Alanya ve Çevresinde Bizans Araştırmaları 2004


Alanya ve Çevresinde Bizans Araştırmaları 2004
Alanya ve Çevresinde Bizans Araflt›rmalar› 2004
Byzantine Surveys in and Around Alanya in 2004
Sema DO⁄AN
Antalya ‹li ve ‹lçelerinde Bizans Araflt›rmalar› yüzey
araflt›rmas›n›n 2004 y›l› arazi çal›flmas›, 12.09.2004 21.09.2004 tarihleri aras›nda yap›lm›flt›r. Antalya’n›n
Alanya, Gündo¤mufl ve Gazipafla ‹lçeleri’ne ba¤l› köylerde ve beldelerde sürdürülen çal›flmalarda 19 yerleflimde incelemelerde bulunulmufltur. 2003 y›l›nda Kültür ve Turizm Bakanl›¤›’n›n izniyle, Alanya Arkeoloji
Müzesi’nde Bizans tafl yap›tlar› üzerine çal›flmalar›m›z,
bizi Alanya ve çevresindeki Bizans yerleflim ve yap›lar›na yönlendirmifl, Müze’deki zengin tafl buluntular›n
kullan›m yerlerini araflt›rmaya neden olmufltur. 1998
y›l›ndan bu yana Antalya ve ‹lçelerinde, yo¤un olarak
Likya’da sürdürdü¤ümüz yüzey araflt›rmalar›, 2004 y›l›ndan itibaren Antalya’n›n do¤usunda kalan ilçelerde, özellikle Alanya ve çevresinde sürdürülmeye devam edilmifltir. Amac›m›z Akdeniz k›y›s›ndaki Bizans yerleflim ve
yap›lar› ile mimari bezemelerinin de¤erlendirilmesidir.
The Byzantine surveys in the province and townships of
Antalya were conducted from the 12th to 21st of September in 2004. 19 settlements in Alanya, Gündo¤mufl and
Gazipafla townships, their districts and villages were
surveyed. Our study on the Byzantine materials at the
Alanya Museum in 2003 with the permission issued by
the ministry of Culture and Tourism led us to survey the
Byzantine sites and structures in and around Alanya and
the provenance of the rich materials at the Museum.
Our surveys in the province of Antalya had covered
mainly the Lycian area; however, from 2004, we began
surveying the townships to the east of Antalya city centre and particularly in the township of Alanya. Our aim
is to evaluate the Byzantine settlements, structures and
architectural decoration along the Mediterranean coast.
We have noted and identified military structures such as
castles and watchtowers, civic structures such as bathhouses, olive presses, cisterns etc as well as churches
and chapels during this year’s surveys at 19 settlements,
mainly by Alanya and in the Gündo¤mufl and Gazipafla
Bu y›l öncelikle Alanya olmak üzere Gündo¤mufl ve
Gazipafla ‹lçeleri’nde toplam 19 yerleflimde inceleme
yap›larak Bizans yerleflimlerinde kilise ve flapellerin yan›
s›ra kale, garnizon gibi askeri yap›lar ile hamam, zeytin
iflli¤i, sarn›ç vd. sivil ifllevdeki yap›lar saptanm›flt›r.
The 2004 schedule foresaw the identification of the
unexcavated Byzantine settlements and structures in
and around Alanya; and the documentation of the identified sites is foreseen in the future. A complex by the
coastal road in Türkler district to the west of Alanya
comprises a church, only the apse and south wall of
which remain standing, and wall remains to its north
extending to the north and west. Such walls around the
church suggest the possible presence of a monastery.
The masonry of alternating rows of brick and stone, and
the potshards on the surface display Early Byzantine features. A large pit in the middle of the naos is evidence
of recent illegal excavations.
