Sulaimani - 2015-2016-GRT-1-Grade_7-Day-2


Sulaimani - 2015-2016-GRT-1-Grade_7-Day-2
21 DECEMBER 2015
1. This exam consists of 60 multiple-choice test questions; including
15 English, 15 Turkish and 30 Science.
2. Three incorrect answers will cancel out one correct answer.
3. Time allowed is 120 minutes.
4. On the Optic Form your NAME and SURNAME, SCHOOL NAME and
STUDENT ID are pre-coded for you.
5. Mark your gender on the Optic Form; F for FEMALE and M for
6. Mark your answers on the Optic Form, by using soft-tip pencil as
shown in the SAMPLE CODING. Use soft eraser to correct your
7. The blank spaces of booklet are left for you to use as scratch
paper .
8. During the examination, do not use cell phone, calculator, or
Wish you all success
1. Shakar: I have never been to a pop
John:_____________________ .
4. While my brother and I _________
to the supermarket yesterday, we
_________ an accident.
2. My sister isn’t at home at the
moment. She ______________ to a
shopping mall.
A- has been
B- has gone
C- have gone
D- have been
A- were going / had
B- was going / had
C- went / were having
D- is going / had
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
A- Neither have I.
B- So do I.
C- Neither haven’t I.
D- So have I.
3. Choose the correct question tag for
this sentence:
‘I’m starving, _____________?
5. My parents _______________like
flying, but now they do.
A- used to
B- didn’t used to
C- didn’t use to
D- use to
6. The child ___________________ . He
can’t carry that heavy bag.
A- is strong enough
B- isn’t strong enough
C- isn’t enough strong
D- is too strong
A- am I
B- aren’t I
C- are I
D- am not I
7. Look at the picture and choose the
incorrect sentence below.
9. Put the dialogue in the correct order.
8. Look at the picture and choose the
correct option.
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
A- Alex is wearing a plain short-sleeved
B- Sam is wearing a striped shirt.
C- Max is wearing baggy shorts.
D- Andie is wearing high heeled shoes
a. Patient: I’ve hurt my finger.
b. Patient: Will I have to go to the
hospital for that?
c. Doctor: Goodbye.
d. Doctor: Hello. What can I do for you?
e. Patient: Yes, but it’s very painful.
f. Patient: Hello, doctor.
g. Patient: About three days. I closed a
door on it.
h. Doctor: Yes, here you are. Take this
letter to the hospital and they’ll X-ray it
for you.
i. Doctor: How long has it been like
j. Doctor: I see. Well, I think you’ve
probably broken it, so you’ll need an Xray.
k. Doctor: Hmm, yes. It’s a bit swollen.
Can you bend it?
l. Patient: Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.
A- 1f / 2d / 3a / 4i / 5g / 6k / 7e / 8j /
9b / 10h / 11l / 12c
B- 1f / 2l / 3a / 4i / 5b / 6k / 7e / 8j / 9g
/ 10h / 11d / 12c
C- 1f / 2d / 3a / 4i / 5g / 6k / 7e / 8j / 9b
/ 10h / 11l / 12c
D- 1f / 2d / 3a / 4e / 5g / 6h / 7i / 8j /
9b / 10k / 11l / 12c
A- 1 nail / 2 palm / 3 chin / 4 cheek / 5
eyelid / 6 eyebrow
10. Choose the correct option.
You ___________ wear a seatbelt in a
car. The driver ________ stop suddenly.
B- 1 nail / 2 palm / 3 chin /4 cheek /5
eyebrow/ 6 eyelid
C- 1 finger / 2 palm / 3 chin / 4 cheek /
5 eyebrow / 6 eye
A- should / might
B- might / should
C- shouldn’t / might
D- should / might not
D- 1 finger / 2 hand / 3 chin / 4 cheek /
5 eyelid / 6 eyebrow
year for the last twenty-five years,
and says that you need clothes that
are light but warm, like two pairs of
socks and gloves, several thin
sweaters and a snow suit on top.
11. Which word has /ei/ sound?
A were
B- hear
C- jeans
D- famous
He explains that catching the fish
is not difficult, and describes his
technique. First he breaks the ice
and makes a small round hole in it.
Next he takes a fishing line and put
some bread on it. Then he puts the
line through the hole and into the
water. He pulls the line up when the
fish eat the bread, which are
centimetres long.
A- seat
B- leave
C- wheel
D- sit
Answer the ques ons (13, 14, 15)
according to the reading text.
Big Water
Lake Nipissing, which means big
water in the Algonquin language, in
the Canadian province of Ontario, is
a three hour drive north of Toronto
in Canada. At a mean elevation of
196 meters above sea level it is
located between the Ottawa River
and Georgian Bay, and in winter, the
lake becomes ice, and thousands of
Canadian fishermen travel there
each weekend – to fish!
