
Name: Fatma KALPAKLI
Cultural Studies, Post/Colonial Studies, Cultural Psychology, Anglo-American Culture,
Multiculturalism, Environmental Studies, Environment and Literature, Ecocriticism, Gender
Studies, Women Studies, Subaltern Studies, Race and Ethnicity, Colonial/Postcolonial Studies,
Cultural Psychology, Human Rights.
2010-2011 The University of Chicago (Postdoctorate)
2002-2008 Hacettepe University (PhD in British Cultural Studies)
PhD Dissertation: “Contrasting Approaches towards Indian Nationalism in Mary Margaret
Kaye’s Shadow of the Moon (1957), James Gordon Farrell’s The Siege of Krishnapur (1973) and
Zadie Smith’s White Teeth (2000)”.
2002-2000 Selçuk University (MA in English Language and Literature).
MA Thesis: “Elizabeth Gaskell’s Questioning of the Victorian Attitude towards Class and
Gender: North and South and Cranford”
Hacettepe University BA in English Language and Literature
(General GPA: 3.12/ 4, ( the 6th highest grade in top ten)
Gaziosmanpaşa Anatolian High School (GPA: 4.31/5)
19 Mayıs Secondary School (Top student)
Karahanlılar Primary School
Kalpaklı, Fatma. British Novelists and Indian Nationalism (PhD Dissertation). Bethesda:
Academica Press, 2009.
1) “Coming Up for Nostalgia: Escape from the Present, Sheltered in the Past,” 2007 Unesco
Mevlana Yılında Uluslararası VII. Dil, Yazın, Deyişbilim Sempozyumu-Bildiri Kitabı II.
(Linguistics Symposium-UNESCO Mevlana’s Year-Proceedings II). 2-5 May 2007.
2) “The Reflections of Victorian Culture and Victorian Gender Roles on Elizabeth Gaskell’s
Cranford,” (presented from MA Thesis) International Conference-Building Cultural Bridges:
Integrating Languages, Linguistics, Literature and Translation into Education. Almaty:
Suleyman Demirel University of Kazakhstan, Faculty of Philology. 24-25 April 2009. 40-46.
3) “The Concept of National Hero/Traitor in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth,”(abridged from PhD
Dissertation) First International BAKEA Conference: Hero(ine). Pamukkale University. 7-9
October 2009.
4) “Postcolonialism and Achebe’s Anthills of Savannah”, IJAS-Congress of International
Journal of Science. American University of Rome. 29 October, 2013.
5) “A Comparative Study of Sons and Mothers in Hamlet and Creating a Man / Hamlet’te ve Bir
Adam Yaratmak’da Anne Oğul İlişkilerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Bakış” International Symposium
on Necip Fazıl Kısakürek/ Uluslararası Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Sempozyumu. 21 May 2013,
Konya. Konya Büyükşehir Yayınları.
1)“Coming Up for Equality-the Question of Women in Orwell’s Coming Up for Air” Hacettepe
University-Journal of British Culture and Literature. October 2007. 45-55.
2) “Selvon and Multicultural London”, Uluslarası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi- The Journal of
International Social Research. Volume: 1 Issue:3 Spring 2008. 244-250.
3) “Images of English Women in The Siege of Krishnapur” (abridged from PhD Dissertation)
Selçuk University-Journal of Faculty of Letters. July 2009.
4) “The Failure of the Concept of the White Man’s Burden in James Gordon Farrell’s The Siege
of Krishnapur” (abridged from PhD Dissertation) Uluslarası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi-The
Journal of International Social Research. Volume: 2 Issue:9 Fall 2009. 210-215.
5) “Gaskell's Questioning of the Victorian Class System in North and South” (abridged from
MA thesis) Institute of Social Sciences, Giresun University. Journal of Blacksea Institute of
Social Sciences. Spring 2010 Year:2 Issue: 2 1-15. Ankara: Ümit Publishing House, 2010.
