Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae (Orthoptera


Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae (Orthoptera
J. Entomol. Res. Soc., 15(2): 69-102, 2013
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae (Orthoptera,
Acrididae) Species in The Anatolian Black Sea Basin and Check
List of Turkey Subfamily Fauna
Abbas MOL1
Guzelyurt Vocational School, Aksaray University, Aksaray, TURKEY
*Corresponding author’s e-mail: abbasmol19@gmail.com
Departmentof Biology, Faculty of Art and Science, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun,
This study was carried out especially between 2003 and 2006, at different altitudes and habitats, and
5244 Gomphocerinae specimens were collected in Black Sea Regions to determine subfamily species
ranging between 200 meter and 2460 meter in 175 different localities in this area. These specimens were
prepared according to standart methods in the laboratory, then researched and compared with present
literature, acoustics characteristics, museum specimens determined before, and specimens researched.
Finally, 52 species belonging to 17 genera of the Gomphocerinae subfamily along with present literature
were indicated in the Black Sea Region. Eight of 52 Gomphocerinae subfamily species were collected for
the first time from the Black Sea Region and with previous studies totaly 60 Gomphocerinae subfamily
taxon are distributed in this area. In addition to these, Dociostaurus (Kazakia) tartarus has been given a
new record for Turkey. Original description name, printed journal, distributions for world, and variations,
if existed, were given for every genus and species. By checking over previous studies, check list for
Gomphocerinae subfamily fauna of Turkey was prepared, and evaluated in terms of taxonomic, faunistics,
and biogeographic terms.
Key words: Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae, Fauna, taxonomic, Anatolian Black Sea Basin, Turkey.
Gomphocerinae Tarbinsky, 1932, living in habitats such as lush lowland meadow,
steppe, open woodland, and high mountains, is one of the most widespread Acrididae
subfamily in Orthoptera. It is reported that Gomphocerinae grasshoppers include nearly
1350 taxon (species/subspecies) belonging to 186 genera in the whole Holoarktik
Region (Otte et al., 2012). There are not any comprehensive studies which contain
the whole Holoarktic Gomphocerinae taxon of this subfamily, except Jago (1971)
who made a throughout revision for subfamily and Otte et al., (2012) who made the
species list. Gomphocerinae grasshoppers have a lot of variations because they
contain many taxa and prefer specific habitats. These features of the species in
the subfamily created faults in their diagnosys, however the use of acoustic signals
in the diagnosys of the taxon especially lately provided a solution for these faults.
Gomphocerinae grasshoppers are known use to produce elaborate species specific
acoustic signals for intraspecific communication. The songs can be a useful tool to
monitor and enable the identification of species, and might contain important taxonomic
information (Stumpner and Helversen, 1994; Ragge and Reynolds, 1998; Mol et al.,
2003; Çıplak et al., 2005; Mol, 2011; Şirin et al., 2010b; Şirin et al., 2011; Şirin and
Mol 2013). If their numbers increase in agricultural zones, they may be harmful for this
area (Uvarov, 1921; Be-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951; Karabağ, 1958; Jago, 1971;
Harz, 1975; Çıplak, 2004; Otte et al., 2012).
There are numerous studies dealing with Gomphocerinae taxon of Holoartic
region. Previous studies focused on morphology (Uvarov, 1934; Be-Bienko and
Mistshenko, 1951; Jago, 1971; Harz, 1975; Demirsoy, 1977; Salman, 1978 and etc.);,
however, most of the recent studies are based on songs, molecular characteristics,
and other behavioural characteristics (Helversen, 1986; Ragge, 1986; Ragge and
Reynolds, 1984; Ragge and Reynolds, 1998; Bukhvalova and Vedenina, 1998; Hewitt,
2000-2001; Mol et al., 2003; Çıplak et al., 2005; Vedenina and Helversen, 2009; Şirin,
2009; Şirin et al., 2010b-2011, Korkmaz et al., 2010 and etc.).
The Gomphocerinae grasshoppers of Turkey have been comperatively well
studied. The greatest contributions to these studies were made by Bolivar (1899),
Ramme (1926-1931-1939-1951), Uvarov (1930-1934) Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko
(1951), Karabağ (1949-1953-1957-1958-1959-1963), Weidner (1969), Demirsoy
(1975-1977), Karabağ et al. (1971-1980), Salman (1978), Güneş (1984), Helversen
(1989), Çıplak (1994-2004-2008), Çıplak and Demirsoy (1990-1991), Çıplak et al.
(1993-1996a-1996b-2005), Naskrecki and Unal (1995); Unal (1997-1999-2007-20082010-2012), Onder et al. (1999), Sevgili and Çıplak (2000), Mol (2001-2007-2011),
Mol et al. (2003), Berger (2008), Şirin et al. (2010a-2010b-2011), Şirin and Mol (2013).
The first significant information about the Gomphocerinae of Turkey was provided
by Karabağ (1958) who reported about 60 species and subspecies, and Demirsoy
(1977) reported 66 species and subspecies, then Çıplak et al. (1999-species list)
reported a totaly of 80 taxon, (species-subspecies) belonging to 18 genera of subfamily
Gomphocerinae, 35 of which are distributed in Black Sea Region. When related studies
were examined (Karabağ, 1958; Weidner, 1969; Demirsoy, 1977; Salman, 1978;
Karabağ et al., 1971-1980; Çıplak et al., 1999-2005; Ünal, 1999; Mol et al., 2003), it
was concluded that a total of 46 taxon (species-subspecies) belonging to 15 genera
of subfamily Gomphocerinae distributions in Black Sea Region were reported. It is
hard to say that these studies uncover the subfamily of the Gomphocernae species
in the Black Sea Region.
To evaluate biological diversity, Gomphocerinae grasshoppers have been used
specifically since Uvarov (1921). Uvarov (1921) reported that Orthoptera order
distributions in Palearktic region were divided into four district which are Boreal, Step,
Mediterranean, and Afro-Eremial regions. The Black Sea Region is characterized
euxinic vegetation and expected to have a fauna rich in subfamily species for a number
of reasons such as that it has a cold climate, permanently green vegetation, different
habitat types, that it was an entry aveanue and safe refugia for species/populations
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
which were spread from north to south and preferred cold climate, and that the faunistic
elements of Eremial region act as a corridor for spreading from south to north.
Additionally, Anatolia was subjected to changes in its topographic feature due to its
changing composition during the geological process, its rugged topograpghy today,
climatic diversity and the fact that it was exposed to various orogenies. All of these
may have caused an increase in Gomphocerinae subfamily diversity (Steinininger
and Rögl, 1984; Demirsoy, 1999; Rögl, 1999).
As the use of old methods and characteristics for subfamily taxonomy has proved
to be insufficient lately, faults emerged in their diagnosis. It became a necessity to
reevaluate the known taxon with sound characteristics as these characteristics are
an important feature in their subfamily taxonomy (Helversen, 1986; Ragge, 1986;
Ragge and Reynolds, 1984; Ragge and Reynolds, 1998 and etc.).
In this study, where we uncovered Gomphocerinae subfamily in the Black Sea
Region due to the reasons we summarized above, we aimed (i) to reveal the
Anatolian Black Sea Basin species of the subfamily Gomphocerinae and their
distribution districts, (ii) to contribute to their taxonomic problems, (iii) to determine
the species which damage agricultural fields, (iv) to present some speculation on
their biogeography, (vi) to prepare the checlist for subfamily of Gomphocerinae fauna
of Turkey.
This study was carried out especially between 2003 and 2006 in the Anatolian
Black Sea Basin in Turkey. By taking vegetation, topography, and altitude into account
in the twenty five cities which are Bolu, Sakarya, Düzce, Zonguldak, Bartın, Karabük,
Kastamonu, Çankırı, Sinop, Çorum, Yozgat, Samsun, Amasya, Tokat, Sivas, Erzincan,
Ordu, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Trabzon, Rize, Bayburt, Erzurum, Artvin and Ardahan,
study areas were determined, then these study areas were visited generally between
every June and September, and Gomphocerinae specimens collected from 175
different localites (Fig.1). Of these 175 localities, 72, which were called main localities,
were visited at least once or twice ever year. The rest of the localities were visited
only once during this study.
During the field work, the songs of Gomphocerinae specimens were recorded and
then the specimens were collected by sweep net. The specimens collected during the
field studies were prepared as museum material by standard methods. Male genitalia
were dissected and soaked into aqueous 10 % potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution at
room temperature. Figures and measurements were obtained using a digital camera
or a camera lucida attached to a stereo microscope.
The collected specimens were identified and also compared with specimen by
Bolivar (1899), Uvarov (1930-1934), Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko (1951), Karabağ
(1956-1957-1959-1963), Weidner (1969), Harz (1975), Demirsoy (1977), Salman
(1978), Soltani (1978), Willemse (1985) and Vedenina and Helversen (2009).
Afterwards, the collected materials were also compaired with specimens preserved
in the Biological Museum of Akdeniz University (Antalya). Most of the specimens
examined during this study are preserved in Ondokuz Mayıs University, Department
of Biology, Entomological Museum, (OMUEM), Samsun, Turkey. Original description
name and printed journal were given for every genus and species. All specimens were
collected by the first author. When localities of newly collected material are given, the
following format is used: Province: city (or town), village (or district), altitude, collection
date, number of male and female specimens. For given species, if there are any
variations from previous studies, these variations were given as a seperate sub-topic.
Both morphology and acoustic attributes are very important taxonomic
characteristics for subfamily Gomphocerinae species. To confirm our data, we recorded
and evaluated male calling songs for some collected materials. Field recordings of the
songs were made with a Sony Cassette-Recorder WM-GX 688 and a flat microphone
(50 Hz to 18 kHz). Song recordings were made in the field in full sunshine, and air
temperature was measured in the shade. Male calling songs were analysed with the
aid of Cool Edit 96 schedule and printed using Turbolab (Stemmer AG) program. The
terminology for song description was taken from Ragge and Reynolds (1998) and
Çıplak et al. (2005).
Duroniella I. Bolivar, 1908
Duroniella I. Bolivar, 1908. Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg, XVI: 100
Type species: Duroniella lucasii (I. Bolivar, 1881)
Duroniella laticornis (Krauss, 1909)
Duronia laticornis Krauss, 1909. Verh. Nat. Ver., Karlsruhe, 21: 42, (118-119)
Distribution: Southeastern Europe, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, from Northern Africa
to Russia and Middle Asia (Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951).
Material examined: Çorum: Sungurlu, Tuğcu köyü, 800 m, 26.V.2006, 5♂♂, 10♀♀.
Arcyptera Serville, 1839
Oedipoda (Arcyptera). Ins. Histoire naturelle des insectes, Orthoptères: 743
Type species: Arcyptera fusca (Pallas, 1773)
Arcyptera fusca fusca (Pallas, 1773)
Gryllus locusta fuscus Pallas, 1773. Reisen Russ. Reiches, 2: 727, n.77
Distribution: Southern Regions of European part of U.S.SR, Caucasus, Kazakhstan,
Western Siberia, Altai, Yakutta; Western Europe, Mongolia and Turkey (Bei-Bienko
and Mistshenko, 1951; Çıplak et al., 1999).
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
Material examined: Artvin: Şavşat, Yukarı Kocabey Yaylası İnişi, 1900-2000 m, 28.VII.2005, 10♂1♀;
Rize: İkizdere, Başköy, 1851 m, 1♂, 2♀♀.
Pararcyptera Tarbinsky, 1940
Arcyptera subgen. Pararcyptera Tarbinsky, 1940. Zool. Anz. 91: 334
Type species: Pararcyptera microptera (F.W., 1833)
Pararcyptera labiata (Brullè, 1832)
Podisma labiata Brullè, 1832: 95. Expédition scientifique de Morée 4.3(1), 2:95.
Distribution: Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor (Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951)
Material examined: Bayburt: Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 2460 m, 9.VIII.2004, 4♀♀;
25.VII.2005, 5♂♂, 5♀♀; Vaukdağı Geçidi, 1955 m, 8.VIII.2004, 3♀♀; Çorum: Çorum-Osmancık yolu,
Beydili-Çatak köyü yol ayrımı, 865 m, 26.VI.2004, 3♂♂, 10♀♀; 10.VII.2005, 1♀; Erzurum: Erzurum-İspir
yolu, Gölyurt Geçidi, 2380 m, 30.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 8♀♀; Giresun: Giresun-Şebinkarahisar yolu, Eğribel
Geçidi, 1725 m, 7.VIII.2004, 1♂; Kastamonu: Kastamonu-Tosya yolu, Tosya Ilgazı Geçidi, 1650 m,
21.VIII.2004, 4♂♂; 20.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 1♀; 13.VII.2005, 5♂♂, 7♀♀, Rize: İkizdere-İspir yolu, 75. km,
2000-2100 m, 30.VII.2005, 4♂♂, 1♀; Tokat: Zile, Yıldıztepe, Deveci Dağları, 1350 m, 16.VII.2004, 1♂.
Ramburiella I. Bolivar, 1906
Ramburiella Bolivar, 1906. Boll. Soc. Esp.Hist.Nat.6:393
Typ species: Gryllus hispanica Rambur, 1838
Ramburiellla turcomana (Fischer de Waldheim, 1846)
Oedipoda turcomana F.W.,1833. Bull.Soc.Nat.Mosc.32(1):133
Distribution: South-east of western Europe, western Asia, Crimea, South-east
of European Russia, Transcaucasica, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, Balkan Peninsula,
Rhodes, Turkey, Syria and Palestine, (Demirsoy, 1977; Bukhvalova and Vedenina
1998; Sevgili and Çıplak, 2000).
Material examined: Çorum: Beydili-Çatak köyü yol ayrımı, 26.VI.2004, 865 m, 1♂, 2♂♂; 900 m,
20.VII.2006, 1♂, 1♀; Yozgat: Yozgat-Sorgun Yolu, 10.km, 1160 m, 11.VIII.2005, 1♀.
Ramburiellla bolivari (Kuthy, 1907)
Stethophyma bolivari Kuthy, 1907. Ann.hist.-nat.Mus.Hung. 5:431
Distribution: South-east Europe, a part of Russia, North west and east Kazakhstan,
Turkey, northern Iran (Harz 1975).
Material examined: North East Anatolia, Artvin: Yusufeli, Aşpişen köyü, 600 m, 1.VII.2013, 2♂♂,
2♀♀ (A.Mol, D.Şirin, MS.Taylan).
Eremippus Uvarov, 1926
Eremippus Uvarov, 1926. Eos. 2:243-245
Type species: Stenobothrus simplex (Eversmann, 1859)
Eremippus zeybekoglui Mol, 2012
Eremippus zeybekoglui Mol, 2012. Entomologica Fennica, 23:127-139.
Distribution: Known only from Turkey (Mol, 2012)
Material examined: North East Anatolia, Artvın: Yusufeli, Aşpişen köyü, 600 m,
17.VIII.2006, 1♂.
Eremippus weidneri Demirsoy, 1977
Eremippus weidneri Demirsoy, 1977. Türkiye Caelifera (Insecta, Orthoptera)
Faunasının Tesbiti ve İncelenmesi, 186-189
Distribution: Known only from Turkey (Çıplak et al., 1999).
Material examined: Giresun: Kümbet Yaylası, 1940 m, 3♂♂, 8♀♀, 23.VII.2005; Eğribel Geçidi,
1900 m, 15.VIII.2004, 2♂, 3♀; 2250 m, 7.VIII.2004, 5♂♂, 4♀♀; 23.VII.2005, 1725 -1950 m, 1♂, 4♀♀;
2250-2302 m, 1♀; Ordu: Kaladüzü, Çambaş Yaylası, 1741 m, 20.VIII.2006, 15♂♂, 8♀♀; Trabzon: Zigana
Dağı, Gümüş Kayak merkezi, 2150 m, 14.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 3♀♀; 26.VIII.2005, 1♀.
Dociostaurus Fieber, 1853
Dociostaurus Fieber, 1838. Lotos. 3:118
Typ species: Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunberg, 1815)
Dociostaurus (Kazakia) brevicollis (Eversmann, 1848)
Oedipoda brevicollis Eversmann, 1848. Orth. Ross. 11
Distribution: South-east of Western Europe, Asia Minor, Ukraine, southern and
central parts of European Russia, Caucasus, South-western Siberia, northern and
eastern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Pamirs (Bukhvalova and Vedenina, 1998).
