Instructors: SOS 309 Sema Akboğa Ext: 1638 Pelin Aksoy Osman


Instructors: SOS 309 Sema Akboğa Ext: 1638 Pelin Aksoy Osman
Hist. 302-Spring 2011
SOS 309
Ext: 1638
Sema Akboğa
Pelin Aksoy
Osman Şahin
SOS 305
Ext: 1816
Nazan Albayrak
H. Yener Erköse
SOS 314
Ext: 1579
Pelin Ünsal
Efe Baysal
Eda Daloğlu
History 302 History of the Turkish Revolution
Spring 2011
This course aims to provide an understanding of important turning points in the history of
Turkish Republic. It covers a long period starting from the early Republican times up until
today. Throughout the semester, the major transformations in Turkish political and social life
are going to be analyzed with references to the international context. With this goal in mind,
this course offers a fine selection of weekly readings. It was designed in such a way that the
readings and class discussions will enable the students to understand better contemporary
issues in Turkish political and social life.
Course Requirements:
-- mid-term exam: 35%
-- final exam: 35%
In-Class Evaluation
-- Participation (not equal to attendance): 7 points
-- Pop quizzes and In-Class Activities: 18 points
-- Presentation: 5 points
1- Presentation: Each student is expected to do a research on an issue which will be assigned
by his / her instructor. Students will form groups of 2 to 3 people. They will have a group
presentation where each student presents their own work. Further instructions regarding the
presentations will be given in class.
2- In-Class Activities: Students are required to participate in the discussions on the materials
which are going to be provided by the instructor in oral and/or written forms during class.
The activities are going to be formulated around the materials, including primary sources,
documents, short readings, pictures, films etc.
1 Hist. 302-Spring 2011
Grading Scale
(A) 100-92
(A-) 91-89
(B+) 88-86
(B) 85-83
(B-) 82-80
(C+) 79-76
(C) 75-73
(C-) 72-70
(D+) 69-65
(D) 64-60
(F) 59<
If you miss more than 9 sessions with or without medical excuse, you will fail the course.
Students lose all points (including attendance, participation, quiz points and in class
activity points etc.) for the sessions they do not attend.
Students who have less than 60 points in both the mid-term and the final exams will
automatically fail.
Students who are late for class for more than 15 minutes are going to be considered
absent for that day.
The readings are electronically available at: 302&searchscope=8
For further information on this matter please see Feriha Kayacan at Suna Kıraç
Library. In the examinations, students will be responsible for the material covered in
both the lectures and the readings. It is required that students do not miss the exams. In case of illness, a valid medical
excuse has to be submitted within one week of absence.
Academic Honesty: Please refer to p. 60 of the general catalogue.
2 Hist. 302-Spring 2011
APPENDIX: Heper, M. and Criss, N. B. (2009). Historical Dictionary of Turkey.
Lanham Maryland: Scarecrow Press, pp. xxxi-lxvi, 344-347, 349-354.
Week 1
14-16 February / 15-17 February
Introduction: The Emergence of Modern Turkey and Reforms: 1923-1930
Consolidation of the new Regime, People’s Party, Population Exchange, Nation-Building
Process, Progressive Republican Party, Sheikh Said Rebellion, Reforms
Turan, I. (1984). “Ataturk’s Reforms as a Nation and State Building Process.” South Eastern
Europe/L’Europe du Sud-Est, 11:169-189.
Zürcher, E. (2004). “Institution Building in the Kemalist Republic: The role of the People's
Party,” in Touraj Atabaki and Erik Jan Zürcher (eds.), Men of order: Authoritarian
Modernization under Atatürk and Reza Shah, London: I.B. Tauris, pp: 98-112.
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004). “Arayış Yılları.” 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve Türkiye Tarihi,
Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı, pp: 91-95.
Week 2
21-23 February / 22-24 February
Single Party Era, Kemalism, Nation-State Building, Economy
Single Party Regime, Six Arrows, Nation-Building Process, Turkification:1920-1938,
Economy: Izmir Economy Congress/Etatism/SEEs/TMO
Çagaptay, S. (2006). “Kemalism Par Excellence in the 1930s: The Rise of Turkish
Nationalism.” Islam, Secularism and Nationalism in Modern Turkey: Who is a Turk? London:
Routledge, pp: 41-64.
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004). “Mercek Halkevleri.” 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve Türkiye
Tarihi, Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı, pp: 144-145.
Boratav, K. (2008). “II. Açık Ekonomi Koşullarında Yeniden İnşa: 1923-1929.” 1908-2005
Türkiye İktisat Tarihi, Ankara: İmge Kitabevi, pp: 39-57.
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004). “Yeni Düzen.” 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve Türkiye Tarihi.
Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı, pp: 106-107.
Pamuk, S. (2000). "Intervention during the Great Depression: Another Look at Turkish
Experience," in Ş.Pamuk & J.G.Williamson (eds.), The Mediterranean Response to
Globalization Before 1950, London: Routledge, pp: 321-338.