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
12. Which word doesn’t have /i:/
Their method of fishing is a little
unusual. They build little houses of
wood on the ice, which they paint in
bright colours, and then they sit
inside their houses to catch the fish
that swim under the ice.
When he has caught about four
fish, Bob likes to have a break for
some hot chocolate. He says that
some of his friends like to cook and
eat the fish they catch. He feels it’s
a great sport and meets some nice
people, makes some new friends,
and meet some old ones.
13. Choose the best answer.
The fish are usually ______________.
A- 35cm
B- 30cm
C- 25cm
D- 15cm
Bob Marvisch is a regular. He has
been coming here at this time of
14. Which one is FALSE about how the
fishermen catch the fish?
16. Aşağıdaki sporlardan hangisi takım
ile oynanmaz?
A- They sit in boats to catch the fish.
B- They wear light and warm clothes.
C- They build small houses and paint
in bright colours.
D- They break the ice and make a
small hole.
A) Hentbol
B) Voleybol
C) Güreş
D) Futbol
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
“Çok yorgun olduğum için pazardan
……....... geldim.”
17. Aşağıdakilerden boş yere hangisi
A) taksiyle
B) araba ile
C) gemiyle
D) minibüsle
18. Hangi eşleştirme yanlış yapılmıştır?
A) Otobüs - şoför
B) Gemi - kaptan
C) Helikopter-makinist
D) Metro - vatman
15. Which of the following sentences is
FALSE according to Bob?
19. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi top ile
oynanan bir spordur?
A- Ice-fishing is a way of making new
B- It is a great sport.
C- You don’t have the chance to meet
your old friends.
D- It’s a way of meeting nice people.
A) Kayak
B) Koşu
C) Tenis
D) Yüzme
“Bugün Türkiye’ye gitmeliyim.”
23. Aşağıdakilerden hangisinin yazımı
20. Yukarıdaki cümlenin olumsuzu
aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
“……………….. 2010 – 2011 sezonunda 53
golle Messi gol kralı oldu.”
21. Yukarıdaki boşluğa aşağıdakilerden
hangisi gelmelidir?
A) Atletizmde
B) Futbolda
C) Boksta
D) Halterde
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
A) Bugün Türkiye’ye gitmek zorundayım.
B) Bugün Türkiye’ye gitmemeliyim.
C) Bugün Türkiye’ye gitmem lazım.
D) Bugün Türkiye’ye gitmem gerek.
A) Gitmeliyim
B) Okumaliyim
C) Yazmalıyım
D) Gelmemeliyim
“Türkçe sınavından 80 alman
24. Yukarıdaki cümleyle aynı anlama
gelen cümle aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Türkçe sınavından 80 al.
B) Türkçe sınavından 80 alsan güzel olur.
C) Türkçe sınavından 80 almalısın.
D) Türkçe sınavından 80 alırsın.
25. Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi
22. Yukarıdaki boşluklara
aşağıdakilerden hangisi gelmelidir?
A) Kedi
B) Köpek
C) Arı
D) Yılan
A) Futbolcu – Basketbolcu -Boksör
B) Stadyum – Salon – Ring
C) Stadyum – Saha - Minder
D) Kort – Pist – Arena
Çıkardıkları Ses
29. Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi
A) Gemi
B) Tren
C) Bisiklet
D) Feribot
26. Yukarıdaki sporlara uygun fiiller
- deniz yolu
- demir yolu
- kara yolu
- hava yolu
27. Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi
A- Aslan
B- Balık
C- Kuş
D- Zürafa
Yaşadığı Yer
Ormanda yaşar
Denizde yaşar
Yuvada yaşar
Kümeste yaşar
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
A) Sürmek – Binmek - Oynamak
B) Sürmek – Yapmak - Koşmak
C) Binmek – Oynamak – Koşu Yapmak
D) Oynamak – Yapmak – Yarış Yapmak
28. Aşağıdaki sorulardan hangisi
30. “Taksi büyük ama kamyon
......büyük.” Cümlesindeki boş yere
aşağıdakilerden hangisi gelmelidir?
A) Bisiklet motosikletten daha yavaştır.
B) Helikopter hava yolu aracıdır.
C) Tren demir yolu aracıdır.
D) Fayton benzinle çalışır.
A) en
B) az
C) daha
D) pek
31. Cell  K  X  Organ System
34. When large particles, such as wastes,
leave the cell, the cell uses an activetransport process called _______ ?
What do K and X represent above?
32. Larger size, longer life, and
specialization are three advantages to
being a ___________.