Material examined: Amasya: Ezinepazarı, Abacı köyü girişi, 1025 m, 15.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 16♀♀;
19.VIII.2004, 1♀; 2.VIII.2005, 1♂, 2♀♀; Ormanözü köyü girişi, 1255 m, 14.VIII.2004, 1♂, 5♀♀; Ardahan:
Hanak-Ardahan yolu, Hanak çıkışı, 2100 m, 11.VIII.2004, 8♂♂, 8♀♀; Hanak yolu, 10.km, 1950 m,
11.VIII.2004 1♂, 2♀♀; Bayburt: Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 9.VIII.2004, 2460 m, 1♂, 10♀♀;
25.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 3♀♀; Vauk Dağı Geçidi, 1955 m, 8.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 6♀♀; 25.VIII.2005, 2♂♂, 6♀♀;
Bayburt-Çaykara yolu, Soğanlı Dağı etekleri, Kılıçkaya köyü, 1860 m, 1♂ 7♀♀; Bayburt-Aşkale yolu,
25.km, 1790 m, 25.VII.2005, 1♂, 3♀♀; Bolu: Yeniçağa Gölü, 950 m, 22.VII.2004, 1♂; Çankırı: Ilgaz, İndağı
Geçidi, 1425 m, 14.VII.2005, 1♂; Çorum: Kösedağ, Zirve, 1700 m, 2.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 12♀♀; 13.VIII.2005,
1♂, 2♀♀; Beydili-Çatak köyü, yol ayrımı, 900 m, 2.VIII.2004, 1♀; 10.VII.2005, 3♀♀; Merkez, Karşıyaka
mahallesi, 894 m, 10.VII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Çorum-Alaca yolu, Kürecik Beli Geçidi, 1100 m, 11.VIII.2005, 1♂;
Alaca-Yozgat yolu, 10.km, 1000 m, 11.VIII.2005, 5♂♂; Sungurlu: Kamışlı köyü, girişi, 885 m, 11.VIII.2005,
1♀; Erzurum: Oltu-Erzurum yolu, 25. km, 2000-2200 m, 21.VIII.2000, 1♂; Erzurum-Pazar yolu, Laleli
köyü, 1450 m, 9.VIII.2004, 1♂; İspir, Gölyurt Geçidi, 2380 m, 30.VII.2005, 4♂♂, 5♀♀; Giresun: Alucra,
Aktepe köyü, 1500 m, 7.VIII.2004, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Gümüşhane: Kale, Akçahisar köyü, 1450 m, 8.VIII.2004,
2♂♂, 2♀♀; Fındıkbeli Geçidi, 1700 m, 24.VII.2005, 3♂♂, 3♀♀; 7.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 3♀♀; Kelkit, Pöske
Dağı, 1500-2250 m, 24.VII.2005, 5♂♂, 14♀♀; Çilhoroz Geçidi, 1625 m, 24.VII. 2005, 4♂♂, 5♀♀;
Kastamonu: Merkez, Aksinir köyü, 900 m, 26.VII.2004, 5♂♂, 10♀♀; Kastamonu-İnebolu yolu, 10.km,
900 m, 21.VIII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; Seydiler-Küre yolu, 1700 m, 26.VII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; Ecevit Geçidi, 1170 m,
26.VII.2004, 1♂; Tosya-İskilip yolu, Türbe Geçidi altı, 1285 m, 13.VII.2005, 1♂, 1♀; Türbe Geçidi, 1625
m, 13.VII.2005, 11♂, 23♀♀; 20.VII.2004, 12♂♂, 4♀♀; 20.VIII.2004, 10♂♂, 27♀♀; Devrekani-Çatalzetin
yolu, Devrekani Çıkışı, 1050 m, 17.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 9♀♀; Ordu: Ünye-Niksar yolu, Ağa Geçidi, 1550 m,
31.VII.2005, 1♀; Rize: İkizdere-İspir yolu, 75.km, 2000-2100 m, 13.VIII.2004, 3♀♀; 30.VII.2005, 1♂ 6♀♀;
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
Sinop: Sinop-Boyabat yolu, Dranaz Geçidi, 1310 m, 27.VII.2004, 19♂♂, 16♀♀; 18.VII.2005, 7♂♂, 25♀♀;
Sivas: Çamlıbel-Yıldızeli yolu, 20.km, 1300 m, 17.VII.2004, 4♂♂, 24♀♀; 19.VIII.2004, 1♂, 6♀♀; 1400 m,
1.VIII.2005, 3♂♂, 3♀♀; Tokat: Zile, Deveci Dağları, 1350 m, 16.VII.2004, 1♂, 13♀♀; Hasan Ağa köyü,
çıkışı, 730 m, 1.VIII.2005, 2♀♀; Niksar, Ulusu, 1275 m, 6.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 18♀♀; 31.VII.2005, 6♂♂, 4♀♀;
Çamlıbel Geçidi, 1390 m, 17.VII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; 1670 m, 19.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 10♀♀; 1.VIII.2005, 3♂♂ 4♀♀.
Dociostaurus (Kazakia) tartarus Stschelkanovzev, 1921
Dociostaurus crucigerus tartarus Shchelkanovtsev. 1921: Fieb. Bull. Ent. Res.,
London. 11(4):339
Distribution: South-east of European Russia, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia,
Iraq, Northern Iran, Northern Afgahanistan, Pakistan (Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko,
1951; Soltani, 1978).
Material examined: Artvin: Yusufeli, Aşpişen köyü, 600 m, 17.VIII.2006 1♂, 2♀♀.
Remarks: In the previous studies (Demirsoy, 1977; Naskrecki and Unal, 1995;
Çıplak et al., 1999), three taxa (species or subspecies) of Kazakia Bei-Bienko, 1933
subgenus were recorded in Turkey. Those species are: Dociostaurus (Kazakia)
brevicollis (Eversmann, 1848), Dociostaurus (Kazakia) jagoi jagoi Soltani, 1978, and
Dociostaurus (Kazakia) genei (Ocskay, 1832). In this study, we collected Dociostaurus
Fieber species from Artvin-Yusufeli belonging to Kazakia Bei-Bienko subgenus
specimens, which were different from above-mentioned species specimens. Thus,
we identified this speciemens according to previous publications (Bei-Bienko and
Mistshenko, 1951; Harz, 1975; Demirsoy, 1977; Soltani, 1978; Çıplak, 1992; Sevgili,
1997) and determined that these specimens belonged to Dociostaurus (Kazakia)
tartarus Stschelkanovzev, 1921. For Turkey, this new record is easily distinguished
from the species of Kazakia Bei-Bienko subgenus known in Turkey.
The new record is similar to Dociostaurus (Kazakia) genei (Ocskay, 1832),
Dociostaurus (Kazakia) jagoi jagoi Soltani, 1978, and Dociostaurus (Kazakia)
brevicollis (Eversmann, 1848) with the first segment of hind tarsi equal to length of
2/3 of the total length of the other two segments. However, it differs from Dociostaurus
(Kazakia) genei (Ocskay, 1832) with stridulatory pegs number 92 (in D. genei 22-35),
in male, supra-anal plate narrow (in D. genei male, supra-anal plate wider than long),
in female vertical diameter of eye/length of subocular groove 2 (in D. genei 1.4-1.5).
The new record differs from Dociostaurus (Kazakia) jagoi jagoi Soltani with
stridulatory pegs number 92 (in D. jagoi 69-76), apical valves of the penis equal in
length with cingular valves (in D. jagoi, cingular valves longer than apical valves),
tegmina surpasses the tip of hind femur in female (in D. jagoi tegmina does not reach
the tip of hind femur in female).
The new record differs from Dociostaurus (Kazakia) brevicollis (Eversmann,
1848) as in male the total length of antenna is 1.25-1.45 times longer than head plus
pronotum length (in D.brevicollis 1.5-1.75), hind tibia red (in D.brevicollis pale yellow),
apical valves of penis slender straight (in D.brevicollis tick), tegmina surpasses the tip
of hind femur in female (in D.brevicollis tegmina does not reach or nearly reach the
tip of hind femur) tegmina length 18-19 mm in female (in D.brevicollis 15.6-16.6 mm).
Dociostaurus (Dociostaurus) maroccanus (Thunberg, 1815)
Grylllus macroccanus Thunberg, 1815. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 5: 244
Distribution: N. Africa, Maderia and Canary Islands, S. Europe and Cyperus;
Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily, U.S.S.R; Middle East, N.E. Africa, Somali Rep., the
Caucasus, southern Kazakhstan and western and middle Asia, Turkey (Bei-Bienko
and Mistshenko, 1951; Soltani, 1978; Çıplak et al.,1999).
Material examined: Tokat: Niksar-Ulusu, 1275 m, 6.VIII.2004, 1♂ 2♀♀.
Dociostaurus (Dociostaurus) hauensteini hauensteini Bolivar, 1893
Stauronotulus hauensteini Bolivar, I. 1893. Rev. biol. N. France. 5:480
Distribution: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Palestine (Sevgili and Çıplak, 2000).
Material examined: Bayburt: Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, 25. km, 1790 m, 25.VII.2005, 2♀♀; Bayburt-Köse
yolu, 15-20. km.ler arası, 1680 m, 24.V.2005, 1♂.
Notostaurus Bei-Bienko, 1933
Notostaurus Bei-Bienko, 1933. Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat.33:337- 338
Type species: Notostaurus anatolicus (Krauss, 1896)
Notostaurus anatolicus (Krauss, 1896)
Stauronotulus anatolicus Krauss, 1896. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 9: 560
Distribution: U.S.S.R, Yugoslavia, Greece, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel
(Soltani, 1978).
Material examined: Amasya: Merkez, Y. Bağları köyü, 600 m, 18.VII.2004, 2♀♀; Ormanözü köyü
girişi, 1035 m, 14.VII.2004, 5♂♂, 6♀♀; 2.VIII.2005, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; 1440 m, 17.VII.2004, 2♂♂; Ezine Pazarı,
Abacı köyü, girişi, 1025 m, 15.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 1♀; 1225 m, 19.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 8♀♀; 1250 m, 19.VIII.2004,
4♂♂, 1♀; 2.VIII.2005, 2♂♂, 1♀;Bayburt: Vauk Dağı, Geçidi, 1955 m, 8.VIII.2004, 1♂; 25.VII.2005, 2♀♀;
Bolu: Geyve-Taraklı yolu, Kazkıran Geçidi, 800 m, 23.VII.2004, 6♂♂, 4♀♀; 15.VII.2005, 8♂♂, 19♀♀;
Seben, Yağma köyü, 900 m, 15.VII.2005, 1♀; Çorum: Karşıyaka mahallesi, 894 m, 10.VII.2005, 1♂,
1♀; Çatak-Beydili köyü yol ayrımı, 960 m, 2.VIII. 2004, 7♀♀; 10.VII.2005, 5♂♂, 10♀♀; 13.VIII.2005,
2♀♀; Mecitözü, Üçköy, Simalı mevkii, 815 m, 13.VII.2004, 1♂, 3♀♀; Çorum-Alaca yolu, Kürecik Beli
Geçidi, 1100 m, 11.VIII.2005, 1♂, 1♀; Sungurlu, Kamışlı köyü girişi, 885 m, 11.VIII.2005, 1♀; Yorga köyü,
14.VII.2006, 1♂; Erzurum: Erzurum-Pazar yolu, Laleli köyü, 1450 m, 9.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 13♀♀; Giresun:
Giresun-Erzurum-Şebinkarahisar yol ayrımı, 7.VIII.2004, 1275 m, 12♀♀; 24.VII.2005, 5♂♂, 2♀♀; 50 km,
23.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; Gümüşhane: Kale, Akçahisar köyü, 1450 m, 8.VIII.2004, 1♂; Kelkit, Pöske Dağı,
1500-1580 m, 8.VII.2004, 6♂♂, 3♀♀; 1500-580 m, 24.VII.2005, 1♂, 4♀♀; Fındıkbeli Geçidi, 1700 m,
7.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 1♀; Karabük: Safranbolu-Bartın yolu, 3.km, 25.VII.2004, 1♂; Kastamonu: İnebolu yolu,
10 km, 900 m, 21.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 6♀♀; Sivas: Çamlıbel-Yıldızeli yolu, 20 km, 1300 m, 17.VII.2004, 8♂♂,
1♀; 19.VIII.2004, 3♂♂, 5♀♀; 1.VIII.2005, 4♂♂,11♀♀; Koyulhisar-Suşehri yolu, 20 km, 525 m, 6.VIII.2004,
1♂; Tokat: Zile, Yıldıztepe girişi, 16.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 8♀♀; Hasanağa köyü çıkışı, 700-750 m, 18.VIII.2004,
6♂♂, 13♀♀ Çamlıbel, 17.VII.2004, 1220 m, 4♂♂, 5♀♀; 1.VIII.2005, 2♂♂, 1♀; Tokat-Çamlıbel-Artova yol
ayrımı, 19.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 14♀♀; Yozgat: Sorgun yolu, 10.km, 1160 m, 11.VIII.2005, 3♂♂, 1♀.
Stenobothrus Fischer-Waldheim, 1853
Stenobothrus Fischer-Waldheim, 1853. Orth. Eur., 296, 313
Type species: Stenobothrus lineatus (Panzer, 1796)
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
Stenobothrus (Stenobothrodes) werneri Adelung, 1907
Stenobothrus werneri Adelung, 1907. Trudy Russkogo entomologicheskogo
Obshchestva. 38:43.
Distribution: Transcaucasia, north-western Iran and Turkey (Bei-Bienko and
Mistshenko, 1951; Demirsoy, 1977).
Material examined: Ardahan: Ardahan-Hanak yolu, 10.km, 1950 m, 11.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 1♀; Hanak
Çıkışı, 2100 m, 11.VIII.2004, 12♂♂, 3♀♀; Amasya: Ormanözü köyü çıkışı, 1526 m, 14.VII.2004, 1♂;
2.VII.2005, 3♂♂, 5♀♀; Artvin: Şavşat, Yukarı Kocabey Yaylası, 2450 m, 11.VIII.2004, 8♂♂, 3♀♀; 27.VII.2005,
3♂♂, 3♀♀; Yukarı Kocabey Yaylası, 1900 m, 28.VII.2005, 12♂♂, 5♀♀; Yusufeli, Yaylacık köyü, 1850 m,
10.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; Bayburt: Kılıçkaya köyü, 1860 m, 10.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 1♀; Kop Dağı Geçidi, 9.VIII.2004,
2460 m, 3♂♂, 6♀♀; 25.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 5♀♀; Çorum: Kösedağ, Zirve, 1650 m, 2.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 4♀♀;
Erzurum: İspir, Gölyurt Geçidi, 2380 m, 27.VII.2003, 1♀; 30.VII.2005, 1♀; Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske Dağı,
2250 m, 8.VIII.2004, 9♂♂, 1♀; Kastamonu: Devrekani, Yaralıgöz Geçidi, 1450 m, 26.VII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Rize:
İkizdere-İspir yolu, 25.km, 2000 m, 13.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 3♀♀; 30.VII.2005, 1♀; Tokat: Çamlıbel, 1670 m,
19.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; 1.VIII.2005, 3♂♂, 1♀; Sivas: Çamlıbel-Yıldızeli yolu, 20.km, 1300 m, 17.VIII.2004, 2♂♂.
Stenobothrus (Stenobothrodes) sviridenkoi Ramme, 1930
Stenobothrus werneri sviridenkoi Ramme, 1930. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin. 16(2): 394
Distribution: Armenia, Turkey (Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951; Demirsoy, 1977).
