

Cogni&ve Dimension of Abstrac&on in B asic Design Introduc)on
Educa&on: Architectural Context Introduc)on here of Antalya Kemal Reha KAVAS, Hacer MUTLU DANACI Akdeniz University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture This research is undertaken through empiric research method. Firstly a local context for implemen)ng an abstrac)on process is assigned. Then the performance of the students and the assignment is interpreted for proposing a cogni)ve educa)onal method. In this framework the students are expected to abstract a view of the city of Antalya by expressing it in platonic forms. Results Conclusion
When an architectural context in which the students live is chosen as a design issue, it is easier for the students to understand and apply their theore)cal knowledge concerning abstrac)on. Since abstrac)on is vital for basic design and since basic design is the first and the most important stage of architectural educa)on, this cogni)ve method can be successful. The student learns to make final selec)ons by reconsidering the alterna)ves. In this process the composi)ons which express the underlying composi)onal aspects of the urban scene are taken into reconsidera)on. As a result it becomes possible for the student to understand the process of abstrac)on in connec)on to a familiar space and its components. Before experiencing the process the students should acquire theore)cal knowledge. During the ini)al experience the students should realize their problems in realizing abstrac)on. The instructors should guide the student by giving cri)ques based on applica)on. It is helpful to assign a tangible object or situa)on whose visual features can be abstracted. References
Although abstrac)on is important for interpre)ng architectural design problems, it is difficult to acquaint the student with this process. Then, can this problem be solved by adap)ng cogni)ve methods during the 1st year course of basic design? The purpose of this study is to propose a cogni)ve method during the basic design course in order to acquaint the students with the process of abstrac)on. In this way the students learn to express the underlying formal features of a context through platonic forms. An example successful studies maid by the fisrt year architecture
students (2015-16 academic year fall term, Hande Erdogan,
Hatice Aksoy, Murat Aykac, Halil Yel).
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