mobıl uygulama altyapısı_2016


mobıl uygulama altyapısı_2016
• Automotive Software Systems
• Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance
Systems (ADAS)
• The Intelligent Automated Vehicle: the Last IoT Node
• Araçlardaki Mobil Uygulamalara Örnekler
Abdullah DEMİR, Yrd. Doç. Dr.
The ISQ symbols for the bit and byte are bit and B, respectively. In the context of
data rate units, one byte consists of 8 bits, and is synonymous with the unit octet.
The abbreviation bps is often used to mean bit/s, so that when a 1 Mbps connection
is advertised, it usually means that the maximum achievable bandwidth is 1 Mbit/s
(one million bits per second), which is 0.125 MB/s (megabyte per second), or about
0.1192 MiB/s (mebibyte per second). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) uses the symbol b for bit.
Kilobit per second
kilobit per second (symbol kbit/s or kb/s, often abbreviated "Kbps") is a unit of
data transfer rate equal to:
1,000 bits per second
125 bytes per second
Megabit per second
megabit per second (symbol Mbit/s or Mb/s, often abbreviated "Mbps") is a unit of
data transfer rate equal to:
1,000,000 bits per second
1,000 kilobit per second
125,000 bytes per second
125 kilobytes per second
The International System of Quantities (ISQ)
Tony Cooprider, Senior Technical Leader
for Ford Motor Co. “Twenty-five years
ago, 75% of the vehicle value was
mechanical, 22% was electronics and
there was a sliver of software. Software
has grown to 18%, electronics is now
about a third and about half is
mechanical parts.”
“We need to consolidate what we’ve
distributed, we want to reduce the
number of controllers in a car,” said
Michael Groene, Director of Global
Software Engineering at Delphi
SAE.ORG, Next-gen electronic controls: Open source, scalable and integrated; 19-Apr-2016 04
Modern Vehicles – Very Sophisticated
• How many lines of code in a:
– F-22 Raptor: 1.7 million
– Average new Ford: 10 million
Lines Of Code: Kod Satırı
Noah Goodall, VDOT’s Connected Vehicle Program, Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research, ASHE Old Dominion Section Meeting, June 13, 2013
Computerized Measurement
Heading (rota, yön)
Acceleration (lateral, longitudinal, vertical)
Position (from GPS)
Other diagnostics
 Wipers on/off
 Braking status
 Tire pressure
 Steering wheel angle
 Headlights on/off
 Turn signals on/off
 Rain sensors
 Stability control
Noah Goodall, VDOT’s Connected Vehicle Program, Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research, ASHE Old Dominion Section Meeting, June 13, 2013
Seri iletişim
• Paralel iletişim
Not: Paralel devrede 2 farklı sinyal için 2 kablo kullanılırken seri
devrede bir kablo üzerinden 2 ayrı sinyal gönderilir.
Ağ Tasarımları
ECU’lar aralarında bilgi
birbirlerine bağlanırlar.
ECU’lar arasında 3 tip bağlantı vardır.
• Çember/Halka
• Yıldız
• Otobüs/Bus
Bu tip bağlantıda ECU’lar
sinyal gönderir ve gönderdiği
sinyal tekrar kendisine gelir.
Bu tip bağlantıda merkezde bir ana
ECU vardır. Diğer ECU’lar ana ECU
üzerinden birbirine bağlanırlar.
Bu tip bağlantıda ECU’lar ortak iletişim
kablosuyla birbirine bağlıdır. Ortak
iletişim kablosu üzerinden data/veri
transferi oluşur.
İletişim Hızına Göre Sınıflandırma
İletişim Hızına Göre Sınıflandırma
Introduction to Automotive
Software Systems
2IN60: Real-time Architectures (for automotive systems)
More and more car functions are
being implemented in software
Developing software is
Car functions
powertrain, e.g.
 engine control, transmission and gear control;
chassis, e.g.
 ABS (Antilock Braking System), ESP (Electronic Stability Program),
ASC (Automatic Stability Control), ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control);
body (comfort), e.g.
 air conditioning and climate control, dash board, wipers, lights,
doors, seats, windows, mirrors, cruise control, park distance
telematics/wireless, e.g.
 multimedia, infotainment, GPS and in-vehicle navigation systems,
CD/DVD players, rear-seat entertainment;
passive safety (emerging), e.g.
 rollover sensors, airbags, belt pretensioners.
