Author`s comment


Author`s comment
Author's response to reviews
Title: adrenocortical oncocytic neoplasm presenting with cushing syndrome:
case report
Ozlem Yersal Kabayegit (
Dilek Soysal (
Gonca Oruk (
Bahar Ustaoglu (
Umut Kosan (
Serife Solmaz (
Arzu Avci (
Version: 5 Date: 22 May 2008
Author's response to reviews: see over
1- The impression on the Weiss score on page 4 is reported.
2-In the discussion part, comments on the Weiss score and its limitations are made. In this
context the paper of Pohlink C et al., Does tumor heterogeneity limit the use of the Weiss
criteria in the evaluation of adrenocortical tumors? is cited.
3-At the end of their case report on page 4, the glucocorticoid replacement therapy,
electrolytes including Na and K are mentioned.