Songs (book) -


Songs (book) -
The song is about one of the Polish folk dances
- “polka” and it invites people to dance.
Oj, zagrajta nam poleczkę
Poleczkę, poleczkę
Oj, potańcujem troszeczkę
Oj, potańcujem troszeczkę
Oj, zagrajta nam poleczkę
Oj, potańcujem troszeczkę
Dobra poleczka, bo skoczna
Bo skoczna, bo skoczna
Ale najlepsza z Opoczna
Ale najlepsza z Opoczna
Dobra poleczka, bo skoczna
Ale najlepsza z Opoczna
Oj, dobry dzbanek i śklanka
l śklanka, i śklanka
Ale najlepsza tramblanka
Ale najlepsza tramblanka
Oj, dobry dzbanek i śklanka
Ale najlepsza tramblanka
Play us “polka”,
And we will dance a little.
“Polka” is good because
It is lively.
The best “polka”
Is from Opoczno.
The best “polka”
Is tramblanka.
The song is about a fussy young man looking for a girl to marry. The following
verses are about boys who foolishly try to impress girls with money, clothes or
good looks. The last line says “Ask the cuckoo, it will tell you that the richest
boy is the clever boy”.
Kukułecka kuka
Chłopiec panny suka
Spozira przebira
I nosa zadzira
Kuku kuku
Aaha aaha
Łodiridi łodiridi dyna
Łodiridi dyna u ha !
Kuku kuku
Aaha aaha
Łodiridi łodiridi dyna
Łodiridi dyna u ha !
Chłopcy moje chłopcy
W co wy to dufacie
Cy to w te surduty
Co po jednym macie
Kuku kuku
Aaha aaha
Łodiridi łodiridi dyna
Łodiridi dyna u ha !
Kuku kuku
Aaha aaha
Łodiridi łodiridi dyna
Łodiridi dyna u ha !
Poznać Ci to poznać
Chłopca fanfarona
Choć pusto w kieszeni
Głowa najizona
Kuku kuku
Aaha aaha
Łodiridi łodiridi dyna
Łodiridi dyna u ha !
Kuku kuku
Aaha aaha
Łodiridi łodiridi dyna
Łodiridi dyna u ha !
Kukułecka kuka
Serce we mnie puka
Głupi ten kawalir
Co z majuntkiem suka
Kuku kuku
Aaha aaha
Łodiridi łodiridi dyna
Łodiridi dyna u ha !
Kuku kuku
Aaha aaha
Łodiridi łodiridi dyna
Łodiridi dyna u ha !
Pytaj dla kukułki
Łona wam łodpowie
Że ten najbogatszy
Co ma dobrze w głowie
Kuku kuku
Aaha aaha
Łodiridi łodiridi dyna
Łodiridi dyna u ha !
Kuku kuku
Aaha aaha
Łodiridi łodiridi dyna
Łodiridi dyna u ha
The cuckoo bird
that you have only one of?
is cuckooing
One can recognize
And a young man
a swagger, young man,
is searching for a girl.
Although his pocket is empty,
his head is bristling.
Coo-coo, coo-coo, aaa-hah, aaa-hah,
Oh – dee – ree - dee, oh – dee – ree
The cuckoo bird is cuckooing,
– dee – dih – nah,
and my heart is pounding,
Ee – dee – ree – ree – dih – nah oo
Stupid is the bachelor
– hah!
who looks for a girl with a fortune.
My young man,
Ask the cuckoo bird
what are you so proud of?
and it will tell you that
These jackets,
the one that is the richest
is the one who has his head on
The song is about the main and the longest river in Poland – the Vistula.
Płynie Wisła, płynie
Po polskiej krainie,
Zobaczyła Kraków, pewnie go nie minie.
Zobaczyła Kraków,
Wnet go pokochała,
A w dowód miłości wstęgą opasała.
Chociaż się schowała
W Niepołomskie lasy,
I do morza wpada, płynie jak przed czasy.
Płynie Wisła płynie,
Po polskiej krainie,
A dopóki płynie Polska nie zaginie.
