Water Samplers


Water Samplers
Sampling Sea and Ocean
Apparatebau GmbH
Edition 2006
For more than 40 years now,
we design and manufacture
water and plankton sampling equipment
which is used by research institutes and on
research vessels in all parts of the world.
P.O. Box 80 08
D-24154 Kiel-Holtenau
Phone +49 (0)4 31-3 69 60 - 0
+49 (0)4 31-3 69 60 - 21
e-mail hydrobios @ t-online.de
Table of Contents
Accessories for Plankton Examination
LIMNOS Water Sampler
MICROS Water Sampler
Standard Water Sampler acc. to Ruttner
Industrial Water Sampler
TPN Water Sampler
MERCOS Water Sampler
Plastic Water Sampler PWS
Free Flow Water Sampler
Universal Water Sampler
Horizontal Water Sampler
Oil Sampler acc. to Schomaker
Automatic Water Sampler Multi-Limnos
Multi Water Sampler Slimline
Bottom Sampler acc. to Ekman-Birge
Bottom Sampler acc. to Lenz
Bottom Sampler acc. to Van Veen
Sediment Sieve Net
Sediment Corer
Hand Net acc. to Böttger
Plankton Nets acc. to Apstein
Neuston Net acc. to David/Hempel
High Speed Plankton Collector
Hamburg Plankton Net HPN acc. to Buehringer
Hensen-Egg Net
Heligoland Larva Net
Nansen Closing Net
WP2 Closing Net
Indian Ocean Standard Net
Multi Plankton Sampler MultiNet
Visibility Disc acc. to Secchi
Hand Winch
V-Fin Depressor
Pole Scraper
Biological Bottom Dredge
Stream Bottom Sampler - Surber Type
Digital Flow Meter
Electronic Flow Meter E-Flow
Sediment Trap acc. to Saarso
Multi Sediment Trap
Rod Held Current Meter RHCM
Dipping Bar acc. to Jens
ICES Incubator
Multi Parameter Probe
Accessories for
Plankton Examination
435 010
435 011
435 012
435 016
Plankton Chamber acc. to Kolkwitz,
incl. cover plate with counting grid 1 mm
Measurements: 33 x 33 (mm), bottom glass 0.5 mm,
cover plate 1.5 mm, boring Ø 22 mm, capacity 0.5 ml,
precisely adjusted
as above, but with capacity 1.0 ml
435 021
435 022
435 023
Tubular Plankton Chamber
of plexiglass with unscrewable brass base, complete
with one cover plate and 50 base plates
capacity 5 ml
capacity 10 ml
capacity 25 ml
435 015
25 ml
435 025
Combined Plate Chamber (Utermöhl Chamber)
set with one cylinder 10 ml, 50 ml and 100 ml each,
complete with three cover plates, 50 base plates
and handling support
435 028
Cover Plates
for Tubular Plankton Chambers and Plate Chamber,
33 mm Ø, 2 mm thick, in package of 50 pcs.
435 035
Base Plates
for Tubular Plankton Chambers and Plate Chamber,
27.5 mm Ø, 0.2 mm thick, in package of 250 pcs.
100 ml
50 ml
10 ml
10 ml
0,5 ml
Counting Chamber for zooplankton
made of plexiglass with polished bottom for the best
possible transparency.
This new developped Chamber allows the examination of zooplankton with a regular microscope.
The Chamber is similar to the Bogorov-Trough, but
due to its dimensions it can be used on a normal
mechanical stage.
dimensions 40 x 70 (mm), approx.9 ml
dimensions 80 x 100 (mm), approx. 22 ml
dimensions 80 x 140 (mm), approx. 70 ml
435 090
435 091
435 092
435 093
435 094
435 095
Plunger Sampling Pipette acc. to Hensen,
complete with dilution bottle 250 ml and stopper
capacity 0.1 ml
capacity 0.25 ml
capacity 0.5 ml
capacity 1.0 ml
capacity 2.5 ml
capacity 5.0 ml
435 098
Spare Dilution Bottle, 250 ml capacity, made of
Jena Glass Duran 50 (package of 10 pcs.)
435 100
Folsom´s Plankton Sample Divider
for dividing a larger amount of plankton into an
amount suitable for examination; dividing the sample
into two halves in one operation. By repeating the
operation, the sample can be divided into the
amount as desired. Transparent plastic drum suitable fo r samples up to approx. 100 ml. Base
provided with a water level and two levelling screws.
Net weight approx. 1 kg
Water Samplers
LIMNOS Water Sampler
The Water Sampler LIMNOS is an approved and
uncomplicated instrument to take water samples up
to 30 m depth.
The LIMNOS Water Sampler consists of the holder
device made of PVC and exchangeable 1000 ml
glass bottles as sampling vessels.
The LIMNOS Water Sampler is attached to a wire
and lowered into the water in closed condition in
order to prevent sample contamination by surface
water. The sampler is opened by means of a
messenger upon reaching the desired water depth.
When the messenger hits the anvil, the silicone
tubings spring up to allow water to move in and the
air to leave the bottle.
For investigations of the sample, the glass bottles
are taken from the holder device, so that the sample
cannot be falsified by pouring from one vessel to
436 140
LIMNOS Water Sampler
for use up to 30 m water depth,
with two glass bottles 1000 ml each
and Plastic Covered Messenger
436 145
Glass Bottles 1000 ml
for use up to 30 m water depth,
(package of 10 pcs.)
440 002
Plastic Covered Messenger, 500 g,
up to 6 mm rope diameter
MICROS Water Sampler
The Water Sampler MICROS is an uncomplicated and
approved instrument to take samples up to 100 metres
water depth.
The slim shape allows the sampling from tubes as small
as 80 mm diameter.
Special feature of this water sampler is the possibility
to sterilize the instrument for sampling (auto-clavetreatment).
The MICROS Water Sampler consists of a frame made
of stainless steel, a bottle holder of Teflon with silicone
tubings and an exchangeable glass bottle with 500 ml
capacity as sampling vessel.
The MICROS Water Sampler is attached to a wire and
lowered into the water in closed condition (with silicone
tubings snapped off) in order to prevent sample contamination by surface water. The sampler is opened
by means of a messenger upon reaching the desired
water depth. When the messenger hits the anvil, the
silicone tubings spring up to allow water to move in
and the air to leave the bottle.
The glass bottle can be taken from the holder device,
so that the sample will not be falsified by pouring
from one vessel to another.
436 160
MICROS Water Sampler
for use up to 100 m water depth,
with one glass bottle 500 ml and Plastic Covered
436 165
Glass Bottles 500 ml
for use up to 100 m water depth
(package of 3 pcs.)
440 002
Plastic Covered Messenger, 500 g,
up to 6 mm rope dia.
Water Samplers
Standard Water Sampler acc. to Ruttner
With this handy and versatile apparatus, water
samples can be taken from any desired depth. The
closing mechanism of the sampler has proved itself
to be most satisfactory over many years; the water
sampler is of simple and practical design and guarantees reliable results.
The Standard Water Sampler, still open, is lowered
by rope into the water. Upon reaching the desired
depth, the messenger is let down on the rope. When
it strikes the Standard Water Sampler, the closing
mechanism is released and the lids of the sampling
tube close. A thermometer ranging from -2° to +30°C,
indicates the temperature of the sample; the temperature can easily be read through the plastic tube
of the sampler. The water sample can be drawn off
through the discharge cock in the lower lid for the
various analyses.
436 131
Standard Water Sampler acc. to Ruttner,
capacity approx. 1000 ml
Dimensions: length 56 cm, Ø 10 cm, weight 4.5 kg
436 132
ditto, but capacity approx. 2000 ml
Dimensions: length 75 cm, Ø 10 cm, weight 5 kg
436 136
Spare Thermometer
measuring range -2° to +30° C, divided in 0.2° C
(set of 3 pcs.)
440 000
Spare Messenger made of stainless steel.
With 6 mm bore. Weight 400 g
Industrial Water Sampler
The Industrial Water Sampler is an improved version
of the Standard Water Sampler and was developed
to comply with the demands for more exact analytical tests. The inside of the sampling tube is metalfree and thus tests for the determination of trace
elements are possible. A thermometer is not built-in.
436 152
Industrial Water Sampler,
capacity approx. 1000 ml.
Dimensions: length 60 cm, Ø 8 cm, weight 2 kg
440 000
Spare Messenger made of stainless steel.
With 6 mm bore, weight 400 g
Water Samplers
The TPN Transparent Plastic Nansen Water
combines the most advanced technological procedures with the traditional methods of construction.
This instrument meets the highest requirements in
today´s Oceanography. It has been tested the world
over under various conditions and approved as very
satisfactory on board the German Oceanographic
Research Vessel "Meteor".
Outstanding features:
transparent sampling tube of shockresistant polycarbonate, large circular inlet, greasefree ball valves
with Teflon-seals,
capacity 1.7 litre, graduated sampling tube,
light weight 3 kg in the air, 1.5 kg in the water.
