
Public Service Broadcasting
Burak Doğu
Department of Media and Communication, IUE
Public service broadcasting
• Responsibility delegated to broadcasting authorities by the
• Wavelength scarcity and problems of financing
Sykes; “Wavebands available in a country must be seen as a
valuable form of public property.”
TRT was founded in 1964 as the only national broadcaster
of Turkish Republic. Test transmissions started on TRT 1 on
January 31, 1968.
The structure of TRT channels
Yücel Yener;
"The technology being used was old and the channels were lack of
According to a research of Başbakanlık Aile Kurumu (1993);
"Besides the purpose of the programs, television is an important
medium which has the power to change the society. It has the
power of mainstreaming. The viewers are living the life of others
during the viewing experience."
• First channel of TRT
• The highest rating amongst the TRT channels
• Coverage of 98,4% of the population in Turkey
• Target?
• Consanguineous nationalities.
• Anniversaries
• “Educating while entertaining”
TRT 1 (cont'd)
Gülseven Güven;
"1998 Türkiye'sinde Türkiye„nin işgücünün %78'i ilkokul mezunudur.
Bir rating savaşında bunu dikkate alıyorsak ve yayınlar giderek bu
çevre ve topluluk ihtiyaçlarına, beğenilerine göre hazırlanıyorsa, o
zaman nasıl büyük kentlerimizi gecekondu kültürüne terk ettiysek,
bu sefer bütün genel kültürümüzü de onlara teslim etmek zorunda
• It began broadcasting in 1986.
• Development plans
• Culture and arts channel
• Sinema ve Edebiyat, Sinema 100 Yaşında, İki Film Birden, and
Gündemde Sanat Var
• 2002: "News and Information"
• TRT news centre
• TRT 2 works with 1763 transmitters to cover 97,5% of Turkey.
• It began broadcasting in 1989.
• Politicians to own their public channel
• Sports programs
• Its broadcast reaches a population of 96,8%.
• Its broadcasts began in 1990.
• Universal education
• Turkish classical and folk music programs
• Its broadcast began in 1989 on TV2.
• Coverage for the southeastern part of Turkey
• Migration
• Women audience.
• It was named as TV5.
• It was founded in 1990.
• Turkish citizens living in Europe.
• It reached 14.500.000 people in Germany, 624.000 in Austria,
3.959.819 in the Netherlands...
• 24 hours a day
• Merhaba, Kimlik Arayışı
• It broadcasts to the Caucasus and Middle East.
• It was named as TRT AVRASYA when began broadcasting in 1993.
• The issue of timing was another problem.
• Limited coverage provided by Türksat 1C
The picture today - domestic I
• TRT 1 (launched January 1968) - General entertainment channel
with a broad schedule featuring local and foreign series, Turkish
and Hollywood cinema, live shows with Turkish folk music,
Turkish classical music and pop music, live sport, news and
current affairs plus special events such as the Eurovision Song
• TRT Haber (launched September 1986 as TRT 2) - The daytime
schedule of TRT Haber consists of news and current affairs, plus
sports news and weather. Primetime programming focuses on
culture, arts, documentaries and world cinema.
The picture today - domestic II
• TRT 3 (launched October 1989) - Broadcasts live and archive
sports including Formula 1, World and European Figure Skating
Championships, World and European Athletics Championships,
Turkish Women's Volleyball league, U18 Basketball plus feature
programmes. When parliament is in session, TRT 3 relays live
coverage of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM-TV).
• TRT Gap (launched October 1989) - TRT Gap airs programming
aimed at the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. The
channel timeshares with TRT 3.
• TRT Çocuk (launched November 2008) - TRT Çocuk airs
children's programming, animated programmes and educational
programmes. The station timeshares for most of the day with
TRT 4, which signs on in the primetime hours.
• TRT Okul (launched January (2011) - In context of the strategic
agreement with Anadolu University it aims to reach pupils.
The picture today - domestic III
• TRT 5 Anadolu - Broadcasting with regional TV channels of
• TRT 6 (launched January 2009) - TRT 6 broadcasts Kurdish
language programming in line with Turkish law.