A) eukaryote
B) unicellular organism
C) prokaryote
D) multicellular organism
33. The movement of particles from
regions of higher concentration to
regions of lower concentration is
_______ ?
A) Osmosis
B) Diffusion
C) Endocytosis
D) Exocytosis
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
35. What do we call the movement of
water across a semipermeable
A) Hypotonic
B) Osmosis
C) Diffusion
D) Respiration
36. When a bird eats a worm, the worm
is a _______ and the bird is
Choose the correct option.
A) Osmosis
B) Diffision
C) Endocytosis
D) Exocytosis
A- Prey – mutualism
B- predator- prey
C- prey- predator
D- consumer- producer
37. Which of the following is NOT a
prey adaptation?
40. Which of the following is the
correct order in a food chain?
38. The process by which energy moves
through an ecosystem can be
represented by ________________.
Choose the correct option.
A) Food chains
B) Energy pyramids
C) Food webs
D) All of the above
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
A- Camouflage
B- Defensive chemicals
C- Commensalism
D- Warning coloration
39. They are known as nature’s recyclers.
- They remove stored energy from dead
- They produce simple materials such as
water and carbon dioxide.
A- Sun  producers  carnivores 
B- Producers  herbivores  sun 
C- Sun  producers  herbivores 
D- Carnivores  sun  herbivores 
41. Plants use the energy in _________ to
make food.
Choose the correct option.
A- animals
B- sunlight
C- consumers
D- producers
42. Which one is not characteristics of
living things?
Which of the following groups of living
things are described above?
A- Living things have DNA
B- Living things sense and respond to
C- Living things have cells
D- Living things need a host
A- Producers
B- Consumers
C- Decomposers
D- Carnivores
43. What is the function of DNA?
46. Producers can make their food.
-Proteins are made up of smaller
molecules called sugar.
-There are two kinds of carbohydrate
-Phospholipids consists of lipids and tail
How many of them is/are correct?
A- 4
B- 3
C- 2
D- 1
44. What is the main difference
between sexual and asexual
A- Sexual reproduction needs a single
parent but asexual needs two parents
B- Asexual reproduction needs a single
parent but sexual needs two parents
C- Sexual reproduction only needs one
parents but asexual does not need.
D- Both of them do not need parent
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
A- Causes diseases
B- Destroy the harmful cells
C- Controls the structure of cells
D- Controls the stimulus
47. ATP stands for
A- Adenosine diphosphate
B- Adinose diphosphate
C- Adinose triphosphate
D- Adenosine triphosphate
48. Which of the following is incorrect
about prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells ?
45. Which one is not the simplest
necessities of life?
A- Eukaryic cells are bigger than
prokaryotic cells in size
B- Prokaryotic cells are bigger than
eukaryotic cells in size
C- Prokaryotic cells don’t have nucleus
D- Eukaryotic cells have nucleus
A- Water
B- Host
C- Food
D- Air
49. Cells are made up of many parts
Which of the following is not main part
of a cell?
52. Plant cells and animal cells may include
different parts or organelles.
Which of following is not a part or
organelle of animal cells?
A- Ribosome
B- Cell membrane
D- Cytoplasm
A- Mitochondria
B- Cell membrane
C- Vacuole
D- Golgi complex
50. Organelles
membrane or not. According to
information above which of the match is
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
53. What do gravity, sounds, and light
have in common ?
double membrane
Endoplasmic reticulum single membrane
single membrane
double membrane
51. How many of them is/are correct?
I. Golgi complex : transports proteins
and other materials out of the cell.
II. Vacuole : breaks down food to
make ATP
III. Nucleus : controls center of the cell
and contains the cell’s DNA.
IV. Lysosome : makes lipids and breaks
down substances
A- They are necessary for survival.
B- They are characteristics of life.
C- They are experiences all organisms
D- They are examples of stimuli.
54. What is passing genetic traits from
parents to offspring called?
A- homeostasis
B- sexual reproduction
C- heredity
D- metabolism
55. Which of the following are NOT
used by cells for energy storage?
58. How much of the human body is
A- fats
B- oils
C- carbohydrates
D- nucleic acids
A- about 10%
B- about 70%
C- about 50%
D- about 99%
56. The molecule that provides energy
for cellular processes is
D- protein
Roonaki Salahaddin Ayyubi Colleges
59. What molecules form much of the
cell membrane?
57. The subunits of proteins are
A- nucleic acids
B- ATP molecules
C- amino acids
D- phospholipids
60. Where do all cells come from?
A- sugar molecules
B- enzymes
C- amino acids
D- nucleotides
A- animals
B- ponds
C- cells
D- eggs