The Vistula flows all around Poland
And while it flows, Poland will never disappear.
She saw Krakow and loved it instantly.
Although she hid in Niepolomskie Forests and emptied into the Sea,
she keeps flowing.
The lyrics tell a touching story of a young boy whose quail ran away onto a
field of millet. The boy wanted to chase her barefoot, but needed to ask his
mother whether he was allowed to catch the bird or not.
Uciekła mi przepióreczka w proso,
a ja za nią nieboraczek boso,
trzeba mi się pani matki spytać,
czy pozwoli przepióreczkę schwytać.
Chwytajże ją mój syneczku, chwytaj,
tylko jej się pióreczek nie tykaj,
trza zastawić mój syneczku sieci,
to ci sama przepióreczka wleci.
My quail ran away onto a field of millet,
And I am trying to catch her.
I must ask my mum if I can catch the quail.
Catch her, my son, catch her,
But don’t touch her feathers.
You need to lay a trap
And the quail will fly into it.
A nonsense song, which gets longer with every line. Very popular in Bavaria.
Drunt’ in da greana Au
Was is an dem Blattl?“
Steht a Birnblaum schee blau juchhe
„A wunderscheens Nest“
Drunt in da greana Au
Steht a Birnbaum schee blau.
„Was is in dem Nest?“
„A wunderscheens Oar“
„Wos is an dem Baum?“
„A wunderscheena Ast“
„Was is in dem Oar?“
„A wunderscheens Vogerl“
Ast am Baum – Baum in der Au
Drunt in da greana Au...
„Was is an dem Vogerl?“
„A wunderscheens Federl“
„Was is an dem Ast?“
„A wundascheena Zweig“
„Was wird aus dem Federl?“
Zweig am Ast – Ast am Baum
„A wunderscheens Betterl“
– Baum in da Au
„Wer liegt in dem Betterl?“
„Was is an dem Zweig?“
„A wunderscheena Bua“
„A wunderscheens Blattl“
„Wer liegt bei dem Buam?“
„A wunderscheens Maderl“
Down on the green meadow
“What’s on this leaf?”
Grows a blue peartree - juchhe
“A beautiful bird’s nest”
Down on the green meadow
Grows a blue peartree - juchhe
“What’s in this bird’s nest?”
“A beautiful egg”
“What’s on this tree?”
“A beautiful bough”
“What’s in this egg?”
“A beautiful bird”
bough on the tree – tree on the meadow
Down on the green meadow …
“What’s on this bird?”
“A beautiful feather”
“What’s on this bough?”
“A beautiful twig”
“What made out of this feather?”
Twig on the bough – bough on the tree
– tree on the meadow
“A beautiful bed”
“Who lies in this bed?”
“What’s on this twig?”
“A beautiful boy”
“A beautiful leaf”
“Who lies next to this boy?”
“A beautiful girl”
Another nonsense song which plays with popular wisdom, funny words
and the change between a two-four time and a three-four time.
That is a popular dance in Bavaria which is called “Zwiefacher”.
It is not easy to dance!
Leut, Leut, Leutl müßt’s lustig sein,
derft’s, derft’s derft’s ja net traurig sein;
denn, denn denn mit der
kimmt, kimmt, kimmt man
net weit
Es, Es, Es Ce Ha Schubkarrnradl
s’Deandl, s’Deandl,
s’Deandl hat glei
gar koane Wadl
Es, Es, Es Ce Ha
So, so, so wia da Acker is
So, so grad a so san de Ruam,
Wadl kriagt’s erst morgn
so, so, so wia da Vatter is,
so, so san a de Buam.
Heit, heit, heit gehen ma gar net hoam
Hockt, hockt, hockt de schwarz Katz
So, so so wia di Muatta is,
so so, so san de Deandl gwiß
Schaugt, schaugt, schaugt wia da Teifi
oft, oft oft sans no scheena heit
Trau, trau, trau mi net z’haus.
