

All the copyrights of this book belong to Bahattin Atak, the author and illustrator.
Turkish Patent Institute Trademark Certificate, It was patented with Trademark number: 2008 55483.
It cannot be adapted or copied under any circumstances.
third edition
We thank the Management of Cultural and Social Affairs of Safranbolu for their support on the creation
of this book.
Translated by; Nergiz CEYLAN
Dear Children,
We’ve been living in the most beautiful country
of the world and the gorgeus land of this country.
In this booklet, you’ll read soon, you’ll observe
Safranbolu with all its beauty, which was accepted
to be in the list of World Heritage by UNESCO
(United Nations Educational Scientific and
Organization) in 1994 and which isSone
İ İÇ of the best
protected cities of the world.
its historical
houses and streets,ELyou’ll
feel as if you were
U and you’ll discover not only
travelling to theOLpast
A also its nature, and see how a city
its history
improves and protects itself while living there.
We’ve been trying to do the best to protect
this heritage we inherited from our elders and
doing our best to bequeath it to you-our children,
the heritage of our future. I thank Mr. Bahattin
Atak, the author, for helping us to inform you - our
precious children - about Safranbolu, our beautiful
city, and I wish you to have a good time while
sighting and learning about Safranbolu.
I appreciate you with respect and wish you
success in your courses.
Tel: +90 0 370 712 41 14
Fax: +90 0 370 712 36 42
Our young traveler Omar has traveled through many
provinces, districts and villages sometimes with his father,
sometimes with his grandfather.
He has written about the places he had visited and seen
for his friends who also want to see the beauties of our
country. With the help of his father and the other elders, he
has prepared many “Young Traveler” books.
He was in fifth grade. A few years ago,
his teacher had taken them to various
places within the scope of “Let’s learn
about our Environment” but he wanted
to revisit and discover those places with
a different view.
That day, when he came home from
school, after doing his daily homework,
he sat in front of the TV.
Safranbolu was the subject of the
TV program “Let’s travel and view”, this
historical district was on screen with all
its beauties.
Young traveler so enthusiastically
asked his father “Have you ever been to
Safranbolu?” when he came home from SİTE
His father, Tahsin Bey,
immediately why his A
NB asked about
AF ignoring this, he
this. But even Sso,
replied him with a question.
Küçük Gezgin in in SAFRANBOLU
— I was there a few years
ago. Why have you asked,
— Hmm. There was a
documentary about Safranbolu
on TV today. What a wonderful
place it is!
— So, you wish to take a trip
and see there, don’t you?
— Oh, what else can I say?
My grandfather should have
called you “Arif” (which is a
Turkish name for men who senses and understands
everything immediately) Ha! Ha! Ha!
Omar’s intention was remarked by his father at once.
He had never danced attendance on his son before. When
his father said “So, we’re likely to go to Safranbolu this
weekend, aren’t we?”, Omar was very joyful.
On Saturday, our travelers were already on the way
to Safranbolu. His mother Nilgün, sent them off to
Safranbolu with prays.
After they departed from Eskişehir, through Ankara
and Karabük, they arrived in Safranbolu at the end of
a four-hour journey. The expression “World’s Heritage
SAFRANBOLU” was almost saying “Welcome” to them.
As they were moving further, in the middle refuge, they
came across a large model house, representing the
Safranbolu Houses.
4 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
Our travelers’ lungs were slowly getting full of
the air of Safranbolu.
When they came to the entry of the city center,
Tahsin Bey mentioned about the three beauties of
— One of the world wide famous three beauties
of Safranbolu is The flower Saffron. This plant,
which gives its name to the district, is the parent
material of yellow dye. It can dye the liquids yellow
which weigh one hundrend thousand times more
than its own specific gravity. It has been used in
food,medicine and cosmetics industries.
— So what are the two other beauties?
— Safranbolu delight, with coconut, hazelnut,
saffron, hard cosistent peanut, rose, and mastic
Turkish delights are the most commonly consumed
varieties. The greatest remarkable feature of the
Safranbolu delight within the others is its softness
and not hurting the throat.
— Safranbolu Çavuş Grapes is also a different
taste of Safranbolu, which are grown in the area.
The Çavuş Grapes which are grown in Yazıköy,
Safranbolu and often used as table consumption are
harvested during the vintage festivals in September
every year.
Both of them are the great tastes, which have
not been traditional anymore thanks to the tourism,
and are famous both in Turkey and the world, and
are preferred as gifts.
Safranbolu is a district of Karabük province which
is located in the Western Black Sea Region, 65 kms
inland from the sea. It’s only 8 kms away from the
center of Karabük. It’s located on a rough area.
It covers an area of 1013 sqm, most of which is
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
When our
travelers came
back to Sadri
Artuç Street, they
saw the building
of Safranbolu
Municipality on the
left side.
Omar never
stopped asking
— Daddy,
are we going to
come around
the Municipality
Building? Do you
know the Mayor?
Yes. We met in a seminar. He used to work in Istanbul Municipality.
Does he remember you?
I hope, he can recognize me.
So, will we go empty? I would like to bring a bouquet of flowers to the Mayor.
Omar and his father went to the Municipality building with the bouquet of colourful
flowers they had bought in a flower shop.
As soon as they arrived at the
Municipality building, they were
welcomed to the mayor’s room by
the private chief of the Mayor.
The Mayor recognized Tahsin
Bey at once.
Our young traveler introduced
himself and gave the bouquet of
roses to Necdet Bey.
The Mayor was well pleased with
this visit.
He wanted to offer something
to drink to his visitors. They drank
Saffron tea and coffee together.
By the way, a deep chat about Safranbolu had already started.
6 Küçük Gezgin
Young traveler had a chace to ask his first question to the
Mayor. He intented to learn more about Safranbolu.
— Mr. Mayor, What do you think the reasons could be for the
tourists’ would come to Safranbolu?
— Good for you, Omar. You asked a reasonable question. The
answer is hidden in the question itself but even so, I will mention
about it shortly.
Cultural and natural heritage are the precious wealth of a
country, that are impossible to value, and the most important
things that are impossible to replace. Nowadays, all the countries
consider the cultural and natural heritage as a common property
of the mankind.