Program size
2 MB
4.5 MB
2.5 MB
100 MB
1.5 MB
Number of ECUs
Number of
Bus topology
500 Kb/s
500 Kb/s
100 Kb/s
22 Mb/s
10 Mb/s
Cycle time
10 ms – 10 s
10 ms – 10 s
50 ms 2 s
20 ms 0 5 s
50 ms
Very high
Complexity is due to the many dependencies
E.g. communication
Communication is expensive
Surface area, power consumption, latency, ability to
understand system behavior, …
Modular design:
Divide an integrated system into independent modules
Define interfaces between the modules
Keep the interfaces thin!
Separation of concerns
Controls one or more car functions
Types of electronic control units
Airbag (ACU), Engine (ECU),
Transmission (TCU), …
70 – 100 ECUs inside a car (nearly as
many as inside Airbus A380)
An ECU and its interfaces
Debug port
CAN port
FlexRay port
Digital and Analog
I/O ports
Example ECU (Freescale board EVB9512XF)
CAN controller
CAN port
Reset button
Debug port
FlexRay port
Digital and
I/O ports
(CPU + memory)
Connects individual ECUs
Examples: CAN, FlexRay, I2C, IEEE 802.11p
A particular bus defines the communication protocol (including message format
and possible message exchanges), bandwidth, physical interfaces.
1986 - Robert Bosch / 1993 - ISO
Tek bir hat üzerinden kablolu veri transferi
Kontrol Alan Ağ modülü bulunan ilk entegre 1989 yılında Intel
Corp. tarafından piyasaya çıkarılmıştır.
• Siemens,
• Motorola,
• Philips,
• Microchip
Endüstriyel otomasyon, otomotiv ve mühendisliğin çeşitli
alanlarında kullanılır. Çift yönlü veri haberleşme için
• Yüksek performanslı,
• Güvenilir,
Kablolu ağ teknolojisidir.
Gül Türker, Araçlarda On Board Diagnostic Sistem ve Mobil Cihaz Uygulamaları,
Ağa bağlı bir düğümden tüm sistem kontrol edilebilir.
Fonksiyonları kontrol eden komutlar seri olarak gönderildiği
için kablo ve konnektör karışıklığı azalır.
Sistemin çözülmesi veya toplanması daha kolay ve daha
Verimli hata bulma sağlar.
Kullanıcıya uyarı ve durum bilgisi göndermek için daha
yüksek kapasite sağlar.
Ağa yeni kontrol birimlerinin kolayca eklenebilmesini sağlar.
Ağa erişimde farklı erişim öncelikleri sağlar.
Gül Türker, Araçlarda On Board Diagnostic Sistem ve Mobil Cihaz Uygulamaları,
Flex Ray
Flex Ray, araç bileşenleri arasında veri aktarımını hızlandıran yeni geliştirilmiş bir seri
veri yolu sistemidir. Flex Ray, farklı sistemlerin güvenli ve hassas bir şekilde birbirine
bağlanmasına olanak verir. Yeni ve hızlı sürücü destek sistemleri ile yürüyen aksam
kontrol sistemleri daha güvenli ve daha konforlu sürüş anlamına gelir.
Elektronik sürücü destek sistemlerinin karmaşıklığı gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Yeni şasi
ve hareketli aksam kontrol sistemleri, etkin bir şekilde işlev görebilmek için son derece
yüksek veri aktarım hızlarına ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu artan gereksinimleri karşılamak
için BMW, otomotiv uygulamalarında gerekli olan güvenlik, hız ve yüksek kaliteyi
sağlayabilecek yeni bir veri yolu sistemi geliştirmek için konusunda uzman firmalar ile
işbirliğine girdi. 2007 yapımı BMW X5, dünyada bu yeni teknolojiyi kullanan ilk standart
üretim otomobil oldu. Flex Ray, Adaptif Sürüş yürüyen aksam kontrol sisteminin optik
veri yolunu kontrol eder ve amortisörlerin elektromanyetik valfleri ile dengeleyicileri
kontrol etmekte kullanılır, bu sayede Adaptif Sürüş, araç gövdesinin yana yatma etkisini
ortadan kaldırır.
Flex Ray’in en önemli avantajlarından biri yüksek veri aktarım hızlarıdır: Saniyede
10 MBit’e varan bu hız, geleneksel CAN veri yolu sistemine göre yirmi kat daha
fazladır. İkinci bir Flex Ray iletişim kanalı, güvenliği her zaman mükemmellik düzeyinde
tutabilmek için yedek görevi görür. Eğer kanallardan biri işlevini yerine getiremez
duruma gelirse, diğeri kullanılabilir durumda kalır. Güvenlik tehlikesi taşımayan
sistemlerde, tek bir kanalın kullanımı ile daha yüksek bir veri aktarım hızı elde edilebilir.