2004 y›l› çal›flma program›, Alanya ve çevresinde kaz›
yap›lmayan Bizans yerleflim ve yap›lar›n›n saptanmas›n›,
önümüzdeki y›llarda ise belirlenen yap›larda kapsaml› çal›fl›larak belgelenmesini hedef alm›flt›r. Alanya’n›n
bat›s›nda, Türkler Beldesi’nde, k›y› yol fleridinin kenar›nda yer alan yap› kompleksi, do¤uda apsis duvar› ile
naosun güney duvar›n›n k›smen ayakta oldu¤u bir kilise
ile kuzeyinde, bat›ya ve kuzeye do¤ru devam eden
duvar kal›nt›lar› içermektedir. Kilisenin çevresindeki
mekanlara iliflkin bu duvarlar, olas›l›kla burada bir
manast›r›n varl›¤›na iflaret eder. Kilisenin güney duvar›n›n almafl›k tekni¤i ile yüzeyde görülen seramik buluntular Erken Bizans özellikleri tafl›maktad›r. Kilisenin
naosunun ortas›nda aç›lm›fl büyük bir çukur, kaçak kaz›
yap›ld›¤›n› ortaya koymaktad›r.
In the Konakl› district, between Alanya and Türkler, on
the top and slopes of the middle of the three hills on the
coastal side of the road there are square/ quadrangular
structures and an olive press, evidence of a settlement
Alanya ile Türkler aras›nda Konakl› Beldesi’nde karayolunun k›y› taraf›nda kalan üç tepeden ortadakinin üst
düzleminde ve yamac›nda, kare/dörtgen planl› yap›lar
ile bir zeytin iflli¤i buradaki bir yerleflimin verileridir.
Günümüze gelen duvarlar›n malzeme tekni¤i ile yüzeydeki seramik buluntular, Bizans nitelikleri tafl›maktad›r.
here and the materials and techniques of the extant
walls and the potshards on the surface show Byzantine
Following the coastal road towards Antalya, at the
Tolhan (Yeflilköy) district, past the Avsallar area are the
extant walls of a bathhouse, which were damaged
during road construction and the Museum directorate
then caused the course of this road to be altered. Three
facades, possibly of the caldarium of a bath house are
provided with large niches and it is in a good state of
preservation, standing with its dome and vaulting. Adjoining this hall, are wall remains belonging to the tepidarium and the frigidarium. The pipes and potshards
inside and around the baths provide important evidence
for dating the structure.
Antalya’ya do¤ru devam eden k›y› yol fleridinde, Avsallar Mevkii’ni geçtikten sonra yer alan Tolhan (Yeflilköy)
Beldesi’nde bir hamam›n duvar kal›nt›lar›, karayolunu
geniflletme çal›flmalar› s›ras›nda kepçe ile tahrip edilmifl, duruma Müze Müdürlü¤ünce müdahale edilerek
yolun yönü de¤ifltirilmifltir. Hamam›n olas›l›kla caldarium bölümüne ait üç cephesi büyük nifllerle geniflletilmifl mekan, kubbe ve tonoz örtü elemanlar› ile tümüyle
ayaktad›r. Bu mekana bitiflik, tepidarium ve frigidarium
bölümleri duvar kal›nt›s› olarak günümüze gelebilmifltir.
Hamam›n içinde ve çevresinde künkler ve seramik
buluntular, tarihlendirme verileri olarak önem tafl›maktad›r.
A church and a square-plan structure to its west were
noted at Elikesik village to the northeast of Konakl›.
Only the apse wall of the church remains standing. The
square shaped structure to the west was built with rubble walls including with dressed stones, with brick
pieces here and there. The structure has walls approximately 1 m thick, and with its dominating position,
dimensions and layout, its function as a watchtower is
probable. Behind the apse of the church is a wall extending from the northeast to the east, possibly dating to
antiquity. The rectangular structure at a different elevation, to the east of the apse, also has walls constructed
in a similar fashion to that of the tower.