• TRT el Türkiye (launched April 2010) - Broadcasts 24 hours a
day in Arabic language with programs aimed at Arabs in Turkey,
as well as the wider Arab world and the Middle East.
• TRT Müzik (launched November 2009) - TRT Müzik is a 24 hour
music channel for Turkish folk and Turkish classical music. It
also airs pop, rock, jazz & ethnic music.
• TRT Belgesel (launched November 2009) - TRT Belgesel is a 24
hour documentary channel.
• TRT HD (launched May 2010) - High definition television channel
of TRT.
The picture today - international
• TRT Türk (16:9, but this is not encoded in DVB signal) Broadcasts international news, current affairs,
documentaries and cultural programming aimed at both
Turks and Turkish speaking audience living abroad. It's the
first TRT channel to make extensive use of a private
production company for news programming.
• TRT Avaz (launched March 2009) - International channel
broadcast aimed at the Turkic Republics and Turks living in
the Balkans. The channel has a focus on entertainment
and documentaries as opposed to TRT Türk's new focus
on news. Programmes are broadcasted in a mixture of
languages including Turkish, Azeri, Kazak, Uzbek and
TRT NET and Teletext (Telegün)
TRT website was founded in 1999
with the name of TRT NET.
Telegün was renewed to
standardize the page formats in
accordance to TRT logo.
Telegün is consist of 500 pages
which are updated anytime during
the day.
TRT news
• Protokol haberciliği
• Anadolu Ajansı
• Centre, Parliament, Nation, Foreign, and Sports departments
• TRT centre is located in Ankara, however it has news management offices
(haber müdürlükleri) in İstanbul, İzmir, Antalya, Çukurova, Diyarbakır,
Erzurum, Trabzon, Cyprus. It has some agencies (haber büroları) in several
other cities like Edirne, Kocaeli, Aydın, Muğla, Manisa, Uşak, and Elazığ.
• Besides, 1000 freelance reporters (kaşeli) are working in other cities.
• News in English, French, and German
• Member of EBU (European Broadcasting Union) and
ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union).
• In 2001, TRT bought an approximate number of 300 programs from
international companies and distributed 250 videos in return.
TRT newscast
• 20-25 news are presented in each newscast.
• 90% of all news have political references.
• 50% of news are on opening ceremonies and on visits of the
political actors.
• No cliches
• No violence and abuse
Magic Box
• Founded in 1989.
• Eutelsat.
• Star 1 began its broadcasts with sports competitions, talk shows,
and newscasts.
• Employees from TRT
• Advertising problems
• Turkish football league
The rise of commercial broadcasting
• Star 1 / ANAP vs Mega 10 / SHP
• 1992: Show TV
• TGRT was the first formal commercial television.
• Kanal 6 aimed to reach Central Asia.
• Doğan's Kanal D, ATV and others followed the tradition.
• In 1993, monopoly of government over broadcasting was
removed with the change in the constitution (Law no. 133) - RTÜK
• Law no. 2954 (TRT Yasası) was not changed.
• European Convention on Transfrontier Television (Avrupa
Sınırötesi Televizyon Sözleşmesi) was signed in 1992.
• Regarding the new regulation, the freedom of watching foreign
broadcasts in Turkey was secured (according to the issue of freedom
of speech/press).
• Law no. 3984 (Radyo ve Televizyonların Kuruluş ve Yayınları
Hakkında Kanun) was legislated in 1994.
• TRT is also in the frame of the Law no. 3984, in case of an
exclusion to Law no. 2954.
• In 2002, Law no. 3984 was changed to 4756 bringing a new
regulation on broadcasting.
TRT budget
According to Law no. 3093 (Türkiye Radyo-Televizyon Kurumu
Gelirleri Yasası) - 3383 Sayılı Yasa ile değiştirilmiş 2. madde...