Material examined: Amasya: Ormanözü köyü, Çıkışı, 1526 m, 2.VIII.200, 1♀; Ardahan:
Ardahan-Hanak yolu, 10. km, 1950 m, 11.VIII.2004, 1♀; Artvin: Şavşat, Yukarı Kocabey Yaylası inişi,
1900 m, 28.VII.2005, 4♀♀; Bayburt: Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 2460 m, 9.VIII.2004, 1♀;
25.VII.2005, 2♀♀; Bayburt-Çaykara yolu, Soğanlı Dağı Geçidi, Kılıçkaya köyü, 1860 m, 10.VIII.2004,
2♀♀; Çorum: Kösedağ, Zirve, 1650 m, 2.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske Dağı, 2250
m, 8.VIII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; Karabük: Eskipazar, Çilekbeli Geçidi, 1440 m, 24.VII.2004, 1♂; Kastamonu:
Devrekani-Çatalzeytin yolu, Bozarmut köyü, Yaralıgöz Geçidi, 1450 m, 26.VII.2004, 1♀; Tokat: Çamlıbel,
1.VIII.2005, 2♀♀; Sivas: Çamlıbel-Yıldızeli yolu, 20.km, 1400 m, 1.VIII.2005, 1♀.
Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) lineatus (Panzer, 1796)
Gryllus lineatus Panzer, 1796, Faun., Ins., Germn.fasc.33
Distribution: Widespread in Europe South of latitude 55º N, but confined to mountains
in the southern peninsulas; local in southern England. Eastwards, the range extends
through Kazakhstan to southern Siberia and Mongolia (Ragge and Reynolds, 1998).
Material examined: Bartın: Safranbolu-Bartın Yolu, Ahmet Usta Geçidi, 1060 m, 25.VII.2004,
7♂♂, 3♀♀; 16.VII.2005, 1♀; Bayburt: Kop Dağı Geçidi, 9.VIII.2004, 2460 m, 1♂, 2♀♀; 25.VII.2005,
1♀; Çankırı: Ilgaz, İndağı Geçidi, 1260 m, 21.VII.2004, 7♂♂, 8♀♀; 14.VII.2005, 1270 m, 3♀♀; 1425
m, 21.VII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Ilgaz Dağı, Doruk Oteller Civarı, 1920 m, 21.VIII.2004, 5♂♂, 2♀♀; Çorum:
Kösedağ, Zirve, 1650 m, 2.VIII.2004, 5♂♂, 3♀♀; Giresun: Kümbet Yaylası, 1750 m, 23.VII.2005, 5♂♂;
Karabük: Safranbolu Çıkışı, 10.km, 950 m, 25.VII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; 16.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 1♀; Eskipazar,
Çilekbeli Geçidi, 1440 m, 24.VII.2004, 11♂♂, 5♀♀; Ahmet Usta Geçidi, 1060 m, 25.VII.2004, 9♂♂, 4♀♀;
Kastamonu: Devrekani-Çatalzeytin Yolu, Yaralıgöz geçidi, Bozarmut köyü, 1450 m, 26.VII.2004, 10♂♂,
6♀♀; 17.VII.2005, 7♂♂, 10♀♀; Kastamonu-Seydiler yolu, Oyrak geçidi, 1210 m, 26.VII.2004, 6♂♂,
3♀♀; 21.VIII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; 17.VII.2005, 11♂♂, 8♀♀; Ilgaz Dağı, 1800 m, 4.VIII.2000, 1♂; Samsun:
Samsun-Çorum yolu, 25.km, 350 m, 5.VII.2004, 1♂; 25.VIII.2005, 2♀♀; Sinop: Sinop-Boyabat yolu,
Dranaz Geçidi, 1300 m, 27.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 3♀♀; 18.VII.2005, 1♂, 3♀♀; Erfelek, Kötü Güney Yaylası,
1065 m, 18.VII.2005, 7♂♂, 4♀♀; Trabzon: Zigana Dağı, Gümüş Yaylası, 2150 m, 14.VIII.2004, 11♂♂,
17♀♀; 26.VII.2005, 6♂♂, 10♀♀.
Remarks on morphology: Demirsoy, (1977) reported that tegmina reaching 9.
abdominal terga and Harz (1975) reported that vertical diameter of eyes/minimum width
of vertex 1.5-1.75 in male and 1.3-1.5 in female; the ratio between vertical diameter
of the eyes/subocular groove 1.57-2.2 in male and 1.3-1.66 in female and, length of
hind femur/its maximum width 4.5. In this study, we realize that tegmina shorter or
longer than abdomen in female, In addition, vertical diameter of eyes/minimum width
of vertex 1.3-1.6 in male and 1.2-1.4 in female; the ratio between vertical diameter of
the eyes/subocular groove 1.36-2.25 in male and 1.38-1.67 in female and, length of
hind femur/its maximum width 4-4.65 in male, 3.92-4.63 in female. Although Anatolian
populations show deviations from remaining European population we consider these
as intraspecies variation and Anatolian members to be belonging the same species.
Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) fischeri fischeri (Eversmann, 1848)
Oedipoda fischeri Eversmann, 1848. Additamenta quaedam levia ad Fischeri de
Waldheim Orthoptera Rossica 11
Distribution: Southern France, Spain, further east it occurs from Austria eastwards
across eastern Europe (including the Balkan Peninsula) to Kazakhstan, Siberia and
Mongolia, Turkey (Ragge and Reynolds, 1998; Çıplak et al., 1999).
Material examined: Çorum: Beydili-Çatak köyü yol ayrımı, 865 m, 26.VI.2004, 1♂, 1♀; 10.VII.2005,
2♀♀; Sivas: Çamlıbel Yıldızeli yolu, 20.km, 1300 m, 17.VII.2004, 2♀♀; 1.VIII.2005, 2♀♀.
Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) nigrogeniculatus Krauus, 1878
Stenobothrus nigrogeniculatus Krauus, 1878. Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Mathem.-nat.
CL., LXXVIII: 451-147
Distribution: Transcaucasia, southeastern part of western Europe and Asia Minor
(Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951).
Material examined: Amasya: Ormanözü köyü, 1550 m, 14.VII.2004, 1♂; VII. 2005, 2♂♂; Bayburt:
Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 2460 m, 9.VIII.2004, 14♀♀; 25.VII.2005, 5♀♀; Vauk Dağı
geçidi, 1955 m, 8.VIII.2004, 1♂, 3♀♀; Bayburt-Köse yolu, 15-20.km.ler arası, 1680 m, 24.VII.2005,
2♀♀; Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, 25.km, 1790 m, 25.VII.2005, 2♀♀; Çorum: Mecitözü, Emirbağ köyü, 650
m, 3.VIII.2003, 1♀; 13.VII.2004, 2♂♂, 3♀♀; 27.VI.2004, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; Beydili-Çatak köyü, yol ayrımı,
26.VI.2004, 4♀♀; 2.VIII.2004, 1♀; Kösedağ, Zirve, 2.VIII.2004, 1650 m, 2♂♂, Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske
Dağı, 8.VIII.2004, 1750 m, 2♂♂, 1♀; Erzurum: İspir Gölyurt Geçidi, 30.VII.2005, 8♀♀; Kastamonu:
Kastamonu-Seydiler yolu, 1700 m, 26.VII.2004, 1♀; Rize: İkizdere-İspir yolu, 75.km, 13.VIII.2004, 1♀;
Samsun: Ladik, Derinöz köyü, 870 m, 6.VII.2004, 1♂; Sivas: Çamlıbel-Yıldızeli yolu 20.km, 1300 m,
17.VII.2004, 1♂, 5♀♀; 1.VIII.2005, 3♀♀; Tokat: Zile, Yıldıztepe, Karaağaç mevkii, 16.VII.2004, 3♀♀.
Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) zubovskyi I. Bolivar, 1899
Stenobothrus zubovskyi I. Bolivar, 1899. Ann.Soc. Ent. Belg., XLIII: 588-589
Distribution: Armenia, Nakhichevan, A.S.S.R., and Asia Minor (Bei-Bienko and
Mistshenko, 1951).
Material examined: Amasya: Ezinepazarı, Abacı Köyü, 1250 m, 19.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; Bayburt: Kop
Dağı Geçidi, 9.VIII.2004, 2460 m, 9♂♂, 8♀♀; 25.VII.2005, 4♂♂, 9♀♀; Bayburt-Köse yolu, 15-20. km,
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
6♂♂, 1♀; Vauk Dağı Geçidi, 1955 m, 25.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 1♀; Çorum: Beydili-Çatak köyü yol ayrımı, 865
m, 26.VI.2004, 19♂19♀; 2.VII.2005, 1♂; Kösedağ, Zirve, 2.VIII.2004, 1♀; Erzurum: İspir, Gölyurt Geçidi,
30.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 1♀; Rize: İkizdere-İspir yolu, 75. km, 13.VIII.2004, 1♂; 30.VII.2005, 3♂♂; Sivas:
Çamlıbel-Yıldızeli yol ayrımı, 20 km, 1300 m, 17.vıı.2004, 7♂♂, 1♀, 1 VIII. 2005, 1♂, 1♀; Tokat: Zile,
Yıldıztepe, Karaağaç mevkii. 900 m, 16.VII.2004, 5♂♂, 8♀♀.
Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) graecus Ramme, 1926
Stenobothrus graecus Ramme, 1926. Deutsche. Ent. Zschr., 2: 273
Distribution: Makedonia, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey (Willemse, 1974; Çıplak
et al., 1999).
Material examined: Amasya: Ormanözü köyü çıkışı, 1565 m, 14.VII.2004, 2♂♂; 1500 m, 1♂;
Bayburt: VaukDağı Geçidi, 1955, 8.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 9♀♀; 25.VII.2005, 1♀; Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop
Dağı Geçidi, 9.VIII.2004, 8♀; 25.VII.2005, 3♀; Bayburt-Köse yolu, 15-20. km, 1680 m, 24.VII.2005, 1♀;
Çorum: Beydili-Çatak köyü yol ayrımı, 865 m, 26.VI.2004, 1♀; 10.VII.2005, 1♀; Kösedağ, Zirve, 1650
m, 26.VI.2004, 1♀; 2.VIII.2004, 2♀; Çorum-Alaca yolu, Kürecik Beli Geçidi, 1100 m, 11.VIII.2005, 1♀;
Mecitözü, Emirbağ köyü, 650 m, 13.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 5♀♀; 27.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 4♀♀; Erzurum: İspir, Gölyurt
Geçidi, 30.VII.2005, 2♀♀; Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske Dağı, 1750 m, 8.VIII.2004, 1♂; Fındıkbeli Geçidi,
1700 m, 7.VIII.2004, 2♀♀; Kastamonu: Kastamonu-Seydiler yolu, 1700 m, 26.VII.2004, 1♀; Samsun:
Ladik, Derinöz köyü, 870 m, 6.VII.2004, 1♀; Sivas: Çamlıbel-Yıldızeli yolu, 20.km, 1300 m, 17.VII.2004,
4♂♂, 5♀♀; 19.VIII.2004, 1♀; 1.VII.2005, 1♀; Tokat: Çamlıbel, 1390 m, 17.VII.2004, 1♂, 1♀.
Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) nigromaculatus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840)
Acridium nigromaculatus Herrich-Schảffer, 1840. Nomenclator entomologicus 2: 10-11
Distribution: Southern regions of the European part of U.S.S.R., the Caucasus,
Kazakhstan, mts.of Kirghizia, southern Siberia, Western Europe, Asia Minor
(Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951).
Material examined: Çankırı: Ilgaz Dağı, Doruk Otelleri, TRT vericisi civarı, 2035 m, 14.VII.2005,
3♂5♀; 9.VIII.2005, 5♀; 1920 m, 21.VIII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀.
Omocestus I. Bolivar, 1878
Omocestus I. Bolivar, 1878. Ann. Soc.Esp. 7: 472
Type species: Omocestus viridulus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Omocestus (Omocestus) nanus Uvarov, 1934
Omocestus nanus Uvarov, 1934. Eos, Revista española de Entomologia. 10: 81.
Distribution: Known only from Anatolia (Çıplak et al., 1999).
Material examined: Bayburt: Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 8.IX.2004, 2460 m, 4♂♂, 7♀♀;
Bayburt-Köse yolu, 15-20.km.ler arası, 1680 m, 24.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 3♀♀; Vauk Dağı, Geçidi, 8.VIII.2004,
1955 m, 7♂♂, 8♀♀; 19.VIII.2006, 3♂♂; Bayburt-Çaykara yolu, Soğanlı Dağı, Kılıçkaya köyü, 1860 m, 1♂;
Çorum: Merkez, Kösedağ, Zirve, 2.VIII.2004, 1650 m, 13♂♂, 10♀♀; 1700 m, 13.VIII.2005, 3♂♂; Tokat:
Çamlıbel Geçidi, 1670 m, 19.VIII.2004, 1♂; 1690 m, 1.VIII.2005, 9♂♂, 2♀♀.
Omocestus (Omocestus) ventralis (Zetterstedt, 1821)
Gryllus ventralis Zetterstedt, 1821. Orth. Sueciae., p 89, n. 8
Distribution: Nearly all the European part of the U.S.S.R., northern Caucasus,
Kazakhstan, southern part of Siberia, northwestern Africa, western Europe, Asia Minor
(Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951).
Material examined: Bartın: Bartın-Safranbolu yolu, Ovacuma mevkii, 600 m, 25.VII.2004, 5♂♂,
4♀♀; Bolu: Hacıayaz Geçidi, 980 m, 23.VII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Mudurnu, Güney Felaketler köyü, 1♂;
Bolu-Mengen, yolu, m, 25.VII.2004, 1♂; Geyve-Taraklı yolu, Soğuksu çıkışı, 650-700 m, 23.VII.2004, 1♀;
Akçakoca Dağları, 450 m, 15.VII.2005, 1♂; Çankırı: Ilgaz, İndağı Geçidi, 1260 m, 21.VII.2004, 1♂1♀;
İnköy, 1200 m, 4.VIII.2000, 1♂; 21.VIII.2004, 1♂; Çorum: İskilip, Elma Beli Geçidi, 1150 m, 20.VIII.2004,
8♂♂, 3♀♀; Kastamonu: Küre yolu, Seydiler, 1150 m, 10.IX.1998, 1♀; Kastamonu-Araç yolu, 13.km, 885
m, 16.VI.2005, 1♀; Kastamonu-Seydiler yolu, Oyrak geçidi, 1210 m, 26.VII.2004, 2♂♂; 21.VIII.2004,
3♂♂, 4♀♀; Devrekani-Çatalzeytin yolu, Bozarmut köyü, Yaralıgöz Geçidi, 1450 m, 21.VIII.2004, 1♂;
Isırganlık geçidi, 1170 m, 26.VII.2004, 2♂♂; Kastamonu-Tosya Yolu, 30. km, 950 m, 20.VIII.2004, 1♂,
1♀; Tosya-İskilip yolu, Türbe Geçidi Altı, 1100 m, 20.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 4♀♀; Ordu: Kumru, Balı köyü,
940 m, 6.VIII.2004, 2♀♀; Kumru, Balı köyü, 1100 m, 6.VIII.2004, 9♂♂, 4♀♀; Odabaşı Yaylası, 1550 m,
8.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Ünye-Niksar yolu, Tekkiraz, 930 m, 29.VI.2003, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Ünye-Niksar yolu, 23. km,
480 m, 31.VII.2005, 2♀♀; Ünye-Niksar yolu, Ağa Geçidi, 31.VII.2005, 1♀; Sakarya: Geyve-Taraklı yolu,
Kazkıran Geçidi, 23.VII.2004, 800 m, 3♂♂; Samsun: Merkez, Atakum, 50 m, 2♂♂; Kurupelit Kampüsü,
200 m, 21.V.2002, 1♂; 200-300 m, 4-10.VI.2003, 4♂♂, 7♀♀; 9.VII.2003, 1♂; 28.VIII.2003, 200 m, 3♀♀;
5.VI.2004, 1♂; 31.VIII.2005, 2♀♀; İncesu köyü, 9.VI.2003, 1♂; Salıpazarı, Yavaşbey 200 m, 10.VI.2003,
1♂, 1♀; Samsun-Ladik yolu, 60.km, 848 m, 24.VIII.2005, 1♂, 2♀♀; Terme, Şeyhli köyü ve çevresi, 200 m,
14.IX.2005, 5♀♀; Zonguldak: Devrek, Babadağ, Geçidi, 750 m, 24.VII.2004, 1♂; 16.VII.2005, 1♀.
Omocestus (Dirshius) minutus (Brulle, 1832)
Oedipoda minuta Brullé, 1832. Expédition scientifique de Morée. 4.3(1).2: 94
Distribution: Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, southern part of European
Russia, the former Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey (Willemse, 1985; Bukhvalova and
Vedenina, 1998).