Konakl›’n›n kuzeydo¤usundaki Elikesik Köyü’nde bir kilise ile bat›s›nda kare planl› bir yap› saptanm›flt›r. Kilisenin yaln›z apsis duvar› ayakta olup, naos duvarlar› yoktur. Bat›daki kare planl› yap› ise kesme tafl dolgu duvar
tekni¤inde, yer yer k›r›k tu¤la kullan›larak infla edilmifltir. Duvar kal›nl›¤› yaklafl›k 1 m. olan yap›n›n, çevreye
hakim konumu, boyutlar› ve plan›, gözetleme kulesi
amac›yla kullan›ld›¤›n› düflündürür. Öte yandan apsisin
arkas›nda, kuzeydo¤udan do¤uya do¤ru uzanan bir
duvar, olas›l›kla antik döneme aittir. Apsisin do¤usunda
farkl› kottaki dikdörtgen planl› yap› ise kule ile benzer
teknikte duvarlar içerir.
The structure called Akkale is situated on the way north
from Konakl›-Toslak. It is a quadrangular structure built
from slate stone and reinforced by cut stones at the
corners. On the same axis as Akkale are two further
structures, in a straight line 1 km from each other. When
these quadrangular and small sized structures are
together taken into consideration, it can be suggested
that they were built to watch over the wide valley surrounded by mountains on three sides and/or to provide
secure overnight facilities en route.
Konakl›-Toslak’tan kuzeye do¤ru ayr›lan yol üzerinde
yer alan Akkale olarak adland›r›lm›fl yap›, dörtgen planl›d›r. Duvarlar› kayrak tafl› ile örülmüfl, köflelerde kesme
tafllarla güçlendirilmifltir. Akkale ile ayn› eksen üzerinde, birbirine uzakl›klar› kufl uçumu birer kilometre olan
iki yap› yer almaktad›r. Dörtgen planl›, küçük boyutlu
bu yap›lar birlikte de¤erlendirildi¤inde, üç yan› da¤l›k
genifl vadinin kontrolü için yap›lm›fl gözetleme ya da
yol üzerinde konaklama yap›lar› olabilir.
Alanya’n›n kuzeyindeki Gündo¤mufl ‹lçesi’nde, Güzelba¤ Köyü’nün do¤usunda yer alan Kalybrassos antik
kenti, tepe üzerine kurulmufltur. Yamaçta kayaya oyma
bir mezar, aslan bezemeli levha ile kartal figürlü cephe
düzeni ve basamakl› girifli nedeniyle kült alan› olarak
nitelenebilir. Tepeye ç›kan merdivenler, do¤al kayalar
biçimlendirilerek oluflturulmufltur. Tepede farkl› düzlemde yer alan iki an›tsal tap›nak bölgenin Roma Dönemi’
ne ›fl›k tutar. Alttaki tap›na¤a iniflte buldu¤umuz, kabartma madalyon içinde haç motifi bezemeli k›r›k parça, bir
vaftiz teknesine aittir (Res. 1). Tepenin en üst noktas›ndaki birbirine bitiflik mekanlar›n özensiz duvar kal›nt›lar›, burada Bizans yerleflimi oldu¤unu düflündürür.
In the township of Gündo¤mufl, the ancient city of
Kalybrassos is situated on a hill to the east of Güzelba¤
village. A rock-cut tomb on the slope can be considered
a cult site from the relief with a lion, a facade arrangement with a figure of an eagle and a stepped entranceway. The steps leading up the hill are carved from the
bedrock. Two monumental temples situated on different
levels on the top of the hill shed light on the Roman
Period in the region. Descending to the lower temple,
we discovered a broken piece of stone, decorated with
a cross motif inside a medallion in relief being a part
from a baptismal font (Fig. 1). The low quality wall
Res. 2 K›z›lcaflehir Kale / Fig. 2 K›z›lcaflehir Kale (the Fort).