Geht’s, geht’s, geht’s Buama gehen ma
Was, was, was nutzt des Ummaloan,
was, was, was nutzt
des Ummasteh
und, und, und halb so gscheit.
hoam, hoam hoam
miass ma geh.
Folks, folks, folks let’s be happy now
W – W – W – H - Wheelbarrow
Don’t, don’t, don’t be so sad
The girl, the girl, the girl’s got no calves
‘cause, ‘cause, ‘cause with sadness
W – W – W – H - Wheelbarrow
You don’t, don’t, don’t get far.
‘s going to get calves tomorrow
As good as the field is,
the turnip will be.
Today, today, today we won’t go home
As good as the father is,
There’s, there’s, there’s the black cat at
the son will be.
Looks, looks, looks like the devil
Don’t, don’t, don’t dare to go home.
As good as the mother is,
the daughter will be.
Well, well, well boys now let’s go home,
Oft, oft, oft they are more beautiful
There’s, there’s there’s no use standing
But, but, but half as wise.
There’s, there’s, there’s no use kicking
our heels
Now, now, now let’s go home.
A song about the joy of sledging - a very popular sport in Upper Bavaria
- the joy of crashing and going up again.
Heit gehn ma auf`d Höh auffi Schlittnreitn
Da saus ma gschwind abi über’d Schinderleitn
Hollariadei, diriadei di-o
Fahrst du mit an Schuss über’s Bichei aba
Bei der Reib schmeißt’s di gern von deim Schlittn aba
Da reißt’s di hint umi und’d Haxn auf’d Höh
Es steckt di glei eini mit Kopf tiaf in‘n Schnee
Aber mach da nix draus, du kimmst scho wieda auf
Nacha sitz’d wieda auffi und passt halt guat auf
Let´s go sledging today in the mountains
We’re racing down the hill
Hollariadei diriadei, di-o
You’re going straightforward down the hill
At the bend it tears you off your sledge
You go helter - skelter upside down headed deep
into the snow
But don’t worry, you will get up again
So sit up and be careful next time
This song is sung by farmhands, who usually are kept short and dream about
food and entertainment. They never get meat.
Was is heit für a Tag
Heit is Montag
Heit is Knödltag
Wenn alle Montag Knödltag wäre,
wär’n ma lustige Leit
Was is heit für a Tag
Heit is Dienstag
Heit is Nudltag
Wenn alle Montag Knödltag,
Dienstag Nudltag wäre,
wär’n ma lustige Leit.....
Mittwoch - Strudltag
Donnerstag – Krauttag
Freitag - Fasttag
Samstag – Zahltag
Sonntag - Lumpntag
What day is today?
Today is Monday
Today is dumpling-Day
If all Mondays were dumpling days
We would be happy people
What day is today
Today is Tuesday
Today is Noodle-Day
If all Mondays were dumpling days,
Tuesdays Noodle-Days
We would be happy people…
Wednesday – Pie-day
Thursday – Kraut-day
Friday – Fasting-Day
Saturday – Pay-day
Sunday – Rascal-Day
Uzun ince bir yoldayim
Kırk dokuz yıl bu yollarda,
Gidiyorum gündüz gece
Ovada, dağda, çöllerde,
Bilmiyorum ne haldeyim
Düşmüşüm gurbet ellerde,
Gidiyorum gündüz gece
Gidiyorum gündüz gece.
Dünyaya geldiğim anda
Düşünülürse derince
Yürüdüm ayni zamanda
Irak görünür görünce
İki kapili bir handa
Yol bir dakka miktarınca
Gidiyorum gündüz gece
Gidiyorum gündüz gece
Uykuda dahi yürüyom
Şaşar veysel iş bu hale
Kalmaya sebep arıyom
Gah ağlaya gah güle
Gidenleri hep görüyom
Yetişmek için menzile
Gidiyorum gündüz gece
Gidiyorum gündüz gece.
( Aşık Veysel Şatıroğlu )
Actually , when we look at the lyrics we see that he (Aşık Veysel Şatıroğlu;
shortly Aşık Veysel) told, or explained the life. When he was a little child , at the
age of seven (in 1903), an illness took away his visual ability, he became blind.