6) “Women and Colonialism in The Mimic Men” Journal of Institute of Social Sciences,
Pamukkale University. “Women and Colonialism in The Mimic Men” year ?
7) “Reflections of Thatcherite Britain on My Beautiful Laundrette” Journal of Institute of Social
Sciences, Selcuk University. Year 2012??
8) “Search for Identity in the Buddha of Suburbia”, (It will be published in the next issue (April
2015) of Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, Selcuk University.
Book Reviews:
1) “Elif Şafak: Baba ve Piç/(Bastard of İstanbul)-Book Review” Selçuk Kültür Sanat. November
2) “Elif Şafak: Ask\Love-Book Review” Selçuk Kültür Sanat.
3)) The Kite Runner Book Review” Selçuk Kültür Sanat
4) Ademin bilmedigi Havvanin Gor Dedigi Book Review” Selçuk Kültür Sanat.
5)“Orhan Burian- Researches and Analyses” Seljuk Culture and Art Guide. November 2010, 6-7.
6)“From Şemdinli to the Gulf” Seljuk Culture and Art Guide. December 2011.
7). “Belki de Hiç Unutmadım
Maybe I have never forgotten” Seljuk Culture and Art Guide. Feb-March 2011, 14.
8) “White Teeth” Seljuk Culture and Art Guide. Nisan 2011, 11.
9) “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn”. Seljuk Culture and Art Guide. May 2011, 26.
10) “Martin Lings: Hz.Muhammed’in Hayatı”. Selçuk Kültür Sanat
11) “Kemal Sayar: Hüzün Hastalığı” Selçuk Kültür Sanat
12) “Seda Akgül: Dişilik mi, Kişilik mi?” Selçuk Kültür Sanat
13) “Dipesh Chakrabarty: Avrupa’yı Taşralaştırmak”. Selçuk Kültür Sanat.
14) “Nevzat Tarhan: Son Sığınak Aile” Selçuk Kültür Sanat.
15) “Cemalnur Sargut: Peygambere Sevdirilen Kadın” Selçuk Kültür Sanat. Ekim 2013.
16) “Alfred Adler: İnsan Tabiatını Tanıma”. Selçuk Kültür Sanat. Kasım 2013.
17) “Alev Alatlı: Schrödinger’in Kedisi”. Selçuk Kültür Sanat. Aralık 2013.
18) “M. Ender Saraç: Artık Ruhunu da Besle”. Selçuk Kültür Sanat. Ocak 2014.
19) “Gary Chapman: 5 Sevgi Dili”. Selçuk Kültür Sanat. Şubat 2014.
20) “Debbie Ford: Işığı Arayanların Karanlık Yüzü”. Selçuk Kültür Sanat. Nisan 2014.
21) “M. Mert Aslan: Bay Türk’ün Kadınları-Önce First Lady Sonra Cariye” Selçuk Kültür
Sanat. Mayıs 2014
22) “Viktor E. Frankl: İnsanın Anlam Arayışı” Selçuk Kültür Sanat. Ekim 2014.
23) “Humeira Iqtidar: Secularizing Islamists” Keyf-i Edebiyat, 2014.
24) “John J. Mearsheimer: Liderler Neden Yalan Söyler? (Why Leaders Lie?)” Selçuk Kültür
Sanat. Kasım 2014.
25) “Doğan Cüceloğlu. İçimizdeki Çocuk”. Selçuk Kültür Sanat. Aralık 2014.
26) “Doğan Cüceloğlu. Onlar Benim Kahramanım”. Selçuk Kültür Sanat. Ocak 2015.
1) “Mona Lisa Smile: Çocuk da Yapıyorlar, Kariyer de,” Radikal2. 21 Marcht 2004. 9.
2) “Gandhi: Mediator between East and West for Peace,” Selçuk-Bakış: Selçuk Üniversitesi
Haber ve Tanıtım Dergisi. August-September 2006. 90-95.