Res. 1 Kalybrassos-vaftiz teknesi / Fig. 1 Kalybrassos, piece of
the baptismal font.
Olas›l›kla antik kent, Bizans Dönemi’nde kimi ek yap›larla kullan›m›n› sürdürmüfltür.
remains belonging to the adjoining structures on the
summit of the hill suggest the presence here of a Byzantine settlement. Possibly the ancient city continued to be
inhabited in the Byzantine Period with some additions
made to the antique buildings.
K›z›lcaflehir Kale, Alanya’n›n Oba Beldesi’nde, K›z›lcaflehir Köyü’nde yer al›r. Tepenin üst düzleminde, Akdeniz’i ve Alanya’y› genifl görüfl aç›s› ile gören Kale, d›fl ve
iç surlardan oluflmaktad›r (Res. 2). Surlarda kesme tafl,
dolgu duvar tekni¤i, tu¤la-kiremit kullan›m› ile Bizans
kalesi olarak niteledi¤imiz K›z›lcaflehir’de iki sur aras›nda ve ‹ç Kale’de dörtgen planl› mekanlar ile ‹ç Kale’de
bir flapel belirlenmifltir. fiapelin do¤usu üç apsisli, kuzey
ve güney duvarlar› nifllerle geniflletilmifltir. Örtüsü
y›k›lm›fl olan yap›da duvar resimlerine iliflkin kal›nt›lar
dikkati çeker.
The K›z›lcaflehir Kale is found in the village of K›z›lcaflehir in the Oba district of Alanya. The fortress on top of
the hill comprises outer and inner walls and it has a
wide angle view encompassing the Mediterranean and
Alanya (Fig. 2). Cut stones, rubble, bricks and tiles are
employed in the walls and we identified this structure as
a Byzantine fortress. There exist quadrangular structures
between the inner and outer walls and inside the inner
fort as well as a chapel within the inner fort. The chapel
has three apses and its south and north walls were articulated with niches. The superstructure has not survived
but traces of wall paintings are discernible.
Obaköy’ün kuzeybat›s›nda Ç›plakl›-Aksaray Mevkii’ndeki Orman Deposu’nda bir yap› kal›nt›s› ve zeytin iflli¤i
ile tek mekanl›, do¤usu apsisli, üzeri tonoz örtülü bir
flapel yer al›r. fiapelin içte tüm duvarlar› ve tonoz örtüsü
duvar resimleri ile bezenmifltir.
To the northwest of Obaköy is the Forestry storage area
in the Ç›plakl›-Aksaray area and within this forestry storage area are the remains of a structure, an olive press
and a single nave chapel covered by a vault and terminating in an apse in its east end. The entire walls and
vault of this chapel are decorated with paintings.
Alanya-Gazipafla yolunda, Mahmutlar Beldesi’nde
Gözüküçük Köyü’nün kuzey bat›s›ndaki tepede yer alan
Laertes antik kenti, Hellenistik ve Roma surlar› ile kent
içinde hamam, odeon gibi kimi antik yap›lar bar›nd›rmaktad›r. Surlarda yer yer Bizans duvar örgüsü, kentin
Bizans Dönemi’nde kullan›m›na iliflkin verilerdir.
The ancient city of Laertes is located on a hill to the
northwest of Gözüküçük village in Mahmutlar district
on the Alanya-Gazipafla road. The ruins include Hellenistic and Roman city walls and some ancient structures
such as baths and an odeon within the city. Byzantine
masonry observed at places in the city walls is evidence
for the Byzantine use of this city.
Antik kaynaklarda Laertes’in liman kenti olarak belirtilen Naula, Mahmutlar Beldesi’nde, k›y› yolunun kenar›ndaki yazl›k evlerin arkas›nda yer al›r. Kent, günümüzde
muz bahçelerinin içinde kalm›flt›r. Kentin çevresi surlarla çevrilmifl olup, surlar üzerinde iki katl› kule benzeri,
kare planl› yap›lar yer al›r. Surlarda kayrak tafl› ile kiremit örgü görülür.