The outer measurements do not exceed those of the
traditional metallic Nansen Bottle.
Easy to service, as all component parts readily
436 201
TPN Water Sampler, capacity 1.7 litre, incl. messenger
436 202
Triple Thermometer Tube
for three reversing thermometers
436 205
Storage Rack for wall mounting, stainless steel
440 000
Spare Messenger 400 g, made of stainless steel,
up to 6 mm rope diameter
MERCOS Water Sampler
The MERCOS Water Sampler is an approved and
uncomplicated instrument to take water samples for
ultratrace metal analysis as well as for microbiological investigations.
The MERCOS Sampler consists of the holder device
and exchangeable 500 ml Teflon Bottles as sampling
vessels which can be used up to 30 m water depth.
All fittings are made of titanium.
The MERCOS Sampler is attached to a plastic-coated
steel hydrographic wire and lowered into the water in
closed configuration in order to prevent sample contamination by surface water. The sampler is opened by
means of a plastic-covered messenger upon reaching the desired water depth. When the messenger
hits the anvil, the silicone tubings spring up to allow
water to move in and the air to leave the bottle. In case
of serial operation, a second messenger for release
of the next sampler is given free at the same time.
For the determination of tracer elements in seawater
the system
Sampling Bottle=Storage Bottle = Reaction Vessel
is realized, so that the samples cannot be falsified by
pouring from one vessel to another.
In order to sterilize the bottles for microbiological investigations the Teflon Bottles incl. coupling pieces and
silicone tubings can easily be taken from the holder.
436 252
MERCOS Water Sampler, with two Teflon Bottles
500 ml and Plastic Covered Messenger
436 254
MERCOS Water Sampler, with four Teflon Bottles
500 ml and Plastic Covered Messenger
436 255
Teflon Bottle, 500 ml, for 30 m water depth
440 002
Plastic Covered Messenger, 500 g, up to 6 mm rope
Water Samplers
Plastic Water Sampler PWS
The Plastic Water Sampler PWS features all plastic
(PVC) constructions with a free flushing design by
large inlets.The sampling tube is completely metal-free.
The end stoppers of the sampler are connected by a
strong latex rubber tubing. A messenger dropped
down the wire from the surface releases the end stoppers for closure. The PWS can be used as a series
water sampler and is designed to release a second
messenger below the sampler in order to actuate a
series of samplers along the wire.
When operated as a single instrument on the wire, we
recommend to use a Centered Mounting Rack which
holds the sampler in a vertical position.
Water may be drained from the sampler by opening
the stop cock at the lower end.
436 300
436 302
436 305
436 315
436 325
Plastic Water Sampler PWS, incl. messenger
capacity 1.7 litre
capacity 2.5 litres
capacity 5.0 litres
capacity 10.0 litres
capacity 30.0 litres
Free Flow Water Sampler
The Free Flow Water Sampler is an innovative design
which has been developped in co-operation with the
Institut für Ostseeforschung, Warnemünde (Germany).
An outstanding feature of the Free Flow Water Sampler
is the free-flushing construction of the sampling tube
where no cone or ball-valve hinders the flow of the
water through the tube.
The Free Flow Water Sampler is made of plastic (PVC)
and the sampling tube is completely metal-free. The
end stoppers are connected by a strong latex rubber
tubing. Upon reaching the desired water depth the
sampler is closed by a messenger dropped down the
The Free Flow Water Sampler can also be used in nearly
all multi sampler systems (Multi Water Sampler, Rosette,
Carousel). The free-flushing design avoids the retarding effect, so that the sample corresponds to the
parallel measured data of a CTD Probe.
A second messenger below the sampler can be released in order to actuate a series of samplers along
the wire.
When operated as a single instrument on the wire, we
recommend to use a Centered Mounting Rack which
holds the sampler in a vertical position.
Water may be drained from the sampler by opening
the stop cock at the lower end.
436 342
436 343
436 345
436 380
436 385
436 390
436 395
440 000
Free Flow Water Sampler, incl. messenger
capacity 2.5 litres
capacity 5.0 litres
capacity 10.0 litres
Centered Mounting Rack for PWS and
Free Flow Water Sampler 1.0 - 2.5 litres
ditto, for 5.0 litres version
ditto, for 10.0 litres version
ditto, for 30.0 litres version
Spare Messenger, 400 g, with 6 mm bore
Water Samplers
Universal Water Sampler
This Universal Water Sampler has been developed
as a combination of many standard instruments,
incorporating their assets and eliminating their
A new kind of lid attachment and tightening guarantee it to be absolutely leak-proof. Outlet and air-inlet
faucets facilitate easy removal of the sample. The lids
are arrested automatically in an open position and do
not hinder the free flow of water through the completely open tube. This prevents clogging or bobbing
and guarantees that the water is taken from the
exact sampling depth desired.
When used as a single instrument on the wire, we
recommend to use a Centered Mounting Rack which
holds the sampler in a vertical position.
All inside parts are completely metal free, so that the
water sample is uncontaminated and suitable even
for electrolytic tests. The Universal Water Sampler
can be used as a series water sampler and is
designed to release a second messenger down the
wire below the sampler in order to actuate a series of
samplers along the wire.
When operated as a single instrument on the wire, we
recommend to use a Centered Mounting Rack which
holds the sampler in a vertical position.
If desired, the Universal Water Sampler can be
delivered as a Plankton Sampler with a transparent
plastic tube instead of the non-transparent tube.
436 403
Universal Water Sampler, capacity 3.5 litres,
with transparent plastic tube and a clamping device
for a cable with a maximum thickness of 6 mm ( 1/4").
With messenger.
Overall dimensions:
780 mm long x 140 mm wide x 280 mm high
Net weight 8.5 kg
436 405
ditto, but capacity 5 litres
Overall dimensions:
960 mm long x 140 mm wide x 280 mm high
Net weight 10 kg
436 413
Universal Water Sampler, capacity 3.5 litres,
with non-transparent plastic tube and a clamping
device for a cable with a maximum thickness of
6 mm ( 1/4"). With messenger.
Overall dimensions:
780 mm long x 140 mm wide x 280 mm high
Net weight 8.5 kg
436 415
ditto, but capacity 5 litres
Overall dimensions :
960 mm long x 140 mm wide x 280 mm high
Net weight 10 kg
440 000
Spare Messenger, 400 g, with 6 mm bore
436 420
Centered Mounting Rack
for use of the Universal Water Sampler as a single
instrument (holds the sampler in a vertical position).
Water Samplers
Oil Sampler
Horizontal Water Sampler
The Horizontal Water Sampler has been mainly
designed for near-bottom sampling of flowing or
stagnant waters and allows to take samples for
examination of the sediment and silt carried along
by the current.
The Horizontal Water Sampler can be attached to
any line or wire up to 6 mm ( 1/4 ") in diameter.
Water samples can be taken from any desired depth.
When lowered for sampling, the sampling tube is kept
completely open, allowing the water with its sediment
and silt to flow through it undisturbed. The cylinder is
held parallel to the current by a stabilizing rudder.
The lids are arrested in an open position and do not
hinder the free flow of water through the completely
open sampling tube until released by a messenger.
An approved lid attachment and tightening guarantee
the sampler to be absolutely leak-proof.
The sampling tube is metal free, so that the water
sample is uncontaminated. Outlet and air-inlet faucets facilitate the easy removal of the sample.
A messenger-operated release device closes the
sampler when the desired sampling depth has been
reached. The water sample can subsequently be
examined in the laboratory to determine the weight,
particle size of the sediment, mineral components etc.
The non-transparent sampling tube prevents light
from reaching the trapped organisms, as required in
productivity studies. The Horizontal Water Sampler
can also be delivered with a clear transparent plastic
tube which allows visual examination of the contents.
436 510
Horizontal Water Sampler, with non-transparent plastic
capacity 2.0 litres, with messenger, net weight 10 kg
436 520
Horizontal Water Sampler, with transparent plastic
capacity 2.0 litres, with messenger, net weight 10 kg
440 000
Spare Messenger, 400g stainless steel, up to 6 mm
rope diameter
Oil Sampler acc. to Schomaker
The Oil Sampler acc.to Schomaker is designed to collect an oil layer which contaminates the water surface.
This instrument has been developed by Deutsches
Hydrografisches Institut (DHI) and, for the first time,
allows to keep the part of water in such samples
small and to collect sufficient oil for the determination.
The operation and handling of the instrument is quite
The sampler is thrown onto the water surface and
held by a Nylon line. The floating bodies bring the oil
sampler into the right position so that the oil sample
flows in a layer of only a few millimeters thickness
through the inlet funnel into the glass bottle. The collected sample has a volume of approx. 150 ml. The
instrument is pulled out of the water by means of the
Nylon line, the glass bottle is screwed off and the
sampling dates are written onto the label.
436 550
Oil Sampler acc. to Schomaker
436 555
Spare Glass Bottles (package of 10 pcs.)