3) “Doğunun Yükselen Ülkesi ve Millionaire” (The Rising Star in the East-India an Slumdog
Millionaire) , Selçuk-İletişim Gazetesi. Nisan 2009. 11.
4) “Jülide Gülizar-Ah Baba Ah!”, Antreparantez, Temmuz 2009. 17.
5) “ Obama’nın Berberine Bir Ziyaret”. Konya Vizyon Dergisi ?Aralık 2012.
6) “Şikago Türk Dünyası Festivali”. Konya Vizyon Dergisi.? 2012
7) “Eyvah Ruhum Çalındı: Amiş Çiftliğine Bir Ziyaret”. Metropol Dergisi. Temmuz 2013.
8) “Kontes’in Türk/Yaşlanma Korkusu”, Keyf-i Edebiyat
9) “Recep İvedik’in Traji-Komik Yalnızlığı”, Keyf-i Edebiyat.
PRESENTATIONS in Conferences:
1) “Different Attitudes towards Indian Nationalism in the English and in the Anglo-Indian
Novel.” Studies in English Conference. Bosphorus University. 24 April 2006.
2) “Environmentalism vs. Colonialism in Wole Soyinka’s A Dance of the Forests.”
Environment and Sustainability Conference. Cyprus Neareast University. 19 February
3) ”Hanif Kureishi: The Buddha of Suburbia.” Studies in English Conference. Celal Bayar
University. 16 April 2009.
4) ”Siyah Süt: Kadın Kadınlığa Karşı.” (Women vs. Womanhood in Black Milk) 2nd
International Women Symposium. Adnan Menderes University. 17-19 April 2009.
5) “The Women Issue in Flora Nwapa’s Women are Different,”
Multidisciplinary Women’s Congress. Dokuz Eylül University. 12-16 October 2009.
6) “The Relationship between Nature and Human Psyche in the Kite Runner,”
Environmental Studies Conference. 3-6 November 2009. Antalya-Turkey.
7) “Alternative Life-Styles in Jane Chambers’ Eye of the Gull 18th Simone de Beauvoir
Conference. 24 June 2010. Cagliari, Italy.
8) “Reflections of the British Colonial Policies and Ideologies on Mary Margaret Kaye's
Shadow of the Moon”. Bakea-Pamukkale (International Symposium of Western Cultural and
Literary Studies), 6 October 2011. Denizli, Turkey.
9) “Postcolonialism and Achebe’s Anthills of Savannah”, IJAS-Congress of International
Journal of Science. American University of Rome. 29 October, 2013.
10) “The Image of Women in Sea of Poppies” Pamukkale University (IDEA), 18
April 2013. Denizli, Turkey.
11) “A Comparative Study of Sons and Mothers in Hamlet and Creating a Man /
Hamlet’te ve Bir Adam Yaratmak’da Anne Oğul İlişkilerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Bakış”
International Symposium on Necip Fazıl Kısakürek/ Uluslararası Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
Sempozyumu. 21 May 2013, Konya.
12) Ayşe Sonay Kurt, Fatma Kalpaklı, İsmail Sevinç “Reflections of Autism is
Media: My Name is Khan/Benim Adım Khan Filmi: Otizmin Medyadaki Yansıması”
Akşehir, Haziran 2013.
13) “The Image of the Outsider in Amitav Ghosh’s in an Antique Land” Essex University.
July 9, 2013.
“Displacement and Exile in Amitav Ghosh’s the Glass Palace”, Bakea Symposium
of Western Cultural and Literary Studies. Gaziantep University. October 9, 2013.
15) “Expoitation of Women and Environment in Surfacing”, ICOEST, 14-17 Mayıs
Antalya 2014.
16) “Representation of the Other in George Orwell’s Burmese Days” INTE2014 June,
Paris/France 2014.