Naula, mentioned as the port of Laertes in the ancient
sources, lies concealed behind the summer resort houses by the coastal road in Mahmutlar district and,
Res. 3 Naula-D Kilisesi / Fig. 3 Naula, Church D
Res. 4 Halil Liman› Kilise / Fig. 4 The Church at the Halil Liman›
Kent içinde belirledi¤imiz dört kilise an›tsal boyutlar› ile
dikkati çeker. A Kilisesi’nin apsisi günümüze gelebilmifl,
apsiste duvar resimlerine iliflkin kal›nt›lar belirlenmifltir.
surrounded by banana plantations, the site has two-storied tower-like structures rising upon the fortifications.
The city walls were built from slate stone and brick
masonry. Four churches identified within the city are
noteworthy for their monumental size.
B Kilisesi’nin apsisi ile naosun kuzey ve güney duvarlar›
günümüze gelmifltir. Yap›, yaklafl›k 20 m. uzunlu¤u ile
an›tsal boyutludur. Duvarlar› s›val› ve yer yer duvar
resimleri izlenebilmektedir. Apsisin güneydo¤u duvar›nda bir nifl, olas›l›kla prothesis olarak kullan›lm›fl olmal›d›r. Naosun bat›s›nda ise eksende olmayan, iki katl› pencereli bir yap› yer al›r.
C Kilisesi, günümüzde yerleflimin içinde kalm›fl bir köy
evinin bahçesindedir. Yaln›z apsisi ayaktad›r. Kiliseye
iliflkin baflka veri yoktur.
D Kilisesi, bir köy evinin arka bahçesinde, muzluklar›n
bafllang›c›ndad›r. Yap›n›n apsisi ile naosun kuzey duvar›n›n bir bölümü günümüze gelebilmifltir (Res. 3). Apsiste ikiz pencere aç›kl›¤› vard›r. Kilisenin bugün toprakla
dolmufl zeminindeki tesserae, özgün mozaik döflemenin
varl›¤›na iliflkin bir veridir.
Kilise ile sur duvarlar›n›n malzeme ve teknikleri, ilk
gözlemlerimizde ça¤dafl olduklar› izlenimi vermektedir.
Varl›¤›n› kaynaklardan bildi¤imiz beflinci kilise ise önümüzdeki y›l belirlenecektir.
Alanya-Gazipafla karayolunda yer alan ‹otape antik kenti, iki ilçenin s›n›r›ndaki bir tepenin, yamac›ndan deniz
k›y›s›na kadar inen eteklerinde kurulmufltur. Günümüzde karayolu kentin ortas›ndan geçmektedir. Kentin k›y›da kalan bölümünde do¤u-bat› yönünde uzanan tek
nefli, do¤usu apsisli bir kilise ile ayn› yönlerde yap›lm›fl
tek mekanl›, do¤usu apsisli bir flapel kentin Bizans
Dönemi’ne iliflkin yap›lard›r. Kentte dinsel yap›lar›n
d›fl›nda sivil ifllevli Bizans yap›lar›n›n varl›¤› da belirlenmifltir.
Church A, all that remains is its apse wall, which carries
traces of wall paintings.
Church B, its apse, south and north walls remain still
standing. This monumental structure has a length of
approximately 20 m and the walls are plastered and
traces of wall paintings are discernible in places. A
niche in the southeast wall of the apse should have been
used as a prothesis. To the west of the naos and off
the axis of this church is a two-storied building with
Church C is located today within the garden of a village
house. Only its apse is standing and there is no other
evidence regarding this structure.
Church D is located in the back yard of a village house,
by the start of the banana plantation. Only its apse and
part of the north wall remain (Fig. 3) and the apse has a
twin window. Tesserae on the ground suggest the presence of an original mosaic floor, concealed beneath the
earth filling.