Safranbolu, the unique example of the Turkish - Ottoman
Architecture, is a place where all the world has been watching with
a great admiration. Safranbolu, being in the list of the ten places
of UNESCO, is also the only place which deserves to be inİ Ythat
E list
as a province.
Safranbolu was selected to be in “The list O
World Heritage” by
UNESCO in 1994, thanks to its rich cultural
AN values and the success
of protecting it, and afterwards took
SA place in the Organisation of
the World’s Heritage Cities. (OWHC)
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
One must come to Safranbolu to watch the
unique beauties from Hıdırlık Hill, Mezarlık Başı and
the castle where the old government office was
located; and it must be visited because of being
the unique city in Turkey, with its nearly 2000
registered houses under protection which are
ordered side by side along roads in settlements,
unlikely the others cities having only a few
seperated houses.
One must come to Safranbolu due to the fact
that it was chosen to be one of the best protected
20 places within 220 places in the Symposium of
the World’s Heritage Cities in Rhode Island in 2003;
to sum up, it must absulately be visited to learn
the unique features and beauties. Those beauties
look as if they were exhibited in an “outdoor air
— Where does the name “Safranbolu” come
— Dear Omar, the name Safranbolu has changed
many times through the ages.
Its first documentedly known history started in
the Byzantine period. Safranbolu, namely Dadybra,
was established as a stronghold castle against the
Arabian attacks and gained great importance.
In 1196, in Seljuk period, its name became
Zalifre. In “Principalities Period”, and the earlier
times of the Ottomans, its name was known as
Borglu and Borlu.
As it can be seen in the official registers of the
Ottomans, the name Borlu changed to the name
Taraklıborlu , due to the fact that the people from
Taraklı tribe had settled in that area.
8 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
After the name Taraklıborlu, the other names used for
Safranbolu in the Ottoman Period were Zağfiran-ı Borlu in the
18th century, Zağfiran-ı Bendirli for a short time in the early
of 19th century, Zağfiranbolu from the the last quarter of the
19th century, and lastly it changed to the name Zafranbolu
and Safranbolu.
— I don’t want to disturb you more but could you please
talk about the history of Safranbolu shortly?
— Oh never mind Omar. I’d love to.
“It was known as Paplagonya, in Ulysses Epos
by Homeros the historian, in Ancient Period in
the northwest of Anatolia.
Chronically Hittites, Phrygians, Lydians,
Persians, Hellenistic Kingdoms, Romans, Seljuks,
Çobanoğlulları, Candaroğulları and the Ottomans
dominated the area.
Safranbolu was captured by the Turks in 1196
in the period of the Seljukian Sultan Muhiddin Mesut
Şah whose father was Kılıç Arslan II.
It was dominated by Çobanoğulları between 1213
and 1280, by Candaroğulları between
1326-1354 and by the Ottomans from
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
By the way, Tahsin Bey inturrupted the
— Dear Necdet Bey, I know you don’t
like talking about yourself but could you
please mention about what you’re planning
to do for our young traveler so as he can
get informed?
— I don’t want to disturb you with so
many details. I can give a few examples of
our latest projects.
* We, as Safranbolu Municipality, have
made a coordinated and compatible project
by building up the feeling of unity and
* We adopted our homeless animals
thanks to the Center of Rehabilitation and
Shelters for Homeless Animals we founded.
We provided them a peaceful place. Even on
the first day I started my job, we planned to
make such a place that would provide homes,
shelters, treatment and rehabilitation to
the homeless animals, which we shared the
life, streets and roads with.
Municipalities should serve to the nature
and the life itself, and also to the living beings
which they share the life with. The level of
the civilization is measured not only by the
quality of the service to people but also the
one to the other living beings. Our center is
for 60 animals; primarily treatment for the
homeless animals, secondly rehabilitation
of them, the treatment for the domestic
animals which people feed at home and
spaying them will be done in this center.
* We’ve started our Natural Gas
Engineering Managements so as the air
in Safranbolu can be purified and we can
breathe fresh air. At this moment, 7500
residents have subscribed to use the
Natural Gas. We’ve managed to heat 70%
of Safranbolu with Natural Gas.
I thank Safranbolu residents for favouring
the Natural Gas so much. Our city will be
remembered with not only its beauty in
summer but also its fresh air in winter.
This is thanks to the Safranbolu residents.
I thank them so much for being so sensitive
to our city.
10 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
* We’ve enabled the women to make traditional
handcraft by founding the Culture and Education
Center of Safranbolu (SAKEM).
Women have been doing handcraft, and
producing and marketing traditional products
and besides this, they’ve been carrying on
different activities in SAM (Safranbolu Family
SAKEM 4 includes 4 subunits, and one of
them is SAM which deals with the vital problems
of the families. The projects of SAKEM enable
the old, the disabled and the orphans to survive
with physchological support. They have been
directed to some needed areas.
In this scope, SAKEM visited the old people
in the rest home for their blessing prays.
The SAKEM staff started an organization for
satisfying their needs by taking care of them
one by one.
In this center, there are courses for
artistic mosaic, babysitting at home, vegetable
production, cook assistance, ornamental
painting, sewing, jewellery design, felt and leather
design, wood dyeing, marbling, computering,
web design, painting in oil colours, playing the
flute, the piano, the guitar, English, Ottoman
and Arabian languages.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
* We celebrated the twelfth
International Golden Saffron
Documentary Film Festival with
a great enthustiasm and
In the context of the
festival, our children learned
how to film a documentary with the
support of their masters and in an other
festival, they learned how to take photographs and
exhibited their works to thousands of people. Besides
this, the festival gained a different view with the traditional
folk dance shows which the children from sibling cities performed.
The theme of our festival was “Water Culture”. In this context, we
restored the traditional waterways and fountains in Safranbolu. Again, the
subtheme of the festival, we’re going to organize on the 13th time in September
this year, has been decided to be “Wood Work and Wood Culture”
12 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
We, as Safranbolu Municipality, would like the youth to involve in parks where
sports centers and playgrounds take place by saving them from the computer and
internet addiction. We wish them to make permanent friends by feeling each othe
by making jokes, even by playing in assertive football matches in the real world
not in the virtual world. We developed a project about this idea and built a “City
Stadium and Artificial Turf” and served them to use it freely.
I’d like to thank Tanju Çolak and Semih Yuvakuran, two of those old national
team footballers, for coming to the opening of this stadium.