Material examined: Çankırı: Ilgaz-Çankırı yolu, 925 m, 21.VII.2004, 2♀♀; Çorum: Osmancık,
Karaağaç mevkii, 550 m, 20.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Gümüşhane: Fındıkbeli Geçidi, 1700 m, 7.VIII.2004,
1♂, 1♀; Merkez, Cezaevi yanı, Arzular beldesi, 1325 m, 21.VII.2005, 1♀; Kastamonu: Kastamonu-Tosya
yolu, 10.km, 1100 m, 20.VIII.2004, 1♀; Sivas: Çamlıbel-Yıldızeli yolu, 20. km, 1400 m, 19.VII.2004, 1♂,
4♀♀; 19.VIII.2004, 1♂, 7♀♀; 1.VIII.2005, 1♂.
Omocestus (Dirshius) haemorrhoidalis haemorrhoidalis (Charpentier, 1825)
Gryllus haemorrhoidalis Charpentier, 1825. Horae entomologicae, adjectis tabulis
novem coloratis 165
Distribution: European part of the U.S.S.R., except extreme north, nearly all of
the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Siberia, mts., of Middle Asia, western Europe, Mongolia,
Korea, Asia Minor (Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951; Çıplak et al.,1999).
Material examined: Amasya: Ormanözü köyü, TRT vericisi yolu, 1526 m, 2.VIII.2005, 2♂♂, 6♀♀;
TRT vericisi altı, 1770 m, 2.VIII.2005, 2♂♂, 3♀♀; Bartın: Karabük-Bartın yolu, Ahmet Usta Geçidi, 1080
m, 16.VIII.2005, 1♀; Bayburt: Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 2460 m, 9.VIII.2004, 1♂, 4♀♀;
Bolu: Göynük, Hacıayaz Geçidi, 1120 m, 15.VIII.2005, 1♂; Aladağ, Şerif Yüksel Ormanları, 1900 m,
6.VIII.2004, 1♀; Çankırı: Ilgaz, İndağı Geçidi, 1250 m, 21.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 1♀; 1260 m, 21.VII.2004,
19♂24♀; 14.VII.2005, 9♂♂, 2♀♀; 1250 m, 21.VIII.2004, 8♂♂, 3♀♀; İndağı Geçidi, 1425 m, 14.VII.2005,
1♂; İnköy, 1200 m, 4.VIII.2000, 1♂; Ilgaz Dağı, Doruk Otelleri civarı, 21.VIII.2004, 5♂♂, 1♀; Çorum:
Beydili-Çatak köyü, yol ayrımı, 865 m, 26.VI.2004, 1♂; Kösedağ, Zirve, 1650 m, 2.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 7♀♀;
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
1600-1700 m, 13.VIII.2005, 4♂♂, 6♀♀; Giresun: Giresun-Şebihkarahisar yolu, Eğribel Geçidi, 1900
m, 15.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 4♀♀; Kümbet Yaylası, 1725 m, 23.VII.2005, 2♂♂; Karabük: Eskipazar, Çilekbeli
Geçidi, 1440 m, 24.VII.2004, 3♂♂; Kastamonu: Tosya Ilgazı Geçidi, 1650 m, 20.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 3♀♀;
Kastamonu-Seydiler yolu, 1700 m, 26.VII.2004, 2♂♂, 7♀♀; Devrekani-Çatalzeytin yolu, Bozarmut köyü,
Yaralıgöz Geçidi, 1450 m, 26.VII.2004, 18♂♂, 6♀♀, 21.VIII.2004, 24♂♂, 25♀♀; 17.VII.2005, 8♂♂, 1♀;
Kastamonu-Araç yolu, 13.km, 885 m, 16.VII.2005, 1♀; Kastamonu-Seydiler yolu, Oyrak Geçidi, 1210 m,
21.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Daday, Meyri köyü, 1100 m, 25.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 3♀♀; Devrekani-Çatalzeytin yolu,
Devrekani çıkışı, 1050 m, 17.VII.2005, 4♂♂, 1♀; Tosya-İskilip yolu, Türbe Geçidi altı, 1285 m, 13.VII.2005,
1♂; Türbe Geçidi, 1625 m, 13.VII.2005, 1♀; Kastamonu- Tosya yolu, 30. km, 950 m, 20.VIII.2004, 1♂;
Ilgaz Dağı, 1800 m, 4.VIII.2000, 1♂, 1♀; Rize: İkizdere-İspir yolu, 75.km, 2000-2100 m, 30.VII.2005,
1♂, 2♀; Sinop: Sinop-Boyabat yolu, Dranaz Geçidi, 1300 m, 27.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 5♀♀; 18.VIII.2005, 1♂,
6♀♀; Tokat: Niksar, Ulusu, 1275 m, 6.VIII.2004, 5♀♀; Ulusu, Çamiçi, 1286 m, 31.VIII.2005, 1♀; Trabzon:
Zigana Dağı, Gümüş Yaylası, 2150 m, 14.VIII.2004, 9♂♂, 5♀♀; Yozgat: Muslubelen Geçidi, 1420 m,
11.VIII.2005, 1♂, 1♀.
Omocestus (Dirshius) haemorhoidalis ciscaucasicus Bei-Bienko, 1951
Omocestus haemorrhoidalis ciscaucasicus Bei-Bienko, 1951. Keys to the fauna
of the U.S.S.R.
Distribution: Northern Caucasus and Asia Minor (Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko,
1951; Demirsoy, 1977).
Material examined: Ardahan: Ardahan-Hanak yolu, 10. km, 2100 m, 11.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Artvin:
Şavşat, Yukarı Kocabey Yaylası, 2450 m, 11.VIII.2004, 1♀; 17.VIII.2006, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Yukarı Kocabey
Yaylası inişi, 1900 m, 28.VII.2005, 3♂♂; Erzurum: Oltu, Kırdağ Tepesi, 2650 m, 20.VIII.2000, 3♂♂, 4♀♀;
Oltu, Azot, Yayla Geçidi, 2300-2500 m, 21.VIII.2000, 1♀; Çat, Bekçimen Yaylası, 2400 m, 24.VIII.2001
2♂♂; Erzurum-İspir yolu, Gölyurt Geçidi, 2380 m, 30.VII.2005, 1♀.
Omocestus (Dirshius) petraeus (Brisuot de Barneville, 1855)
Acridium petraeum Brisout de Barneville, 1855. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr. (3) 3:114
Distribution: In west Europe known only from France, Italy and eastern Austria,
Further east, from the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor to Kazakhstan and southern
Siberia (Ragge and Reynolds, 1998).
Material examined: Amasya: Ormanözü köyü, girişi, 1163 m, 2.VIII.2005, 7♂; Çankırı: Ilgaz, İndağı
Geçidi, 1260 m, 21.VII.2004, 2♂♂; 21.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 9♀♀; Ilgaz-Çankırı yolu, 925 m, 21.VII.2004, 5♂♂,
4♀♀; Çorum: Merkez, Karşıyaka mahallesi, 1303 m, 13.VII.2005, 1♂; Kösedağ, 1303 m, 13.VIII.2005,
1♂; Çorum-Alaca yolu, Kürecik Beli Geçidi, 1100 m, 11.VIII.2005, 4♀♀; Boğazkale, Yer Kapı Geçidi, 1270
m, 11.VIII.2005, 1♀; Mecitözü, Emirbağ, köyü, 650 m, 13.VII.2004, 10♂♂, 4♀♀; 18.VIII.2004, 3♂♂, 2♀♀;
14.VIII.2005, 2♂♂; Üçköy, Simalı, mevkii, 815 m, 13.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Osmancık, Karaağaç mevkii,
650 m, 20.VII.2004, 1♂, 4♀♀; Erzurum: Oltu, Başaklı Yayla Tepesi, 1800 m, 22.VIII.2000 1♀; Gümüşhane:
Kelkit, Pöske Dağı, 1750 m, 8.VIII.2004, 2♀♀; 1500-1580 m, 24.VII.2005, 1♀; Fındıkbeli geçidi, 1700 m,
7.VII.2004, 2♂♂, 4♀♀; Kale, Akçahisar köyü, 1450 m, 8.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 5♀♀; Sivas: Çamlıbel-Yıldızeli
yolu, 20. km, 1300 m, 17.VII.2004, 10♂♂, 4♀♀; 19.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 7♀; 1400 m, 1.VIII.2005, 3♂♂, 1♀;
Tokat: Zile, Kuşsaray köyü, 900 m, 18.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Zile, Yıldıztepe, Karaağaç mevkii, 18.VIII.2004, 1♀;
Tokat-Çamlıbel-Artova yol ayrımı, 1200 m, 19.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; Çamlıbel Geçidi, 1690 m, 1.VIII.2005, 2♂♂.
Stauroderus I. Bolivar, 1897
Stauroderus I. Bolivar, 1897. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, IV.224
Type species: Stauroderus scalaris (F. W., 1846)
Stauroderus scalaris (Fischer de Waldheim, 1846)
Oedipoda scalaris F. de W., 1846, Orth. Ros., 317
Distributions: European, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Northern Mongolia, Middle Asia
Mountains, Siberia and Asia Minor (Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951).
Material examined: Artvin: Yusufeli, Yaylacık köyü, 2100 m, 10.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 3♀♀; Şavşat, Aşağı
Kocabey Yaylası, 1600-1700 m, 28.VII.2005, 1♂, 4♀♀; Yukarı Kocabey Yaylası inişi, 28.VII.2005, 1900 m,
2♂♂, 1♀; Bayburt: Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 9.VIII.2004, 2460 m, 5♂♂, 8♀♀; 25.VII.2005,
1♀; Bolu: Aladağ, Şerif Yüksel Ormanları, 1600 m, 22.VII.2004, 1♂; Çankırı: Ilgaz Dağı, Doruk Oteller
Civarı, 21.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 6♀♀; Ilgaz Dağı, Doruk Otelleri-TRT İstasyonu mevkii, 2035 m, 14.VII.2005,
12♂♂, 6♀♀; 9.VIII.2005, 1♂♂; Giresun: Giresun-Şebinkarahisar yolu, Eğribel Geçidi, 15.VIII.2004, 1900
m, 17♂♂, 12♀♀; Giresun-Şebinkarahisar yolu 50. km, 1250 m, 15.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 7♀♀; 23.VII.2005,
9♂♂, 7♀♀; 1725-1950 m, 23.VII.2005, 1♂, 6♀♀; Kümbet Yaylası, 1725 m, 23.VII.2005, 3♂♂, 3♀♀;
Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske Dağı, 2100-2250 m, 24.VII.2005, 1♂, 1♀; Karabük: Eskipazar, Soğuk Ocak
Yaylası, 1720 m, 24.VII.2004, 14♂♂, 17♀♀; Kastamonu: Ilgaz Dağı, 1800 m, 4.VIII.2000, 3♂♂, 4♀♀;
Tosya Ilgazı Geçidi, 1650 m, 20.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; 13.VII.2005, 10♂♂, 2♀♀; Ordu: Kumru, Akçadane
köyü, 740 m, 3.VII.2004, 1♂; Kumru, Ballı köyü, 940 m, 6.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 11♀♀; 1100 m, 9♂♂, 8♀♀;
Ünye, Tekkiraz mevkii, 930 m, 8♂♂, 3♀♀; Kumru, Odabaşı Yaylası, 8.VIII.2004, 1550 m, 4♂♂, 1♀;
Konculu köyü, 1130 m, 3.VII.2004, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; Ünye-Niksar yolu, Ağa Geçidi, 1350 m, 31.VII.2005, 1♂,
10♀♀; Sinop: Erfelek, Kötü Güney Yaylası, 1065 m, 18.VII.2005, 1♂.
Euchorthippus Tarbinsky, 1925
Euchorthippus Tarbinsky, 1925. Rev. Russ. Ent. 19:192
Type species: Euchorthippus pulvinatus pulvinatus (F.-W., 1846)
Euchorthippus pulvinatus pulvinatus (Fischer de Waldheim, 1846)
Oedipoda pulvinatus Fischer de Waldheim, 1846. Orth. Ros. p. 305, n. 23
Distribution: Central and southern Europea, Asia Minor, Kazakhstan and Central
Asia, China (Bukhvalova and Vedenina, 1998).
Material examined: Ardahan: Ardahan-Hanak yolu, 10.km, 1950 m, 11.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 4♀♀; Çankırı:
Ilgaz, İndağı Geçidi, 1260 m, 21.VII.2004, 18♂♂, 5♀♀; 14.VII.2005, 3♂♂, 3♀♀; Kurşunlu-AtkaracalarBolu yolu, 1280 m, 14.VII.2005, 1♂; Çorum: Mecitözü, Emirbağ köyü, 650 m, 3.VIII.2003, 1♂, 3♀♀;
13.VII.2004, 5♂♂; 14.VIII.2005, 1♂; 18.VIII.2004, 1♂; Üç köy, Simalı mevki, 815 m, 13.VII.2004, 1♂;
Beydili, Çatak köyü, yol ayrımı, 960 m, 2.VIII.2004, 1♂, 8♀♀; 10.VIII.2005, 1♀; 13.VIII.2005, 1♂,
2♀♀; Kösedağ, Zirve, 1600-1700 m, 13.VIII.2005, 2♀♀, 13.VIII.2005, 1303 m, 1♂; Çorum-Alaca yolu,
Kürecik Beli Geçidi, 1100 m, 11.VIII.2005, 1♂; Giresun: Alucra, Aktepe köyü, 1500 m, 7.VIII.2004, 4♀♀;
Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske Dağı, 2250 m, 7.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Fındıkbeli Geçidi, 1700 m, 7.VIII.2004,
2♀♀; Karabük: Safranbolu, Safranbolu çıkışı, 950 m, 25.VII.2004, 15♂8♀; Safranbolu-Bartın yolu, 10.km,
950-980 m, 16.VII.2005, 5♂♂; 1285 m, 13.VII.2005, 1♀; 20.VIII.2004, 1♂; Kastamonu: Tosya-İskilip yolu,
Türbe Geçidi altı 1100 m, 20.VIII.2004, 1♀; Türbe Geçidi altı, 1200 m, 20.VII.2004, 3♂♂, Türbe Geçidi,
1625 m, 13.VII.2005, 1♂; Tokat: Tokat-Çamlıbel-Artova yol ayrımı, 1200 m, 1.VIII.2005, 1♂♀; Çamlıbel,
Yatmış köyü, 1150 m, 17.VII.2004, 5♂♂; Yozgat: Yozgat-Sorgun yolu, 10.km, 1160 m, 11.VIII.2005, 3♂♂,
15♀♀; Muslubelen Geçidi, 1420 m, 11.VIII.2005, 7♂♂, 2♀♀.
Euchorthippus declivus (Brisout-Barnevillei, 1848)
Acridium declivus Brisout-Barnevillei, 1848. Ant. Soc.Ent.France 2(6): 420
Distribution: Central and east Europe except for south Spain, as far eastward as
South-western Ukraine (Bukhvalova and Vedenina, 1998).
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
Material examined: Amasya: Amasya-Suluova yolu, 15.km, 600 m, 17.VII.2003, 3♂♂, 5♀♀;
2.VIII.2005, 3♂♂, 2♀♀.
Chorthippus Fieber, 1852
Chorthippus Fieber, 1852. Kent. Orth.Ober.1
Type species: Chorthippus albomarginatus (De Geer, 1773)
Chorthippus (Chorthippus) paralleus parallelus (Zetterstedt, 1821)
Gryllus parallelus Zetterstedt, 1821. Orth. Suec. 85: 6
Distribution: Common and widespread in Europe from southern Scandinavia and
Finland southwards, including Britain but not Ireland. Eastwards, the range extends
through temperate Asia to Mongolia (Ragge and Reynolds, 1998).