Our first observations and impressions based on the
materials and masonry techniques are that the church
and the city walls were constructed at the same time.
The fifth church, whose existence is known from the
sources, should be identified next year.
The ancient city of Iotape is situated on a hill on the
Alanya-Gazipafla road, on the border between these
two townships. The site extends from the slopes of the
hill down the slope towards the sea and the modern
Alanya-Gazipafla yolu üzerinde ‹otape kentini geçtikten
sonra Halil Liman› Mevkii’nde karayolunun üst yan›nda
bir kilise, alt yan›nda ise tonozlu bir mezar yap›s› yer
al›r. Kilise, do¤usu içte ve d›flta yar›m daire biçimli
apsisli, bazilikal planl›d›r (Res. 4). Apsisin yan› s›ra yap›n›n kuzey duvar› günümüze gelmifltir. Apsisin örtüye
geçifl seviyesinde bir yaz›t yer al›r. Karemsi plandaki
mezar›n ifllevine ve dönemine iliflkin veriler önümüzdeki sezonda araflt›r›lacakt›r.
Alanya-Gazipafla yolunda B›çk›c› Çay›’n›n denize döküldü¤ü k›y›daki burunda yer alan B›çk›c› (Bal›kç›) Kule, iki
katl›, tonozlu bir yap›d›r. Denizi ve günümüz karayolunu görüfl aç›s›na alan kulenin gözetleme-kontrol amaçl›
kullan›ld›¤› düflünülebilir. Kulenin arkas›ndaki tepe üzerinde ise B›çk›c› Manast›r ad›yla bilinen Bizans yerleflimi yer al›r. Tepe üzerinde denize hakim konumda bir
kilise, surlara ait duvarlar ile hamam oldu¤u düflünülen
bir yap›, ilk tespitlerimizdir (Res. 5). Kilise, do¤u-bat›
yönünde uzanan, do¤usu yar›m daire biçimli apsisli,
olas›l›kla üç nefli bazilikal planl›d›r. Yap›n›n naosu,
duvarlar›n ve nefleri ay›ran kemerlerin y›k›nt›lar› ile
dolmufltur. Kuzeydo¤u köflede tonozlu bir mekan›n,
duvarlar›n›n yaklafl›k 10 cm. kal›nl›¤›nda pembe renkte
harçla kaplanmas› sarn›ç havuzu oldu¤unu düflündürür.
Kilisenin güneydo¤usundaki yamaçta kemerli bir yap›,
olas›l›kla hamamd›r.
Gazipafla-Mersin karayolunda, K›c›k (Muzkent) Köyü’ndeki Nephelis antik kenti, dik yamaçlarda, da¤›n›k
yap›lar toplulu¤u biçiminde kurulmufltur. Muzluklar
aras›ndaki yap›lar, 2004 y›l› çal›flmalar› kapsam›nda incelenememifltir.
Alanya çevre yolunun kuzeyinde yola yaklafl›k 2 km.
mesafede Hac›mehmetli Köyü’ndeki Hagios Georgios
Kilisesi / halk aras›nda H›drellez ad›yla an›lan yap›,
Res. 5 B›çk›c› Manast›r / Fig. 5 The B›çk›c› Monastery
road passes through the site. In the part of the city
between the sea and the road there is a single nave
church with an apse in the east and a chapel with an
apse, reflecting the Byzantine Period in this city. In addition, other Byzantine civic structures were identified.
Past Iotape on the Alanya-Gazipafla road, in the Halil
Liman› area is a vaulted tomb on the lower side of the
road and a church on the upper side of the road. The
church is a basilica with an apse that is semi-circular
both on the interior and on the exterior (Fig. 4). Besides
the apse, the north wall of the structure also has survived to the present day. There is an inscription where
the apse wall joins the superstructure. The function and
dating of the squarish tomb will be examined during the
next season’s work.