We shouldn’t ignore sports; the investment on sports is one of the most
important promotions.
Our children have succeeded in
Europe. The Turkish children, who
played in various teams in Europe, have
included in the most important football
clubs of the world.
One of them Nuri Şahin, one of the
players in our national team, has been
transferred to Real Madrid FC. He is
going to play in the same club with
Mesut Özil. This is a very significant
opportunity to introduce Turkey and
Turkish football. So, our children are
able to be the best footballers in the
world if they have a chance.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
* We’ve cleaned our waterducts annd canyons so as water
culture can live in Safranbolu.
* We’ve started the compaign “Let the youth go to the
We’ve eliminated the lack of the swimming pools which is a
remarkable need in Safranbolu after the opening of the modern
swimming pool we’ve built. Our teachers have started to give
“Swimming Courses in Summers”.
* Safranbolu, grounding on an area where wide valleys
are joined up, differs jeologically as well. İncekaya and Tokatlı
Canyons, which are located 8 kms far away from the city
center, and Gümüş and Akçasu Canyons following them in the
city center, and again Düzce (Kirpe) and Sakaralan Canyons,
which are located in the entrance of the Düzce village 13 kms
far away from Safranbolu, are the natural beauties where all
nature lovers should see.
The canyons consisting of gorgeous views catch many
tourists from closer provinces and abroad, and they certainly
reach those natural beauties after the the sightseeing
14Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
They keep walking through the pure clean
nature like free birds.
And even trekking addicts come to our city
in groups and enjoy this nature sport.
By the way , Tahsin Bey interrupted him:
— Dear Necdet Bey! We thank you for this
nice narration. We’d like to keep travelling in
Safranbolu with my son Young Traveler. We will
leave if it’s OK.
— Just one thing… You’re my guest tonight.
I’d like to serve you some of the delicious meals
of Safranbolu.
— If it’s OK for you, Why not? It’s a great
pleasure for us.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
The sculpture, which was made by
Tankut Öktem (a famous sculptor) in
2007, symbolizes the Turkish nation. As
we observed, there were all braches of
professions at the front and at the back
And this sybolizes how hardworking
and talented the Turkish people are . It
tells about how they get prepared for
the future properly when they gain their
freedom just after the National Struggle.
Tahsin Bey left there with his good
Trip starts
Our travelers left the Municipality
Building and arrived at the Misak-ı Milli
Square which followed the Sadri Artuç
They came across a huge Atatürk
monument there.
Such kind of monuments are the
symbols of the civilisation of the cities.
Our Young Traveler had already came
closer to the monument, and turned
around it quickly and started to ask
questions to his father immidiately one
after one.
— Dad! There are many figures on the
monument. They must mean something.
Do you know what?
16 Küçük
Küçük Gezgin SAFRANBOLU’da
They moved on to the
“Merkez Park (Central
Merkez Park which
changed the overview
of Kıranköy center was
introduced to our people
with a gorgeous opening
ceremony. People, having
time to rest with rippling
water, are interested
in this park so much
especially at weekends.
The number of such
parks; where any people at any age can
do something fitting themselves, there is
a treadmill around, there are atlethic and
gymnastic facilities, there are play grounds
for kids and volleyball and basketball
facilities for teenagers, are increasing in
Even, they named one of those parks
“Dr. Miyazaki” from Japan , who had come
to help the sufferers of the earthquake in
Van and died later.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
Life in Three Regions in Safranbolu
While the son and the father were taking their trip,
Tahsin Bey was informing his son about Safranbolu.
— Safranbolu consists of three regions.
Those are: Bağlar , which is used summerly, Kıranköy
where people have settled intensively, and Çarşı, where
mostly historic settlements and traders take place.
The Çarşı Region (Old Bazaar) is a kind of habitat for
winter as it is warm and protected from the strong
The Bağlar Region, at a high place, is open to the air
circulations, cool in summer snowy in winter and so it’s
a residence for summer.
18 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
Ulu Mospue
Our travelers marched to a a
historical mosque which used to be
a church.
The Ulu Mosque.
It is an ancient church built in
1872 inherited from the Greeks. The
Skalion building (School of Greek)
(1863) and the Padre Inn are of this
interesting kulliye (social complex)
Afterwards, Young traveler and Tahsin
Bey were on the Hıdırlık Hill which is the
symbol of Safranbolu.
They arrived at the hill walking up the narrow,
steep way on the left of the city entry.
They looked around after a short breath.
The beautiful world wide famous historic Safranbolu houses were opposite
them as if they were a painting of an artist.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
They saw another monument,
overviewing Safranbolu, beside the
terrace. It was written “Şey-ül
Etıbba Dr. Ali Yaver Ataman 18681955” on it. Omar cruiously asked
his father.
— Dad, do you know who Dr. Ali
Yaver Ataman is?
— Yes, Ömer. I know he was
Caucasian Mücahit Şeyh Şamil’s
sister’s son. He was the father of
Sadi Yaver Ataman who is a musician,
expert of folk dances, educator and
an artist.
This monument was designed to
be the tomb of Dr. Ali Yaver Ataman
who was one of the heroes of the
Turkish Independence War. May God
mercy on him.
Footprints of the annals
On the top of the grave, it was written “HIDIR BEY has been here, one of the
commanders of Gazi Süleyman Pasha who lived in the period of Orhan Gazi, the
Ottoman governor. Let you pray for him”
Our tavelers kept travelling in Hıdırlık after
they’d prayed for Dr. Ali Yaver Ataman, one of
the heroes of The Turkish Independence War,
and Hıdır Bey, the commander.
The father and
the son moved on to
the tomb of Hasan
On the epigraph
of the tomb, it was
written “Everything
is mortal but only
the glorious God is
infinite and sacred.”
20 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
The tomb of Hasan Pasha
They could see
inside from the long
and narrow window
because the door
was closed.
They also prayed
for Hasan Pasha.
Hasan Pasha, when he was the local governor of
Köstentil Sancağı, he was dismissed in 1843. He settled
and started to live in Safrabolu till his death. After his
death, a tomb was built for him.
Let’s keep Safranbolu clean
Omar, almost on each corner of the city, recognized
bins having Safranbolu Municipality’s logo and symbolizing
the historical Safranbolu Houses.
