Dr. Hüseyin SUNGUR - TARGET(Tarım ve Gıda Etiği)


Dr. Hüseyin SUNGUR - TARGET(Tarım ve Gıda Etiği)
Dr. Hüseyin SUNGUR
Personal Information
Kıbrıs Cad. Taşkent Sok 5/2 Kurtuluş/Ankara
Telephone (Home)
+90 312 435 47 13
Telephone (Mobile)
+90 533 251 15 47
Place and Date of Birth :
Antalya, 20.10.1959
Professional Experience
Secretary General of
Turkish Egg Producers Association
Director General
General Directorate of Protection and Control
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ankara
04.02.2003 - 10.08.2005
Ministry Counsel
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ankara
10.09.1999 - 04.02.2003
Director General
General Directorate of Protection and Control
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ankara
25.01.1997 - 10.09.1999
Deputy Director General
General Directorate of Agricultural Research
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ankara
06.10.1996 - 25.01.1997
Department for Foreign Affairs and EU Coordination
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ankara
04.06.1995 - 06.10.1996
Deputy Director General
General Directorate of Agricultural Research
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ankara
20.11.1991- 04.06.1995
Head of Department
General Directorate of Agricultural Research
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ankara
18.03.1991 - 20.11.1991
Section Chief
General Directorate of Project Implementation
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ankara
13.01.1988 - 18.03.1991
Veterinarian and Embryo Transfer Specialist
Dr. Hüseyin Sungur, Curriculum Vitae
Lalahan Livestock Central Research Institute
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ankara
15.09.1986- 01.01.1988
İstanbul Provincial Agriculture Directorate
Şenlikköy Artificial Insemination Laboratory- İstanbul
04.10.1983 - 05.09.1986
Veterinarian and Director of District Agriculture
Çayırlı and İliç District Agriculture Directorates
National Security Academy
1989 - 1994
Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
(Freezing and Transfer of Bovine Embryos)
1976 - 1981
Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
1974 - 1976
Çanakkale Teacher Training College
1972 - 1974
Tunceli Teacher Training College
Short-Term Trainings
August 2-15, 1998
Agricultural Research Methods
November 12-16, 1997
Setting Livestock Research Priorities in West Asia
and North Africa
April 22 - 25, 1996
Mediterranean Countries
Agricultural Biotechnology Symposium
December 3 - 10, 1992
Asian Countries
Working Group for Sheep Breeding
October 1 - 28, 1988
Embryo Transfer in Cattle
January 6 - July 5, 1987
Semen Freezing Techniques and Embryo Transfer
March 15 - April 12, 1986
Embryo Freezing Techniques in Cattle
Dr. Hüseyin Sungur, Curriculum Vitae
January 25 - February 7,
Semen Freezing Techniques in Buffaloes
Language Skills
Computer Skills
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Powerpoint
Specific experience in the region:
Date from Date to
Name and description of
the project
Management of Avian
Influenza Crisis as CVO
and implementation of
FAO project on AI
Development and
Implementation of EU
funded Veterinary Project
of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural
Development of framework
legislation in veterinary and
food safety areas,
including animal welfare
Support to development of
national animal welfare
legislation for poultry
Dr. Hüseyin Sungur, Curriculum Vitae
1. SUNGUR, H. ve Ark., 1989. İsviçre Esmeri Düvelerde Dondurulmuş Embriyo Nakli
Uygulamaları (Frozen Embryo Transfer in Brown Swiss Heifers). L. H. E. Derg. 29, (1-4),
2. SUNGUR H., 1990. Başarılı Suni Tohumlama Uygulamaları İçin (For Successful Artificial
Insemination). Türk Vet. Hek. Derg. 2(5), 7-8.
3. SUNGUR, H. ve Ark., 1990. Sığırlarda Östrus Sinkonizasyonu ile Suni Tohumlama
Uygulaması (Oestrus Synchronization and Artificial Insemination in Cattle). L. H. A. E.
Derg. 30 (1-4), 1-6.
4. SUNGUR, H., YURDAYDIN, N., 1991. Sığır Embriosunun Dondurulması (Freezing of
Bovine Embryos). L. H. A. E. Derg., 31 (2) 96-110, 1991
5. SUNGUR, H., YURDAYDIN, N., 1991. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Oosit Maturasyonu ve İnVitro Fertilizasyonu (Oocyte Maturation and In Vitro Fertilization in Livestock). L. H. A. E.
Derg. 31, (3-4) 67-77.
6. S. ÖZSAR, B., GÜVEN, M., ÇELEBİ, SUNGUR, H., 1991. Observation on induced
Breeding activity of Post-Partum Angora Goats, Isotope and Related Techniques in
Animal Production and Health Proceeding of Symposium, Vienna, 15-16 April 1991
(Poster Presentation).
7. SUNGUR, H., 1992. Süt Sığırcılığı, Mevcut Durumu, Problemleri ve Çözüm Önerileri
(Breeding of Dairy Cattle, Current Situation, Problems and Suggested Solutions). Trakya
Bölgesi 1. Hayvancılık Sempozyumu, 8-9 Ocak 1992 Tekirdağ.