Automatic Water Sampler
Automatic Water Sampler Multi-Limnos
The Water Sampler Multi-Limnos has been designed
to take automatically up to 10 water samples in depths
up to 30 metres.
The system is equipped with 10 Duran glass bottles
of 1 litre capacity each. The bottles are screwed into
a Limnos head and attached to the base plate.
When the system is lowered to the desired water
depth all bottles are closed. They are opened one
after the other according to the preselected time
intervals. When the bottles are filled with water, they
are closed automatically by integrated ball valves.
The bottom anchoring system offers the possibility
to choose the water depth and, if required, change
the depth with each operation. The system can be
handled by one person. As marking at the water
surface a float in the size of a handball is used.
The state-of-the-art electronics, optimized in power
consumption, are designed for ambient temperatures
from -40°C up to +85°C.
As option a conventional suspension for operation of
the instrument from a boat is available.
436 980
Automatic Water Sampler Multi-Limnos,
Economy Version
with 10 Duran glass bottles 1 litre,
incl. 6 floats and anchorage (without bottom weight).
Max. operational water depth 30 metres.
Power supply: 3 Lithium batteries DL123A.
Diameter approx. 600 mm.
Height (with floats) approx. 830 mm.
Weight on air: approx. 25 kg.
The Economy Version is programmed via a battery
powered Hand Terminal enabling the user to preselect
sampling intervals from 1 minute up to 1500 hours
for each collecting bottle (= same interval for all bottles).
436 985
Automatic Water Sampler Multi-Limnos,
Advanced Version
The Advanced Version is programmed via PC by
using a HYDRO-BIOS software (included), enabling
the user to preselect individual sampling intervals
(1 minute up to 8760 hours) for each sampling bottle
in real time.
This version can be upgraded with different sensors
of various parameters and data memory up to 4 MByte.
A special version made of high-tech plastics (PVDF /
PTFE) e.g. for metal tracer analysis is available upon
436 145
Spare Duran glass bottles 1 Iitre (10 pcs.)
Multi Water Sampler
Multi Water Sampler Slimline
The approved Hydro-Bios Multi Water Sampler in a
light improved version with 6 Water Samplers of 1 litre
or 3.5 litre capacity:
With its compact dimensions and light weight the instrument can easily be handled even on small vessels.
Six water samplers of 1 litre or 3.5 litre capacity are
attached to the sturdy array to collect water samples
in different depths.
The Multi Water Sampler is equipped with a motordriven release device with an integrated Depth Meter
(measuring range according to customer's requirements) - the water samplers are closed in the
succession of their mounting to the array (i.e. No. 1, 2,
3, 4, 5 and 6).
The maximum operational water depth is 3000 metres.
The state-of-the-art electronics, optimized in power
consumption, are designed for ambient temperatures
from -40°C up to +85°C.
The Multi Water Sampler is available in four versions:
• Online Version
The water samplers of the Online Version are actuated
via push-button control by the mains operated Deck
Command Unit.
The commands for actuation of the water samplers are
given via a single or multi-conductor cable between
the Underwater Unit and the Deck Command Unit.
The Deck Command Unit is equipped with a serial
port for data transfer to PC.
Offline Versions
The Offline Versions allow operation without an
electrical cable, but can be operated with a normal
steel wire:
• Economy Offline Version
The Economy Offline Version is programmed via a
battery powered Hand-Terminal, enabling the user to
preselect sampling intervals of 1 minute up to 1500
hours for each water sampler (= same interval for all
samplers).This version is delivered without Depth Meter.
• CT-Set, completely integrated into the motor unit of
the Multi Water Sampler Slimline consisting of one
conductivity sensor, one temperature sensor and an
additional electronics board.
• Additional sensors of various parameters
• Data memory up to 4 MByte
• Battery powered Hand-Terminal, special version for
online operations to replace the mains operated Deck
Command Unit when no mains supply is available.
• Advanced Offline Version
The Advanced Version is programmed via PC by
using a HYDRO-BIOS software (included), enabling
the user to preselect depth depending sampling
intervals for the water samplers. It is delivered with
internal data memory of 1 MByte.
• Advanced Online/Offline Version
The Advanced Online/Offline Version is a combination
of the Online Version and the Advanced Offline
Version. Thus the instrument can be operated as full
Online Version with push-button control via Deck
Command Unit as well as full Advanced Offline
Version with preprogrammed depth depending
sampling intervals.
436 960
Multi Water Sampler SIimline
Online Version
Motor Unit with microprocessor,
external battery pack (3 x DL123A/3V),
integrated pressure sensor (Depth Meter),
Deck Command Unit in 19” version, LCD-display,
Power Supply 85 - 260 V AC,
Windows based HYDRO-BIOS Software included,
complete with 6 Plastic Water Samplers 1 litre
436 961
as above, but with 6 Plastic Water Samplers 3.5 litres
436 965
Multi Water Sampler SIimline
Economy Offline Version
Motor Unit with external battery pack (3 x DL123A/3V),
integrated Time Release Unit
to preselect and programme the time
at which the samplers are to be closed.
Hand Terminal to preselect sampling intervals
of 1 minute up to 1500 hours for each water sampler
( = same interval for all samplers)
complete with 6 Plastic Water Samplers 1 litre
(no Deck Command Unit)
436 966
as above, but with 6 Plastic Water Samplers 3.5 litres
436 970
Multi Water Sampler SIimline
Advanced Offline Version
Motor Unit with microprocessor,
external battery pack (3 x DL123A/3V),
integrated pressure sensor (Depth Meter),
programmable depth depending sampling
intervals via PC,
Data menory of 1 MByte,
Windows based HYDRO-BIOS Software included,
complete with 6 Plastic Water Samplers 1 litre
(no Deck Command Unit)
436 971
as above, but with 6 Plastic Water Samplers 3.5 litres
436 975
Multi Water Sampler SIimline
Advanced Online/Offline Version
as described under Cat. No. 436 970
additional Deck Command Unit in 19” version,
LCD-display, Power Supply 85 - 260 V AC,
complete with 6 Plastic Water Samplers 1 litre
Technical Data:
436 976
450 500
as above, but with 6 Plastic Water Samplers 3.5 litres
CT-Set for Multi Water Sampler Slimline
Additional electronics board,
Conductivity sensor: 0 ... 65 mS/cm ±0,01 mS/cm
Temperature sensor: -2 ... +32°C ±0,005°C
Data rate:
1 Hz (1 data set per second)
Please note: CT-set is not applicable for Economy
Offline Version
Diameter 50 cm, Height 70 cm (1 litre version)
Diameter 65 cm, Height 75 cm (3.5 litre version)
Empty weight: approx. 30 kg (incl. 6 water samplers 1 litre)
approx. 40 kg (incl. 6 water samplers 3.5 litre)
water depth:
3000 metres
made of stainless steel
Motor Unit:
made of titanium, battery-powered
(3x DL123A/3V)
Metal housing for use in a 19" rack or as
table-housing, not for use on deck;
push button control for closing of water samplers,
indication of sampler no., depth, battery status.
LCD-display with LED backlight,
Interface for Personal Computer (RS232),
Power Supply: 85-260 V AC
0.0 ... 3000 dbar ±0.1% f.s. (standard)
Bottom Samplers
437 200
437 210
440 000
437 310
437 315
440 000
437 320
437 330
437 332
437 335
Bottom Sampler acc. to Ekman-Birge
The Bottom Sampler acc. to Ekman-Birge consists
of a sturdywalled brass
cabinet with an effective gras2
ping area of 225 cm . The bottom of the sampler body
consists of 2 springclosed jaws, the mechanism of
which is released by a messenger. Two light plates
over the opening at the top of the sampler prevent the
sample from being washed out while the sampler is
being heaved out of the water.
Bottom Sampler acc. to Ekman-Birge,
box size 15 x 15 x 20 cm. Weight 3.5 kg
ditto, but lead-weighted to enable greater depths to
be reached. Weight approx. 8 kg
Spare Messenger for releasing the closing mechanism, with 6 mm bore. Weight 400 g
Bottom Sampler acc. to Lenz
The Bottom Sampler acc. to Lenz is a modified version of that acc. to Ekman-Birge. To obtain a review
of the relief surface, the sample can be separated by
the dividing sheets into 5 layers of 20 mm thickness.
These layers can then be removed separately for
examination. The measurements and method of
operation are the same as for the Bottom Sampler
acc. to Ekman-Birge.
Bottom Sampler acc. to Lenz,
box size 15 x 15 x 20 cm. Weight 5 kg
ditto, but lead-weighted to enable greater depths to
be reached. Weight approx. 10 kg
Spare Messenger for releasing the closing mechanism, with 6 mm bore. Weight 400 g
Special Closing Mechanism for Bottom
Samplers acc. to Ekman-Birge and Lenz
To extract samples in shallow waters with the Bottom
Samplers acc. to Ekman-Birge and Lenz this special
closing mechanism can be used to push the samplers into the water bed and then release the closing
mechanism. The receiving aperture for the rod tripper is 20 mm Ø.
