prof. dr. ayşe selçuk esenbel özgeçmiş


prof. dr. ayşe selçuk esenbel özgeçmiş
Adres: İcadiye-Bağlarbaşı Caddesi, No: 40 34662 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Telefon: 02164740860- 1343
Öğrenim Bilgisi
Yüksek Lisans-Tezli
Japanese Language and
Japanese History
George Washington
Columbia University
Akademik Ünvanlar
Columbia University/East Asian Institute
Japan Trade Center
Japan Trade Center
Yabancı Dil Bilgisi
Klasik Çince
Üak Temel Alan
Japon Dili ve Edebiyatı
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler
Temel Alanı , Japon Tarihi
Yeniçağ ve Yakınçağ Tarihi
Yönetilen Tezler
ULUĞ NİMET ELİF, (2014). Elemterefis: Superstitious Beliefs and Magic in Ottoman Empire
(1839- 1923), Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
KÜÇÜKYALÇIN ERDAL, (2012). Exploring Church-State Relations in Modern Japan: Count Otani
Kozui's Quest for the Pure Land in an Age of Turbulence, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
 “The Press and Democratization in Turkey and Japan”, Tamiko Nozawa
1997. Ph.D. Bogazici University.
Yüksek Lisans
KUZUOGLU ULUG, (2010). Xinjiang between the globes: The Ottomans in the making of
modern Xinjiang, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
KALAYCI SUZAN MERYEM ROSITA, (2009). Haymatlos! exile: Turkey, Haymatlos! Exile: Turkey:
Traugott Fuchs' landscape of reconciliation?, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
YENER EMIR, (2009). Iron ships and iron men: Naval modernization in the Ottoman Empire,
Russia, China and Japan from a comparative perspective 1830-1905, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
KAYGUSUZ BANU, (2009). Poetics and politics of photography: The representation of Japan in
photography collection of Abdulhamid II, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
ALTAN SELDA, (2009). Sighting the ottomans from the east: Chinese intellectual transition
from imperial to national imagination through the Ottomans at the turn of the twentieth
century, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
KÜÇÜKYALÇIN ERDAL, (2007). Janissary and samurai:Early modern warrior classes and
religion, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
ÖZKAYA HÜSEYIN, (2004). The use of a novel as a source for the study of Turkish-Japanese
relations: Shiba Shirö`s Kajin No Kigu, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
EROGLU ZEYNEP HALE, (2003). Nation-building in China and Turkey: An analysis of the
thought of Sun Yat-Sen and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in comparative, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
ÖZTÜRK IBRAHIM, (1995). Fukuzawa Yukichi and Ahmet Mithat Efendi: A comperative study
of the two leading figures of modernization in Japon and the Ottoman Empire in the 19 th
century, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
IWANAGA KAZUKO, (1991). Profiles in educational reform Inoue Kowashi and Mehmed Said
Pasa comparative study between a Japanese and an Ottoman statesmen, Bogaziçi
SIMSEK SEFA, (1990). The Code of honour in the east and in the west, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler: (SSCI, SCI, SCI-EXPANDED, AHCI)
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2006). A Transnational History of Revolution and Nationalism:
Encounters between Japanese Asianists, the Turkish Revolution, and the World of Islam. New
Perspectives on Turkey(35), 37- 64.
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2006). Reflections on Japanese and Turkish Modernization and Global
History. New Perspectives on Turkey(35), 5-20.
“A fin de siecle Japanese Romantic in Istanbul: The Life of Yamada Torajiro and his Toruko
Gakan,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Volume LIX Part 2, 1996
“Japan’s Global Claim to Asia and the World of Islam: Transnational Nationalism and World
Power 1900-1945”, The American Historical Review, October 2004 issue, 1140-1170.
SSCI, SCI, SCI-EXPANDED, AHCI kapsamı dışındaki Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan
Arts & Humanities Index
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2010). Pan Asianism and Its Discontents. International Journal of
Asian Studies (7), 81-90.
“The People of Tokugawa Japan”, Early Modern Japan An InterdisciplinaryJournal,Spring,
2003, 31-53.
“The Present State of Japanese Studies in Turkey”, Tsushin, Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of
Japanese Studies, HarvardUniversity, Spring, 2003.
