Ataman),
Ankara Universitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi Yayin No.595, Ankara 2007.
Bakirci, K. “Sexual Harassment of Working Women in the United Kingdom”, Nuri
Celik’e Armagan, Beta Publishing Company, Istanbul 2001 (in English).
Bakirci, K. “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Suggestions for Protection by
Turkish Law”, Turhan Esener’e Armagan, Kamu-Is, Ankara 2000.
Bakirci, K. “Trade Union Elections”, Turkiye Sendikacilik Ansiklopedisi, C.3, Tarih
Vakfi Yayini, Istanbul 1998.
Bakirci, K. “The Right to Organise”, Turkiye Sendikacilik Ansiklopedisi, C.2, Tarih
Vakfi Yayini, Istanbul 1998.
Bakirci, K. “ILO Convention Concerning Termination of Employment at the Initiative of
the Employer (No.158)”, Turkiye Sendikacilik Ansiklopedisi, C.2, Tarih Vakfi Yayini,
Istanbul 1998.
Articles in Turkish:
Bakirci, K. “An Evaluation of Subcontracting Under Constitutional Law”, Leges Is ve
Sosyal Guvenlik Hukuku Dergisi, Yil: 1, Ocak-Mart 2014.
Bakirci, K. “Do Women Equal Citizens in Relation to Right to Work”, Toprak Isveren
Dergisi, Sayi: 101, Mart 2014.
Bakirci, K. “Transfer of Undertakings and Relations Between Employers and SubContractors Thereof”, Sicil Is Hukuku Dergisi, S.18, Haziran 2010.
Bakirci, K. “The Public Mechanisms for Protection of Human Rights”, Eurobirlik, S.49,
Ocak 2009.
Bakirci, K. “Can Domestic Violence be Adressed by the Labour Law Mechanisms”,
Calisma ve Toplum Dergisi, Mart 2009.
Bakirci, K.”Violence Against Children in the Workplace”, Guncel Hukuk Dergisi, Nisan
2008/ 4-52.
Bakirci, K. “Ethics in the Workplace”, Guncel Hukuk Dergisi, Aralik 2008.
Bakirci, K. “ The Evaluation of the Constitutional Court Decision Related to Severance
Pay for the Newly Married Women”, Sicil Is Hukuku Dergisi, Yil:3, S.12, Aralik 2008.
Bakirci, K. “Child Sexual Exploitation: Child Prostitution and Pornography”, Guncel
Hukuk Dergisi, Ocak 2007/1.
Bakirci, K. “Intervention of Judges to the Autonomy of Collective Bargaining”, Sicil Is
Hukuku Dergisi, S.5, Mart 2007.
Bakirci, K. “Domestic Violence in International, European and Turkish Law”, Guncel
Hukuk Dergisi, Eylul 2007.
Bakirci, K. “Gender Equality in Employment and the Necessary Reforms in Legislation
and Public Policy”, Sicil Is Hukuku Dergisi, S. 8, Aralık 2007.
Bakirci, K. “Family Allowances in Turkish Social Security Law”, Hukuk ve Adalet,
Yil:2, S.8, Nisan 2006.
Bakirci, K. “Employment Security Provisions of Turkish Labour Act and the
Relationship Between Abusive Compensation and Discriminatory Compensation”, Sicil
Is Hukuku Dergisi, S.2, Haziran 2006.
Bakirci, K. “The Historical Mistake of the ILO: Convention No.182 Article 3”, Toprak
Isveren, S.70, Haziran 2006.
Bakirci, K. “The Protection of Home-Workers and Related Legislation in the World”,
Iktisat Dergisi, S.430, Ekim 2002.
Bakirci, K. “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and the Draft Turkish Criminal Code”,
Istanbul Barosu Dergisi, S.1, Mart 2001.
Bakirci, K. “The Liability of Employers for the Acts of Third Persons”, Cimento Isveren,
C.14, S.3, Mayis 2000.
Bakirci, K. “Case Notes on an Unfair Dismissal”, Cimento Isveren, C.9, S.5, Temmuz
Bakirci, K. “Case Notes on An Employee’s Pay Claim”, Is Hukuku Dergisi, C.III, S.4,
Ekim-Aralik 1993.
Bakirci, K. “The Evaluation of the Constitutional Court Decision Related to Act No.399”,
Is Hukuku Dergisi, C.II, S.1, Ocak-Mart 1992.
Bakirci, K. “Working Time and Overtime in Maritime Labour Law”, Is ve Hukuk, Yil:
26, S.212-213, Mart-Nisan 1991.
Bakirci, K. “Wages in Press Labour Law”, Istanbul Barosu Dergisi, C.65, S.7-8-9, 1991.
Bakirci, K. “Compensation Claims for Work Related Deaths Submitted by Relatives’
Employees”, Kamu-Is, C.3, S.1, Temmuz 1991.