Special Closing Mechanism. Weight 400 g
Bottom Sampler acc. to Van Veen
With the Bottom Sampler acc. to Van Veen samples
can be extracted from any desired depth. While it is
being lowered, both levers are locked wide apart
whereby the jaws are open. Upon making contact
with the water bed, the locking mechanism is released and when the rope is pulled taut to raise the
sampler, the jaws close.
Bottom Sampler acc. to Van Veen, small model with
a surface of 250 cm2, made of stainless steel.
Overall dimensions approx. 20 x 30 x 60 (cm).
Weight approx. 5.5 kg
ditto, large model with a surface of 1000 cm 2, made
of stainless steel.
Overall dimensions approx. 35 x 42 x 90 (cm).
Weight approx. 25 kg
Sediment Sieve Net
For sieving samples taken by Bottom Samplers. Consisting of a galvanized steel frame 40 x 25 (cm); a net
bag of synthetic material with 250 microns mesh size
(other mesh sizes available on request) and two carrying ropes of Nylon.
Sediment Corer
Sediment Corer
Designed to obtain samples from soft, sandy and
medium-hard bottoms.
The Sediment Corer is easy to handle and can be
operated manually with a push rod in shallow waters
as well as in greater water depths by using a rope.
The exchangeable core tube has a length of 600 mm
and an inner diameter of 72 mm.
When the corer is dropped into the water, the plastic
valve flap on the top of the transparent plexiglass
tube is held open and ensures free flow of the water
through the corer tube.
The corer is pushed by hand into the sediment (using
the offered transverse bar or a rod) or penetrates into
the bottom by its own weight (using a rope or wire).
When the desired sample has been taken and the
corer is lifted out of the sediment, the water pressure
onto the valve flap closes the tube during hieving.
Upward movement creates a vacuum, so that the
sediment sample is retained in the tube and cannot
get lost as the corer is retrieved.
After raising the corer out of the water, the supplied
piston is put into the lower end of the tube. The cage
with rope stirrup is taken off and the tube with the
core sample is placed onto the piston.
When the tube is now pressed onto the piston, the
core sample can be removed for examination.
437 400
Sediment Corer
incl. transparent core tube, net weight approx. 6 kg
437 405
Replacement Core Tube,
transparent, 600 mm long x 70 mm i.d.
437 406
Special Core Tube,
made of stainless steel, 600 mm long x 70 mm i.d.
437 410
Transverse Bar
to be fixed onto the stirrup for sampling by hand
Hand Net acc. to Böttger
Small rectangular net with an opening of 25 x 25 (cm).
Net bag 35 cm deep with a mesh size of 500 microns
(other mesh sizes available upon request).
The net frame is made of stainless steel and the
handle joint is prepared to receive the Telescopic
Rod (Cat. No. 438 305).
438 310
Hand Net acc.to Böttger
Plankton Nets
Plankton Nets acc. to Apstein
The Plankton Nets acc. to Apstein, used in limnological investigations, are manufactured in various
shapes® and sizes.
MOnyl synthetic tissue is employed as sieve material. Plastic (ABS) Cowls are used for quantitative nets.
A minimum of service is needed since all metal parts
are protected against corrosion. Rotting of the textile,
as is usual with
silk gauze, is impossible. The mesh
of this MOnyl synthetic tissue does not change by
swelling of the threads, as is the case with silk. The
standard mesh size of the Plankton Nets acc. to
Apstein is 55 micron, which is used for the collection
of Phytoplankton. For collection of Zooplankton the
nets are available with a mesh size of 335 microns.
For special requirements, each net can be delivered,
without any change in price, with a mesh size as
stated in the table below:
Mesh sizes (micron):
NY 55 HC
NY 100 HC
NY 300 HC
NY 70 HC
NY 150 HC
NY 335 HC
NY 80 HC
NY 200 HC
NY 500 HC
NY 90 HC
NY 250 HC
NY 780 HC
Smaller mesh sizes are available at extra charge.
438 000
Surface Net, for qualitative collection
Diameter of aperture........................................25 cm
Length of the cone of the net...........................50 cm
Unscrewable net bucket with gauze bottom
438 001
Surface Net, for qualitative collection
measurements as above Cat. No. 438 000,
but unscrewable net bucket with lateral openings
and stop-cock.
438 030
Plankton Net, for qualitative collection
Diameter of aperture........................................40 cm
Length of the cone of the net.........................100 cm
Unsrewable net bucket with lateral openings and
438 010
Plankton Net, for quantitative collection
Diameter of aperture........................................10 cm
Height of cowl.................................................13 cm
Diameter of net................................................25 cm
Length of net ..................................................50 cm
Unsrewable net bucket with lateral apertures and
438 020
Plankton Net, for quantitative collection
with closing mechanism, operated by messenger.
Measurements of this net same as Cat. No. 438 010
438 040
Plankton Net, for quantitative collection
Diameter of aperture........................................17 cm
Height of cowl ................................................20 cm
Diameter of net................................................40 cm
Length of net.................................................100 cm
Unsrewable net bucket with lateral openings and
438 050
Plankton Net, for quantitative collection
with closing mechanism, operated by messenger.
Measurements of this net same as Cat. No. 438 040
440 000
Spare Messenger, 400 g
for ropes up to 6 mm diameter
Plankton Nets
438 210
Neuston Net acc. to David/Hempel Model 300
1. Katamaran Swimmer body of aluminium, length of
the body 300 cm with adjustable holding rack for the
net parts
2. Bridle for selectable use from port, starboard or stern
3. Double Net Frame for surface and sub-surface net
with Nylon webbings and zip fasteners
4. Surface Net Bag with zip fastener, opening 30 x 15 (cm),
end of the net 11 cm, length
400 cm, net material
MOnyl® 300 micron mesh )
5. Sub-surface Net Bag with zip fastener, opening
30 x 15 (cm), end of net 11 cm, length 400 cm, net
material MOnyl® 300 micron mesh*)
6. Two Plastic Net Buckets, consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners for attaching
to the end of a net
b) PVC-Net Bucket with side window, covered
with sieve gauze
438 212
438 955
438 410
Spare Parts:
Spare Net Bag, opening 30 x 15 (cm), end of the net
11cm,* length 400 cm, net material MOnyl® 300 micron
mesh )
Plastic Net Bucket, consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners for attaching
to the end of a net
b) PVC-Net Bucket with side window, covered with
sieve gauze (as per choice between 100 and
500 micron mesh)
High Speed Plankton Collector ”Nackthai”
1. Heavy metal frame - sides to net open:
length approx. 275 cm, diameter approx. 40 cm,
diameter of aperture 20 cm
2. Net Part consisting of:
a) Ring Bond of Nylon webbing with zip fastener
b) Net Bag with zip fastener, conical, front opening
38 cm, back opening 11 cm, length 150 cm,
of synthetic material, mesh 405 micron*)
3. Plastic Net Bucket, consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners for attaching
to the end of a net
b) PVC-Net Bucket with side window, covered with
sieve gauze
4. V-Fin Depressor with steel rope and shackle, weight
22 kg
5. Digital Flow Meter for counting the amount of water
passing through the Plankton Collector
Spare Parts:
Digital Flow Meter for counting the amount of water
passing through the Plankton Collector
Spare Net Bag of synthetic material as described
438 412
under point 2.b
438 955/B Spare PVC Net Bucket with side window, covered
with sieve gauze (as per choice between 100 and
500 micron mesh)
V-Fin Depressor with steel rope and shackle, weight
438 416
22 kg
438 110
*) This Net Part is also available in all other mesh
sizes between 100 and 500 micron.
Plankton Nets
Hamburg Plankton Net HPN acc. to Buehringer
438 250
438 252
438 255
The Hamburg Plankton Net is a modification of the
Isaacs-Kidd-Midwatertrawl for collection of larger
quantities of plankton, for instance, necessary for
the detection of tracer elements or radiochemical
analysis of radionuclides.
The Hamburg Plankton Net is equipped with a net
bag of MOnyl® with 500 micron mesh size. The overall length of the net is 10 metres.
When the Hamburg Plankton Net is towed, the drag
to the fine-meshed net is supported by a coarsemeshed covering net and 5 Nylon ropes along the
For the security of the Hamburg Plankton Net a predetermined breaking-point has been constructed
into the bridle, which makes the net collaps when
the dynamic pressure becomes too strong.
The Hamburg Plankton Net is beeing towed at a
speed of 0.5 up to 4 knots. It can be used in each
desired depth. Even under wind forces 7- 8 it has
been operated
On the 44 and 45 research cruise of the German
Research Vessel ”Walter Herwig” to Iceland the
Hamburg Plankton Net was used with excellent
results. So in hauls of 0.5 to 2 hours 14 - 35 kgs of
pure plankton were collected. These quantities
have been platefrosted and are sufficient for radiochemical analysis. In only 16 hauls of the Hamburg
Plankton Net more than 200 kgs frosted plankton
plates have been collected.