“The Anguish of Civilization: Western Cultural Forms in the Everyday Lives of the Meiji
Japanese and the Ottoman Turks During the Nineteenth Century,” Japan Review, 1994, No. 5
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler :
Tam metin bildiri
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1998). Japanese Interest in the Ottoman Empire: The Meiji FactFinding Missions. Bogaziçi University on the History of Japanese-Turkish Relations
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK Enigmatic Experiences of Early Twentieth Century Japan: Wenceslau
de Moraes, Abdurresid Ibrahim, and Fukuhara Hachiro. Kyoto Conference on Japanese
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1998). Japan in a Comparative Perspective. International Research
Center for Japanese Studies, 12th International Symposium
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1997). Japanese Interest in the Ottoman Empire. European
Association for Japanese Studies
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1996). Intelligence and Diplomacy during the Russo-Japanese War: A
Comparative Look at Turkish-Japanese Relations. International Studies Association and Japan
Association of International Relations Joint Convention at Makuhari
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1994). The Anguish of the Civilizing Process:Western Culture and the
Meiji Elite. European Association for Japanese Studies
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1995). Yamada Torajiro A Turn of the Century Japanese Romantic
Interpreter of Ottoman Istanbul. Istanbul et les Langues Orientals
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK The Family in Modern Ethics Textbooks of Meiji Japan and Ottoman
Turkey: A Comparative Study. Senri Foundation Conference
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2004). .... International Forum on War History
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1992). Japanese Studies in Turkey. Fukuoka Unesco Conference
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1990). Japan and the World. International Research for Japanese
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2003). .... European Association for Japanese Studies
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2013). Tokyo Mekteb'i Islamiye and Islamic Schools in Imperial Japan.
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1999). 21 seiki no nihon to toruko, sono kanosei. GRIPS Conference
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1997). .... European Association for Japanese Studies
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1998). Prospects for Democracy and Civil Society versus Oriental
Identities in
Eastern and Western Discourses: A Comparison of the Turkish and Japanese Attitudes
Toward a Modern
National Identity, Westernism, Fundamentalism and Tradition. Fundamentalismus versus
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2013). General Utsunomiya Taro's View of the Ottoman Empire and
Pan-Islam. ...
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1998). Invention of Japan: the Image of Japan in the World of Islam.
ICAS Leiden Meeting
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1991). The Use of Western Cultural Forms by the Ottoman Turks and
the Meiji Japanese During the Nineteenth Century. CNRS
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1985). Turkish Perspectives on Japanese Modernization. Economic
Dialogue Turkey
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2012). Japan's Global Claim to Islam. ...
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2008). Conference on Global History. Conference on Global History
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1981). Peasant Uprisings in Tokugawa Japan. AAS Regional Meeting
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2005). The Remembrance of the 1871 Nakano Uprising in Takaino
Village today as a Comtemporary Village Problem. European Association for Japanese Studies
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1994). Japanese Interest in the Ottoman Empire. Warsaw Symposium
on Japanese Studies
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (1998). Japan and the World of Islam. Association for Asian Studies
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılmamış poster,
sözlü bildiriler ve yapılan davetli konuşmalar
Davetli konuşmacı
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK Yamada Torajiro and Japanese Turkish Relations. Türk-Japon Dostluk
Derneği Toplantısı
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2013). China Goes Global. ...
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2005). The History of Japanese Turkish Friendship. Aichi Expo
Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler: Tam metin bildiri
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK (2012). Japan on the Silk Road. ...
Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler
Bilimsel Kitap
Pan Asianism A Documentary History, Volume I: 1850-1920 Bölüm adı:(Abdurresid Ibrahim
"The World of Islam and the Spread of Islam in Japan" 1910) (2011)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK,
American-Turkish Encounters: Politics and Culture 1830-1989 (with Nur Bilge Criss, Tony
Greenwood, Louis Mazzari) (2011)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK, Cambridge Scholars
Pan Asianism A Documentary History, Volume I: 1850-1920 (2011)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK,
Rowman and Littlefield PublishersRowman and Littlefield Publishers, Ingilizce
The Crescent and the Sun: Three Japanese in Istanbul Yamada Torajiro, Ito Chuta, Otani Kozui
