assesor ilçe tricities


assesor ilçe tricities
___________________________________________________________ CEREN KATİPOĞLU
Assistant Prof. Dr. @ Çankaya University,
Faculty of Architecture, Department Architecture,
Ankara / Turkey
Date and Place of Birth
September 03, 1981, Hatay/Turkey
Fields of Interest: Architectural History (social production of the built
environment, formation and display of cultural identities in architecture, 16th and 19th century
architecture, architecture in late Ottoman Empire, architectural historiography) Architectural Theory,
Urban History
• 2007-2014 January Ph.D. Degree from Graduate Program in Architectural History, Graduate
School of Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University--------------------ANKARA/TURKEY
(Thesis Title: Re-Thinking Historiography on Ottoman Mosque Architecture: Nineteenth Century
Provincial Sultan Mosques – Advisor Prof. Dr. Jale Erzen)
2008 February – 2008 June Visiting Scholar as a PhD student in Graduate Program in History at
Boğaziçi University -----------------------------------------------------------------ISTANBUL/TURKEY
2004-2007 July Master of Art Degree from Graduate Program in Architectural History,
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University-------ANKARA/TURKEY
(Thesis Title: An Analysis of Architect Sinan’s Late Period Mosques – Advisor Prof. Dr. Jale Erzen)
1999- 2003 July Bachelor Degree from Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Engineering
and Architecture, Department of Architecture (First-Rank Student)---------ESKISEHIR/TURKEY
1992-99 Osman Ötken Anatolian High School----------------------------------------HATAY/TURKEY
Foreign Language
English (Advance Level – KPDS - 88), French (Beginner), Ottoman Writing
• April 2012 Tümaş Architectural Project Award (honorable mention)
2006 – 2007 METU, Social Science Institute Master Thesis Award
2002 MimED (Turkish Architectural Education Association) Student Project Award, First
2004 – 2005 Academic Year METU Graduate School Courses Performance Awards
2002 – 2003 Spring Semester High Honor Student (GPA 3.53/4.00)
2002 – 2003 Fall Semester Honor Student (GPA 3.21/4.00)
2001 – 2002 Spring Semester High Honor Student (GPA 3.58/4.00)
Chapter in a Book:
• KATIPOGLU C., “Pre-Modern Architecture in Anatolia” in Encyclopedia of Asian Design vol:3,
London: Bloomsbury Publishing. – IN PUBLISHING PROCESS
• KATIPOĞLU, C., CANER-YÜKSEL, Ç., “Hagia Sophia ‘Museum’: A Humanist Project of the
Turkish Republic”, in Constructing Cultural Identity, Representing Social Power , edited by
Cânâ Bilsel, Kim Esmark, Niyazi Kızılyürek, Olafur Rastrick. - Pisa : Plus-Pisa University Press,
2010, pp.205-226. ISBN: 978-88-8492-734-7
Article in Refereed Journal:
• OZMEN, C. and KATIPOGLU, C. “The Role of Scaled Models and Computer Simulations in
Architectural Education”, International Refereed Journal of Architecture and Design, vol: 2,
issue:4, Spring 2015, pp. 13-24. Doi: 10.17365/TMD.201549620
• KATIPOĞLU, C. “Rethinking Construction and Planning Processes in the Ottoman Provinces”,
in International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, vol: 1, issue: 4, 2013, pp. 70-83, ISBN:
2148-1148, Doi: 10.14486/IJSCS34 (Searched Indexes: CrossRef, Google Scholar, Research Bible,
DRJI, Mendeley, Open Access Journals, Academic Keys, Scientific Indexing Services, Asos, Isam,
Arastirmax and etc.)
• KATIPOĞLU, C. “Two Adjacent ‘Modern’ Buildings: Development of Modern Architecture from
1950’s to 1970’s” in IIB International Refereed Academic Social Science Journal, vol: 3, issue:
5, 2012, pp. 47-59. ISBN: 2146-5886 (Searched Indexes: Ulrichsweb, Ebsco Host, Asos, Proquest,
Index Copernicus International, Ani International Journal Index, Türk Eğitim Index, Arastirmax,
İsam, Akademik Dizin and etc.)
Article in Proceeding Book:
• KATIPOĞLU, C., CANER-YÜKSEL, Ç., “Cumhuriyet’in Politik Simgesi Olarak Ayasofya ‘Müzesi’”,
in The Sixth International Cultural Studies Conference Proceeding Book, Istanbul, Eylul 2011.
KATIPOĞLU, C., UNAY, A.I., “Exploring the Spirit of Sinan’s Domes in the Structural
Fundamentals of Today’s Large Scale Buildings”, in IABSE-IASS, 35th International Symposium
on Bridge and Structural Engineering Proceeding Book, London, September 2011.
KATIPOĞLU, C. “The Corps of the Royal Architects and the Role of the Sinan in the Sixteenth