Hamburg Plankton Net HPN acc. to Buehringer
with an overall length of 10 metres, 500 micron mesh
size, complete as described above.
Spare Net Part
of synthetic material, 500 micron mesh size, length
10 metres
Spare Covering Net of 4 cm mesh size
Oceanographic Plankton Nets
438 455
Hensen-Egg Net
1. Bridle of Nylon rope, with thimble and shackle
2. Conical Headpiece of glass-fibre reinforced plastic
dismountable in 3 segments; with zip fastener to attach to the Net Part 3.
Diameter of opening.......................................70 cm
Diameter of lower ring..................................100 cm
Height of cone...............................................60 cm
3. Net Part of synthetic material, mesh 300 microns
(meshes from 100 to 1000 microns can be supplied
on request without alteration in price), zip fastener to
attach to Conical Headpiece (2.).
Net diameter, upper.....................................100 cm
Net diameter, lower........................................11 cm
Length of net................................................130 cm
4. Vertical Net Bucket consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners
b) PVC Net Bucket with side windows covered with
net gauze
c) Net Bucket Frame made of stainless steel
for vertical operation, weight approx. 16 kg
438 457
Spare Net Part of synthetic material, as described
under point 3.
438 975
Spare Vertical Net Bucket, as described under
point 4.
438 435
Heligoland Larva Net
1. Bridle of Nylon rope, with thimble and shackle
2. Conical Headpiece of glass-fibre reinforced plastic
dismountable in 3 segments; with zip fastener to attach to the Net Part 3.
Diameter of opening.....................................143 cm
Diameter of lower ring..................................160 cm
Height of cone...............................................60 cm
3. Net Part of synthetic material, mesh 500 microns
(meshes from 100 to 1000 microns can be supplied
on request without alteration in price), zip fastener to
attach to Conical Headpiece (2.)
Net diameter, upper.....................................160 cm
Net diameter, lower........................................11 cm
Length of net................................................223 cm
4. Vertical Net Bucket consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners
b) PVC Net Bucket with side windows covered with
net gauze
c) Net Bucket Frame made of stainless steel
for vertical operation, weight approx. 16 kg
438 437
Spare Net Part of synthetic material, as described
under point 3.
438 975
Spare Vertical Net Bucket, as described under
point 4.
; ;;;
Oceanographic Plankton Nets
438 505
Nansen Closing Net
1. Messenger-operated closing mechanism, including
messenger 800 g and closing rope
2. Bridle of Nylon rope with thimble and shackle
3. Net ring of stainless steel tubing with loops for bridle
and bucket ropes. Diameter 70 cm.
With Nylon webbing and zip fastener.
4. Net Part, consisting of:
a) Canvas part with zip fastener and loops for the
closing rope, length 100 cm
b) Net part of synthetic material, mesh 100 microns,
length 100 cm
c) Net part of synthetic material, mesh 55 microns,
length 100 cm
5. Vertical Net Bucket consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners
b) PVC Net Bucket with side windows covered with
net gauze
c) Net Bucket Frame made of stainless steel
for vertical operation, weight approx. 16 kg
438 507
Spare Net Part, as described under point 4.
438 975
Spare Vertical Net Bucket, as described under point 5.
438 515
WP2 Closing Net
1. Messenger-operated closing mechanism, including
messenger 800 g and closing rope
2. Bridle of Nylon rope with thimble and shackle
3. Net ring of stainless steel tubing with loops for bridle
and bucket ropes. Diameter 57 cm.
With Nylon webbing and zip fastener.
4. Net Part, consisting of:
a) Net part of synthetic material, with zip fastener
and loops for the closing rope, cylindrical,
mesh 200 microns, length 95 cm
b) Net part of synthetic material, conical,
mesh 200 microns, length 165 cm
5. Vertical Net Bucket consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners
b) PVC Net Bucket with side windows covered with
net gauze
c) Net Bucket Frame made of stainless steel
for vertical operation, weight approx. 16 kg
438 517
Spare Net Part, as described under point 4.
438 975
Spare Vertical Net Bucket, as described under point 5.
438 815
Indian Ocean Standard Net
1. Bridle of Nylon rope with thimble and shackle
2. Net ring of stainless steel tubing with loops for bridle
and bucket ropes. Diameter 113 cm, area of
opening 1,0 m2. With Nylon webbing and zip fastener.
3. Net Part, consisting of:
a) Net part of synthetic material, with zip fastener,
cylindrical, mesh 20 mm, length 70 cm
b) Net part of synthetic material, cylindrical,
mesh 335 microns, length 100 cm
c) Net part of synthetic material, conical,
mesh 335 microns, length 300 cm
4. Vertical Net Bucket consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners
b) PVC Net Bucket with side windows covered with
net gauze
c) Net Bucket Frame made of stainless steel
for vertical operation, weight approx. 16 kg
438 817
Spare Net Part, as described under point 3.
438 975
Spare Vertical Net Bucket, as described under point 4.
Oceanographic Plankton Nets
438 416
438 110
438 702
438 955
438 750
V-Fin Depressor with steel rope and shakle,
weight 22 kg
Digital Flow Meter for counting the amount of water
passing through the net
438 110
438 752
438 150
Spare Parts:
Spare Net Part*) of synthetic material as discribed
under point 3.
Spare Plastic Net Bucket, consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners for attaching
to the end of a net
b) PVC-Net Bucket with side window, covered
with sieve gauze (as per choice between
100 and 500 micron mesh)
1. Double Net ring of stainless steel, each ring 60 cm
diameter, with Nylon webbings and zip fasteners
2. Two Net Parts (one per ring) with zip fastener, conical,
upper diameter 60 cm, lower diameter 11 cm,
length 250 cm, of synthetic material, mesh 500 micron*)
3. Two Plastic Net Buckets, each consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners for attaching
to the end of a net
b) PVC-Net Bucket with side window, covered with
sieve gauze
4. Distance Rod for Plastic Net Buckets
438 416
1. Bridle with thimble and shackle
2. Net ring of stainless steel tubing 1 metre diameter,
with Nylon webbing and zip fastener
3. Net Part*) consisting of:
a) Net Part with zip fastener, cylindrical,
diameter 1metre, length 1 metre, of synthetic
material, mesh 500 micron
b) Net Part, conical, upper diameter 1 metre,
lower diameter 11 cm, length 3 metres,
of synthetic material, mesh 500 micron
4. Plastic Net Bucket, consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners for attaching
to the end of a net
b) PVC-Net Bucket with side window, covered with
sieve gauze
V-Fin Depressor with steel rope and shakle,
weight 22 kg
Digital Flow Meter for counting the amount of water
passing through the net
Spare Parts:
Spare Net Part (one single net), upper diameter 60 cm,
length 250 cm, of synthetic material
Spare Plastic Net Bucket, consisting of:
a) Fixing Ring with overcentre fasteners for attaching
to the end of a net
b) PVC-Net Bucket with side window, covered with
sieve gauze (as per choice between 100 and
500 micron mesh)
438 700
*) This Net Part is also available in all other mesh sizes
between 100 and 500 micron.
Multi Plankton Sampler MultiNet®
The Sytem
Sampling sea and ocean at its best - with the improved
MultiNet® generation of the Multiple Plankton Sampler,
the worlds leading sampling system for horizontal
and vertical collections in successive water layers.
For horizontal collections the MultiNet® is used with a
V-Fin Depth Depressor, to carry out vertical collections,
a stainless steel support is securely attached to the
bucket holder and enables a quick lowering to depth.
Equipped with 5 resp. 9 net bags the MultiNet® can
be delivered in 3 sizes (apertures) : Mini (0.125 m2),
Midi (0.25 m2) and Maxi (0.5 m2).
In its initial position the MultiNet® is brought to water
with all net bags closed. The water flows freely
through the frame allowing to lower it to the greatest
desired depth with high paying out speed where the
first net bag is opened by push button control from
the Deck Command Unit. At the end of the desired
period of horizontal collection resp. after passing the
desired depth interval in case of vertical operation,
the first net bag is closed by a second command.
The second net is opened simultaneously. This
procedure is repeated for the remaining net bags,
while the Deck Command Unit indicates the number
of the active net bag. During operations of Mini and
Midi versions the last net (No. 5) remains open, it
collects plankton from the smallest desired depth up
to the water surface. During operations of the Maxi
version the last net (No. 9) can be closed before
reaching the water surface.
The system consists of a mains powered Deck
Command Unit and a stainless steel frame with
canvas part to which 5 (9) net bags are attached by
means of zip fasteners. The net bags are opened
and closed by means of an arrangement of levers
which are triggered by a battery powered Motor Unit.
The commands for actuation of the net bags are
given via single or multi-conductor cable (not included
in our scope of delivery) between the Underwater
Unit and the Deck Command Unit.