Week 3
28 Feb-2 March / 1-3 March
Turkey and the World in Transition
Turkish Foreign Policy 1923-1939: Peace at home peace abroad, Regional Alliances, Turkish
Foreign and Domestic Policy during the Second World War: Active Neutrality, National
Defense Law, Agricultural Products Tax, Wealth Tax and Land Law.
3 Hist. 302-Spring 2011
Ahmad, F. (2004). “The Historical Background of Turkey’s Foreign Policy,” in L.Martin and
D. Keridis (eds.), The Future of Turkish Foreign Policy, Cambridge: Harvard University
Press, pp: 9-23.
Altunışık, M. B. (2005). “Turkey in World Affairs.” Turkey, Challenges of Continuity and
Change, New York: Routledge, pp: 94-102.
Mango, A. (2004). “State Before Nation 1938-1945.” The Turks Today, London: John
Murray, pp: 24-38.
Karpat, K. (1973). “The Social Classes and Wartime Developments.” Social Change and
Politics in Turkey: A Structural-Historical Analysis, Leiden: Brill, pp. 98-133.
Akar, R. (2000).“Parseh Gevrekyan’la Görüşme.” Aşkale Yolcuları-Varlık Vergisi ve
Çalışma Kampları İstanbul: Belge Yayınları.
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004). “Diktatörlükler.” 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve Türkiye Tarihi,
Istanbul:Tarih Vakfı, pp: 111-117.
Week 4
7-9 March / 8-10 March
From Single-Party to Multi-Party Era, 1946-1960
Transition to Multi-party Era 1945-1950: Liberalization in Relation to the World Context,
Democrat Party: 1950-1960-Politics and Society, Popular Will
Yılmaz, H. (1997). “Democratization from Above in Response to the International Context.”
New Perspectives on Turkey, 17: 1-38.
Ahmad, F. (1977). “The Menderes Era 1950-60.” The Turkish Experiment in Democracy
1950-1975, Colorado: Westview Press, pp: 35-76.
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004). “Yeni Bir Uluslar arası Düzen.” 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve
Türkiye Tarihi, Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı, pp: 153-157.
Week 5
14-16 March / 15-17 March
Economy and Foreign Policy during DP Era
Democrat Party: 1950-1960 Economy, Turkish Foreign Policy (1950-1964): Korean War,
NATO, Johnson Letter, Cuban Missile Crisis.
Ahmad, F. (1977). “The Economy under the Democrat Party.” The Turkish Experiment in
Democracy 1950-1975, Colorado: Westview Press, pp: 122-147.
Sunar, İ. (2005). “Demokrat Parti ve Populizm,” in H. Erel et al. (eds.), Cumhuriyet
Ansiklopedisi 1923-2000, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, pp: 2076-2086.
Ahmad, F. (2004). “The Historical Background of Turkey’s Foreign Policy,” in L.Martin and
4 Hist. 302-Spring 2011
D. Keridis (eds.), The Future of Turkish Foreign Policy, Cambridge: Harvard University, pp:
Altunışık, M. B. (2005). “Turkey in World Affairs.” Turkey, Challenges of Continuity and
Change, New York: Routledge, pp: 102-106.
Karpat, K. (1972). “Political Developments in Turkey, 1950-70.” Middle Eastern Studies, 8:
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004). “İki Kutuplu Dünya.” 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve Türkiye
Tarihi, Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı, pp: 163-167.
Week 6
21-23 March / 22-24 March
27 May Coup and 1961 Constitution
1960 Military Coup, 1961 Constitution (Comparison to 1924 Constitution)
C.H. Dodd. (1969). “Chapter 8: The Turkish Constitution.” Politics and Government in
Turkey, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp: 20-51.
C.H. Dodd. (1969). “Chapter 3: Revolution and Republic.” Politics and Government in
Turkey, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp: 107-127.
Week 7
28-30 March / 29-31 March----EXAM WEEK
31 March 2011 Mid-Term Exam
Week 8
11-13 April / 12-14 April
Presentation Week
Week 9
18-20 April / 19-21 April
Problems of Pluralism and Democracy
1960-1980 Politics and Society, Justice Party, Coalitions, Political Instability, 71 Ultimatum,
72 Constitutional Amendments.
Zürcher, E. (2003). “The Second Turkish Republic 1960-1980.” Turkey: A Modern History,
London: I.B. Tauris, pp: 244-264.
Erten, B. (2007). “Türkiye’de 68,” in T. Bora and M. Guntekingil, (eds.), Modern Türkiye’de
Siyasi Düşünce - Sol, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, pp: 834-846.
Ahmad, F. (1981). “Military Intervention and the Crisis in Turkey.” Turkey: The Generals
Take Over, MERIP Reports, no:93, pp: 5-24.
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004). “1970’lerin Dünyası.” 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve Türkiye
Tarihi, Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı, pp: 223-227.
5 Hist. 302-Spring 2011
Week 10
25-27 April / 26-28 April
Turkish Foreign Policy and Economy 1960-1980
Turkish Foreign Policy 1964-1980: Cyprus Issue, Turkish Economy 1960-1980: ISI (Import
Substituting Industrialization), Oil Crisis
Altunışık, M. B. (2005). “Turkey in World Affairs.” Turkey, Challenges of Continuity and
Change, New York: Routledge, pp: 106-110.