Material examined: Amasya: Suluova-Amasya yolu, 10 km, 600 m, 17.VII.2003, 1♀; Bayburt:
Bayburt-Çaykara yolu, Soğanlı Dağı, Kılıçkaya köyü, 1860 m, 9.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; Bolu: Mengen,
Pazarköy Çıkışı, 850 m, 25.VII.2004, 1♂; Mudurnu, Güney Felaketler köyü, 1100 m, 23.VII.2004, 3♂♂;
Aladağ, Karasu Yaylası, 22.VII.2004, 4♂♂, 2♀♀; Yeniçağa, 950 m, 22.VII.2004, 16♂♂, 5♀♀; Şerif
Yüksel Ormanları, 1900 m, 5.VIII.2000, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Aladağ, 1900 m, 6.VIII.2000, 26♂♂, 18♀♀; Şerif
Yüksel Ormanları, 1600 m, 22.VII.2004, 18♂♂, 10♀♀; Şerif Yüksel Ormanları, 1400 m, 22.VII.2004,
3♂♂, 1♀♀; Çankırı: Ilgaz, TRT ist., 1900 m, 10.VIII.1996, 1♀; Ilgaz İlçesi, İn köyü, 1200 m, 4.VIII.2000,
9♂♂, 5♀♀; İndağı Geçidi, 24.VII.2004, 1425 m, 7♂♂, 3♀♀; Çankırı-Bolu yolu, 1200 m, 4.VIII.2000, 1♂;
Ilgaz, Doruk Oteller civarı, 1920 m, 7♂♂, 1♀; Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske Dağı, 2250 m, 8.VIII.2004,
2♀♀; Karabük: Safranbolu-Bartın yolu, Ahmet Usta Geçidi, 1060 m, 25.VII.2004, 11♂14♀; Eskipazar,
Çileklibel Geçidi, 1440 m, 24.VII.2004, 17♂♂, 22♀♀; Kastamonu: Ilgaz Dağı, 1800 m, 4.VIII.2000, 6♂♂,
2♀♀; Küre yolu, Seydiler, 1050 m, 10.IX.1997, 3♂♂; 26,VII.2004, 1700 m, 2♂♂, 1♀; Daday, Meyri köyü,
1100 m, 25.VII.2004, 1♀; Küre yolu, Maruş geçidi, 1250 m, 10.IX.1997, 1♂, 1♀; Sakarya: Şerefiye,
100 m, 23.VII.2004, 5♂♂, 5♀♀; Ferizli, 100 m, 30.VI.2005, 11♂♂, 17♀♀; Sinop: Erfelek, Kötügüney
Yaylası, 1065 m, 18.VII.2005, 5♂♂, 4♀♀; Tokat: Niksar, Ulusu, 1275 m, 25.VII.2004, 11♂♂, 5♀♀; Yozgat:
Yozgat-Sorgun yolu, 10.km, 1160 m, 11.VIII.2005, 3♀♀.
Chorthippus (Chorthippus) karelini (Uvarov, 1910)
Stenobothrus karelini Uvarov, 1910. Trudy. Russk. Entomol. Obshch. 39: 367
Distribution: Ukraine, South-eastern part of European Russia, Transcaucasia,
Kazakhstan and probably Middle Asia, In Russia, Crimea, Caucasus and northern
Iran, Asia Minor (Helversen, 1986; Vedenina and Helversen, 2009).
Material examined: Bayburt: Bayburt-Çaykara yolu, Kılıçkaya köyü, Soğanlı Dağı Etekleri, 1860
m, 1♂, 1♀; Çorum: Alaca-Yozgat yolu, 10.km, 11.VIII.2005, 1000 m, 6♂♂, 2♀♀; Gümüşhane: Fındıkbeli
Geçidi, 7.VIII.2004, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Kale, Akçahisar köyü, 8.VIII.2004, 1♂; Kelkit, Pöske Dağı, 1750 m,
8.VIII.1750 m, 1♀; Yozgat: Sorgun yolu, 10.km, 1160 m, 11.VIII.2005, 1♀.
Chorthippus (Chorthippus) labaumei Ramme, 1926
Chorthippus labaumei Ramme, 1926. Deutsche Entomologia Zeitschrift, (4):
Distribution: known only from Anatolia (Çıplak et al., 1999)
Material examined: BAYBURT: Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 2460 m, 9.VIII.2004, 1♂;
25.VII.2005, 1♂; ERZURUM: Çat, Bekçimen Yaylası, 2400 m, 24.VIII.2004, 11♂♂, 2♀.
Chorthippus (Chorthippus) loratus (Fischer de Waldheim, 1846)
Oedipoda brauneri Fischer de Waldheim, 1846. Ent. Imp.Ross.307: 25
Distribution: The range of this species covers Anatolia, Caucasica, south of
western Europe, Ukraine, the Balkans, northern Iran and Syria (Bukhvalova and
Vedenina, 1998; Sevgili and Çıplak, 2000).
Material examined: Amasya: Amasya-Suluova yolu, 15.km, 600 m, 2.VIII.2005, 3♂♂; Çorum:
Kösedağ, Zirve, 1650 m, 2.VIII.2004, 1♂; Karşıyaka mahallesi, 1.VIII.2000, 4♂♂, 3♀♀; Mecitözü, Emirbağ
köyü, 700 m, 3.VIII.2004, 1♂; Sungurlu-Kızılırmak yolu, 5.km, 788 m, 11.VIII.2005, 3♂♂; Erzurum: Oltu,
Sağlık Ocağı Yanı, 1400 m, 19.VIII.2000, 27♂4♀; Tokat: Tokat-Sivas karayolu, Tokat çıkışı, 1. km, 700
m, 19.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 18♀♀; Tokat-Çamlıbel-Artova yol ayrımı, 1200 m, 4.VIII.2004, 1♂; 1.VIII.2005, 1♂;
Zile-Yıldıztepe, Hasanağa köyü çıkışı, 700-750 m, 18.VIII.2004, 18♂♂, 13♀♀; Samsun: Ondokuz Mayıs
Üniversitesi, Kurupelit Kampüsü, 200 m, 28.VIII.2003, 3♂♂, 3♀♀; 31.VIII.2005, 3♂♂, 11♀♀; Atakum,
Meral Can Okulu civarı, 300 m, 27.VIII.2003, 3♂♂, 5♀♀; Atakum, Türk-iş, 100 m, 27.VIII.2003, 6♂♂,
6♀♀; 31.X.2004, 3♂♂, 7♀♀; Terme, Şeyhli köyü, 200 m, 14.IX.2005, 1♂, 2♀♀; Sivas: Koyulhisar-Suşehri
yolu, 20 km, 6.VIII.2004, 5♂♂, 3♀♀.
Chorthippus (Chorthippus) dorsatus (Zetterstedt, 1821)
Gryllus dorsatus Zetterstedt, 1821. Orthoptera Sueciae, 82
Distribution: Westhern Europe, northern Africa, European parts of Russia, Siberia,
Asia Minor and northern Kazakhstan (Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951; Harz, 1975;
Stumpner and Helversen, 1994).
Material examined: Bolu: Yeniçağa Gölü, 1050 m, 5.VIII.2000, 25♂♂, 18♀♀.
Chorthippus (Chorthippus) dichrous (Eversmann, 1859)
Oedipoda dichroa Eversmann, 1859, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 32:132
Distribution: Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Russia,
Caucasus, central Asia, Asia Minor (Sevgili and Çıplak, 2000).
Material examined: Amasya: Ezinepazarı, Abacı köyü, 1250 m, 19.VIII.2004, 1♂, 7♀♀; Ardahan:
Ardahan-Hanak Yolu, Hanak Çıkışı, 11.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; Ardahan-Hanak Yolu, 10.km, 1950 m, 11.VIII.2004,
4♂♂, 3♀♀; Artvin: Şavşat, Yukarı Kocabey Yaylası, Yalnızçam Geçidi, 2460 m, 27.VIII.2005, 1♀; Bartın:
Safranbolu-Bartın yolu, Ahmet Usta Geçidi, 1060 m, 25.VII.2004, 11♂♂, 6♀♀; Bartın-Safranbolu yolu,
Ovacuma mevkii, 600 m, 25.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 8♀♀; Bayburt: Bayburt-Çaykara yolu, Soğanlı Dağı, Kılıçkaya
köyü, 1860 m, 11♂♂, 6♀♀; Bayburt-Çaykara yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 2460 m, 9.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 15♀♀;
25.VII.2005, 2♂♂; Vauk Dağı Geçidi, 1955 m, 8.VIII.2004, 9♂♂, 2♀♀; 25.VII.2005, 2♂♂; Bayburt-Köse
yolu, 15-20.km.ler arası, 1680 m, 24.VII.2005, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Bolu: Mudurnu, Güney Felaketler köyü, 1100
m, 23.VII.2004, 15♂♂, 1♀; Aladağ, Karasu Yaylası, 1400 m, 22.VII.2004, 13♂♂, 8♂♂; Çankırı: Ilgaz,
İndağı Geçidi, 1260 m, 21.VIII.2004, 9♂♂, 6♀♀; 21.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 10♀♀; Çorum: Kösedağ, Zirve, 1650
m, 2.VIII.2004, 7♂♂, 1♀; Merkez, Karşıyaka mahallesi 900 m, 1.VIII.2000, 3♂♂, 1♀; İskilip, Elmalı Beli
Geçidi, 1150 m, 20.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 8♀♀; Alaca-Yozgat yolu, 10.km, 1000 m, 11.VIII.2005, 2♂♂, 1♀;
Erzurum: İspir, Gölyurt Geçidi, 2380 m, 30.VII.2005, 3♂♂; Erzurum-Pazar yolu, Laleli köyü, 9.VIII.2004,
4♂♂, 10♀♀; Giresun: Alucra, Aktepe köyü, 1500 m, 7.VIII.2004, 1♂, 8♀♀; Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske
Dağı, 1750 m, 8.VIII.2004, 1♂, 3♀♀; 2250 m, 8.VIII.2004, 17♂♂, 8♀♀; Kale, Akçahisar köyü, 1450 m,
8.VIII.2004, 1♂, 5♀♀; Fındıkbeli Geçidi, 7.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 6♀♀; Kastamonu: Araç, Sıragömü Yaylası,
900 m, 11.IX.1998, 1♀; Kastamonu-Tosya yolu, 20.km, 1350 m, 20.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 1♀; Tosya-İskilip
yolu, Türbe Geçidi, 1625 m, 20.VIII.2004, 7♂♂, 3♀♀; Türbe Geçidi Altı, 1200 m, 20.VII.2004, 9♂♂, 4♀♀;
20.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; RİZE: İkizdere, İspir yolu, 25. km, 2000 m, 13.VIII.2004, 10♂♂, 9♀♀; 30.VII.2005,
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
2♀♀; SAMSUN: Samsun-Ladik yolu, 60. km, 848 m, 24.VIII.2005, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Sinop: Sinop-Boyabat yolu,
Dranaz Geçidi, 1300 m, 27.VII.2004, 6♂♂; 18.VII.2005, 1♂, 2♀♀; Sinop-Boyabat yolu, Soğuksu-Çakırlar
arası, 900 m, 27.VII.2004, 2♂♂, 1♀; Boyabat, 900 m, 27.VII.2004, 3♂♂; Erfelek, Kötügüney Yaylası,
1065 m, 18.VII.2005, 3♂♂, 4♀♀; Sivas: Çamlıbel-Yıldızeli yolu, 20. km, 1300 m, 19.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 2♀♀;
1400 m, 19.VIII.2004, 6♂2♀; Tokat: Niksar, Ulusu, 1275 m, 6.VIII.2004, 10♂7♀; 31.VII.2005, 5♂4♀;
Zile, Yıldızeli, Karaağaç mevkii, 4.VIII.2004, 1♂; Çamlıbel-Artova yol ayrımı, 1200 m, 4.VIII.2004, 2♀♀;
Yozgat: Yozgat-Sorgun yolu, 10.km, 1160 m, 11.VIII.20005, 3♂♂, 5♀♀.
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) apricarius apricarius (Linnaeus, 1758)
Gryllus locusta Linneaus, 1758. Syst. Nat (ed.x), p 433, n. 54
Distribution: Nearly all the European part of the U.S.S.R., northern Caucasus,
Kazakhstan, southern Siberia, western Europe, Asia Minor (?), northern Mongolia,
North China, Manchuria (?) (Bei-Bienko and Miststhenko, 1951).
Material examined: Bolu: Aladağ, Şerif Yüksel Ormanları, 1600 m, 5.VIII.2000, 6♂♂, 5♀♀; 6.VIII.2000,
3♂♂, 2♀♀; Şerif Yüksel Ormanları, 1400 m, 22.VII.2004, 6♂♂, 8♀♀; 1600 m, 3♂♂, 1♀; ÇANKIRI: Ilgaz
Dağı, 1550 m, 4♂♂, 1♀; Ilgaz Dağı, Doruk Otelleri Civarı 1920 m, 15♂♂, 11♀♀; Ilgaz Dağı, TRT İst.,
1900 m, 10.VIII.1990, 1♂; Yenice köyü, 1100 m, 4.VIII.2000, 1♀; Çorum: Kösedağ, Zirve, 1600-1700 m,
2.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 2♀♀; Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske Dağı, 1500 m, 8.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 4♀♀; Pöske Dağı,
1800 m, 8.VIII.2004, 1♂; Pöske Dağı, 2250 m, 8.VIII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; Kelkit, Fındıkbeli Geçidi, 1700 m,
8♂♂, 1♀; Kastamonu: Devrekani-Çatalzeytin yolu, Isırganlık Geçidi, 1170 m, 26.VII.2004, 14♂♂, 12♀♀;
Kastamonu-Tosya yolu, 20 km, 1350 m, 20.VIII.2004, 3♂♂, 3♀♀; Seydiler-Küre yolu, Ecevit Geçidi, 1170
m, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; Ilgaz Dağı, 1800 m, 4.VIII.2000, 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Kastamonu-Küre yolu, Maruş geçidi, 1250 m,
10.IX.1998, 1♂; Kast-Tosya yolu, Tosya Ilgazı Geçidi, 1650 m, 20.VIII.2004, 4♂12♀; Tosya-İskilip yolu,
Türbe Geçidi, Altı, 1100 m, 20.VII.2004, 1♀; 20.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 4♀♀; Rize: İkizdere-İspir yolu, 25. km
2000 m, 6♂♂, 13♀♀; SİNOP: Sinop-Boyabat yolu, Dranaz Geçidi, 1300 m, 2♂♂, 1♀; Sinop-Boyabat yolu,
Soğuksu-Çakırlar arası, 900 m, 27.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 6♀♀; Trabzon: Ziğana Dağı, Gümüş Yaylası, 2150 m,
14.VIII.2004, 28♂39♀.
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) apricarius major (Plynov, 1914)
Stenobothrus apricarius major Pylnov, 1914, Rasskoe Entomologicheskoe
obozrenic, XIV: 272
Distrribution: Nearly all the Caucasus, including southern Krassnodar, Territory;
Eastern part of Asia Minor (?). (Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951).
Material examined: Ardahan: Ardahan-Hanak yolu 10.km,1950 m, 1♀; Artvin: Şavşat, Yukarı
Kocabey Yaylası, 2450 m, 11.VIII.2004, 12♂♂, 14♀♀; Yusufeli, Yaylacık köyü, 1850 m, 10.VIII.2004,
11♂♂, 12♀♀; Yaylacık köyü, 2100 m, 10.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 9♀♀; Bayburt: Kop Dağı Geçidi, 2460 m, 7♂♂,
39♀♀; 2400 m, 28.VII.1993, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; Vauk Dağı Geçidi, 1955 m, 8. VIII.2004, 2♀♀; Erzurum: Oltu,
Yedigöller Yaylası, 2050m, 22.VIII.2000, 2♂♂; Oltu, Başaklı köyü, 1800 m, 22.VIII.2000, 2♂♂; Başaklı
Yayla Tepesi, 2500 m, 22.VIII.2000, 6♂♂; Oltu-Erzurum yolu, 25.km, 2000-2200 m, 21.VIII.2000, 1♂.