A wide selection of mesh sizes for the net bags is
available to meet the requirements of all standard
and non-standard applications. For common horizontal collections a mesh size of 300 microns (mesh sizes
from 100 to 500 microns available ) is recommended,
for vertical collections mesh sizes from 55 to 500 micron
are applicable.
An integrated Pressure Sensor (measuring range
according to customer’s requirements) allows continuous supervision of the actual operating depth
which is indicated together with all relevant system
data at the LCD-display of the Deck Command Unit.
Two Electronic Flow Meters (option) with automatic
angle compensation can be mounted to the Underwater Unit: one inside the opening of the Underwater
Unit for the determination of the amount of water
passing through the opened nets, one outside the
opening for the determination of clogging effects.
• Offline-Set
In case that a conducting cable is not available on
board of the vessel an Offline-Set is available which
enables to pre-programme the required sampling
depths via personal computer. With the Offline-Set
the activation of the net bags is carried out automatically according to the pre-selected depth intervals.
All measuring data are stored inside the Offline-Set
during the operation and can be read by a PC when
the MultiNet® is back on board.
• CT-Set
Together with the optional CT-Set the system offers
the full capability of a state-of-the-art oceanographic
Multi Parameter Probe.
The CT-Set consists of one conductivity sensor, one
temperature sensor and an additional electronics
board which are completely integrated into the Motor
Unit of the MultiNet®.
From the CTD data the system computes salinity,
density and sound velocity according to UNESCO
• Additional sensors of various parameters
• Data memory up to 4 MByte
• Battery powered Hand-Terminal, special version for
online operations to replace the mains operated Deck
Command Unit when no mains supply is available.
• Special version for operational depths down to
6000 metres
Horizontal and vertical operations
Easy handling
Bi-directional communication
Standard depth range 3000 metres
Long distance FSK-telemetry (> 10000m)
Low power consumption
Battery operated Underwater Unit,
max. voltage of 5 V at the conductor cable
• EC-conformity (CE) EN 50081-1, EN 50082-1
• Electronics operate from -40°C up to +85°C
Ordering Information
438 120
MultiNet® Type Mini consisting of:
a. Stainless steel Net Frame, mouth opening 35.5 cm x 35.5 cm (= 0.125m2)
with pressure capsuled motor unit and battery housing made of titanium
integrated pressure sensor 0 - 3000 dbar ±0.1% f.s. (or to be specified)
canvas part with zip fasteners
b. 5 Net Bags with zip fastener,
standard mesh size 300 microns
(or to be specified)
c. 5 Plastic Net Buckets 11 cm dia., side window
covered with sieve gauze
d. Stainless steel Net Bucket Holder
e. 2 Bridles
f. V-Fin Depth Depressor, 22 kg
g. Stainless steel support
h. Deck Command Unit, mains powered (85 ... 260 VAC)
i. Windows based HYDRO-BIOS software for full system control
438 130
MultiNet® Type Midi consisting of:
a. Stainless steel Net Frame, mouth opening 50 cm x 50 cm (= 0.25m2)
with pressure capsuled motor unit and battery housing made of titanium
integrated pressure sensor 0 - 3000 dbar ±0.1% f.s. (or to be specified)
canvas part with zip fasteners
b. 5 Net Bags with zip fastener, standard mesh size 300 microns
(or to be specified)
c. 5 Plastic Net Buckets 11 cm dia., side window covered with sieve gauze
d. Stainless steel Net Bucket Holder
e. 2 Bridles
f. V-Fin Depth Depressor, 22 kg
g. Stainless steel support
h. Deck Command Unit, mains powered (85 ... 260 VAC)
i. Windows based HYDRO-BIOS software for full system control
438 140
MultiNet® Type Maxi consisting of:
a. Stainless steel Net Frame, mouth opening 71 cm x 71 cm (= 0.5m2)
with pressure capsuled motor unit and battery housing made of titanium
integrated pressure sensor 0 - 3000 dbar ±0.1% f.s. (or to be specified)
canvas part with zip fasteners
b. 9 Net Bags with zip fastener, standard mesh size 300 microns
(or to be specified)
c. 9 Plastic Net Buckets 11 cm dia., side window covered with sieve gauze
d. Stainless steel Net Bucket Holder
e. 2 Bridles
f. V-Fin Depth Depressor, 70 kg
g. Stainless steel support
h. Deck Command Unit, mains powered (85 ... 260 VAC)
i. Windows based HYDRO-BIOS software for full system control
k. 2 Electronic Flow Meters
438 116
Electronic Flow Meter for MultiNet®
for current speeds from 0.1 m/s up to 9.9 m/s
438 160
Offline-Set for MultiNet®
for operations without conducting cables
with programmable depth depending sampling intervals
storing of measured data
data transfer to PC
data memory: 1 MByte
450 500
horizontal operation
vertical operation
CT-Set for MultiNet®
Additional electronics board
Conductivity sensor : 0 ... 65 mS/cm ±0.01 mS/cm
Temperature sensor : -2 ... +32°C ±0.005°C
Data rate
: 1 Hz (1 data set per second)
Miscellaneous Instruments
443 590
Visibility Disc acc. to Secchi
The Visibility Disc is made of white lacquered brass
and has a diameter of 200 mm; the weight is 1.7 kg.
The Visibility Disc is equipped with a rope of 3 metres
length. There are 10 marks in distances of 200 mm
on the first 2 metres above the disc.
The Visibility Disc is lowered into the water and reading of the depth is made by means of the marks at
the rope when the disc is no longer visible in the
It is lowered another 0.5 m and then heaved slowly
again. The second reading is made when the disc
becomes discernible.
Now the arithmetic mean from both readings has to
be made to determine the visibility depth.
440 060
Hand Winch
40 ı
ıI 0 2
ı I 0 0 20 I ı I
ıIı IıI
I ı 60
for the operation of hydrometrical, limnological and
similar instruments up to a maximum load of 15 kg.
The winch is made of sea-waterproof aluminium and
additionally protected against corrosion by an
enamel finish.
The wire drum has a capacity of 200 m steel rope of
2,5 mm dia.
The counting device makes it possible to read the
amount of wire paid out. This counting wheel is provided with a zero setting. By a locking device the
rope can be fixed at the desired depth.
A heavy clamp-on device made of steel with a maximum span width of 70 mm allows the winch to be
fixed onto the wall of a boat, onto bridge rails, well
pipes, etc.
Weight of the winch 8 kg.
Without steel rope
440 065
Stainless Steel Rope, 2,5 mm diameter
460 800
Clinometer (wire angle indicator)
The Clinometer is a simple, rugged instrument for determination of the required rope length for towed
devices which shall be operated at a certain depth.
The angle of inclination of the towing rope is determinated by taking bearings through the slit of the
Clinometer. The depth ( X) can be calculated by the
X = metre rope x cos ∞I
Miscellaneous Instruments
438 416
V-Fin Depressor
with steel rope and shackle
Dimensions: 60 x 70 x 40 (cm), weight 22 kg
438 417
V-Fin Depressor
with steel rope and shackle
Dimensions: 38 x 50 x 25 (cm), weight 5 kg
438 418
V-Fin Depressor
with steel rope and shackle
Dimensions: 100 x 114 x 65 (cm), weight 70 kg
438 300
Pole Scraper, with metal scratcher for sampling of
underwater growth on poles, embankments etc.
Length of scratcher 17 cm, 500 micron mesh size
Inner diameter of handle joint 20 mm
438 305
Telescopic Rod for attachment of the Pole Scraper,
length 110 cm, can be pulled out up to 210 cm length
438 610
Biological Bottom Dredge
The Biological Bottom Dredge is a compact sampler
to be towed along the bottom for collection of biological or mineral specimens.
The dredge has a strong stainless steel rectangular
frame with a size of approx. 50 x 20 (cm). It is delivered
with a pair of folding V-arms and a bridle for connection to the towing line.
A sturdy net bag of 6 mm mesh size is attached to
the rear of the frame and this is protected by a heavy
canvas cover. The net bag is approx. 60 cm long.
Weight of the complete dredge approx. 9.5 kg
438 650
Stream Bottom Sampler - Surber Type
Designed to gather samples of insects, larva and
other forms of aquatic life found in shallow flowing
streams. Ideal water depth should be 30 to 45 cm.
Sampler assembly consists of Nylon net supported
by a solid stainless steel folding framework having
sampling and net inlet areas of 32 x 32 (cm).
Net with 500 microns mesh size, with zip fastener
438 652
Spare Net Part for Stream Bottom Sampler
Flow Meters
438 110
Digital Flow Meter
for determination of the amount of water passing
through a plankton net.
Diameter of propeller 75 mm,
5-digit counter,
easy installation by a single or double point connection of the nose piece
438 115
Digital Flow Meter
as described above, but with back-run stop for
vertical operation,
easy installation by a triple point connection of the
nose piece
438 111
Electronic Flow Meter E-Flow
The Electronic Flow Meter E-Flow is designed to
measure the amount of water passing through a
plankton net.
