training-of-trainers on freedom of expression 2 day in


training-of-trainers on freedom of expression 2 day in
Strengthening the Capacity of the Turkish Judiciary on Freedom of Expression
18-23 January 2016, Çam Hotel, Kızılcahamam, Ankara
Day 1: 18 January 2016, Monday
Preparations, Welcoming and Introductions
09.30 – 12.00 Preparatory meeting of the Project team and consultants:
Discussion points:
• Review of the programme
• Roles of consultants, co-trainers and education experts (work division)
• Clarification of training techniques to be used
• Review of the training hand-outs and other materials
• Assessment of possible risks
• Evaluation of assessment tools.
• Clarification of reporting responsibilities
• Any other outstanding issues
12.00 – 13.30
13.30 – 14.00
Welcoming and Opening Speeches
Chair: T. Tankut Soykan, CoE, Senior Project Officer
• Pınar Başpınar, Deputy Head, CoE
• Reyhan Yıldırım Atakur, Director of Department, Projects and International Relations,
Turgay Ateş, Member, 3rd Chamber, High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (TBC)
14. 00 – 15.00
Getting to Know Each Other - in-depth introduction
Cem Babadoğan, Education expert
15.00 – 15.15
Coffee Break
15:15 – 17:00
Introductory remarks
Chair: T. Tankut Soykan, CoE, Senior Project Officer
• Bert Maan Long Term Consultant, Training and Education of Judges and Prosecutors
• Cem Babadoğan, Education expert, What is Adult Training, and what is not?
• Vahit Bıçak, Consultant, Role of Education in Promoting and Protecting Freedom of
Closing Day 1.
Day 2: 19 January 2016, Tuesday.
Implementation of the 2-Day In-Service Training on Freedom of Expression
09.30 – 10.00
Briefing on the Content and Methodology of the 2-day In-service
Training on Freedom of Expression
T Tankut Soykan
10.00 –11.00
Module 1, Introduction
Konul Gasimova
Başak Çalı
Vahit Bıçak
Explanatory note for trainers:
 All co-trainers should be introduced in the beginning
 Konul should take the lead in the 1st step
 Basak should take the lead in the 2nd step
 The 3rd step will be conducted in 2 separate groups: 1) terrorism
and 2) defamation
 Basak should take the terrorism group into the small room
 Konul and Vahit, should stay together with the rest
11.00 – 11.15
Coffee Break
11.15 – 12.30
Module 2, National and International Normative Framework concerning
Terrorist Crimes and Criminal and Civil Defamation
Konul Gasimova (international-defamation)
Başak Çalı (international-terrorism)
Vahit Bıçak (national – civil defamation)
Mehmet Taştan (national – terrorism)
Explanatory note for trainers:
 The participants remain in the same rooms as 2 separate groups
 Terrorism: Basak international norms, Mehmet Tastan national
 Defamation: Konul international norms, Vahit national legislation
12.30 – 13.00
Debriefing on the methodology and content of Modules 1 and 2
Cem Babadoğan, Education expert
Tankut Soykan, Senior project officer
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch break
14.00 – 15.00
Module 3, Freedom of Expression: General Framework
Vahit Bıçak
Konul Gasimova
Başak Çalı
Mehmet Yüksek
Explanatory note for trainers:
 Vahit leads the first step and supported by Konul
 In the 2nd step participants are again go to their terrorism and
defamation groups
 Terrorism: Basak (leads), Mehmet Yuksek (supports)
 Defamation: Konul (leads), Vahit (supports)
15.00 – 15.15
Debriefing on Module 3
Cem Babadoğan, Education expert
Tankut Soykan, Senior project officer
15.15 – 15.30
Coffee Break
15. 30 – 17.00
Module 4, Conditions for Limitations
Konul Gasimova
Vahit Bıçak
Başak Çalı
Explanatory note for trainers (Step 1):
 15.30 – 15.45: Konul makes introductory remarks and provides
guidance for small group work
 15.45 – 16.15: Participants are divided into 3 groups: 1) terrorism,
2) criminal defamation and 3) civil defamation (they stay in the
same room). During their group work each co-trainer supports one
group: Basak (terrorism), Konul (criminal defamation) and Vahit
(civil defamation)
 16:30 – 17.00: Plenary discussions led by Konul. 5 mins is given
for the presentation of the outcomes of small group discussions.