After that, his father was so sad and bought him a “bağlama” (Turkish folk
instrument). He studied and trained with the famous minstrels, but he was in
darkness all the time. He got married at the age of 25 but his wife left him for
someone else after two years. Then in his second marriage he had six children.
He lived his life in a poor way but after years the goverment accepted his art
and gave him a salary with a special law. As his life passed away with many
difficulties, he wrote this song to summarize it with similitudes.
I'm on a long and narrow road
On my way morning and night
I don't know what state I’m in
I’m on my way morning and night
From the moment i came into this world
Began walking at the same time
In a place with 2 doors
I'm on my way morning and night
If ever it is thought of in depth
It'll seem far away when it's seen
The path is worth one minute in quantity
I’m on my way morning and night
Veysel is confused at the state of this....
Some laugh and some cry
To reach upto the place of object (the goal)
I’m on my way morning and night…
( Aşık Veysel Şatıroğlu )
Çanakkale içinde vurdular beni
Ölmeden mezara koydular beni
Of gençliğim eyvah
Çanakkale köprüsü dardır geçilmez
Al kan olmuş suları bir tas içilmez
Of gençliğim eyvah
Çanakkale içinde aynalı çarşı
Anne ben gidiyorum düşmana karşı
Of gençliğim eyvah
Çanakkale içinde bir dolu testi
Anneler babalar ümidi kesti
Of gençliğim eyvah
Çanakkale'den çıktım yan basa basa
Ciğerlerim çürüdü kan kusa kusa
Of gençliğim eyvah
Çanakkale içinde sıra söğütler
Altında yatıyor aslan yiğitler
Of gençliğim eyvah
Çanakkale'den çıktım başım selamet
Anafarta'ya varmadan koptu kıyamet
Of gençliğim eyvah
One of the heroism of the people of Anatolia was turned into epic in Çanakkale
wars fronts. They gave a hard struggle in impossibilities, and proved that they
would do many things for their independence if need. The reason of the
thousands of exciting for this war was that many volunteer soldiers from all
parts of the country joined and fought. This song is about them.
They shot me in Gallipoli
Alas, my youth!
They put me under while I was alive
I got out of Gallipoli on my toes
Alas, my youth!
My lungs have been rotted from
Gallipoli bridge is narrow it can't be
vomitting blood
Alas, my youth!
Its water has turned to red blood, it can't
Lined up willow trees in Gallipoli
be drunk
Couragous heroes are lying under them
Alas, my youth!
Alas, my youth!
Bazaar with mirrors in Gallipoli
I got out of Gallipoli I'm safe
Mother, I'm going towards the enemy
All hell broke loose before I could make
Alas, my youth!
it to Sulva
A full jug in Gallipoli
Alas, my youth!
Parents have given up hope
Sular durulur derler
Suların akışına
Güzel sorulur derler
Ben yandım bakışına
Yari gönlünde ara
Seni merhem dediler
Arayan bulur derler
Sinemin yarasına
Oy ninnoşum ninnoşum
Oy ninnoşum ninnoşum
Ben sana vurulmuşum
Ben sana vurulmuşum
Eller almış yarini
Eller almış yarini
Ben yarsızım bir hoşum
Ben yarsızım bir hoşum
(Faik Okutken-Ahmet Yamacı)
This song is about love but singer is in pain. He loves a woman, that woman
has just lost her love and she is free. Singer calls and wants her to be
a medicine for his heart, a real lover. So he invites her for love.
They say the waters get calm,
They say beautiful one is asked,
Look for the lover in your heart,
They say the caller finds.
To the flowing of water,
I am burned by your glance,
They said for you, she is a medicine,
For the wound inside me.
Oy my little, little,
I fell in love with you,
Others got your lover,
I have no one, I am weird.
Oy my little, little,
I fell in love with you,
Others got your lover,
I have no one, I am weird.