The 6 digit LCD display shows the towing distance
in metres.
Thus the water volume can be easily calculated by
multiplication of the measured value (metres) with
the opening area of the plankton net.
Due to the indisturbed flow of the impeller from the
front a high measuring accuracy even in case of low
water velocities (from 0.1 m/s) is guaranteed. A flow
from the backside does not influence the measuring
The counter can be reset by a turning knob to 0.
The instrument is maintenance-free. The only movable
part is the exchangeable impeller.
The built-in Lithium battery allows a continuous
operation of 5 years.
Technical Data:
0 - 999999 m
Height of figures:
6 mm
Measuring fault:
0.1 - 0.5 m/s < 5%
0.1 - 10 m/s
0.5 - 10 m/s <1%
Operational depth:
max. 6000 m
Power supply:
Battery CR 1/3 N LiMnO2 (3V)
for 5 years continuous operation
Ambient temperature: -10° up to +50°C
housing: Ø 3.5 x 11.5 cm
impeller: Ø 7.5 x 6.5 cm
Weight on air:
approx. 300 g
Weight in water:
approx. 240 g
Sediment Trap
Sediment Trap acc. to Saarso
The Sediment Trap has been designed for autonomous operation in lakes, continental shelf and aquatic
environments with relative high vertical particulate
flux value. The instrument does not need heavy
moorings and can be easily deployed and recovered
from smaller vessels. Two wide clamps simplify the
use of it in vertical series attached to the same
mooring line.
The Sediment Trap is available in single or multi bottle
versions. Each trap is equipped with a dismountable
buffle grid at the opening to avoid washing out of the
sediment from the upper part of the cylinder. The inside of the trap is completely metal-free. The water
above the collecting bottle can be let off via two drain
cocks. The transparent funnel bottom enables to
check for resuspension of sediment from the collecting bottle after recovery.
General Specification:
Opening area:.................0.015 m
Cylinder length:...............560 mm
Ratio between diameter
and cylinder length:.........1 : 4
Cone angle:.................... 40°
Material:..........................PVC and polyethylene
collecting bottle 250 ml
Grid dimensions:.............20 x 20 x 40 (mm)
Mooring line diameter:.....6 mm
444 000
Sediment Trap (Single bottle version)
Dimensions :...................Ø 140 mm,
total length 820 mm
Weight in air/water:.........3 kg/1 kg
444 150
Spare Collecting Bottles 250 ml with screw cap
(1 set = 24 pcs.)
Multi Sediment Trap
The Multi Sediment Trap has been designed as light
and handy instrument for autonomous operation in
lakes, continental shelf and aquatic environments with
relative high vertical particulate flux value. It has proven
its reliability during numerous long-time operations in
arctic, antarctic, tropic and sub-tropic environments.
The instrument does not need heavy moorings and
can be easily deployed and recovered from smaller
The control device of the Multi Sediment Trap allows
time dependent operations of more than one year
The cylindrical trap is equipped with a dismountable
buffle grid at the opening to avoid washing out of the
sediment from the upper part of the cylinder. The inside
of the trap is completely metal-free.
The collecting bottles of the Multi Sediment Trap are
isolated from the surrounding environment when
they are inactive. During deployment and recovery
operations the trap bottom is open allowing a free
flow through the body.
Power supply is made by 3 long-time lithium batteries.
The Multi Sediment Trap is available with 6, 12 or 24
collecting bottles and in two versions:
Economy Version
The Economy Version is programmed via a battery
powered Hand Terminal, enabling the user to preselect
sampling intervals of 1 minute up to 1500 hours for
each collecting bottle (= same interval for all bottles).
Advanced Version
This version is programmed via PC by using a
HYDRO-BIOS software, enabling the user to preselect
individual sampling intervals from 1 minute up to 8760
hours for each sampling bottle in real time (year, month,
day, hour, minute). The Advanced Version can be
upgraded with different sensors of various parameters
and data memory of up to 4 MByte.
Multi Sediment Trap Economy Version
Programming via Hand Terminal,
opening area 0.015 m2, cylinder length 560 mm,
cone angle 40°, max. operational depth: 3000 metres
Multi Sediment Trap with 12 bottles
444 100
444 120
444 140
in air
in water
6 bottles dia. 420 mm 1000 mm 12 kg 5 kg
12 bottles dia. 520 mm 1040 mm 25 kg 10 kg
24 bottles 800 x 800 mm 1000 mm 45 kg 20 kg
Multi Sediment Trap Advanced Version
Programming via PC, software included,
opening area 0.015 m2, cylinder length 560 mm,
cone angle 40°, max. operational depth: 3000 metres
in air
in water
444 101
444 121
444 141
6 bottles dia. 420 mm 1000 mm 12 kg 5 kg
12 bottles dia. 520 mm 1040 mm 25 kg 10 kg
24 bottles 800 x 800 mm 1000 mm 45 kg 20 kg
444 150
Spare Collecting Bottles 250 ml with screw cap
(1 set = 24 pcs.)
444 160
Spare Lithium Batteries (1 set = 3 pcs.)
Rod Held Current Meter RHCM
Rod Held Current Meter RHCM
This portable device is a point-by-point measuring
instrument for assessing the current speeds in running
waters. The RHCM consists of a hydrometric vane
at the lower end of a telescopic rod and a splashproof Hand Terminal.
The measuring head can be angled up to ±90°. The
measuring values are displayed and stored on a hand
terminal, and the stored values transferred to a PC
by means of the software HydroLink® (included).
At the PC the measuring files are stored in ANSI format
and thus are accessible for evaluation and processing
by current word processing, spread sheet and database software.
Stationary operation with direct connection to PC or
data memory.
Data Memory up to 1,000,000 measuring values.
Telescopic Rod up to 4.5 metres length.
Submerging depth of the measuring head up to
100 metres using a cable (without Telescopic Rod).
Technical data:
Measuring range:
0.10 ... 9.99 m/s
0.01 m/s
± 5 % (0.10 ... 0.49 m/s)
± 1 % (0.50 ... 9.99 m/s)
4.000 measuring values
Ambient temperature: 0 - 50°C
Protection type
Hand Terminal:
IP 65
EC-Conformity (CE): EN 50081-1, EN 50082-1
Measuring cycle:
14 s
Data conservation:
100 years
Power supply:
Internal: Battery 9 V (PP3)
or External: 7...12 V, max.12 mA
445 500
Rod Held Current Meter RHCM
with telescopic rod 2 x 110 cm (220 cm)
445 505
Rod Held Current Meter RHCM
with telescopic rod 3 x 100 cm (300 cm)
445 510
Rod Held Current Meter RHCM
with telescopic rod 3 x 133 cm (399 cm)
445 515
Rod Held Current Meter RHCM
with telescopic rod 3 x 150 cm (450 cm)
PC System Minimum Requirements:
Pentium PC 166 MHz,16 MB Ram
5 MB free space on hard disc drive
1 free serial port (COM-Port)
VGA graphics 640 x 480 Pixel /16 Colours
CD-Rom double speed
Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
Dipping Bar
Dipping Bar acc. to Jens (DBGM)
for the quick and secure determination of the current
speed in shallow waters. By means of the Dipping Bar
acc. to Jens the current speeds of streams, channels
and small rivers up to 60 cm water depth can be
measured. The Dipping Bar has, besides its sturdy
construction and simple operation, the advantage
that with one single and short measurement the
average current of a vertical measuring line can be
determined. Therefore, the quantity of water of a
discharge section can be ascertained quickly and
The Dipping Bar acc. to Jens is constructed after the
principle of a torque balance; it takes up all individual
current speeds of the vertical measuring line integratingly. The powers operating on the measuring rod
produce a turning moment and distract the measuring
rod away from the vertical line. By means of an
adjustable weight rod a counter turning moment is
produced so far that the measuring rod is brought
back into the vertical line. From the division on the
weight rod there can be read the figure which is
equivalent to the adjusted turning moment. This
figure and the corresponding immersion depth are
typed into the programmed calculator. The display
indicates the current speed of the actual measuring
point in cm/sec.
Additionally, by linear approximation covering some
measuring points over a section of a running water,
the calculator delivers the discharge quantity of the
complete section in m3/sec.
445 600
Dipping Bar acc. to Jens
for current speeds up to 150 cm/sec. Immersion
depth up to 60 cm, complete with programmed
In wooden carrying case
445 610
445 620
445 625
Spare Measuring Rod
Spare Slide Rule
Spare Calculator, programmed
ICES Incubator
One of the most important marine processes is the
formation of organic material resulting from the interaction of carbon dioxide, water and sunlight, a process
known as photo-synthesis. The ability to measure
this process is of great importance when accessing
marine pelagic systems. In practice the most sensitive
method for measurements of photosynthesis is to
measure the absorption of carbon dioxide. The high
sensitivity of carbon dioxide absorption measurements
allows the use of this method under all circumstances,
at low and very high algal concentrations and under
low light and temperature conditions.