Where the B›çk›c› Creek flows into the sea on the
Alanya-Gazipafla road there is a promontory with the
two-storied and vaulted B›çk›c› (Bal›kç›) Tower. It is
plausible to suggest that this was a watchtower, as it has
a wide view out over the sea and the modern highway.
On the hill behind the tower there is a Byzantine settlement known as B›çk›c› monastery. Amongst our first
identifications from this site are a church on top of the
hill and dominating the sea, the city walls and a structure understood to have been a bathhouse (Fig. 5). The
church is orientated in an east-west direction with a
semi-circular apse in the east and it is probably a threeaisled basilica. The naos is filled with debris from the
walls and arches separating the aisles. A vaulted room
in the northeast corner has walls covered with a 10 cm
thick pink plaster, suggesting its function as a cistern
tank. The arched structure on the slope to the southeast
of the church was possibly a bathhouse.
The ancient city of Nephelis in the K›c›k (Muzkent) village on the Gazipafla-Mersin road comprises scattered
groups of buildings on steep slopes. The structures within the banana plantations could not be examined in
The Hagios Georgios Church, known locally as H›drellez, is located in the village of Hac›mehmetli, 2 km north
of the Alanya highway by-pass. This is a Greek Orthodox church, dating to 1873 from to its inscription. This
single nave church has a small apse in the east, also
visible on the exterior. To the west of the naos is the
women’s gallery accessed via a stairway from the exterior of the church. The timber ceiling of the church and
the woodwork of the women’s gallery embody the character of late 19th century Ottoman art. On the upper
slopes of the hill, where the church is situated, there is
a water source reached by an original stepped path and
1873 tarihli yap›m yaz›t› ile günümüze gelmifl bir Rum
kilisesidir. Tek nefli bazilikal planl› yap›n›n do¤usunda
küçük bir apsis d›fltan da izlenebilmektedir. Naosun
bat›s›nda, d›flar›dan merdivenlerle ç›k›lan ikinci kat,
gynekaion kad›nlar bölümüdür. Kilisenin ahflap tavan›
ve gynekaion’un ahflap iflçili¤i 19. yy. geç Osmanl›
Dönemi sanat özelliklerini yans›t›r. Kilisenin yer ald›¤›
tepenin yukar› yamac›nda, dönemine ait özgün basamaklarla ç›k›lan yol, bir su kayna¤›na ulaflmaktad›r. Ön
cephesinde bir aziz kabartmas› ile haç bezemeli levhan›n yer ald›¤› çeflme, kayna¤›n kutsall›¤›na da iflaret eder.
Alanya ve çevresinde belirledi¤imiz yap›lar›n ço¤unlu¤u, Alanya Müzesi Müdürlü¤ü’nce tescil edilmifl olup,
plan ve röleve çizimleri yap›lmam›fl, ifllev ve tarihlendirmeye yönelik veriler henüz incelenmemifltir. Yüzey
araflt›rmam›z, önümüzdeki sezondan itibaren, belirlenen yap›lar› belgeleme ve de¤erlendirme çal›flmalar› ile
this fountain is decorated with a plaque with a cross
motif and the figure of a saint in relief, a further indication of the sacredness of this water source.
Most of the structures we have identified in and around
Alanya have been registered by the Alanya Museum;
however, their plans and measured drawings have not
been prepared, and the evidence regarding their functions and dates has not as yet been studied. Our surveys
will continue the next season with the documentation
and evaluation of the structures that have been identified to date.
I would like to forward my sincere thanks to the directorate of Alanya Museum and art historian B. Taymaz,
museum curator and the state representative for their
help and contributions.
Alanya Müzesi Müdürlü¤ü’ne ve Bakanl›k temsilcisi
Müze Uzman›, Sanat Tarihçisi Say›n B. Taymaz’a yard›mlar› ve katk›lar›ndan dolay› teflekkürlerimi sunar›m.