(Faik Okutken-Ahmet Yamacı)
Gurbeti mesken mi tuttun
Bayramdan bayrama
Gittin beni de unuttun
Bayramdan bayrama
Belki başka yarda buldun
Gurbet seni benden aldı
Bir selam gönder bari
Dileklerim dünde kaldı
Bayramdan bayrama
En olmaz yaramda azdı
Bayramdan bayrama
Bir fatiha oku bari
Bayramdan bayrama
Ne yazarsın ne çizersin
Yollar ırak der geçersin
Gel desemde gelemezsin
Cemalin göster bari
(Kazım Birlik)
This song tells the lovers in different lands. Singer says to his/her lover that
“you left me, you went away, may be you found someone but don’t forget me,
send your greeting at least, pray for me at least.” “Only remember me at feast
time at least, this is enough for me”. These lyrics are sad, like a wail.
Did you hire otherlands housing,
Show your beautiful face at least,
Maybe you’re gone and forgot me,
From one feast to another,
Maybe you got someone else.
From one feast to another.
Send a greeting at least,
From one feast to another,
From one feast to another.
Otherlands took you away from me,
My wishes stayed at yesterday,
My little wound grew up,
Say one's prayers at least
Even you don’t write me,
You say roads are too far,
You don’t come,even I call you,
From one feast to another.
(Kazım Birlik)
Astro del ciel, Pargol divin, mite Agnello Redentor!
Tu che i Vati da lungi sognar, tu che angeliche voci nunziar,
luce dona alle menti, pace infondi nei cuor!
Astro del ciel, Pargol divin, mite Agnello Redentor!
Tu di stirpe regale decor, Tu virgineo, mistico fior,
Luce dona alle menti, pace infondi nei cuor!
Astro del ciel, Pargol divin, mite Agnello Redentor!
Tu disceso a scontare l'error, Tu sol nato a parlare d'amor,
Luce dona alle menti, pace infondi nei cuor!
We have choosen three typical religious songs of Christmas time; they speak
of Jesus Christ’s birth, Who came on the Earth to save us from our sins.
His huge Love for us spreads around Peace and Grace.
Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright
Round youn Virgin, Mother and Child,
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly Peace, sleep in heavenly peace.
In notte placida, pel muto sentier,
Se l'aura è gelida, se tenebr'è il ciel,
dai campi dei cieli discese l'Amor,
deh, viene al mio cuor, deh, viene a
all'alme fedeli il Redentor.
Nell'aura è il palpito di un grande mister
ti vo' col mio amore riscaldar.
nel nuovo Israel è nato il Signor,
Se il fieno è rigido, se il vento è crudel
il fiore più bello dei nostri cuor!
un cuore che t'ama qui puoi trovar,
un'alma che brama te riscaldar.
Cantate, popoli, gloria all'Altissimo:
l'animo aprite a speranze d'amor! (2v.)
Cantate, popoli...
In quiet night, along lonely path
From fields of the Heaven, Love comes
From fields of the Heaven, Love comes
Of our souls, Faithful friends
The Redeemer
In the air is the beat of a great Mistery
From New Israel, Our God was born
The most beautiful flower
Of all
Let’s sing together Glory to our God,
open your souls to Hope and Love
Tu scendi dalle stelle,
A Te che sei del mondo
o Re del cielo,
il creatore
e vieni in una grotta
mancano panni e fuoco,
al freddo al gelo,
o mio Signore,
e vieni in una grotta
mancano panni e fuoco,
al freddo al gelo.
o mio Signore.
O Bambino mio divino,
Caro eletto pargoletto
io ti vedo qui tremar.
quanto questa povertà
O Dio beato,
più m’innamora
ah quanto ti costò
giacché ti fece amor
l’avermi amato.
povero ancora,
ah quanto ti costò
giacché ti fece amor
l’avermi amato.
povero ancora.
You come from the stars
Oh King of the sky
And come in a cave
In an icy night
Oh my child, Holy Child
How much this poverty
Let me Love you
And how much cost to you
Your Love for me…