Century’s Architectural Design Process.” İpekyolu Serial (Special Theme), Konya Kitabı X,
International Symposium Turkish Art and Archeology, in honor of Prof. Dr. Olus ARIK and
Ruçhan ARIK, ed. by H. Karpuz, O. Eravşar, Konya, Aralık 2007. ISBN: 978-9944-60-221-1
CAKICI, S., KATIPOĞLU C., IŞIKOĞLU, M. “Aslanhane Camisi Yapısal Davranışının
Incelenmesi”, Proceedings, Symposium with International Participation on strengthening and
Preserving Historical Buildings and Cultural Heritage – 2, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası,
pp. 237-50 ISBN: 978-9944-89-795-2
Abstract in Proceeding Book:
• KATIPOĞLU C. – “Bosphorus: As a Mise en scene of Sinan’s Mosques in the 16th Century” in
Proceeding Book of XVIIth International Aesthetic Congress, Aesthetics Bridging Cultures,
p. 211, July 2007.
KATIPOĞLU C. – Rereading Nineteenth Century Ottoman Mosque Architecture; Hamidiye and Aziziye
Mosques in the Ottoman Provinces in Proceeding Book of Architectural History Conference/
Turkey I, p. 61, October 2010
ÖZMEN C., KATIPOĞLU C. – ‘Scaled Models and Computer Simulations in Architectural Education:
How Real They Are’ in Proceeding Book of Is It Real International Semiotic Conference, 08-10
October 2013.
Paper Presentation in a Congress:
• KATIPOĞLU, C, - International Symposium Turkish Art and Archeology, the honor of Prof. Dr.
Oluş ARIK and Ruçhan ARIK - Presentation Title: “The Corps of the Royal Architects and the Role of
the Sinan in the Sixteenth Century’s Architectural Design Process.” (April 2007)
KATIPOĞLU, C,– XVIIth International Aesthetic Congress, Aesthetics Bridging Cultures,
Presentation Title: “Bosphorus: As a Mise en Scene of Sinan’s Mosques in the 16th Century”, ( July 2007)
CAKICI, S., KATIPOĞLU C., IŞIKOĞLU, M. - Symposium with International Participation on
Strengthening and Preserving Historical Building and Cultural Heritage – II Presentation Title:
“Aslanhane Camisi Yapısal Davranışının Incelenmesi” (October 2009)
Paper Presentations in a Workshop:
• KATIPOĞLU, C. - “Hagia Sophia ‘Museum’: A Humanist Project of the Turkish Republic”,
presented in Meeting Workshop, in Turku University, Finland, September 2009.
Article in Proceeding Book:
• KATIPOGLU, C. “Sinan’ın Üsküdarı ve Şemsi Ahmet Pasa Külliyesi Üzerine Bir Yorum” (Architect
Sinan’s Uskudar; An Interpretation on Semsi Ahmet Pasha Complex) National Üsküdar
Symposium IV Book, ed. by Ç. Yılmaz, Istanbul 2007. ISBN: 978-9944-5807-3-1
Paper Presentations in a Congress:
• KATIPOGLU, C,– Ege University Art History Students Congress I – Paper Title: Mimar Sinan’ın
Geç Dönem Eserlerine bakış (A view on Architects Sinan’s Late Period Works), (April 2006)
KATIPOGLU, C, November 2006 - National Üsküdar Symposium IV – Paper Title: Sinan’ın
Üsküdari ve Şemsi Ahmet Paşa Külliyesi Üzerine Bir Yorum (Architect Sinan’s Uskudar; An
İnterpretation on Şemsi Ahmet Pasha Complex), (April 2006)
Paper Presentations in a Seminar:
• KATIPOGLU, C,– Sanat Tarihinde Gençler 2007 Semineri, Paper Title: “An Analysis of
Architect Sinan’s Late Period Mosques”, (January 2008)
Poster Presentations:
• TABIBI, B., KATIPOGLU, C,– “Ankara’nın Dönüşüm Sürecinde İki Yapı; Moda ve Soysal
Pasajları”, in Docomomo Bursa, (December 2008)
TABIBI, B., YAVUZ E, KATIPOGLU, C,– “Armağan ve Koç Pasajları Üzerinden Atatürk
Bulvarı’nın Yeniden Okunması ”, in Docomomo Diyarbakır, (November 2009)
UÇAR, A., ÖRMECİOĞLU, H. T., ER AKAN, A., KATİPOĞLU, C. - Antalya Adalet Sarayı, in
Docomomo Mersin, (December 2011)
• September 2014 - Continue Instructor Dr. in Department of Interior Architecture and
Environmental Design, in Atılım University.
October 2013 - July 2014 Part-Time Instructor in Department of Architecture, in Çankaya
December 2004 – October 2013 Research Assistant in Department of Architecture, in Middle East
Technical University.
January 23-26, 2006 Teaching seminar , course on ‘Formation of Urban Structure’ in the Faculty of
Planning University of Dortmund- Universitat Dortmund Germany on the topic of “Reading the
Jansen Plan on the Development of the Turkish Architecture During 20 th Century” within
“ERASMUS Teaching Staff Mobility Programme”
November 29-30, 2008 Çuhadaroğlu
Istanbul - Reporter
March 2007- December 2008, Research assistantship in the Scientific Research Project (BAP); A