Tahsin Bey pointed that Safranbolu Municipality has
been very sensitive about city cleanness.
— You’re right, my dad. We should never throw rubbish
if we want to see places clean. Civilisation depends on
environment cleanness, doesn’t it?
— Right, Omar. I’m sure, children in Safranbolu agree
with you as well.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
There was worship area beside the Hasan Pasha tomb.
It was a place where the Turks came together when they came to Safranbolu and it’s
an open place for worship. People prayed for rain and celebrated Hıdırellez, there.
And also, there was an authentic cafe, where visitors can rest and have tea, when
they come to Hıdırlık Hill.
They went to the cafe to rest and have something to drink.
A young girl from Safranbolu welcomed them with her lovely smiling face. She suggested
them drinking the famous traditional Saffron Tea. Afterwards, she started to talk about
— The Saffron Flower grown in Safranbolu is an endemic plant which was the most
important spice of the world. It’s a very special plant which is very hard to grow and care
as it has fibres on the middle part of it, which of those are used only. So it is precious
like gold. It’s necessary to have approximately 150 thousands of saffron plants to obtain
1 kg of dry saffron. Saffron can dye liquids which weigh 100 thousand times more than
itself and it’s used in medicine, food and cosmetics.
The father and the son relaxed partly after they drank a cup
of Saffron Tea.
22 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
Our travelers kept travelling
in Safranbolu after they’d left
Hıdırlık Hill. They recognized
the monument in the shape of
a tower while they were going
past the Public Cemetery of
Safranbolu Municipality. They
went inside the cemetery to
see the monument closer.
They read “These people
fought and died for their
homeland against terrorism” on
the tablet of the block.
— Daddy, we’d better not
have gone by. If so, I would have
never forgiven myself. They
sacrifized themselves for us so
that we can live in this country
freely and peacefully.
We must pray for them.
After we prayed for them
Omar read another thing on
the tablet:
— “During the First World War, nearly 4000 soldiers
from Safranbolu joined the army in 1914.
These sons believed that “Çanakkale is unpassable”
and wrote an epos with our sons all over Anatolia. Only
from Safranbolu, 203 soldiers were killed during the
This cemetery was built so as to keep them alive
forever, with the support of Safranbolu residents,
Safranbolu District Governorate and 125 Local Genderme
Our glorious martyrs;
You sacrifized yourselves for our homeland with great
enthusiasm. May God rest your souls and have mercy on
you. We’ll always remember you in mercy.”
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
Safranbolu Plane
After they’d left the
cemetery of martrys, our
tavelers went to see the
Safranbolu Plane.
The plane was a kind of an
open air museum located on a
place overviewing Safranbolu.
Omar observed the plane carefully turning aroung it. And then, he read the tablet
loudly to his father to get information about it:
— “Almost 250 planes were produced or bought after the Turkish Independence
War, with the financial support of the compaign planned by Hilal Ahmer (Kızılay)
and Turkish Plane Assosiation. In this context they could buy a Brequet XIX A-2
discovery plane thanks to the donation of Safranbolu residents.
On 30 August 1931, this plane, with its new name “Zafranbolu”, was given as
a gift to the Turkish Air Forces because there wasn’t a suitable place for it to
land and take off.
Our Young Traveler ended his words by reading the famous saying of Atatürk
“Future is in the sky!”
24Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
This time our travelers came around the Kaçak
Lütfiye (Kaçak) Mosque was an attractive
construction over the Akçasu Creek in Akçasu
District with its eye-catching figures and the
waters flowing below it. The flowing creek below
for sure, makes it the focus of interest. In the
late of 19th century, there was’t an empty place
for constructing a mosque, that’s why it was built
on the creek.
Kaçak Mosque is a part of the integration of
buildings consisting a cafe and a school upstairs.
Trip in annals starts
The father and the son moved on to “The House
of District Governors”, which is an extremely
historical place, after they’d observed the
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
They saw that The House of District Governors had the
characteristics of the other historical houses.
The House of District Governors, where you could walk down on
a streep path to reach, was restored to be a museum and opened
for visits.
It was estimated to be constructed in the early 19th century.
The owner of it was Hadji Mehmet Efendi who was the commander
of Safranbolu Military Post. Hadji Mehmet Efendi was called “Kaim
Makam” that meant Lieutenant Colonel; that’s why his house and
his family was called with this name as well.
The house has three floors. The entry gate
has two wings and it is quite big . This wooden
door was chipped by big nails. On the outer
side of the door, there is a door knocker (locally
called şakşak) like a common door bell . People
used to knock these doors by tapping on the
door and the host used to open the door by
pulling the string connected to the door lock.
Nowadays, there is a door bell next to the
knocker as well.
Our travelers stepped inside the door , they
entered the ground floor called “Hayat” (a kind
of courtyard)
When they intented to go upstairs, an
attendant warned them to wear galosh on their
shoes, they thanked and wore the glosh and
went straight upstairs on the railed stairs.
They saw symmetrically designed 4 room
doors opening to a wide hall named “Selamlık”
(a place to greet people) on the first floor
. There was a section to sit in front of the
window between the two room doors on the
right side of the stairs.
26 Küçük
Küçük Gezgin SAFRANBOLU’da
Two or three sides of the rooms
were covered around with sofas,
ancient Turkish figures mostly in red
Those sofas were in front of the
window . The cushions to sit back
were covered with white lace and
handmade cloth.
There are white handmade
curtains over the windows. On the
outer side of the windows, brown
shutters save the house from
sunshine and rain , and besides this
when you look at this house, you
say “That’s a classical Safranbolu
House” at once.
The ceilings were ornamented
with the nicest samples of handwork
and carving.
The other rooms often have the
same characteristics. The design
and order of the rooms is almost
the same. The main difference
between them is that while the
rooms interstage are for sitting and
serving visitors, the rooms upstairs
are bedrooms.
The baby cradles , the shakedowns
and the models in traditional
clothes animate the ancient lives
The very important thing here is
that all of the rooms were designed
so that a family can sleep, cook and
eat and even serve their guests.
It was very clear that they
were very happy and peaceful as
they discovered the traces of the
Gezgin in
Our travelers planned to
go to İzzet Pasha Mosque
after they’d left “The House
of the District Governors”.