Dodd, C. (2001). “A Living History.” Storm Clouds over Cyprus A Briefing, United
Kingdom: Eothen Press, pp: 7-25.
Koçoğlu, Y. (2003). “1964 Yunan Uyruklularının Sınır Dışı Edilmesi.” Hatırlıyorum:
Türkiye’de Gayri Müslim Hayatlar, İstanbul: Metis Güncel, pp: 114-116.
Koçoğlu, Y. (2003). “Eli Ratapulos ile Röpörtaj.” Hatırlıyorum: Türkiye’de Gayri Müslim
Hayatlar, İstanbul: Metis Güncel, pp. 98-107.
Zulkuf, A. (2005). “The State.” The Political Economy of Turkey, London: Pluto Press, pp.
Boratav, K. (2008). “VII. İçe Dönük, Dışa Bağımlı Genişleme (1962-1976) ve Yeni Bunalım
(1977-1979).” 1908-2005 Türkiye İktisat Tarihi, Ankara: İmge Kitabevi, pp: 39-57.
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004). “Ekonomik Kriz ve Refah Yıllarının Sonu.”20. Yüzyıl
Dünya ve Türkiye Tarihi, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı, pp: 233-237.
Week 11
2-4 May / 3-5 May
1980 Coup and 1982 Constitution
1979 Economic Crisis, 24 January Decisions, 12 September1980, 1982 Constitution,
Restoration of the Civil Regime: 1983-84 Elections.
Altunışık, M. B. (2005). “The Turkish Economy.” Turkey, Challenges of Continuity and
Change, New York: Routledge, pp: 75-79.
Jung, D. and Piccoli, W. (2001). “Chapter 5: Western Integration: The Multi-Party Period.”
Turkey at the Crossroads: Ottoman Legacies and the Greater Middle East, London and New
York: Zed Books, pp: 83-107.
Paul, J. (1981). “The Coup.” Turkey: The Generals Take Over, MERIP Reports, No: 93, pp.34.
Özbudun, E. and Gençkaya, Ö. F. (2009). “The History of Constitution Making in Turkey.”
Democratization and the Politics of Constitution-Making in Turkey, Budapest and New York:
CEU Press, pp: 19-26.
Ahmad, F. (1984). “The Turkish Elections of 1983.” Turkey Under Military Rule , MERIP
Reports, No: 122, pp. 3-11.
Ahmad, F. (1985). “The Transition to Democracy in Turkey.” Third World Quarterly, 7: 211226.
6 Hist. 302-Spring 2011
Week 12
9-11 May / 10-12 May
ANAP, Neo-liberalism and Issues in Turkish Politics (1980’s-90’s)
Motherland Party 1987-1993, Export Oriented Economic Model, Kurdish Issue
Altunışık, M. B. (2005). “Politics in the Turkish Republic.” Turkey, Challenges of Continuity
and Change, New York: Routledge, pp: 42-56.
Aydın, Z. (2005). “The State.” The Political Economy of Turkey, London: Pluto Press, pp:
Bozarslan, H. (2008). “Kurds and the Turkish State,” in R. Kasaba (ed.), The Cambridge
History of Turkey: Turkey in the Modern World, New York: Cambridge University Press, pp:
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004). “Sosyalist Sistemin Sonu.” 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve
Türkiye Tarihi, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı, pp: 263-267.
Week 13
16 May / 17 May
Turkey’s Regional Policies
Turkey-European Union and Middle East
Çelik, Y. (1999). “Ch. 5 Relations with the European Union.” Contemporary Turkish Foreign
Policy, Westport CT: Praeger, pp: 96-116.
Eralp, A. (2004). “Turkey and the European Union,” in L. G. Martin and D. Keridis (eds.),
The Future of Turkish Foreign Policy, Cambridge: Harvard University, pp: 71-82.
Martin, L. G. (2004). “Turkey’s Middle East Foreign Policy,” in L. G. Martin and D. Keridis
(eds.), The Future of Turkish Foreign Policy, Cambridge: Harvard University, pp. 157-189.
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004). “Avrupa Birliği.” 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve Türkiye Tarihi,
İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı, pp: 303-309.
Week 14
23-25 May / 24-26 May
Issues in Turkish Politics
Political Islam and Transformation of Turkish Society
White, J. B. (2008). “Islam and Politics in Contemporary Turkey,” in R. Kasaba (ed.), The
Cambridge History of Turkey: Turkey in the Modern World, New York: Cambridge
University Press, pp: 357-380.
Sevkal, N. (2001). “An Overview of Turkey’s Urbanization,” in D. Lowatt (ed.), Turkey since
1970: Politics, Economics and Society, New York: Palgrave, pp: 77-90.
Aydın, Z. (2009). “De-Agrariazination and De-Peasantization,” in Z. Öniş and F. Şenses
(eds.), Turkey and the Global Economy, New York: Routledge, pp: 223-242.
Alpkaya, G. and Alpkaya, F. (2004).“Yeni Dünya Düzeni.” 20. Yüzyıl Dünya ve Türkiye
Tarihi, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı, pp: 293-299. 7