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) bornhalmi Harz, 1971
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) bornhalmi Harz, 1971. Atalanta 3:336-337
Distribution: Balkan Peninsula and Turkey (Harz, 1975; Önder et al., 1999; Mol,
Material examined: Amasya: Ormanözü köyü çıkışı, 1140 m, 17.VII.2004, 1♀; 1255 m, 14.VII.2005,
1♂, 1♀; 1565 m, 14.VII.2004, 2♀♀; TRT vericisi ist. 1800 m, 14.VII.2004, 4♂♂, 1♀; 1770 m, 2.VII.2005,
7♀♀; Bayburt: Bayburt-Çaykara yolu, Soğanlı Dağı, Kılıçkaya köyü, 1860 m, 4♀♀; Bayburt-Köse yolu,
15-20.km.ler arası, 1680 m, 24.VII.2005, 1♀; Bolu: Aladağ, Şerif Yüksel Ormanları, 5.VIII.2000, 1♂;
Göynük, Hacıayaz Geçidi, 1120 m, 15.VII.2005, 1♂; Çankırı: Ilgaz Dağı, Doruk Otelleri civarı, 1920 m,
21.VIII.2004, 6♀♀; 14.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 1♀; TRT vericisi civarı, 2035 m, 14.VII.2005, 1♂; İndağı Geçidi, 1260
m, 21.VII.2004, 1♀; 21.VIII.2004, 1♀; 14.VII.2005, 1♀; Çorum: Merkez, Karşıyaka mahallesi, 26.VI.2004,
1♂, 2♀♀; 10.VII.2005, 1♂; Beydili-Çatak köyü, yol ayrımı, 26.VI.2004, 2♀♀; Kösedağ, 1500 m, 26.VI.2004,
1♀; Mecitözü, Emirbağ köyü, 27.VI.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; Sungurlu, Tuğcu köyü, 800 m, 26.V.2006, 3♂♂, 1♀;
Giresun: Giresun- Şebinkarahisar yolu, 630 m, 15.VIII.2004, 1♀; Eğribel Geçidi, 1900 m, 15.VIII.2004,
2♀♀; 7.VIII.2004, 1725 m, 1♂, 1♀; Isparta: Eğirdir, 25.IX.2003; Kastamonu: Seydiler-Küre yolu, Ecevit
Geçidi, 1170 m, 26.VII.2004, 4♂♂, 5♀♀; Tosya yolu, Tosya Ilgazı Geçidi, 1650 m, 20.VIII.2004, 2♂♂,
1♀; 13.VII.2005, 1♂, 5♀♀; Kastamonu-Tosya yolu, 10. km, 900 m, 21.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Tosya-İskilip
yolu, Türbe Geçidi Altı, 1100 m, 20.VII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; Türbe Geçidi, 1625 m, 13.VII.2005, 1♂; Ordu:
Kumru, Akçadane köyü, 740 m, 3.VII.2004, 1♀; Rize: İkizdere-İspir yolu, 75. km, 2000 m, 13.VIII.2004,
2♂♂, 5♀♀; Samsun: Atakum, İncesu köyü, 200 m, 9.VI.2003, 1♀; Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Kurupelit
Kampüsü, 10.V.2002, 2♀♀; 5.VI.2003, 1♂, 2♀♀; Vezirköprü, İncesu köyü, 1350 m, 7.VII.2004, 1♂; Tokat:
Zile, Yıldıztepe, Deveci Dağları, 16.VII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Tokat-Sivas Yolu, 750 m, 17.VII.2004, 1♀; Çamlıbel,
17.VI.2004, 1220 m, 1♀.
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) vagans (Eversman, 1848)
Oedipoda vagans Eversmann, 1848. Orth., Ross., p 12, n. 10
Distribution: Widespread in Europe from Denmark southwards; common in the
Iberian Peninsula, much less so in Italy and not reaching the southernmost part of
the Balkan Peninsula and. very local in southern England. Farther east it occurs in
the Ukraine, southern Russia and Kazakhstan. Also it was recorded from mountains
in Morocco and Algeria (Ragge and Reynolds, 1998).
Material examined: Amasya: Ezinepazarı, Abacı köyü, 1250 m, 19.VIII.2004 1♂, 1♀; Merkez,
Ormanözü köyü, TRT verici altı, 1526 m, 2.VIII.2005, 1♂; 1770 m, 2.VIII.2005, 1♀; Ardahan:
Ardahan-Hanak yolu, 10.km, 1950 m, 11.VIII.2004, 2♂, 1♀; Artvin: Şavşat, Yukarı Kocabey Yaylası,
1600-1700 m, 27.VII.2005, 2♂; Bayburt: Bayburt-Çaykara yolu, Kılıçkaya köyü, Soğanlı Dağı, 1800 m,
1♂; Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 2460 m, 9.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 2♀♀; Bayburt- Köse yolu, 15-20.
km, 1680 m, 24.VIII.2005, 1♂; Çankırı: Ilgaz, İndağı Geçidi, 1420 m, 21.VIII.2004, 1♂; Ilgaz-Çankırı yolu,
925 m, 21.VII.2004, 1♂; Çorum: Mecitözü, Emirbağ köyü, 700 m, 3.VIII.2003, 3♂♂, 10♀♀; 26.VII.2004,
1♂, 1♀; 13.VII.2004, 5♂♂, 2♀♀; İskilip, Elmabeli Geçidi, 1150 m, 20.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 3♀♀; Giresun:
Alucra, Aktepe köyü, 1500 m, 7.VIII.2004, 3♂♂; 1725 m, 1♂; Giresun-Şebinkarahisar yolu, Eğribel Geçidi,
2250 m, 7.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; Gümüşhane: Kale, Akçahisar köyü, 1450 m, 8.VIII.2004, 11♂♂, 2♀♀; Kelkit,
Pöske Dağı, 1500 m, 8.VIII.2004; 11♂♂, 2♀♀; 1750 m, 8.VIII.2004, 5♂♂; 2250 m, 8.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 2♀♀;
Köse Geçidi İnişi, 1800 m, 8.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 1♀; Fındıkbeli, Geçidi, 1700 m, 7.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 3♀♀;
24.VII.2005, 1♂; Kastamonu: Devrekani-Çatalzeytin yolu, Bozarmut köyü, Yaralı göz Geçidi, 1450 m,
26.VII.2004, 1♂; 21.VIII.2004, 5♂♂, 1♀; Tosya-İskilip yolu, Türbe Geçidi, altı, 1200 m, 20.VIII.2004, 1♀;
Türbe Geçidi, 1625 m, 20.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Rize: Ardeşen, Ayder Yaylası, 790-850 m, 29.VII.2005, 2♂♂,
2♀♀; Aşağı Kavron-Yukarı Kavron arası, 1700-1800 m, 29.VII.2005, 1♂; İkizdere, İspir yolu, Ovit Dağı,
75.km, 2000 m, 13.VIII.2004, 4♂♂, 1♀; Samsun: Ladik, Derinöz köyü, 906 m, 24.VIII.2005, 3♂♂; Ondokuz
Mayıs Üniversitesi, Kurupelit kampusü, Gölet, 220 m, 5.VI.2003, 1♂; Tokat: Çamlıbel- Artova yol ayrımı,
1200 m, 4.VIII.2004, 3♀♀; 1.VIII.2005, 4♂♂; Zile, Yıldıztepe, Karaağaç mevkii, 900 m, 18.VIII.2004, 1♀;
Sinop: Sinop-Boyabat yolu, Soğuksu-Çakırlar arası, 900 m, 27.VII.2004, 1♂; Sivas: Yıldızeli, Çamlıbel
yolu, 20.km, 1400 m, 19.VII.2004, 1♀; 19.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀.
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) macrocerus macrocerus (F. W., 1846)
Oedipoda macrocera Fischer de Waldheim, 1846. Entom. Imp. Ross. IV. Orth.
Imp. Ross. M., p. 331
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
Distribution: Caucasus, Anatolia, Iraq, N. Iran (Naskrecki and Unal, 1995).
Material examined: Amasya: Suluova, 17.VII.2003, 1♂; Eraslan Kasabası, 17.VII.2003, 3♂♂, 4♀♀;
Ardahan: Ardahan-Hanak Yolu, 10 km, 1950 m, 11.VIII.2004, 3♂♂, 9♀♀; Artvin: Şavşat, Aşağı, Kocabey
Yaylası, 1600-1700 m, 28.VII.2005, 2♀♀; Yukarı Kocabey Yaylası, 2450 m, 11.VIII.2004, 1♂, 3♀♀; Bartın:
Safranbolu-Bartın yolu, Ahmet Usta Geçidi, 1060 m, 25.VII.2004, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; Eskipazar, Çilekbeli Geçidi,
1440 m, 24.VII.2004, 1♂; Safranbolu-Bartın yolu, 3.km, 450 m, 25.VII.2004, 11♂♂, 9♀♀; Bartın-Safranbolu
yolu, Ovacuma mevkii, 280 m, 25.VII.2004, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; 600 m, 8♂♂, 5♀♀; Bolu: Mengen, Pazarköy
çıkışı, 850 m, 25.VII.2004, 5♂♂, 3♀♀; Bolu-Mengen yolu, 25.km, 23.VII.2004, 14♂♂, 1♀; Aladağ, Şerif
Yüksel Ormanları, 1900 m, 6.VIII.2000, 1♂; Akçakoca Dağları, 450 m, 15.VII.2005, 1♂; Çankırı: Yenice
köyü, 1100 m, 4.VIII.2000, 4♂♂, 1♀; Ilgaz, İn Dağı, 1550 m, 21.VII.2004, 1♀; Çorum: Beydili-Çatak
köyü, yol ayrımı, 960 m, 2.VIII.2004, 1♂; Erzurum: Oltu, Azot Yayla Geçidi, 2300 m, 21.VIII.2000, 1♂;
Oltu-Erzurum yolu, 25.km, 2000-2200 m, 21.VIII.2000, 1♂; Oltu, Yedigöller Yaylası, 2100 m, 20.VIII.2000,
1♀; Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske Dağı, 8.VIII.2004, 2250 m, 4♂♂, 1♀; Torul Barajı üstü, K.çakar mevkii, 900
m, 14.VIII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; Giresun: Şebinkarahisar yolu, 25. km, 630 m, 5♂♂, 8♀♀; 50 km, 1250 m, 5♂♂,
1♀; Eğribel Geçidi, 1900 m, 15.VIII.2004, 1♀; Kastamonu: Merkez, Aksinir köyü, 900 m, 26.VII.2004, 1♀;
Kastamonu-Seydiler yolu, Oyrak Geçidi, 1210 m, 21.VIII.2004, 1♂; Ecevit Geçidi, 1170 m, 26.VII.2004,
1♂; Araç, Sıragömü Yaylası, 900 m, 11.IX.1998, 1♀; Daday, Meyri köyü, 3♂♂; Ordu: Ünye-Niksar yolu,
23.km, 480 m, 31.VII.2005, 1♂; Rize: İkizdere, Ovit Dağı, 1600 m, 13.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 10♀;♀; Sakarya:
Geyve-Taraklı yolu, Soğuksu çıkışı, 650 m, 23.VII.2004, 7♂♂, 10♀♀; Geyve-Taraklı Yolu, Kazkıran
Geçidi, 800 m, 23.VII.2004, 17♂♂, 6♀♀; Samsun: Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Kurupelit Kampüsü, 200
m, 28.VIII.2004, 1♀; Sinop: Merkez, Sinecan köyü, 8♂♂, 4♀♀; Sinop-Boyabat yolu, Soğuksu-Çakırlar
arası, 900 m, 2♂♂, 1♀; Sinop-Boyabat yolu, Dranaz Geçidi, 1300 m, 27.VII.2004, 2♂♂; Erfelek, Sinecan
köyü, 620 m, 18.VIII.2005, 1♂; Tokat: Zile, Yıldıztepe girişi, 750 m, 16.VII.2004, 2♂1♀; Tokat-Sivas Yolu,
Tokat Çıkışı, 750 m, 17.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 5♀♀; Trabzon: Trabzon-Maçka yolu, 30.km, 26.VII.2005, 1♂;
Zonguldak: Devrek-Babadağı Geçidi, 750 m, 24.VII.2004, 11♂♂, 4♀♀; Devrek-Mengen yolu, 25. km, 650
m, 24.VII.2004, 1♂.
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) demokidovi (Ramme, 1930)
Omocestus demokidovi Ramme, 1930. Mitt. Zool.Mus.Berlin, 16(2): 394
Distribution: Armenia, Nakhichevan, Turkey (Çıplak et al., 2005).
Material examined: Bayburt: Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 9.VIII.2004, 2460 m, 12♂♂,
6♀♀; Erzurum: Erzurum-İspir yolu, Gölyurt Geçidi, 27.VII.2004, 2360 m, 5♂♂, 2♀♀.
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) ilkazi Uvarov, 1934
Chorthippus ilkazi Uvarov, 1934. Enstituto Espanol de Entomologica, 10: 84-86
Distribution: Known only from Anatolia (Çıplak et al., 1999).
Material examined: Çankırı: Ilgaz, İndağı Geçidi, 1250 m, 21.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 1♀; Ilgaz
Dağı, Doruk Otelleri civarı, 1920 m, 21.VIII.2004, 3♂♂, 1♀; 4.VIII.2000, 1800 m, 1♀; Kastamonu:
Kastamonu-Tosya yolu, 10. km, 1100 m, 20.VIII.2004, 11♂♂, 8♀♀; 30.km, 950 m, 20.VIII.2004, 1♂,
1♀; Devrekani-Çatalzeytin yolu, Bozarmut köyü, Yaralıgöz Geçidi, 1450 m, 1♀; Tosya-İskilip yolu, Türbe
Geçidi altı 1100 m, 20.VIII.2004, 1♂; 1200 m, 20.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 1♀; Türbe Geçidi, 1625 m, 20.VIII.2004,
1♂, 3♀♀; 21.VIII.2004, Ilgaz, İndağı Geçidi, 1250 m, 28.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; Türbe Geçidi altı, 1200 m,
20.VIII.2004, 1♀; Kastamonu-Tosya yolu, Türbe Geçidi, 1625 m, 20.VIII.2004, 1♂2♀; Kastamonu-İnebolu
yolu, 10.km, 950 m, 21.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; Kastamonu-Seydiler yolu, Oyrak Geçidi, 1210 m, 21.VIII.2004,
1♂; Araç, Sıragömü Yaylası, 900 m, 11.IX.1998, 2♀♀; Küre, Maruş Geçidi, 1250 m, 10.IX.1998, 1♂,
1♀; Kastamonu-Küre yolu, Seydiler, 1050 m, 10.IX.1998, 1♂; Kastamonu-Küre yolu, Orman İşletme
İstasyonu, 900 m, 10.IX.1998, 1♀.
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) biguttulus euhedickei Helversen, 1989
Chorthippus biguttulus euhedickei Helversen, 1989. Articulata, 4:26-35
Distribution: Makedonia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey (Şirin, 2009).
Material examined: Bartın: Safranbolu-Bartın yolu, Ahmet Usta Geçidi, 1060 m, 25.VII.2004, 4♂♂,
5♀♀; Bolu: Hacıayaz Geçidi, 980 m, 23.VII.2004, 9♂♂, 5♀♀; 15.VII.2005, 6♂♂, 1♀; Mudurnu, Güney
Felaketler köyü, 1100 m, 23.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 1♀; Ordu: Ünye-Niksar yolu, 35-40.km 850 m, 31.VII.2005,
1♂, 1♀; Kumru, Ballı köyü, 1100 m, 6.VIII.2004, 1♂, 2♀♀; Sakarya: Sakarya-Geyve yolu, Şerefiye, 100
m, 2♀♀; Geyve-Taraklı yolu, Soğuksu çıkışı, 650 m, 23.VII.2004, 2♂♂, 11♀♀; 15.VII.2005, 1♀; Kazkıran
Geçidi, 800 m, 23.VII.2004, 3♂♂, 12♀♀; 15.VIII.2005, 1♂; Sinop: Sinop-Boyabat yolu, Dranaz Geçidi 1♀;
Erfelek, Kızılca Elma köyü, 620 m, 18.VII.2005, 1♀; Kötügüney Yaylası, 1310 m, 18.VII.2005, 1065 m,
18.VII.2005, 5♂♂, 7♀♀; Sinop-Boyabat yolu, Çakıldak civarı, 925 m, 18.VII.2005, 1♂♂, 3♀♀; Zonguldak:
Devrek, Babadağ Geçidi, 750 m, 24.VII.2004, 12♂♂, 3♀♀; 16.VII.2005, 1♀; Zonguldak-Devrek-Mengen
yol ayrımı, 25. km, 650 m, 24.VII.2004, 6♂♂, 1♀.
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) mollis mollis (Charpentier, 1825)
Gryllus mollis Charpentier, 1825. Horae Ent. P. 164
Distribution: Nearly all the European part of the U.S.S.R., the Caucasus, Siberia,
Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, western and eastern Europe, Asia Minor and northern Iran
(Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951; Harz, 1975).
