Paper 4: Residential Demand Response 1


Paper 4: Residential Demand Response 1
Paper 4: Residential Demand Response 1
Monday, 13:30 – 15:00
Modelling of Household Electro - Thermal Technologies for Demand Response Applications
Lingxi Zhang (University of Manchester, UK), Nicholas Good (University of Manchester, UK), Alejandro
Navarro-Espinosa (University of Manchester, UK), Pierluigi Mancarella (University of Manchester, UK)
Challenges in Utilisation of Demand Side Response for Operating Reserve Provision
Hassan Qazi (University College Dublin, Ireland), Daniel Burke (University College Dublin, Ireland),
Damian Flynn (University College Dublin, Ireland)
A Home Energy Management Algorithm in a Smart House Integrated with Renewable Energy
Avijit Saha (Virginia Tech, USA), Murat Kuzlu (Virginia Tech, USA), Warodom Khamphanchai (Virginia
Tech, USA), Manisa Pipattanasomporn (Virginia Tech, USA), Saifur Rahman (Virginia Tech, USA), Onur
Elma (Yıldız Technical University, Turkey), Ugur S. Selamogullari (Yıldız Technical University, Turkey),
Mehmet Uzunoglu (Yıldız Technical University, Turkey), Bunyamin Yagcitekin (Yıldız Technical
University, Turkey)
Large-scale Residential Demand Response Pilot ICT Architecture
Matthias Strobbe (Ghent University, Belgium), Koen Vanthournout (Ghent University, Belgium), Tom
Verschueren (Ghent University, Belgium), Wim Cardinaels (VITO-EnergyVille, Belgium), Chris Develder
(Ghent University, Belgium)
Non-Intrusive Load Curve Disaggregation using Sparse Decomposition with a Translation-Invariant
Boxcar Dictionary
Simon Arberet (CSEM, Switzerland), Andreas Hutter (CSEM, Switzerland)
Study of Load Curves Concerning the Influence of Socioeconomic and Cultural Issues
Danilo Gastaldello (University of São Paulo, Brazil), André Souza (São Paulo State University, Brazil),
Haroldo Amaral (São Paulo State University, Brazil), Pedro Faria (Polytechnic Institute of Porto,
Portugal), Zita Vale (Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal)