

Bilkent University, FADA – LAUD, FA-306
T. +90 | (0) 312 | 290 1060
F. +90 | (0) 312 | 266 4053
E-mail hkaraca@bilkent.edu.tr
1999 Villes, Architecture & Patrimoine au Maghreb et au Proche Orient, L’Université de Paris X
Nanterre and L’Ecole d’Architecture de Paris Belleville (M.D. degree in Urbanism).
Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and
Architecture, Bilkent University, Ankara (B. A. degree in Landscape Architecture and
Urban Design).
Tevfik Fikret Lisesi, Ankara.
French, English, Turkish
2009 Şehir Turizminin Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını, Mehmet Kemal Dedeman Foundation Research and
Development Project Competition 2008, February 12. (Third Prize).
National Architectural Competition for ‘50. Yıl’ Park and War Memorial Complex (Fifth
International Competition of Idea & Design for Gallipolis Peninsula (Honorable Mention).
Chamber of Landscape Architects of Turkey
Le:Notre Thematic Network Project
academic appointments
Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Art,
Design and Architecture, Bilkent University, Ankara (Instructor).
Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Art, Design and
Architecture, Bilkent University, Ankara (Part-time Instructor).
Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Art, Design, and
Architecture, Bilkent University, Ankara (Part-time Instructor).
professional appointments
Executive Chef, Turca Restaurant, Ankara.
Cook, Wok Restaurant, Ankara.
Urban Designer, Artı Tasarım Mimarlık Ltd. Şti.
organizational appointments
Summer Practice Committee, Department of Urban Design and Landscape
Architecture, Bilkent University, Ankara.
Guest Lecturers Committee, Department of Urban Design and Landscape
Architecture, Bilkent University, Ankara.
Education and Curriculum Committee, Department of Urban Design and
Landscape Architecture, Bilkent University, Ankara.
Le:Notre Thematic Network Project: Preparation of an e-learning course on
“Historical Gardens and Conservation” for undergraduate students, May 2009
(w/History and Conservation Working Group Members).
courses taught
Vertical Design Studio: Context and Design Studio (LAUD201, 202, 301, 302, 401, 402)
LAUD 342
Planting Design
LAUD 251
Introduction to Landscape Theory
LAUD 232
Landscape Representation
FA 102
Basic Design II
FA 101
Basic Design I
ADA 131
Architectural Drawing
FA 132
Technical Drawing and Lettering II
symposia, seminars, conferences
2010 27th ECLAS Conference, İstanbul Technical University, September 29 - October 2, Istanbul.
Ottoman Paleography Certificate Program, Türk Tarih Vakfı, attended and received a
certificate, December 20, 2008 – March 21, Ankara (50 hours).
Alanya: Urban Identity, Place Attachment and Tourism, the Chamber of Landscape
Architects and the Municipality of Alanya, February 7, Alanya.
Instructional Alignment: Designing a Cohesive Course (Ellen Stevens), Bilkent University,
September 09-11, Ankara.
11th World Conference of Historical Cities, The League of Historical Cities – Greater City
Municipality of Konya, Living Cultural Heritage in Historical Cities, 10-13 June.
IV Forum Internazionale, Universita Degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Le Citta del
Mediterraneo, 27 – 29 May.
ESRI International Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Certificate Program, İşlem
Computer, attended and received a certificate, January 21-25, Ankara.
III rd. Congress of Landscape Architecture, November 22-25, Antalya, Turkey.
10th PEMAT Meeting, Ilgaz, Kastamonu, Turkey.
9th PEMAT Meeting, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
2013 İznik 201301, A Collaborative Social Media Workshop, Bilkent University, Department of
Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, Context and Design Studio and Boğaziçi
University, Department of Management, September 27 – October 1, İznik, Turkey.
Collecting the dots: A souvenir, 6 th International Student Triennial: Connecting the Dots,
April 26-28, İstanbul, Turkey.
Tales of Çanakkale, A Collaborative Studio Workshop and Presentations, Bilkent University,
Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, Context and Design Studio and
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Landscape
Architecture, February 22-24, Çanakkale, Turkey.
Eğlen(me)kan, a participatory workshop in Hamamönü with high school students from
Altındağ and Basic Design II, Bilkent University, Department of Urban Design and Landscape
Architecture, Hamamönü, June 23.
Map your Mudanya of recognizable places, a cognitive workshop in Mudanya, October 1.
Edirne’lilerle...Edirne’de...Edirne’yi görmek, tanımak, anlamak, algılamak istiyoruz,
Partcipatory workshop, October, Edirne, Turkey.
History and Conservation, Le: Notre Project Spring Workshop 2009, April 2-5, Versailles,
History and Conservation, Le: Notre Project Spring Workshop 2008, March 13-16, Brussels,
Valley as an Urban Form: Challenging City-Nature Intersections, International Design
Workshop, November 8-13, Bilkent University Department of Landscape Architecture and
Urban Design, w/ Rome La Sapienza University, Faculty of Architecture, Ankara, Turkey.
Rare Knowledge, Le: Notre Two “Towards Wider Objectives” Spring Workshop 2007, May
10-11, Porto, Portugal.
Cultural Landscape, Le: Notre Two “Towards Wider Objectives” Spring Workshop 2007, May
12-13, Porto, Portugal.
selection of student exhibitions
2012 Enjoy the space: A hidden corner for three of us, student project installation, Open
spaces of ‘Hamamarkası’ and ‘Yahudi mahallesi’, Altındağ, Altındağ Municipality, July 5.
Considering Edirne as a Border City: Edirne on Edge, Context and Design Studio Project
Exhibition, Bilkent university, Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture,
Edirne Municipality and Trakya University, Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Edirne, Turkey.
Regeneration of Izmir Alsancak Harbor Region, Bilkent University, Department of
Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, 4th year Design Studio Exhibition, Izmir Greater
City Municipality, Çetin Emeç Art Gallery, Konak, Izmir, Turkey.
Regeneration of Historical Center of Kadıköy, Bilkent University, Department of Landscape
Architecture and Urban Design, Student Projects Exhibition, Kadıköy Municipality Youth
Center, Istanbul, Turkey.
refereed working paper series
2010 Arapgirlioğlu, K. & Karaca H., The Hybrid City: A med-urban identity. In C. F. De Blasio
(Ed.) The 4th Edition of the International Forum: The Cities of Mediterranean (a collection
of selected papers), Reggio Calabria, Italy, pp. 298-300.
Ulusoy Z., Karaca H. & Bas F., Spatial, Social and Temporal Compromise on the Border,
Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series, vol. 155, pp. 37-49.
refereed conference publications
2010 Tokol, S. A., Arapgirlioglu, K. & Karaca H., An Interdisciplinary Vertical Design Studio:
Context-based Approach to LAUD, 27th ECLAS Conference Proceedings, Istanbul, pp.925934.
Arapgirlioğlu K. & Karaca H., The Hybrid City: A Med-Urban Identity, IV Forum
Internazionale: Le Citta del Mediterraneo Instant Book, Reggio Calabria, Italy, pp. 270 –
Tokol S. A., Karaca H., Altay D. & Arapgirlioğlu K., LAUD intensities: LAUD in ten cities …
Third Millennium – Fourth Dimension, 11th World Conference of Historical Cities Conference
Book, Konya, pp. 299-312.
Ulusoy Z., Karaca H. & Bas F., Spatial Typology of the Relation between Land and Sea as
Exemplified in Alanya. In U., Fratino, A., Petriolli, A., Petruccioli & M. Stella (Eds.),
Landscapes of Water: History, Innovation and Sustainable Design Proceedings, Uniongrafica
Corcelli Editrice, Bari, Italy, pp. 611-616.
journal articles (in Turkish)
2010 Tokol, S. A., Karaca, H. & Arapgirlioğlu K., LAUD ve Şehirler... LAUD’dan (Sek)(İz)ler...,
Kent ve Peyzaj, Dosya No: 18, TMMOB, Mimarlar Odası, Ankara Şubesi, pp.37-54.
Çulcuoğlu G., Arapgirlioglu K., Tokol S. A., Nalbantoğlu O. & Karaca H., Kentsel Form
olarak Vadi: Doğanın Kentle Kesiştigi Yerde, Arredamento, no. 209, January, pp. 31-35.
unpublished conference presentations
2001 Ulusoy Z., Karaca H. & Bas F., Coastal Typology as an Urban Design Issue, First
International Urban Design Meeting: Urban Design in the Process of Globalization and Local
Particularities, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul (Turkey), September 22-29.
unpublished thesis
1999 Karaca H., L’espace public a Essaouira: Entre Modernité et Tradition, Unpublished Master
Thesis, L’Université de Paris X Nanterre and Ecole d’Architecture de Paris Belleville.