17) “Dip Boyası ve Türk Kültüründe Kadının Değişen Statüsü” TUKAS (Türk Kültürü
Araştırmaları Sempozyumu)-Hacı Bektaşi Veli Üniversitesi. 13 Kasım 2014. Nevşehir.
PRESENTATIONS in Workshops at the University of Chicago:
1. “Representations of the Other in George Orwell’s Burmese Days”, Comparative Human
Development Workshop. 23 November 2010.
2. “Searching for Identity in Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia”, Immigration
Workshop. 24 January 2011.
3. “Kadın Olmak ya da Olamamak”, Turkish Circle Workshop. 26 January 2011.
4.“Each and All Concept in Wole Soyinka’s A Dance of the Forests”, Global Environment
Workshop. 18 May 2011.
2012 Summer Seminars I attended as Lecturer in USA during my postdoctorate research
"Representations of Afghan History and Culture in The Kite Runner"
Community College. Summer Institute. 16 June 2011.
2014 Erasmus Teaching Exchange Programme
Krosno State College June 2014
Illinois Valley
“English Language Teaching Certificate” from Hacettepe University 1999
Computer-operator certificate ( Word,Excel, Windows 98, Powerpoint,
Başkent İletişim Communication Course Certificate
“Certificate of Creative and Academic Writing Intensive Workshop” by
Embassy of the United States at Selçuk University Feb.2-6, 2009.
TÜBİTAK School of Ecology Antakya, 2007
TÜBİTAK School of Ecology Kastamonu, 2008
TÜBİTAK School of Ecology Edirne, 2009
The Aldo Leopold Foundation. Certificate of Land Ethics Leadership. 25-26
August 2011. Baraboo,Wisconsin.
Selçuk University, Certificate of Human Rights Education, September, 2013.
The Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI) Pedagogy of Human Rights Education
Workshop” 8-11 June 2014 Lund, Sweden
“İnsan Hakları Eğitiminde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme” 31 Ekim-1 Kasim 2014,
TOEFL 243 (it is equal to 593 in the old system) (2000)
English KPDS 91 (2008)
German ÜDS (2007) 73,750
1) Kalpaklı, Fatma (Translator) “Her Fert Toplumun Bir Parçasıdır”, Ufkun Ötesi, Journal of
the Blinds’ Federation Year 1 Number 3, September-October 1997 9-11.
1) Institute of Turkish Higher Education Postdoctorate Scholarships (23.September.201022.September.2011
YÖK Doktora sonrası Araştırma Bursu (1yıl), “The University of Chicago”, Illinois,
USA. 23.09.2010-22.09.2011
2) The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) Research
Grant, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. 14 July-14 September 2014.
Refereeing in Journals:
1) Pamukkale University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences. Issue:9
Denizli, Gültürk Publishing, 2011.
April 2011
2) International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL),
3) 2011 Bakea Symposium Proceedings (?).
4) Çukurova University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences. (?)
5) ) Pamukkale University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences. 2014
Denizli, Gültürk Publishing, 2014
IDEA: English Language and Literature Research Association.
RWI: The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights Network
SUİHM: Selçuk Üniversitesi İnsan Hakları Merkezi.
SÜYTT: Selçuk Üniversitesi Yerçekimi Tiyatro Topluluğu-Advisor
2013 (10-30 June), Attache, Mersin 2013 Mediterranean Games
2011- ? Selçuk University (Assist. Prof. Dr)
2010 October-2011 October The University of Chicago (Postdoc Research Scholar)
2010 March- 2010 September Selçuk University (Assist. Prof. Dr)
2009-2010 Selçuk University (Dr. Research assistant)
2002- 2009 Hacettepe University (Research assistant)
2001- 2002 Selçuk University (Research assistant)
2000 Alp College-English teacher
1999 Atatürk Anatolian High School-intern English teacher
1998 Viki-Ramay Record Studio- Translator
1997 The Blind’s Federation- Volunteer Translator
1997 Turkish Telecommunication
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2001 and 2002):
English Grammer,
Oral Skills and Communication.