Incomes of the TRT budget are as follows;
• Radyo, televizyon, video ve birleşik cihazlardan alınacak bandrol
• Elektrik enerji hasılatından bu kanuna göre ayrılacak paylar,
• Genel bütçeden yapılacak katkılar,
• Radyo ve televizyon vasıtasıyla yapılan her çeşit ilan ve reklam
ile faaliyet gelirleri,
• Film, bant, plak, nota, dergi, kitap ve benzerlerinin yapım, yayın
ve satışından elde edilecek gelirler,
• Düzenlenecek konser, temsil ve benzeri programa giriş ücreti ve
bu yerlerde yapılacak ilan ve reklamdan elde edilecek gelirler,
• Yapılacak her türlü bağış, yardım ve diğer gelirler olarak sayılmış
olup, bandrol ücretleri ile elektrik hasılat payı ve yasayla
düzenlenmiş, ancak diğer gelirlerin saptanma yetkisi kuruma
TRT budget (cont'd)
• Label fee (10%) is taken once at the time of the sale. It represents a
total of 15-20% amount in the budget income.
• TEDAŞ and TEAŞ collect a fee of 3,5% for TRT from their sales. It
corresponds to an amount of 50-70% in the budget income.
• Other revenues are program sales, audio-visual retails, sports
competition video sales.
Founded in 1922, The British Broadcasting Corporation is
the principal public service broadcaster in the United
The founding
• 1920s, Post Office
• Annual licence fee
• Unity of control in broadcasting
• Good quality of reception
• Twin transmitters
• Wide range of programs
• The 1950 Beveridge Committee
An independent network
• Independent Television Authority
• ITV (1955) was founded as an extension of public broadcasting.
• Aim to reach the largest audience possible
• Pilkington Committee, 1960
• Duopoly between the BBC and ITV
Annan Committee on the future of broadcasting (1974)
The committee recommended:
BBC funding by licence fee
Fourth independent television channel
Long-term restructure and diversification of broadcasting
Establishment of Broadcasting Complaints Commission
Privatisation of local radio
Independence from direct political control
Increase in independent production
• Increased licence fee
• Channel 4 (1980)
Public or private?
• Channel 4 as political commitment to the regulation of
• The Peacock Report, 1986
• Licence fee as the 'least worst' option
• Bandwidth in relation with competition
• Intervention will still be needed?
Overview of British media
• Broadcasting Standards Commission
• Independent Television Commission (ITC)
• Radio Authority
• BBC is ultimately responsible to parliament.
• BBC's Producer Guidelines
• Legislation
Audience share of British Tv channels (2001)
Share of British Tv channels over a decade
• Would you prefer to pay-per-programme?
• Can the licence fee survive?
• Do you think that deregulation could be an option for PSB?
• Is it possible to increase revenues while remaining as a vertical
Concept definition
Narrowcasting is a term used for communications such as radio or
television signals that are limited to subscription customers or
otherwise prohibited from being broadcast.
• Efforts to find gaps in the market
• New types of programs
• Target audience
Structural conditions of PSB
• What are the requirements for having a good PSB?
• Political independence
Government may have formal and informal controls for
influencing broadcasters. The rules can be so constituted
that a publicly owned broadcaster is effectively independent.
• The pursuit of inclusive and diverse programming strategies
In order to broadcast according to the public interest, the
broadcasters must be in a position to make program decisions
independent of considerations of audience size and production
costs. The starting point for PSB is the needs of programming,
rather than the needs of profitability.
Types of PSB fundings
• License fee
• Mixed - License fee and advertising revenues
• License fee, advertising revenues and public funding
• Public funding and advertising revenues
• State subsidies and advertising revenues
European Broadcasting Union
Tv program categories
Human interest
Arts, Humanities, Culture
Light entertainment
Other/not attributable
The missions of PSB (The Council of Europe)
• A common reference point for all members of the public and a factor for
social cohesion and integration of all individuals, groups and communities;
• A forum for public discussions on a broad spectrum of views;
• Impartial and independent news coverage;
• Pluralistic, innovative and varied programming which meets high ethical
and quality standards;
• Programming which is both of wide public interest and attentive to the
needs of minorities;
• Reflection of the different philosophical ideas and religious beliefs in
multicultural societies;
• Greater appreciation and dissemination of the diversity of national and
European cultural heritage original productions by independent producers;
• Extended viewer choice by offering programs which are not provided by
the commercial sector.