Bakirci, K. “Contracted Workers under the Act No. 399”, Istanbul Barosu Dergisi, C.64,
S.10-11-12, 1990.
Articles in English and French:
Bakirci, K. “Gender Equality in Employment in Turkish Legislation with Comparisons to
EU and International Law”, Journal of Workplace Rights, Vol.15, No.1-2, 2010-2011.
Bakirci, K. “Human Trafficking and Forced Labour: A Criticism of the International
Labour Organisation”, Journal of Financial Crime, Vol.16, No.2, 2009.
Bakirci, K. “Lingerence des juges dans l’autonomie collective. A propose de deux arrets
de la Cour de cassation turque”, Revue de Droit du Travail, menseul-no 4-avril 2007.
Bakirci, K. “Child Pornography and Prostitution- Is This Crime or Work That Should Be
Regulated”, Journal of Financial Crime, Vol.14, Number 1, 2007.
Bakirci, K. “Protection of Women Employees Before and After Childbirth in Turkish
Employment Law”, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial
Relations, Volume 22, Issue 4, December 2006.
Bakirci, K. “Unfair Dismissal in Turkish Employment Law”, Employee Responsibilities
and Rights Journal, Volume 16 (Issue: 2), June 2004.
Bakirci, K. “Child Labour and Legislation in Turkey”, The International Journal of
Children’s Rights, Volume 10, No.1, 2002.
Bakirci, K. “Remedies Against Sexual Harassment of Employees Under Turkish Law”,
European Public Law, Issue 3, September 2001.
Bakirci, K. “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Relation to EC Legislation”,
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, Vol.3, No.1, 1998.
Papers in Turkish:
Bakırcı, K. “Which Employment/Labour Law? Family Friendly or Women Friendly?”, Is
a Different Family Concept Possible, Heinrich Boell Stiftung Turkei, Istanbul, 9.11.2013.
Bakirci, K. “Prohibition to Employ Women for Heavy and Dangerous Work and
Women’s Employment (in Turkey)”, TMMOB Kadin Muhendis, Mimar ve Sehir
Plancilari Kurultayi (21-22 Kasim 2009), TMMOB Kadin Kurultayi Sonuc Bildirgesi ve
Kararlar, TMMOB, Istanbul 2009.
Bakirci, K. “A Legislative Type of Discrimination: Harassment and Discrimination in the
Draft Obligations Act”, Is Mufettisleri Dernegi II. Calisma Yasami Kongresi (26-27
Nisan 2008) Tartisma ve Panel Notlari, Is Mufettisleri Dernegi, Ankara, 2008.
Bakirci, K. “Home-Workers Under the Draft Obligations Act”, 10. Çalışma Ekonomisi
ve Endüstri İlişkileri Kongresi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi, 23-25 Mayıs 2008.
Bakirci, K. “Social Rights in the Draft Turkish Constitution”, Istanbul Universitesi
Sosyal Bilimler Fakultesi, Sosyal Haklari Yeniden Dusunmek Semineri, 9 Ocak 2008,
IUSBF, Istanbul (yayimlanacak).
Bakirci, K. “Violence and Violence Against Working Children”, Ankara Barosu Hukuk
Kurultayi 7-11 Ocak 2008, Ankara (yayimlanacak).
Bakirci, K. “Social Rights of Working Women in the Draft Turkish Constitution”,
Eğitim-Sen Eğitim ve Bilim İşkolunda Çalışan Kadınların Sosyal Hakları ve İş
Güvencesi Sempozyumu 12-13 Ocak 2008, Eğitim-Sen Yayınları, Ankara 2008.
Bakirci, K. “Health and Safety of Women Employees and Discrimination”, Calisma
Yasaminda Kadin Muhendisler, Mimarlar ve Sehir Plancilari, TMMOB Istanbul Il
Koordinasyon Kurulu Kadin Komisyonu, 8 Mart Dünya Emekci Kadinlar Gunu Paneli
(Harita Muhendisi Gulseren Yurttas Anisina, 1.3. 2008), Istanbul 2008.
Bakirci, K. “Health and Safety of Child and Young Employees in International, European
and Turkish Law”, TMMOB Makina Muhendisleri Odasi IV. Is Sagligi ve Guvenligi
Kongresi 20-21 Nisan 2007 Adana, TMMOB Makina Muhendisleri Odasi Yayini, Adana
Bakirci, K. “The Protection of Young Employees in Construction”, TMMOB Insaat
Muhendisleri Odasi Ankara Subesi Is Sagligi ve Guvenligi Sempozyumu 5-6 Ekim 2007,
Bildiriler Kitabi, TMMOB Insaat Muhendisleri Odasi Ankara Subesi Yayini, Ankara
Bakirci, K. “The Reform of the Public Personnel Regime”, Yasal Degişim Surecinde
Insan, Toplum, Cevre, Kent ve Mimarlik, TMMOB Mimarlar Odasi Istanbul Buyukkent
Subesi, 2006.