BA Courses given at Hacettepe University (2004 and 2008):
Advanced Grammer,
Writing Skills,
Reading Skills,
Introduction to Britain II
Popular Culture,
Life and Society in Britain,
Research Skills and Techniques
Translation III.
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2009 Spring Semester):
Prose and Poetry,
English Novel,
English Literature II,
Graduation Work.
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2009 Fall Semester):
English novel III,
English Literature III,
Prose and Poetry Appreciation,
History of English Culture and Literature,
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Graduation Work.
MA Courses given at Selçuk University (2009 Fall Semester):
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Gender Studies.
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2010 Spring Semester):
Prose and Poetry,
English Novel,
English Literature II,
Graduation Work.
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2010 Spring Semester):
English novel III,
English Literature III,
Prose and Poetry Appreciation,
History of English Culture and Literature,
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Graduation Work.
MA Courses given at Selçuk University (2010 Spring Semester):
Introduction to British Cultural Studies.
BA, MA and PhD COURSES (taken by me as a postdoctorate research scholar) at the
University of Chicago (during 2010-2011 Autumn, Winter and Spring Ouarters):
ANTH 48210 (Spring 11) Colonial Ecologies
CHDV 20000 (Autumn 10) Intro. to Human Development
CHDV 21000 (Autumn 10) Cultural Psychology
CHDV 23301 (Autumn 10) Culture, Mental Health, and Psychiatry
CHDV 31401 (Winter 11) Interview Methods
CHDV 33104 (Spring 11) Morals, Manners, and Social Etiquette: A Comparative Approach
CHDV 42201 (Autumn 10) Developmental Biopsychology
CHDV 45600 (Winter 11) When Cultures Collide
CHDV 45601 (Autumn 10) Moral Development & Comparative Ethics
ENGL 22204 (Spring 11) Psychoanalysis and Narrative
ENGL 24804 (Spring 11) Queer Sinners & Saints: Religion and Sexuality in Modernist Lit
ENGL 28608 (Spring 11) Naipaul vs Rushdie: Writing the Postcolonial
ENGL 33620 (Spring 11) World War II in Britain
GNDR 10200 (Spring 11) Problems In the Study of Sexuality
HIST 26802 (Winter 11) Colonial Rule in South Asia
HIST 56203 (Winter 11) Colloq: History and Memory in South Asia
HREL 42501 (Winter 11) Many Ramayanas
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2011-2012 Fall Semester):
Prose and Poetry Appreciation I,
History of English Culture and Literature I,
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Introduction to Drama,
Graduation Work.
MA Courses given at Selçuk University (2011 Fall Semester):
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Life and Society in USA,
Popular Culture.
MA Courses given at Selçuk University (2012 Spring Semester):
Prose and Poetry Appreciation I,
History of English Culture and Literature I,
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Introduction to Drama,
Graduation Work.
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2012-2013 Fall Semester):
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Introduction to Drama,
American Drama,
Graduation Work.
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2012-2013 Fall Semester):
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Introduction to Drama,
Graduation Work.
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2013-2014 Fall Semester):
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Introduction to Drama,
History of British Culture,
English Drama,
Graduation Work.
Erasmus Course:
Comparative Cultures
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2013-2014 Spring Semester):
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Introduction to Drama,
History of British Culture,
English Drama,
Graduation Work.
Erasmus Course:
Comparative Cultures
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2014-2015 Fall Semester):
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Introduction to Drama,
English Drama,
History of British Culture,
Graduation Work.
Erasmus Course:
Introduction to Turkish Culture and Society
BA Courses given at Selçuk University (2014-2015 Spring Semester):
Introduction to British Cultural Studies,
Introduction to Drama,
English Drama,
History of British Culture,
Graduation Work.
MA Students supervised:
Tuba Senem Şahin (she writes her thesis on Gender studies/in British novel)

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