They went through the
open bazaar on the way. This
bazaar has been serving to
the local residents for 400
years at the same place on
The consumers have been
vegetables and fruit here.
There have been many
children around the gum-like
candy seller and they saw
them saying “Give it to me,
They were challenging to
catch the colourful gum - like
candies. Our Young Traveler
joined the children of his age.
He, like others, managed to
take one of these colourful
gum - like candies.
While he was eating the
delicious gum - like candy in
his hand, they had already
arrived at İzzet Mehmet
Pasha Mosque.
İzzet Mehmet Pasha Mosque.
City of Canyons
28 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
The mosque, which İzzet
Mehmet Pasha got it done
in 1796; with its elegant
minaret, its dome covered
with zinc and its indoor
ornaments, was like a small
Nuriosmaniye Mosque .
Its courtyard and its
minaret have located over
Akçasu Creep.
In this context, Safranbolu
is important to its canyons
and creeps.
This mosque, located on a slanting area;
integrating an educational complex with its
library, its ablution place, its two fountains and
its foundation shops; was constructed with cut
stones. Its decoration, its minbar, its altar were
very rich and there was the tugra of Sultan Selim
III on the altar. İzzet Mehmet Pasha’s grave had
been in Manisa before, but it was built in the
courtyard of this mosque in 2005.
Tahsin Bey shared what he’s known with his
— İzzet Mehmet Pasha, born in Safranbolu in
1743, was the grand vizier of the Sultan Selim
III between 1794 and 1798 but then he was
dissmissed and sent to Manisa, and died in Manisa
in 1812.
İzzet Mehmet Pasha’s grand vizier turban head
stone and foot stone had been in Manisa Mevlevi
Hospital before, but then they were brought to
the courtyard of this mosque with the efforts of
Safranbolu’s civil and local governors.
Pasha was known for his helpful character
and it was written in the historic resources
that he’d never hurt someone. He built İncekaya
Bridge and brought the water - called “Paşasuyu
(Pashawater)”- to the city , and he made the Clock
Tower in the castle.
Küçük Gezgin in AFRANBOLU
The Young Traveler and Tahsin Bey went through the gate
towards the Copper Smithery Bazaar after they had observed
inside the mosque. They went to some shops selling old and new
copper objects and bought a few coffee pots, shallow pans and
Everywhere in the bazaar, hammers were tuning as they were
keeping the rhythm of the most beautiful folk songs of Safranbolu.
Here, old and young craftsmen were shaping tens of copper
household objects and handling excellent patterns on them.
It was possible to sense that they cared their job very much because
they never stopped working while Omar was taking photos of them.
They have started to do new designs to cherish coppersmithery so that
people wouldn’t forget it. They have been patterning the copper how the
tourists desire. The main reason for this is that it would be a memorable
souvenir; such as a logo of their hometown, a symbol or their beloved
kith and kins.
Towards the end of the Copper Smithery Bazaar over Akçasu Canyon
they went to the Blacksmithery Bazaar at the back
of İzzet Pasha Mosque, they recognized that the only
living guild was there. There has still been hot or cold
blacksmithery there.
30 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
When our travelers came to the entry of the Arasta Bazaar (Leather Shoe
Bazaar), they saw that the old houses on the right and left of the road were
restored and changed into motels, pubs and restaurants. However, there are a
few shoe sellers, where you can do shopping, on the way to the bazaar. It’s normal
that these shops would exist out of the bazaar as the area inside is too narrow
for so many shops.
They passed these shops and went down on the stone stairway on the left,
they saw Arasta Bazaar. They immediately saw a cafe as soon as they entered
the bazaar which looked as if it were a green tent of vine leaves. It’s possible to
taste every kind of Turkish waffles in this place which used to be a coffee house
There were small and lovely shops, ordered side by side, on both parts of the
road. They appeared to be symbolizing intergration. This Shoe Bazaar is an old
guild where you can see hand-made pieces of art and hand-made leather shoes
made by the last alive shoe maker, and it has 48 small wooded shops where handmade leather shoes are sold; in this old guild they used to make most of the shoes
the army needed during the Turkish Independence War.
All kinds of cloths, curtains, colourful embroided blouses, bags are ready to buy
on the countertops in front of the shops. The tradesmen welcomed customers
with a warm smile and answered patiently all the questions about their goods.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
There were night lamps in the shape of model Safranbolu houses even with
their gardens as well.
Omar didn’t forget to buy some of these handmade gifts for both his mother
and his friends.
Sun Clock
When they left the bazaar and went towards the way on
the right, they recognized the Sun Clock, which was made in
the middle of the 19th century, on the left of the courtyard
of Köprülü Mehmet Pasha Mosque. There were long and
short lines on the clock like a horizontal fan and there
was a small component like a triangle prism in the
place where these lines started.
It was considered a simple horizontal
clock. The clock, on a flat marble on the
stone block, shows the time between 6.40
p.m and 17.20 a.m, with the shadow on the
metal plate.
32 Küçük Gezgin İn SAFRANBOLU
Köprülü Mehmet Pasha lived in
Safranbolu for some time and built this
mosque and it was opened for worship
You can enter its courtyard through the
gate from the bazaar, it also has another
gate opening to Arasta Bazaar. The main
part of the mosque is square shaped , and
it is the biggest mosque of Safranbolu.
They left the mosque and came in front
of the historical Municipality Building.
It’s been used as a workplace for the
Management of Cultural and Social
Affairs of Safranbolu Municipality at the
When they met the related manager,
he gave some leaflets and books about
Safranbolu to our travelers as a gift;
—The Management of Cultural and
Social Affairs is the artery of our
municipality. We’ve been welcoming our
visitors, sightseeing with them and
introducing Safranbolu to them, and
besides this, we’ve been sharing our
citizens’ problems and happiness by meeting each of them in the context of Social
Municipality. Here, in this building, we’ve been carrying out BAKAB (Western Black Sea
Development Assosiation) and OWHC’s (Organization of the world’s heritage Cities)
Eurasian Safranbolu Sekretariats of our festival.
We’ve been preparing acitivities, festivals and charities, and books, leaflets and
catalogs that are the mainly necessary to introduce our Safranbolu, and we’ve been
giving them to our visitors who come to visit our city. We consider ourselves as a
window from Safranbolu to both domestic and abroad.