Closing Day 2.
Day 3: 20 January 2016, Wednesday.
Implementation of the 2-Day In-Service Training on Freedom of Expression
09.30- 11.00
Module 4, Conditions for Limitations (Continues)
Konul Gasimova
Başak Çalı
Vahit Bıçak
Mehmet Yüksek
Explanatory note for trainers (Steps 2 and 3):
 9.30 – 9.45: Konul makes introductory remarks on proportionality
and provides guidance for small group work
 9.45 – 10.30: Participants are divided into 2 groups: 1) terrorism
and 2) defamation and. Terrorism group works in the small room.
Basak and Mehmet Yuksel (terrorism) and Konul and Vahit
 10:30 – 11.00: Step 3 continues in 2 separate groups in parallel.
11.00 – 11.15
Debriefing on Module 4
Cem Babadoğan, Education expert
İpek Gürkaynak, Education expert
11.15 – 11.30
Coffee break
11.30 -13.00
How to prepare a case study? Discussion and small group exercise
Başak Çalı (Supported by Konul Gasimova)
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch break
14.00 – 15.30
Module 5, Drafting a Reasoned Judgement: Case Study
Konul Gasimova
Başak Çalı
Vahit Bıçak
Explanatory note for trainers:
 14.00 – 14.15: Introductory remarks and guidance for group work
by Konul
 14.15 -15.15: Participants are divided into 3 groups to work in
parallel. Basak (terrorism), Konul (criminal defamation) and Vahit
(civil defamation)
 15.15 – 15.30: Plenary discussion by Konul
15.30 – 16.00
Debriefing on Module 5 and pairing up for micro training
İpek Gürkaynak & Tankut Soykan
Explanatory note:
 After a brief assessment of Module 5, participants are informed
about micro training try-out and divided into 3 groups (according
to their professional background) to implement modules from 1-5
in parallel.
 Each pair selects one of these modules and implement certain steps
therein, not the whole module. Division of labour among
consultants are as the following:
o Group 1 (terrorism)
Leading: Vahit Bıçak
Supporting: T. Tankut Soykan
o Group 2 (criminal defamation)
Leading: Konul Gasimova
Supporting: İpek Gürkaynak
o Group 3 (civil defamation)
Leading: Bert Maan
Supporting: Ana-Maria Telbis
16.00– 16.15
Coffe Break
16.15 – 17.30
Reference Tools and Online Resources
Bert Maan
Natacha De Roeck, HELP Projects Manager, Introduction to HELP
Principles and Methodologies
Ana-Maria Telbis, consultant, Presentation of the Online Course on
Closing Day 3
Day 4: 21 January 2016, Thursday.
Micro Training Try-Outs
09.30 – 10.30
Introductory Remarks on Preparations for Training
Bert Maan
Tankut Soykan, Instructions on the try-out process
İpek Gürkaynak, Presentation examples of suggested interactive
techniques and how to deal with difficult situations
10.30 – 13.00
Preparations (as in 3 parallel sessions: terrorism, criminal defamation and
civil defamation)
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch break
14.00 – 16.45
Micro training try-outs for Modules 1 and 2 for three parallel sessions
Max. 30 minutes should be given for each micro training
After each micro training 10-15 mins debriefing should be conducted
16.45 – 17.00
Wrapping up and closing Day 4
Bert Maan
Day 5: 22 January 2016, Friday.
Micro Training Try-Outs
09.30 – 13.00
Micro training try-outs for Modules 3 and 4 for three parallel sessions
Max. 30 minutes should be given for each micro training
After each micro training 10-15 mins debriefing should be conducted
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch break
14.00 – 15.30
Micro training try-outs for Module 5 for three parallel sessions
Max. 30 minutes should be given for each micro training try-out
After each micro training 10-15 mins debriefing should be conducted
15.30 – 15.45
Coffee Break
15.45 – 16.15
General Assessment
Bert Maan
Konul Gasimova
Ana-Maria Telbis
Vahit Bıçak
İpek Gürkaynak
16.15 – 17.00
Closing remarks and circulation of certificates
T. Tankut Soykan
Habip Oğuz
Day 6: 23 January 2016, Saturday.
09.30 – 10.30 Farewell Breakfast and Follow-up Discussions