Bakirci, K. “Child and Young Workers in International, European and Turkish Law”,
Istanbul Barosu Cocuk Iscilerin Dunu Bugunu Yarini Sempozyumu, Istanbul, 21-22
Nisan 2006, İstanbul Barosu Yayini, Istanbul 2006.
Bakirci, K. “Final Declaration of the Symposium on Past, Present and Future of Child
Employees”, Istanbul Barosu Cocuk Iscilerin Dunu Bugunu Yarini Sempozyumu,
Istanbul, 21-22 Nisan 2006, İstanbul Barosu Yayini, Istanbul 2006.
Bakirci, K. “Human Rights of Women Employees”, Ankara Barosu Hukuk Kurultayi, 3-7
Ocak 2006, Ankara.
Bakirci, K. “The Legal Situation of Disabled Women in Employment”, Engelli
Kadinlarin Sorunlari ve Cozumleri Sempozyumu, Kocaeli 29-30 Nisan 2005, Turkiye
Sakatlar Dernegi Kocaeli Subesi, Avrupa Komisyonu Turkiye Delegasyonu, Altinokta
Korler Dernegi Kocaeli Subesi, Haziran 2005.
Bakirci, K. “The Draft Public Workers Act and the Distinction Between Employees,
Civil Servants and Contracted Workers”, Turk Sosyal Bilimler Dernegi 8.Ulusal Sosyal
Bilimler Kongresi (3-5 Aralik 2003), ODTU Kultur ve Kongre Merkezi, Ankara.
Bakirci, K. “The Evaluation of the Court of Cassation Decisions in Relation to Unfair
Dismissal and Severance Pay for the Year of 2002”, Is Hukuku ve Sosyal Guvenlik
Hukuku Turk Milli Komitesi’nin Yargıtay’in 2002 Yili Kararlarinin Degerlendirilmesi
Semineri (16-17 Ekim 2003), Kamu-Is Yayini, Ankara 2004.
Bakirci, K. “The Suggestions for the Protection of the Privatised Enterprises’ Workers”,
TC Basbakanlik Devlet Personel Baskanligi ve Turk Agir Sanayii ve Hizmet Sektoru
Kamu Isverenleri Sendikası’nin Turkiye’de Kamu Personel Rejiminin Yeniden
Yapilandirilmasi Sempozyumu, TUHIS Yayini, Ankara 2003.
Bakirci, K. “The Impact of an Earthquake on Employment Contracts”, Istanbul Barosu
Yayinlari, Istanbul 2000.
Bakirci, K. “The Harmonisation of Turkish Constitution with the ILO Convention
No.151”, Galatasaray Universitesi ve Istanbul Barosu’nun Turkiye’de Sendikal
Orgutlenme, Uluslararasi Dayanaklari, Uygulamasi ve Sorunlari Semineri, Istanbul 1999
(with F.Saglam).
Bakirci, K. “The International Sources for Freedom of Association and the
Harmonization of Turkish Law”, Galatasaray Universitesi ve Istanbul Barosu’nun
Turkiye’de Sendikal Orgutlenme, Uluslararasi Dayanaklari, Uygulamasi ve Sorunlari
Semineri, Istanbul 1999 (with O.Eyrenci).
Papers in English:
Bakirci, K. “Termination of Employment Contract “, The Socio-Legal Studies
Association Annual Conference 2006, Hosted by the School of Law, University of
Stirling, 28-30 March 2006.
Bakirci, K. “Occupational Risks: Social Protection and Employers’ Liability in Turkish
Employment Law”, The XVIIIth World Congress of Labour and Social Security Law,
Paris, 5-8 September 2006
Bakirci, K. “Family Allowances in Turkish Social Security Law”, The VIIIth European
Congress of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law, Bologna
(Italy), 20-23 September 2005.
Bakirci, K. “How Sexual Harassment of Employees Is Treated Under Turkish Law”,
Symposium Organised by Berlin Technical University and Istanbul Technical University,
Istanbul, 12 November 1999.
Bakirci, K. /Uygur G./ Yalcin Sancar T. The International, European and Turkish
Legislation on Violence Against Women in the Domestic Sphere, The Research Project
for the Turkish Prime Ministry, Department of Women’s Status (2007).
Tímea Drinóczi/ Mirela Župan/ Zsombor Ercsey/ Mario Vinković (eds.), Contemporary
Legal Challenges: EU – Hungary – Croatia, Published by Faculty of Law, University of
Pécs (Hungary) and Faculty of Law, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek (Croatia),
University J. J. Strossmayer Law Faculty Quarterly Journal of Law and Social Sciences.
Updated on June 2014.

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