If you want to contact us from anywhere in the world, our numbers are:
+90 370 725 52 65
+90 370 725 52 52
Our e-mail address is:
Our travelers drank
the manager of
Cultural Affairs and left there.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
This time , they were at the Cinci Han (Demoniac Inn).
They went to the courtyard of the inn through the copper gate
on which it was written “Cinci Han”. It was designed to be a hotel
and a restaurant.
— Why is it called “Cinci Han”, dad?
— Dear Omar, Cinci Han was built by Karabaşzade Hüseyin Efendi
(Demoniac Hodja) from Safranbolu in 1645, that’s why it had this
Cinci Han was one of the hundreds of inns in various sizes founded on historical Silk
Road, which lied along from China to Anatolia for centuries.
Its architect isn’t known surely but however it is thought to be Architect Kasım
Ağa, one of the main architects of his time. Cinci Han has served to the city in different
aspects for the beginning of the 21th century.
— So, who was Demoniac Hodja?
— Karabaşzade Hüseyin Efendi, namely Demoniac Hodja, was famous for that he
treated Sultan İbrahim I, the Ottoman Sultan who was mentally deranged, in 17th century.
Karabaşzade Hüseyin Efendi was born in Safranbolu. He was invited to the palace to treat
Sultan İbrahim I by Kösem Sultan in 1642. As he succeeded in his treatment, he not only
had a great fame and fortune but also had a say in governmental affairs. However, he
built Cinci Hammam (Turkish bath) which his
name was given to.
It’s been thought to be the
architect Kasım, one of the
most important architects of
his time, built it.
Our travelers happened on
a wide square when they left
Cinci Han.
34 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
They learned its name was Kazdağlıoğlu Square and saw the mosque having the
same name. This splendid and magnificent mosque was over there in the square.
Omar ran closer to the mosque. He started to observe around with a great
interest and then turned back to his dad with his questioning eyes to get information
about the construction.
— Dad, what do you know about this magnificent
— As far as I know , it was built by Kazdağlıoğlu
Mehmet Agha, in 1778. The mosque having
one dome, made of stones and bricks,
was covered with tiles on the roof. Its
minaret was made of bricks.
It was turned to the Library
of Handwriting between
1979 and 1989, and
then in 1989 it
was opened for
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
Our travelers went to the City History Museum which
used to be the Government House this time.
Here, it’s possible to see and watch the choronological
flow and cultural aspects of
House was built on the hill called
“castle” in two years (between
1904 and 1906), thanks to the
financial support of Safranbolu
residents by Enis Pasha, governor
of Kastamonu, and Ahmet Bey, the
district governor.
36 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
The building, completely made of cut
stones, consists of 800 sqm closed area
and a cellar.
It used to function as a military, civil and
judicial administration center in the past. It
caught on fire on its roof and burned on 19
January 1976.
Different Annals on each floor
The museum consists of three floors;
ground floor, entrance and the first floor
The father and the son took a trip in the
ancient Safranbolu Bazaar and watched the
choronological stages of Safranbolu so far
and saw its lifestyle and the culture.
At the entrance;
They learnt about the history of
Safranbolu and the building itself, and saw
the maps, the cultural publishments, the
satellite displays, the exhibition hall and the
conference hall.
On the first floor;
The clothes of Republican Period and
the endemic old clothes of Safranbolu were
In the hall of “Safranbolu with
photographs”, they saw that the history
of Safranbolu from the Ottoman Period to
the Republican Period, the visual details,
the Roman Period, the coins of the
Ottomans and the Republican Period and
ancient handwritten pieces were exhibited.
On the ground floor;
They read in photographs about trading
and traditional handcraft in Safranbolu.
However; in the Tradesmen and
Craftsmen Bazaar, they saw the museum
of Pharmacy, the museum of Turkish delight
and the workplaces of some important
branches of trades in Safranbolu such as
shoe-sellers, spice-sellers, saddle-sellers,
blacksmiths, tinsmiths, coppersmiths and
the coffee house of the tradesmen, which
were designed with a Special Animation
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
They saw the model lectern just opposite
themselves. Omar impatiently read the epigraph on
the book-like plate, of which pages were turned.
— World Heritage Commitee has counted
“City of Safranbolu” in the List of World Heritage.
The inscription on this list confirms the worth
of a cultural or a natural area where should be
protected for the use of humanity.
The inscription date, 17 December 1994 –
— I suppose you’ve realized what it says here,
— Absulately, dad; that’s why I’m called Young
Traveler. Being in the World Heritage sequence is
a great honour for us, isn’t it?
— You’re right, my son. Nearly 1500 of 50.000
Cultural and Natural Property in Turkey, which
needs protecting, is in Safranbolu. However, the
Ministry of Culture started to protect Safranbolu
as “a urban site area” on 08-10-976.
After leaving the museum, our
travelers went straight to the area
at the back of museum.
Here, they learned that in 2000,
the Ministery of Culture and Tourism
started to restore the Government
House and the buildings around and
the task was completed in 2006.
The Clock Tower and the Prison
in this area are considered to be
the other important historical
In the city where the time
stopped, The Clock Tower, which
announced the sound of the past,
was built on an area called “Castle”
in 1797 by İzzet Mehmet Pasha,
from Safranbolu the grand vizier,
who said “I will present a clock to
everybody to put at home and in his
The clock of the square-like tower
has still been working.
38 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
Süha Arın Culture and Art Center
Tahsin Bey took his son to Süha Arın Culture and Art Center.
Süha Arın filmed “Safranbolu’da Zaman (Time in Safranbolu)” documentary in
1976, like his other films, with a group of his students full of enthusiasm and
excitement , when he was a lecturer in High School of Press and Publication (namely
Communication Faculty) of Faculty of Politician Sciences, Ankara University.
His film “Time in Safranbolu” was worth to be “The Best Documentary” and
awarded by the Golden Orange in Antalya Film Festival in 1977. Süha Arın died in
Our travelers had the chance to see his camera, his office, his private belongings
and his awards.
Our travelers were looking forward to see the “İncekaya Aqueduct”.
They reached there after 8 km. They stared at the magnificent aqueduct.