8. ALKAN, M., SUNGUR, H., 1992. Tarım ve Hayvancılık Politikamız Ne Olmalıdır? (What
Should Our Agriculture and Livestock Policy Be?) Türk Vet. Hek. Derg. 4,33, 6-7.
9. SUNGUR, H., GONCAGÜL, T., ÖZSAR, S., 1993. Ankara Keçilerinde Sıfat Mevsiminde
Dondurulmuş ve Taze Sperma ile Suni Tohumlama Çalışmaları ve Fertilite Kontrolü
(Artificial Insemination Studies with Frozen and Fresh Semen and Fertility Control in
Angora Goats in Breeding Season). L. H. A. E. Derg. 33 (1-2) 59-64,1993.
10. SUNGUR, H., 1993. Hayvancılıkta Yeni Yaklaşımlar (New Approaches in Animal
Breeding). Türk Vet. Hek. Derg. 5, 3, 7-8.
11. SUNGUR, H., 1993. Hayvan Sağlığı Açısından Suni Tohumlamanın Önemi (The
Importance of Artificial Insemination with Regard to Animal Health), Tarım ve Köy. 86, 31,
12. GÜVEN, B., ÖZSAR, S., ÇELEBİ, M., SUNGUR, H., 1993. Ankara Keçilerinde Anöstrus
Döneminde Östrüs Aktivitesinin İndüklenmesi ve Fertilite Kontrolü (Induction of Oestrus
Dr. Hüseyin Sungur, Curriculum Vitae
Activity and Fertility Control in Angora Goats in Anoestrus). Konya Hay. Araşt. Enst.
Derg. 3, 1, 31-33.
13. SUNGUR, H., 1993. Hayvan Gen Kaynaklarının Korunmasının Önemi (The Importance
of the Protection of Animal Gene Resources). Türk Vet. Hek. Derg. 5, 4, 18-19.
14. SUNGUR, H., 1994. Tarımdaki Gelişmeler ve Biyoteknoloji (Agricultural Developments
and Biotechnology). Türk Vet. Hek. Derg. 6, 4, 7.
15. SUNGUR, H., 1994. Yetiştiricilik Açısından Suni Tohumlamanın Önemi (The Importance
of Artificial Insemination with regard to Animal Breeding). Türk Vet. Hek. Derg. 6, 2, 3637.
16. SUNGUR, H., YURDAYDIN, N., 1994. Sığır Embriosunun Dondurulması ve Transferi
(The Freezing and Transfer of Bovine Embryos). L. H. A. E. Derg. 34 (1-2) 1-24.
17. SUNGUR, H., 1994. Embrionun Dondurulması ve Transferi (The Freezing and Transfer
of Embryos), Doctorate Thesis.
18. ÇETİNER, S., SUNGUR, H.,1996. Türkiye’de Tarımsal Biyoteknolojinin Mevcut Durumu
(The Current Situation of Agricultural Biotechnology in Turkey) (Integrating Biotechnology
in Agriculture Incentive, Constraints and Country and Experiences), 22-24 th April, 1996,
19. SUNGUR, H., ve Ark., 1997. Sığırlarda Süperovulasyon ve Embriyo Transferi Üzerine
Çalışmalar (Studies on Superovulation and Embryo Transfer in Cattle). Türk Vet. Hek.
Bir. Derg. Cilt 9 Sayı 1, 16-19, 1997.
20. SUNGUR, H., 1997. Dolly ve Genetik Kopyalama Üzerine (On Dolly and Genetic
Copying). Vet. Hek. Bir. Derg. Cilt 9, Sayı : 2.
21. OKTAY,G.,SUNGUR, H., 1997. Consultation on Setting Livestock Research Priorities in
West Asia And North Africa.12-16.November,1997, Aleppo,Syria.
22. SUNGUR, H., ÖZBEYAZ, C., 1997. Sığır Yetiştiriciliğinde Suni Tohumlama ve Döl
Kontrolünün Önemi (The Importance of Artificial Insemination and Fertility Control in
Cattle Breeding). Türk Vet. Hek. Bir. Derg. Cilt 9, Sayı : 2.
23. SUNGUR, H., İZCİ, C., 1998. Veteriner Hekimlik Üzerine (On Veterinary Medicine). Türk
Vet. Hek. Bir. Derg. Cilt 10 sayı 1-2.
24. KOCABAŞ, Ş., SUNGUR, H., 1998. Hayvancılıkta Biyoteknoloji ve Ulaştığı Konum
(Biotechnology in Animal Breeding and its Current Position). Tarımda Yeni Ufuklar
Sempozyumu, Ankara.
25. SUNGUR, H.,2004. Hayvan Sağlığının Gıda Güvenliğindeki Önemi (The Importance of
Animal Health in Food Safety). Türk Vet. Hek. Bir. Derg., Sayı3-4.
26. SUNGUR, H.,Genç K, 2005. İklim Değişikliği ve Tarıma Etkileri (Climate Change and its
Impact on Agriculture) . Türk Vet. Hek. Bir. Derg.sayı1-4.
Dr. Hüseyin Sungur, Curriculum Vitae
27. Editorial of Yumurta – Quarterly Sector News Bulletin since 2010.
Dr. Hüseyin Sungur, Curriculum Vitae

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