Bu avantajlar, araç üzerindeki sistemlerin birbirleri ile daha hızlı ve daha güvenli iletişim
kurmasına olanak vererek, sürüş konforunu ve güvenliğini önemli ölçüde artırır.
Kaynak: “” web sitesi, BMW Teknoloji Rehberi (Erişim Tarihi: 03/04/2014).
I2C Data Transfer: Data on the I2C bus is
transferred in 8-bit packets (bytes). There is no
limitation on the number of bytes, however, each
byte must be followed by an Acknowledge bit.
This bit signals whether the device is ready to
proceed with the next byte. For all data bits
including the Acknowledge bit, the master must
generate clock pulses. If the slave device does
not acknowledge transfer this means that there is
no more data or the device is not ready for the
transfer yet. The master device must either
generate Stop or Repeated Start condition.
K.M.Sivakumar, B.Gopalakrishnan, "Design and Implementation of Vehicle Control System Using I2C Protocol", International Journal of Advanced
Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization), Vol. 3, Issue 11, November2014
Reading Text
The term embedded system is quite a complex one. Simply it is a
combination of hardware and software that forms the component of a
larger system; this in turn is programmed to perform a range of
dedicated functions usually with a minimal operator intervention. In
embedded systems the hardware is normally unique to a given
application; computer chips are embedded into the control electronics to
manage the products functionality. Embedded systems are rapidly
becoming a catalyst for change in computing data communications,
telecommunications, industrial control and entertainment sectors. Serial
interface allow processors to communicate without the need for shared
memory and the problems they can create. There are Serial
communication protocols like UART, CAN, USB, SPI, and Inter IC. USB,
SPI and UARTS are all just one type to point type protocol. USB uses
multiplexer to communicate with the other devices. Only I2C and CAN
protocol uses software addressing. But only I2C is very simple to design
and easy to maintain.
K.M.Sivakumar, B.Gopalakrishnan, "Design and Implementation of Vehicle Control System Using I2C Protocol", International Journal of Advanced
Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization), Vol. 3, Issue 11, November2014
IEEE 802.11p is an approved amendment to the IEEE
802.11 standard to add wireless access in vehicular
environments (WAVE), a vehicular communication system. It
defines enhancements to 802.11 (the basis of products
marketed as Wi-Fi) required to support Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) applications. This includes data
exchange between high-speed vehicles and between the
vehicles and the roadside infrastructure in the licensed ITS
band of 5.9 GHz (5.85-5.925 GHz). IEEE 1609 is a higher
layer standard based on the IEEE 802.11p.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ya da
kısaca IEEE (Türkçe: Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisleri Enstitüsü)
The IEEE 802.11p wireless access in vehicular environment (WAVE)
protocol providing for vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle
radio communication is currently under standardization. We provide
an NS-2 simulation study of the proposed IEEE 802.11p MAC
protocol focusing on vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. We
show that the specified MAC parameters for this protocol can lead to
undesired throughput performance because the backoff window
sizes are not adaptive to dynamics in the numbers of vehicles
attempting to communicate. We propose two solutions to this
problem. One is a centralized approach where exact information
about the number of concurrent transmitting vehicles is used to
calculate the optimal window size, and the other is a distributed
approach in which vehicles use local observations to adapt the
window size.We show that these schemes can provide significant
improvements over the standard MAC protocol under dense and
dynamic conditions.
Dedicated Short-range Communications (DSRC):
Tahsis Edilmiş Kısa Mesafe İletişim
• Araçsal Ağlar 5.9 GHz bandında, 75 MHz’lik band genişliğine sahip,
yüksek veri transfer hızı (6-27 Mbps) sunan DSRC (Dedicated Short
Range Communications) standardını kullanır.
• Bu standarda göre yol üzerinde hareket halindeki araçlar;
trafik durumu bilgilerini içeren rutin trafik mesajını yaymak zorundadır.
Gül Türker, Araçlarda On Board Diagnostic Sistem ve Mobil Cihaz Uygulamaları,
On-Board Diagnostic bir aracın kendi kendine tanı ve raporlama
yeteneğini yapabilmesini sağlayan bir otomotiv standardıdır.
OBD sistemleri aracın alt sistemlerine, sensor bilgilerine, motor
hakkında çeşitli verilere erişimi sağlar.
Gül Türker, Araçlarda On Board Diagnostic Sistem ve Mobil Cihaz Uygulamaları,
oluştuğunda bir kod
numarası bildirir.
SAE J1850 PWM (pulse-width modulation — 41.6 kB/sec,
standard of the Ford Motor Company)
SAE J1850 VPW (variable pulse width — 10.4/41.6 kB/sec,
standard of General Motors)
ISO 9141-2. This protocol has an asynchronous serial data rate of
10.4 kBaud. It is somewhat similar to RS-232; however, the signal
levels are different, and communications happens on a single,
bidirectional line without additional handshake signals. ISO 9141-2 is
primarily used in Chrysler, European, and Asian vehicles.