Tahsin Bey informed his son:
— This aqueduct is one of the works that İzzet Mehmet Pasha , the grand
vizier, built in this city. It, having an architectural value, is known to be built
between 1798. Water, through the water gauge that was in the yard of Havuzlu
Asmazlar Mansion in Beybağı Location, used to be distributed from here to the
fountains in the city by means of closed runnels and water cannals.
İncekaya Aqueduct
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
After spending some time near the aqueduct
our travelers went to the historical Nomad Village
– like a small model of Safranbolu - which was
closer to the aqueduct.
It’s possible to reach the village if you go 11 km
further towards Kastamonu from Safranbolu.
This village, founded by Hüseyin – the eldest of
the three brothers from Karakeçili tribe of Kayı
Clan which founded the Ottomans –, has been
protected by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
since 1997 as it is a true village of Turks and
The houses, in the museum-like village of 131
historical structures to be protected, range
along the street unlikely the grouping houses in
The village, with its mosque, its laundry and
and its houses - which were changed to museums
later – improves the tourism in Safranbolu.
40 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
Bulak Cave
It was getting darker and the sun was about to set in
an hour. Tahsin Bey wanted to take Omar to Bulak Cave,
which was the last stop of their trip, in the rest of their
Bulak Cave, an undersoil world wonder, was 8 kms away
from Safranbolu.
The cave, of which the total length is 6042 m, has three
floors. In the main gallery, there is an undersoil river. Bulak
Cave, which is very rich for its stalactites, stalagmites,
columns, and wall stalactites, used to be used by people
as a place for protection in the 12th century.
Only 400 m. of the cave is allowed to visit.
The landscape is fascinating. Mother nature has left
the mankind little to dream. If you go ahead, you can see
a waterfall and two lakes. The river, going underneath the
soil and going upwards through the rocks, was flowing
inside the cave.
Omar and his father couldn’t help admiring this miracle.
Our Young Traveler realized that there were 160 stairs up
to the entrance of the cave.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
Our travelers steered to the city center to
participate in the dinner with Mr. Necdet Aksoy,
the Mayor of Safranbolu.
They were satisfied with the natural beauties
of Safranbolu on the way to the city center.
— Dad, can you see that how generous the
nature is around here?
— You’re right. The plateaus, rivers , waterfalls
and archeological features are at least as this
important as its historical beauties.
Its natural features improve the tourism in
the district. Uluyayla is 50 km and Sarıçiçek is 8
km away from the city center. On the other hand,
Kirkille Pinery and Gürleyik Sylvan Recreation Area
are important picnic areas.
Its archeological areas are Hacılarobası,
Çavuşlar, Üçbölük; there are many rock-cut tombs
in Akören and Aşağı Güney Villages and there are
also timuli in the city center and nearby as well.
42 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
The father and son couldn’t realize how the journey
ended. They went straight ahead to the Municipality
Building. The Mayor took them to Cinci Han (Demoniac Inn)
to offer them some of the delicious meals of Safranbolu.
Everything was ready on the table.
Layered pastry (pastry with cheese & parsley filling, of
which dough is boiled in water before baking in the oven)
baklava (a traditional diamond shaped Turkish dessert
– multilayered flaky pastry with walnuts or pistachios),
zerde (a sweet, gelatinous dessert that has been colored
and flavored with saffron), pastry with walnuts (boiled
pastry with minced meat and tomato paste) , buttered
long green beans, okra with beef and unripe grapes,
yahni (undivided stewed meat), halushka (Turkish ravioli
with butter and tomato sauce), Safranbolu bükme (oven
cooked filo pastry with spinach and minced meat filling),
perohi (boiled filo pastry with mint and yoghurt), Kuyu
kebab (wells kebab –undivided meat grilled in the well)
Our travelers were starving because they just had
some snacks all day. They started to eat the delicious
meals. After a short silence, Mr. Mayor asked Omar:
— Omar, do you like Safranbolu?
— Absulately! I wish we had more time and we could
stay here longer.
— Whenever you want , we can host you again.
— Errrrrrr….. If it’s OK for you, could you please
continue your narration you started in the Municipality,
Mr. Mayor?
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
* We, as Safranbolu Municipality, care about our children because we suppose
them to be the founders of the future. We always want to be together with
them. We take our elementary school pupils to scouts camps this year as well to
make them learn things that they can benefit during their lives.
On one hand, today’s modern technology facilitates many things to individulas;
on the other hand, it fairly restricts mental and physical activities. For this reason,
we’ve been conducting outdoor activities; where we provide education based on
active learning approach to avoid all kinds of violence at school, out of school,
at home and at work; so as to contribute our children’s physical, psychological,
mental and social development, to educate them as a citizen; who respects for
his national and moral values, loves his homeland and nation, patterns the Turkish
elders, and also who is honest, clean, neat, self-confident, disciplined, who spends
his time on useful and enjoyable activities.
The fields of education in the camp are; Basic and Advanced Scouting, Archery,
Personal Development, Memory Techniques, Search & Rescue – Transceiver and
Communication, First Aid, Traffic, Environment and Forest, Fire-fighting & Fire,
Art, Music, Theatre, Swimming, Cycling, Horse-riding, Pentathlon, Badminton,
Wall bars, Fishing, Canoeing and Rowing, Animal Care, Marbling, Making model
planes, Fencing and Paintball.
44 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
We founded a “Knowledge House” within
SAKEM in Aslanlar District in Safranbolu. We
intented to maintain equal opportunities for all
people. The disadvantageous groups of people,
who can’t attend to the private couses, started
to have additional training there. At the moment
270 students have been studying in 8 different
classes on weekdays and at the weekends. They
have been carrying out the studies of Association
of Training Volunteers.
Furthermore, we led something new for the
first time in Safranbolu.
We founded an Asphalt Plant and we
accelerated our asphalt work in our city. We’ve
never stopped modernization of the crossroad
designs in our conducted work and we took many
details into consideration on the works of art
and pavements. Our disabled citizens could meet
the opportunity to experience a comfortable ride
in winters thanks to the completion of the roads
designed appropriately for themselves.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
*Within the “sister city” agreements between municipalities,
which have recently been growing in importance in the world,
based on the economical, cultural and social coorperation,
distances have been closer. These “sister city” projects have
gained more importance particularly in the last 20 years.