Research on the West Anatolia; Survey of the Ruins of Çeşme Castle District, coordinated by
Prof. Dr. Jale Erzen.
January 2008 – December 2009, Research assistantship in the Scientific Research Project (BAP); The
Interactions between Anatolia and Syria: The Formation of Built Environment on the Silk
Road. coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Uzay PEKER
March 2009 – March 2010 Junior Member (as a PhD Student) of, Network of
Excellence (Creating Links and Innovative Overviews for a New History Research Agenda for the
Citizens of a Growing Europe), the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Union.
June – September 2010 Independent Assessor in CFCU (Central Finance and Contracts Unit) for
European Union Project ''Civil Society Dialogue-II: Culture and Arts Grant Scheme''
(Bağımsız Değerlendiricilik; Sivil Toplum Diyaloğu –II. Kültür ve Sanat Hibe Programı)
(CFCU/TR0703.01–01 - EuropeAid/129636/D/ACT/TR).
October 2010 – January 2011 Independent Assessor in CFCU (Central Finance and Contracts Unit)
for European Union Project ''Civil Society Facility EU- Turkey Intercultural Dialogue:
Culture and Arts Grant Scheme'' (Bağımsız Değerlendiricilik; Sivil ToplumHizmeti: AB-Türkiye
Architecture Student Competition, Museum Ports, Haliç,
Kültürlerarası Diyalog: Kültür
Edited Books:
• Proceeding Book - Spaces/Times/Peoples, Identity, Sense of Belonging and Architectural History,
published by Homer Yayınevi; in progress.
Proceeding Book - Spaces/Times/Peoples, Patronage and Architectural History, published by Homer
Yayınevi; in progress.
Symposium and Conference Organizations:
• International Aesthetics Congress, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Kültür Kongre Merkezi, Ankara,
June 2007 -Assistant
International Doctorate Research Symposium V , Spaces/Times/Peoples , Identity, Sense of Belonging
and Architectural History, METU Graduate Program in Architectural History, Ankara, December 24
– 25, 2007 – Organization Committee
International Doctorate Research Symposium VI , Spaces/Times/Peoples, Patronage and
Architectural History, METU Graduate Program in Architectural History, Ankara, December 3 – 4,
2009 – Organization Committee
International Doctorate Research Symposium VII , Spaces/Times/Peoples , City and Architectural
History, METU Graduate Program in Architectural History, Ankara, December 1 – 2, 2011 –
Organization Committee
International Doctorate Research Symposium VIII , Spaces/Times/Peoples , Domesticity, Dwelling and
Architectural History, METU Graduate Program in Architectural History, Ankara, December 12 – 13,
2013- Organization Committee
Atılım Unv, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design as Instructor Dr (2014
September- Continue)
• ICM 111- Technical Drawing I
• ICM 201- Interior Design Studio I
• GTM 058 – Philosophy of Design (Elective Course)
Çankaya Unv, Department of Architecture as Part-Time Instructor (2013 September- 2014 June)
• Arch 201-202-301-302 – Architectural Design Studio III, IV, V, VI
• Arch 104 – Architectural History- I
• Arch 225 - Architectural History- II
• Arch 204 – Architectural History- III
METU (ODTÜ) Department of Architecture as Research Assistant (2004 December-2013 September)
• Arch 111- Introduction to Architectural Concepts
• Arch 221- History of Art and Architecture- I
• Arch 222 - History of Art and Architecture- II
• Arch 321 - History of Art and Architecture- III
Arch 301-302 - Architectural Design Studio – V, VI
Arch 190 – Summer School (internship for first year students), Health Center Construction in Hisar
Village, Kırıkkale, restoration in Erzurum Mahallesi-Ankara.
AH 526 – Studies in Art History (Graduate Course by Prof Dr. J. Erzen)
AH 514 – Aesthetics and Criticism II (Graduate Course by Prof Dr. J. Erzen)
AH 601 – Critical Review in Architectural History (Graduate Course)

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1. Adı Soyadı: Leyla TANAÇAN 2. Doğum Tarihi: Bursa, 1960 3

1. Adı Soyadı: Leyla TANAÇAN 2. Doğum Tarihi: Bursa, 1960 3 and IGIP (G. Sağlamer, A. Melezinek, S. İncecik (Hrsg)), ISBN:3-88064-289-3, s. 322-327, İstanbul, 20-24 September 1999. Taş, E., L. Tanaçan ve H. Yaman, “Building Material Information Systems on ...


Prof. Dr. HALİL KARADENİZ - İstanbul Esenyurt Üniversitesi

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