ISO 14230 KWP2000 (Keyword Protocol 2000)
ISO 15765 CAN (250 kBit/s or 500 kBit/s). The CAN protocol was
developed by Bosch for automotive and industrial control. Unlike other
OBD protocols, variants are widely use outside of the automotive
industry. While it did not meet the OBD-II requirements for U.S.
vehicles prior to 2003, as of 2008 all vehicles sold in the US are
required to implement CAN as one of their signaling protocols.
Gül Türker, Araçlarda On Board Diagnostic Sistem ve Mobil Cihaz Uygulamaları,
Software Architectures
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
Power Consumption within BMW cars
Max. power consumption limits the number of ECUs
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
Rising Quota of Multicore deliveries at Volkswagen
Multicore usage ramps up (e.g. Powertrain).
ADAS will speed this up.
Ramp up: Desteklemek yada güçlendirmek
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
There is a very basic and helpful definition for a safe
“You know what the system
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
System Architecture
Approach: 2 channels with comparison
Two ECUs working on the input data, outputs are compared
A 2 channels with comparison system is simply fail-safe and since
you cannot distinguish between “ECU1 not ok” and “ECU2 not ok”.
The safe state is a complete system shutdown.
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
System Architecture
Approach: 2oo3 Systems
If one of the ECUs fails the system can continue with the remaining
two ECUs.
Failures in the input data can be detected by an “Input-Voter”.
This pattern is well established.
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
System Architecture
2oo3 Systems and automotive
Applicable for automotive?
• More ECUs
• More wiring
• More weight
• More power consumption
• Higher complexity to manage
Will we as a customer accept that?
• Different opinions and market studies
• Referring to several studies, customer will pay 1500 – 3000 € more
for autonomous driving car (mid-size car).
Source: KPMG(2013), autelligence (2015)
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
System Architecture
Approach: 1oo2D System
High diagnostic coverage needed to detect failures in one channel
• IF component fails in one of the two channels, the system does not shut down
but continues to operate with one channel
Common sense:
The best policy is not to operate on a single channel, or not for a long period of
See above: only some seconds may be needed.
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
System Architecture
Diagnostics in software in autonomous driving systems
Integrity mechanism
• Memory Partitioning
• Temporal Monitoring
• Data protection
• Fault tolerant Ethernet
• Service Orientated communication
Software Engineering
• Plausibility checks
• Functional monitoring
• Defensive programming
• Dynamic analysis
Safety OS
• Data Protection
• Stack Protection
• Context Protection
• OS Protection
• Hardware Error management
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
System Architecture
Outlook: Reconfiguration for rebuilding 1oo2D
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
System Architecture
1oo2D - Normal operation
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
ECU Software Architecture
Overview of different architecture approaches
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
The Intelligent Automated
Vehicle: the Last IoT Node
Juergen Weyer, Vice President Automotive Sales EMEA - The Intelligent Automated Vehicle: the Last IoT Node, M A R . 0 5 . 2 0 1 5
Source: IHS 2015
Juergen Weyer, Vice President Automotive Sales EMEA - The Intelligent Automated Vehicle: the Last IoT Node, M A R . 0 5 . 2 0 1 5
Android, symbian ve windows işletim sistemli tablet, telefon ve
bilgisayarlarla veriler kablo olmadan, bluetooth ile görülebilir ve
düzenlenebilir. Ancak iOs işletim sisteminde kablosuz Wi-Fi özelliği
Önemli Not: Kablosuz haberleşme imkanı sağlayan mobil cihazlar ile aracın
OBD soketine uyumlu Bluetooth ve Wifi teknolojilerini destekleyen OBD II
tarama olarak farklı kitler bulunmaktadır. OBD II scanner kitleri için geliştirilmiş
çeşitli yazılımlar bulunmaktadır.
Gül Türker, Araçlarda On Board Diagnostic Sistem ve Mobil Cihaz Uygulamaları,
• Very sophisticated computer
• Sensors
 3-axis accelerometer
 Camera
 Magnetometer
• Carried with you all day
Noah Goodall, VDOT’s Connected Vehicle Program, Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research, ASHE Old Dominion Section Meeting, June 13, 2013
Mobilescan OBD
Gül Türker, Araçlarda On Board Diagnostic Sistem ve Mobil Cihaz Uygulamaları,
Gül Türker, Araçlarda On Board Diagnostic Sistem ve Mobil Cihaz Uygulamaları,