Material examined: Ardahan: Ardahan-Hanak yolu 10. km,1950 m, 11.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; AMASYA:
Merkez, Ormanözü köyü girişi, 1163 m, 2.VIII.2005, 1♂, 1♀; Ezinepazarı, Abacı köyü, 1250 m,
19.VIII.2004, 1♂; Çorum: İskilip, Elmabeli Geçidi, 1150 m, 20.VIII.2004, 2♀♀; Kösedağ, Zirve, 1600-1700
m, 13.VIII.2005, 7♂♂, 11♀♀; Bogazkale, Yerkapı Geçidi, 1270 m, 11.VIII.2005, 6♂♂, 5♀♀; Erzurum: Oltu,
Başaklı köyü, 1800 m, 22.VIII.2000, 1♂; Giresun: Giresun-Şebinkarahisar yolu, 630 m, 15.VIII.2004, 1♀;
Giresun-Şebinkarahisar yolu, Eğribel Geçidi, 2250 m, 7.VIII.2004, 1♂; Gümüşhane: Kelkit, Pöske Dağı,
1500 m, 8.VIII.2004, 3♂♂, 1♀; 2250 m, 2♂♂; Kale, Akçahisar köyü, 1450 m, 3♂♂, 4♀♀; Fındıkbeli Geçidi,
1700 m, 7.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; Kastamonu: Kastamonu-Seydiler yolu, Oyrak Geçidi, 1210 m, 26.VII.2004, 1♀;
Tosya-İskilip yolu, Türbe Geçidi altı, 1100-1200 m, 20.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; Türbe Geçidi, 1625 m, 20.VIII.2004,
2♂♂; Devrekani-Çatalzeytin yolu, Bozarmut köyü, Yaralıgöz Geçidi, 1450 m, 21.VIII.2004, 1♂; Rize:
İkizdere-İspir yolu, 75.km, 2000 m, 13.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; Ovit Dağı, 2♂♂, 2♀♀; Ayder Yaylası, 790-850
m, 29.VII.2005, 1♀; Samsun: Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Kurupelit Kampüsü, 28.VIII.2003, 1♂; Sivas:
Yıldızeli-Çamlıbel yolu, 20.km, 1400 m, 19.VIII.2004, 2♂♂; 1.VIII.2005, 1♀; Tokat: Çamlıbel-Artova yol
ayrımı, 1200 m, 4.VIII.2004, 1♂, 1♀; 1.VIII.2005, 3♂♂, 4♀♀; Çamlıbel Geçidi, 1670 m, 19.VII.2004, 2♂♂,
2♀♀; 19.VIII.2004, 3♂♂; Zile, Yıldıztepe, Karaağaç mevkii, 900 m, 18.VIII.2004, 45♂♂, 30♀♀.
Gomphocerus Thunberg, 1815
Gomphocerus Thunberg, 1815. Mem.Acad.Sci.St.Petersb., 5:213
Type species: Gryllus sibiricus Linnaeus, 1767
Gomphocerus transcaucasicus Mistshenko, 1951 stat.n. (Mol 2011)
Gomphocerus sibiricus transcaucasicus Mistshenko 1951. In Bei-Bienko and
Mistshenko. Keys to the fauna of the U.S.S.R
Distribution: Nakichevan A.S.S.R., Turkey (Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko, 1951).
Material examined: Artvin: Şavşat: Yukarı Kocabey Yaylası, 2450 m, 11.VIII.2004, 4♀♀; 27.VII.2005,
16♂♂, 31♀♀; Ardahan: Hanak-Ardahan yolu, Hanak çıkışı, 2100 m, 11.VIII.2004, 3♂♂, 1♀; Erzurum:
Oltu, Kırdağ Tepesi, 2650 m, 20.VIII.2000, 2♂♂.
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
Gomphocerus sibiricus acutus Karabağ, 1957
Gomphocerus sibiricus acutus Karabağ, 1957. Communications, 16-17
Distribution: Known only from Anatolia (Çıplak et al., 1999).
Material examined: Rize: İkizdere-İspir yolu, 25.km, 2000 m, 13.VIII.2004, 2♀♀; 30.VII.2005, 3♂♂, 2♀♀.
Gomphocerus sibiricus hemipterus Karabağ, 1953
Gomphocerus sibiricus hemipterus Karabağ, 1953. Eos 29:186-188
Distribution: Known only from Anatolia (Çıplak et al., 1999).
Material examined: Giresun: Giresun-Şebinkarahisar yolu, Eğribel Geçidi, 2300 m., 7.VIII.2004,
3♂♂, 8♀♀.
Gomphocerus armeniacus dimorphus Karabağ, 1953
Gomphocerus armeniacus dimorphus Karabağ, 1953. Eos 29:188-200
Distribution: Known only from Anatolia (Çıplak et al., 1999).
Material examined: Bayburt: Bayburt-Aşkale yolu, Kop Dağı Geçidi, 2460 m, 8♂♂, 8♀♀.
Aeropedellus Hebard, 1935
Aeropedellus Hebard, 1935. Ent. News. Philad., 46:184-188, 202-208
Type species: Aeropedellus clavatus (Thom., 1873).
Aeropedellus turcicus Karabağ, 1959
Aeropedellus turcicus Karabağ, 1959. Proc.R.ent.Soc.London (B) 28, 58-60
Distribution: Known only from Anatolia (Çıplak et al., 1999).
Material examined: Trabzon: Ziğana Dağı, Gümüş Yaylası, 14.VIII.2004, 2150 m, 5♂♂, 27♀♀.
Dasyhippus Uvarov, 1930
Dasyhippus Uvarov, 1930. Enstituto Espanol de Entomologica, 357-358
Type species: Dasyhippus escaleari (I. Bolivar, 1899)
Dasyhippus uvarovi Karabağ, 1953
Dasyhippus uvarovi Karabağ, 1953: Eos, 29: 190-191
Distribution: Known only from Anatolia (Çıplak et al., 1999).
Material examined: Çankırı: Çankırı-Atkaracalar-Bolu yolu, 1280 m, 14.VII.2005, 6♂♂, 5♀♀.
Microhippus Ramme, 1939
Microhippus Ramme, 1939. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 24:129
Type species: Microhippus turcicus Ramme, 1939.
Microhippus turcicus Ramme, 1939
Microhippus turcicus Ramme, 1939. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 24:129
Distribution: Known only from Anatolia (Çıplak et al., 1999).
Material examined: Çankırı: Ilgaz Dağı, Doruk Otelleri-TRT vericisi civarı, 2035 m, 9.VIII.2005, 2♀♀;
Kastamonu: Devrekani-Çatalzeytin yolu, Bozarmut köyü, Yaralıgöz Geçidi, 26.VII.2004, 1450 m, 31♂♂,
52♀♀; Yaralıgöz Geçidi, 1450 m, 21.VIII.2004, 12♂♂, 9♀♀; 17.VII.2005, 11♂♂, 2♀♀; Kastamonu-Küre
yolu, Oyrak geçidi, 26.VII.2004, 5♂♂, 2♀♀; 21.VIII.2004, 1210 m, 4♂♂, 1♀; 17.VII.2005, 7♂♂, 3♀♀;
Tosya-İskilip yolu, Türbe Geçidi, 1625 m, 20.VII.2004, 5♂♂, 5♀♀; 20.VIII.2004, 6♂♂, 3♀♀; 13.VII.2005,
10♂♂, 4♀♀; Türbe Geçidi altı, 1100 m, 20.VII.2004, 2♂♂, 4♀♀; Türbe Geçidi altı, 1100 m, 20.VIII.2004,
4♂♂, 3♀♀; 13.VII.2005, 1♂.
Myrmeleotettix I. Bolivar, 1914
Myrmeleotettix Bolivar, I. 1914. Trab.Mus.Cienc.nat., Madrid (Ser.zool.) 20: 61
Type species: Myrmeleotettix maculatus (Thunberg, 1815)
Myrmeleotettix maculatus maculatus (Thunberg, 1815)
Gomphocerus maculatus Thunberg, 1815. Mém. Ac. Pétersbrg, 5:22
Distribution: Widespread in Europe except for the extreme north and southern
Spain, Anatolia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, NW Africa (Bukhvalova and Vedenina, 1998;
Şirin et al., 2011)
Material examined: Giresun: Giresun-Şebinkarahisar yolu, Eğribel Geçidi, 2250 m, 7.VIII.2004,
30♂♂, 45♀♀; 23.VII.2005, 2♂♂, 4♀♀; Rize: İkizdere-İspir yolu, 75. km, 2000 m, 13.VIII.2004, 2♂♂, 2♀♀;
İkizdere-İspir yolu, Ovit Dağı Geçidi, 2630 m, 13.VIII.2004, 19♂♂, 25♀♀; 2500- 2640 m, 30.VII.2005,
2♀♀; Trabzon: Zigana Dağı, Gümüş Yaylası, 2150 m, 26.VII.2005, 1♂, 1♀.
Karabağ (1958), Demirsoy (1977), Salman (1978), Karabağ et al., (1980), Çıplak
et al., (1999), and Ünal (1999), reported 46 taxon belonging to Gomphocerinae
subfamily distributed in Black Sea Region of Turkey. However, some of the taxon
which was reported in previous studies was not collected from this region. Those
species are Ptygippus brachiopterus Mistshenko, 1951; Dociostaurus genei
(Ocskay, 1832); Stenobothrus selmae Ünal, 1999; Stenobothrus nigromaculatus
transcaucasicus (Ramme, 1933); Euchorthippus transcaucasicus Tarbinski, 1930;
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815), and Chorthippus
(Glyptobothrus) biguttulus biguttulus (Linneaeus, 1758).
In this study, some species belonging to subfamily of Gomphocerinae have been
collected for the first time from Black Sea Region, These species are: Ramburiellla
turcomana (Fischer de Waldheim, 1846); Stenobothrus (Stenobothrodes) sivridenkoi
Ramme, 1930; Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) zubovskyi Bolivar, 1899; Stenobothrus
(Stenobothrus) graecus Ramme, 1930; Omocestus (Omocestus) nanus Uvarov,
1934; Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) bornhalmi Harz, 1971; Gomphocerus armeniacus
dimorphus Karabağ; 1953, and Dasyhippus uvarovi Karabağ, 1953.
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
Willemse (1985) reported that Euchorthippus declivus (Brisout-Barnevillei, 1848) is
distributed in Anatolia but he did not indicate the locality it was collected. In this study,
we collected Euchorthippus declivus from Amasya. Likewise, Unal (2012) reported
Omocestus (Dirshius) minutus (Brullé, 1832) distributions in Turkey, but he didn’t
indicate the locality it was collected. We collected these specimens from Çankırı,
Çorum, Kastamonu, Sivas, and Gümüşhane in the Black Sea Region.
Çıplak et al. (1999) reported that Stenobothrus Fischer, 1853 is represented with
four subgenera in Turkey; these are Stenobothrus Fischer, 1853; Stenobothrodes
Tarbinsky, 1948; Crotalacris Chopard, 1951; and Stauroderus Bolivar, 1897. Ragge
(1987) and Berger (2008) reported that the subgenera Stenobothrodes Tarbinsky
and Crotalacris Chopard are certainly not distinct from each other at the subgeneric
level, and they do not recognize them as a distinct subgenus. In addition to that,
Stauroderus Fischer de Waldheim, 1846 is considered as a distinct genus rather than
the subgenus of Stenobothrus. Likewise, Dasyhippus Uvarov, 1930 is considered as
a distinct genus rather than the subgenus of Chorthippus Fieber, 1852 (Bei-Bienko
and Mistshenko, 1951; Demirsoy, 1977; Ragge, 1987).
Previous studies (Bolivar, 1899; Demirsoy, 1977; Güneş, 1984; Ragge and
Reynolds, 1998; Çıplak et al., 1999) reported that Stenobothrus stigmaticus (Rambur,
1838), S. festivus Bolivar, 1897 and S. posthomus Ramme, 1931 are distributed in
Turkey. However, Berger (2008) reported that there is one record of S. stigmaticus by
Bolivar (1899) from the South-eastern part of Turkey, but this species has not been
recovered until today due to a very likely misidentification or confusion with a later
described species. Likewise, Berger (2008) reported that S. posthomus Ramme,
1931 is endemic to mountain ranges of Montenegro (near the Adriatic Sea, in Balkan
Peninsula). Ragge and Reynolds (1998) reported that S. festivus Bolivar, 1897 is
distributed in Iberian Peninsula and locally in southern France. Inferring from the
above statements, we think that these species mentioned above are not distributed
in Turkey and therefore do not take place in the check list given below. S. eurasius
macedonicus was described by Willemse (1974) and Berger (2008) who reported
that S. eurasius macedonicus Willemse, 1974 is distributed in Turkey. That’s why we
added this subspecies in the checklist given below.
Demirsoy (1977) and Çıplak et al. (1999) reported that Chorthippus parallelus
parallelus (Zetterstedt, 1821) and C. parallelus tenuis (Brulle, 1832) are distributed in
Turkey. However, the specimens belonging to this two subspecies were found in the
same locality. Likewise, Hewitt (1996) reported that nominant subspecies belonging
to C. parallelus are distributed in Turkey. It must be indicated that this species shows
variations especially among very local but very isolated populations and populations
located at different altitudes on the same mountain ranges in Anatolia. We accepted
that nominant subspecies is distributed in Turkey (Mol, 2001-2007; Unal, 2008; Çıplak,
2008; Korkmaz et al., 2010).
Helversen (1986) and Vedenina et al., (2009) reported that Chorthippus
albomarginatus (De Geer, 1773) species group consists of five species. Those species
are: Chorthippus albomarginatus (De Geer, 1773), C. oschei von Helversen, 1986,
C. lacustris La Greca et Messina, 1975, C. karelini (Uvarov, 1910), C. ferdinandi
Vedenina and Helversen, 2009. We think that C. labaumei Ramme, 1926 and C.
albomarginatus hakkaricus Demirsoy, 1977 must be implicated likewise in this species
group, but Helversen (1986) accepted that these taxon are a variation of C. karelini.
However, Mol (2001-2007) reported that C. labaumei Ramme, 1926 is distinct from C.
karelini in terms of morphological and acoustics characteristics, and C. albomarginatus
hakkaricus Demirsoy, 1977 is different from C. karelini in terms of morphological
charactersitics. In the light of these statements, C. albomarginatus-species group is
represented with three taxon in Turkey. Those taxon are C. karelini karelini (Uvarov,
1910) C. karelini hakkaricus Demirsoy, 1977 and C. labaumei Ramme, 1926.
Previous studies (Karabağ, 1958; Weidner, 1969; Demirsoy, 1977; Güneş, 1984;
Çıplak et al., 1999) indicated that Chorthippus brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815)
and C. biguttulus biguttulus (Linnaeaus, 1758) are distributed in Anatolia. Şirin et al.
(2010) reported that C. brunneus does not exist in Anatolia. The Anatolian species
similar to C. brunneus is C. relicticus Sirin, Helversen and Ciplak, 2010 and the old
records of C. brunneus probably refer to C. bornhalmi Harz, 1971. Likewise, Şirin
(2009) reported that C. biguttulus biguttulus (Linnaeaus, 1758) does not exist in Anatolia,
but this species is represented in Turkey with C. biguttulus euhedickei Helversen, 1989.
We collected specimens of this subspecies from Nortwest Anatolia in Turkey.
Bei-Bienko and Mistshenko (1951), Weidner (1969), Çıplak et al. (1999) and Unal
(2012) reported that Chorthippus satunini Mistshenko, 1951 is distributed in Turkey,
but Çıplak et al. (2005) reported that this species is synonim with C. (Glyptobothrus)
demokidovi (Ramme, 1930).
Demirsoy (1977) reported that Gomphocerus sibiricus acutus Karabağ, 1957 is
synonim with G. armeniacus dimorphus Karabağ, 1953. Based on the examined
material of these two subspecies collected from the Black Sea Region, Turkey, we
revealed that G. sibiricus acutus Karabağ is different from G. armeniacus dimorphus
Karabağ as follows: in male the length of the front tibia/the greatest width of the front
tibia is 2.2 (in G. armeniacus dimorphus 3.6-4.35). Mol (2012) reported that all taxa
belonging to Gomphocerus Thunberg, 1815 genus need further revision.