(with Miyuki Girardelli and Erdal Küçükyalçın) (2010)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK, Istanbul
Rethinking the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05, Volume I Centennial Perspectives Bölüm
adı:(The Legacy of the War and the World of Islam in Japanese Pan-Asian Discourse:
Wakabayashi Han's
Field Seasons 2001-2003 of the Tarsus-Gözlükule Interdisciplianary Research Project Bölüm
adı: (Comment on the Chinese Coins from Tarsus-Gözlükule) (2005)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK,
The Rising Sun and the Turkish Crescent: New Perspectives on the History of Japanese
Turkish Relations (2003)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK, Bogaziçi University PressBogaziçi University
Ibunka rikai no shiza: sekai kara mita nihon, nihon kara mita sekai Bölüm adı:(Torukojin no
me kara mita kindai nihon) (2003)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK, Tokyo Daigaku ShuppankaiTokyo
Fundamentalismus versus Wissenschft? Zur identitat des Orients in ostlichen und westlischen
Diskursen Bölüm adı:(A Comparison of Turkish and Japanese Attitudes Toward Modern
Turning Points in Japanese History Bölüm adı:(Japan and Islam Policy During the 1930s)
(2002)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK, Japan Library Routledge CurzonkJapan Library Routledge
The Japanese and European Images Perceptions Bölüm adı:(Japanese Interest in the
Ottoman Empire) (2000)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK, Curzon Press Japan LibraryCurzon Press
Kindai nihon to toruko sekai Bölüm adı:(Seiki matsu isutanburu no nihonjin:Yamada Torajiro
no shogai to toruko gakan) (1999)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK, KeisoshoboKeisoshobo,
Japanese Civilization: A Comparative View Bölüm adı:(Commentary for the General
Discussion on Japan in a Comparative Perspective) (1998)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK,
Leaders and Leaderhip in Japan Bölüm adı:(The Meiji elite and Western Culture) (1996).,
ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK, Japan Library Curzon PressJapan Library Curzon Press,
The Introduction of Modern Science and Technology to Turkey and Japan Bölüm
adı:(Remarks on the Modernization of Japan and Turkey in the 18th and 19th Centuries)
Turkish-Japanese Relations: Prospects for Development Bölüm adı:(Turkish Perspectives on
Japanese Modernization: A Century of Distant Admiration) (1986)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK,
Yazılan ulusal kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler
Bilimsel Kitap
Türkiye'de Japonya Çalışmaları I (Erdal Küçükyalçın ile Birlikte) (2014)., ESENBEL AYSE
SELÇUK, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Türkçe
Türkiye'de Çin'i Düşünmek (Isenbike Togan ve Altay Atlı ile Birlikte) (2013)., ESENBEL AYSE
SELÇUK, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Türkçe
Japon Modernleşmesi ve Osmanlı: Türk Dünyası ve İslam Politikaları (2012)., ESENBEL AYSE
SELÇUK, İletişim Yayınları, Türkçe
Çağdaş Japonya’ya Türkiye den Bakışlar (Murat Demircioglu ile birlikte) (Istanbul: Simurg
Press, 1999).
Ansiklopedi Maddesi
Ministry of Culture Bölüm adı:(Yunus Emre) (1993)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK, Kültür Bakanlığı,
Bölüm Adı: Yunus Emre, İngilizce
Türk ve Dünya Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi Bölüm adı:(Uzak Doğu maddeleri) (2014)., ESENBEL
İletişim Atlaslı Büyük Uygarlıklar Ansiklopedisi Bölüm adı:(Çin) (1989)., ESENBEL AYSE SELÇUK,
İletişim Yayınları, Bölüm Adı: Çin, Türkçe
Uluslararası Konferanslar
Fourth ENIUGH International Congress on Global History, 2014, Paris with Ecole Normale
Superior, September 4-10, 2014, Panel: Japan and the Great War, and book launching event
of Japan Foundation.
European Association of Japanese Studies Conference, Ljubliana, August 27-30, 2014, Panel:
Japan and the Great War.
University of Gottingen, talk “Japan and the World of Islam”, May 21, 2014.
Not All is Quiet on the Eastern Front: Germany and the Ottoman Empires in the Great War,
“Friends on Opposite Camps: Japan and the Eastern Front”, Bilgi University, 9-11, April, 2014.
Alexander von Humboldt International Congress, Bamberg University, March 21-22, 2014,
Key note Speech “Deconstructing National Narratives: Global History : Connecting Japan and
Turkey During the Nineteenth Century and beyond”.
Jacobs University and University of Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
and Europe Asia Research Center talk on “Turkey and China in the Global 21st
Century”January 28, 2014.
Uluslararası Kitaplar
Japan, Turkey, and the World of Islam: Writings of Selcuk Esenbel (Leiden: Brill Global
Oriental, 2011).
Even the Gods Rebel: Peasants of Takaino and the 1871 Nakano Uprising in Japan, AAS
Monograph and Occasional Paper Series, Number 57 (Ann Arbor: Association for Asian
Studies, 1998).
Kitap Bölümü
“The Legacy of the War and the World of Islam in Japanese Pan-Asian Discourse:
Wakabayashi Han’s Kaikyo Sekai to Nihon” in Rethinking the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05,
Volume I Centennial Perspectives, Rotem Kowner, editor, Kent; Global Oriental Ltd, 2007.
Articles and Chapters
“Friends on Opposite Camps or Enemies from Afar in the Great War: Japanese and Ottoman
Turkish Relations in the First World War” in The Decade of the Great War: Japan and the
Wider World in the 1910s, (Leiden: Brill, 2014) editors, Tosh Minohara, Tze-ki Hon, Evan
“The Janus Face of Modernity: Meiji Japan’s Fin-de-Siècle Story”, in Michael Saler, The Fin de
Siecle World, Routledge, 2014.