We , as Safranbolu Municipality, have been sister cities with
Alabuga (Tatarstan), Skydra (Greece) and lastly in 2011 Ohri
This sister city agreeement is not just on the paper, we
regularly keep in touch with our sister cities in the activities
that we organize every year. We hosted the Culture Manager
and the councillor of Ohri Municipality of Macedonia, and a
short time ago we showed hospitality to our three sister
cities in our city within the Golden Saffron Documentary Film
These days, we’ve been contacting with Nesabar from
Bulgaria to make a sister city agreement. Furthermore,
we’ve still been negotiating with Germany and Netherlands
in the scope of sister city project. In this process , we’ve
been offered to be sister cities with Asian countries and the
Arabian Peninsula.
We, as Safranbolu Municipality, organized 30 day- long
activities during Ramadan firstly in 2011.
46 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
The National Pack Square, where citizens flew after iftar
(the time when the muslims end fasting) every night, was full of
people. Our residents had the chance to watch the favourite
singers of Turkey closer and enjoyed and enthused with them.
The activities lasted till 12 at night and the people didn’t
want to leave the square.
We laid colourful closed stalls in the square. Our artisans
of different sectors had the chance to put up their goods for
On these stalls, there were various goods such as Lokma
(yeast dough fried in hot oil and put in sherbet), Ottoman gum
-like candy, cotton candy, popcorn, icecream, tea, book fair,
the procts of SAKEM, Turkish delight with saffron and cologne
with saffron, rose water products and bijouterie.
We experienced something new again in Safranbolu. The
Eurasian Circus, the first international circus of Turkey,
performed for 3 days in May 2011 in the scope of our
municipality’s cultural activities.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
At the Eurasian Circus, tightrope walkers, aerialists, acrobats, fire shows, high
air shows, clowns, magicians, huge pyhtons and the shows performed by worldfamous circus artists were applauded by the audience for minutes.
We provided all the disabled people in Karabük and Safranbolu city center, martyrs’
family members, our war veterans, all the parish residing in Child Protection Agency,
and the nursing home residents to be hosted in the Eurasian Circus and to watch
the shows for free.
We had the chance to perform a theatre play for our children in Safranbolu.
We organized a professional theatre play particularly for the children who have
been studying in schools which are in the areas deprived of social activities. The
theatre play was for the first and second graders. The little pupils watched the
play “Pinocchio” with a great interest and admiration. They demanded to see more
activities like this.
We, surely, can’t
be insensitive to their
demands so we’ve been
organizing activities for
our children.
We’ve been offering
our children the juveniles
which we prepare and
update every year.
48 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
The pupils of elementary schools all over Karabük are
taken for a walk in our city by the guides of our Management
of Cultural and Social Affairs every year.
This sightseeing tour starts in Hıdırlık Hill after
presenting them our “Young Traveler in Safranbolu”
booklets promoting Safranbolu, and serving them
Safranbolu bagels and Bağlar soda pop. The historical
places mentioned in Young Traveler’s booklet are visited
respectively and they are informed by the guides.
Afterwards, they visit Mr. Necdet Aksoy, the Mayor of
After being served some beverages and tea here, they
say goodbye to our city with their unforgettable memories
they have experienced during the day.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
50 Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
— Mr, Mayor, you talked about the canyons of Safranbolu while
we were chatting in the Municipality building. Could you please
elaborate this topic?
— Good for you, Omar. You’ve learnt what I told you at once.
Canyons, for us, are as important as the other cultural values of
Safranbolu as well. We gave a start to a special task particularly in
İncekaya and Tokatlı Canyons. We made a hiking trail in this natural
paradise 8 km away from the city.
We arranged there properly so that our visitors walking on this
hiking trail can complete the way easily.
We built special wooden stairs to go downwards the canyon
from the area underneath İncekaya Aqueduct. We constituted
small waterfalls, bridges and ponds along the hiking trail. The nature
hikers can come across the historical bridges in the canyon.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
* Mankind, inherently, has always desired to fly freely over the sky like a bird.
We often sit on window-seats in planes and dream as if we were flying like a
Here, we had a chance to satisfy our “passion to fly” like Hezarfen Çelebi.
We observed microlight gliding (flights with very light gliders) that are the
latest interest of flight lovers. We arranged some flights in summers within our
Municipality’s financial support to a private microlight gliding company.
We participated in one of those flights that have been drawing great attention of
the domestic and foreign tourists. This time, we were delighted to see Safranbolu
panoramically, where we’ve travelled below so far and fallen in love.
52 Küçük Gezgini in SAFRANBOLU
* During the year, we, as Safranbolu Municipality,
participated in many fairs. The last one was EMITT Fair
in February.
We laid a stall in EMITT Fair (International Eastern
Mediterranean Tourism and Travel Fair), where stalls of
each city take place , to promote our city as BAKAB this
year too.
During the fair, our stall caught great attention. SAKEM
( Safranbolu Culture and Training Center) exhibited its own
products and promoted traditional products of Safranbolu.
While our leather shoe maker was demostrating shoe
making , another artisan attracted great attention with
his dolls made of socks. We were the focus of interest
with the traditional clothes of Safranbolu and Ottoman
gum-like candy.
Many national TV channels , primarily TRT , gave detailed
information on live broadcast.
Our travelers didn’t want to disturb Mr. Mayor more.
They thanked very much for his narration and hospitality
and wished him continued success.
They stayed in Sefa Mansion that night as well.
Küçük Gezgin in SAFRANBOLU
World Heritage
City of Museums
Tablo: Rıza KORKMAZ
The Hıdırlık Hill
The Nomad Village
The Museum Houses
The Arasta Bazaar
Blacksmithery and Coppersmithery Bazaars
The Museum of the City History
(the Ancient Government House)
* İncekaya Aqueduct
* Bulak (Mencilis) Cave
* Without staying at historical houses
* Without eating Safranbolu zerde, Safranbolu
bükme, Safranbolu baklava, perohi and of course
Safranbolu delight
* Without offering Turkish coffee at Havuzlu
Küçük Gezgin Safranbolu’da

Benzer belgeler


CULTURAL and NATURAL HERITAGE of Its first documentedly known history started in the Byzantine period. Safranbolu, namely Dadybra, was established as a stronghold castle against the Arabian attacks and gained great importance. In ...