Be-Bienko and Mistshenko (1951), Jago (1971), Harz (1975) and Ragge (1987)
reported that if Gomphocerinae grasshoppers such as Dociostaurus moraccanus
Fieber, Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) lineatus (Panzer), Omocestus (Dirshius) petraeus
(Brisuot de Barneville) increase in number in agricultural zones, they may be harmful
for this area. In Ordu province, farmers said that Stauroderus scalaris (F. de W., 1846)
specimes hurts especially seedling of Solanum spp.
The genera belonging to Gomphocerinae subfamily in Turkey is not clearly distinct.
Duroniella Bolivar and Morphacris Thunberg were given by Çıplak et al. (1999) and
Truxalis Fabricius, 1775 was given in Gomphocerinae subfamily by Naskrecki and Unal
(1995). We think that these genera don’t take place in this subfamily because Duroniella
Bolivar was given in Locustinae by Harz (1975) and in Acridinae by Demirsoy (1977).
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
Likewise, Duroniella Bolivar and Morphacris Thunberg were given in Oedipodinae
by Naskrecki and Unal (1995). In addition to that, the genus Truxalis Fabricius were
given in Gomphocerinae subfamily by Naskrecki and Unal (1995), but this genus was
given in Acridinae by Harz (1975) and in Truxalinae by Demirsoy (1977) and Willemse
(1984). The subfamily to which these three genera belong is suspicious. In this study,
we follow the species list by Çıplak et al. (1999), and the genera Duroniella Bolivar
and Morphacris Thunberg were given in this subfamily.
According to Hewitt (1996), Çıplak (2004-2008), Tarknishvili et al. (2000) and
Veith (2003) reported that the regions of Southern Alpine, Carpathian and Caucasian
mountains, i.e. the Mediterrranean Basin from Iberia to Anatolia and Iran, were
important Pleistocene refugia inhabited by the organisms that changed their range
southwards during each glacial period. The important refugial role of the Northern
Mediterranean Basin has been documented in numerous studies published in the last
two decades (Hewit 1996, 1999, 2000; Demirsoy 1999; Çıplak 2004, 2008; Çıplak et al.
2005; Şirin et al. 2011). As to Anatolia, this means that during each glacial period, a very
active faunal communication has occured, both between Anatolia and Europe through
the Balkans and Thrace, and between Anatolia and Asia through the Caucasus (Çıplak,
2008). To evaluate biological diversity, Gomphocerinae grasshoppers have been used
especially since Uvarov (1921). In addition to that, Demirsoy (1977) reported that some
species belonging to the genera, such as Chorthippus Fieber, 1852, Stenobothrus
Fischer, 1853, Omocestus Bolivar, 1852 and Euchorthippus Tarbinsky, 1925 used both
the Balkans and the Caucasus to pass from Anatolia to Asia and Europe. At the end of
this study, many examples were revealed for the species distributed only in Anatolian
Black Sea Basin. These species are Stenobothrus derrai Harz, 1988, Stenobothrus
miramae Dirsh, 1931, Omocestus haemorhoidalis ciscaucasicus Bei-Bienko, 1951;
Chorthippus biguttulus euhedickei Helversen, 1989, Chorthippus dorsatus (Zetterstedt,
1821), Chorthippus apricarius apricarius (Linnaeus, 1758), Euchorthippus declivus
(Brisout-Barnevillei, 1848). During each glacial period, some populations/species such
as Stenobothrus werneri Adelung, 1907, Stenobothrus sivridenkoi Ramme, 1930,
Chorthippus apricarius major Plynov, 1914, and the whole Gomphocerus Thunberg,
1815 species, used the Caucasus to spread in Anatolia from Asia.
Uvarov (1934), Jago (1971) and Demirsoy (1977) reported that the genus
Eremippus Uvarov, 1926 is an Eremial element, and six species are distributed
in Turkey. Those species are Eremippus simplex (Eversmann, 1859), Eremippus
angulatus Uvarov, 1934, Eremippus gracilis Uvarov, 1934 Eremippus turcicus Ramme,
1951, Eremippus weidneri Demirsoy, 1977, and Eremippus zeybekoglui Mol, 2012.
The last five species are endemic to Turkey and distributed in Central Anatolia and
Black Sea Region. Among those, Eremippus weidneri Demirsoy, 1977 is a mountain
form and prefers distributions in high altitudes in Black Sea Region of Turkey. This
species may came to Anatolia in glacial periods and may have come from European
via using Thrace avenue.
Demirsoy (1999) reported that Afro-Eremial elements use and/or used the border
of Syria to enter Anatolia. Similarly, the fact that the world is in an interglacial warming
period, global warming, the deforestration have created a great opportunity to enter
and spread northwards for Afro-Eremial elements.
The fact that Middle Anatolian region consists of step vegetation and some of this
region shows desert-like characteristics provides Eremippus Uvarov species exampling
E. angulatus Uvarov, E. gracilis Uvarov, and E. turcicus Ramme the opportunity to
spread. In addition, we have not encountered any Eremippus species which prefer
to spead from Middle Anadolia to Black Sea Region. Inferring from these data, it is
revealed that Black Sea Region has a barrier for Afro-Eremial element to spread
northwards. The fact that the Black Sea Region is now a barrier for Eremial elements
to spread northwards does not prevent the species/populations of Eremial elements
from spreading northwards. On the other hand, Demirsoy (1999) reported that the
other entry avenue for Eremial elements is the triangle of Iğdır-Aralık and Hakkari-Van
plateu in south, except the Syrian border. While the spreading of Eremippus species
is blocked through the Black Sea Mountains in Anatolia, the spreading of Eremippus
zeybekoglui Mol, 2012 and Dociostaurus (Kazakia) tartarus Stschelkanovzev, 1921
species, which were collected from Artvin-Yusufeli belonging to Iranian and Turanian
region with steppe elements, continues to spread northwards from the these regions.
It wouldn’t be wrong to state that these species spreads from south to north while E.
weidneri Demirsoy, 1977 spreads from north to south. It must be added that Anatolia
served as a refugia for the populations/species coming from north during glacial
periods. As long as the interglacial periods and global warming continue, the high
alititude habitats of Anatolia will still be refugia for Eremial elements. The temperature
will increase because of the interglacial period and global warming, therefore, Eremial
elements will migrate to higher habitats, such as mountains. After the interglacial
period we are currently in, the populations/species which migrated to higher altitudes
will spread southwards, differentiate to form new species, change their habitat, or be
extinct in a possible glacial period (Demirsoy, 1977-1999; Mol, 2001; Çıplak, 2008).
In the view of all these evaluations, Gomphocerinae subfamily taxon stated in this
and previous studies are as follows for Turkey (the species with * are distributed in
the Black Sea Region). Checklist of genera and species currently included within the
subfamily Gomphocerinae Tarbinsky, 1932.
1- *Duroniella laticornis (Krauss, 1909)
2- Duroniella fracta (Krauss, 1909)
3- *Ptygippus brachypterus Mistshenko, 1951
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
4- Xerohippus alkani Karabağ, 1953
5- Xerohippus anatolicus Ramme, 1951
6- Xerohippus azami (Bolivar, 1901)
7- Ochrilidia pruinosa Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1882
8- Ochrilidia acuta (Bolivar, 1905)
9- Ochrilidia obtusa (Salfi, 1931)
10- Ochrilidia tibialis (Fieber, 1853)
11- *Euthystira brachyptera (Ocskay, 1826)
12- *Ramburiellla turcomana (Fischer de Waldheim, 1846)
13- *Ramburiella bolivari (Kuthy, 1907) VII. GENUS: ARCYPTERA SERVILLE, 1839
14- *Arcyptera fusca fusca (Pallas, 1773)
15- *Pararcyptera labiata (Brullé, 1832)
16- Pararcyptera microptera karadagi (Karabağ, 1956)
17- Pararcyptera microptera microptera (Fischer de Waldheim, 1833)
18- Pararcyptera microptera transcaucasica (Uvarov, 1917)
19- Eremippus simplex (Eversmann, 1859)
20- Eremippus angulatus Uvarov, 1934
21- Eremippus gracilis Uvarov, 1934
22- Eremippus turcicus Ramme, 1951
23- *Eremippus weidneri Demirsoy, 1977
24- *Eremippus zeybekoglui Mol, 2012
25- *Dociostaurus (Kazakia) brevicollis (Eversmann, 1848)
26- *Dociostaurus (Kazakia) genei genei (Ocskay, 1832)
27- Dociostaurus (Kazakia) jagoi jagoi Soltani, 1978
28- *Dociostaurus (Kazakia) tartarus Stschelkanovzev, 1921
29- Dociostaurus (Kazakia) icconium Şirin & Mol, 2013
30- *Dociostaurus (Dociostaurus) maroccanus (Thunberg, 1815)
31- *Dociostaurus (Stauronotulus) hauensteini hauensteini Bolivar, 1893
32- Dociostaurus (Stauronotulus) cappadocicus (Azam, 1913)
33- Dociostaurus (Stauronotulus) salmani Demirsoy, 1977
34- *Notostaurus anatolicus (Krauss, 1896)
35- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) fischeri fischeri (Eversmann, 1848)
36- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) nigrogeniculatus Krauus, 1899
37- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) zubowskyi Bolivar, 1899
38- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) graecus Ramme, 1926
39- Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) graecus malatyensis Çıplak, 1994
40- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) nigromaculatus nigromaculatus (Her-Sch., 1840)
41- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) nigromaculatus transcaucasicus (Ramme, 1933)
42- Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) burri Karabağ, 1953
43- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) lineatus (Panzer, 1796)
44- Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) bozcuki Çıplak, 1994
45- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) selmae Unal, 1999
46- Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) derrai Harz, 1988
47- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) miramae Dirsh, 1931
48- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrodes) werneri Adelung, 1907
49- *Stenobothrus (Stenobothrodes) sivridenkoi Ramme, 1930
50- Stenobothrus (Stenobothrodes) eurasius macedonicus Willemse, 1974
51- *Omocestus (Omocestus) nanus Uvarov, 1934
52- *Omocestus (Omocestus) ventralis (Zetterstedt, 1821)
53- *Omocestus (Dirshius) minutus (Brullé, 1832)
54- *Omocestus (Dirshius) haemorrhoidalis haemorrhoidalis (Charpentier, 1825)
55- *Omocestus (Dirshius) haemorhodalis ciscaucasicus Mistshenko, 1951
56- *Omocestus (Dirshius) petraeus (Brisuot de Barneville, 1855)
57- *Stauroderus scalaris znojkoi (Miram, 1938)
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
58- *Stauroderus scalaris scalaris (Fisher-Waldheim, 1846)
59- *Euchorthippus pulvinatus pulvinatus (Fischer de Waldheim, 1846)
60- *Euchorthippus declivus (Brisout-Barnevillei, 1848)
61- *Euchorthippus transcaucasicus Tarbinsky, 1930
62- *Chorthippus (Chorthippus) paralleus parallelus (Zetterstedt, 1821)
63- *Chorthippus (Chorthippus) karelini karelini (Uvarov, 1910)
64- Chorthippus (Chorthippus) karelini hakkaricus Demirsoy, 1977
65- *Chorthippus (Chorthippus) labaumei Ramme, 1926
66- *Chorthippus (Chorthippus) loratus (Fischer de Waldheim, 1846)
67- *Chorthippus (Chorthippus) dorsatus (Zetterstedt, 1821)
68- *Chorthippus (Chorthippus) dichrous (Eversmann, 1859)
69- *Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) apricarius apricarius (Linnaeus, 1758)
70- *Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) apricarius major Plynov, 1914
71- *Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) bornhalmi Harz, 1971
72- *Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) aktaci Ünal, 2010
73- Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) antecessor Şirin and Çıplak, 2010
74- Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) relicticus Şirin, Helversen and Çıplak
75- *Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) vagans (Eversman, 1848)
76- *Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) macrocerus macrocerus (Fischer de Waldheim, 1846)
77- *Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) demokidovi (Ramme, 1930)
78- Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) kazdaghensis Mol and Çıplak, 2005
79- Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) taurensis Şirin and Çıplak, 2005
80- *Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) ilkazi Uvarov, 1934
81- Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) bozdaghi Uvarov, 1934
82- Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) helverseni Mol, 2003
83- *Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) biguttulus euhedickei Helversen, 1989
84- *Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) mollis mollis (Charpentier, 1825)
85- Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) binotatus (Charpentier, 1825)
86- *Microhippus turcicus Ramme, 1939
87- Microhippus dinaricus (Ramme, 1950)
88- Gomphocerus turcicus Mistshenko, 1951
89- *Gomphocerus transcaucasicus Mistshenko, 1951
90- *Gomphocerus sibiricus acutus Karabağ, 1957
91- *Gomphocerus sibiricus hemipterus Karabağ, 1953
92- *Gomphocerus armeniacus dimorphus Karabağ, 1953
93- *Aeropedellus turcicus Karabağ, 1959
94- *Dasyhippus uvarovi Karabağ, 1953
95- Dasyhippus escalerai (Bolivar, 1899)
96- *Myrmeleotettix maculatus maculatus (Thunberg, 1815)
97- Myrmeleotettix ethicus Şirin and Çıplak, 2011
98- Morphacris fasciata (Thunberg, 1815)
When we take previous studies (Karabağ, 1958; Demirsoy, 1977; Salman, 1978;
Karabağ et al., 1980; Çıplak et al., 1999-2005; Ünal, 1999; Mol et al., 2003, Şirin and
Mol, 2013) into account, it is revealed that 97 taxa are distributed in Turkey. 59 of them
are collected from the Black Sea Region, which makes 61% of the species in Turkey, and
7 of them are endemics for this region. These taxon are Eremippus weidneri Demirsoy,
1977, Eremippus zeybekoglui Mol, 2012, Stenobothrus (Stenobothrus) selmae Unal,
1999, Chorthippus ilkazi Uvarov, 1934, Chorthippus aktaci Ünal, 2010, Gomphocerus
sibiricus hemipterus Karabağ, 1953, Aeropedellus turcicus Karabağ, 1959.
Black Sea Region has a rich Gomphocerinae taxon (61%), but it can’t be said so
in terms of endemism. It has constantly green vegetation habitats and forested areas,
and this causes a reduced rate of endemism. Because of the boreal characteristic and
continuous mountains of the region, there are not any izolated localities with different
habitat preferences for populations / species; it doesn’t allow spreading and speciation.
This fact is stated by Çıplak et al., (2005) for Chorthippus demokidovi species group.
Jago (1971) carried out the most comprehensive revision for Gomphocerinae
subfamily, but it did not resolve the taxonomic problem. So far, a lot of researchers
indicated that most of genera belonging to Gomphocerinae species distributed in
Turkey needs comprehensive revision. For example, Jago (1971) asked for a revision
Eremippus Uvarov, 1926, Demirsoy (1977) asked for a revision for Ochrilidia Stal, 1873;
Eremippus Uvarov, 1926, Duroniella Bolivar, and Aeropedellus Hebard, 1935; Çıplak
(1994) for Stenobothrus Fischer, 1853; Çıplak and Demirsoy (1996) for Chorthippus
Distribution and Taxonomy of Gomphocerinae Species
Fieber, 1852; Mol (2007-2011) for Stauroderus Bolivar, 1897 and Gomphocerus
Thunberg, 1815. In addition to these genera, we think that most of the genera need
revision. These genera are Xerohippus Uvarov, 1942; Dociostaurus Fieber, 1853;
Pararcyptera Tarbinsky, 1940; Euchorthippus Tarbinsky, 1925; Chorthippus Fieber,
1852; Gomphocerus Thunberg, 1815, and Dasyhippus Uvarov, 1930.
We especially thank Prof. Dr. Battal ÇIPLAK (Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey)
and Dr. Deniz ŞİRİN (Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ, Turkey) for his contributions
to our manuscript. This study was partly supported by Ondokuz Mayıs University
Research Fund (Project no: F-296: only Chorthippus and Stenobothrus) and this study
was conducted by using the equipment in Ondokuz Mayıs University (Samsun/Turkey)
and Aksaray University Central Research Laboratory (ASUBTAM) (Aksaray/Turkey).
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Received: July 28, 2012
Accepted: July 01, 2013

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