Based on the 14C method, using the absorption of
the radio-active 14C isotope of carbon (SteemannNielsen, 1952), the ICES Incubator is the ICES standard incubator for phytoplankton primary production
The incubator shown here has been mainly developed
for monitoring purposes. It should be used preferentially for water samples taken from a mixed water
layer which has a fixed temperature. For calculations
of productivity per square meter additional data on
vertical water attenuation are needed as well as daily
irradiance values. Additional measurements of the
amount of phytoplankton (based on chlorophyll-a
concentration measurements) should be carried out
for interpretation purposes.
The ICES Incubator consists of an illuminated transparent plexiglass tank incorporating a turning wheel
on which 12 experimental bottles can be clamped.
The tank is filled with water which is set in motion by
an adjustable circulating pump. Thus the turning
wheel is set in rotation at speeds up to 10 rpm with
the experimental bottles acting as paddles. Tank
connections for a second water circulation allow for
450 000
temperature adjustments of the water by using external
tempering equipment.
The 12 experimental bottles of 50 ml capacity each
have different optical coatings, so that each bottle
has individual transmission rates and thus generating
a number of 12 different irradiance (or light intensity)
The illumination unit is equipped with 10 fluorescent
tubes with a wave spectrum according to ICES
specifications, each one of which can be switched
For higher irradiance levels a second illumination unit
can be mounted onto the ground plate of the ICES
ICES Incubator consisting of:
1 Ground plate with fixing screws for plexiglass tank
and illumination unit, Dimensions: 510 x 325 x 20 mm
1 Centrifugal pump
(power supply 220 - 240 V AC, 50 / 60 Hz required),
Hauling capacity: 10 l/min.
2 PVC tubings, 415 mm long
1 Illumination Unit with 10 individually switchable
fluorescent tubes
(power supply 220 - 240 V AC, 50 / 60 Hz required)
Dimensions: 350 x 335 x 150 mm
1 Plexiglass tank with diaphragm valve and hose
nozzles, Dimensions: 350 x 400 x 100 mm
1 Turning wheel for 12 experimental bottles
Dimensions: 180 mm dia.
450 010
Set of 12 Experimental Bottles, 50 ml capacity
with optical coating, transmission rates: 0 - 100 %
450 020
Set of 10 Spare Fluorescent Tubes
450 030
Additional Illumination Unit
Multi Parameter Probe
The Multi Parameter Probe is a lightweight high precision measuring system for measurements of physical,
chemical and optical parameters. It is designed for
precise in-situ acquisition of scientific data in oceanic,
estuarine and fresh water environments down to
6000 metres.
The state-of-the-art electronics, optimized in power
consumption, are designed for ambient temperatures
from -40 °C up to +85 °C. The built-in 16 bit high
performance A/D converter in standard version allows
the simultaneous measurement with up to 8 sensors
Long-term stability in combination with high accuracy
and a wide range of options makes this multichannel
probe the ideal multi-purpose instrument for oceanographic and limnologic applications from large research
vessels as well as from small boats.
The Probes
Direct Reading Probe for operations via single- or
multiconductor cables with long distance FSK-telemetry
(>10000 m) to Board Unit:
The standard Direct Reading Probes have titanium
housings rated to 3000 metres water depth and are
supplied with one internal pressure sensor for
3000 dbar full scale range, one conductivity and one
temperature sensor with sampling rate of 1 Hz.
Bulkhead connectors are provided for external battery
and FSK-telemetry
Memory Probe with internal data memory for
operations in self contained mode:
The standard Memory Probes have titanium housings
rated to 3000 metres water depth with integrated
data memory of 1 MByte and are supplied with one
internal pressure sensor for 3000 dbar full scale range,
one conductivity and one temperature sensor with
sampling rate of 1 Hz. Bulkhead connectors are
provided for external battery housing and interface
to personal computer.
Data acquisition software:
The Windows based HYDRO-BIOS software is an easy-to-use
package for pre-deployment probe set-up, real-time data
acquisition, post-deployment data download, data processing,
data visualization, data storing and data export in ASCII-format.
From the CTD data it computes salinity, density and sound velocity
according to UNESCO formulas.
The software saves measuring data to disk files and creates files
in ASCII-format for data exchange.
Combined Probe for direct reading operations as
well as for self contained operations:
The standard Combined Probes have titanium
housings rated to 3000 metres water depth with
integrated data memory of 1 MByte and are supplied
with one internal pressure sensor for 3000 dbar full
scale range, one conductivity and one temperature
sensor with sampling rate of 1 Hz. Bulkhead connectors are provided for external battery housing,
FSK-telemetry and interface to personal computer.
Standard Underwater Unit
External Battery Housing
Board Unit
90 mm dia. x 600 mm long
50 mm dia. x 230 mm long
485 x 140 x 280 mm
9 kg
1 kg
5 kg
0 ... 65 mS/cm
-2 ... +32 °C
0 ... 3000 dbar
0 ... 150 % sat.
4 ... 10 pH
0.001 mS/cm
0.001 °C
0.1 dbar
0.1 % sat.
0.002 pH
1.0 mV
± 0.01 mS/cm
± 0.005 °C
± 0.1 % f.s.
± 2 % sat.
± 0.02 pH
± 20 mV
Additional sensors (e.g. Turbidity, Chlorophyll ...) and options according to special requirements are available upon request.
450 100
Direct Reading Probe DP 3000 consisting of:
Titanium housing: rated to 3000 metres water depth
Pressure Sensor: 0 ... 3000 dbar ±0.1% f.s.
Conductivity Sensor: 0 ... 65 mS/cm ±0.01 mS/cm
Temperature Sensor: -2 ... +32 °C ±0.005 °C
Sampling rate: 1 Hz (1 data set per second)
External battery housing
Board Unit (power supply 85 ... 260 V AC required)
PC-Software (PC resp.Notebook with Win 95/98/NT/XP
Serial data cable from Board Unit to PC
Notice: To operate the Direct Reading Probe DP 3000
a single- or multiconductor cable is required which is
not included in our scope of delivery.
450 200
Memory Probe DMP 3000 consisting of:
Titanium housing: rated to 3000 metres water depth
Pressure Sensor: 0 ... 3000 dbar ±0.1% f.s.
Conductivity Sensor: 0 ... 65 mS/cm ±0.01 mS/cm
Temperature Sensor: -2 ... +32 °C ±0.005 °C
Sampling rate: 1 Hz (1 data set per second)
External battery housing
Data Memory of 1 MByte
PC-Software (PC resp.Notebook with Win 95/98/NT/XP
Serial data cable from Memory Probe to PC
Board Unit to operate Direct Reading Probe and Combined
Probe in direct reading mode: The standard Board Units
include FSK-telemetry for Underwater Unit, RS-232 interface for PC, alphanumeric LC-display with LED backlight
for data display, pushbutton for control of MultiNet® or Multi
Water Sampler and power supply 85 ... 260 VAC.
The Board Unit is supplied as a metal housing for use in
standard 19-inch racks or as table housing.
Notice: To operate the Memory Probe DMP 3000 a
normal steel or stainless steel wire is required which
is not included in our scope of delivery.
450 300
Combined Probe DCP 3000 consisting of:
Titanium housing: rated to 3000 metres water depth
Pressure Sensor: 0 ... 3000 dbar ±0.1% f.s.
Conductivity Sensor: 0 ... 65 mS/cm ±0.01 mS/cm
Temperature Sensor: -2 ... +32 °C ±0.005 °C
Sampling rate: 1 Hz (1 data set per second)
External battery housing
Data Memory of 1 MByte
Board Unit (power supply 85 ... 260 V AC required)
PC-Software (PC resp.Notebook with Win 95/98/NT/XP
Serial data cable from Board Unit to PC
Serial data cable from Combined Probe to PC
Notice: To operate the Combined Probe DCP 3000
in direct reading mode a single- or multiconductor
cable is required which is not included in our scope
of delivery.
To operate the Combined Probe DCP 3000 in memory
mode a normal steel or stainless steel wire is required
which is not included in our scope of delivery.
For all Probes the user may specify:
Different pressure sensor ranges: 100, 200, 500,
1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 or 6000 dbar,
500 metres housing or 6000 metres titanium housing,
Data memory of 1, 2, 3 or 4 MByte,
Different sampling rates up to 10 Hz,
Optional sensors,
Interface for MultiNet® or Multi Water Sampler
Additional options according to special requirements
450 535
Oxygen Sensor:
0 ... 150 % sat. ±2 % sat.
Rated to 3000 metres water depth
450 545
pH Sensor:
4 ... 10 pH ±0.02 pH
Rated to 3000 metres water depth
450 555
Redox Sensor:
±2 V ±20 mV
Rated to 3000 metres water depth
Additional sensors and options according to
special requirements are available upon