“宇都宮太郎日記に見るオスマン。トルコとイスラム主義”(Utsunomiya Tarō nikki ni
miru osuman.toruko to isuramushugi/Ottoman Turkey and Islamism in Utsunomiya Tarō’s
Diary)、早稲田大学アジア。ムスリム研究所Waseda University Institute for Asian Muslim
Studies, Research Paper Series, Vol.1。リサーチペーパー。シリーズ。Vol. 1(2013
“Turkey’s Changing Foreign Policy Stance: Getting Closer to Asia? Middle East Asia Project
Bulletin, Washington D.C.: Middle East Institute, September, 2013, with Altay Atli.
Türkçe Makaleler
“İslam Dünyasında Japonya İmgesi: Abdürresid İbrahim ve Geç Meiji Dönemi Japonları” I, II
(The image of Japan in the World of Islam: Abdurresid Ibrahim and the Late Meiji Japanese)
Toplumsal Tarih (Journal of Social History) Temmuz (July) 1995, (August) 1995, in Turkish.
“Yamada Torajiro” İstanbul Dergisi (Istanbul Journal), No. 9, 1994, in Turkish.
“Japonya’da Toprak Düzeni ve Kapitulasyonlar” (Tözeren surname, soyadı) (Land Tenure in
Japan and the Unequal Treaties), Toplum ve Bilim (Society and Science), 25/26 1984, in
Japon Eğitim Modeli ve Doğu Batı Sorunsalı” (Tözeren) (The Japanese Educational Model and
the East West Problematic) Toplum ve Bilim, 25/26, 1984, in Turkish.
“Japon Aydınları ve Batı Bilimi” (Japanese intellectuals and western science)Toplum ve Bilim,
40, 1988, in Turkish.
“Japonya’da Islahat Düşüncesi ve Ulusal Kimlik Sorunsalı” (Reformist thought in Japan and
the national identity question) Toplum ve Bilim, 54/55 1991, in Turkish.
Proje Görevleri
Güneş Ay Yıldız Belgeseli
Exhibition on the History of Friendship Between Turkey and Japan
Wako Department Store in Ginza Tokyo, on the Occasion of the Year of
Turkey in Japan
Proje Koordinatörü
Hilal ve Günes: Istanbul'da Üç Japon
Devlet Planlama Teskilatı Sosyal Politikaları Arastırma Projesi
The Dilemma of Modernity in Japan and Turkey: Japanese Turkish
Encounters and
Shared Emphaties
Göç ve Kültürel Etkileşim: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Haymatlos
Alman Bilim Adamları ve Sanatçılarının Ulusal ve Küresel Bilim ve
Sanat Dünyasına Katkıları
Globally Global History and he Global History of Europe
The History of American Turkish Relations 1833-1989
Japanese Government Cultural Grant for the Language Laboratory
of Bogaziçi University (Japon Hükümeti Kültürel Bagıs Programı Bogaziçi
Üniversitesi Sorumlusu Dil Laboratuvarı Bagısı)
Restoration of the Cultural Heritage Museum of Bogaziçi
Tarsus Gözlükule Archeological Site Survey
Tokyo University Project on "The Comparison of Modernization in
Japan and Turkey"
Onursal Başkan
Japanese Studies Association
Global Relations Forum, 2011
Tarih Vakfı 1985
Association for Asian Studies
American Historical Association
European Association for Japanese Studies
Öğrenim Dili Ders Saati
Medeniyet Tarihi
Alexander von Humboldt Vakfı George Foster Arastırmacı Ödülü, 2013, Alexander von
Humboldt Vakfı, ALMANYA
Japon İmparatoru Nişanı, 2007, Japonya Devleti, JAPONYA
Japon Dışişleri Bakanlığı Özel Ödülü, 2007, Japonya Dışisleri Bakanlığı, JAPONYA
Aptullah Kuran Hizmet Ödülü, 2007, BOGAZİÇİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ
Visiting Senior Scholar, 1999, Osaka Kansai University, JAPONYA
Distinguished Visitor of Onassis Foundation, 2003, Onassis Vakfı, YUNANISTAN
Good Family Fellow, 2008, Queen's University, KANADA
Japonya Çalışmaları Özel Ödülü, 2007, Japonya Vakfı
Special Grant as Foreign Scholar for Annual Meeting, 2006, The American Historical
High Achievement Award for Senior Scholars, 2005, BOGAZİÇİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ
Fulbright Senior Scholar, 2000, The Fulbright Program, AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ
Visiting Scholar, 1993, Japan Foundation, JAPONYA
Visiting Scholar, 1992, International Center for Japanese Studies, JAPONYA
Visiting Scholar, 1993, Keio University, JAPONYA
Fulbright Bilim Insanı Bursu, 2000, New York University Department of East Asian Studies and
Columbia University East Asian Studies, AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ

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